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Rocky's WCW (2001)

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Rocky's WCW




Press Release:

On March 26 of this year, World Championship Wrestling (WCW), a wrestling company previously owned by Turner Broadcasting, came to an abrupt end. After weeks of speculation, it look as though WCW will re-open its doors. Many "interested" prospective buyers were reportedly interested in WCW, including the owner of its main competitor, the World Wrestling Federation (WWF), Vince McMahon.


However, the final bid finally went to an Academy Award-nominated actor, director, producer and screenwriter. He is most famous for his role as "Rocky Balboa" in the series of Rocky movies portraying an underdog boxer. Much like his character Rocky, Sylvester Stallone will take control of the struggling WCW whose bank account has sufficiently declined. With the help of anonymous backers, Stallone is confident about his purchase.


"I've been a fan of competitive sports my whole life", Stallone said. "Wrestling, even though it's more entertainment, is competitive in the sense that WCW has always competed with WWF, and my goal is to make WCW the number one wrestling business in the world."


Stallone went on to say that he wants to build future stars that had made WWF so successful in the past, while at the same time, utilize the current stars that the company has. He promised for an entertainment driven show with lots of twists and turns.

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From WCW.com:

WCW Monday Nitro and WCW Thunder will continue their long running traditions, but this time to a new host. The shows will now air on MTV. Nitro will air during its normal Monday Night time slot from 9-11 pm, however WCW Thunder will now air on Thursday nights from 11pm-12am.


Check back soon to see the WCW Monday Nitro preview for its inaugural edition on MTV!

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:eek: I think I read your mind when I started my diary lol, I'll keep checking in and compare how we do against each other.


You must have! Yea, it will definitely be interesting to compare and contrast. No easy task to save WCW at this point, but I figured, hell, if anyone can do it, it's gotta be Mr. Underdog himself - Rocky Balboa!


I'll be sure to keep a close eye on your diary and I'm glad you'll be checking in on mine.

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WCW Monday Nitro Preview

Week 1, May 2001


World Championship Wrestling will begin it's rebirth on MTV under the new ownership of Sylvester Stallone. Some very big news is in store for the show as Stallone has promised to open things up with a bang this Monday. He went as far as to say that the main event he has planned for the show is "legendary".


After studying tape after tape of Nitros, Thunders and various house shows, Stallone has come to many conclusions as to who he wants in the ring and who the fans want to see in the ring. Although nothing has been set in stone, he has scheduled the following matches to take place on Nitro:


Dustin Rhodes vs. Shane Douglas


Big Vito vs. Lance Storm


Konnan and Rey Mysterio (of The Filthy Animals) vs. Chuck Palumbo and Sean O'Haire (of Natural Born Thrillers)


Booker T vs. Lex Luger


Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Mike Awesome


Along with his promise of a spectacular main event, Stallone has gone on to say that nobodies job is safe right now and that everyone has something to prove to him regardless of how many tapes he's watched.


Scott Hudson and Bobby Heenan will bring you the action this Monday LIVE from the Silver Spurs Arena in Kissimmee, Florida. Tune in to WCW Monday Nitro on MTV to see what surprising and exciting plans Stallone has for WCW!

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WCW Monday NitroLive at Silver Spurs Arena in Kissimmee, Florida

Week 1, May 2001


Rocky's WCW

Pyros fill Silver Spurs arena as 8,439 fans roar for the inagural edition of WCW Monday Nitro on MTV under the new ownership of Sylvester Stallone.


"Gonna Fly Now", a familiar song to any movie fans, blares through the speakers. The crowd rises in anticipation as Sylvester Stallone comes out surrounded by bodyguards.


Scott Hudson: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to WCW Monday Nitro on MTV! As you can see, things have changed a lot here recently, including who runs this place. The man famous for mounting comebacks...

Bobby "The Brain" Heenan: That's not all he mounts.

Hudson: Shut it Brain. As I was saying, the man for mounting comebacks is hoping to overcome all odds and take WCW to the top.


Stallone steps onto the apron and raises his arms in celebration.


Hudson: And now we silence for a monumental speech.

