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WWF 1996: Let The Games Begin.

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News, Notes & Recent Signings

Please note that I WILL NOT be revealing everyone I sign, as that might kill the element of surprise. :D


- Jake Roberts got into a heated arguement with a fan outside the arena at a WWF live event last night, and had to be restrained before things got physical. We decided to send him off with a stern warning, to which he replied, "Ok, I realize that it was unprofessional. I'll do better in the future."


- The World Wrestling Council (WWC) have come to terms with the World Wrestling Federation and will now be working as a developmental territory for them.


- Alex Porteau has been singed to a written contract, and will report directly to the main roster.


- Billy Kidman has been singed to a written contract, and will report directly to the main roster.


- Glen Ruth (Headbanger Thrasher) has been signed to a written contract, and will report to the WWC to work on his in-ring skills.


- Jesse James Armstrong (The Road Dogg) has been singed to a written contract, and will report directly to the main roster.


- Matt Hardy has been signed to a written contract, and will report to the WWC to work on his in-ring skills.


- Rick Rude was contacted this week about a possible WWF Written Contract. After presumingly asking for more money than God himself would probably ask for, the WWF backed out on negotiations. Not to mention, he's retired from active competition on top of things.


- Sexton Hardcastle (Edge) has been signed to a written contract, and will report to the WWC to work on his in-ring skills.


- Vampire Warrior (Gangrel) has been signed to a written contract, and will report to the WWC to work on his in-ring skills.


- Christian Cage (Christian) has been signed to a written contract, and will report to the WWC to work on his in-ring skills.


- D'Lo Brown has been signed to a written contract, and will report to the WWC to work on his in-ring skills.


- James Mitchell (Sinister Minister) has been signed to a written contract, and will report to the WWC to work on his managerial skills. When a suitable client is found, he should be brought right up.


- Jeff Hardy has been signed to a written contract, and will report to the WWC to work on his in-ring skills.


- Norman Smiley has been singed to a written contract, and will report directly to the main roster.


- Rick Martel has been singed to a written contract, and will report directly to the main roster.


- Shawn Stasiak has been signed to a written contract, and will report to the WWC to work on his in-ring skills.


- Too Cold Scorpio (Flash Funk) has been singed to a written contract, and will report directly to the main roster.


- Chaz Warrington (Headbanger Mosh) has been signed to a written contract, and will report to the WWC to work on his in-ring skills.


- Rob Van Dam has been singed to a written contract, and will report directly to the main roster.

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Live from the Bismarck Civic Center

Bismarck, North Dakota


This Monday Night on RaW, for the first time since dropping the WWF Title in the 60 Minute Iron Man Match to Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania... we will hear from the legendary Bret "The HitMan" Hart!


Plus, "Big Daddy Cool" Diesel explains his actions last week, and why exactly he attacked long time friend Shawn Michaels. Is there more to this than just the WWF Title? Or is "Big Daddy Cool" so obsessed with being champion once again, that he would lay out his own best friend just to do so?


Also, following the ruthless backstage attack we seen on RaW last week, we will be seeing The New Rockers go toe to toe with The Smokin' Gunns! And President Monsoon has proclaimed that the winners of this match, will recieve a shot at the WWF Tag Team Titles, at this months In Your House!


The deranged superstar, who attacked the UnderTaker last week by the name of Mankind makes his in-ring debut this week! What is this mans purpose here, and how does one actually prepare for him? Only time will tell.


Last Monday night we saw WWF InterContinental Champion Goldust and his main squeeze Marlena, lay out an open challenge to anyone who thinks they can take the gold off his golden waist. Will anyone step up to the plate this Monday? Or has his extremely odd presence struck fear into everyone on the entire WWF roster from top to bottom?


Then, in our Main Event, WWF President Gorilla Monsoon has ordered a HUGE Eight-Man Tag Team Match, pitting "Big Daddy Cool" Diesel, Hunter Hearst-Helmsley, "The King Of Harts" Owen Hart & the British Bulldog up against "WildMan" Marc Mero, Ahmed Johnson, "The HeartBreak Kid" Shawn Michaels & the Ultimate Warrior! What will happen when these eight men collide in what would appear to be a battle for the ages?!?


