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A tour of the Islands with the HWA. (C-Verse)

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A wrestling tragedy, thats what they labelled me as, the fans, the media even the internet dirty sheets, i guess you could say they were right. I debuted at the age of 18 in the world of professional wrestling and hot damn did i have a future ahead of me, TotalExtremeWrestling.com labelled me the hottest young prospect the same year i debuted, that report got me more notice from promoters all over the world than i could have ever dreamed, i worked in practically every company imaginable and with each performance my star power just kept growing and despite how it may sound i keep a level head and never once let my ego take control of logical thinking.


Well the rocket ride to the stars came to a very sudden stop, i was working a dark match for the SWF, the biggest wrestling company on the planet, this match was going to get me a contract to the big time, well it almost did. About half way through the match i felt something in my right knee give, despite near crippling pain i pushed on with the match, in hind sight i see just how dumb that move was, my ego took control at the wrong moment and i got greedy, just wanting to steal the spotlight for that little bit longer, in the end all it netted me was one collosal botch of a move and a next to destroyed knee. You know Richard Eisen gets alot of hell from the internet marks, but he was a decent guy, he paid for my operation and even offered me a job as a road agent which i respectfully declined, my passion was performing in the ring, not looking after the travel arrangements for the rest of the crew. Many months had passed and i was fighting fit again, at least that was what i thought and USPW took a hell of a gamble when they agreed to give me a shot at being an in ring performer again. The match was going well, a nice slow build up of the drama and excitment, admittedly it was more for my benefitt than it was for the crowd, then it happened again, an Irish whip saw me rebound off the ropes and my knee blew out, i went down like a ton of bricks and this time there was no denying it, my time in the ring was done.


A few months of sitting around feeling sorry for myself and listening to all the talk about how tradgic it was to see my career ending at the age of 27 due to injury finally woke me up, i needed to do something with my life and it had to be in the wrestling business, after all i had nothing to fall back on, no real life skills that could get me a decent paying job and my physical condition ended any thought about getting anything overfly physical. So i took the biggest gamble of my life, you see i was never was a big spender and actually saved the bulk of my money from my all to short wrestling career and now it was time to put it to good use, i packed up and moved to Hawaii, the only region that was near enough devoid of any wrestling presence and i started up my own wrestling company, the Hawaiian Wrestling Alliance was born on that day as was a new dream, one that would see me succeed in the wrestling business or die trying.

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I never realized how much work went into starting up a company, after i got the website up and running i posted press releases on TotalExtremeWrestling.com aas well as any wrestling magazine and website that was willing to give my up start promotion some publicity. During this time i was also negotiating with as many guys as i could get hold of, after all what kind of wrestling promotion doesn't have wrestlers. Many sleepless nights later i built what looked like a decent enough crew that would help the HWA find it's place in the wrestling world.


Mean Jean Cattley.

Black Eagle.

Larry Wood.

Mick Muscles.

Kirk Jameson.

Joey Poison.

Bulldozer Brandon Smith.

Citizen X.


Frankie Perez.

Mainstream Hernandez.

Shooter Sean Deely.

Burning Exile.

Canadian Dragon.

Jacob Jett.

Jack Griffith.

Roderick Remus.

Sgt. Bubba Lee West.

Marc Speed.

Warren Technique.

Kashmir Singh.

Zeus Maxmillion.

and Referee Jez McArtheur.


No doubt this roster could get the job done, the only issue was affording the talent they brought with them, it was that worry that made me totally spaced out on an announce team, after muttering a few words mostly consisting of four letters i decided to jump into the announce position myself, sure i wasn't the best but with my budget i had very little choice, now all i needed was a partner to call the action with, HWA Inception was only a week away and i didn't know anyone who would be willing to accept the gig on such short notice, let alone for contract that made minimum wage look like a gold mine and of course the travel from the mainland to the islands, lucky for me that person actually came to me. Sara Silver and myself had been friends for a while now, we met at a Babes of Sin City show i attended a few years back while on the road, i was there to scout some talent for...ok, i wanted to enjoy some down time with a little T and A, are you happy now? Anyway i met Sara at that show and we hit it off right away, she was every bit the wrestling nerd i was and her quick witt and fiesty attitude rivalled even mine, after that we hung out when ever our scheduals allowed, so i guess i shouldn't have been surprised to recieve a phone call from her regarding the HWA. Apparently in all the excitment of relocating and going through all the drama of setting up a company i forgot to fill Sara in on my new contact details and she tracked me down through several mutual friends, i couldn't help but wonder who else i forgot to get in contact with regarding my moving to Hawaii, anyway i didn't even have to ask Sara to fill the role, she was trying to guilt trip me for not asking her to be my broadcast partner from the beginning, before practically offering herself the job, well who was i to refuse, the HWA was in business and i had a great team to get the ball rolling.

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HWA Inception, Saturday week 4 Jan 2008.


Words couldn't describe just how nervous i was, minutes away from showtime and here i was pacing back and forth in the backstage area of Jerry's Basement with a cigarette hanging out of my mouth, i hadn't touched a cigarette since i was a 16 year old kid and here i was scared to death and puffing away while the fans who bought tickets found their way to their seats. Well it was time to begin and after a quick good luck hug from Sara i emerged from the curtains with the help of my trusty cane and to the sound of Amaranth by Nightwish to be welcomed by a screaming crowd of 34 people, well this was our debut show after all and expecting the place to sell out was at this point was a little ambitions, with the noise they were making those 34 people may well have been 34000, they were on their feet cheering for me as i stepped into the ring, each cheer brought back fond memories from my in ring career, i took the microphone from announcer Troy Baron, an old friend of mine who agreed to do the ring introductions for free and welcomed my crowd to HWA Inception, and tonight as a special treat they would get to see a 15 Man Battle Royal that wouldn't be taped for the DVD release of the event. After saying my final thank you to the fans i took my place at the announce position with Sara silver as near enough the entire rosters made their way to the ring to start the Battle Royal.


Dark Match:

Sgt. Bubba Lee West won the Battle Royal when he ejected Frankie Perez after landing a blatant low blow.

