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CZCW || The Dawn of a New Day

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Subject: "Another one bites the dust", James Prudence jumps ship to SWF!


It has been confirmed that current CZCW Coastal Zone Champion, James Prudence, has reached an agreement with the international wrestling powerhouse, the SWF earlier today. The terms of the agreement were not officially disclosed from either party, however, it has been rumored to be a relatively lucrative written contract spanning over the next year.


This will serve a major blow to the California based wrestling promotion, the CZCW, where Prudence was once seen as their main attraction and obvious Franchise player to those in management.


Totalextremewrestling.com has reached out to the CZCW for comment on the matter, however, have heard nothing in response to the latest superstar to walk out of the company.


The CZCW has been in existence for the last 15 years under the guidance of Cliff Anderson. The company is typically considered as a glorified training ground for young high fliers looking to land employment with one of the "big two". (The big two being the wrestling promotions.. The SWF & TCW). A stepping stone of sorts.


Check back to the site as details become more readily available.

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Subject: Cliff Anderson opens up, A New Day in CZCW, Total internal shake-up.


After many failed attempts, we here at TotalExtremeWrestling.com have finally reached CZCW Owner; Cliff Anderson, for comment regarding the recent loss of the CZCW Coastal Zone Champion, James Prudence.


The tone of his response was not only unexpected but also carried a strong edict for the future of the promotion. The quotes below are exerts taken from a phone interview conducted earlier today.


In regards to being a "Stepping Stone" Company...

"We have never considered ourselves to be a "stepping stone" type of promotion. Like what Rip has in MAW. It has always been our goal to deliver an innovative wrestling product to the masses and always hoped to retain the bulk of our roster over the years. With that being said, It's hard not to look at the facts. A lot of our "big names" over the years have used and abused the CZCW as a elongated try-out session for both Eisen & Cornell's promotions. Superstars like Bach, Tornado, Fortune... They were the backbone of the Coastal Zone... They were CZCW... At least until the big two came calling."


In regards to being an Innovative Company...

"We pride ourselves behind the fact that we are the only promotion that highlights fast paced, high octane, "Scoop your jaw off the floor" kind of wrestling product. We've made it our calling card for the last 15 years and don't intend on changing our way of wrestling. The names may change... however... the action will never change"


In regards to a new direction in the CZCW & the loss of James Prudence...

"Any mindful business man has to look at his own failings... his own downfalls before he can look at anyone else. We've been a very consistent company financially over the last 15 years, however, our name is still somewhat of an unknown in the industry outside of the West Coast. We wanted a weekly TV program and came close to one back towards the end of the 90's, however, never was able to truly finalize the deal. The network wanted us to change our style to fit their "programing schedule" but, as an avid wrestling fan myself, I couldn't bring myself to step away from what made us... well... us!


So when James [prudence] decided to, like many before him, leave the company... It finally forced me to face the future of the promotion. Were we okay with seeing superstar after superstar leave? Were we happy in only delivering our style of wrestling to the West Coast? Do we have any aspirations to move forward with the CZCW or continue to settle in our niche' that we've cemented for the last 15 years? In the end, it was obvious that it was time for a change.


Not a change in the sense of our product. Sure, I'm planning on implementing some small changes to our product to move forward with the development of the CZCW. However, in the end, our goal of innovation in and out of the wrestling ring has and will not change. So, what has to change?


We need to become more aggressive... in every facet. It's easy for anyone who lives on the West Coast, Especially in the greater Los Angeles area, to rely on the mentality of "taking it easy"... However, this can not be your companies motto in the end... or else you'll end up where we are right now. 15 years in and not with much to show for it nationally.


I honestly don't have anything against James. He did what many before him have done before, however, it was his decision to jump ship after we invested time, capital, and overall company focus.... That made me finally have to look at my baby... the CZCW... and decide what needs to be done to become more competitive in the industry.


We needed to step away from our tranquil approach to business and start to put a progressive approach into full gear. This way we can ultimately retain our superstars over the long haul and, in the end, become a household name outside of just California and the outlying areas."


In regards to offering the entire roster a chance to walk...

"The rumors are true. After we heard of James's signing with the SWF, I called for a locker room meeting. Not because I wanted to bash James... More so because if we were going to go in a new direction we needed to make sure that we were "all on the same page". I'll be honest with you... I told everyone in that room that if they didn't want to be part of the CZCW then they had the ability to step away from the company with no questions asked. They could find employment anywhere they wanted... Just not with us.


In the end, I wanted to make sure that everyone in the "back" was not only dedicated to the CZCW but also the CZCW fans. We will not be a stepping stone anymore. I promise you that. I'm happy to say that no one left the room and everyone is focused and excited to be working for a company that would be willing to re-dedicate itself to progressive ideals."


In regards to anyone else "jumping ship" after this...

"As of right now, everyone in our locker room has given me a verbal commitment that they will honor their contract with the CZCW and will be dedicated to entertaining our fans to their fullest potential. To me... Your word is stronger than oak... If someone were to break that bond then it would be dealt accordingly at that point.


In regards to being what will be done with the Coastal Zone Championship...

"We have something in the works.... That's I can't disclose. Before we know for sure what will be done, however, I need to bring in a "new voice" into the company to help guide the CZCW to national relevance."

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Subject: "New Voice" in CZCW found.




In what seems to be another shocking turn of events, The CZCW has officially announced the signing of John "Revolver" Hall to spearhead the new progressive era of the company. While it had been rumored that the CZCW was looking at bringing in former DAVE owner Phil Vilbert to fill the position, It was later rebuked due to Cliff Anderson's love of Hall's un-tapped vision. Hall was certainly considered as the more "raw product" between the two... In the end, Hall's youthful eagerness showed to be a strong selling point for Anderson and the supposed new CZCW.


John "Revolver" Hall is considered to be a "great wrestling mind on the rise" in most inner circles. So much so that the SWF had recently been in negotiations to bring John to their developmental territory, the RIPW, to help Professor Nero with the creative end of the promotion. The contract talks would stall and eventually would be pulled of the table as "The Revolver" once again became a coveted free agent.


It should be noted that John "Revolver" Hall is actually the son of international wrestling superstar, Pistol Pete Hall. John was often seen in the 80's and 90's touring with his father at a very young age. Many believe that it was this unique training ground that would ultimately lead to Hall's wealth of knowledge.