Plus, Jake "The Snake" Roberts goes one on one with the man they call Vader!!


All this and much, much more!

Only On Monday Night RaW!

Mondays 9/8C, only on the USA Network.





Quick Picks:


Mankind v "Make A Difference" Fatu


WWF Tag Team Title Number One Contendership Match

The New Rockers v The Smokin' Gunns


Jake "The Snake" Roberts v Vader


Eight-Man Tag Team Match

Diesel, Hunter Hearst-Helmsley, Owen Hart & the British Bulldog v Marc Mero, Ahmed Johnson, Shawn Michaels & The Ultimate Warrior

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Mankind v "Make A Difference" Fatu

Mankind makes a difference in Fatu's paycheck!


WWF Tag Team Title Number One Contendership Match

The New Rockers v The Smokin' Gunns

New Rockers get a push!


Jake "The Snake" Roberts v Vader

It's time! It's time! It's Vader time!


Eight-Man Tag Team Match

Diesel, Hunter Hearst-Helmsley, Owen Hart & the British Bulldog v Marc Mero, Ahmed Johnson, Shawn Michaels & The Ultimate Warrior

The mighty earth shall open up and draw the dastardly dastard guys down into the ground where they shall be fanned by the fire of the Warriors! And when they are consumed by the flames then and only then shall they know the true power of the Ultimate Warrior!

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Mankind v "Make A Difference" Fatu


WWF Tag Team Title Number One Contendership Match

The New Rockers v The Smokin' Gunns


Jake "The Snake" Roberts v Vader


Eight-Man Tag Team Match

Diesel, Hunter Hearst-Helmsley, Owen Hart & the British Bulldog v Marc Mero, Ahmed Johnson, Shawn Michaels & The Ultimate Warrior

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This is really good stuff, loving the WWC signings!


Mankind v "Make A Difference" Fatu


WWF Tag Team Title Number One Contendership Match

The New Rockers v The Smokin' Gunns - PLEASE push my favourite tag team from this era!


Jake "The Snake" Roberts v Vader


Eight-Man Tag Team Match

Diesel, Hunter Hearst-Helmsley, Owen Hart & the British Bulldog v Marc Mero, Ahmed Johnson, Shawn Michaels & The Ultimate Warrior

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Hahahaha Tatanka! I love it.


Yeah, you may see a gimmick or two, as I believe they should still be around somewhat today. The Godfathers and The Hurricanes are always fun... but if you're looking for the Man Mountain Rocks or the ShockMasters, you may wanna search elsewhere lol.


Thx for readin.



Rock and Shockmaster... no.


I'm talking about some of the decently, bad ones like Dr. Isaac Yankem and Lawler duo that could have worked out a little better. Salvatore

Sincere was a ok gimmick. Furnas and Lafon was in WWF in 96.. I think. I'm not talking about T.L. Hopper, Travis & Chad, Freddie Joe Floyd or Brother Grimm (even though they did have a certain look.)

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WWF Monday Night RaW

Live From Bismarck Civic Center

Bismarck, North Dakota

10,000 in Attendance - Sell Out


Announcers - Vince McMahon & Jerry "The King" Lawler


Overall Rating - C-





Shawn Michaels confronts Diesel


RaW kicks off with the music of "Big Daddy Cool" Diesel, as he makes his way down to the ring and calls for a microphone.