Rating: D+


Let It Rock by Bon Jovi blasted out of the sound system as a slide show of all the HWA stars was shown across the big screen hanging over the entrance way before finally settling on a graphic showing the brackets for the Tournament that would crown the first ever HWA World Heavyweight Champion.


HWA Title Tournament Match: Opening Round.

http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/eternalraven/MainstreamHernandez.jpg Vs. http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/eternalraven/MeanJeanCattley.jpg

Mainstream Hernandez defeated Mean Jean Cattley after landing the Apparition #14 out of nowhere.

-I had high hopes for this match up, after all both men are fantastic athletes but something just didn't click and the match was a complete mess, Sara and myself even struggled to call the match and stay professional at the same time.

Rating: E+


After the match Hernandez grabbed the microphone and promised the fans that tonight he was walking out of here as the

first ever HWA Champion.

Rating: D


HWA Title Tournament Match: Opening Round.

http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/eternalraven/MickMuscles.jpg Vs. http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/eternalraven/LarryWood_alt.jpg

Mick Muscles defeated Manslaughter (Larry Wood) with the Bulldozer Powerbomb in what was a brutal brawl between two very

large monsters.

Rating: D


Following the match an enraged and out of control Manslaughter blind sided Muscles and tried to destroy him in the middle of the ring, a team of security personal attempted to break up the beat down but the menacing Manslaughter kept them all at a distance before finally walking away from the carnage he created almost like nothing at happened.

Rating: D+

-Never in my wildest dreams would i have imagined Mick and Larry out doing Hernandez and Cattley in a match up but here was the proof, who would have thought.


HWA Title Tournament Match: Opening Round.

http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/eternalraven/BlackEagle.jpg Vs. http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/eternalraven/BurningExile.jpg

Plague defeated Burning Exile with the New Jersey Turnpike to advance in the tournament in what could only be described as one hell of a match between two high flying superstars, it was going to take one monsterous effort to top this performance.

Rating: C-


HWA Title Tournament Match: Opening Round.

http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/eternalraven/JackGriffith.jpg Vs. http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/eternalraven/ShooterSeanDeeley.jpg

Jack Griffith defeated Shooter Sean Deeley with a surprise small package pin whilst holding the tights no less. Griffith played the cowardly old school heel to absolute perfection in this match while Deeley held his own as the straight face shooter, to his credit Deeley did well play the face after spending the bulk of his career as a heel.

Rating: C



Following the match a graphic is shown on the big screen hyping the HWA Title Match, a four way elimination bout with

Jack Griffith, Mainstream Hernandez, Mick Muscles and Plague. Many of the fans used this brief intermission to take a

bathroom break whilst Sara and myself where recorded hyping the match up for the eventual DVD release.

Rating: E+


Singles Match:

http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/eternalraven/JoeyPoison-1.jpg Vs. http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/eternalraven/ZeusMaxmillion.jpg

Joey Poison defeated Zeus Maxmillion with the Antidote Web in a non tournament match, i have to admit that this match blew me away, they were booked in as nothing more than filler to break up the tournament and damn near stole the show without even trying.

Rating: C-


Singles Match:

http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/eternalraven/FrankiePerez.jpg Vs. http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/eternalraven/MarcSpeed.jpg

In another non tournament match up Frankie Perez forced Marc Speed to tapout to the P-Clutch in yet another outstanding match, i can see both men at the top of my shows in the future if they continue to perform on this level.

Rating: C


HWA Title Tournament Final: HWA Championship Match.



Jack Griffith scored the win and took home the Championship in the match of the night, first Plague was eliminated after a quick roll up from Mainstream Hernandez, the vindictive Plague may have been out of the match up certainly made his presence felt later in the match when he tripped Hernandez leaving him open to the Jack in the Box from Griffith. Down to the final two, Mick, who was selling the assault from Manslaughter earlier in the night put up a valiant fight almost scoring the win with the Bulldozer Powerbomb only to see Griffith grab the rope at the last second, the image of Manslaughter on the big screen got the attention of Mick and the referee allowing Jack to land a low blow leading to a Jack in the Box to score the all important 3-count to capture the World Title.

Rating: C+


After the match we saw Mick head to the back no doubt looking for pay back whilst Griffith got on the microphone and bragged about his victories tonight and over coming the odds to be the first ever HWA World Heavyweight Champion, of course he just had to taunt the members of the crowd whilst celebrating his big night.

Rating: D+


Overall Rating: D


It was a good debut show, even if the fans did expect a little more in the way of segments and interviews, live and learn i guess. On the plus side it no doubt got us our first step in the business and now after a whole month of sleepless nights i could finally get some shut eye.

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Februrary had a slow start to it, aside from a few phone calls to the members of the roster to talk about potential match ups and storylines there really wasn't anything of interest to report. Soon enough it was the fourth Saturday of the month and the HWA returned to Jerry's Basement, this time to a slightly smaller crowd of 24 people. I really hoped that the first show was good enough to bring in the crowds, not turn them away, i knew it was going to take time to establish ourselves in the world of wrestling but as you can most likely guess, patience isn't one of my strong points.



HWA Blood on the Sand, Saturday Week 4 Feb 2008.


Cowboys from Hell by Pantera hit the sound system as HWA's reigning World Champion Jack Griffith emerged from the curtains, Title belt over his shoulder and arrogant smirk on his face, he had celebrated non stop since winning the World Title and tonight he was in a good enough mood to let the fans join in on that celebration, the fans of course were less than thrilled. Griffith's parting words were that tonight he would join the announce team in the main event where we would see just who would be his number one contender.

Rating: D+


Singles Match:

http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/eternalraven/MainstreamHernandez.jpg Vs. http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/eternalraven/K-Squared.jpg

Up next Mainstream Hernandez went toe to toe with K-Squared and what an abomination of a match is was, once again Hernandez just seemed to struggle in keeping the match flowing, blown spots and mistiming galore got a rather irratated crowd chanting "You can't wrestle" at both men. This makes two guys that Hernandez failed to mesh with and the alarm bells were going off in my head, after all i had high hopes for this guy to be one of our top babyface stars, now it looked like he was about to take a tumble down the card. Hernandez wins after landing a superkick.

