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The X-WA || "An Act of Vengeance for The Fallen Angel"

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So I got bored one day and decided to give this diary a try, and I couldnt be happier that I did. You have created this amazing new fed that is so unlike anything else and you give it this amazing vibe. Its like a mix between old school ECW. ROH and WWE its just awesome, Really execellent work Eisen-Verse.


wow, thanks BrockLock. I really appreciate it man. This diary is a lot of fun to write, however, it makes it a lot easier when I know that there are others out there who are checking in and reading it every once in awhile.


You couldn't have hit it on the head anymore than you did. I wanted to make the X-WA into an old school ECW'esque company that also relies just as much on in-ring action (ROH) as the dark cult-like entertainment qualities. It took fleshing out the characters and ultimately putting Nemesis at the helm to finally get an idea of what their vibe is all about. While it's still early... I feel like I'm starting to get a hang of what the X-WA is all about, however, I'm sure it will get much more cemented over time.


Anywhoo, Just wanted to say thanks!

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(I was able to get the write-up done earlier than I thought as I had some free time last night to finish up. I'm hoping to get the entire "Shockwaves" card set by the next show. This was just the first wave. Hope you enjoy reading! Cheers)



X-WA Thursday Night Blitzkrieg - TV Event

2nd Week of March 2009


Angle: Tired of your games...

Grade: C-


This weeks version of "Blitzkrieg" starts off with a taped promo from "The Next-Gen Trio" as they stand in their locker room backstage. The promo consists of the young egocentric trio ripping into, almost, the entire X-WA roster with the most noteable comments being slanted towards Nemesis, Steve Flash, and even Acid. The trio goes on to say that last week was their "declaration of greatness"... The moment inwhich they became "prime time players" in the X-WA and no longer a bunch of "no name youngsters" (despite what others may think). Francios goes on to focus primarily on the man he slammed a steel cage door on last week... Steve Flash. All three men are seen ripping into the "New York Indy Wrestling Legend" by landing a somewhat cliche overtone... That Flash was "over-the-hill" and in need of moving aside so that "The Next-Gen Trio" can take their rightful place at the top of the X-WA. However, while it felt a little cliche, their tone turned more personal... berating Steve Flash for being the ultimate "Lazy Nobody"... Their reasoning is that Steve Flash has always been known as a HUGE indy wrestling superstar... He's gained respect upon that notion. However, he never seemed to make it past New York... Never broke out and "became somebody" (according to the Trio). From that, "The Next-Gen Trio" derived that Steve Flash is nothing more than a lazy hack who would rather be popular in one area rather than show himself off to be the "best of all-time"... Which is the counter-opposite of the "Next-Gen Trio"... They don't give a crap about anyone but themselves... They don't want to be popular... They want to be successful and plan on using the X-WA as a stepping stone to etching their names in wrestling immortality. With that being said, they are starting their path towards greatness by silencing the one man who is the ultimate antithesis of their goals. Francios would then go on to challenge Steve Flash to "man up"... "Prove his worth in the company since his previous achievements mean nothing to the X-WA" and more importantly to them. In the end, the Trio challenges Steve Flash to a 3 on 1 handi-cap match at the "Shockwaves" PPV coming up in 2 weeks. The promo closes as the camera pans across the "Next-Gen Trio"... Showing them to be... Possibly the present and future of the X-WA.


Enygma Extreme vs. Whippy the Clown


This match looked to be climbing an uphill battle from the start of this match-up. "The Circus" (Kill Switch and Snap Dragon) are seen perched around the ringside area in a deeply menacing fashion... Waiting for their second to strike.. To cause chaos. This seemingly was a major distraction for Enygma Extreme from the very begining as he was seen circling the ring... looking down upon the 2 other men who would obviously become part of the match at some point. For this reason, Whippy took a resounding lead at the onset of the match... Taking cheap shots on Extreme, which were always followed by a hideous laugh, and stomping him square into the matt so hard that you felt Enygma Extreme would leave pieces of himself on that very mat. This was the scene for most of the begining of the match... that was until... Enygma Extreme dug deep down and found a way to counter an attempted suplex... Instead, slamming Whippy's face into the mat with a thunderous front face suplex. Extreme, running his hand over his mouth to check for blood after the initial attack by Whippy, would then go on to return the favor... Slamming Whippy all over the ring and utlimately knocking him, seemingly, out cold with a top rope flipping neckbreaker!! Just as Enygma went for the pin.... however... Snap Dragon & Kill Switch quickly jumped up on the aipren and grabbed the attention of the referee. Snap Dragon grabs the referee's shirt and seems to slither in his face as Kill Switch jumps into the ring and lays out Extreme with a full-nelson belly-to-back suplex... Folding Extreme over hard onto his head... Then slipping out of the ring and diving out of view.


The crowd is going absolutely crazy by the under-handic tactics as it seems that "The Circus" is on route to cheat their way into another win. This notion reiterated itself when later we saw Enygma begin to regain some composure but just as he went for his RKO'esque "Slow Drain"... Whippy pushed him square into the referee... Knocking the referee out (since no referee seems to be able to take a hit what so ever). Whippy then called the rest of "The Circus" into the ring as the three of them started to gang-assault the battered Enygma Extreme.. Beating him down to the matt despite his valiant effort to fight back. Just when it looked extremely bleak for Enygma.... Everything fell apart for "The Circus".


