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EWA - Aim for the Top~!

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Pablo was a wrestling fan as he grew up.


Luis Figo was his favorite wrestler of all time. They both shared the same home country of Spain and Luis chracter of a "never say die gentleman" inspired Pablo in his ealier years.


Despite his love for the business and his passion for the ring, Pablo had heart problems who never really helped him go to the ring. After trainning with Figo for just one year, he gave up and decided to become a writer in Salamanca.


Several years have passed. Figo is gone. The European wrestling scene is dieing all together.


Two promotions are left in the old world. European Wrestling All-Stars and Ultimate European Wrestling.


One is focused in the enterteinement aspect of the wrestling while the other one is all about tradition.


Pablo sent his resumé to both.


For Pablo's surprise, EWA actually called him up. Byron wanted to talk to him personally.




"So so! You are the legendary Jay Heartbreaker! Byron! Am I correct?"

Said the excited youngster.


While Pablo is seated in front of a business table, Byron silently stands up and turn his back to Pablo, directing his attention to the massive window on the office as if he stared at Bremen's star clad skyline.


"Kid. Why do you think I called you up here? In my office?"


Pablo opens a smile.


"You must've liked what you read! I spent weeks writting that line up with EWA product in mind. I think I have a good mind for this business er...I mean...I think I can help you in your shuffle with the UEW."


Byron slowly turn his attention to Pablo.


"Really? That is not why I called you up kid."


Byron open a smirk.


"I have no interesting in UEW. To me they are all old bored wrestlers that just want to go through the motions and call it a day. I have better things to do. EWA deserves a better class of wrestler and product. Kid, I am aiming for the top! Europe wrestling scene is nothing. Nothing I tell you! We need to revive this. We need to show the world that not only we have a market, we have the workers. Yes I know it's a foolish dream but kid, I read your text. You are as foolish as me."


Pablo looks confused.


"I-I am not sure what you mean sir."


Byron slowly aproaches Pablo.


"You are hired kid. You are about as nuts as I am. We will meet next week with the other boys to discuss the first EWA show. I hope your writting still remain as weird and unique as the draft you sent me. Now get away from my office!"


Pablo just saluted and stormed out of the room, with a confused yet determined look in his face.


((OOC Yep. That's right. A EWA diary aiming for GLOBAL~. This will be very very hard so that's why I need you guys helping me up on this. Feedback, both posite and negative are always apreciated.))




Anna Ki



Young Anna Ki is a very beautiful russian girl with decent performance skills and mat based skills. But despite being a pretty face with a twist, there isn't much about her. She is perfect for wrestling filler matches though.


Aria Moore



Very good looking italian girl. Her skills are beyond limited though I believe I can use her to give a extra something for a stable of lower midcarders I want to push - The Fashionistas! She just fit perfectly on the role I have on mind. Plus, she is very, VERY cheap.


Arson Wells



EWA current road agent AND color commentary! Frankly he is pretty decent in his two roles.


Bam Bam Johansson



Current EWA Universal champion. Eh I don't think he is ready. But if the big guy perservere in the upper mid card maybe he can get another run. Because all he got going for him right now is his size. Current managed by Stetson Hatt.





The excentric english man with the desilusion of grandeur. Pablo is unsure if Byron mean's business but he won't let one of his favorite wrestlers of all time down. Byron is a great brawler with a unique look, character, charisma and on top of all that he is a estabilished star.


Doctor Insane



An old wrestler, but he can still tell a story both inside and outside the ring. EWA can really benifit from his star power and interesting character. I hope nonetheless.


Frank de Pain



A talented youngster. But he isn't very charismatic. Current co-holder of EWA Tag title. While he could improve with time, EWA doesn't seem the best place for him.


Ruud Van Anger



Ruud is one year older than Frank. He holds the other half of the EWA Tag title. I don't see much future on him despite his decent skills. Still he plays his tag team role very well.


Geena the Warrior Princess


Great in the ring, great outside the ring, Geena is a great asset for EWA. She is the best women wrestler in the roster AND she can cut a promo. Hell she is better than most male workers in the company.