Rating: E+


Tag Team Match:

http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/eternalraven/CitizenX.jpghttp://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/eternalraven/ZeusMaxmillion.jpg Vs. http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/eternalraven/JoeyPoison-1.jpghttp://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/eternalraven/WarrenTechnique.jpg

Zeus Maxmillion and Citizen X used some very underhanded tactics to steal a win from Joey Poison and Warren Technique in a solid, if unspectacular match up.

Rating: D


The fans attention was directed to the big screen where we saw footage from earlier on in the day, Mick Muscles was signing autographs for some of the HWA fans out front of Jerry's Basement when the deranged Manslaughter jumped him from behind and laid a vicious beat down on the HWA's resident powerhouse. Surprisingly a few members of the crowd actually began to boo Manslaughter's pre recorded antics giving me a reason to get behind this feud a little more.

Rating: D


Singles Match:

http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/eternalraven/KirkJameson.jpg Vs. http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/eternalraven/JacobJett.jpg

Jacob Jett took on Kirk Jameson in the next match of the evening in what was a contrast in styles, Kirk used his impressive technical skills to try and keep Jett grounded, but in the end Jacob's high flying offence secured the win with an Emergency Landing.

Rating: C-


Number One Contenders Match:

http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/eternalraven/BlackEagle.jpg Vs. http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/eternalraven/ShooterSeanDeeley.jpg

Jack Griffith swaggered down to the announce position to join Sara Silver and myself for the main event of the evening as Shooter Sean Deeley faced off with Plague to determine who would challenge for Griffith's HWA World Title next month. Much like the match before it Deeley tried to neutralise Plague's high flying with a solid mat based offence. Plague, sensing that Deeley was done, went to the top rope to land the killing blow only to have Deeley kip up and use an arm drag from the top rope to bring Plague into the center of the ring, Deeley flawlessly transitioned that into a Seated Arm Bar for the tap out victory.

Rating: C


Deeley's victory was cut short however as Jack Griffith sprinted from the announce position and clipped the number one contender across the head with the HWA World Title belt, Griffith wasn't done just yet and laid a few more boots to the fallen Sean Deeley before yelling in his face that the HWA World Title wasn't going anywhere.

Rating: D


Overall Rating: C-


Another step forward and another great showing by the HWA roster, sure the crowd might have been a small one by hey, we were still delivering quality shows. With Blood on the Sand now in the books i could take a few days to sit back and relax before having to worry about the next show, at least thats what i thought. No sooner had i stepped backstage to thank the crew for their efforts tonight was i greeted by the sight of Joey Poison and Plague being seperated by the rest of the locker room, after the commotion had settled down i finally got to hear both sides of the story, Plague had more or less singled out Joey for a prank, one that he rode all night long until the usually easy going Poison snapped and began fitting back. I gave Plague the riot act and he took it well, this was seemingly enough to appease Poison as well and everything was smoothed over, after all i didn't need idiotic behaviour to be added to my list of stressful things.

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HWAWrestling.com Special Report:

HWA World Champion Jack Griffith has found a loophole in his contract that gives him the right to avoid defending his Title at HWA Trouble in Paradise, even going as far as to threaten legal action against the the HWA should the booking committee try to force him into the match. Griffith may have escaped defending his Title this time but will still compete at Trouble in Paradise where he and partner Plague will take on Sean Deeley and Burning Exile in the main event. The HWA booking committee guarantees that Deeley will get his shot at the HWA Title at our April Show King of the Islands, which will also feature an eight man elimination tournament for the Tsunami Cup.

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HWA Trouble in Paradise, Saturday Week 4, Mar. 2008.


Jerry's Basement played host to 29 fans who no doubt came to see Sean Deeley beat out some revenge on the cowardly Champion of the HWA, Jack Griffith.


Pre Match Promo:

Citizen X officially started the show as he walked down to the ring with a microphone in hand, he preached about the joy and irresponsibility of anarchy, and what better way to kick of the revolution than to destroy heroes of the HWA, starting tonight with Bulldozer Brandon Smith.

Rating: D-


Singles Match:

http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/eternalraven/BulldozerBrandon.jpg Vs. http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/eternalraven/CitizenX.jpg

Smith dominated the early stages of the match using his size and strength advantage over the smaller Citizen X, but the devious Citizen X hung in there, mostly through the use of underhanded tactics. X scored the pinfall victory after countering Brandon Smith as he charged into the corner with a boot to the face, X dropped down and double legged Smith before placing his feet on the ropes for leverage.

Rating: D-


Highlight Video:

The big screen came to life with a video highlighting the violent and volatile nature of Manslaughter, in particular his vicious attacks on Mick Muscles over the last couple of months.

Rating: C+


Pre Match Promo

Mainstream Hernandez came out to the ring to hype up his match with Manslaughter. Hernandez claimed that while Manslaugher may be a raging psychotic he wasn't affraid of him and he sure as hell didn't plan on running from him.

Rating: E+

-Hernandez was actually very talented on the microphone but after seeing his last two sub par performances i guess the fans were a little turned off by him at the moment. I still have hopes he can bounce back and become a serious player for us down the road.


Singles Match:

http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/eternalraven/LarryWood_alt.jpg Vs. http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/eternalraven/MainstreamHernandez.jpg

Manslaughter stormed out to the ring fit in a mood fit to kill, he violently tossed the much smaller Hernandez around the ring like a rag doll. Hernandez made a late come back after avoiding a running clothesline in the corner and took the air with some quick hit and run high flying moves only to go to the well once to often as Manslaughter countered a flying clothesline with his Meat Grinder finishing move to secure the pin.

Rating: D


Post Match Assault and Rescue:

Manslaughter wasn't done just yet, after ejecting referee Jez McArtheur from the ring Manslaughter went to work on Hernandez again, trying to strangle the life out of the young high flyer. Mick Muscles charged out to the ring and made the save using a series of huge right hands to stagger the monster known as Manslaughter before sending him over the top rope with a massive clothesline, the two rivals stared a hole through one and other as Manslaughter retreated to the entrance way.