Heenan: Monumentus. What? It's a word. Look it up.


As Stallone holds his microphone in hand, he brings it to his lips and then pulls it away again to soak in the excitement. The crowd roars. Finally, he speaks.


Stallone: You know, my whole life I had people tellin' me I couldn't do nothin, you know. That I wouldn't be nothin'. People have been sayin' the same thing about this company. My whole life, I've proved people wrong, you know, and I am going to keep provin' 'em wrong! But first, I promised you people somethin' and I don't break promises. Tonight's main event, without further ado, you know, is gonna be a Legend versus Legend match. The Hulkster, Hulk Hogan, a good buddy of mine, will fight The Stinger, Sting, in tonight's main event!


Hudson: Wow! What a great match that's going to be!

Heenan: You know, it will be ok, you know?

Hudson: You're no Rocky, Brain.

Heenan: No but I'm built like a rock. Hudson, you're just as dumb as a rock.


Stallone: And for my second surprise. We're startin' things over. All the champs here, all the titles, I vacated them. We're gonna make our own Rockys here in WCW. Guys are gonna have to prove themselves.


A Siren sounds in the arena.


Hudson: Oh boy, we know who this is.

Heenan: Now, this guy is a rock.


Scott Steiner, the now previous WCW World Heavyweight Champion, walks out to the stage area holding a microphone and sporting street clothes.


Steiner: What the hell Stallone? Who the hell do you think you are? You come out here and talk your talk and you babble on and on while butchering the English language. Then, mister all high and mighty himself decides that he is going to vacate MY World title? You're washed up Stallone. You're just tryin to get your little spotlight back. Face it, you're no Rocky here.


Stallone remained motionless until Steiner finished his rant, at which point he finally spoke.


Stallone: I thought I might see you out here Steiner, so I did a little plannin'. I'll give you a shot to earn your belt back, but it's gonna be against someone, who from what I've seen, is far overdue for another shot. That man, I believe, goes by Goldberg! When it happens, I don't know. Where it happens, I don't know. But if you wanna chance to win it back, then it will have to happen!


The crowd went wild as Steiner began going irrate. Chants of Goldberg's name began echoing.


Hudson: Goldberg vs. Steiner for the gold. Who knows where or when it will happen, but I have a feeling it will happen!

Heenan: Or, you never know, Goldberg could wimp out.


Dustin Rhodes vs. Shane Douglas

http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/DustinRhodes.jpg vs. http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/Rename/ShaneDouglas2.jpg


Douglas takes early control of this match by attacking Rhodes before the bell even rings. Finally the bell rings, but now Rhodes is at a clear disadvantage. Douglas then applied an arm wrench followed by a swift fist drop, taking Rhodes to the mat. Finally, Rhodes was able to turn the tide as he implemented a vertical suplex on Douglas. He picked Douglas up and tossed him into the corner. Ten punches later, much to the appeasement of the crowd, came the Curtain Call. Rhodes pins Douglas and Charles Robinson makes the count: 1..... 2..... 3!


Dustin Rhodes defeated Shane Douglas in 7:48 by pinfall with the Curtain Call.


Outsider, Gone Insider, Gone Untouchable

Backstage, Kevn Nash is sitting in front of a camera. No microphone and no interviewer.


Kevin Nash: I've done all I've ever wanted to do in this business and I've done it many different ways. I'm a revolutionary, in a sense. I was WWF Champion, came to WCW and formed the nWo, the hottest thing to ever hit wrestling, then formed the Wolfpac and finally teamed with Page as the Insiders until I was out of his league. Any way you look at it, I'm untouchable. I even ended a streak that 174 others before me couldn't do against Bill Goldberg to win the WCW World title. So, wrestlers out there, consider this an open challenge. Give me a reason to prove myself again.