Diesel: You know, I've come out here tonight because I got somethin' I wanna get off my chest. For those of you who dont know.... for twelve long months, this entire industry was riding high on Diesel Power. Now, with that said, allow me to give you a little history lesson here boys and girls. I dropped the WWF Title to Bret Hart at last years Survivor Series, and after one year puttin' your asses in those seats, do I get a rematch? No. Instead, I'm told I have to enter the Royal Rumble and go through 29 other superstars just to get what I rightfully deserve. Then, after mowing down 28 of those superstars, who else but "The HeartBreak Kid" Shawn Michaels eliminates me and wins the Rumble. But you know what? Thats fine. So, what does Gorilla Monsoon do? He gives me my rematch with Bret, two months too late, at Februarys In Your House. And just as I have "The HitMan" right where I want him, I get screwed out of the title one more time around, this time by the UnderTaker. Which again, is fine. I'm not out here to complain, or whine about it, like most of these other guys come out here and do, week in and week out. I'm just out here to give fair warning to you Shawn Michaels, to you Gorilla Monsoon, and to all the boys in the back. "Big Daddy Cool" aint playin' games no more. I aint playin' by anybody else's rules, and if I want somethin'.... you can bet your bottom dollar I'm gonna go out there and take it! So, upon taking matters into my own hands, the first order of business is taking back what rightfully belongs to me, and thats the WWF Title! Shawn Michaels, until President Monsoon gives me what I want, "Big Daddy Cool" is gonna continue to come out here, week after week, night after night and beat your scrawny little ass from one end of this ring to the other! And there aint nothin' you, or anyb........


Just then, the music of "The HeartBreak Kid" is heard throughout the arena. Shawn makes his way out to the ramp, looking as serious as ever, and begins to speak.


Shawn Michaels: You know somethin' Big Man, we may make Good Friends...... but we damn sure make Better Enemies. I made a promise last week to the KLiQ that I'd be an honorable and fighting champion, and I this week I'm gonna make a promise to YOU that the only way you're ever gonna get your hands on this title is over my dead body!


Shawn Michaels then charges the ring and goes toe to toe with Diesel. Eventually, Diesel gets the upper hand by hitting Shawn with a knee right in the gut. But Shawn keeps fighting, and eventually a bunch of WWF officials come running down to ringside and seperate the two men, holding them back in opposite corners. As the trash talking continues, Shawn once again charges at Diesel, lunging over the officials, landing a few shots to the head, before once again being restrained. As they try to calm these two down, Gorilla Monsoon appears in the asile, with a mic in hand.


Gorilla Monsoon: Good evening ladies and gentleman. Its apparant we have a situation here that needs to be resolved, before you two guys go ahead and tare each others heads off. So, I am officially ordering that the two of you, at In Your House: Good Friends Better Enemies, face each other one-on-one with the World Wrestling Federation Title on the line.... inside of a fifteen foot high steel cage! And furthermore, right here tonight, the two of you will be competing against one another in an eight-man tag team match. Diesels team will consist of Hunter Hearst-Helmsley, "The King Of Harts" Owen Hart and the British Bulldog. And Shawn, your team will consist of "WildMan" Marc Mero, Ahmed Johnson and the Ultimate Warrior. Thank you very much, and enjoy the rest of your night.







Mankind b. "Make A Difference" Fatu

Mankind defeated Fatu in 3:40 by submission.


Mankind looked rather impressive in his debut match, taking it to Fatu from the opening bell. Fatu got very little offense in here, as he seemed pretty purplexed throughout the match. He did manage to hit a nice Belly-To-Belly Suplex which seemed to stun Mankind for a moment, but soon thereafter got caught with a Double-Arm DDT. Mankind was screaming, and ripping his hair out once again this week, and defeated Fatu by submission with the same hold he had locked in on the UnderTaker last week. Vince McMahon referred to this hold as "The Mandible Claw" and with Fatu unconscious, the referee was left with no choice but to call for the bell and award the match to this outright lunatic.







Mankind wont release the hold


After the bell rung, Mankind, seemingly unaware of the rules here, refused to let go of the hold. Once again, WWF officials had to come down to ringside and physically restrain him, forcing him off of Fatu before any further damage could be inflicted. Mankind is sitting down in the ring, still screaming and yanking on whats left of his hair, when........