Rating: E+


Singles Match:

http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/eternalraven/FrankiePerez.jpg Vs. http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/eternalraven/MeanJeanCattley.jpg

Frankie Perez squared of with Mean Jean Cattley in the next bout of the evening. Perez is known for his ultra stiff kicks and believe me, as nasty as they look on a television screen they look even more painful when you are actually there watching it, the kicks he throws are definately to be feared, Cattley is no slouch however, the old school bad ass weathered the storm of kicks from Perez and used his technical skills to try and wear down the man known as P-Dawg. The fight spilled out to the floor and both men resorted to brawling to get the upper hand in the heated exchange, Perez and Cattley were so focused on beating the holy hell out of each other that they didn't pay attention to the referee's count and both men were counted out.

Rating: D+


Tag Team Match:

http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/eternalraven/BurningExile.jpghttp://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/eternalraven/ShooterSeanDeeley.jpg Vs. http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/eternalraven/JackGriffith.jpghttp://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/eternalraven/BlackEagle.jpg

The main event was upon us as Shooter Sean Deeley teamed up with Burning Exile to face off with Plague and Jack Griffith. Griffith played the smug heel well taunting Deeley with the HWA World Title belt but always making sure he did so from out of harms way. The match itself was very back and forth with Griffith only getting into the ring with Deeley after Plague had beaten him down. Towards the end of the match all hell broke loose as Exile and Plague took a tumble to the floor leaving Griffith and Deeley alone in the ring, Griffith had the dazed Deeley primed and ready for a Jack in the Box but quick as a flash Deeley counted the move with a small package and scored a huge win, Griffith sat in the middle of the ring stunned that he got beaten in such a manner, his attention turned to Deeley who motioned that next month he was coming for the HWA World Title.

Rating: C-


Overall Rating: D+


Another decent show that definately built up some momentum for the up coming HWA Title match between Griffith and Deeley, no doubt if we could keep our shows this consistant we would definately move up the pecking order of the wrestling world.

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HWAWrestling.com Special Report:



HWA would like to officially welcome Davis Wayne Newton, Thomas Morgan and Jesse Christian to the company. Newton, an exciting young prospect from Canada, is nick named the "Triple Threat" as he is considered to be the complete package of in ring ability, good looks and charisma. Thomas Morgan, also from Canada, is a young veteran and a graduate of the world famous House of Stone Wrestling school. Jesse Christian is the former face of the short lived SCCW promotion where he held the SCCW Title on two occasions and had a run with Jack Griffith as one half of the SCCW Tag Team Champions. Chrisitian will make is much anticipated return to the wrestling world with the HWA after a lengthy vacation from the industry. The HWA is very excited to have these three men on it's roster and looks forward to seeing their debuts in the near future.


In Other News:


The HWA would like to announce that it has completed the contract extension of Burning Exile, the freelance fighter from Japan is consider to be one of the HWA's top stars and we are very happy to be retaining his services. Today we also announce the departure of two members of the HWA family as Frankie Perez and Jez McArthuer have been signed to written deals by TCW, we wish both men all the best in their future endeavours.


-While i am very sad t see Frankie leave us i knew it was coming, Perez informed me weeks ago that Tommy Cornell had approahed him about signing for the TCW, Perez is a class act and let me into the loop the same day that Cornell made his intensions clear. His departure would cause the Tsunami Cup to be restructured a little bit as he was to play a big part in the tournament but due to the notice he had given me i had ample time to work around it. McArthuer didn't leave as good an impression as Frankie did, a week out from the show McArthuer informed me that he was leaving there and then, this left me in a spot as i had no referee for the King of the Islands show which was now a mere seven days away. Jez better hope his job with Tommy Cornell's TCW is a secure one as there is no way in hell he will find employment within the HWA again.

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Thanks for reading BrockLock.


I started the game unemployed and made the promotion from there, basically i set myself to a locla promotion but did edit my starting money enough to give myself a fighting chance as this is my first attempt at a diary. The shows you are seeing now were completed a while back before i decided to go ahead with the project and i can safely say the HWA survives it's first year even though bankrupcy is an issue that will no doubt loom up in the future.

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HWA King of the Islands, Saturday Week 4, Apr. 2008.


29 HWA fans attended King of the Islands to see the highly anticipated showdown between reigning HWA Champion Jack Griffith and Shooter Sean Deeley, not to mention which of the eight men in tonight's Tsunami Cup would eventually walk out with the Trophy. Lucky for me i managed to get a hold of a new referee just in time in Bret Graveson. Not many in the locker room were thrilled to see him as the guy did have a pretty bad reputation but i needed a referee in a hurry and he fit the bill.


Tsunami Cup Tournament: Opening Round Match.

http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/eternalraven/WarrenTechnique.jpg Vs. http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/eternalraven/MeanJeanCattley.jpg

Warren Technique and Mean Jean Cattley put on a great scientific wrestling encounter exchanging hold for hold and counter for count. The overconfident Cattley thought his ability would be enough to dominate the match from bell to bell, Technique hung in there though and it frustrated Cattley to no end. Cattley used a low blow to set Technique up for the Mood Swing and score the three count to advance in the tournament.

Rating: D-


Tsunami Cup Tournament: Opening Round Match.

http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/eternalraven/JoeyPoison-1.jpg Vs. http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/eternalraven/CitizenX.jpg

Joey Poison took on Citizen X in the next opening round match, Poison dominated the early stages of the bout until a well timed eye gouge swung the momentum in favor of the HWA's resident anarchist. Poison flipped out of a back suplex attempt and scored a lightning quick roll up on X to steal a victory and advance in the Tournament.

Rating: E+


Tsunami Cup Tournament: Opening Round Match.

http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/eternalraven/ZeusMaxmillion.jpg Vs. http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/eternalraven/CanadianDragon.jpg

Zeus Maxmillion and the Canadian Dragon were up next, Dragon tried to use his speed to control the pace of the match but Zeus used his all round skills to put a stop to anything Dragon did before it built up too much momentum. The closing moments of the bout saw Dragon come off the top rope and miss a moonsault, it would prove to be a fatal mistake as Zeus was quick to move in and apply the Olympian Clutch for the tap out victory.