Hell Monkey came running out of the back with a steel chair in hand to the crowds delight. When he got to the ring Snap Dragon tried to dive over the top rope at him, however, one the way down... Monkey connected with a thunderous chair shot to the side of his head.. Knocking Snap Dragon completely out cold as he slumps over on the concrete floor in dramatic fashion. Monkey then slide into the ring and wailed away on Kill Switch as he was the first person to meet him.. Knocking him square over the top of his head. Whippy... Laughing for some reason as only Whippy could.... Turns his head to the side and dares him to hit him... Saying "Hit me.... F*cking hit me". Monkey nods his head slowly and goes to swing just as Whippy sprays some sort of liquid in the direction of Monkey out of a flower on the front of his ring attire. Luckily, Monkey thinks quickly and is able to dodge the advance... Finally swinging the chair over his head and slamming it straight across Whippy's face... Knocking him out cold and having him fly back a good 2 feet. From there, Hell Monkey throws the chair down onto the mat and exits the ring as Enygma Extreme slowly pulled Whippy back to his feet and hit "The Slow Drain" in the corner of the ring.... Picking up the three count as the referee tries his hardest to stay concious.


Winner: Enygma Extreme over Whippy the Clown in 8:25 via pinfall.

Grade: D


Angle: Shared hatred...

Grade: E


After the match has finished, Hell Monkey is seen holding the bridge of the chair with his left hand as he extends his right hand out to Extreme. Enygma takes a second to weight his options in this situation as he finally accepts Monkey's advance and is helped up by a chair wielding, Hell Monkey. The two now stand side by side in the ring as they look to stave off an attack from "The Circus". Both men look ready for a fight as "The Circus" circles around the ring and stairs up at the two new allies. However, in the end, "The Circus" is seen retreating from the ring in a massively pissed off fashion. Unhappy with what has happened, "The Circus" storms their way up the ramp and vows to fight another day as they exit into the back.. However, not before Whippy could spin around and say "I will destroy you" to the TV camera, however, directed at Monkey & Enygma Extreme. Ending the phrase with demonic laughter and slowly staggering into the backstage area. Meanwhile, Hell Monkey and Enygma Extreme are seen talking to one an other while we cut to commercial break.


Jack Griffith vs. Vicente Marquez


Jack Griffith was not in a good mood through out this match. You could tell as every little punch, every little stomp had something extra behind it. At one point, Griffith was in firm control of the match-up and almost picked up the win within the first few minutes after landing a staggering brainbuster DDT. The move was so impactful that Vicente looked to be out cold from the fall. However, the dream of a 3 count came and went when Vicente found a way to kick out. From there Griffith seemingly grew more and more impatient.... Almost as if he expected to pick up the win over Marquez instantly. This mindset was his true downfall though as Griffith started to unravel more and more as the match went along. When he only received a 2 count after counter spinebuster... He just seemed to lose it all together. Griffith began to argue with the referee after every move, argue with fans at ringside, and ultimately let up his focus enough for Vicente to make a major comeback. Towards the end of the match, Vicente could do no wrong... Any move Griffith would go for... Vicente would counter. Any move that Marquez tried for, however, landed perfectly for him and the writing on the wall was starting to show. Griffith slowed down physically and his ring rust really started to show as Marquez finally put him out of his misery with a string of combo moves finally ending with a mind-blowing sunset flip and pinfall.


Winner: Vicente Marquez over Jack Griffith in 9:46 via pinfall.

Grade: C


Angle: And.... He's lost it...

Grade: D+


After the match has come to an end... Jack Griffith seems to completely lose it. A full-blown mental breakdown is probably the best way to put it. After years of personal demons, failures in his life, professional suicide... Jack Griffith has finally come to this point.... A very public falling out with his ownself. Griffith is seen yelling at the referee and ultimately punching him square across the face... Having the referee tumble to the outside in a slumping heap. From there Griffith is seen kicking the ring ropes for a few seconds while screaming wildly and swearing like a sailor. Finally, dropping to his knees in the middle of the ring... Seemingly crying and slamming his fists on the matt. All around an extremely awkward moment. Just then X-WA security starts to roll into the ring to help remove Griffith from causing more damage to himself and the overall event. However, when the security hits the ring... Griffith turns violent... Attacking the large crowd of security members and ultimately being restrained by a group of muscle-bound security men. After it seems that Griffith has wildly expelled all the energy left in his body... A group of X-WA security members are seen escorting Griffith out of the ring and into the backstage area as Jack seems to be completely beside himself.... Showing him for what he really is... A complete train wreck of a human being.


Angle: No DQ = Excessive Violence...