Giofranco Morelli



A youngster from Italy, Morelli has a amazing charismatic aura around him. He can't work to save his own life but he is still a very decent talker that plays his part in the tag team "The Fashionistas" very well. Still, if he doesn't improve, he will be stuck on the opening card forever.


Haiti Voodude



A Jamaican? In Europe? That can actually work, cut a promo, and play interesting character? The only thing in the way of super stardom for Voodude is his age. He still got some segments and matches in him though, he will be great to build up stars.


Jed High



Jed High is one of the few stars of UCR that signed with EWA instead of UEW. He is charismatic, can have a fast paced match and has a unique look and gimmick. He is currently managed by Simona Cox, his actual girlfriend.


Toby Juan Kanobi



Toby is a bit older than Jed but he is just as good as he is. Both of them have a shinning future for them ahead in EWA. If only they weren't tag partners...He is also managed by Simona Cox.


Jeri Behr



Jeri Behr has her looks and...Pretty much it going for her. Not sure how to use her, or use her at all.


Jonathan Faust



A young prospect with loads of charisma and decent skills. Faust is amazing for EWA for his unique aura. He needs to be build up though.


Mark Stamford



Stamford is a pretty bland announcer. At least he is solid and almost never slip up. But other than that, I don't think he is that great.


Miss Information



A decent female wrestler with an amazing look and persona. Miss Information can become much more than she is right now with the right booking.


Patrick Garrett



Garrett is a bland, generic referee. For some reason he is getting some cheers or so Byron told me. Ugh...Let's him do his referee job in peace I say.


Poppa Punisher


Abraham Slam AKA Poppa Punisher is a decent worker that other than looking like a tough mofo and having some decent brawling skills still is far from perfect. He is usuable though.


Puffy the Iron Sand Player



Puffy is perfect for his current role. The main problem I have it that the tag teams have all different styles. The faces are high fliers while heel teams like Poppa and Puffy are mainly brawlers! oh what to do what to do...


Roberto Milano



Milano can cut a promo, can play some interesting characters, know to do some cool looking submission moves and can tell a story in the ring. His size isn't nothing special though. Maybe the upcoming "The Fashionistas" angle shake things up for this worker a bit.


Scarlet White (AKA: Larry Wood)



Larry Wood is on the end of his carrer. Yet I have a feeling he still has something up on his sleeve. The man is a genius inside and outside the ring. I think he can shake up EWA and show to the younger workers that you need to be smart and keep yourself fresh and interesting. He is currently playing a "Demon" gimmick...More on that later.


Simona Cox



Your standard female valet. I have some things in my mind for her but nothing big really.


Stetson Hatt



I don't like Hatt. He is smug and snob. He is a natural heel heat magnet though.


Super Falcon



Poor Super Falcon! A decent High Flier who never developted and has no charisma what-so-ever. He is the current EWA International champion. He will be stuck in the midcard unless he ups the ante.


White Knight



White Knight has been with the UCR for some time now and he sided with Byron. He looks old, but determined to help out to make and even be a star. The man got talent and size.


Wonder Boy



Wonder Boy is a charismatic worker that buys too much on his own hype. If he had a better attitude and mind for the business his star would already have shine. He is in EWA because I still think he can overcome his problems.




First Card announced in ewa.uk! "Super Wrestling Wars" !


Byron vs. Bam Bam Johansson for the EWA Universal Title

Puffy vs. Poppa, Bonus Match! (AKA "I have no freaking idea to do crap crap crap")

Doctor Insane vs. White Knight, Insane return match

Wonder Boy vs. Super Falcon for the Intercontinental Title

The Force vs. Double Dutch

Geena vs. Miss Information, first EWA match ever!


Predict as you want, tomorow I will post the card.


First try at a diary, ALL feedback is wanted.

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EWA Super Wrestling Wars

Bremen Hall, saturday week 4 of january

133 people at attendance


Curtain Open!