Rating: D-


Tsunami Cup Tournament: Opening Round Match.

http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/eternalraven/JacobJett.jpg Vs. http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/eternalraven/MarcSpeed.jpg

The final opening round battle pitting the high flying Jacob Jett against the submission master Marc Speed. It was a true contrast of styles as Speed tried to take away the aerial game of Jett by working over his legs with a series of crippling submission holds. Jett valiantly held his ground and fought back countering a clothesline into the corner with a boot to the face, Jett jumped up onto the shoulders of the stunned Speed and forced him into a victory roll for the three count.

Rating: D+


Video Package:

The big screen aired a highlight video documenting the history of Mick Muscles and Manslaughter, the fans were definately looking forward to seeing the two monsters lock up one more time but due to both having prior committments it wouldn't be tonight.

Rating: C-


Tsunami Cup Tournament: Semi Final Match.

http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/eternalraven/MeanJeanCattley.jpg Vs. http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/eternalraven/JoeyPoison-1.jpg

Mean Jean Cattley and Joey Poison came out swinging as both men were very determined to make it to the finals of the Tsunami Cup Tournament. The match went back and forth alot until Poison took total control late in the match, Cattley got desperate and tried to use the referee as a human shield to distance himself from the wrath of Poison. With the referee distracted Citizen X hit the ring and took Poison out with the mother of all chair shots to the back, Cattley waited to the coast was clear before moving in for the kill, a Mood Swing later and the match was over, Cattley advances to the finals.

Rating: D


Post Match Assault:

With the match over Citizen X slid back into the ring to continue his assault of Poison by slamming the chair over and over again onto the prone form of Joey Poison. Citizen X was still upset over Poison eliminating him from the Tournament earlier in the night and began to berate the near unconscious Poison as security hit the ring with a first aid crew to tend to Joey.

Rating: E-


Tsunami Cup Tournament: Semi Final Match.

http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/eternalraven/JacobJett.jpg Vs. http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/eternalraven/ZeusMaxmillion.jpg

Jacob Jett limped out to the ring for his match with Zeus Maxmillion, clearly he was still suffering from his grueling battle with Marc Speed earlier in the night. Zeus had no problem expoiting that weakness as every time Jett had some momentum rolling he resorted to a swift shot to the legs to halt Jett. With his confidence building Zeus set Jett on the top rope for a superplex, Jett fired off a series of right hands out of desperation, the last one knocking Zeus into the middle of the ring, it was gut check time for Jett as he used his damaged legs to propel himself off the top rope and onto Zeus with an Emergency Landing for the three count, the move clearly took its toll as Jett needed assistance to leave the ring.

Rating: D+


Singles Match:

http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/eternalraven/MainstreamHernandez.jpg Vs. http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/eternalraven/SgtBubbaLeeWest.jpg

In non tournament action Mainstream Hernandez took on Sgt. Bubba Lee West. The match was ment to be filler to break up the tournament but in the end killed the crowds mood as Hernandez botched nearly every big time move he had planned for the bout. Hernandez wins with a small package pin.

Rating: E+

This was disappointing, just when it looked like Hernandez could be a player again he lands another opponent that he couldn't mesh with, i'm trying to be fair with this one as Bubba isn't the easiest guy to work with but my hope for pushing Hernandez is running out.


Hype Video:

A graphic was shown on the big screen of Mean Jean Cattley and Jacob Jett, the two would face off next in the Tsunami Cup Final. Truthfully i didn't expect much out of this segment as it was really just thrown in to give the fans a chance to hit the bar or bathroom.

Rating: E


Tsunami Cup Tournament: Final Match.

http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/eternalraven/MeanJeanCattley.jpg Vs. http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/eternalraven/JacobJett.jpg

Cattley waited patiently in the ring while the ever determined Jacob Jett hobbled out to the ring. The battle was an up hill struggle Jett from the opening bell with his legs being banged up from his first two matches and Cattley sure as hell didn't show him any mercy. With the crowd firmly behind him Jett made a forceful come back late in the match, Jett went for an all or nothing move and tried for a Jett Take Off, he missed his mark and it cost him the match as Cattley jumped in with an Oklahoma Roll and scored the three to win the Tsunami Cup.

Rating: D+


Post Match Celebration:

I left the announce position and present the Tsunami Cup to Mean Jean Cattley who held the trophy over his head as the crowd booed his victory. Cattley mocking polished the finger prints off the cup as a very disappointed Jacob Jett looked on before limping to the locker room.

Rating: D-


Video Package:

A video was shown on the big screen covering the recent events between Jack Griffith and Sean Deeley, the focus was mostly on Griffith's cowardly sneak attack and ducking his Title defence last month, the closing of the video showed Deeley scoring the upset pin in the tag match.

Rating: D


HWA World Title Match:


http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/eternalraven/JackGriffith.jpg Vs. http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/eternalraven/ShooterSeanDeeley.jpg

As expected Griffith started the match with some mind games, prolonging the start of the match and forcing the usually calm and collected Deeley to lose his cool. Deeley finally had enough and catapulted Griffith into the ring the hard way and the match was on, this was everything we expected and then some, these two put on a stunning match filled with drama and excitement. Deeley almost had the Title win but Griffith not being one for fairplay used an unseen low blow and the ropes to gain some extra leverage to steal the win and retained his Title.

Rating: C+


Overall Rating: C-


Another great showing by the HWA crew once again the celebration would have to wait, some commotion had broken out in the locker room and i wasn't surprised to see that our new referee Bret Graveson was involved, apparently he made some rather uncalled for remarks towards Warren Technique who responded with a right hand, sadly said right hand narrowly missed Bret who had the nerve to complain about the incident like he was an innocent victim. I did have a brief word with Warren about taking matters like this into his own hands, Warren agreed to keep a level head next time and all was good again, at least on that front. Bret wasn't as lucky, i blasted him big time, in front of the whole roster no less and reminded him that he was only part of the company because we needed a referee at the last minute, now that time was on our side another referee could be found with ease, it was enough to knock the smug smile off his face, hopfully it fixed his attitude as well, i guess time would tell.