When reached for comment, Hall left us with only this response.


"I'm very happy to be part of the CZCW and hope to aide in the development of a new era in the history of the company."

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I like this. I always want to get into a CZCW diary, as tons of them pop up, but I never seem to get on board. I enjoy the story you've got going as the catalyst, as Prudence leaving 1) always happens, and 2) is a perfect reason for a new head booker. I'm interested in seeing where this one is going.
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Subject: CZCW reaches contractual agreements with 5 new superstars.


It seems that the CZCW is wasting no time moving the company forward into a new era. Just on the heels of John "Revolver" Hall being named as the new headbooker, The CZCW has added 5 new superstars to their roster. All contracts are said to be pay-per appearance deals with the term being undisclosed.


The newest additions to the CZCW were named shortly after and range from one former TCW stand-out to a handful of international journeymen. Here is the complete listing:


The Sensational Ota (Fumihiro Ota, 5x TCW Cruiserweight Champion), Spanish Superfly, InSaNiTy (Trent Shaffer, CGC Stand-out), Jackson Legend (Davis Wayne Newton), and Burning EXILE.


It was rumored that both Hall & Anderson would be looking for "fresh blood" to wedge into the West Coast Indy sensation. Shockingly, however, they looked more so abroad than anything else.


It's been rumored also that most of the newly signed superstars would at least be making an appearance at the CZCW's upcoming live event "CZCW Revolution" (Perfectly named for the current CZCW internal climate) set to take place in Los Angeles, California only two days from now.


More to come.

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The Official Website of Coastal Zone Championship Wrestling



Current CZCW Champions



Champion: Donnie J

Held Since: Week 1 of February 2008



Champion: American Optimus

Held Since: Week 1 of March 2008



Champions: Frankie Perez & Remmy Skye

Held Since: Week 1 of July 2007



Current CZCW Superstars




Main Event Status

Damien (aka Hell Monkey)

Donnie J

Matt Sparrow

The Sensational Ota

Ultimate Phoenix


Upper Midcard Status

American Optimus

Fox Mask

Mikey James

Remmy Skye


Midcard Status

Al Coleman

Flying Jimmy Foxx

Frankie Perez

Insane Machine

InSaNiTy (aka Trent Shaffer]

Mainstream Hernandez

Manic Mario (aka Mario Heroic)

Masked Cougar

Snap Dragon

Spanish Superfly


Lower Midcard Status

Burning EXILE

Jake Idol

Jeremiah Moose

Marc Speed


Opener Status

Jackpot Jordan


Enhancement Status

Jackson Legend (aka Davis Wayne Newton)



Images of NEW CZCW Characters/Persona

(This section will be used to help the reader view images of new characters, personas, and/or gimmicks. This could be anything from a debuting worker who is using a new alias/look and/or an existing superstar who has gone through a gimmick change and thus has a new look. If a worker is under a new name, however, is not listed with an image below then their default picture is used despite the new name. Therefore, would be no need to really show what they "look like".)



aka Hell Monkey




aka Trent Shaffer


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I like this. I always want to get into a CZCW diary, as tons of them pop up, but I never seem to get on board. I enjoy the story you've got going as the catalyst, as Prudence leaving 1) always happens, and 2) is a perfect reason for a new head booker. I'm interested in seeing where this one is going.


Thank you for the post. There always seems to be a healthy amount of CZCW diaries posted on the boards but I've always been a fan of them and wanted to put together a diary of my own. I, in no way, am trying to get in anyone's way who is currently doing, or has done, a CZCW diary before. Mine is solely going to be based upon the notion that Cliff Anderson is sick and tired of being used as a "stepping stone" company and that James Prudence leaving (which always happens in every game) finally gets the best of him... Letting out years of frustration after seeing his big names leave time and time before. The diary won't be updated everyday as I've got work, class, and a whole bunch of other things in the way.. However, I'm hoping to keep up to date as much as possible!


The actual cards themselves are going to be more re-cap than a fleshed out script. Only because I don't have much time to really dive into that. It will still be detailed as much as it can and will help the reader to know where I'm going... Keeping storylines up... And ultimately making it, hopefully, enjoyable in the end.




I saw that FIN was doing a CZCW diary and thought... "crap". ha. However, I'm sure he and I will be doing things differently. All in all, I'm not looking to mess with anyone else when it comes to diaries. Hopefully people will read both of ours. :)




I plan on using the CZCW.com post just above as the central hub for current champions and the overall roster at the time. It will be updated as things change so you can use it as a rough guide.


results will be done more in a re-cap form then being fleshed out and I don't really plan on using pictures much unless it's absolutely needed (ie: a debuting worker or a new gimmick change for somebody). Outside of that, I just wanted to focus more in the story... Storylines in general... And the action that takes place in/out of the ring versus spending hours putting photos up (not saying that putting photo's up is bad.. I love reading the ones that do have them and they truly add an extra touch to them. I'm just too... well either lazy or busy to do so. ha).

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Subject: CZCW "Revolution" card is set!


With the CZCW's upcoming live event, "Revolution", set to take place in the next coming days. The final card has finally been cemented and released to the public. Here is the card as follows.



James Prudence © vs. Donnie J

CZCW Coastal Zone Championship Match


Snap Dragon vs. Masked Cougar vs. Burning EXILE vs. American Optimus

Winner is proclaimed as the NEW #1 Contender to the CZCW Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship


The Sensational Ota vs. Matt Sparrow


Ultimate Phoenix vs. Insane Machine


Remme Skye & Frankie Perez © vs. Marc Speed & Al Coleman vs. Spanish Superfly & Fox Mask

CZCW Coastal Zone Tag Team Championship Match

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James Prudence © vs. Donnie J

CZCW Coastal Zone Championship Match

Snap Dragon vs. Masked Cougar vs. Burning EXILE vs. American Optimus

Winner is proclaimed as the NEW #1 Contender to the CZCW Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship


The Sensational Ota vs. Matt Sparrow

Ultimate Phoenix vs. Insane Machine


Remme Skye & Frankie Perez © vs. Marc Speed & Al Coleman vs. Spanish Superfly & Fox Mask

CZCW Coastal Zone Tag Team Championship Match

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Opinion Article: A fitting end to an ugly mess.


