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The X-WA || "An Act of Vengeance for The Fallen Angel"

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Terrific show. Your attention to detail is incredible. Plus, the little graphics touches really add to the importance of the show. I like the way you cut the pics down for the multi-man matches - when all the same size that'll look really good.


Thanks, Marcel! The detail part comes pretty easily as I love to write, So, most times, I end up spacing out for a bit and really trying to set the tone for the segment/match. That way it's easier to imagine in the end.


The new images that I tried out were def. a "dry run" for it all. I really like the concept behind doing them, however, with the multi-man matches, I need to find a way to get the size consistently the same. After that then It'll look how I envisioned it. ha :)


I plan on using more images as I go forward as it seems to add a little something to the show & bring a little more focus on certain key points. Just need to decide how I ultimately want to incorporate them.


Especially interested to see where Griffith goes from here.


I've got a few ideas in mind for Jack coming off of his loss at "Reckless Ascent".... I'm taking the next few days to really cement "what's next" for most of my big time characters and potentially look at creating some new feuds to keep things a little fresh. I'm not sure if Griffith/Marquez is done, to some extent, however, even if they are... I'm sure both men will end up in good storylines down the road & may even revisit this storyline at a later date.


All in all, Thanks for the comment, Marcel! :) Good to know that you enjoyed the show!!

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STORY: Who will it be following Phoenix's "Rags to Riches" win last night?





Following his potentially "Career-Changing" victory last night in the "Rags to Riches" Six-Way Ladder Match, Ultimate Phoenix now holds a unique display of one-time authority. A few weeks ago it was stated that the winner of said match-up would be given the opportunity to face anyone on the X-WA roster on the following "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg" telecast.... A scenario that could ultimately deliver a "golden moment" for the former X-WA Arena Champion.


With rumors circulating... Many have speculated WHO Ultimate Phoenix will eventually go on to compete against this upcoming Thursday. With the "door theoretically wide open" there is a greater chance for -anything to happen. Will Phoenix call for a re-match from this last week's episode of "Blitzkrieg" and ultimately challenge Acid for the X Championship? or does the fan-favorite have other intentions in mind?


One thing to keep an eye out for, however, is last night's debuting superstar, Jay Chord. It's been reported that the teenager was very upset over losing in his first night with the company and went as far to "vow to change everyone's initial perceptions of him". Funny enough, Chord's performance on last night's PPV has ignited a great deal of buzz around the X-WA (as well as on the internet) as many project that the youngster could potentially be a win or two away from a "break-out" moment. While he lost last night, many believe that Chord may try to sway Ultimate Phoenix to use his "Rags to Riches" match-up on him... Giving the X-WA fans Round II of what proved to be an amazing pairing as opponents last night.


With that being said, however, no one expects Phoenix to "take the bait"... but rather, many believe that he may use this opportunity to change the course of his spiraling X-WA career and attempt to obtain championship gold!


More to come...

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With the most recent X-WA PPV Event, "Reckless Ascent", coming to pass there are still a lot of big questions lingering for the immediate future. Within this post, We here at X-WrestlingAmerica.com will touch on a few of the key scenario's still potentially left in play....



Question #1: Have we witnessed the END of the epic warfare between Jack Griffith and Vicente Marquez?


Answer: One could project that these two may be on different courses following their deeply emotional match a few days ago at "Reckless Ascent". Many believe that Vicente is being marked as the "future of the X-WA" due to his amazing performances as of late, however, I'm sure this will only ignite Griffith's internal hatred for Marquez that much more. We've seen Vicente's beloved girlfriend forced into the middle of the action following Griffith's usage of her as a "pawn" in his overall attack on Marquez's psyche. The question really is.... Can Vicente Marquez seperate himself from Jack Griffith for long enough to continue his anticipated rise? If he's unsuccessful in doing so then we may all be held as witnesses to the demise of Marquez's psyche.



Question #2: Is there a superstar in the X-WA, currently, that can eventually defeat Acid? He's been undefeated in singles competition since joining the X-WA and many wonder whether or not the X Championship will end up as a permanent fixture around his waist.


Answer: Only time will tell truthfully... however, there are a few X-WA superstars that come to mind that may eventually obtain the X Championship. Steve Flash, Vicente Marquez, Ultimate Phoenix, and, to a certain extent, Kill Switch are all considered to be "particularly dangerous" and could potentially hand the X-WA X Champion his first singles loss. If you asked me right now... On the dot who could pose the biggest threat to Acid? In my eyes... it would certainly have to be the "Indy Wrestling Legend" from New York, Steve Flash. He was inches away from winning the title back in the first week of March during a steel cage match with the, then, newly crowned X Champion. However, was argueably screwed out of the victory due to a interference from "The-Next-Gen Trio". If given an even playing field... I could foresee Steve Flash coming away with the major upset.



Question #3: What will await William Kingsbury III as he makes his less than triumphent return to X-WA "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg" following his PPV loss to X-WA Owner, Nemesis?


Answer: A lot of headaches... haha. Seriously though, the "Silver Spoon Superstar" has made many enemies in the X-WA since joining its roster in February of 2008. He's cheated, assaulted, and even quit the company... All with the mindset of personal advancement. On top of that, With his menacing family bodyguard, Vladimir, back in his corner following last night's stipulation that left him away from the Arena... I'm guessing that Kingsbury will continue to "rub others the wrong way". In the end, as long as he stays out of Nemesis's way.... He'll probably be better off. Then again... Who really expects that to happen?



Question #4: With Nemesis's victory at "Reckless Ascent"... Do you see him becoming an active member of the X-WA roster?


Answer: No. Simply put I know, however, every inclination that we've received from the Legendary Owner is that he is no longer an active superstar and will continue to work as an authoritative figure. With a long history of major injuries... no would would blame him for chosing to stay away.



Question #5: Why is there so much continued tension between Mathew Flash and his Father, Steve Flash?


Answer: It was obvious to see early on that Steve did not want his son becoming a Pro Wrestler. After years of living on the road, breaking his body for little pay, and always being subject to excessive scrutiny... What Father would want that for his son? Place that with the fact that Mathew has joined, quite possibly, the most chaotic company in Pro Wrestling history... And I'm sure you'd understand why Steve wouldn't be very happy with Mathew's choice of career. In their first ever match together as members of a Trio... Mathew was practically falling all over himself... Showing off exactly how "green" he really is. I think, in the end, this drove his Father to the extreme as he's not one to really "cradle" his children... especially one that thinks he has an ability to follow in his footsteps. I'm guessing, unless Mathew can get his "stuff" together as soon as possible, we're going to see a track record of these two not acting as if they were on the "same page".


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STORY: X-WA "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg" card!

[4th Week of May 2008]





"Reckless Ascent", the X-WA PPV Event only a matter of a few days ago, will go down in history as one of THE most stiring underground wrestling events of all-time. While our company is considered to be a "cult-like" development, the highly successful PPV generated more buys than either super-powers to our north, CGC and NOTBPW. With that being said, one could certainly project that the X-WA is gaining popularity by leaps and bounds with those who consider themselves "sick" of the current wrestling scene.


With such a successful PPV event in our wake... Now begins the monstrous fall-out....