Grade: D+


After we've come back from a commercial break following Jack Griffith's public mental breakdown, We saw Nemesis standing before the camera in his "make-shift office". Nemesis spares no time as he instantly comments on the violent affair between "The Circus" and Hell Monkey/Enygma Extreme at the begining of the show. He goes on to say that here in the X-WA... Chaos reigns supreme... So tonight, the match-up between Hell Monkey and Snap Dragon will be given extra attention... To the sense that Nemesis will allow "anything to happen" in said match-up.... Not holding anyone back from expressing their love of... Well... Violence. In turn, changing the Hell Monkey/Snap Dragon match into a No DQ match-up. Closing his short promo with a simple phrase... "May the best.... most vile Superstar... Survive". (Subsituting "Survive" for "win" as in this match-up.... Winning is not necessarily the competitors focus... Rather, destroying the other seems to be more fitting).


Ultimate Phoenix © vs. Mr. Electricity

X-WA Arena Championship Match


No one really expected Mr. Electricity to put up a major fight... I don't think even Mr. Electricity was expecting to come away with a match like this. It was a crazy reverse of fortunes as both men wrestled one hell of a match, however, saw the crowd somewhat bored with the match itself. Maybe it was coming off of a great match between Marquez and Griffith or maybe it was the fact that the X-WA "cult crowd" is showing their displeasure with an "over-the-top" super babyface like Mr. Electricity... All in all, the match was seen as somewhat of a let down. With that being said, no one really expected anything crazy out of the match-up as Phoenix is much like Acid in the sense that he's a legit champion and his challenger tonight didn't seem to truly cut it. A major moment of the match came when both men were trading pinfalls over and over again.. One man would go for the pin and then the other would reverse the hold and place their oponent in a pinfall of their own... This went on for 8 different exchanges until Mr. Electricity was seen trying to go for another standing pinfall and Phoenix blocked the roll-up and ended up landing a standing 360 leg drop across the throat of Mr. Electricity. The exchange would bring in a moderate response from the crowd as Phoenix would then go on to dominate the rest of the match until we all of a sudden see Stric Lee Bizness slowly walk down to the ring decked out in his typical attire (a suit and leather gloves)... Eyeing up the action in the ring. A few seconds later Phoenix is seen hitting the ropes to go after Mr. Electricity who currently is struggling to stay on his knees... However, as he hits the ropes, SLB grabs Phoenix's leg from outside of the ring. Normally, the superstar being pulled upon would hit the mat, however, it seems that Phoenix is able to keep his balance as he spins around and stairs down at SLB in a pissed off fashion. Stric Lee continues to stair down Phoenix happy with his attempt even though it didn't truly pay off as he would have liked.


From there Mr. Electricity tried to climb back up to his feet and catch Phoenix off guard with a roll-up, however, Phoenix was able to roll out of the pin and ultimately reverse the pinning hold... Defeating Mr. Electricity with a counter to his original pin attempt.


Winner: Ultimate Phoenix over Mr. Electricity in 11:44 via pinfall. This marks the first title defense of the X-WA Arena Championship by Ultimate Phoenix.

Grade: D


Angle: Lets end this...

Grade: D


The match comes to an end as Ultimate Phoenix instantly calls for a micraphone. While stairing down Stric Lee Bizness.... Phoenix is heard ripping into Stric Lee Bizness for becoming obsessed with the fact that Phoenix had defeated him for the Arena Championship. How no matter where he goes... SLB is always there... Whether it's coming to the arena or getting warmed up for his matches... SLB is always there. It has even got so bad it seems that Stric Lee is conciously coming out to the ring to sabotage Phoenix's matches (Seen in tonights match). From there, Phoenix tells him that he is going to "end this before it gets out of hand"... In the end, challenging him to a match at "Shockwaves" for his Arena Championship. If Phoenix wins.. Stric Lee goes to the "back of the line" and has to work his way back up the ranks to ever get another title shot and if Stric Lee wins... Phoenix will hand over the Arena Championship and will do the same.... Forgo his re-shot clause and will have to ultimately work his way back up the ranks to potentially via for the Arena Championship again. Just as Phoenix ends his schpeel... Stric Lee slowly nods his head and tightens the gloves on each of his hands... Stairing down the Arena Champion and mouthing the words "You were lucky the first time.... You won't have such luck at Shockwaves". From there, Phoenix raises the Arena Championship high in the air as his theme music hits over the arena PA system. We cut to a commercial break as we see Phoenix, on high, holding the title up with his right arm... Just as Stric Lee stands on the outside of the ring... Stairing down his oponent for "Shockwaves".


Angle: Blood will be shed...

Grade: D-


We cut backstage to see "The Circus" huddled around eachother in a dimly light room... With the only light coming from a fire that they've seemingly created out of burning whatever they could find. All three men look to be completely unstable... To the point where it's almost as if Whippy the Clown is showing more and more signs of Schitzophrenia... Talking to himself, hugging his body in the process, and letting out a sadistic laugh followed by an extremely aggressive snarl in a matter of seconds. The three men, while hardly living in reality, all have one goal in mind... Destroying Hell Monkey & Enygma Extreme for what they had done earlier (marking the FIRST LOSS by "The Circus" in the X-WA). In the end, Whippy the Clown grabs Kill Switch by his throat.. Pulling him in to his face and laughing like a mad man as he states that "The Monkey must die". To any normal person, this would be followed by Switch getting pissed off for the violent advance by Whippy... However, it comes as the exact opposite. Kill Switch looks to enjoy the punishment as the Psychotic "Circus" is gearing up for an all out WAR tonight.