The UnderTaker sends a warning shot to Mankind


The tolling of the bell is heard, as the crowd erupts. The lights dim to black, as its heard three more times, before they come back on. There is no sign of the UnderTaker himself, but he has certainly made his presence felt here, letting Mankind know that if its a war he wants.... then it is a war he shall receive.







A Video is shown, hyping the debut of Brian Pillman


One week closer! :cool:







Todd Pettengill is backstage with Steve Austin & Ted DiBiase


Todd Pettengill: Good evening folks. My name is Todd Pettengill and I'm standing here with "The Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase and his newest protege, "The RingMaster" Steve Austin. Now, Mr. DiBiase, your client went one...


Ted DiBiase then takes the microphone from Todd Pettengill, and pushes him off the screen, as Austin smirks.


Ted DiBiase: Gimmie that Pettengill! You know, week after week, we have been coming out here, and taking care of everyone thats been thown in our path! And at WrestleMania, this man forced Savio Vega to submit right in the middle of that ring! Now, President Monsoon has informed us that this coming Sunday on SuperStars, Savio wants one more go 'round with the RingMaster! Savio Vega, you're just like every other nickel and dime superstar here in the World Wrestling Federation. And come this Sunday, you're gonna find out first hand just why this man is the next shining star in this business! Ya Hahahahahahahaha!


Steve Austin: Savio Vega, you wanna go one-on-one "The RingMaster" one more time? You must have a death wish son, because this time I aint gonna be so easy on ya! This Sunday, I'm gonna teach you the wrestling lesson of your life and there aint gonna be a damn thing you can do about it! And when I'm done with ya once and for all, the entire World Wrestling Federation better stand on guard because I'm gonna take each and every one of your sorry asses down one after the other! And you can take THAT to the bank, son!


Ted DiBiase: Ah Hahahahahahahahahaha!







WWF World Tag Team Titles: Number One Contenders Match

The New Rockers DREW The Smokin' Gunns

The New Rockers drew with The Smokin' Gunns in 3:50 following a double disqualification, when the Godwinns ran in and attacked both teams.


This match didnt last very long, thanks to the Godwinns running in and attacking both teams out of rage. With Marty Jannetty and Billy Gunn in the ring, the two hog farmers came through the crowd in suits (as disguises) and pulled both Leif Cassidy and Bart Gunn off the apron from behind, delivering a Slop Drop on the concrete floor to each of them, respectively. Their manager, Hillbilly Jim was nowhere to be found, as they each grabbed a chair and entered the ring. Marty Jannetty had Billy Gunn in a reverse chin lock when he noticed this, and with Billy on the mat, he dropkicked Henry out of the ring just as he entered.... only to turn around straight into a skull-crushing chair shot from Phinneas. As Billy Gunn got back to his feet, he too got waffled by Phinneas. The Godwinns had cleaned house, clearly stating by their actions that they are not to be counted out of the tag team title picture just yet.







Mr. Perfect RETURNS and accepts Goldusts open challenge


The familiar music of Mr. Prefect hits the PA system, as the man himself makes his way out from behind the curtain to a huge ovation. He's in his wrestling gear (which we havent seen in quite sometime), and he's chewing gum, along with flipping his towel, just like the good old days. Upon entering the ring, he calls for a mic.


Mr. Perfect: You know, I'm gettin' a little sick and tired of hearing it. "Mr. Perfect, when are you coming back? .... Mr. Perfect, when are you coming back?" I'm gonna make this short and sweet. Mr. Perfect is BACK and he's here to stay! For a long time, I've been sittin' behind that commentators booth observing whats been going on here in the World Wrestling Federation, and quite frankly, it makes me sick! You have all these guys comin' out here claiming to be the best, when the fact of the matter is, to this day, there aint a superstar in that dressing room who can lace my boots! And as sorry as I am to say this.... that even includes you Shawn Michaels! Hahaha, but dont worry Shawn, fortunately for you, you're not the reason I'm out here tonight. As a matter of fact, just last week, there was another so called 'Champion' back there somewhere, who issued an open challenge to anyone willing to face him at this months In Your House. So Goldust, you should be careful what you wish for. In just a few short weeks, you can kiss that title goodbye, because its comin' right back home where it belongs! I accept your challenge! Now THATS Perfect!


