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The X-WA || "An Act of Vengeance for The Fallen Angel"

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Fallen Angel: In most Christian traditions, a fallen angel is an angel that has been exiled or banished from Heaven.



It's been years since the exile. Years.... Since I disobeyed and found my fate sealed. I use to run the scenario in my mind... over... and over again. Hiding my pain.... Hiding my resentment... Hiding from the ultimate truth.


I disobeyed... However... did so to shake us free from the confines that define us. I tore down the very walls that we once took for granted and, in turn, spawned an era of violence and utter disrespect for the health of oneself and others. All it took was one match... one fight... One iconic moment in wrestling history to change the course of the wrestling landscape.


In a way, the blood I shed was my "pink slip"... My liberation. Disobedience was my weapon of choice... and... Innovation was my intent.


One match... one fight... One Iconic moment in wrestling history...


That instance will forever be my scarlet letter. However, while some may find this to be a sad story.... A story of exile and mistrust...


I take this for what it really's worth.... A unique right for Redemption... for Vengeance....



(This opening post is a small philosophical introduction to my X-WA diary. The posts from here on out will most likely be straight to the point, however, I wanted to get across the idea of the overall tone that I'm bringing to the company. The owner that falls in place is the "author" of the text and will ultimately be shown in my next post. It should also be noted that the default version of the X-WA that is in the Cornellverse database has been modified to a new U.S. base location and carries a whole new product. Thank you!)

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1st Week of January, 2008


NEWS: Wrestling Icon opens own promotion.

Writer: John McJohnerson III, Senior writer




In a shocking turn of events today, it has been officially verified that Nemesis will be opening his own wrestling promotion based out of New York City. The company is said to be in the very early stages of development, however, it's doors were theoretically "opened" today in a short press release received earlier this morning.


The company is set to be named X-Wrestling America (X-WA) and, as stated above, will be based out of Nemesis's home state of New York. Given the amount of success Nemesis had within a former New York promotion (DaVe) many believe that the wrestling Icon will already have a strong cult following in place.


The actual press release given from Nemesis and the X-WA camp reads as such:


"We are excited to announce the development of X-Wrestling America to the wrestling world today. Our number one objective is to deliver a strong emphasis on great in-ring action fused in with cult-entertainment. While our roster is currently in the early stages of contractual negotiations, We can be certain that the X-WA will be showcasing the best and brightest indy talent available from all over the world."


When reached for personal comment, Nemesis simply replied "we are currently in the beginning phases of the X-WA's development, therefore, I don't have much to release at this time".


All in all, It looks like the wrestling industry will once again be forced to evolve as Nemesis, once again, delivers a groundbreaking venture.

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Hey GDSverse'ers,


As you can see... I'm working on putting together a new diary for the X-WA. I'm somewhat new to the whole Diary thing, however, have been on these boards for awhile now... So, I thought I'd go ahead and give it a good try. This post is not really part of the whole "story" deal, however, I thought I'd use this time to post a small Q & A to let you know why X-WA, why Nemesis, and such.


Hope 'yall (yep, 'yall) stop back through from time to time and check out the progress of my diary. It's going to be a slow moving one at that due to my time constraints, however, it should be a lot of fun!




Why the X-WA?


First off, I love the name. Just seems different than others... Gives it a unique look when written down. Now, I know that the default version of the X-WA is heavily focused on in-ring wrestling and nothing really much more than that. While there's nothing wrong with that what so ever.... I'm one who loves a little entertainment in the mix as well. With that being said, I've pretty much completely revamped the product for the X-WA to make it more along the lines of a Cult Entertainment based Modern company. I'll post the actual product in the next few postings, however, for a quick idea... both Cult & Modern are my key focuses in the X-WA product and matches are based upon both skill and overness.


How big is the X-WA?


I have them set at a "cult" status level with their popularity being around a D+ in most US regions. With Nemesis as the owner... I believe that a D+ is respectable for the company and that overall a "cult" status is not a shocking choice. Most companies that I create tend to be regional sized companies, so at first... Creating a cult company seemed a little high, however, with Nemesis at the helm... It's justified I think.


Why Nemesis?


I wish there was a Nemesis in the real world right now. hah. A controversial figure who took it upon himself to change the course of wrestling history. How cool is that? A man who made his name off of going against the global giant the SWF and Eisen and ultimately made himself into an icon by carrying DaVe for so many years. He just screams defiance.... counter-mainstream culture (which I would say SWF, TCW, and USPW are mainstream culture). Just having him as the owner makes the company already seem a little edgy in the end. He's the king of "Cult Entertainment" in my eyes... so who better to run a "A Modern Cult Entertainment" Company?