Big Vito vs. Lance Storm

http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y250/bobinc/Request/BigVito.jpg vs. http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/L%20Images/Lance_Storm.jpg


Lance Storm takes the early advantage by executing an array of elbow smashes and kicks, but Vito rebounds quickly by hitting a body slam. With Storm on the mat, Vito drops a couple of quick elbows until on the third try, Storm rolls out of the way. Storm bounces to his feet and as Vito turns around, he turns into a spine buster. "Storm Sucks" chants begin forming as he is really beginning to play off the crowd. Finally, Storm catches Vito with the Canadian Maple Leaf. Referee Billy Silverman is asking if Vito gives up... he fights it... fights it.. and finally taps out to Storm.


Lance Storm defeated Big Vito in 7:24 by submission with the Canadian Maple Leaf


Konnan and Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Chuck Palumbo and Sean O'Haire

http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Konnan.jpghttp://i322.photobucket.com/albums/nn439/ttmackin16/Rey_Mysterio_Jr.jpg vs. http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w37/VIP134/EWR%20Pics/SD/Chuck_Palumbo.jpghttp://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/S%20Images/Sean_OHaire.jpg


O'Haire starts the match off against Mysterio. Mysterio runs at O'Haire, who trips Mysterio to the mat. O'Haire starts kicking Rey in the head multiple times. Billy Silverman tries to get O'Haire off of Rey. Finally, O'Haire lets up and tags in Palumbo. Both O'Haire and Palumbo pick up Rey into a double suplex. Palumbo picks up Rey again and attempts a punch but Rey dives beneath him and through his legs. He dropkicks Palumbo in the back and Palumbo falls to the ground. As that's happening, O'Haire, from the apron, hits Mysterio in the back of the head. Both men in the ring are down. Konnan hits the turnbuckle to get the fans clapping. Rey dives and makes the tag and Konnan comes in energetically as he first runs to knock O'Haire off the apron and comes back to clothesline Palumbo. He tags back in Rey who springboards off the top turnbuckle into a hurricarana, then makes the pin. Silverman counts... 1..... 2.. O'Haire dives in to break it up, but the ref counts to 3! O'Haire was a shade late. The Filthy Animals celebrate their victory as Palumbo and O'Haire are in a state of shock.


The Filthy Animals defeated Palumbo and O'Haire in 8:24 when Rey Mysterio Jr. defeated Chuck Palumbo by pinfall with a Springboard Hurricanrana.



What About Me?

Gene Okerlund is standing by with Shane Helms.


Okerlund: Shane, how do you feel about your recently won WCW Cruiserweight title be vacated. And more than just that, apparently Stallone has retired it altogether.

Helms: Yea, to be honest, this could be a blessing in disguise. You see, Gene, this is my chance to say, what about me? Yea, I got a chance at the Cruiserweight title, and I won. Now that it's gone, I want a chance at something more. Now, I'm not saying I deserve a World title shot or anything, but I do think it's about time I got a chance at the US title. I'd like to formally ask Mr. Stallone for that chance to --


Just as he was about to finish, Lance Storm crashes the interview.


Okerlund: What are you doing here? You shouldn't be here.

Storm: Shut up, Gene. Listen, Helms. You think you've proven something in this company? How old are you? Seven... eight? I've been here for a long time kid and I've paid my dues. You might be talented, but let's face it, you don't belong running with the big boys yet.

Helms: I've got nothing but respect for you Lance...

Storm: It's Mr. Storm to you! See, that's the kind of stuff I'm talking about. Listen, you might one day get your chance at the US title, but it isn't gonna happen until you go through me! With Stallone in control now, we all have to prove ourselves, and I'll be damned if you get a chance at the US title before I do!


Storm pushes his way through both men and walks out.


Heenan: He just Stormed off! HA! Get it?

Hudson: I'm embarrassed to be sitting next to you Brain. I'll admit it though, Lance has paid his dues, but still, it took a lot of cahones for Helms to take a stance.

Heenan: I don't speak Spanish.

Hudson: Our Spanish speaking audience is lucky then.