Backstage, we see Goldust & Marlena watching all this on a monitor. Goldust seems to be very non-reactive, but Marlena on the other hand, has a major look of concern pinned across her face. Its quite obvious when they issued the challenge last week, this is not what they expected.


The announcers also inform us that President Monsoon has stated the BodyDonnas will defend their titles at In Your House against the Godwinns, the New Rockers and the Smokin' Gunns in whats to be known as a Four Corners Match (which we had not seen yet, at this point).







Sunny & The BodyDonnas are livid about Monsoons decision


Back from commercial, we cut backstage once again, where Sunny & The BodyDonnas are going down each others throats in their dressing room.


Sunny: He cant do this to us! He cant do this to us! How could we defend these titles against three teams?!? None of them have even earned a shot! We beat the Godwinns twice, and the other two havent done anything to prove that they're even worthy of one! This isnt what Sunny wan......


Zip: Be quiet for a second, will you? We are the tag team champions for a damn good reason, and if we gotta knock off every single tag team the WWF has to offer in the same night, then thats what WE are gonna do! We, meaning Me And Skip!


Skip: First of all, you mean WE, meaning Me, Skip And Sunny! You need to realize something Zip, and realize it fast. We may be the best damn tag team in the world today, but SHE is what keeps this whole thing together for us. She is our driving force. What Sunny wants, Sunny gets, and if thats something you cant deal with, then as far as I'm concerned, you can hand over that title and I'll just defend both of 'em myself from here on out.


Zip: You better watch who you're talkin' to pal. She dont go in that ring night after night, and defend these titles alongside you. You just remember that.


As they're standing nose to nose, Zip turns around and walks out of the dressing room, with his title hoisted on his shoulder. Sunny and Skip then look at each other, in question of what to do next.







Vader b. Jake "The Snake" Roberts

Vader defeated Jake Roberts in 6:54 by pinfall. During the match we also had Jeff Jarrett run in and attack Roberts.


Vader dominated "The Snake" throughout most of this contest, though at one point we did see Roberts mount a big-time comeback, and it even looked as if he may pull of the major upset, hitting Vader with a bunch of short jabs, and even knocking the big man right off his feet with a short arm clothesline! Jake then signaled for the DDT, as the crowd erupted. But, just as he went for it, Vader charged into the corner, ramming Jake back first into the turnbuckle, hard. Vader then unloaded with rights and lefts to both the body and the head of Roberts, knocking him down in the corner. Clearly dazed, "The Snake" struggled to get back to his feet, falling in-between the ropes with his arms and head draped over the middle, towards the outside. Cornette then jumped on the apron, causing the referee to turn his attention away from the action... allowing Jeff Jarret to run down and shatter his acoustic guitar right over the head of Jake Roberts! By the time the ref had turned back around, Jarrett was long gone, and Vader proceeded to deliver a Crushing PowerBomb to Roberts, before finishing him off with a VaderBomb and scoring the easy three count.







Yokozuna once again prevents Vader from inflicting any further damage


Following the match, much like on SuperStars yesterday, Cornette ordered Vader to deliver yet another VaderBomb to Roberts! But this time, before he could even drag Jake into the corner, Yokozuna came running towards the ring.... well, as fast as he can 'run' anyway. Cornette seen this coming, and once again retreated quickly with Vader, before Yokozuna could get his gigantic hands on either one of them.







Vince McMahon interviews Bret "The HitMan" Hart via sattelite


We see Bret "The HitMan" Hart sitting on his couch, live from his home in Calgary.


Vince McMahon: Hello Bret. And thank you for joining us.


Bret Hart: Anytime, Vince.