How will your shows be laid out?


To be honest, I don't have a lot of time on my hands. I'm currently finishing up my degree with a independent learning course while also working 3 jobs. So, needless to say, I'm super busy almost all the time. However, I really wanted to dive into a diary and give it a shot.


The diary may feel like it's going slowly and will most likely be a "lightning writing style", in the sense that I'll be able to post a few posts on one day and then be unable to post for a few days to a week. So, if you like what you read in my diary then I guess I'm just asking to be patient with me.


Shows won't be all that glitzy too. Adding images and such (while totally great for others to do) will take up too much time for me to do so. So, I plan on laying it out as more of a re-cap style of show. What happened in paragraph form instead of writing out dialogue. I would rather there was dialogue in a sense, however, that just adds to the amount of time I'd have devote to it all.



Ultimately, I hope that my X-WA diary ends up resonating with some. It should be a lot of fun to write/create.... So, hopefully it's just as interesting to those of you who are reading.

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X-Wrestling America Company Profile



X-WA Story


After the collapse of Tri-State based hardcore juggernaut, DaVe, Nemesis took a short hiatus to "re-charge his batteries" and ultimately clear his mind. Most say that when the company finally went bankrupt, no one took it harder than the hardcore icon and former booker.


As questions swirled about the status of Nemesis and where he may end up... The "Fallen Angel of the SWF" stirred up a tidal wave of "buzz" as it was announced that he would develop a company of his own; the X-WA. The company is said to be an experimental venture by Nemesis as the X-WA is not your typical slow-paced wrestling promotion that the U.S. has become accustomed too. Instead, the X-WA looks to promote a fast-paced, high octane, Shock & Awe approach to both in-ring and out-of-the ring action. A sharp contrast to the ultimate approach by the "Big Three" in the U.S. wrestling scene.


It's been stated that the X-WA is focused on bringing in the best and brightest indy superstars from around the world. Ultimately, the goal of the X-WA is to create brand new superstars (not touched by the "Big Three". If former "Big Three" Stand-outs... Ultimately creating a new character for them to follow) and delivering a high velocity style of pro wrestling.



X-WA General Info


Location: Tri-State (USA)

Owner: John "Nemesis" Campbell

Founded: December 2007

Starting Capital: $500,000

Current Capital: $516,453 (+ $16,453)

Ranking: 9th



X-WA Size and Prestige Levels


Overall Size: Cult

Prestige Level: D

Importance Level(s): C- in Tri State, D+ in Mid South, E+ in Hawaii and Puerto Rico, D in the rest of the U.S. regions. F+ in all of Canada and Mexico as well.

Popularity Level(s): C- in Tri State, D+ in all U.S. regions minus Hawaii and Puerto Rico (Which has D popularity levels).



X-WA Product Info


Product Name: "High Impact Wrestling"

Key Feature(s): Modern and Cult

Heavy Feature(s): Mainstream

Medium Feature(s): Traditional, Risque, Realism, and Daredevil

Low Feature(s): Comedy and Hardcore

Very Low Feature(s): Lucha Libre and Pure


Match Intensity: 40%

Match Danger: 60%

Women's Division: Yes

T & A Level: Low

Face/Heel Divide: Medium


The Official X-WA Arena


Building Location: Brooklyn, New York

Attendance Max: 5,000 people

X-WA Debut: 2nd Week of April 2008

Building Synopsis: A former "golden gloves" boxing arena that was purchased by Nemesis, and the X-WA, with initial company profits. The balcony, seen above the ring, was re-opened (despite it being closed while it was a Boxing Arena) after the flooring was stabilized... Giving the X-WA arena more room for wrestling fans to view the action from above.



[This is a view of the X-WA Arena from the Commentators Table]

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X-WA X Championship

Prestige Level: B

Title Holder: Acid

Title Reign: 3rd week of February 2008 - present

Title Defenses: N/A



X-WA Arena Championship

Prestige Level: C-

Title Holder: Stric Lee Bizness

Title Reign: 3rd week of April 2008

Title Defenses: 4



X-WA Chaos Championship

Prestige Level: C

Title Holder: Hell Monkey

Title Reign: 3rd week of June 2008

Title Defenses: N/A



X-WA Six Man Championship

Prestige Level: D-

Title Holders: "The Circus" [Kill Switch, Snap Dragon, Whippy the Clown]

Title Reign: 3rd week of February 2008

Title Defenses: N/A








The X-WA X Championship

1. Acid... Week 2 February 2008 - Present





The X-WA Arena Championship

1. Ultimate Phoenix... Week 2 February 2008 - Week 3 April 2008

2. Stric Lee Bizness... Week 3 April 2008 - Present





The X-WA Chaos Championship

1. Hell Monkey... Week 3 June 2008 - Present





The X-WA Six Man Championship

1. "The Circus" (Kill Switch, Snap Dragon, and Whippy the Clown)... Week 2 February 2008 - Present

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Nice roster. Nice to see a few faces that haven't been used that much in diaries. I'm also really digging the amount of thought you've put into the different characters. Looking forward to seeing how you make use of them.