Jay Chord vs. Silver Shark


"The Circus" © vs. "The Next-Gen-Trio"

[Non-Title Match]


Ultimate Phoenix vs. ?!?!?!?!?!

[Phoenix faces a superstar of his choice following his "Rags to Riches" win]


Teddy Powell vs. William Kingsbury III w/ Vladimir


|| "Blitzkrieg" Main Event ||


Acid vs. Steve Flash

[Non-Title Match]




As the month of May grows closer to its final moments, The X-WA continues on its "crash course" towards an absolute meltdown. Egos will collide, personalities will split, and jaws will drop... As we push towards the month of June 2008.



*** "Blitzkrieg" Quick Picks


Jay Chord vs. Silver Shark

"The Circus" vs. "The Next-Gen-Trio"

Ultimate Phoenix vs. ?!?!?!??!

Teddy Powell vs. William Kingsbury III w/ Vladimir

Acid vs. Steve Flash

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First off just got through the PPV and it was great stuff really great stuff. Happy to see Phoenix take the win and I really dig the new multi man and trios match pictures for the matches. Also the use of the black adn white photos for the angles is really quite eye catching. With the after match attack it looks like Marquez and Griffith aren't really done yet. Can't wait to see where the Flash thing goes next but it seems to me like Matt will get fed up of living in his fathers shadow and turn on him at some point. Biz and Flash put on one hell of a show and I think the fans would like to see at least one rematch before Biz moves on to some one else.


Jay Chord vs. Silver Shark

Jay's gotta pay his dues even though Shark isn't currently really in a story or positioned for a title shot.


"The Circus" © vs. "The Next-Gen-Trio"

[Non-Title Match]

With Kill Switch having just gotten a title shot I have to say i don't think his team will lose this, even none title.


Ultimate Phoenix vs. ?!?!?!?!?!

[Phoenix faces a superstar of his choice following his "Rags to Riches" win]

Phoenix builds momentum toward his title shot


Teddy Powell vs. William Kingsbury III w/ Vladimir

Kingsbury builds back up after his loss to Nemesis


|| "Blitzkrieg" Main Event ||


Acid vs. Steve Flash

[Non-Title Match]

Sorry Flash you know you;re my guy and choice for next champ after Acid gets his year long run but I think they masked menace should run a singles undefeated streak until you beat him next year.

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I agree with Apupunchau@optonline the new pictures and logos are a great idea. makes your shows pop off the screen. keep that up for sure. Great PPV as always eisen. after reading through the results im excited to see where youre taking everything from here. there are so many possibilities. just wanted to let you know that youre doing a great job and congrats on your rookie dotm victory. its well deserved.


Jay Chord vs. Silver Shark

shark has done some good things but chord is probably a pet project of yours. with that he wins.


"The Circus" vs. "The Next-Gen-Trio"

the circus needs someone to compete against. they didn't have a trio match at this last ppv. so maybe the next gen trio wins and both teams go on to have a heel vs. heel feud? could be interesting.


Ultimate Phoenix vs. ?!?!?!??!

its a great feel good moment to think that phoenix could pick up the win in this match but he will most likely face someone like acid. therefore he wont win.


Teddy Powell vs. William Kingsbury III w/ Vladimir

teddy powell is a nobody trying to be a somebody and kingsbury is one of your bigger names.


Acid vs. Steve Flash

a set up for the next ppv match? I like acid a lot as your champion but this may be the place and time that you have him lose to set up a realistic threat to acids title at next months ppv. then again it could easily go the other way if youre looking to keep the title on the champ.

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First off just got through the PPV and it was great stuff really great stuff. Happy to see Phoenix take the win and I really dig the new multi man and trios match pictures for the matches. Also the use of the black adn white photos for the angles is really quite eye catching. With the after match attack it looks like Marquez and Griffith aren't really done yet. Can't wait to see where the Flash thing goes next but it seems to me like Matt will get fed up of living in his fathers shadow and turn on him at some point. Biz and Flash put on one hell of a show and I think the fans would like to see at least one rematch before Biz moves on to some one else.


I agree with Apupunchau@optonline the new pictures and logos are a great idea. makes your shows pop off the screen. keep that up for sure. Great PPV as always eisen. after reading through the results im excited to see where youre taking everything from here. there are so many possibilities. just wanted to let you know that youre doing a great job and congrats on your rookie dotm victory. its well deserved.


Thank you both! I'm at the point now where it's becoming much eaiser to put together these small banners/match picture layouts. "Reckless Ascent" was an attempt to see if it worked and I'm pretty happy with how it looked!


After taking a day or so to think things over, I'm pretty sure I know what I plan on doing next as it pertains to couple of these feuds. The upcoming "Blitzkrieg" show will deliver a lot of new storylines, adapting some old ones, and even some big changes! So, all in all, I'm crazy excited to go forward with all of this.


Thank you both for your votes in the rookie DOTM (as well as everyone who voted). I hope I can keep the diary ever-changing and evolving so it feels interesting to the new reader all the way to the consistent reader.



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STORY: Jack Griffith is arrested; detained at local NYPD Station for questioning.




[... This is the official mugshot taken of Griffith following his arrest ...]


We, here at X-WrestlingAmerica.com, have just received a report that X-WA Superstar, Jack Griffith has been taken into custody by the NYPD. The arrest took place just a few short hours following the ending of the X-WA's PPV event, "Reckless Ascent". While little information has been brought forward thus far, The X-WA has been informed that Griffith is being detained at a local NYPD police station. Rumors are floating around that the state of New York may be pressing charges against the X-WA superstar for his role in abducting both Vicente Marquez and Jennifer Heat.


As more information is released we will certainly relay what we know in an effort to keep you updated.



*** "Blitzkrieg" Quick Picks ***


Jay Chord vs. Silver Shark

"The Circus" vs. "The Next-Gen-Trio"

Ultimate Phoenix vs. ?!?!?!??!

Teddy Powell vs. William Kingsbury III w/ Vladimir

Acid vs. Steve Flash

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This is a new kind of post that I plan on implementing towards the end of every month to re-cap any sort of major changes that transpire during that month's "in gameplay". That way, you can also see how the Cornellverse is taking shape around the X-WA and why certain decisions are made, or not made, as it pertains to what is happening in my game world.


Typically, this post will follow any sort of major changes in my game world. As you can see, It's only going to focus on "The Big Three" as their history, decision, and status will have the most impact on the X-WA.






+ The SWF has risen to Global Status recently following a "B" grade episode of "Supreme TV" this week. This places them as the #1 ranked company in the world.

+ No new Champions since January of 2008.

+ Nevada Nuclear was re-called up to the Main SWF Roster.

+ The SWF has recently added new PPV deals in Mexico and the United Kingdom. (The only company to have such)


Writer's Thoughts:


I knew this day was coming, however, still hated to see them jump up to "Global". Mostly because I'm afraid they may raid my roster and pull some of my big names away from me. Then again, it could eventually push me to be a little more creative and make a whole bunch of "new superstars" if they are bought out. I'm just hoping they stay away from some of the young superstars I've been trying to build up thus far.





+ On the verge of jumping to International Status.

+ No new champions since January 2008.