The show opens with Byron standing on the the bright yellow and blue EWA ring.



"Welcome everone and thanks for coming! We, the European Wrestling All-Stars are gratefull that you guys did show up! And by God, you will receive a class A show. Trust ol' Byron on that one!"


After the cheap pop, Byron opens a smile and continue.


"The main event will feature our fighting champion, Mister Johansson agains't yours trully! I hope he does pass the Byron test as he should! But for the first match ever of EWA, we have a special treat for you! Yes! Geena versus Miss Information! Two young and bright women prospects from the world of wrestling, for you!"


After a good pop, Doctor Insane and two hooded figures storm the ring! Insane is holding the stick.




"You know Byron. After all these years of bitter fighting we two shared, I though you were insane. I really did. And trust me, I can tell. I am a doctor of all matters Insane. And these crap you just said just proves it! Women matches? As the first one of EWA? Please. I have much better wrestlers to offer this German crowd. From the depts of Jamaican Jungle, he is know as Haiti Voodude!"


The first cloaked figure removes his hood to reveal Haiti Voodude




He then proceeds to step closer to Byron and stares him with a smug yet evil grin.


"And of course my own handiwork! A wrestler made in a laboratory! He is...Scarlet White!"


The second hooded figure removes his hood, revealing a very big man wearing a gruesome mask!




The crowd, confused, popped for Doctor Insane introduction.


"Now what do you say Byron? Want to let my wrestlers go on and have an amazing match? Or you will let these common skanks stink up this gym?"


Insane gets some crowd heat for calling Geena a "skank".


"Now wait just a minute my good doctor! I am just an enforcer of the EWA bookers. We will have the first EWA match ever, a female match! We can't change the show just because you want to promote your two new wrestlers."


Insane looks furious.


"Well fine then mister Tan-in-a-Can! We, the Insane Incorporated will not stand down. Want to have your circus female match? Just go ahead! You will regret this decision greatly! Voodude! Scarlet! Let's get the hell of this lousy gym."


And just like that, Insane stormed out the ring. Voodude stares Byron a bit more before leaving. Scarlet White gets even closer to Byron, and yells in his face




Byron just step back looking puzzled. Scarlet White follows Voodude afterwards.



Segment Rating: C-


Geena the Warrior Princess vs. Miss Information


http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/6637/geenaprincess.jpg http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/9070/missinformation.jpg


The match wasn't your standard women match. Miss Information focused her efforts into working Geena's right leg, appling submission holds and dropkicks to it. Geena was pretty clueless since she doesn't seem to work well agains't submission moves. She tried her best to sell the moves but she ended up selling the wrong leg for a good portion of the match. The match ending was Geena rolling up a confused Miss Information after a strong forearm shot to her stomach.


Winner: Geena The Warrior Princess

Match Rating: E


After the match, Haiti Voodude storms the ring again! Geena manages to escape but Miss Information stays in the ring. She tries kicking Haiti in the nuts but he no sells it! Voodude lights a fire ball into Miss Information face, who falls and rolls over to the outside, selling the fireball. Voodude just laughes and goes after her.


He grabs Miss Information by her hair and start gently biting her neck as she struggles to get free from his grip. Dies Irae blast through the cheap production speakers and WHITE KNIGHT~ comes out from the back to the rescue!




Knight hits Voodude in his stomach using the white mace. Voodude lets Miss Information go, and she just runs away crying to the back. Both big men stare down, before Voodude bails out.


Angle Rating: C-


Super Falcon vs. Wonder Boy

EWA European Title


Super Falcon was on his "flipity" mode turned on and all he did was jump around on this match. Wonder Boy tried his best to keep up with the pace and protect the flow of the match. W-Boy offense also constitued of less than stelar flying move, with the highlight coming from a flying leg lariat. The ending saw Wonder Boy trying a flying cross body, missing Super Falcon and hitting the referee. Wonder Boy tried to help the referee to stand up, Super Falcon tried to helo as well...When Super Falcon was helping the referee, Wonder Boy puts his brass knuckles on and punch Super Falcon to the back! He then quickly rolls him over and a woozy referee makes a slow count to 3!