Booker T vs. Lex Luger

http://i241.photobucket.com/albums/ff282/jbourbeau1483/EWR/Workers/Wrestling/Wrestling%20B/Booker_T4.jpg vs. http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l309/cheesy1869/Lex_Luger3.jpg


Booker T starts off with a diving forearm that takes Luger to the mat. Luger gets up quickly and the two stare down. Luger slaps Booker T in the face! Booker T looks furious and just becomes unstoppable as he clothelines Luger then stomps him, all the while getting the crowd behind him. Luger regains his strength and the two go back and forth until Luger actually picks up Booker into an attempt the Torcher Rack, however Booker manages to wiggle out of it. He turns Luger around and kicks him in the gut, bounces off the ropes and connects with the Scissors Kick. He goes for the pin: 1....2....3! Booker T gets the win!


Booker T defeated Lex Luger in 10:05 by pinfall with a Scissors Kick.


Bags of Problems

After the match, Buff Bagwell, a teammate of Lex Luger's under the name Totally Buff, ran to the ring to help his friend. As Booker T was climbing through the ropes, Bagwell turned towards him, sprinted, and tackled him to the ground below. Bagwell began beating on Booker T relentlessly, then stopped to make sure he showed his muscles in a pose.


Heenan: Can you believe that?

Hudson: I know, Brain, how despicable.

Heenan: No, I mean, look at how strong he is. Why would Booker T ever mess with that?

Hudson: I don't think he did, Brain, I think he just won a match and did what he had to do.


The Legend That Is Hulkamania

"Real American" plays as the crowd rises to cheer for the legend that is Hulk. He comes out looking as energetic as ever and slaps fives with fans down the ramp on his way to the ring. He waves his hand to his ear then asks for a microphone.


Hulk Hogan: Let me just say, brother, that I am stoked for WCW right now. Stallone is a good buddy of mine and we've talked a lot lately, and I gotta say, man, I can feel it in my blood. He's gonna turn this ship around. As you all know, I've disagreed with certain past figureheads of WCW, but no longer is that the case. Stallone has some big things planned, including my main event tonight against Sting. I can already tell that he's got a real eye for talent, and, brothers, I'm looking to be his ambassador. Consider me his number one. I will help Stallone make sure that the weaknesses that fill WCW will be weeded out. Tune in tonight, brothers, to see a main event that Sting and I promise will be unforgettable.


Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Mike Awesome

http://i490.photobucket.com/albums/rr269/martintew/BamBamBigelow2.jpg vs. http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/M%20Images/Mike_Awesome.jpg


Bigelow is really looking better than in past matches to start things off. He hits a belly-to-belly suplex on Awesome that leaves him cringing in pain. Shortly after, however, Awesome gets back to his feet and connects with a reverse DDT. Awesome picks up the Beast from the East and kicks him in the gut several times, takes a few steps back, then runs through him with a clothesline. Finally, Awesome picks up Bigelow, forks him in the eyes to a sworm of boos from the crowd and then goes for the Awesome Bomb! An unbelievable display of strength allows Awesome to pull it off! He pins Bigelow and the count begins: 1....2....3!


Mike Awesome defeated Bam Bam Bigelow in 8:40 by pinfall with an Awesome Bomb.


Insiders No More

Just as Nash before, Diamond Dallas Page is backstage with no microphone and no interviewer.


DDP: Nash, I saw your little shoot earlier and thought, hell, I'll do a shoot myself. Since day one here, man, it's been me and you. Even when we had disagreements, we could always agree to disagree. Then I watch your shoot earlier, and you've changed man. You just ain't the same. And you go on and say that you're out of my league? That you're out of everyone's league? I've seen you lose, Nash, it HAS happened. And after watching your shoot earlier, I wanna see it happen again. So, you considered your shoot as an open challenge - consider my shoot as an acceptance.


Naturally Filthy

Backstage, Konnan, Rey Mysterio and Billy Kidman of the Filthy animals are celebrating their victory from their tag team match earlier. They look as happy as can be until the Natural Born Thrillers, made up of Sean O'Haire, Chuck Palumbo, Mark Jindrak, Shawn Stasiak and their leader, Mike Sanders, come in and crash their party. The numbers game is completely against the Filthy Animals as they get beaten down handily.