Writer's Thoughts:


It looks as if TCW is one good grade away from bumping up to International status. Their rise scares me more than the SWF's as they really could try to take a lot of my superstars since I do have a lot of talented in-ring wrestlers. Then again, as of right now, I do have a "working agreement" with them. I thought about breaking it following getting what I wanted out of it (Robert Oxford at "Reckless Ascent"), however, it would certainly create a war between the two of us. Then again, That's cool with me in a sense as I plan on going ahead with a more "war-like" attack on the "Big Three".





+ Nowhere near jumping to National Status.

+ Jim Force is the only new champion, Winning the TV Title off of Sam Strong's pet project, Nicky Champion in April of 2008.

+ Chris Caulfield and Darryl Devine both "jumped ship" to the SWF early on in February of 2008.

+ Has a new PPV Deal in the United States.


Writer's Thoughts:


FOOOOORRRCEEE!! ha. No matter what game I've played, I always root for Jim Force to pick up a title victory in the USPW. If he wasn't so slow, and absolutely against the style of the X-WA's in ring action, I'd give him a run in the X-WA. ha. All in all though, USPW isn't really that much of a threat. They do have more prestige than me but my popularity levels have grown past theirs it seems.





*** "Blitzkrieg" Quick Picks ***


Jay Chord vs. Silver Shark

"The Circus" vs. "The Next-Gen-Trio"

Ultimate Phoenix vs. ?!?!?!??!

Teddy Powell vs. William Kingsbury III w/ Vladimir

Acid vs. Steve Flash

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OOC: I need a little insight from you on what you think would be best. I know it's my dairy in the end, however, I thought I'd ask you all what you thought before I went ahead and made any major changes. let me know what you think, if you don't mind!


The Six Man Championship or Tag Team Titles?


I need your help with something. While I've really enjoyed having the Trio titles (In theory) as it's given the X-WA it's own set of identity.... I'm finding it increasingly harder to really give any sort of focus on the titles as it's really really hard to create new Trios for competition when my roster is already really small. As you can see I only really have 3 trios as we speak (with one of them relatively in-active due to no real ideas in mind for them) which makes for difficulty when trying to book for championship matches.


I guess what I'm thinking is making a big change in the X-WA and bringing in a "Tag Team Division" versus a "Trio Division". I may try to come up with a different name than just "Tag Team" as I tend to get bored with traditional labels... However, It would probably be best when it comes to booking and being able to develop certain superstars by giving them more in-ring time under title matches. Plus, as of right now, I feel kind of left out without being able to use the whole Tag part of the game.


I already have some storylines in mind on how to remedy the situation but wanted to know what you guys thought about it all.....


I plan on keeping the Trio idea in mind... Possibly making a Trio Tourney Title to take (that's alot of T's) to take place at some point through out the year... Then keeping the "Tag Titles" as a consistent division in the X-WA.



So... Any preferences? I like the unique Trio idea for the X-WA but have had a lot of trouble booking the titles when my roster is quite small and there are limited amounts of people to put into Trio's (Plus making them work from a storyline prospective... Instead of just throwing them together).





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I havent posted in a while mostly becuase I havent been around GDS forums in a while but since Im back now i figured I would help with the Trio's vs Tag debate.


I love the idea's of a trio's title, it seems more like a team to me then tag's do, but im sure using trio's puts more of a strain on your cash-flow then tag's would, and with your roster as small as it is, it just doesnt make sense to keep a real trio's division...


But instead of just dropping it all together I like the idea of a Trio's tournament, but what about just using them in big events, kind of how WWE has Survivor Series plus the tournament and maybe even a couple more times through out the year.


So, in conclusion, I think you should go ahead and switch it to a tag division but also keep a little bit of a trio's scene going.

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I havent posted in a while mostly becuase I havent been around GDS forums in a while but since Im back now i figured I would help with the Trio's vs Tag debate.


I love the idea's of a trio's title, it seems more like a team to me then tag's do, but im sure using trio's puts more of a strain on your cash-flow then tag's would, and with your roster as small as it is, it just doesnt make sense to keep a real trio's division...


But instead of just dropping it all together I like the idea of a Trio's tournament, but what about just using them in big events, kind of how WWE has Survivor Series plus the tournament and maybe even a couple more times through out the year.


So, in conclusion, I think you should go ahead and switch it to a tag division but also keep a little bit of a trio's scene going.


BrockLock! Welcome back! :D Good to see you on the GDS boards again.


I'm certainly keeping the Trio concept open for future ideas and already have something in mind coming up later down the line that would utilize a Trio Tournament. I can't really give a way what the tourney is all about without going too far into my plan, however, I'm certianly keeping the idea of a Trio in tact for later usages.


It just seems that, in the end, housing a real Trio division is just too much for a small company like mine. While I've loved using more Trio angles versus tag ones... it seems like it would be best to do so this way.


Plus, the Tag team Division will have it's own little spark/rules that will set it apart from your traditional tag titles. Now I just need to come up with a name... As I'm hesitent to just use the Tag Titles name.



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X-WA "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg" - TV Event

Tuesday, 4th week of May 2008 (Shown on TV on Thursday)

The X-WA Arena (Tri-State)







Angle: From Rags to Riches...

Grade: D+


[This weeks episode of "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg" opens with the "Rags to Riches" victor from this past Saturday's PPV Event, "Reckless Ascent", Ultimate Phoenix, already standing in the middle of the ring. With a mic in hand, the fan's most beloved superstar, and consummate underdog; wastes no time flexing his one-time authoritative powers... Declaring that his opponent for tonight will be none other than the man who took the X-WA Arena Championship from him, Stric Lee Bizness. The crowd, realizing the magnitude of this match-up as both men have a storied history with one another in the X-WA, begins to go crazy as Ultimate Phoenix basks in the response... Focused on the task at hand.]


[Following another declaration, that tonight's match-up will be an Arena Championship title match, Ultimate Phoenix is taken by surprise as X-WA newcomer, Jay Chord is seen entering the ringside area. As Chord's theme music blares in the background, the 2nd generation superstar, is seen clmbing into the ring and instantly calling for a microphone of his own. As his music slowly begins to fade behind the rustling crowd noise, Jay Chord begins to convey his borderline selfish plea. With an overall theme of respect, Chord centers his focus on trying to sway Phoenix to change his mind and ultimately use his "Rags to Riches" booking authority to challenge Chord himself... Citing that the two men had "stole the show" during "Reckless Ascent" and ultimately that, even though Phoenix won, they left the match with un-answered questions. As the youngster tries to sell his plea, There is a hint of selfishness that embeds itself in the message... seeing how it seems that Chord wants this match-up, more so, because he feels as if he should have won the "Rags to Riches" match & by defeating Phoenix tonight he could ultimately make a case for his first loss being theoretically erased in the minds of the X-WA viewers.]


[While it seems like Phoenix weights the idea in his mind for a brief second... The grizzled veteran of the west coast indy scene quickly hinders any notion of these two meeting tonight when he respectfully declines Chord's challenge. Jay, not very happy with Phoenix's decision, continues to try to push a re-match into the forefront but with no real success in the matter. In the end, the "Rags to Riches" victor cuts the youngster some slack and ultimately gives him the opportunity for a re-match on the following week's episode of "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg". The segment closes as Jay Chord seemingly settles on Phoenix's decision for a match-up next week as he really has no choice in the matter. In the end, both men exchange a competitive, yet firmly respectful, handshake to finish off their brief exchange.]