Hell Monkey vs. Snap Dragon w/ "The Circus"

No DQ Match


Hell Monkey came prepared with a steel chair firmly in his hands and steel chainlinks around his neck... Gearing up for a fight. Along side of him is his, seemingly, new ally in the war versus "The Circus"... Enygma Extreme, who is also equipt with a baseball bat in hand. The overall vibe seems that this match is not going to be pretty what so ever. Once in the ring, "The Circus" makes their way out lead by Whippy the Clown... Obviously showing his hatred for the Enygma/Monkey trio... Standing infront of Snap Dragon & Kill Switch with his head slowly ****ed to the side, holding a sadistic snarl on his face, and holding his "Sack of Fun" in front of him. The trio methodically makes their way down to the ring as the fight instantly starts as the entire "Circus" slides into the ring to go after Monkey! This causes Enygma Extreme to also climb into the ring as an all out war starts the begining of the match. Hell Monkey is seen blasting Snap Dragon over the head with a steel chair then turning his attention to Kill Switch but it's too late... Kill Switch kicks him in the gutt and ends up swinging a black wooden cain with a jewel top (that he was carrying to the ring) square over the back of Monkey... Having him stagger, however, never releasing the chair from his hands. Just as this is going on, Enygma Extreme swings his bat to hit Whippy, however, Whippy is able to move out of the way and swings his "Sack of Fun" towards Enygma.. Connecting with his chest and knocking him over in dramatic fashion. From there, Whippy would open up his "Sack of Fun" and pull out a pair of brass knuckles which he instantly slides onto his fingers while letting out a demonic laugh. Extreme tries to jump back up to his feet and ultimately get to Whippy before he can use the weapon, however, it's too late... Whippy ends up flooring Enygma Extreme square in the middle of the ring. Then turning his attention to Hell Monkey as both he and Kill Switch work over the fallen Monkey as he struggles to try to get away.


Somehow, the referee is able to restore order (order in a No DQ match? I guess it's possible) and Whippy & Kill Switch exit to the outside of the ring as does the, now, bloodied Enygma Extreme. While both men's allies are seen on the outside... The overall vibe feels as if chaos could still errupt at any moment. While in the ring, however, Monkey and Dragon are seen starting the match off with Snap Dragon in firm control of the match (especially after the 2 on 1 beat down Monkey just endured). Snap Dragon, along with the other members of the Circus, are seen exposing every single turnbuckle so that each corner is more dangerous than ever. From there, Snap would spend a good 2 minutes at the begining of the match just whipping Hell Monkey into each and every corner.... Slamming his back against the steel and ultimately looking as if Hell Monkey could break in half at any point. Snap would then use Kill Switch's cain as a weapon... Jamming its jewel end into the gutt Of Hell Monkey.. over.. and over again.. To the point where it seems that a massive bruise was starting to form on Monkey's chest. This would go on for, what seemed like forever until Snap was able to set up a table in the middle of the ring... Planting Monkey on the table and climbing up to the top. While on the top rope, Monkey would move out of the way as Enygma Extreme jumped up on the aipren and shoved Snap off the top rope as he went for a moonsault... Having him fly backwards with a lot of force instead and tearing through the table.


This would cause another chaotic exchange as Whippy and Kill Switch instantly rushes into the ring wielding their weapons in a vicious fashion. Whippy would turn his attention to Enygma on the outside as the two brawled all around the ringside area as Kill Switch began to beat down on Hell Monkey. However, that all came to a shocking twist, when all of a sudden Hell Monkey was able to duck away from Switch's advances and ultimately kick him over the top rope with a flipping dropkick. From there, the crowd would errupt as Hell Monkey regained the contol of his steel chair... Climbing out of the ring and physically destroying Kill Switch with the chair... Slamming the steel chair over Switch's head and torso... Over and over again.. And even at one point, Pinning the bridge of the chair across Switch's neck while he lays against the guardrail. He would then turn his attention on Whippy, who is in firm control... beating up on Extreme, as Monkey would run around the corner and plant the steel chair across Whippy's back with so much force that Whippy crumbles to the ground in pain. Both Enygma and Monkey go on to double team on Whippy the Clown... Ultimately landing a double team powerbomb attempt through a table that they set up at ringside. However, not keeping an eye on Snap Dragon, Snap ends up flying over the top rope onto both men... Creating a mass heap of bodies on the outside of the ring.


The match looked as if the ending would never come... This chaos would continue for a few more minutes... Blood filling up the ringside area from Enygma Extreme, Kill Switch still on the floor holding his throat, and Whippy the Clown never seeming to get back up to his feet.... This all worked in to the end of the match as Hell Monkey was seen laying into Snap Dragon with his, now, bented steel chair... Landing shots over and over again and finally finishing the match off with a top rope leg drop... Positioning the steel chair below his legs... Landing across Snap's face. From there he would get the final three count to bring the match to its dramatic end.


Winner: Hell Monkey over Snap Dragon in 14:43 via pinfall.

Grade: C


Angle: My name makes me better than you...

