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****Smackdown Spolier****


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MVP won the US title


So does this mean we can cross him off the list to win the MITB?


I think so, only because they took it off of Shelton and from what I have heard and read lately, Shelton has been doing really well in the eyes of WWE officials


So my list of people winning the MITB is


1) Christian

2) CM Punk

3) Shelton

4) Kane

5) MVP (put him down because of winning the US Title, unless they are trying a mega push)

6) Kofi Kingston

7) Finaly

8) Mark Henry





Also I think it's funny to see R- Truth on the WWE website (if you go to WM 25 part of it) and yet he isn't wrestling (but I read he was supposed to be in the MITB match but was replaced for Mark Henry)

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I know it is a long shot....WAY LONG SHOT but..........anyone else see mvp winning mitb and then challenging bradshaw to unify ic and us title. Bradshaw wins both titles and retetires. wwe then decides to unify them insted of two title tournys.
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No they've pretty much used the MITB match to propel a almost there superstar (young upper mid card) to the M.E or someone that they feel should hold the title, i.e. Edge, Kennedy, CM, and Jeff who many believe was going to win it last year before the suspension


And I know we keep talking about title unification, but I just don't see that happing unless they end the brand split all together. Miz and Morrison are my pick to win the match at Mania, but we could see it end in a Draw and the only reason I pick Miz and Morrison is because WWE seems to be really high on them


And I doubt MVP being removed since this was the Smackdown before Mania, unless they do it on Raw or ECW (which if it was ECW then you could do Bourne) then I doubt it

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Yeah.... to me, the US title doesn't mean squat in the outcome.


MVP to win MITB.


It doesn't really mean mega push either, he'll just get some extra exposure for the few weeks to come. Kinda like RVD when he won the IC title off Shelton at Backlash while being Mr. MITB. He lost it two weeks later.


I'd be very surprised if Shelton won it, he seems to be stuck in a rut. His reign has done well but he just can't go beyond this, he looks like a placeholder for the title. Apart from Christian, MVP and *maybe* Kofi, I don't see anyone else winning this.

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I think it's going to definitely be MVP or Christian. I don't see Kane winning it (though I'd like him to) as he's already established and is used to put people over these days. Mark Henry, no, just no. If he wins MITB I'm done with WWE forever. Unless...


Mark Henry wins it. Then, on ECW he's boasting about it etc. Evan Bourne comes out and challenges Henry to match for the MITB briefcase. Henry thinks Bourne will be walk in the park and accepts. Bourne wins. Simple.

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Also on SmackDown, in the final segment, the Big Show deliberately shoved Vicki. Edge accidentally speared her and made Show drop her... Next week, Edge will be the bad guy, even though Show was the only guy who touched her on purpose.
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