You've got a reader in me.


Thanks Showtime! I really wanted to "flesh out" my roster section so that the reader can use it as a key when they're trying to understand why one worker did something or whatever. Helps as a key to understanding what's going on in the diary. Plus, to be honest, it's been amazing for me as it helps me to cement what my characters will be like/act like from the "get go". It has almost forced me to really know how I want to book people before I get into the first show... Which has always been an annoyance in previous games of mine cause I didn't know how i wanted to book anyone and they all felt the same to me.


So needless to say, I'm trying to give each character their own unique spin.


I plan on trying to get some more superstars up tonight after work, however, probably won't finish the overall roster tonight. That probably won't come until early next week.


All in all, great to hear that you're going to check back and read through the diary when it's up and running! I appreciate it. :D More fun to write to others then solely to yourself. hah.

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Thanks Showtime! I really wanted to "flesh out" my roster section so that the reader can use it as a key when they're trying to understand why one worker did something or whatever. Helps as a key to understanding what's going on in the diary. Plus, to be honest, it's been amazing for me as it helps me to cement what my characters will be like/act like from the "get go". It has almost forced me to really know how I want to book people before I get into the first show... Which has always been an annoyance in previous games of mine cause I didn't know how i wanted to book anyone and they all felt the same to me.


So needless to say, I'm trying to give each character their own unique spin.


I plan on trying to get some more superstars up tonight after work, however, probably won't finish the overall roster tonight. That probably won't come until early next week.


All in all, great to hear that you're going to check back and read through the diary when it's up and running! I appreciate it. :D More fun to write to others then solely to yourself. hah.


I totally agree with Showtime4Lajf. Though I've seen a couple of the gimmicks used so far (I know I've used the Killswitch gimmick in the past), a great deal of the characters are your totally your own creation. For example I am really interested on what you do with a de-masked and de-painted Ota, the renamed DWN, and Genio Verde (I was very close to signing him for my NEO dairy, but went a different direction due to his other commitments).

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I totally agree with Showtime4Lajf. Though I've seen a couple of the gimmicks used so far (I know I've used the Killswitch gimmick in the past), a great deal of the characters are your totally your own creation. For example I am really interested on what you do with a de-masked and de-painted Ota, the renamed DWN, and Genio Verde (I was very close to signing him for my NEO dairy, but went a different direction due to his other commitments).


Yea, I think it's really hard to come up with completely new gimmick names (at least for me) when a lot of people know them as such. I've never used the Kill Switch character before, so I thought I'd give him a run and instead of changing his name (which I like. Bad ass. hah) I decided to give him my own twist when it came to his ultimate persona. He's one of my fav's so far from that stand-point, then again, I really feel for these characters more than any game I've played before so I can't wait to really dive into it all after the preliminary posts are done and out of the way.


Thanks for posting! Great to hear there are others out there who are interested in the X-WA diary when it gets up and running!



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X-WA Diary Updates - March 21st


The roster is 100% done and up on the "roster section" post above. I thought I wouldn't have much time today to really dive into character development, however, I was called from work today and offered the day off since we only had 6 people arriving tonight (I work as a Front Desk clerk as I'm trying to finish up my degree). So, needless to say, I had a whole afternoon to work on things.


With that being said, I'm really really excited to get this diary off of the ground. Typically my games slow down and get boring in a matter of days, however, the characters within the X-WA are really intriguing to me & have made for some great possibilities. I'm really happy that I ended up "fleshing out" the characters in the roster section as now I know exactly how to book each character separately. A lot of times I fall bored because I feel like every character is the same & that there is nothing to distinguish one from the next (since you can't see them on TV like in the real world).


However, With "fleshing them out"... I know from the get-go how to go about booking each character. Sure, it may take a few shows before I really get into the feel of them all... But... I'm excited about what COULD happen.


My shows will consist of re-caps more than anything else because I can't keep up with the kind of time devotion that I've had for the past few days forever. Between class, 3 jobs, writing new music for my next album, and well... my Girlfriend (I'm sure she'd get mad if I never paid attention to her)... I don't have all the time in the world to devote to write-ups. However, I will make the shows, and what happens between the shows, as entertaining as I can.