Which ever way you look at it... James Prudence leaving the CZCW for the SWF is nothing less than an ugly mess. The west coast promotion had bet everything on their feud between former tag partners, Prudence and Donnie J. The heated rivalry, in some circles, is seen as the only reason the company has even stayed relevant over the last few years as they slowly circled the creative drain at an accelerated rate. These two practically carried the company on their back and both men have the scars to show for it.


So that's why, when James Prudence officially signed a new deal with the SWF, the company theoretically crawled into the fetal position crying out for some sense of retribution. How could the one man they put so much time and effort into walk out on them? After they stood along side him for years... Who, when this all started, was nothing more than the weak-link in a once great TCW tag team. James Prudence is the kind of wrestler he is today BECAUSE of the CZCW. They took a chance on him as a singles superstar instead of just discarding him like a piece of trash after he and Donnie J initially debuted with the company. And how are they repaid? With a big... fat.... Goodbye.


Now, I don't blame Prudence... the SWF is truly the cream of the crop when it comes to global wrestling. Not only will he make more money but he'll have a chance to potentially break out as a national (and even possibly international) superstar and rake in years of greatness all under the Eisen empire. However, we all know that that fairy tale won't see the light of day. In reality, Prudence will debut in the SWF with a string of losses... Have a name change and ultimately fizzle out after he is squashed by Runaway Train and Vengeance week in and week out. That's even if he's lucky to make it that far up the card. In most cases, people like Prudence barely get out of the "dark match" slot and when they do... They're forced to "lay down" for the likes of the supposed "next coming of Jesus" Marc DuBois. Only to then be released half way through their actual contract... back on the indy scene... Trying to mend fences with the company that once loved them... but now... see's them nothing more than a opportunist and even worse.. A traitor.


So, is there really a reward in all of this? No. Everyone loses here. The CZCW loses their biggest star... The man they built into a star for that matter & James Prudence loses his ability to call himself a "star" as he now jumps into the "big leagues"... Where he will forever be a tiny tad pole in the largest ocean on earth.


The only silver lining in this all... The only thing that makes this even newsworthy is the fact that we will be treated to James Prudence vs. Donnie J for one... last... time. This epic feud has suffered broke bones, bloody wrestling mats, and hellacious high spots that have come to define the CZCW. Their personal war has torn up arenas all over the West Coast and in a few days... This iconic struggle will finally come to a halt. The winner coming away with the CZCW Coastal Zone Championship. In all honesty though, Who actually sees James Prudence winning this match-up? You know Papa Anderson and his new "lap dog" John Hall would have a mental break-down if Prudence walked off to the SWF with the CZCW Championship still linked to his name. In the end, Could there be a better superstar to take the title from him other than the man who was once held that very title and was screwed out of it?


Donnie J is the CZCW now....

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James Prudence © vs. Donnie J

CZCW Coastal Zone Championship Match


Snap Dragon vs. Masked Cougar vs. Burning EXILE vs. American Optimus

Winner is proclaimed as the NEW #1 Contender to the CZCW Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship


The Sensational Ota vs. Matt Sparrow


Ultimate Phoenix vs. Insane Machine


Remme Skye & Frankie Perez © vs. Marc Speed & Al Coleman vs. Spanish Superfly & Fox Mask

CZCW Coastal Zone Tag Team Championship Match

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James Prudence © vs. Donnie J

CZCW Coastal Zone Championship Match


Unless you've found a way for Prudence to do a C.M Punk style reign with the ROH Title, then Donnie J is definitely winning this match. Even though I think Donnie J is over-pushed in the Zone.


Snap Dragon vs. Masked Cougar vs. Burning EXILE vs. American Optimus

Winner is proclaimed as the NEW #1 Contender to the CZCW Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship


All four are good but for me Black Eagle/Plague/American Optimus whatever he wishes to call himself is the cream of the crop in this match.


The Sensational Ota vs. Matt Sparrow


Never been that convinced by Sparrow and Ota could do with a strong debut victory.


Ultimate Phoenix vs. Insane Machine


Could be a good match and Insane Machine does have a chance of winning it, however I'm a big mark for Phoenix


Remme Skye & Frankie Perez © vs. Marc Speed & Al Coleman vs. Spanish Superfly & Fox Mask

CZCW Coastal Zone Tag Team Championship Match


Skye & Perez retain their titles.

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James Prudence © vs. Donnie J

CZCW Coastal Zone Championship Match

Unless you've found a way for Prudence to do a C.M Punk style reign with the ROH Title, then Donnie J is definitely winning this match. Even though I think Donnie J is over-pushed in the Zone.


Snap Dragon vs. Masked Cougar vs. Burning EXILE vs. American Optimus

Winner is proclaimed as the NEW #1 Contender to the CZCW Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship


All four are good but for me Black Eagle/Plague/American Optimus whatever he wishes to call himself is the cream of the crop in this match.


The Sensational Ota vs. Matt Sparrow


Never been that convinced by Sparrow and Ota could do with a strong debut victory.


Ultimate Phoenix vs. Insane Machine


Could be a good match and Insane Machine does have a chance of winning it, however I'm a big mark for Phoenix


Remme Skye & Frankie Perez © vs. Marc Speed & Al Coleman vs. Spanish Superfly & Fox Mask

CZCW Coastal Zone Tag Team Championship Match


Skye & Perez retain their titles.


I'll go with the same as Tigerkinney (and hrdcoresidebrns) for the exact same reasons.

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James Prudence © vs. Donnie J

CZCW Coastal Zone Championship Match

Prudence wins the match and declares that he's gonna take the belt with him up to SWF but someone (not sure who yet) comes down and challenges Prudence and takes the title.


Snap Dragon vs. Masked Cougar vs. Burning EXILE vs. American Optimus

Winner is proclaimed as the NEW #1 Contender to the CZCW Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship

For the same reason as everyone else


The Sensational Ota vs. Matt Sparrow

I just happen to like Ota


Ultimate Phoenix vs. Insane Machine

For the same reason as everyone else


Remme Skye & Frankie Perez © vs. Marc Speed & Al Coleman vs. Spanish Superfly & Fox Mask

CZCW Coastal Zone Tag Team Championship Match

Not yet time for the Champs to lose their belts

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CZCW "Revolution"

Attendance: 768

Show Grade: D


[A shaky, low-quality CZCW highlight video is shown. This video displays some of the more "jaw dropping" moments in the companies history spanning over the last couple of years]


Segment #1

Grade: D+


The show officially kicks off with a video of James Prudence walking into the arena. The entire CZCW roster stands along the sides of the action as they silently stair down the CZCW Coastal Zone Champion. Prudence doesn't seem to really care what their reactions are and goes as far as to smirk at most of them... Occasionally exchanging hello's with the silent on-lookers as he laughs to himself.