Grade: C+


Right before the main event could happen.. we see William Kingsburry the III come out of the back to a chorus of boos along with his menacing big heavyweight bodyguard. While in the ring, Kingsbury instantly calls for a mic... Bitching the entire time that he hasn't "received it any faster". While on the mic, Kingsbury would continue with the obvious tone of the night... Ripping into Nemesis for supposedly "screwing him out of the X Championship" and also Steve Flash for also "Screwing him out of HIS championship". After vowing to one day, very soon, reclaim the Championship that should be his! (He says reclaim.. however.. He's never actually held the title before. Just shows his mindset). From there, Kingsbury would turn his attention towards the man he assaulted to via for the X Championship.. and.. the man who he cheated out of an opportunity to wrestle again last week with a Mischievou assault by his bodyguard, Fumihiro Ota. Kingsbury tells Ota that he doesn't understand why he is "so bent" as he was just doing what Nemesis told him to do... That anyone could get into the Main Event by simply putting an original competitor out of action for that night. Kingsbury then goes on to say that if he "wants a piece of him... He'll have to wait in line" since his main focus is the X Championship and not floating Ota's ego by giving him a chance to compete against him (as supposedly his name can make anyone famous... I don't know why? But he thinks that.). From there, Kingsbury would go on to say that if Ota really wants a chance to step in the ring with him... He would have to go through Vladimir first! With that, Kingsbury's un-named bodyguard was finally given a name. We would go on to find out that Vladimir has been a source of security within the Kingsbury family for years... the most trusted member of their personal security staff and that's why his father sent Vlad to make sure that William is a "success in the X-WA". As the promo comes to a close, Kingsbury demands that Nemesis give him the title shot at "Shockwaves" as, as of right now, there is no challenger set in place for the Main Event bout. In the end, Kingsbury tells Nemesis to "do the right thing... or else... You'll be sorry". Kingsbury drops the micraphone like it means nothing to him as he turns to Vlad and pats him on the shoulder saying "He'll do it... or we will force him to do it".


Steve Flash, Fumihiro Ota, Silver Shark vs. Acid, William Kingsbury III w/ Vladimir, Francios Cartier w/ "The Next-Gen Trio"


The main event was somewhat of a let-down after Hell Monkey stole the show by taking "The Circus" to hell and back. However, the match itself was pretty strong despite the crowd not seeming as interested in the end. Fumihiro Ota practically ripped a new whole in Kingsbury at the begining of the match... Wailing away on him and finding every single move in his arsenal to beat some respect into the ****y young snob. At one point, Ota lifted Kingsbury up into a powerslam position.. Stairing down Vladimir and then spinning into a 360 slamming Kingsbury's head square into the mat with a seated front piledriver. It seems as if the match was about to end right there, however, Vladimir was seen grabbing Ota by the legs and pulling him out of the ring. Not Francis... Not Acid... but Vladimir making sure that his client would not suffer another loss to Fumihiro. From there Vlad goes to stomp the hell out of Ota, however, Silver Shark is seen running and diving off of the aipren landing a flipping hurricanrana on the big man.... Throwing Vlad up against the guardrail and into the first row of the crowd. The fans absolutely go crazy... Expect for those sitting in the first row who saw their beer spill all over the cement in front of them due to the big man coming at them full force.


From there Ota would tag out to Steve Flash and Flash would be seen calling for Francios Cartier to come into the ring. Cartier begged for the tag, however, Acid stole the tag from William before he could take Cartier in. Acid and Flash would tear up the ring from there on out... Going at it toe to toe with Steve Flash seeming to get the upper hand in the end. Landing a major belly to belly suplex off the ropes... Acid looked to be struggling to get back to his feet as Flash would tag in Silver Shark. That was their biggest mistake as the heel trio would then take full control of the match from there on out... Acid found his second wind... Destroying Shark in the process and ultimately making himself out as the most powerful force in the X-WA. At one point, it seemed as if Acid had literally killed Shark with a top rope fireman's carry DDT that shook the entire ring. The crowd was in shock from the move and Shark's partners quickly ran into the ring to not only stop the pinfall but rather see if he was okay.


Cartier would then come into the ring and instantly lock in a camel clutch on the injured Shark... Pulling back harder and harder as Shark fights to not only get out of the hold but also stay concious. When it seemed like Shark was about to tap... Steve Flash illegally jumped into the ring and dropkicked Cartier in the face... Breaking the hold. Cartier would whine to the referee about the broken hold... So much so that Shark was able to tag out Steve Flash. From there Cartier and Flash would finally meet... one on one.... And what a match-up it was. A true mat wrestling clinic from both men. At one point... Flash would set up Cartier for a "Flash Bang", however, just as he does... Cartier is able to reverse the move... Ducking out of the ring over the top rope and re-grouping with "The Next-Gen Trio". From there, Flash would catipult himself over the top rope onto the youngster trio bringing a huge roar from the crowd as we hear a chant of "Flash" over and over again. From there though, Acid would run across the ring and dive over the top rope onto all 4 men as they get back up onto their feet... Landing a twisting assault that takes out absolutely everyone.