I plan on hiring an announcing team next and maybe some managers to help the "non-talkers" (since I have a lot of them) and will notify you when I've added them to the roster section.


All in all, I hope you enjoy reading! Take a look at the roster section and leave any feedback that you'd like. I'd love to know what you think.


First card should be coming sometime in the next few days.




Also [This has been edited into the original post], I'm trying to make up my mind with what I want to do for the X-WA Championships. ReapeR has done some amazing title renders for the X-WA in his sticky post in the mod forum.... He has a X-WA Heavyweight Championship on down the road. I'm trying to decide whether or not I should use the Heavyweight Championship as the main event title or to make the X-WA X Champion the overall Main Event Championship and the X-WA X Tag Team Championships as the tag titles versus the original tag belts. The reason I say this is because it feels weird to have a "Heavyweight" Championship in a modern company where most everyone is a lighweight or middleweight worker.


Having the X Championship as the main championship could bring something new to the game, however, I was wondering what you, the reader, thought? I'm thinking I'm leaning this way but not toally sure as of yet. Could make it unique.

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NEWS: X-WA/U-Demand PPV Agreement! First PPV to take place in February 2009!




The American-based Pay Per View company, U-Demand, added yet another wrestling promotion to their entertainment roster today as both they & the upstart X-WA agreed contractually to a six month distribution deal.


Moments after the deal was made final word came out of the X-WA camp declaring the name and location of their historic first PPV event. The live broadcasting will be filmed in New York City (the X-WA's home of operations) and has already been named, X-WA = 'Til the Last Man Stands.


When asked why such a name, The X-WA was quick to respond citing... "That will be addressed at the the event itself."


With that being said, It looks like the X-WA has already created something special for their first ever PPV event!

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[i'm bored at work now and don't have my TEW game in front of me so I couldn't do anything crazy with this post, however, wanted to post something since I was in the mood. Needless to say, I thought I would lay out the X-WA Championships and how they rank within the company since I'm going in a little different of a direction when it comes to Championship belts.]



X-WA X Championship


I was kicking around the idea to use the default X-WA Heavyweight Championship as the Main Event title, however, in the end, I felt it to be kind of cliche' and somewhat uninspired. ReapeR did an amazing job with the title (as he did with all of them. Hands down), however, it felt like it didn't fit with the innovative feel that I wanted to convey with the X-WA.


So, with that being said, the X-WA's Main Event Championship is the X Championship (to go along with the companies name). Despite being a modern company, It's set to be just a regular title and not a "high flying" slanted championship. That way, It's seen more as a flexible championship. Any style can come away with the top prize.



X-WA Arena Championship


I almost went with the United States title as the #2 singles championship in the X-WA, however, felt kind of weird to have a U.S. championship when there really isn't a "world" championship (We do have a Main Event Title just not worded as a "World Title"). So, The Arena Championship seemed unique and ultimately something interesting to move forward with as the companies #2 championship.



X-WA Six Man Championship


Instead of having a traditional tag team division, I thought it'd be fun to have a trio team championship (At least that's how I read this championship). The title will only be passed along in 3 on 3 match-ups and will work under revised Lucha Libre rules. You can tag your partner, get knocked out of the ring, or simply roll out of the ring to allow other members of your team to enter the match. Therefore, a simple tag isn't always needed as there are other options to bring in a new legal man. Other than that, the match will follow a typical tag match-up with the only real innovation being the introduction of Lucha ideals while in action. This allows for there to be much more action going on at one time and ultimately keep the pace of the match up.


Members of a Trio team can also wrestle in tag team matches (Not cutting them out completely), however, the championship is not able to be defended in such a match.


Since I don't have my game infront of me, I'm not sure if you can designate a championship as a 3 on 3 type of title. I'm hoping you can do so, because if you can't then I may have to change this title out for more of a traditional deal.

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To be honest, I have no idea.


It's the only PPV logo that I had in my database. So, I'm not sure if I downloaded it from a forum post?


This is the same with me as well. It's the only logo I have in the database for PPVs.


And before I forget, I liked the choices for your titles. Makes the promotion feel different.

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And before I forget, I liked the choices for your titles. Makes the promotion feel different.


Thanks Foolinc. I was thinking this way I can try to bring something new to my diary and not fall into the traditional traps. This way I'll probably be more into the game for longer if I feel like it's unique in a way.


Outside of that, The first card should be up within the next few days (if not tonight if I get enough time). That way I can get this diary rolling.



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NEWS: Finalized X-WA "Til the Last Man Stands" Card!