When he gets to the end of the line.. there stands Matt Sparrow. Sparrow stairs down Prudence as James has a little fun at the expense of Matt. Mocking him in the sense. Sparrow lets Prudence know that "he can walk out on the CZCW because in the end... He was nothing more than a sell-out from day one". Prudence laughs it off and walks right past Sparrow... who never moves from where he stood. Not even to spin around and watch him leave.


Remmy Skye/Frankie Perez © vs. Marc Speed/Al Coleman vs. Spanish Superfly/Fox Mask

CZCW Coastal Zone Tag Championship Match


The match consisted mostly of Frankie Perez completely dominating the match at everyone's expense (even his tag partner, Remmy). While Skye pulled of an occasional high spot here and there... in the end... He was practically useless as he ended up "lost" most of the time. In the end, it didn't hurt the outcome as Perez carried the team to a victory after forcing Al Coleman to submit within a P-Clutch.


Winners: Remmy Skye & Frankie Perez in 7:02.

Match Grade: D-


Segment #2

Grade: D+


After the previous match comes to a close we are treated to a debuting highlight video of The Sensational Ota. While the video shows some of his indy work, Most of his TCW work goes un-seen due to copyright issues. The video, however, does hype the fact that he was a 5x TCW Cruiserweight champion and an ultimate stand-out as a high spot performer.



The Sensational Ota vs. Matt Sparrow

CZCW Coastal Zone Tag Championship Match


Matt Sparrow gave Ota a run for his money through out the entire match. At one point, Sparrow even scored a 2 1/2 count before Ota was able to grasp the bottom rope. However, the match turned drastically when Sparrow missed a top rope missile dropkick. From there, Ota quickly capitalized on the injured Sparrow and never looked back. Combo after combo... Sparrow tried to defend himself, however, almost always fell flat to the mat in a thunderous fashion. In the end, Ota caught Matt Sparrow climbing to the top rope & quickly executed a top rope fisherman's suplex. Holding the leg on impact and landing the 3 count.


Winner: The Sensational Ota in 7:34.

Match Grade: C-


Segment #3

Grade: D-


Donnie J is seen talking with CZCW owner Cliff Anderson backstage about his match-up tonight. Little is heard as Anderson walks off the scene and leaves Donnie J by himself. Donnie goes to walk back towards the locker room area when he is assaulted from behind by James Prudence. Prudence heinously continues his attack as Donnie never had a chance to defend himself. In the end, Prudence lands a swift DDT on the concrete floor backstage as Donnie looks out cold. CZCW superstars quickly run out to his aide, however, Prudence scurries off the scene laughing the entire time... throwing verbal jabs at those coming out to help.



American Optimus vs. Burning EXILE vs. Masked Cougar vs. Snap Dragon

The Winner is the NEW #1 Contender to the CZCW Xtreme title


Non-stop action is the best way to classify this match-up. On top of that, It seemed like there was a close pinfall a couple times within every minute of the match-up. The highlight of the match was towards the end of the match when American Optimus landed a corkscrew plancha on both Cougar & EXILE who both stood outside of the ring. This was followed by Snap Dragon running full speed and over the top rope landing a forward flipping high spot onto the Masked Cougar who was lucky enough to miss most of Optimus's plancha... however, was unlucky enough to take Dragon's second aerial assault. In the end, however, American Optimus scored the pinfall in quick fashion after he caught the Masked Cougar coming off the top rope & landing a lightning quick superkick to the jaw of the feline flier.


Winner: American Optimus in 10:46.

Match Grade: D


Segment #4

Grade: E+


After the match has finished, The CZCW Coastal Zone Xtreme champion, Flying Jimmy Foxx comes strolling out of the back with his championship firmly around his waist. The two motion towards eachother as the date has been set. American Optimus vs. Flying Jimmy Foxx for the CZCW Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship.


Segment #5

Grade: C-


We cut to a taped video of the Ultimate Phoenix standing before the TV camera in a dimly lit room. The promo is your quintessential self-hype affair where Phoenix touches on a whole slew of topics from the CZCW, James Prudence leaving, the SWF, and ultimately his desire to, someday, be the CZCW Costal Zone Champion. The promo flows really well & shows that Phoenix can carry a segment if need be in the future. As the promo comes to a close he leaves us with a resounding sound bite... "It is my destiny to be CZCW Coastal Zone Champion. Believe me... It's only a matter of time".


Ultimate Phoenix vs. Insane Machine


In arguably the best match of the night, these two competitors gave it their absolute all in front of the CZCW fans. Back and forth was the true essence of this match. No one seemed to truly gain an upperhand through out the entire match. While the match did display a great deal of high spots, In the end, it was the constant flow of the action that made for its greatness. Both men gave a clinic in chain wrestling with the Ultimate Phoenix seen as the obvious stronger competitor in that realm though. In the end, Phoenix was able to score the victory after landing a Phoenix Fire bird splash on the fallen Machine.


Winner: Ultimate Phoenix in 10:27

Match Grade: C-


Segment #6

Grade: D


The match comes to an end as the crowd shows their obvious love of the Ultimate Phoenix. The indy-darling was soaking in the crowds response when he was assaulted by a speedy Sensational Ota from behind. Ota pulls him off the top rope and quickly lunges on top of him with a string of hard elbow strikes. Phoenix was able to wrestle free and regain his footing, however, Ota ends that with a quick bicycle kick to the temple of Phoenix knocking him straight back to the mat. In the end, Ota lands a seated Ota-driver (seated marionette plunge) much to the crowd's dislike.


James Prudence © vs. Donnie J

CZCW Coastal Zone Championship Match

Last Man Standing


The crowd absolutely hated the sight of Prudence and made sure that he knew about it. Throwing trash at him during his entrance and ultimately starting a chant of "You're a sell-out". Donnie J in comparison got a king's response as he was seemingly now the "face of the CZCW".