Wonder Boy under a avalanche of boos goes outside, grabs the European title and storms off to the back.


Winner: Wonder Boy

Match Rating: E+


The Fashionistas!


Datashow burst a stream video into Bremen's Hall left wall.


All the german audience can see is two bald smilling Italians, who remain in silence for a couple seconds. Until the one dressed in a suit takes the lead.




"Hey there hey there Bremen! They call me Roberto Milano, fabulous shooter and this one here is Giofranco Morelli! We can't join you german fat asses..."


Boos followed by German outrage.


"...today because we are in a business meeting you see!"


Morelli gets closer to the camera




"Aaaaaw yeah! So ya better shut ya face because ya don't know whaccha is commin' to ya Bremen! Oh-ho~! We scored and we did it big! We got the HOTTEST manager EVER. Her name is...Aria Mooooooore!"


Milano pulls Morelli out the camera, that pans up to show the German audience a smoking hot italian woman, dressing a top, a small skirt and a leather jacket.




she leans foward to the camera and open a smile.


"Hi there...I heard Milano and Morelli wanted a hot manager to their little posse so they hired the best one in Italy. My name is Aria Moore. Pleased to meet you, Bremen scum."


Boos (and some cheers) can be heard in the audience.


Morelli resumes his butt monkey-ry


"Milano! You said she would bring us together to capture the EWA tag team titles!"


Aria opens an even bigger smile, she hugs Morelli with one arm and Milano in the other, leaning their balded heads into her breats.


"Yes! I will bring you two victory! I promised!"


Both Morelli and Milano open massive smile as the Datashow slowly fades the stream.


Angle Ratings: D


Doctor Insane w/ Scarlet White vs. White Knight


http://img25.imageshack.us/img25/5319/drinsane.jpg vs. http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/3843/whiteknight.jpg


Doctor Insane is acompany to the ring with Scarlet White, who keeps yelling at the audience. White Knight enters to his theme, Dies Irae.


The match was...Bland. Insane ran the old "I hit you, you hite me" rotine not letting White Knight hit his flashy suplex or anything, which really made the audience bored. The finish was after White Knight managed to hit a piledrive he was going to the cover but Scarlet White quickly sweep his legs with a punch from outside the ring. Insane quickly covered up a confused Knight while leaning his feet on the ropes.



Winner: Doctor Insane

Match Rating: E+


The Force w/Simona Cox vs. Double Dutch



http://img4.imageshack.us/img4/5200/tobyjuankanobi.jpg w/ http://img27.imageshack.us/img27/6038/simonacox.jpg vs. http://img23.imageshack.us/img23/4880/frankdepain.jpg



Simona Cox played the "damsel in boredom" part, rolling her eyes while Jed High and Toby Juan Kanobi dance intro the entrance ramp to the theme of Star Trek (yes). They quickly ascend the ring while Simona Cox sits by the apron doing her nails.


The Double Dutch high five some fans, wearing the straps on their sholders.


The match itself was not really special, which is a surprise since all the young prospects in the ring are amazing workers. The problems was that the Flying Dutch went overboard with their flying moves, no selling some of The Force offense. Jed High brought the match together after doing a cool flying DDT spot.


The ending saw Toby pinning Frank de Pain after a moon sault. Text book bout.

Winner: The Force

Match Rating: E+

Puffy vs. Poppa


Big Poppa vs. Puffy. Filler match that saw Puffy playing his gimmick very well...He even hit Poppa with a golf club before pinning him. Poppa hugged Puffy after the bout and they both flipped the bird to the audience, that reacted as if they were robbed of a main event or something. Ugh.


Winner: Puffy the Iron Sand Player

Match rating: E




Byron vs. Bam Bam Johansson w/ Stetson Hatt


http://img27.imageshack.us/img27/7420/byron.jpg vs. http://img4.imageshack.us/img4/8729/bambamjohansson.jpg w/ http://img25.imageshack.us/img25/2783/stetsonhatt.jpg


Byron entrered the stage wearing long white tighs with two yellow stars in each leg. The "Ravel's Bolero" blastered through the speakers. Huge reaction for the UCR star.