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HWAWrestling.com Special Report:


Raven Nightfall, who many wrestling fans will recognise from the Angel Athletic Association, an all women's promotion based in the North West regions, has come to terms with the HWA. All though her role has yet to be determined Raven will likely debut for the company within the next month or two. The HWA is very excited to have her aboard the roster and looks forward to seeing what this talented performer will bring to the table.


-Any dedicated wrestling fan will be able to tell you that Raven Nightfall is currently dating Plague, a member of our roster. Due to the amount of travelling the pair have to do they get to spend very little time with one and other these days and it was Plague's idea to bring her into the company. The situation turned out to be win/win for me, on one hand i get a talented performer added to the roster and on the other her influence will hopefully keep Plague, who has the occasional attitude issue, under control.

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HWA Island Rampage, Saturday Week 4, May 2008.


Island Rampage opened in our favorite home away from home, Jerry's Basement, in front of 39 fans, our numbers were up slightly on the previous couple of months, a good sign for any promoter with dreams of leaving his mark on the industry.


Promo Video:

The fans attention was directed towards the big screen where a video hyping the debut of Davis Wayne Newton played. To play up the fact that Newton was a babyface the video showed him touring some of the beauty spots of Hawaii and mingling with the HWA fans. The video wasn't overly helpful as the fans wanted to see Davis Wayne Newton the wrestler, not Davis Wayne Newton the tour guide.

Rating: E+


Singles Match:

http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/eternalraven/KashmirSingh.jpg Vs. http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/eternalraven/DavisWayneNewton.jpg

Kashmir Singh was the first man to step up and welcome Newton to the HWA, unfortunantly it wasn't the warm welcome that Newton was hoping for as Kashmir cheaped shotted Davis Wayne who fell for the heel offering a handshake bit. Sadly the match didn't go as planned as the pair failed to find a level of chemistry to put on a great match, but both were good enough to save it from being a total stinker as well. Newton wins the match after hitting the Fisherman's Suplex.

Rating: D-


Singles Match:

http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/eternalraven/ThomasMorgan.jpg Vs. http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/eternalraven/KirkJameson.jpg

Tonight also marked the debut of "Trademark" Thomas Morgan who went toe to toe with Kirk Jameson in his first HWA match. These two meshed beautifully in the ring and produced a bout that fans of scientific wrestling would be proud of, Jameson hit the Bullseye to secure the win and spoil Morgan's debut.

Rating: D


Hype Promo:

In a pre taped promo that aired on the big screen, Citizen X launched into a verbal assault against Joey Poison, first berrating him for his victory in the Tsunami Cup Tournament opening round, then threatening that the beating he delivered to Poison was only the tip of the iceberg.

Rating: D-


Singles Match:

http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/eternalraven/BlackEagle.jpg Vs. http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/eternalraven/MainstreamHernandez.jpg

The Hernandez curse appeared to be sleeping tonight as Mainstream and Plague put on a respectable showing tonight mixing lots of fast paced moves and high risk spots into the battle. Mainstream had Plague dazed and was lining up for a superkick when a fan jumped over the guardrail and grabbed his leg, Plague took advantage of the distraction and nailed Hernandez in the back of the head with a shining wizard like move, the impact floored Hernandez and Plague picked up the three count. Plague introduced his new manager Raven Nightfall who raised his hand in victory making their alliance official.

Rating: D+


In Ring Promo:

Seizure of Power by Marilyn Manson hit the sound system as a man dressed in a sleevless hoodie walked out to the ring, the unknown man pulled the hood back to reveal form SCCW star Jesse Christian. The fans gave Jesse a warm welcome to the HWA as he cut a promo detailing how the business left him drove him away but the love of the fans brought him back, he also made his intentions clear regarding the HWA World Title, sooner or later he would have that belt around his waist, it was only a matter of time before he earned that right.

Rating: D-


Singles Match:

http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/eternalraven/BurningExile.jpg Vs. http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/eternalraven/SgtBubbaLeeWest.jpg

Burning Exile took on Sgt: Bubba Lee West next and the match was horrible, West no sold next to all of Exile's moves and blatantly stiffed the guy every chance he could. I think the tension in my voice was very clear as i called the match up, not even letting up when West finally sold a moonsault press and went down for the three count. Exile just shook his head and left the ring, West on the other hand smiled in my direction before making his way to the locker room.

Rating: E+

-West had argued earlier in the day about doing the job against Exile and i guess this was his pay back, West was skating on thin ice after this match and i definately planned on having a little meeting with him after the show.


Promo Video:

A pre taped interiew was aired on the big screen as HWA World Champion Jack Griffith ranted about how he already beat Deeley once and forcing him into a tag team match that had Deeley on the opposing side was unfair for the standard bearer of the company. The menacing figure of his tag partner, Manslaughter, loomed in the background as Griffith said his piece.

Rating: C


Tag Team Match:

http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/eternalraven/MickMuscles.jpghttp://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/eternalraven/ShooterSeanDeeley.jpg Vs. http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/eternalraven/LarryWood_alt.jpghttp://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/eternalraven/JackGriffith.jpg

Sean Deeley and Mick Muscles entered this match with revenge on their minds. After last months narrow escape it was no surprise that Griffith avoided Deeley as much as possible leaving his partner, the psychotic Manslaughter, to do most of the work. In the closing moments of the match Deeley finally got his hands on Griffith and locked in a cross arm breaker, Griffith was on the verge of tapping out when Manslaughter made the save, that got Mick Muscles to run in and chaos ensued. All four men brawled in the ring forcing the referee to disqualify both teams, during the brawl Griffith and nailed Mick with a chair shot to the back of the head that sent the big man out to the floor, Manslaughter held Deeley in place while Griffith took a run up with the chair and attempted to do the same to Deeley, only Sean got out of the way and Manslaughter took the shot, the impact only stunning him. Griffith was quick though and spun around and managed to catch Deeley with the second chair shot attempt, as Griffith held the chair high in the air celebrating the moment an enraged Manslaughter had recovered from the chair shot and wrapped his hand around the throat of Griffith and chokeslammed him into oblivion. A team of security guards hit the ring to prevent any further chaos from breaking out as the show came to an end.