The match itself was the perfect ending to their CZCW feud. Prudence spent most of the beginning of the match mocking Donnie and the crowd.. Even going as far as to throw the CZCW Championship into the crowd in a show of disrespect. This enraged Donnie and fueled his spark at the beginning of the match. James would later regain the control after Donnie J was caught with a hangman's backdrop on the top rope. The biggest pop came a little later as Prudence went for a piledriver, however, Donnie reversed it... sending James over the top rope and to the cement floor below. This was followed by Donnie landing a springboard moonsault to the outside onto a standing and obviously groggy prudence. Donnie would continue his assault, showing pain from the moonsault, by throwing Prudence all around the ringside area... Even landing a snap suplex on the steel steps as Prudence's back wraps around the steel.


In the end, the two ended up bruised and bloody as Donnie J reverses another DDT attempt by Prudence on the outside and ultimately lands a sit down spinebuster onto the cement below. Prudence barely moves as the ref counts to ten just as Donnie J pulls himself back up to his feet.


Winner: Donnie J, the new CZCW Coastal Zone Champion, in 10:11

Match Grade: D+


Segment #7

Grade: D-


The match comes to an end as Donnie J is handed the CZCW championship. He is met with a standing ovation as he raises the title high into the air. The two time champion is quickly joined in the ring by fellow CZCW superstars Matt Sparrow, Fox Mask, and the Ultimate Phoenix as they all celebrate together in what seems to be a very "real" moment.


Meanwhile, Prudence quickly storms out of the ringside area as the fans around the entrance way let him have it by throwing trash his way. He slips a SWF t-shirt on before he ultimately leaves the ringside area as the crowd quickly turns on him even more. At one point even being pelted in the head with a wad of trash coming from "left field".


Donnie J quickly takes the mic and leads the segment thanking the CZCW fans and ultimately bashing Prudence for "Jumping ship". He declares that he will carry the CZCW championship with pride, dignity, and honor... Something that "Prudence has no idea about". The crowd eats it up as Donnie, Fox, Matt, and Phoenix all take turns declaring tonight as the beginning of a "new era" in the CZCW. In what seems to be a very "realistic" moment (not staged), the 4 CZCW superstars shoot about the SWF, Prudence, and true LOVE for the CZCW. In the end, the four superstars stand in the ring together... united... As the CZCW bids farewell to James Prudence the only way they know how.... With a resounding "CZCW" chant.

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Subject: The incident at CZCW "Revolution" & New CZCW Champion.


Last night's CZCW "Revolution" was truly a powder-keg of emotions. Not only did CZCW main-stay, Donnie J, capture his second CZCW Coastal Zone Championship in dramatic fashion but we also saw the very controversial exit of, now, SWF superstar James Prudence.


When the main event came to a close, Prudence was seen breaking from character and no longer selling his "head injury" that he supposedly suffered at the end of his match-up with Donnie J. He instantly stormed out of the arena, however, not before he could have the last laugh. Prudence was seen slipping on an SWF t-shirt and even insulting most of the fans who bid him "ado" on his way out of the ringside area. Security was even called to the area as a fan was removed from the ringside area after he latched onto Prudence's hair and tried to pull him towards the guardrail. An obvious overtaking of emotions was seen following said match-up.


From there CZCW superstars Donnie J, Fox Mask, Matt Sparrow, and The Ultimate Phoenix then used their time in the spotlight to not only destroy Prudence's name but also declare their absolute love for the CZCW and the CZCW fans.


To those who believe that this was the end of the incident... There was more following the end of the show. James Prudence was seen swearing at practically everyone in the back about a lack of "respect" for the man who was once seen as the biggest heel in the company. A fight almost ensued between Prudence and another un-named member of the CZCW roster backstage, however, was pulled apart by arena security as well as by John "Revolver" Hall himself (how's that for the first night on the job?).


In the end, Prudence was so mad over the situation that he stormed off without retrieving his personal belongings and ultimately yelling at Cliff Anderson on his way out of the arena as he threatened to file a lawsuit against the CZCW and Cliff Anderson for slander & ultimately creating a hostile environment towards him.


As this story continues to flesh out we will update our readers here at totalextremewrestling.com.

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Subject: CZCW reaches contractual agreements with 2 new indy superstars


Word is out of the CZCW that they have finalized two new contractual agreements with indy wrestling superstars Mario Heroic and Hell Monkey.


It's been rumored that both have had name/character changes and are set to go by these aliases...


Mario Heroic is slated to play a mysterious, self-destructive, borderline psychopath named "Manic Mario". The character is said to be played as a face superstar, however, that will have heel tendencies. Another notion that John Hall is looking to blurr the traditional lines of character alignment.


Hell Monkey will be using the in-ring persona of "Damien". The character is also seen as being masterfully dark and ultimately seen as a savage extremist. Someone who is "blood thirsty" as a competitor and is more fixated on absolute violence versus "winning a match". In some circles, people believe that it's this new persona "Damien" that will help the CZCW bring a little more "edge" to their overall product.

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Subject: The final CZCW "Vendetta" card!


The CZCW has officially released the card for their upcoming live event, "Vendetta". There is a rumor going around though that there will be some matches added to the card that have not yet been released.



Donnie J © vs. Matt Sparrow

[CZCW Coastal Zone Championship Match]


The Sensational Ota vs. Ultimate Phoenix

[Grudge match - Following Ota's assault on Phoenix at "Revolution"]


Flying Jimmy Foxx © vs. American Optimus

[CZCW Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship Match]


Frankie Perez/Remmy Skye/Burning EXILE/Fox Mask vs. Snap Dragon/Insane Machine/Damien/Jackson Legend

[4 vs 4 Match]


Mikey James vs. Marc Speed vs. Manic Mario

[Triple Threat Match]





[superstar Key: Manic Mario is Mario Heroic's CZCW persona, Jackson Legend is Davis Wayne Newton's CZCW persona, Damien is Hell Monkey's CZCW persona.

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Donnie J © vs. Matt Sparrow

[CZCW Coastal Zone Championship Match]


Don't see Donnie losing the title in his first defence, and Sparrow is not the man he should drop the belt to in any case.