Vince McMahon: Let me start off by commending you and the effort you put forth in the 60-Minute Iron Man Match at WrestleMania XII. It was indeed a pleasure watching both you and "The HeartBreak Kid" Shawn Michaels put forth perhaps the greatest single match effort between two competitors, that any of us have ever seen. It is unfortunate however, that one of you had to come out on the losing end of that match. But the question thats burning inside is when are we gonna see "The HitMan" back in the squared-circle, and back in the title hunt?


Bret Hart: You know Vince, thats something even I'm not completely sure of at this point. Taking nothing away from Shawn Michaels, he's a great competitor and should make for a fine champion, but the fact of the matter is, I went 60 minutes without being pinned or made submit. Therefore, by all means, I should still be sitting here right now, the World Wrestling Federation Champion. I dont remember reading anywhere in the blueprints for that match that there would be a sudden death overtime period, in which case the first person to score a fall would win. So, I feel I was mistreated and under-minded by President Monsoon, to say the least. And as far as "The HitMan" returning to active competition anytime in the near future.... well, thats something I'm just not sure about at this point.


Vince McMahon: So, are you saying that the bus officially stops here for the Excellence Of Execution?


Bret Hart: Like I said, I'm really not sure, Vince. What I need right now is just some time to collect my thoughts and get my head on straight. I've worked way too hard, and put way too much time and effort into this business to, in my opinion, be screwed out of the WWF Title. So to all my fans, and everyone else out there who's wondering if I will ever come back to the ring.... I really dont have that answer for you right now, and for that, I apologize. But rest assured, if I do decide to return sometime in the near, or the distant future, I'm coming back stronger than ever, with one goal in mind. Thats all I have to say right now.


Vince McMahon: Well, thats something that we can all only hope to see. Thank you, Bret Hart.







Marc Mero, Ahmed Johnson, Shawn Michaels & The Ultimate Warrior b. Diesel, Hunter Hearst-Helmsley, Owen Hart & the British Bulldog

Marc Mero, Ahmed Johnson, Shawn Michaels and Ultimate Warrior defeated Diesel, Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Owen Hart and British Bulldog in 8:35 when Shawn Michaels defeated Owen Hart by pinfall with Sweet Chin Music.


This match was nothing short of everything that was expected of it, and then some. On a side note, Hunter Hearst-Helmsley looked rather impressive out there, even scoring a couple of near falls on the WWF Champion. One of which, was broken up by Marc Mero, that could have very well been a three count. After a quick start for Shawns team, standing tall after clearing the ring of all four of their opponents, Shawn was soon isolated by Diesels team, after mis-firing a flying forearm attempt on the Bulldog. The Bulldog ducked and Shawn hit the mat hard after bouncing off the ropes, in the wrong part of town. Only however, after all three other men got their licks in through quick tags and stingy cheap shots, did "Big Daddy Cool" finally tag himself in. He hit Shawn with a montage of power moves, including the Snake Eyes Turnbuckle Drop and a devastating SideWalk Slam. He attempted a pinfall, but only scored a two count. He then tagged out to Helmsley, who came in and took it to Shawn for a good couple minutes, before going for it all, with the Pedigree. Shawn however countered the move by sling-shotting Hunter straight into the steel ring-post, before making the hot tag to the Ultimate Warrior. The Warrior came in, and began to clean house, taking it to every member of the opposing team one at a time. Before long though, all eight men were going at it all over the place, and it was utter and complete chaos. The match came to a close when Owen Hart was in the ring with Marc Mero, and Mero missed a Flying Cross Body while Owen was up against the ropes, sending him straight over the top and face first to the outside. With everyone else dismantling each other outside the ring already, Owen was the only one left standing. Diesel was paired up with the fallen Mero, and the Warrior with Helmsley. Meanwhile, the British Bulldog attempted to throw Shawn Michaels into the steel steps, but Ahmed Johnson caught Michaels in mid-motion and saved him. As Ahmed and the Bulldog began trading punches, Shawn snuck under the bottom rope and Owen Hart turned right around into a thunderous SuperKick! The referee, at this point having no clue who was legal, counted Owens shoulders down and Michaels scored the victory for his team. Hunter Hearst-Helmsley tried to slide in and make the save, but the Ultimate Warrior grabbed him by his foot. And even though the battle might have been over on this night, the war was certainly not. Hunter Hearst-Helmsley and Marc Mero were going at it on the outside, as Hunter slammed his head into the apron. The Warrior and Ahmed Johnson were double teaming the Bulldog who was clearly out of it, and running on fumes at this point. And Diesel had entered the ring, catching Michaels with a huge boot to the jaw. He then picked Michaels up by the hair and delivered a HUGE Jacknife PowerBomb to the champ, as RaW went off the air, with the battle raging on.