Jay Chord vs. Silver Shark


The 2nd Generation Superstar didn't have much time to rest following his show opening plea to Ultimate Phoenix as he was set to make his "Blitzkrieg" debut in the very first match of the night. His opponent, the former Main Event from the X-WA's March PPV - "Shockwaves", the fan favorite, Silver Shark, was certainly ready for tonight's action and wasn't going to let the youngster subject him to being his first victory in the X-WA. Their match-up, like most in the company, was a competitive back and forth affair... Both men were obviously eager to pick up a victory and showed this fact through the overall effort given from start to finnish. In the end, Jay Chord's, almost frenzied, personal need to win started to develop a true "super man" kind of performance. As Silver Shark attempted a spinebuster off the ropes... Chord was able to slam both of his arms on either side of Shark's head... This caused Silver Shark to let go and slowly back away for a second to grab at his ears in pain... From there, Chord was given enough room to capitalize as he boots Shark in the stomach and lands his signature Cradle Piledriver in the middle of the ring. Shark's body goes completely limp upon impact as Chord theatrically scores his FIRST win in the X-WA with a standard three count from X-WA Referee, Jez McArthuer.


Winner: Jay Chord over Silver Shark in 9:31 via pinfall.

Grade: D


Angle: The hunted becomes the hunter... However, both end up in cages...

Grade: D-


[Following Jay Chord's historic first victory in the X-WA... We would quickly cut to a taped video segment set in a local NYPD police station. The overall view is that of organized chaos as waves of law officers move in and out of the shot... focused on the task at hand. It seems like a typical monday morning in any police station across the country... that is... Until Vicente Marquez aggressively enters the building through the giant double doors facing main street.]


[Marquez seems to illuminate a sense of "blind rage" as the once abducted superstar combatively approaches the unsuspecting front desk associate... positioned just before the plethera of officer desks that seemingly fade off into the distance. While at the front desk, Vicente Marquez is heard militantly demanding to see Jack Griffith (currently being detained in this very building). The confused complex associate tries to generate some information from Marquez, however, Vicente doesn't seem to posses any sense of patience at this time... Rather, coming close to outright threatening the front desk associate to tell him where Griffith is being held. By this point, the frightened desk employee begins to ring a silent alarm stationed under her desk... Signifying that there is currently a problem that she needs assistance with.]


[Just as it seems like Vicente Marquez is absolutely losing his mind due to his internal "blind rage" for the very man who not only abducted him, but also harmed his beloved Jennifer in the process, a small group of NYPD officers begin to congregate around the corner... devising a plan on how to subdue the situation. After a brief meeting, The four police officers enter into the scenario and quitely ask the feverish Marquez if there is anything they can do to assist the situation. Vicente, now at the point where he's yelling even louder than before, demands that one of the officer's take him to where Jack Griffith is being held.... Noting that all he wants is 5 minutes alone with the psychotic freak. However, when the officers inform Marquez that that is not possible... Vicente absolutely loses it.]


[After verbally assaulting a few of the officers, in an obvious display of Marquez's frustration with the situation... Showing that Griffith truly has gotten under his skin and may be systematically changing his psyche over time, Vicente is tackled to the floor by the small group of officers... Not trying to hurt him but rather to subdue the situation. After detaining Vicente, who is still lashing out and demanding that he get 5 minutes alone with Griffith, the lead officer is heard telling the others to "put him up for the night" and to eventually get him a psych evaluation in the morning... Stating that they want to make sure that he's mentally stable enough to release him back out onto the streets.]


[Just as Vicente is being dragged off, against his own will, to a steel cell for the night.... One of the officers is heard sympathizing with the troubled superstar over the fact that he would probably have done the same if someone had kidnapped his girl. In the end, however, Vicente Marquez is detained overnight.... An uncommon situation for the likes of Marquez.... Potentially a sign of his slipping mental stability at the hands of Jack Griffith.]




"The Circus" vs. "The Next-Gen-Trio"

[Non-Title Match]


The second match of the night would prove to be a very awkward affair as two heel trio's were forced into competitive action versus eachother. "The Circus" has begun to "blurr the lines" of disposition lately following Kill Switch's brief interlocking with the X-WA X Champion, also a heel, Acid. So, needless to say, while the match seemed somewhat awkward due to the lack of having a safe team to celebrate... Both teams were focused with one thing on their mind.... The X-WA Six Man Championships. The challengers, fresh off of a loss at "Reckless Ascent" versus Steve Flash's make-shift trio, came out of the gate in dramatic fashion... Using their high impact style of wrestling to force "the Circus" into a state of retreat. The demonic trio was, seemingly, not expecting this kind of aggressive nature from the "Next-Gen-Trio" and it showed in the fact that they were somewhat behind through out most of the match... Actually looking as if the Trio was on the verge of victory at given points. However, in the end, the unsung "ringmaster" of "The Circus", Kill Switch; found a way to overcome the odds and ultimately defeat Joss Thompson as he was diving off of the top rope... While on his way down... Switch, who was looking as if he was staggering to his feet, was fortunate enough to catch a falling Thompson with a shocking knee strike to the forehead. Following the strike, Kill Switch was able to exicute a quick brainbuster on the unconcious Thompson... Picking up the victory as the other 2 members of his demonic trio were busy keeping the rest of "The Next-Gen-Trio" away from the pinfall.


Winner: "The Circus" over "The Next-Gen-Trio" in 9:20 via pinfall. Kill Switch wins the match via pinning Joss Thompson.

Grade: D+


Angle: The Last Chance to Turn Around...

Grade: C+


[Following a short commercial break, William Kingsbury III, along with his family employed bodyguard Vladimir, make their way down to the X-WA ring to a chorus of angry boo's. While in the ring, Kingsbury would be treated to a roaring chant of "F*ck you William" over and over again... Something that you would think would eat away at the skin of Kingsbury, however, shockingly does nothing but derive an evil smirk across his face. With a microphone in hand, Kingsbury would instantly center his verbal attack on the X-WA crowd... Proclaiming them to be nothing more than "poor, bottom-feeding, rats... The kind of disgusting rodents that try to claim our money as their own through the government."... As you guessed... This didn't go over to well with the fans in attendance, however, their overly negative response would only play into Kingsbury's un-just "hollier than thou" approach.]


[Kingsbury would continue to ignore his real intent for tonight's promo and rather focus on his absolute hatred for the X-WA fans with a string of polarizing verbal attacks. The crowd, increasingly becoming more and more volitile with every passing moment, is seen throwing trash into the ring... square in the direction of Kingsbury to show their dissaproval, however, again; it doesn't seem to phase the "Silver Spoon Superstar". That is... until he's interrupted by the very man who defeated him less than a week ago....]