The Sensational Ota vs. Ultimate Phoenix

[Grudge match - Following Ota's assault on Phoenix at "Revolution"]


As big of a Phoenix mark as I am, I think the heel needs to win the first showdown if this feud is going to have any legs.


Flying Jimmy Foxx © vs. American Optimus

[CZCW Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship Match]


Flying Jimmy isn't all that great, and the Xtreme belt really needs to be on someone more deserving, perfect opportunity to do that title switch.


Frankie Perez/Remmy Skye/Burning EXILE/Fox Mask vs. Snap Dragon/Insane Machine/Damien/Jackson Legend

[4 vs 4 Match]


A coin toss, as both units have their strengths and weaknesses, however team 2 does have two debutants, I feel you will want to come in strong.


Mikey James vs. Marc Speed vs. Manic Mario

[Triple Threat Match]


Another debutant, and again someone you will be looking to put over straight away.

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Donnie J © vs. Matt Sparrow

[CZCW Coastal Zone Championship Match]


The Sensational Ota vs. Ultimate Phoenix

[Grudge match - Following Ota's assault on Phoenix at "Revolution"]


Flying Jimmy Foxx © vs. American Optimus

[CZCW Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship Match]

Frankie Perez/Remmy Skye/Burning EXILE/Fox Mask vs. Snap Dragon/Insane Machine/Damien/Jackson Legend

[4 vs 4 Match]


Mikey James vs. Marc Speed vs. Manic Mario

[Triple Threat Match]

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Love CZCW Diaries! Keep up the good work so far. Very realistic to what it would feel like as a true company in the "real world".


Donnie J © vs. Matt Sparrow

[CZCW Coastal Zone Championship Match]


I can't see Donnie J losing the title that quickly unless you have big plans for Matt Sparrow.


The Sensational Ota vs. Ultimate Phoenix

[Grudge match - Following Ota's assault on Phoenix at "Revolution"]


Ota beat up Phoenix during the last show & I'm sure Phoenix finds a way to score the pinfall.


Flying Jimmy Foxx © vs. American Optimus

[CZCW Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship Match]


Jimmy Foxx is kind of boring.... not totally needed. So, with that being said, I'm giving this one to Optimus.


Frankie Perez/Remmy Skye/Burning EXILE/Fox Mask vs. Snap Dragon/Insane Machine/Damien/Jackson Legend

[4 vs 4 Match]


Snap Dragon & Insane Machine need a win pretty early to establish themselves as being dominant heels... Especially after both lost their matches at the last show.


Mikey James vs. Marc Speed vs. Manic Mario

[Triple Threat Match]


Debuting superstar, Plus Mario could be a big time player for you if you book him right. Love what his character sounds like so far... very.. Raven-esque.

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CZCW "Vendetta"

Attendance: 532

Show Grade: D+


Segment #1

Grade: D


A rusted, low-quality highlight video was shown to kick off the show re-capping what took place at last month's CZCW live event, "Revolution". In this video we see not only Donnie J winning the CZCW Coastal Zone Championship but also Matt Sparrow "finding his voice" and the epic assault that The Sensational Ota laid upon CZCW fan-favorite, Ultimate Phoenix. In the end, we fade to black as we hear the crowd chanting "Good-Bye... A**hole"... Something that was taken from the end of the show as, now, SWF competitor James Prudence was leaving the ringside area.


Mikey James vs. Marc Speed vs. Manic Mario


Despite being a newcomer, People were obviously interested in the young Manic Mario. His antics made most confused as he was normally seen not even paying attention to the action but rather finding different spots around the ring to lean on something and look out at the crowd. Occasionally this would bode as a supreme mistake, however, as this act of not paying attention enraged both Speed & James... and both men found themselves actually teaming together at certain spots to "knock some sense into the newcomer". The match itself though was mostly between Speed & James as the two laid into each other all over the ringside area.


Just as the match was coming to a close, however, Mario slipped in to try to capitalize on both men laying flat in the middle of the ring after a botched superplex. Just then, a masked man wearing a large grey hooded sweatshirt (with the hood up) from the crowd bolted into the ring. He quickly broke up the pinfall that Mario was about to score on Marc Speed. The masked man quickly assaulted Mario with an array of high impact moves... Finally pushing him out of the ring. They then stood in the corner of the ring as the two other competitors slowly rose to their feet. The referee yells at the masked man to "get out" as security begins to file out of the back. The masked man rushes at Mikey James with a running sidekick, however, James quickly moves out of the way and lands the kick square in the chest of Marc Speed.


Security pulls the masked man out of the ring and tries to restrain him, but, he breaks free and runs back into the crowd with his damage already done. Mikey waits for Speed to rise back to his feet and quickly lands a spinning roundhouse kick knocking Speed square to the ground for the three count.


Winners: Mikey James over Marc Speed in 10:31.

Match Grade: D+


Segment #2

Grade: D+


We cut backstage to see a live shot outside of an unknown locker room. The door is wide open, however, there looks to be a large group of both men and women all sprawled about the area... Almost resembling a beach party, however, without a beach in sight. All people in the room are seemingly in their swimsuits and practically naked in most cases as both Cliff Anderson and Farrah Hesketh are heard talking about "who" could be in the room after hearing word that someone of "interest" was reported to be in the room. In the end, it sets up the idea that there is a newcomer set to debut here tonight... and no one really knows who they may be.


InSaNiTy vs. Spanish Superfly


Another newcomer makes his debut as InSaNiTy takes on the Hispanic superstar, Spanish Superfly. The match consists of a lot of chain wrestling... back and forth.. back and forth with only a few breaks for some slight dancing from Superfly. To be exact, whenever Superfly landed any sort of impact move... He could be seen dancing around the ring much to the crowds delight. In the end, the fun-loving fan-favorite, was unable to defeat the mysterious newcomer as InSaNiTy as the masked flier gained the upperhand late in the match and finally finished it off with a high impact top rope leg drop that had both men flop off of the mat.