Kjendisparty plays and the NORWEIAN ALPHA MALE~ comes out from the back with Stetson Hatt yelling english insults to the germans. Bam Bam slowly walks up to the ring, wearing the EWA Universal title.


Onto the match. Byron tries to lock up to Bam Bam, but is pushed away. He tries again and is pushed to the ropes. As he rebounds, he hits Bam Bam with a forearm to the chin. Bam Bam no sells it, and hit Byron with a forearm of his own. And another, and another. Byron is down. Bam Bam just step over him.


One...Kick out.


Byron quickly raises to his feet. He focus his offense to Bam Bam left leg, hitting a couple of low kicks. Bam Bam tries his best to sell Byron offense but he seems pretty clueless, going down to his knee after the third low kick. Byron runs to the ropes and returns with a knee lift to the big guys chin. Bam Bam is down, Byron quickly covers it.


One...Byron is throw away by the ALPHA MALE strenght


Bam Bam quickly gets up on his feet, he looks very pissed. He quickly grabs Byron and bodyslams him. Johansson then run to the ropes and returns with a massive elbow drop.


Byron raise up with some trouble. Bam Bam just laugh at him and try a straight punch against challenger, Byron blocks it. Bam Bam tries a big boot to the face, Byron catches it, and sweeps his other leg. Byron applies a Step over toe hold to the confused Bam Bam.


Johansson has trouble selling the hold, but he quickly pulls Byron to the hopes by moving his massive leg. Byron returns with a cross body though, both collaps to the floor, Byron on top!


One...Two...Two count!


Bam Bam throws Byron to the air on his kick out. He seems pretty pissed, he hits a kick to Byron's gut (eoch), who goes down to one knee. Bam Bam puts him betewen his legs. then raise Byron up for a power bomb manuever. Byron hits a elbow to Bam Bam's temple!


The big guy seems dazed, Byron turns around Bam Bam head and then applies a VICTORY ROLL~!


After rolling entangled with Bam Bam into the floor, the referee start the count after Byron holds both legs of the big guy.




Byron slides outside the ring. Bam Bam raises up as a enraged beast, yelling and cursing everthing and everone!


Winner: Byron


Match Rating: D

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No offense or anything, but do you think 32 is an old wrestler? I know I usually fail in this category too, that over 30 are old, but then I look at WWE's ME -scene: Triple H, Undertaker, Michaels and all.


If you are talking about White Knight. No I don't feel that 32 is old at all, hell I once had Tito Santana still not "feel" old till he were in his 60s in a real data game.


I added that line to hint that White Knight is in the beginning of the decline of his skills, or so does the database say so. He will be a part of the show as long as I can, since he is one of my favorite wrestlers ever since TEW 2007.


Later today I will post a recap with EWA news, news around the world of wrestling, and hell maybe even the next show.


Also, if you could give me feedback about the matches, if they are too short, or too long, I would apreciate it.

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32 isn't typically old. In my EWA game Louis Figo Manico is 42 and miraculously not showing any signs of aging.


Though you should be wary, as guys can start showing signs of age as early as 30. Happened to me with Sergei Kalashnov, I'm afraid. He's still a world class talent (as far as Europe goes).

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No I meant Haiti Voodude.


And a tip, you could make those pics shown, not linke. Like this: <-- Your link there





He is mostly a unknow wrestler with decent (for the promotion size) skills and overness, so I am kinda wary of pushing him since he can decide to not improve at all after some years. Surpingsly, he is coming up just fine. So maybe calling him old was stupid of my part.


About the pics, they don't show up in my browser. But thanks for the tip I will use it so anyone that can see will see.

32 isn't typically old. In my EWA game Louis Figo Manico is 42 and miraculously not showing any signs of aging.


In my other 3 past EWA games LFM always was acted like a spanish Ric Flair!

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