[Nemesis's classic DAVE theme music blares over the X-WA Arena's sound system as the controversial Wrestling Legend quickly storms down to the ring with the intent to silence Kingsbury's verbal assault. While in the ring the crowd is heard transitioning from a thunderous ovation for the X-WA Owner to a wildly popular chant, "Kill him Nemesis", resonating through out the arena. With a aggressive tone, Nemesis rips into the "Silver Spoon Superstar".... Informing the youngster that he respects the X-WA fans leaps and bounds over him.... Claiming that "at least the fans don't rely solely upon their name to justify their importance.".... Even going as far as to flat-out call Kingsbury a "talentless, self-obsessed, mind numbingly annoying, hack"... Ultimately proclaiming that he knows Kingsbury is only here because his "daddy" forced him back into the company... (Which would generate a hilarious chant of "Daddy's *******")... But if he wants to survive through the rest of his contract with the X-WA... He'll need to do a lot of "Sitting down and shutting the f*ck up".]


[After a thunderous response from the crowd, an irrate Kingsbury finally touches upon the reason he came out to the ring... Informing the X-WA Owner that he is currently in the process of writing up papers to SUE Nemesis... Citing that his "post match attack" at "Reckless Ascent" (really just threw him over the top rope) was using "excessive force" 'and was also an act of "poor judgement by a company owner". Kingsbury states that after the match had finnished, Nemesis was no longer an active competitor but rather the owner of the X-WA... And by laying his hands on Kingsbury... He created a "harmful work environment" for the youngster. This sends Nemesis into a fit of rage... Obviously not happy with the fact of being sued in anyway, however, trying to restrain himself at the best that he can.]


[As the segment comes to a close, Nemesis blows off Kingsbury's legal advances... and rather... Informs the "Silver Spoon Superstar" that if he goes ahead with the suit.... That he will certainly make his life, and I quote, "A Living Hell". Following an evil stair down between both men... Kingsbury cracks a sly smirk upon his face... Storming out of the ring, with Vladimir at his side, and leaving Nemesis all alone... Potentially on the verge of losing millions of dollars... A money loss that could potentially... Sink the X-WA in the process.]





Stric Lee Bizness © vs. Ultimate Phoenix

[X-WA Arena Championship Match]


While the X-WA has only been around for 4 months, these two superstars have been intertwined with one another since day one. Both men were involved in the VERY FIRST X-WA Arena Championship match at the February PPV, "Til the last man stands", where Ultimate Phoenix was historically crowned as the victor. From there on out, Stric Lee Bizness became absolutely obsessed with Phoenix, and more importantly the Arena Championship, always hovering around the situation... After a few failed attempts at winning the title, Stric Lee Bizness FINALLY found a way to put his plan into action and defeated Ultimate Phoenix for the Arena Championship last month at "eXcessive Force". So, it's quite fitting that Phoenix would use his "rags to riches" victory to, once again, get his hands on the very man who stole his championship from him a matter of a few weeks ago (Stole because SLB actually pinned Teddy Powell in their three-way-matchup at "eXcessive Force" to be declared as the new champ).


The match itself was a very intense affair as both men were fixated on potentially walking away with the Arena Championship in their possession. Ultimate Phoenix set the tone of the match very early on as he quickly used his high octaine approach to wrestling to overwhelm the current champ. A mixture of lightning fast strikes fused with an array aerial spots would prove to be a highly successful approach from the challenger as Stric Lee Bizness seemed "on his heels" through out most of the match. That was until Stric Lee Bizness was able to dropkick the knee of Ultimate Phoenix while he stood on the top rope, waiting to leap. From there, like a shark smelling blood, SLB began to slow down the pace of the match with his expert knowledge of submission holds... Systematically breaking down the right knee, just like he did with American Elemental a week prior, with a coiling of said submission holds and a string of vicious strikes to the, now, injured knee.


However, no one expected to see the outcome that came to arrise.... Stric Lee Bizness, just like a few weeks ago, was fortunate enough to catch a hobbling Ultimate Phoenix off guard with a "ring shaking" sit-down powerbomb square in the middle of the ring. As Phoenix struggled to regain his composure, SLB quickly locked in a modified version of the boston crab ("walls of jericho")... Sitting back farther and farther... Which put more and more pressure on the back & neck of the grizzled veteran. Phoenix, desperately trying to break the hold, was somehow able to grab a nearby ring rope (as the submission hold was set up by SLB closer to the turnbuckle than he had first thought) expecting a clean break for his troubles. However, as the Jez tried to, once again, force SLB to break the hold... The "Ice Cold Assasin" ignored his plea and ultimately continues his potentially life-changing submission hold on Ultimate Phoenix. In the end, just like last month, Jez is forced to DQ Stric Lee Bizness after he ignored Jez's call for a "clean break" with a hard 5 count. In the end, it looks as if the cold and calculating Champion has found a new way to destroy those who attempt to challenge for his title...


Winner: Ultimate Phoenix over Stric Lee Bizness in 13:57 via DQ. SLB was Disqualified when he ignored a call for a "clean break", instead maintaining his submission hold.

Grade: D+


Angle: Saved by The Injured One...

Grade: D-


[in what has become a signature approach to his recent matches, Stric Lee Bizness is once again DQ'ed due to not breaking his submission hold despite his opponent gaining the right to a clean break by grabbing a nearby ring-rope. The "Ice Cold Assasin" continues to wrentch his opponent's back, and neck, with his modified boston crab as X-WA senior referee, Jez McArthuer, attempts to force the break with his own hands. With no success in the matter, McArthuer is then seen pointing to the back and calling for more officials to, once again, help him break the submission hold. However, Jez wouldn't need help from any other wayward officials as he receives help from an X-WA superstar instead.]


[That X-WA superstar was none other than the previous challenger for the Arena Champion at "Reckless Ascent", American Elemental. AE, hobbling down to the ring as fast as possible while utilizing his crutches, quickly ascends upon the ring and drops one of his crutches at ringside... Now, in the ring, AE is seen using his other crutch as a resourceful weapon... Creating a sickening thud as the metal part of the crutch collides with the back of SLB's head. The crowd, absolutely loving the fact that SLB is finally on the other end of a shocking attack, watches on as American Elemental is able to land a few more shots to the chest and back of the fallen X-WA Arena Champion. However, the "Ice Cold Assasin" is fortunate enough to exit the ring without any real damage being done.]


[The segment comes to a close as American Elemental stairs down Stric Lee Bizness, who now is seen standing on the outside nearby the enterence isle, inviting him to continue the fight. Whether it was for selfish reasoning or for a true show of sportsmanship, however, American Elemental had potentially saved Ultimate Phoenix's career with a heroic rescue.]


Angle: A Son's Brewing Frustration...

Grade: D


[At this point we would cut to a live shot of the X-WA Locker room area as "The King of New York", Steve Flash, is seen getting ready for his match-up tonight against X-WA X Champion, Acid. Just as the Indy Wrestling Legend stands up to shake off some of his internal nerves, freshening his body for tonight's action, his Son, Mathew Flash, is seen storming into the locker room area. In a matter of a few seconds, Mathew Flash is heard instantly confronting his Father over the fallout of their match-up at "Reckless Ascent". Mathew, obviously showing signs of a brewing sense of frustration, respectively inquires why his Father seemed unhappy with him following their Trio affair... Noting that they had won the match and all he was attempting to do was to celebrate with both his Father and Robert Oxford.]