Winners: InSaNiTy over Spanish Superfly in 10:28

Match Grade: E+


Snap Dragon, Insane Machine, Damien & Jackson Legend vs. Frankie Perez, Remmy Skye, Burning EXILE & Fox Mask


This ended up being one of the craziest matches of the night as all 8 men were ready for a fight. Both Damien & Jackson Legend made their debut on the same team tonight with extremely strong performances. At one point, Damien cleared the entire ring much to the crowd's dismay. Frankie Perez and Remmy Skye worked like a "well oiled machine" in this match-up, constantly using double team monuevers to dominate the heel team... However, in the end, the turning point was when Damien thunderously tackled Frankie Perez & EXILE over the tope rope and to the floor. Jackson Legend also executed a quick hurricanrana on Fox Mask... with both men toppling to the floor.


Now 2 on 1, Machine & Dragon ended up double teaming Remmy Skye and finally defeating him after landing a string of moonsaults from both men.. one after the other... With Machine ultimately hitting the final move and getting the pinfall for the three count.


Winners: Insane Machine over Remmy Skye in 13:21.

Match Grade: D-


Segment #3

Grade: E-


Dragon and Machine celebrate in the ring with one an other as Frankie Perez seemingly "Snaps" after losing the match. He quickly slides back into the ring and attacks both Machine and Dragon from behind.... Knocking them both out of the ring in a shocking display of dominance. He then slowly looks back over at Remmy who is trying to get back up to his feet. Perez slowly walks over to his tag partner (and current co-champion) and stands above him for a second... almost as if he was thinking about what he wants to do. He puts his hands on his hips as Remmy gets back up to his feet.. all the while holding his stomach in pain after the double moonsaults. In the end, Perez walks towards Remmy and pats him on the back as the two of them grab their championships and leave the ringside area.


Masked Cougar vs. Al Coleman


Al Coleman really never had a chance in this match-up. Sure he landed a few strikes here and there, and an occasional impact move... However, in the end, Masked Cougar was far to talented for him. Cougar ended this match-up by knocking coleman to the ground with a lightning quick DDT... Finally, landing a few signature splashes from all over the ring... First while standing above Coleman, next running out to the aipren and springboarding himself, and then finally running to the top rope and landing a high leaping top rope elbow drop.


Winners: Masked Cougar over Al Coleman in 6:23.

Match Grade: D


Segment #4

Grade: E


A highlight video is shown for American Optimus ranging from early videos from Japan all the way up to his win last week to claim the #1 contendership to the CZCW Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship. As the video comes to an end, we see a still shot of Optimus flying in the air as a classic 90's Seattle grunge band knock-off song is heard.


Flying Jimmy Foxx © vs. American Optimus

CZCW Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship Match


Flying Jimmy Foxx was obviously the man the fans backed in this match-up. There was a constant chant of "Fly-by Jimmy" filling the "Snake Pit" as this only fueled the Xtreme Champion to push the boundaries with every single high spot. At one point, the crazed champion, even flew from the top rope out towards Optimus who stood along side the guardrail on the outside... However, Optimus was smart enough to move out of the way and Foxx landed gutt first into the steel rail... Not even moving from that spot. This would open up Optimus to lunge off of the aipren and land a leaping leg drop... Over a bent over Fox and landing into the crowd... However, his back leg running across the back of Fox's head.


Both men looked in pain from the string of actions, however, in the end it was Optimus who was able to take advantage while back in the ring... Ultimately defeating the Xtreme Champion with a roaring tornado DDT which spiked Foxx's head square into the matt.


Winners: American Optimus over Flying Jimmy Foxx. Optimus wins the CZCW Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship.

Match Grade: D


Segment #5

Grade: C-


Ultimate Phoenix comes storming down to the ring with nothing but heated words towards his attacker from Last week, The Sensational Ota. In this promo we are tipped to why Phoenix was assaulted by Ota when it was leaked that Ota & Phoenix had an heavy altercation during an indy show in Mexico back in 2006. Ota was fresh off of being released from TCW and was starting to "spiral" mentally as he frantically searched for work. During an event, backstage, Ota was seen becoming increasingly pissed off when no one was giving him the "respect" he felt he deserved for being a former TCW Stand-out and rather everyone in the back was praising Phoenix. This enraged Ota so much so that he made a very public display of disapproval, Challening Phoenix to a fight backstage to prove "who was better" and Phoenix laughing it off. The two had to be restrained in the end, however, because Ota was seen trashing Phoenix's stuff and ultimately throwing it into the showers. As the promo comes to a close, Phoenix proclaims that the only reason Ota came after him was because he "knows that he can't keep up with him in the ring".


Ultimate Phoenix vs. The Sensational Ota


Phoenix's promo didn't sit well with Ota. The former TCW stand-out rushed to the ring and the two engaged in a drop down drag out brawl around the ring. There wasn't a technical move seen in the match for the first 2 minutes as both men were too busy trying to pound the other into the mat. When things started to somewhat settle down though... It seemed that Phoenix was always one step ahead of Ota. Whenever Ota would land a big move... Phoenix found a way to either counter it or recover quickly from its impact. The match was all but done as Phoenix went to land a twisting aerial assault... however... Ota pulled the referee in the way and Phoenix ended up mowing over the ref instead.


From there, Ota quickly grabbed a steel chair from ringside and waited for Phoenix to rise back to his feet. In the end, Phoenix tried to put up a fight... however... the weapon proved to be too much. Ota viciously laid out Phoenix in a round of baseball like swings of the steel chair all over the body of Phoenix... Finally, landing the final leaping chair shot over the skull of Phoenix... His legs buckled and he fell flat to the mat. Ota awoke the referee and in a haze... he counted the three.


Winners: The Sensational Ota over Ultimate Phoenix in 14:52.

Match Grade: C+


Segment #6

Grade: D+


After the match, Ota was seen taunting Phoenix, who tried to pull himself back up to his feet. Whenever Phoenix would get close to regaining his footing... Ota would land another chair shot square across his back... having him slump back down to the mat. You could hear Ota yelling out "get up"... "get up"... in broken english as he waited for Phoenix to try to once again get back up to his feet. Finally ending the segment with a brutal swing of the chair to the side of the head of Phoenix as he staggered to his knees... looking up at Ota as if to say "F*ck you".