Fade To Black . . . . .

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Hey guys, just a quick overview here. I felt this card was a bit weak for some reason, and I dont know why. I felt things progressed a bit, but its extremely hard cramming everything I'd like into one hour. I have to remember to put in for an extension when the time comes.


Anyway, all the other goodies should be out tomorrow. The Monday Night War update, the SuperStars preview, maybe even the card, etc.


And I have a pretty big RaW coming next week, so stay tuned.

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The Monday Night War

Comparison: April Week Two






Quick Results


Mankind b. "Make A Difference" Fatu

The New Rockers AND The Smokin' Gunns went to a no-contest.

Vader b. Jake "The Snake" Roberts

Marc Mero, Ahmed Johnson, Shawn Michaels & The Ultimate Warrior b. Diesel, Hunter Hearst-Helmsley, Owen Hart & the British Bulldog









Quick Results


V.K. Wallstreet & Dean Malenko b. The American Males

The Nasty Boys b. The Blue Bloods

Lex Luger & Sting b. Harlem Heat to retain the WcW World Tag Team Titles.

Hulk Hogan b. Ric Flair

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If you want more than an hour go to the media section, TV shows and pull up your show, go to Adjust Details and you can change it. Sometimes it doesn't work because of popularity, but for the WWF I'm pretty sure it will.


Justin "Hawk" Bradshaw v Alex "The Pug" Porteau


The Godwinns v Rad Radford & The Brooklyn Brawler


Hunter Hearst-Helmsley v Duke "The Dumpster" Droese


Savio Vega v "The RingMaster" Steve Austin

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WWF SuperStars

Pre-Taped (Airs On Sunday) From Joplin Memorial Hall

Joplin, Missouri

1,733 in Attendance


Announcers - Vince McMahon, "Rowdy" Roddy Piper & Jim Ross


Overall Rating - D-





Justin "Hawk" Bradshaw defeated Alex "The Pug" Porteau in 4:39 by pinfall with a Crushing Lariat.



Following the match, Justin "Hawk" Bradshaw & Uncle Zebekiah Branded Alex Porteau.



A RaW Recap Video is shown. Mr. Perfect RETURNS and accepts Goldusts open challenge.



The Ultimate Warrior cut a pre-taped promo on Owen Hart & the British Bulldog.



The Godwinns defeated Rad Radford & the Brooklyn Brawler in 3:48 when Henry O. Godwinn defeated the Brooklyn Brawler by pinfall with a Slop Drop.



A RaW Recap Video is shown, replaying all of the events that took place between Diesel and Shawn Michaels.



The announcers talk about the upcoming Steel Cage Match at In Your House: Good Friends Better Enemies between Diesel and Shawn Michaels.



Shawn Michaels cut a pre-taped promo on Diesel.



Ahmed Johnson cut a pre-taped promo on Owen Hart & the British Bulldog.



Jake Roberts cut a pre-taped promo on Jeff Jarrett.



Hunter Hearst-Helmsley cut a pre-taped promo on Marc Mero, and his match tonight with Duke Droese.



Hunter Hearst Helmsley defeated Duke "The Dumpster" Droese in 7:52 by pinfall with the Pedigree.



Hunter Hearst-Helmsley takes a bow in the ring, following his victory.



A RaW Recap Video is shown. The UnderTaker 'Warns' Mankind.



Vader & James E. Cornette cut a pre-taped promo on Yokozuna.