[steve, noticeably still fumming from the chain of events at "Reckless Ascent", takes no time in returning Mathew's confrontational tone... Informing his Son that if he wants to be a Pro Wrestler then he has to "get his head in the game" and stop making stupid mistakes. Mathew, shocked as to what was said, listens on as Steve continues to rip into him for being "careless" and borderline "reckless" in their Trio match-up. Also, noting that Mathew had almost lost the match due to his lack of focus.]


[Mathew, understanding that he had made some grave mistakes in their match-up against "The Next-Gen-Trio", tries to relay to his Father that he is just starting out in the industry & that he'll certainly need time to develop (something that Steve already knows anyways). Hoping that this would be a sufficient response, Mathew would extend his hand out to pat his Father on his back as if to say "Thank you for your insight". However, Steve would not carry the same laissez faire mentality... Instead, the Indy Wrestling Legend scolds his Son's choice for wanting to become a Pro Wrestler in the first place and ultimately "drops a bomb" within their arguement... Stating that he should have never allowed his Son to talk him into being the third member of the Trio... Finally, also stating, that it is a mistake that he will NEVER allow to happen again.]


[Like the cold, demanding, Father that he is... Steve Flash walks out of the Locker room area... Shaking his head and talking to himself under his breath... Leaving Mathew standing in the room all by himself... Shocked... On the verge of potentially crying... And left with a lot to think about following his Father's emotional tirade.]




Teddy Powell vs. William Kingsbury III w/ Vladimir


In what would go down as Kingsbury's disgraceful return to "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg", The "Silver Spoon Superstar" made his TV comeback against the glorified "tweener" that is Teddy Powell. Following a walk-out on the X-WA, then a forced reinstatement, then a decree that he will only work PPV events so that X-WA fans have to PAY to see him perform, all the way to losing to Nemesis at "Reckless Ascent", once again, forcing him back on TV... William Kingsbury has found himself in the middle of much self-made controversy. Never afraid of such a thing, Kingsbury continues his typical approach to competition with the help of his menacing, family owned, bodyguard.


Despite Vladimir looming in the shadows, Powell's energy was something that shocked the returning Kingsbury straight out of the gate as the newly aggressive "tweener" took it to his opponent with a hyperactive tone. Honestly, it looked as if Kingsbury was unhappy that he was being forced back to comepte on TV and Powell took advantage of his lack of focus by pushing the pace of the match to the extreme. From the onset, Kingsbury was struggling to keep up with the blistering pace as, on a few occassions, "The Silver Spoon Superstar" was seen ducking out of the ring to collect his breath (and ultimately talk over strategy with Vladimir).


However, even though Powell was "wrestling out of his mind"... It wouldn't be enough for him to pick up the victory as William Kingsbury III quickly turned the tables following a sneak attack by Vladimir. Kingsbury, pretending as if he was suffering from some sort of knee injury, would occupy the attention of X-WA referee, Jez McArthuer, long enough for the towering Vladimir to mow over Powell with a running big boot to the jaw. Powell, upon impact, would do a complete flip... landing harshly on the canvas below... without any sense of movement following the strike. This would open up the victory for Kingsbury as his knee "miraculously heals" to the point where he's able to leap over to the fallen Powell and quickly score the 3 count delivered by the confused Jez McArthuer.


Winner: William Kingsbury III over Teddy Powell in 9:56 via pinfall.

Grade: C-


Angle: Evil Intentions...

Grade: D


[Just as we are about to cut to a commercial break... Kill Switch is seen roaming the hallways, without the company of "The Circus", in complete silence. The X-WA announcing team, Steve Smith and Ernie Turner, question why it looks like Switch is on his way to the ring only seconds before "Blitzkrieg's" Main Event, however, would receive their answer as Switch comes to a hault right before the camera man... His pitch-black hair dangling down before his face and his body in almost a comatose state... Switch slowly raises his head... Stairing down the camera lens in sadistic fashion as the crazed anarchist displays a "devil's grin" if there ever was one. Just then, the volatile "Circus" Ringmaster, delivered an ambiguous message to the viewer's at home... Stating...]


"Violence will reign peerless.... Its birth at the hands of my destruction."


[From there, the X-WA's telecast of "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg" would embark upon its final commercial break.... however, not before we receive a few more awkward seconds of watching the demonic anarchist, Kill Switch, stairing down the camera lens as if he was on the verge of an impromptu attack]




Acid vs. Steve Flash

[Non-Title Match]


It's been nearly 3 months since the last time these two X-WA "powerhouses" stood across from each other as opponents. Shockingly, despite Flash's success in the X-WA. this match-up would only mark the third time that these superstars have EVER competed against one another since the companies inception in January of 2008. Needless to say, the X-WA crowd was on the edge of their seats in anticipation of this "legendary affair". Both men have proven, without a shadow of a doubt, to be true cornerstones of the Nemesis run company.... Typically portrayed as grizzled veterans with a unrivaled understanding of in-ring psychology. All in all, both men carry the preconceived air of being a true Icon in the wrestling industry as a whole.


The match itself was certainly as good as projected as both superstars came into the match-up with grit determination.... A sense of mental clarity typically only prescribed to seasoned warriors (much like these two). Every single hold, every last maneuver was contested.... It became so common that both men started to show signs of frustration through out the match, However, neither allowed their concentration to break... As it would certainly spell a monumental disaster. Therefore, both men teetered on the sharp edge of absolute focus and complete recklessness as both superstars were under the understanding that it would take "something special" to really come away with a victory tonight (hence, the usage of recklessness at points through out the matches entirety).


Despite suffering, what appeared to be, a physically limiting back injury towards the beginning of the match following a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker "from hell', Steve Flash somehow found a way to push on through the pain... Instead, defying his ageless body to the point where it seemed, at points, like he possessed a sense of supernatural healing power. No matter what Acid through at the "King of New York"... he found a way to overcome the odds and ultimately kick out of any sort of pinning attempt. The same would pose for Acid, who really was in control through out most of the match, as no matter what Flash through at him... he found a way to not only overcome but to also inflict pain upon Steve Flash with an array of reversal maneuvers that would eventually slow the Indy Wrestling Legend down to a turtle-like pace.


As the match came to a close, however, Steve Flash was fortunate enough to catch Acid off guard... Slipping out of an attempted suplex by the X Champion and ultimately landing his signature "Flash Bang" in the middle of the ring. In most cases this would spark absolute chaos in the X-WA Arena as it would signify the end of the match... however... Upon being lifted off the ground... Acid's right foot is seen swinging slightly to the side... Striking X-WA official, Jez McArthuer, square in the jaw.... knocking him out in the process. With no referee conscious and able to develop a standard 3 count.... The match had come to a crazy pause.




From there, X-WA "Anarchist" and "Circus Ringmaster", Kill Switch, is seen storming out of the back with a steel chair in hand. The opportunistic "freak" quickly ascends upon the X-WA ring.... Stalking his prey in a sense. Both men, unaware of what is happening currently, struggle to get to their feet as Steve Flash has seemingly given up on a 3 count all together since the referee is currently M.I.A. mentally.


Acid, lunging at the unsuspecting Flash, would completely miss his attempt at a diving strike... instead, ending up in the same position he was previously... on the verge of being the recipient of ANOTHER "Flash Bang"... however, just as he goes to do so... Kill Switch acts with lightning quick speed... Sliding into the ring and quickly swinging his steel chair in a truly violent fashion at both men....