Donnie J © vs. Matt Sparrow

CZCW Coastal Zone Championship Match


This wasn't the Matt Sparrow we had all written off for years now in this matchup. Sparrow never let up his guard... constantly going at 110% and even coming close on a couple of occasions to winning the championship from Donnie J. The closest moment came as Sparrow landed a flipping DDT monuever which planted Donnie J on the top of his head from a reverse angle. Both men took forever to re-coop, as Sparrow went for the pinfall but was too close to the ropes and Donnie's leg was seen out of the ring. Sparrow would try to repin him in the middle of the ring but Donnie was conscious by then and was able to kick out at 2 and a 1/2.


The two went at it tooth and nail up until the end of the match... Neither man giving an inch and both men obviously showing respect for the other. In the end, Sparrow went for a powerbomb on the champion... and Donnie J was able to slip out and grab the back of Sparrow's head... Landing a huge front face slam on Sparrow. Finally, setting up for "Death on Miami Beach" and getting the pinfall.


Winners: Donnie J over Matt Sparrow in 13:59. Donnie J retains the CZCW Coastal Zone Championship.

Match Grade: D+


Segment #7

Grade: D


The match comes to an end as both Sparrow and Donnie J shake hands in the middle of the ring as a sign of respect. Sparrow points to the championship and applauds Donnie as he exits the ring to allow the champ to celebrate his victory. However, just as this goes down...


We hear an annoying techno beat fill the arena as a posse of about 20 people pile out of the back and stand in the crowded isleway leading to the ring. Everyone looks as if they could be an Abercrombie and fitch model as they wear practically nothing and stand as if they were better than anyone else. Just then, we see newly debuting superstar... Mainstream Hernandez walk out of the back with a CZCW mic in hand. Hernandez, who also looks as if he could be an abercrombie and fitch model, is shirtless and wearing a pair of board shorts and shades.... As he takes this time to cut off Donnie's music and let him know that there was a "new mega-star" in the CZCW and that was Mainstream Hernandez.


Hernandez would go on to talk about how he is the next personification of Donnie J... A young beach-bound superstar who has the flying ability to "wow the crowd" (meanwhile the crowd is boo'ing him like crazy but he doesn't seem to care... or even notice for that matter)... However, this version of the beach-bound hunk was going to do bigger and better things than Donnie ever did. He talks of Donnie being out of shape, old, over-the-hill, and needing to step aside so Hernandez can take his rightful place at the top of the Coastal Zone. He then also goes on to talk about who better to be the king of the west coast than him? He runs with the west coast crowd... He personifies California... while.... Donnie J personifies "Florida"..... as he is seen as "needing to go to the nursing home". (Which is funny cause Donnie is still young himself, however, seen as an old veteran compared to the green Hernandez).


In the end, Hernandez challenges Donnie for his CZCW Championship as Donnie throws the belt over his shoulder and motions for Hernandez to come "get some" in the ring. Mainstream takes this as a "yes" and then pisses off the crowd even more as he says he is "unable to wrestle tonight as he's heading out to the beach and doesn't want to bruise..." as it would "scare off the ladies". So, in stead, Hernandez sets the match-up for "Uprising" and then walks off the scene along with his posse of abercrombie and fitch models as Donnie looks pissed at what has just transpired.



Writer's Thoughts: I hope you enjoyed the show! I'm still getting in the swing of what I want to do with certain characters but I think I'm starting to see where I want to go with things. This show was set to bring in a whole slew of new characters to the fold with Hernandez really getting the biggest push of them all. In my eyes, Hernandez is what CZCW is all about... West Coast Wrestling. Instead of making him a fun babyface... I thought his A&F persona would work best to alienate the fans and ultimately bring him into being that kind of person you can't stand from the Coast.


Also, the Ota & Phoenix feud has many layers to come. Tonight's show was just there to show how they go to this point. I'm excited to see how these two pan out... Especially since they pulled a great match-up (the best match of the night).

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Random Diary Note: So as you can see with my last show, Mainstream Hernandez is someone I'm looking to push up the ranks. My reasons were many, however, as I was playing through the game today I was given yet another reason.


A week after "Vendetta", Hernandez's big debut with the CZCW, Cliff Anderson and Mainstream Hernandez became loyal to eachother. Instantly, I received a new "owners goal" telling me that it is under high importance that I get Hernandez's momentum to a C- in the next 2 years. An easy goal none the less, especially since I was planning on pushing him anyways, but it was funny/shocking to see all of this take place as fast as it did. A week earlier he was making his debut with the company and then a week later... He's so important to the boss that he's become loyal to him.


The next card (for "Uprising") should be up within the next few days. If you want to leave your thoughts on who will/should win then go ahead! I love to see what others think about what to do and see how close it comes to my own thoughts and direction.

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The Official Website of Coastal Zone Championship Wrestling


Subject: The Coastal Zone goes Mainstream!


"Vendetta" marked the debut of the hottest young talent in the U.S. and the man many believe could make history next month at "Uprising", Mainstream Hernandez. In a shocking surprise, Mainstream made his arrival official when he closed the show in an epic manor... Challenging current CZCW Coastal Zone Champion, Donnie J, to a match-up at the CZCW's upcoming live event "Uprising".


The match-up alone would be monumental, however, it takes on a whole new level as it's been confirmed to be a CZCW Coastal Zone Championship match. If Hernandez can somehow come away with the win... He will be the first CZCW superstar to win the Coastal Zone Championship in his very first match with the promotion.


This has caused absolute carnage backstage, however, as many established CZCW superstars have been very vocal about a newcomer receiving a title shot straight out of the gate.... Something unheard of in the world of the Coastal Zone. So much so that we were able to speak exclusively with CZCW superstar and co-Coastal Zone Tag Champion, Frankie Perez.


"It's absolute crap if you ask me. The CZCW isn't like these half-ass entertainment companies... You can't just walk in the door and declare yourself the #1 contender. I don't know why Cliff [Anderson] would sign off on this match as there are 5-10 guys in the back who deserve a title shot before this little punk does. Hell, I deserve a shot over that [censor]."


When we reached out to Mainstream Hernandez for a counter quote this is all we received from his agent.


"Mainstream Hernandez is unable to speak about contractual subjects such as his upcoming title match. However, he is dedicated to winning the Coastal Zone Championship and will have that opportunity at Uprising."


Needless to say, It seems that the youngster has already caused a major stir within the organization. We have yet to speak to the CZCW Coastal Zone Champion, Donnie J, about the manor, however many believe that he will address the youngster at "Uprising" before their match-up.

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