Flash would pull himself up first and slides back into the ring as Cartier is slow to follow. Meanwhile, Vladimir has pulled Ota off the aipren and is now laying into him with hard strikes all over his body... Finally throwing him like a dark into the gaurdrail as William Kingsbury III is yelling in Ota's face about "not F*cking with him". In the ring, Cartier and Flash continue to brawl around the ring as both struggle to stay on their feet... Cartier would attempt an "Olympic Slam" (Can't think of the actual wrestling term), however, Flash would counter the hold at the last second... and in one swift move... Flash would land the "Flash Bang" in the middle of the ring. Flash would quickly roll up Cartier's right leg as he would successfully obtain a three count from the overwhelmed referee.


Winner: Steve Flash over Francios Cartier in 15:31 via pinfall.

Grade: D+


Angle: You got it...

Grade: C-


The match comes to an end as Cartier is pulled out of the ring by the rest of the "Next-Gen Trio". The three men back peddle up the rampway... Stairing down Flash the entire time and mouthing something towards his direction. In the end, Steve Flash points to the three of them and mouths the words "I accept". The crowd, seeing what has just gone on, errupts into a full on chant for Steve Flash as "The Next-Gen Trio" exits the ringside area telling the fans to "shutup".



Overall Show Grade: C-

Attendance: 2,000

TV Rating: 0.33 (-0.04)


Dark Matches:

* Jacob Jett & Joss Thompson ("The Next-Gen Trio") over Mikkel Drago & P-Funk (D-)

* American Elemental over Burning TAKA (D+)

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Show Thoughts:


I was kinda expecting a lower grade on this show as whenever I book a Triple Threat match in the main event... (or a tag match for that matter) it always seems to end up with a worse grade than if I would have booked another big singles match. It may be the fact that Silver Shark and Francios were in the match (Francios is only like a F+ in pop and Silver Shark is a D- i do believe)... however, I decided to go ahead with more of a storyline main event (in the sense that Ota got his hands on William shortly, Francios and Flash could interact with eachother/also with the "Next-Gen Trio" to set up that match at "Shockwaves", and even end up getting Acid some more "Dominant" time) than one that would land a great grade.


I was thrown back though how the "Next-Gen Trio" landed such a great grade on their intro promo. I was expecting something around an E just because of their pop but I guess the people they talked about made it "interesting". Right now, The Trio's (Next-Gen & Circus) in the X-WA are truly what I'm having fun with.


Also, I love the image of Hell Monkey wielding a steel chair through out the entire show pretty much. Making it out that the only way he could "stand up" to the Circus was by using a weapon to mow over all three men. Made him look really strong this week where as in previous weeks he's looked kind of weak due to "The Circus" cheating to get their wins. That's why I didn't feel so bad having them take a few hits this week as it was for a good cause... Put Monkey and Extreme over as strong opponents to their wrath (and more importantly.... titles)... But also give the Circus their time to still look menacing and an all around force to be reckoned with.


Finally, Jack Griffith's meltdown was a lot of fun to write... It's probably going to take on more and more focus as the weeks go on. It's nice to finally be able to book Griffith in a way that I'm interested in. Sure the X-WA is chalked full of Psychopaths and people who should be shut up in an insane ward... But Griffith has more of a story to that point. years of drugs, alcohol, and overall feeling like he has "lost everything"... (both in-ring and personally).. Feeds into this notion that his first match back in wrestling.. He ends up losing and completely falling apart... Thinking he was able to get right back into the main event again, however, seemingly nowhere near that... which ultimately crumbles the unstable plateau he built for himself as he was trying to get clean.


All in all, A lower grade show... but one chalked full of storylines. The next show will probably follow in the same suit as we push towards "Shockwaves"!


Hope you enjoyed reading the recent show! Feedback is always appreciated :)



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Hey Eisen, what's your match/angle ratio?


80% for both TV and Event. I wanted there to be enough room for entertainment but also enough focus on wrestling so I didn't have to be strict with storylines (in game wise).


I think it works out perfectly as I keep a lot of the angles to a shorter length (that way it also fits in with the whole Modern ideal) while giving some more time to some of the bigger angles each night. (In game, Kingsbury's promo was the longest angle at 6 minutes on this last show).


Hope that helps!

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80% for both TV and Event. I wanted there to be enough room for entertainment but also enough focus on wrestling so I didn't have to be strict with storylines (in game wise).


I think it works out perfectly as I keep a lot of the angles to a shorter length (that way it also fits in with the whole Modern ideal) while giving some more time to some of the bigger angles each night. (In game, Kingsbury's promo was the longest angle at 6 minutes on this last show).


Hope that helps!


That's why you keep putting in more angles than I can manage to get. Most of mine are 6+ for my created fed because it effects shows over 6 and I can usually get C and C+ angles out of my main eventers.

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That's why you keep putting in more angles than I can manage to get. Most of mine are 6+ for my created fed because it effects shows over 6 and I can usually get C and C+ angles out of my main eventers.


yea, I like the shorter segments with one or two major ones each show. That way it's more go-go-go kind of entertainment. It allows me to get a lot of the roster involved in a way. that way I can also pick and choose what angles I want to go over 6 so that way those are the only ones that really effect my overall grade.