Acid, able to slightly break from his haze, positions his body ever-so-slightly to move out of the way.. Only to have Switch's vicious steel chair shot land across the forehead of Flash... buckling his knees below him and ultimately having him crash to the canvas in a thunderous heap. Switch, leaving the ring as quickly as he came in, watches on as Acid takes advantage of the situation... picking up the dazed Flash up off of the mat and executing a "jaw-dropping" "Acid Rain Bomb"... Just in time for McArthuer to wake up (isn't it weird how that always works out? ha)..... In the end, counting a standard 3 count for the X Champion.... declaring him the winner of the match.


Winner: Acid over Steve Flash in 17:42 via pinfall.

Grade: C+


Angle: And So It Begins...

Grade: D+


[As the match comes to a close and the bell has rung, The X-WA X Champion, Acid is proclaimed the victor by the companies senior referee, Jez McArthuer. As Acid celebrates his victory with his signature gladiator cry (Stretching his arms out at the sight in a flexing position while screaming out to the crowd in an act of displaying his absolute dominance), The real story seems to be between Kill Switch and the recently defeated, Steve Flash.]


[As Kill Switch slowly back peddles towards the enterence curtain, holding a sadistic smile upon his face, Steve Flash is seen attempting to pull himself up from the canvas. The impact from the steel chair shot from Switch has truly rocked the Indy Wrestling Legend as Steve is un-able to fully get back up to his feet... Rather, laying on his side... Pushing his upper body up with his right elbow as if it were a bike kick-stand. While brushing the hair out of his face, Flash stairs down the opportunistic Kill Switch with a feverish tone. This would mark the second time that Steve Flash has lost to Acid on account of an outsider interfering (the first being at the hands of "The Next-Gen-Trio" on the very first episode of "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg") and this notion seems to be circling through the dazed mind of the fallen Flash.]


[The show finally comes to a close as both Kill Switch and Steve Flash are locked in a heated stair down]






Overall Show Grade: C+

X-WA Arena Attendance: 3,771

"Blitzkrieg" TV Rating: 0.41 (+/- 0.00)

Prediction Winner(s): Marcel Fromage and Smurphy1014 (5 out of 5)!!!!



Quick "Blitzkrieg" Re-Cap


Jay Chord def. Silver Shark via pinfall. (D)

"The Circus" def. "The Next-Gen-Trio" via pinfall. (D+)

Ultimate Phoenix def. Stric Lee Bizness via DQ. (D+)

William Kingsbury III def. Teddy Powell via pinfall with help from Vladimir. (C-)

Acid def. Steve Flash via pinfall with help from Kill Switch(C+)

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great show eisen! even if I was completely wrong on my predictions. :p i'm really digging the storylines youre creating as it feels like you have them all wellthought out. its a pleasure to read.


here are the top three things I loved about your last show:

1. Vicente Marquez nypd arrest

2. kingsbury unvailing that he is sueing nemesis for creating a hostile work environment

3. I especially love how youve booked stric lee bizness lately. using submission hold dq's to show that he is trying to dismantle his opponent versus worrying about winning. he is a perfect fit for your secondary title right now as your creating some compelling action with him.


keep it up man! i hope you can keep this diary going for a long time.

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great show eisen! even if I was completely wrong on my predictions. :p i'm really digging the storylines youre creating as it feels like you have them all wellthought out. its a pleasure to read.


here are the top three things I loved about your last show:

1. Vicente Marquez nypd arrest

2. kingsbury unvailing that he is sueing nemesis for creating a hostile work environment

3. I especially love how youve booked stric lee bizness lately. using submission hold dq's to show that he is trying to dismantle his opponent versus worrying about winning. he is a perfect fit for your secondary title right now as your creating some compelling action with him.


keep it up man! i hope you can keep this diary going for a long time.


Thank you, CZCW!!


Thanks for checking out the show! I plan on doing a few "misc" posts before the next show highlighting Nemesis being sued by Kingsbury and SLB's new in-ring approach. Plus, a new signing that will have a story of it's own (kind of not all that super important but adds to the "feel" of the X-WA).


Plus, The end of the month awards for May will be posted pretty soon as well so new readers have an idea what has happened over the last month (Plus creates converstaion about the picks that are chosen). I'm also thinking about creating a post that kind of sums up the X-WA "Brand" (product, etc.) so that new readers have an idea of what my company is all about. I know that tends to be a problem with user created companies as if I was running with TCW, USPW, SWF.. etc... You would have a sense of background knoweldge what the company stands for. Therefore, I'm thinking of creating a short blimp to the new readers so they have an idea what they're reading.


Finally, I'm hoping to keep this diary going for quite some time. As of right now, I can definetly see it doing so. I have a little less free time right now so I'm taking my time on shows a little bit more and may be implementing a new writing style with time to "Keep it fresh" overall. All in all, as long as it seems like people are enjoying the X-WA... and as long as I'm having fun writing things out... This diary will stay running for quite some time!



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STORY: Vicente Marquez no longer detained; received a normal score on psych evaluation. Griffith is still in NYPD custody.




[... Marquez is released from NYPD Custody... Griffith not so lucky ...]


Vicente Marquez was released from NYPD detention early this morning after receiving a normal score on his psych evaluation. Marquez, recently detained following a very public outburst at a local NYPD station, was deemed fit for release after a state employed psychologist felt it was "safe" to suspend his brief lock down.


Upon leaving the premises, Vicente was picked up by his friends and family and escorted to an undisclosed location for some much needed downtime. It's unknown whether or not Jennifer Heat was involved in the outreach, however, we've confirmed a few sources that have claimed she was present.


With that being said, however, the man who Marquez was hell-bent on reaching is still being detained by NYPD officials and is currently awaiting potential abduction charges.


When we approached X-WA Owner, Nemesis, for further comment on the matter we were left with a resounding "No Comment". Many within the company are currently afraid over the "well being" of the X-WA as this will certainly be considered a "black-eye"... Especially when coupling it with the fact that Nemesis, himself, is in the process of being sued by William Kingsbury III.


More to come...

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STORY: Nemesis, X-WA at large, being sued by Employee.




[... How will the X-WA respond to Kingsbury's legal threats? ...]


In a shocking turn of events, X-WA Employee, William Kingsbury III has made it apparent that he is processing a legal actions towards X-WA Owner, Nemesis. While the two have been intertwined in a raging battle since the companies inception... No one saw this sort of outcome coming.


Kingsbury, claiming that Nemesis has created a "Hostile Working Environment" for the youngster, has acquired a high-powered legal team and is set on seeking a monumental amount of money in "personal damages"... Citing that the X-WA Owner has "wrongfully singled him out due to his Family's prestige and has forced him into degrading situations that have ultimately stained the Kingsbury estate".


In a brief statement to X-WrestlingAmerica.com, the Kingsbury Family lawyers have released this statement on the matter:


"Our Client has expressed the need for legal consult over the negative treatment he's received from the X-WA, and most importantly it's owner... Nemesis. We will do what is in the best interest of our client and will see to it that the X-WA take proper action on the subject. If not, then we will be forced to push forward with Mr. Kingsbury's lawsuit and will seek an undisclosed amount of damages for his pain and suffering."