Rating: D+


Overall Rating: D


-Another good show in the books and for once a night that didn't have any unforseen backstage dramas to deal with. Bubba Lee West and myself had our little sit down meeting and while i tried to make sure Bubba understood just how mad i was he casually blew me off like it was nothing, i held back from exploding and told him to take a hike, hopefully next month both of us will have cooled off enough to be able to work things out in a civil manner.

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HWAWrestling.com Special Announcment:

Due to the chaotic ending of the Tag Team Main Event at Island Rampge the HWA booking committee has decided that Jack Griffith will place his World Title on the line at West Coast Rumble in a four way match up with opponents Mick Muscles, Manslaughter and Shooter Sean Deeley in the feature bout of the card.

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I got really excited when I saw the title of this thread, as a former resident of Hawaii and someone who had this idea but is too busy to start a new diary. The first post was excellent, right up to the part where the player character moves to Hawaii for no reason to start a wrestling promotion. Then he signs a bunch of over-talented haoles. Maybe it's just the fact that I want to see a realistic Hawaiian promotion, but I want incredibly stiff Samoans, goofy gimmicks, and Japanese crossover stars, not a generic indy fed that happens to be in a tropical paradise.
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Thanks for the feedback Lazor.


I thought the comment about Hawaii being near enough devoid of any wrestling covered the reason for the move and set of the promotion pretty well, after all an upstart promotion trying to muscle it's way into a territory that already has an established company there is most likely bitting off more than it can chew. I'll go more into detail in that regard though as i get closer to catching up with my results.


You have a very good arguement when it comes to the roster lacking real Islanders and Japanese, you do have to remember though that i'm still only a local-small promotion and many of the Samoan and Japanese guys who would be worth bringing in most likely won't sign to a company as small as mine. Initially i tried to hire west coast workers while trying to avoid becoming CZCW Jr. but ultimately gave in to get the most talented workers i could afford, for me it's more about trying to put on qulaity shows and i think the roster i have can accomplish that. Gimmick wise i tend to avoid the goofy stuff as i've never been a fan of the goofy stuff.


Again thanks for the feedback and hopfully you'll continue to give my diary a look over from time to time, also if you can suggest any c-verse wrestlers who you think would be worth trying to hire please feel free to drop me some names.


Thanks again.

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HWA West Coast Rumble, Saturday week 4, Jun. 2008.

39 fans once again made the trip to Jerry's Basement to see West Coast Rumble, it was encouraging to see that the HWA was developing a loyal fan base and i planned to do all i could to keep those fans coming back.


Singles Match:

http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/eternalraven/RoderickRemus.jpg Vs. http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/eternalraven/SgtBubbaLeeWest.jpg

The seldom seen Roderick Remus made an appearance tonight as he took on Sgt. Bubba Lee West in the opening match of the show. I had hopes that West would have picked up his game and kept his attitude in check after the issues we had last month, sadly my hopes didn't come true as West once again drove the match into the dirt despite the fact he would be winning tonight. Bubba eventually finished off Remus with a powerbomb to claim the win but ultimately killed the opening match atmosphere of the fans at ringside.

Rating: E+


Pre Match Interview.

A pre recorded interview with Citizen X was shown on the big screen. X spent his time venting out his dislike of Joey Poison and promised that after tonight he make Poison wish he'd never been born.

Rating: E+


Singles Match:

http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/eternalraven/JoeyPoison-1.jpg Vs. http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/eternalraven/CitizenX.jpg

Poison hit the ring and went to work on Citizen X before the bell rang. Joey was so fired up in his quest to get revenge on X tonight that it led to his undoing, Poison had Citizen X backed into the corner, the referee tried to get some seperation between before being pushed aside by Poison, with the referee out of the picture X reached into his tights and pulled out a set of brass knuckles which he used to knock Joey out cold before hiding the evidence and scoring a tainted win.

Rating: D


Six Man Tag Match:




The match was extremely fast paed with lots of quick tags and double team moves from both sides, the heels dominated the early stages of the match until a hot tag from Warren Tehnique brought Davis Wayne Newton into the match and lighting a fire under the babyface team. All hell broke lose as all six men ended up brawling with the referee trying in vain to get order restored, during the chaos Newton got a hold of Jameson and went for the Fisherman's Suplex, but as he lifted Kirk into the air Kashmir Singh ran in and hit Newton on the back of the neck, Kirk rolled Newton into a small package and picked up the three count, Warren and Thomas slid into the ring to check on Newton while Singh, Kirk and Kenny celebrated their win.

Rating: D-


Pre Match Interview:

The big screen once again showed a pre taped interview, this time with Jesse Christian. Jesse talked up his in ring return tonight and even gave his opponent, Mean Jean Cattley, alot of praise as a great in ring competitor.

Rating: E+


Singles Match:

http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/eternalraven/JesseChristian.jpg Vs. http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/eternalraven/MeanJeanCattley.jpg

Jesse showed virtually no signs of ring rust as he made an impressive return to the ring after a long abscence. Jesse used his power to dominate Cattley in the opening moments of the match, Cattley however tried to halt any momentum that Christian was gaining by constantly sliding out of the ring, Jesse got sick of the stalling and ran out after him, Cattley had planned for it and counted a running clothesline from Jesse with a flapjack onto the guardrail. Cattley worked over the ribs and chest of Jesse for the bulk of the match but got over confident, Cattley was about to take Jesse down with a rather arrogant Russian leg sweep but Jesse fought back with some elbows before hoisting Cattley up into a Torture Rack, Jean held on for as long as he could before verbally submitting.

Rating: D


Pre Match Interview:

A pre taped interview hit the big screen again, this time it was the reigning World Champion Jack Griffith. Griffith spent his time complaining not only about how he was forced to defend against three men tonight, but how last month the psycho known as Manslaughter turned traitor on him. Griffith promised his loving fans that not only would he walk in the champ, but he would leave as the champ.