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Writer's Notes:


Firstly, Vladimir has been added to the "roster section". HIs synopsis is rather simple as he's quite a simple character so far. Over time, I'm sure his character will be fleshed out more than just being a highly respected Kingsbury Family security official. So far though I love the idea of having him there not just to be a simple bodyguard but to rather help William not "tarnish" the Kingsbury name... Sent here by William Kingsbury II to make sure his son is seen as a success and not ultimately a failure (which would hurt the family name in the end).


Secondly, the next card for "Blitzkrieg" (being the show right before "Shockwaves") will be up in a day or two as I try to cement where I need to go from here. I have some work to do to make sure that the card for "Shockwaves" is all set and ready to go... While making sense at the same time.


All in all, Thanks for reading!



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Wow Murderous Mikey I love it I think its great. When you finally get around to using him in ring I think a good tag team would really help him out for awhile. Another trusted Kingsbury security officer.


Yea, Mikey had exactly what I was looking for... A big heavyweight man who had high menacing levels. His size probably makes him look even bigger when he's surrounded by a bunch of light and middle weights. ha.


I hadn't given much thought to actually having him compete as a regular wrestler just yet, however, that's always been in the back of my mind. I'm sure he'll get a chance here and there to do "William's dirty work" from time to time... If the match grades end up decent then he may see more in-ring time down the road. I like the idea of adding another Kingsbury security official into the mix down the road creating a bodyguard-style tag team. I may have to look into that down the road! Good call!

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NEWS: Jack Griffith mental breakdown a shoot?




Early reports out of the X-WA states that Jack Griffith's mental breakdown could have been a realistic shoot. We here at Totalextremewrestling.com received word from our internal sources with the X-WA that Griffith's meltdown was not originally part of the show. Rather, Griffith seriously became unstable after his loss to X-WA superstar Vicente Marquez and was forced from the ringside area after a mini panic attack ensued.


While backstage Griffith was seen being rushed to a secure location as a number of on-site doctors were seen flooding into the room. Little is known after that, however, a few hours later... Jack Griffith was seen leaving the arena along with some of his trusted friends within the company.


As stated above, It seems that Jack Griffith's meltdown was a true moment in his life versus an act of character development. We are unaware whether or not Griffith will continue to move forward with the company or if he will need anytime off.


As more word comes we will certainly let you know.

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As stated above, It seems that Jack Griffith's meltdown was a true moment in his life versus an act of character development. We are unaware whether or not Griffith will continue to move forward with the company or if he will need anytime off.


Totalextremewrestling.com may be unsure of what he's gonna do, but my sources predict that X-WA is gonna milk that ish for all it's worth for a cheap ratings boost :p

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NEWS: X-WA "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg" card is finalized!


The X-WA has released the lineup for their final TV event before the airing of their upcoming PPV, "Shockwaves". The card is as follows:



American Elemental vs. Velocidad


William Kingsbury III vs. The Cyclone


Vicente Marquez vs. Burning TAKA vs. Teddy Powell vs. Silver Shark vs. The Mean Machine


Steve Flash vs. Jacob Jett w/ "The Next-Gen Trio"


|| X-WA Main Event ||


Enygma Extreme & Hell Monkey vs. Kill Switch & Whippy the Clown w/ Snap Dragon



There are a lot of questions hovering around the X-WA right now... Who will go on to face Acid at "Shockwaves" for the X Championship? Will Nemesis grant the title shot to William Kingsbury III? Can Steve Flash not only pick up a win over Jett but also shake the confidence of the "Next-Gen Trio" going into the PPV? Will Stric Lee Bizness find a way to soften up Phoenix before their re-match at "Shockwaves"?


With a plethora of questions circling the X-WA.... this weeks edition of "Blitzkrieg" is set to be absolute chaos!

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American Elemental vs. Velocidad


William Kingsbury III vs. The Cyclone


Vicente Marquez vs. Burning TAKA vs. Teddy Powell vs. Silver Shark vs. The Mean Machine


Steve Flash vs. Jacob Jett w/ "The Next-Gen Trio"


|| X-WA Main Event ||


Enygma Extreme & Hell Monkey vs. Kill Switch & Whippy the Clown w/ Snap Dragon

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American Elemental vs. Velocidad


Debut Squash match


William Kingsbury III vs. The Cyclone


I think Donnie has more overness but I hate him and Kingsbury will continue his build.


Vicente Marquez vs. Burning TAKA vs. Teddy Powell vs. Silver Shark vs. The Mean Machine


Shark promised to take out Acid and he needs this build to get there. Marquez is the only other one who's gotten some kind of push so far so I see him staying strong in the match.


Steve Flash vs. Jacob Jett w/ "The Next-Gen Trio"


Flash will get the DQ win. Jett has no build but The Next-Gen Trio will definitely attack.


|| X-WA Main Event ||


Enygma Extreme & Hell Monkey vs. Kill Switch & Whippy the Clown w/ Snap Dragon


Woo Hoo for the Circus I want Whippy to get the pin, Enygma Extreme will take the loss but Hell Monkey should be kept strong. Maybe another DQ this time with Monkey being goaded into using his chair.

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So, my laptop crashed on me last night. That's where I have my TEW game and despite trying many different things myself... It never seemed to bring my computer back up.


I have to take it into best buy and probably spend a heap of money just to see what they can do but I don't want to lose all that I have on my comp (papers and such).


