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The X-WA || "An Act of Vengeance for The Fallen Angel"

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Just to let you know that I am following this diary, although as a reader rather than a commentee, I was waiting for things to really pick up to put in my two cents but yes, I am enjoying this so far so if you feel like continuing you should.


Thank you Shmoe. I know it's hard to get into a diary when it's only kicking out its first few shows. I'm hoping, over time, people will begin to buy into the diary as shows go on.


Speaking of that, I should be getting my laptop back tomorrow and will get some things in order. All in all, I'm thinking I'm going to come back with this diary and give it a go.


Expect the results for "Blitzkrieg" coming sometime this week. Then it's onto the PPV event, "shockwaves".


Thanks to everyone who commented (and those who are reading in general)!



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[Note: So, I was able to pick up my laptop a little early tonight as they were able to get everything fixed pretty quickly. When starting up my laptop, I forgot that I had already written up most of the show for Blitzkrieg, So, I decided to finish the write-up since I didn't have much to do tonight after work. Anyways, Hope you enjoy!]



X-WA Thursday Night Blitzkrieg - TV Event

3rd week of March 2009




Angle: The NEW Number One Contender...

Grade: B


The show starts off with a taped promo from Nemesis standing before a black X-WA Flag backdrop. The dimly lit segment starts off instantly as Nemesis unvails that TONIGHT we will have a NEW #1 Contender to the X Championship.... and that THAT #1 Contender will then go on to face Acid at "Shockwaves" next week. He then goes on to say that he could he placed Steve Flash in the match-up due to the Iconic match that both Flash and Acid had with eachother on the first "Blitzkrieg" telecast... however... Flash is currently tied up in a 3 on 1 handi-cap match versus "The Next-Gen Trio". He then goes on to say that he could hand the title shot over to William Kingsbury III, however, doesn't feel that the "kid deserves it". From there, Nemesis drops a bombshell... Proclaiming that TONIGHT's 5 way match-up between Vicente Marquez, Burning TAKA, Teddy Powell, Silver Shark, and The Mean Machine will carry a historic tone as the WINNER will be declared the NEW #1 Contender and subsequently would face Acid this next week for the X Championship! Before the questions could even form in your mind as to "Why these guys?"... Nemesis makes it clear of his intentions with the match... Stating that the X-WA was unlike any other company in the world.... That ANYTHING is POSSIBLE and this match is a true example of that. Instead of throwing another title shot to an established name like the billion other companies out there... The X-WA was the land of true opportunity... And this match personifies that.... In the end, one of these men will earn the shot of their lifetime.... Who will it be?


American Elemental vs. Velocidad


American Elemental made his X-WA debut with an absoulte squash of Velocidad. Sure, there was a few spots in favor of the green youngster... However, AE absolutely owned the match-up from the get-go. AE wow'ed the fans with an explosive moonsault plancha onto Velocidad on the outside as both men took crashed to the floor. From there, AE would toy with the youngster... Landing impact move after impact move, Until he finally finished the match-up off with a top rope modified shooting star press into a legdrop. Velocidad's body would flail like a doll on impact as AE quickly hooks the leg for the three count.


Winner: American Elemental over Velocidad in 8:03 via pinfall.

Grade: E


Angle: Redemption...