Ratng: D+


Four Way Match for the HWA World Title:


http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/eternalraven/JackGriffith.jpg Vs. http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/eternalraven/LarryWood_alt.jpg Vs. http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/eternalraven/MickMuscles.jpg Vs. http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/eternalraven/ShooterSeanDeeley.jpg

All four men were on their guard tonight as the man who would score the first pinfall or submission would wal out of the match as the HWA World Champion. Despite personal feuds between the competitors there was definately no alliances in place as Mick Mucles and Sean Deeley went toe to toe when tagged in, at one point Griffith and Manslaughter buddied up to land Deeley with a powerbomb/neckbreaker combo, Griffith looked pleased at what he thought was the start of an alliance between the two, Manslaughter snapped the Champion back to reality with a big boot to the face. All four men ended up in the ring at some point or another, each landing their signature move on a rival, the last of which was Manslaughter who hit the Meat Grinder on Deeley but before Manslaughter come go for the pin Mick Muscles reached in and hauled Manslaughter out of the ring, the crafty champion Jack Griffith saw his opening and slid into the ring to steal the pinfall on a downed Sean Deeley while Manslaughter and Muscles beat the hell out of each other outside the ring.

Rating: C-


Overall Rating: D+


Like the previous month it was another respectable show even though i had hoped for better, but unlike last month, that ended with no backstage drama, we had some issues going on backstage. As it turns out Bubba Lee West had singled out Citizen X for a series of pranks and he rode with them for the entire day, X finally had enough and made a rather cutting remark about West's recent dismal performances, West being the hot headed type threw the first punch with X retaliating, surprisingly the much small Citizen X got the better of the exchange and floored West.Bubba was further humiliated when someone called out "even your legit fights are half assed." Bubba left the room in a hurry and rather quietly and, even though he caught the satisfied smile on my face was he walked by.

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TotalExtremeWrestling.com Presents a Special Online Interview with HWA Master Mind:


RC Extreme.


One of wrestlings young prospects whose career was cut short due to a horrific knee injury and now one of wrestlings rising promoters RC Extreme joined TEW.com reporter Donovan Tyler today to discuss the Hawaiian Wrestling Alliance and what the future holds for his upstart company.


Tyler: First of all RC welcome to the interview and thank you for your time today.


RC: It's a pleasure and thank you for having me on board.


Tyler: Ok lets move straight into it. Most fans will know about your rise in the world of wrestling and how it was cut short due to the knee injury you suffered, many expected you to stay involved in the wrestling business but very few saw you starting your own promotion, ultimately what was it that drove you to opening the HWA?


RC: Wrestling is something i've wanted to do for as long as i could remember and when fate took that away from me i justwanted it more, the problem was i couldn't physically perform on the level the fans expected of me. I had a few job offers from from a few promotions for various roles, the SWF being the most notable but i just felt that they were more out of pity than anything else, so rather than feel sorry for myself and accept the pity of those around me i decided to stand on my own two feet and take a gamble at running my own company, that way i could dictate the rules, the direction of the booking and more than anything else, show the fans that my time in this business wasn't done and only i would decide when it was.


Tyler: So why Hawaii? Was there any specific reason you started your operation there?


RC: Hawaii was one of the few places that didn't have it's own promotion, aside from a few indy shows there was nothing long term there and this is a very cut throat business, had i set up in an area that already had an established promotion it would be like taking as a direct shot at them, almost like trying to run them out of their own territory, i know that's how i'd have seen it. Ultimately Hawaii didn't have any competition so i wasn't going to muscle into anyone's turf, i wasn't going to steal ticket sales from other companies who are all trying to survive in this industry and it gave me the freedom to build the HWA and it's identity without worrying about a promotional war with another company.


Tyler: A very good question that was asked on our forums was about your roster and the fact that it doesn't feature any actual Hawaiian wrestlers.


RC: Alot of fans bring this point up, in fact i don't think a show has gone by since Inception that a fan or two in attendance hasn't asked me the same question. Basically the idea i had when i first came up with the HWA was to sign workers from along the West Coast, many would have established a presence that the fans in Hawaii would have seen at some independent shows. The first issue i ran into was the fact that CZCW promotes along the West Coast and while they have a very talented roster i didn't want to become CZCW Jr. and have exactly the same roster, so i branched out more and signed anyone who i thought had the talent to give the fans a decent show, in the end i believe it's not so much about where a wrestler comes from, it's what he brings to the ring with him that counts.


Tyler: You definately have put together a talented roster and among the is Jack Griffith who is the reigning HWA Champion and who has been the figure head of the company since day one, what made you get behind Jack Griffith like you have?


RC: Jack is, in my opinion, a very under rated talent, most people look at his issues and personal demons from the past and write the guy off, even those that gave him a chance look at his performances now and say he is a shell of his former self and thats why i made Jack the number one guy in the HWA. You see Jack and myself have a lot in common, both of us have suffered issues that prevented us from reaching our full potential in this business, and if the fans can get behind a broken down has been like myself and give a fighting chance at making something of myself in this business then they sure as hell can get behind a guy like Jack Griffith who has a lot more left in him than people realise.


Tyler: Speaking of Jack Griffith he will be defending his HWA World Title this coming month at HWA Revolution against Shooter Sean Deeley, this match is Deeley's final crack at taking the World Title from Griffith and just to keep it a level playing field the HWA Title can change hands on a count out or disqualification, also Mick Muscles and Manslaughter will settle their differences in an anything goes match that is sure to be wild and chaotic. RC we are running out of time but before we go we'd like to round out the interview with a quick word association game where we name a wrestler and you give your open and honest thoughts about them.


RC: Sounds like fun, fire away.


Tyler: Mainstream Hernandez.


RC: Exceptionally talent but just can't seem to find his rhythm in the HWA.


Tyler: Sgt: Bubba Lee West.


RC: No Comment.


Tyler: Sara Silver.


RC: A great friend whose ability gets over looked because of the company she primarily works for.


Tyler: Davis Wayne Newton.


RC: The future of this business.


Tyler: RC thank you once again for joining us today.

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