Needless to say, I'm unable to do my diary and... quite possibly... may not be able to bring it back up. Which drives me crazy since I finally landed on a diary that I was really into! I guess that's how life works.. ha. Just as you get into something, It's done.


Just thought id let you know.

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So, my laptop crashed on me last night. That's where I have my TEW game and despite trying many different things myself... It never seemed to bring my computer back up.


I have to take it into best buy and probably spend a heap of money just to see what they can do but I don't want to lose all that I have on my comp (papers and such).


Needless to say, I'm unable to do my diary and... quite possibly... may not be able to bring it back up. Which drives me crazy since I finally landed on a diary that I was really into! I guess that's how life works.. ha. Just as you get into something, It's done.


Just thought id let you know.


Whoah that sucks. Best of luck dude. It's one more reminder that i really gotta back up my stuff

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Whoah that sucks. Best of luck dude. It's one more reminder that i really gotta back up my stuff


yea, I should have done so. I've had this kind of thing happen before but at that time I was able to get alot of my papers off of my computer in time. Luckily, A lot of my papers this semester are on my personal comp (which is what I'm on right now) and not my laptop. But, I lost my TEW game and everything else on my laptop.


Hopefully I can get it back up and running, however, I have to wait to see if they are able to retrieve any of my files? Who knows.

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Luckily, It seems like I should be able to get all my files back off of my laptop. It's going to cost a pretty penny, however, there are a lot of stuff on there that I need.


With that being said, I would probably be able to get my diary back up and running if that's so. While it's not 100% yet whether or not certain files will be unable to get to (that's what the computer guy said at least I guess)... I'm wondering if anyone out there is actually looking for this diary to continue?


There are soooo many people here on the boards who are doing great diaries and it seems that everyone is having the same problem... Feeling as if they put a lot of time into their diary without any real response from anyone. I'd be lying to say that it's been rough to write up a card, put a lot of thought into character development and such... only to have maybe one or two people actually paying attention enough to leave something behind. I know Bigpapa put it best when he said that even criticism would be greatly appreciative as it would be something in the end.


All in all, This diary has been fun to write.... And if I'm able to get my files back then I may end up continuing...


I just wanted to know if there were many out there who were consistently stopping by and giving the diary a read? Wanting to know if there are readers out there who are looking to see the diary continue. If not, then it makes this process even easier for me as, once i get my computer back, I wil know whether or not I will go ahead.


Hope all is well!



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Luckily, It seems like I should be able to get all my files back off of my laptop. It's going to cost a pretty penny, however, there are a lot of stuff on there that I need.


With that being said, I would probably be able to get my diary back up and running if that's so. While it's not 100% yet whether or not certain files will be unable to get to (that's what the computer guy said at least I guess)... I'm wondering if anyone out there is actually looking for this diary to continue?


There are soooo many people here on the boards who are doing great diaries and it seems that everyone is having the same problem... Feeling as if they put a lot of time into their diary without any real response from anyone. I'd be lying to say that it's been rough to write up a card, put a lot of thought into character development and such... only to have maybe one or two people actually paying attention enough to leave something behind. I know Bigpapa put it best when he said that even criticism would be greatly appreciative as it would be something in the end.


All in all, This diary has been fun to write.... And if I'm able to get my files back then I may end up continuing...


I just wanted to know if there were many out there who were consistently stopping by and giving the diary a read? Wanting to know if there are readers out there who are looking to see the diary continue. If not, then it makes this process even easier for me as, once i get my computer back, I wil know whether or not I will go ahead.


Hope all is well!




Well I don't have a lot of time to come check out the diaries on here, but I always find myself checking back to yours just to see what's going on. All the different angles you approach it from keeps it pretty fresh (especially for a guy like me who has no clue who anyone in the c-verse is, or why i should be attached to them). That's just my opinion though.


Great to hear that your data (beyond the diary) is all salvagable, too

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Thank you guys. I was hoping that it didn't come across like "Talk me up so I'll bring it back" because that's not the case. Rather, I wanted to see if there was any readers out there who were looking to keep up with the diary. While it's a lot of fun to write... It can be draining when you feel like you're the only one keeping up with it. ya know? However, the three of you make it easier to bring the thing back up and running knowing that there is somewhere out there enjoying the diary.


My plan is this. I get my computer back later this week, most likely. I'm leaning towards keeping the diary going as it seems like I should get back all of my original files despite my computer crashing (Thank god. ha).


There may be some changes to the overall show write-up though. Not really major changes but rather... I'm going to relax a little more on TV show match write-ups. The PPV's I will continue to write up the match as I have been, however, for TV events... (4 a month).. I plan on shortening up the overall write up for matches and leaning more towards giving a jist if what had happened. This way, it doesn't drain as much and makes it an easier write-up all together. Then, at the PPV... I'll put a little more into the match write-ups so that way it seems "special" in a way.


All in all, Thank you for those of you who wrote in response to my previous post! It's good to know that there are others out there who are intested in reading the diary!


I'll let you know later this week what it's all looking like.

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Just to let you know that I am following this diary, although as a reader rather than a commentee, I was waiting for things to really pick up to put in my two cents but yes, I am enjoying this so far so if you feel like continuing you should.
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