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Meeting a Momentum Goal

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I'm playing a game with MAW (returning to my roots for any of you that ever read the old diaries :) ) and Rip has given me goals to make Casey Valentine and Antonio both B- in Momentum but the end of the term.


I'm 7 mos. out from Antonio's deadline and 9 out from Casey's. The trouble is, I only have one person (Cameron Vessey) at a B in momentum. The rest of the main players are around the C and C+ level.


Any suggestions on how to raise momentum in a Small promotion? It's not like these guys can have blow-away angles and matches yet. Any new debuts are going to be a C at best, due to the size of my company.


Any suggestions? Right now the plan is to have Antonio beat Citizen X to get to C+ and then beat Vessey as he (Antonio) has recently turned face to help out Rip against The Firm. Down the road, if Vessey holds his momentum to at least B- I was going to break him and Valentine up...hopefull at the RCI tourney.


Any suggestions/ideas on how to meet these goals?

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Use trade deals to bring in expendable talents who can put your guys over in decent matches?


Edit Sean McFly's contract so he's signed to you?


Honestly, once I saw that I had that goal, I restarted my game in Free Style mode as I knew that I had no chance of hitting it - Momentum is something I've never mastered in my game, as one can see by the way I rarely have more than one guy on my 'Who's Hot' list :(


Incidentally, do they have to reach the goal by or on the specified date? That is, is it enough for them to hit that goal at any point before the deadline expires?

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Ok, so it's not just my lackluster playing haha :)


I think I can hit it with one of them. I can use Cameron's B in momentum and give it to the first person up (Antonio). Other than that, I'm outta luck...unless I can get Antonio to a B- for his "due date" and then have Casey beat him to get the B- for his two months later. I'll let you know how it turns out.

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Use angles with Rip and Casey. Put them both in entertainment angles (without getting the over-use note as that penalises momentum) and you should see them both pull towards the rating of those angles each time, maybe even more.


Plus, turns can help build momentum, so a good last minute trick for boosting momentum is to have a really successful turn just before the goal rolls in.


I think it's doable, but it ain't gonna be an easy one. :)

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What's Rip's momentum? Maybe consider using him in segments with the guys, if it doesn't affect his momentum too much?


I don't think the Momentum goals are critical, so if you pull off the others, Rip should be okay if you fail one or both - it's just that unless they have a high Destiny stat, they're unlikely to improve much. Certainly in every game I've play, neither seems to amount to anything (they're hamstrung in that regard by their loyalty to Rip. Imagine what a trip to Japan would do for Casey, or CGC for Antonio...)

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Hot Storylines will bring up momentum. If you use rip in a bunch of angles for a hot storyline the angle ratings will be high and thus momentum will be gained by those in the angle with him. So just run a nice tight storyline with Rip Antonio and Cameron with lot of good angles and you'll see they're momentum go up.
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