The X-WA has released the official card for their first PPV event, "Til the Last Man Stands", which is set to take place this month. The card is as follows:



Acid vs. Fumihiro Ota vs. Steve Flash

[X-WA X Championship Match]


William Kingsbuy III vs. Hell Monkey


Stric Lee Bizness vs. Ultimate Phoenix vs. Vicente Marquez vs. Teddy Powell

[X-WA Arena Championship Match]


Enygma Extreme vs. The Cyclone


Silver Shark/Mr. Electricity/P-Phunk vs. Whippy the Clown/Snap Dragon/Kill Switch

[X-WA 6 Man Championship Match]


Enygma Extreme vs. The Cyclone


Francis Cartier/Joss Thompson/Jacob Jett vs. Burning Taka/Mikkel Drago/Velocidad



[i'm currently in the process of trying to put a name to a few Trio teams currently set to compete in the first PPV. I kind of have an idea of what I'm going to go with, however, wasn't 100% for sure... So, all in all, when I release the write-up there will probably be a few new Trio names.]

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Acid vs. Fumihiro Ota vs. Steve Flash

[X-WA X Championship Match]


William Kingsbuy III vs. Hell Monkey


Stric Lee Bizness vs. Ultimate Phoenix vs. Vicente Marquez vs. Teddy Powell

[X-WA Arena Championship Match]


Silver Shark/Mr. Electricity/P-Phunk vs. Whippy the Clown/Snap Dragon/Kill Switch

[X-WA 6 Man Championship Match]


Enygma Extreme vs. The Cyclone


Francis Cartier/Joss Thompson/Jacob Jett vs. Burning Taka/Mikkel Drago/Velocidad

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Diary Updates


I've started working on the first show and am really excited about what will ultimately come out. I have a few ideas in mind that I'm planning on putting into effect and I hope that it turns out to be interesting enough for those of you who are looking to keep up with the diary.


If you want to leave some predictions behind then definitely do so! However, I know that it can be hard to really make true predictions when a diary has just started but I thought I'd bump this back up to see if there was anyone else out there who was interested.


While I'm booking the show right now and running through it on my TEW game, the write-up probably won't be up until late this week due to being out of town for the next few days (I'm playing a show up in the cities on Wednesday and will be leaving my laptop behind). So, while it won't be up in the next few days... Look for it by the end of the week!


All in all, Just thought i'd fill you in on what was going on so you didn't expect to see the results up early this week.


Thanks for stopping by and reading though! Everything is straight away and ready to go... Just takes finishing the in-game booking & ultimately writing the show out.



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I'm going out of town to play a show in Minneapolis tonight, however, the show is only three matches away from being done... And since my shows are more of a re-cap; that won't take long at all.


Look for the show to be up on Friday!


Just wanted to give an update.



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Acid vs. Fumihiro Ota vs. Steve Flash

[X-WA X Championship Match]


William Kingsbuy III vs. Hell Monkey


Stric Lee Bizness vs. Ultimate Phoenix vs. Vicente Marquez vs. Teddy Powell

[X-WA Arena Championship Match]


Enygma Extreme vs. The Cyclone


Silver Shark/Mr. Electricity/P-Phunk vs. Whippy the Clown/Snap Dragon/Kill Switch

[X-WA 6 Man Championship Match]


Francis Cartier/Joss Thompson/Jacob Jett vs. Burning Taka/Mikkel Drago/Velocidad

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Acid vs. Fumihiro Ota vs. Steve Flash

[X-WA X Championship Match]


You know I'm a huge Flash mark how could I not pick him.


William Kingsbuy III vs. Hell Monkey


Kingsbuy is a great up and comer but his skill level is no where near that of Hell Monkey. Not a squash match but Monkey will win.


Stric Lee Bizness vs. Ultimate Phoenix vs. Vicente Marquez vs. Teddy Powell

[X-WA Arena Championship Match]


This is a tough choice Teddy Powell is the most over, Marquez could become a huge star, Stric has the skill but I think Phoenix is the median of them all and a good choice to hold the title.


Silver Shark/Mr. Electricity/P-Phunk vs. Whippy the Clown/Snap Dragon/Kill Switch

[X-WA 6 Man Championship Match]


This trio just kicks ass, Killswitch (Perez), Dragon and Whippy I'd pay to see them hold the titles a good long time.


Enygma Extreme vs. The Cyclone


I hate Donnie J I don't care what mask you put him under.


Francis Cartier/Joss Thompson/Jacob Jett vs. Burning Taka/Mikkel Drago/Velocidad


Tough choice just a gut feeling.

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