Hulk Hogan vs. Sting

http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/cuts/HulkHogan.jpg vs. http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/cuts/Sting.jpg


In a true clash of titans, Hogan and Sting shake hands before the match. The crowd is really hot for this match and the bell rings. The two grab hands in a lock and test of strength. Sting overcomes Hogan and gets him to the mat. Hogan gets up quickly and the two finally start going at it. Lots of striking moves go back and forth and this time Hogan hits Sting to the ground. Sting gets up and the two have smiles on their faces. The crowd cheers. More back and forth action for a couple minutes until Sting has a clear advantage. He gets Hogan in the corner and starts punching him. In true Hogan form, he gets revved up and comes back at Sting with his fists of fury. Sting goes to the ground. Hogan calls for his Leg Drop. As this is going on, Jeff Jarrett is coming to the ring with a guitar in hand. He walks slowly to the ring and Hogan turns around to see him coming. Hogan starts yelling at Jarrett. Ric Flair then sneaks in from the crowd! He is standing behind Hogan. He charges at Hogan and hits him to the ground. Jarrett runs in the ring. Sting recovers and looks confused as he gets to his feet. Jarrett then charges at Sting with the guitar and cracks the dazed Stinger over the head. Flair then applies the Figure Four leg-lock on Hogan to an array of boos. Fans even begin throwing things into the ring. Flair lets up the lock and celebrates with Jarrett in the ring as the cameras go off the air.


Hulk Hogan defeated Sting in 7:33 by disqualification following interference from Ric Flair.

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News & Notes

  • Nitro featured two dark matches. The first saw AJ Styles defeat Evan Karagias and the second featured Mark Jindrak defeating Johnny The Bull.
  • WCW Thunder, a 'B' show right now, was taped before Nitro also and featured these results:
    Bob Sapp defeated The Wall
    KroniK defeated The Jung Dragons
    Shannon Moore defeated Hugh Morrus
    Shawn Stasiak defeated Jim Duggan
  • WCW Monday Nitro drew a 3.18 on MTV.
  • WWF Raw is War drew a 5.68 on USA, 1.57 TSN and a 0.93 on Sky Sports
  • WCW Thunder drew a 0.22 on MTV.
  • WWF Smackdown drew a 4.04 on UPN and a 1.60 on The Score.
  • Stallone kept true to his word about wanting to build young talent as he has recently been seen going to independent promotions across the country to find future stars. A few he has said to be interested in are CM Punk, Samoa Joe, American Dragon Bryan Daniels, Monty Brown and Horshu.
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Any tips/suggestions/comments? Was the show too long or too short? Too hard to follow?


And yes, I know it's the safe and easy play by vacating all the titles but I figured WCW hasn't been on air since March at this point, so picking up where they left off with a new owner and TV network might not make much sense either.

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Enjoyed Nitro and I like the layout as its nice and simple to read. KUTGW.


Thanks, I appreciate that. Yea, I will always try to find that balance between simple and detailed.


I know my show isn't anywhere near some of the shows on other boards, like keefmoon's, who's shows I think are unbelievable. But I'm happy with what I did for one show at least and hopefully I can keep writing better with time.

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WCW Monday Nitro Preview

Week 2, May 2001


Last week, WCW Monday Nitro aired for the first time on MTV with a bang! The show saw new owner Sylvester Stallone vacate all of the titles. It saw the official breakup of Kevin Nash and Diamond Dallas Page as The Insiders, a stable war between The Filthy Animals and Natural Born Thrillers, the Legend versus Legend match ending by interference and so much more.


What could possibly be in store for this week? The following matches have been confirmed:


The Filthy Animals (Rey Mysterio & Konnan) vs. Team Canada (Lance Storm & Mike Awesome)


Lash LeRoux vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr.


Ernest "The Cat" Miller vs. Hugh Morrus


Bill Goldberg vs. Kevin Nash


More matches will be confirmed on the night of the show! Also, WCW will officially announce its upcoming pay-per-view and we can expect that matches for the pay-per-view will be confirmed. Scott Hudson and Bobby "The Brain" Heenan will once again bring you two full hours of live action for WCW Monday Nitro, only on MTV.

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