"The RingMaster" Steve Austin defeated Savio Vega in 7:35 by pinfall with a new move, he calls 'The Stunner' after a distraction from Ted DiBiase.


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Good Friends, Better Enemies

Live (Sunday Week Four) From A Venue And City TBD.

And Only On Pay Per View.







Confirmed Matches:

Nothing is ever officially confirmed, unless you see it here first.





WWF World HeavyWeight Title Match:

Inside a Fifteen Foot High Steel Cage


http://s172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/D%20Images/th_Diesel2.jpg v http://s172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/S%20Images/th_Shawn_Michaels38.jpg





WWF InterContinental Title Match:


http://s172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/C%20Images/th_Curt_Hennig3.jpg v http://s172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/G%20Images/th_Goldust8.jpg





Grudge Match:


http://s172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/T%20Images/th_Triple_H40.jpg v http://s172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/M%20Images/th_Marc_Mero4.jpg

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WWF News


- Jeff Jarrett was made an offer by WcW earlier this week. Rumor has it that the WWF made him a counter-offer, and they failed to come to an agreement. Has WcW stolen yet another major player from the WWF? . . . It appears to be so.


- The Steiner Brothers were also contacted by the WWF, but Scott reportedly denied negotiations, leaving them with virtually no interest in Rick.


- Fatu sustained a retracted index finger this week, in some sort of freakish gardening accident. He is not expected to miss any time.

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Live from Trump Plaza

Atlantic City, New Jersey


This Monday Night on RaW, we will see two HUGE title defenses!


First, WWF Champion Shawn Michaels puts his World Title on the line, when he faces the 1-2-3 Kid in what promises to be a high flyin' aireal assault of the highest magnitude!


Then, the WWF InterContinental Champion Goldust puts his title on the line as well, when he goes one-on-one with the Ultimate Warrior!!


Plus, the in-ring return of Mr. Perfect!!


All this and much, much more!

Only On Monday Night RaW!

Mondays 9/8C, only on the USA Network.





Quick Picks:


Marty Jannetty v Billy Gunn


"Double J" Jeff Jarrett v Mr. Perfect


WWF InterContinental Title Match

The Ultimate Warrior v Goldust ©


WWF World HeavyWeight Title Match

The 1-2-3 Kid v "The HeartBreak Kid" Shawn Michaels ©

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No problem, I'm not an expert on the game either.


Marty Jannetty v Billy Gunn


"Double J" Jeff Jarrett v Mr. Perfect


WWF InterContinental Title Match

The Ultimate Warrior v Goldust ©


WWF World HeavyWeight Title Match

The 1-2-3 Kid v "The HeartBreak Kid" Shawn Michaels ©

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Marty Jannetty v Billy Gunn

Marty is a decent hand but Gunn has a bit more going for him long term


"Double J" Jeff Jarrett v Mr. Perfect

Perfect has just returned and Jarrett seems to be on the way out and hence Jobberville


WWF InterContinental Title Match

The Ultimate Warrior v Goldust ©

My, how the mighty have fallen! Jobbing to Goldust over the Intercontinental Title. Mind you, I've always had a bit of a thing for Goldust (obviously, if you have read my diary!)


WWF World HeavyWeight Title Match

The 1-2-3 Kid v "The HeartBreak Kid" Shawn Michaels ©

Would be a quality little match


Nice show. I've been reading this a it's pretty good, I have to say. You're trying to keep it realistic to the era and I respect that in anyone. Nice job!

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Thanks dude, I'm trying to stay somewhat relevant to the era right now, but I have big happenings in store for the future that do drift off a bit, so stay tuned.


And yes, of course I've read your diary. Its truly a masterpiece, and I gotta say (mind you, I dont wanna give too much away in case someone here hasnt read it yet) the 'Owen Hart' thing . . . was absolute brilliance. Quite possibly the best piece of work I have ever read on here.


Now I'm gonna go read it again, its been a while. Haha.... thanks for the ispirado Keefy!

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