It also should be noted... Little is known whether or not William's Father, William Kingsbury II, is supporting his son in this manor.


More to come...

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... How to break the cycle ...



With the recent string of in-ring mayhem between Stric Lee Bizness, Ultimate Phoenix, and American Elemental... As well as the added frustration of last night's Main Event... X-WA Owner, Nemesis, has announced that they will be releasing Senior Referee, Jez McArthuer, to seek employment elsewhere and will be adding a new sense of toughness to the position with his replacement.




Ryan Holland was the so called "Extreme Referee" during his tenure with DAVE as no one really tested his authority. He's a roughneck, tough-as-nails, bruiser of a referee who literally will take control of any situation, in-ring, during a match. Needless to say, the days of having to force 15 security guards to the ring to break up a submission hold from Stric Lee Bizness have come and passed.


When reached for comment on the matter, X-WA Owner, Nemesis had this to say:


"The X-WA is at a crossroads where certain superstars are overextending their boundaries, and in turn, putting other superstars at risk. While, typically, I would endorse such an approach... I can not stand aside and have our Main Event's end up like Last night. Jez has done a great job in his short tenure with the company, however, I am looking for a referee who can stand his ground... and push back when need be. Ryan Holland is that man."

- Nemesis, 1st Week of June 2008

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With the close of every in-game month, I've dedicated a post to the "Best Of" that month. This was created so that newbies to my X-WA Diary could easily jump "into the action" without having to do extensive amounts of reading before hand. Each award category was designed in which to give a fitting synopsis of what the X-WA Landscape looked like over the last month. With that being said, Enjoy!




Superstar of the Month: Acid (x3)

Reason: With wins over Ultimate Phoenix, Fumihiro Ota, Kill Switch, and Steve Flash in the month of May... Who else could really stand in his place? Acid will forever be the first ever X-WA X Champion and thus far has successfully defended said championship over the last three months against some of the biggest names in the company. He ended May with a win streak of 3-0; with an overall win streak of 10-1 (the only loss coming in a Trio Match). Needless to say, Acid is single handedly THE most dominant figure in the X-WA Today & has no signs of slowing down (Even if he is borderline to injury as of right now due to working for 3 different companies at this time). It's safe to say that he is the "poster child" (even as a heel) for the X-WA thus far.


Match of the Month: Stric Lee Bizness over Vicente Marquez, X-WA "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg", 2nd Week of May 2008.

Reason: In his second consecutive month, Vicente Marquez is being recognized as being part of the "Match of the Month". In this bout, Marquez was coming off of just having his girlfriend abducted by his psychotic arch-nemesis, Jack Griffith. It was obvious to see that the youngster was having troubles focusing and was truly "broken off from reality"... Giving just enough room for the "Ice Cold Assassin" to take advantage and eventually defeat the "up-and-coming" superstar. The match itself was amazing (Grade: B) and many label this bout as Stric Lee Bizness's coming out party in a sense. It would have meant more if Marquez was in tip top mental condition, however, in the end, a win is a win!


Angle of the Month: Jack Griffith abducts Jennifer Heat & Vicente Marquez

Reason: Just when you thought their feud couldn't get any more heated, Jack Griffith turned it up a notch by abducting Marquez's beloved girlfriend, Jennifer Heat. While losing the love of his life would be detrimental enough, Griffith ultimately used her as a "pawn"... Forcing Marquez to choose between his love for Jennifer (his "addiction" as Griffith put it) or choose his success (as Nemesis was on the verge of naming him as the #1 contender to the X Championship). Without hesitation, Marquez did exactly what Griffith wanted him to do... Turn his back on his career goals and chase down his "addiction" (Just as he had down before his ultimate public downfall). From there, Griffith would "twist a knife in the back of Marquez" repeatedly as he left clues for the youngster as to where they (Griffith and Heat) were hidden. When Marquez finally unraveled the clues... It led him to an abandoned Psych Ward a few miles from the X-WA Arena... There, he was not only assaulted from behind by Griffith upon arrival but was also tied up and forced to read a letter during the next telecast of "Blitzkrieg" stating that he was "just like Jack Griffith"... and that the two of them were one in the same by choosing their addictions over their overall career goals. In the end, Marquez would defeat Griffith in an unsanctioned match at "Reckless Ascent" to regain control of the situation... Freeing the love of his life & ultimately going to jail for one night at a local NYPD police station on the follow week's "Blitzkrieg" telecast due to his aggressive tone while wanting a piece of the currently detained Griffith (Being detained and possibly charges pressed for Abduction.)


Trio of the Month: Steve Flash, Mathew Flash, and TCW's Robert Oxford

Reason: This match-up had been a long time coming between the Flash family and "The Next-Gen-Trio". After weeks of violent attacks and emotional outbursts... They were finally set to face off against each other at the X-WA's May PPV, "Reckless Ascent". While Mathew Flash looked extremely "green" in their match-up and almost lost the match on several occasions due to his lack of experience... Steve's other partner, and long-time friend, Robert Oxford made up for it.


Disappointment of the Month: "The Next-Gen-Trio" (Francios Cartier, Joss Thompson, and Jacob Jett)

Reason: Ever run across a group of guys who seem to be all talk? Sure, these three have been the center of much controversy since joining the X-WA (costing Steve Flash the X Championship on the first telecast of "Blitzkrieg" and even sending Flash to a potential career ending injury... "Crowning" him the "King of New York")... They really haven't seen much success in the win column. While no one expects the youngster Trio to be amazing straight out of the gate... Some question whether or not they truly are what they say they are... "The Next-Gen-Trio".... Maybe, "The Potential No-Namers" would be a better, more fitting, name?

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I have been thinking, why dont you keep the trio's title and have a tag title.


I thought of doing this as well, however, it adds waaaay to many titles to a small company. Especially when Trio's and Tag's are so closely alike in a way. I have a brief idea of how to go forward with ending the Trio and creating a tag division... however, I'm just waiting it out until it's "right" to do so.


Thanks for the idea though. It was a thought of mine for a bit to potentially keep both but, in the end, it seemed like it would litter the X-WA with too many titles at a "cult" level... As, the only other title I could really see being added (minus a tag team) is a "low card" title that could be a stepping stone championship for the youngsters on my roster.

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I thought of doing this as well, however, it adds waaaay to many titles to a small company. Especially when Trio's and Tag's are so closely alike in a way. I have a brief idea of how to go forward with ending the Trio and creating a tag division... however, I'm just waiting it out until it's "right" to do so.


Thanks for the idea though. It was a thought of mine for a bit to potentially keep both but, in the end, it seemed like it would litter the X-WA with too many titles at a "cult" level... As, the only other title I could really see being added (minus a tag team) is a "low card" title that could be a stepping stone championship for the youngsters on my roster.


Haven't had time to read the show yet but i've got a second so i'll chime in on this. I like the trios title i think it gives character to XWA. you may have to forgo your small roster and bring in a few extra guys to have a real trios division (I say you need at least 4 trios).


If you are dead set on getting rid of the trios title I see a great storyline where the trio holding the title breaks up. Two wander off and claim their belts are now tag titles as they've lost the dead weight. The third member of the trio claims he has never lost his title so he will take on all comers to prove he deserved it and you can turn that into a lowercard title for youngsters or fliers.

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