Grade: D+


We cut backstage to Nemesis's office as Hell Monkey & Enygma Extreme storm into the room. Nemesis, seen looking over some documents of some sort, looks up and greets the two hell-bent superstars... however.. The tone of the conversation changes quickly as Hell Monkey slams his hands down on Nemesis's desk... Leaning over the front of the desk... And proclaiming that he wants "The Circus" at "Shockwaves" in a grizzly manor. Nemesis, standing his ground, stairs down the two fuming superstars as he slowly cracks a smile. From there he goes on to say that he likes what he's seen out of their pairing and that he would LOVE to grant them a shot at "The Circus". However, the Circus is currently set to defend the Six Man Championships at "Shockwaves". Both Monkey and Extreme barely move an inch as they seem to expect Nemesis to declare them as the #1 contenders to said titles. Nemesis goes on to say that IF the two of them want to take on "The Circus" at "Shockaves" then they will have to find a third partner to complete a trio. Finally stating that THAT is the only way they will be granted the match-up as the titles HAVE to be defended. Hell Monkey doesn't like what he's heard and demands that they receive the shot with a 3 on 2 match-up... Becoming increasingly aggressive. In the end, however, Nemesis calmly stands up from his desk and looks Hell Monkey square in the eyes... Telling him that he understands the fire the runs through his veins... Why they would want the match-up... However, on his end, he cannot have the Six Man Championships not defended at "Shockwaves" and that it can only be defended under a 3 on 3 match-up. Nemesis finally closes the segment as he tells Monkey and Extreme to go "find a third partner and you've got the shot". This sends Hell Monkey and Enygma Extreme out of the room... As Hell Monkey slowly backs away from the desk... Obviously hell-bent on getting his hands on "The Circus".


William Kingsbury III w/ Vladimir vs. The Cyclone


The Cyclone never really had a chance in this match despite being a very strong competitor. Whenever it seemed as if Cyclone was on the verge of "breaking out" in the match-up... Kingsbury would always find a way to cheap shot his way back into control. At one point, Cyclone was leaning towards being in full-control when Kingsbury would land a quick poke to the eye followed by a stiff uppercut to his jaw. At another point, Cyclone had regained his composure and was about to springboard himself into the ring, towards Kingsbury, however as Kingsbury grabbed the referee in which to review a supposed "injury"... Cyclone would jump up onto the top rope just as Vladimir jumped up on the aipren.. Pushing Cyclone to the mat in a thunderous heap. In the end, Kingsbury would continue his streak of "Cheating his way to the top"... Ultimately defeating Cyclone with a T-Bone Suplex move that he calls "The Kingsbury Knock-out".


Winner: William Kingsbury III over The Cyclone in 11:24 via pinfall.

Grade: C-


Angle: Give me my shot...

Grade: C+


As the match comes to an end, William Kingsbury III instantly gets on the mic and demands that Nemesis come down to the ring. After a huge ovation, and what seems to be a half hour enterence by the companies owner, Nemesis piles into the ring.. awaiting whatever Kingsbury is about to talk about. Kingsbury then goes on to demand that he receive the title shot versus Acid at "Shockwaves" since he was screwed out of his first X Champioinship opportunity (even though... well.. he wasn't. But don't tell him that). He goes on to pretty much whine the entire time about how the X-WA is nothing without him and that HE is the true "name" in the company. Finally saying that if he doesn't grant him the shot then the X-WA will suffer the same fate as any other rinky-dink start up that tries to challenge the "big three".... saying that it will, without a doubt, fail. This causes Nemesis to grab the mic straight from Kingsbury as a shocked Kingsbury steps back with a pissed off look on his face (if he were to say "how dare you"). Vlad steps up into the shot... along side Kingsbury as Nemesis goes on to tell Kingsbury that he will, in fact, not be competing for the X Championship at "Shockwaves"... And that his actual opponent will be none other than the man he injured at the last PPV Event to take his spot for X Championship... (crowd pops here) Nemesis would then go on to bring out the man, Fumihiro Ota as the crowd goes crazy for the beloved international superstar. While Ota climbs into the ring and stands in a triangle with the other men... Nemesis goes on to tell Kingsbury... To make sure that Kingsbury can't "cheat his way to another win" by using Vlad... HE PERSONALLY (Nemesis) will be there at ringside to support Ota. Finally stating that if Vlad were to get involved with the match.. Nemesis will have nothing else to do but "equal out the sides". The crowd, after hearing this, goes absolutely crazy as we cut to a commercial break while watching Nemesis stair down Vladimir... and Kingsbury stairing down Ota. Can you say.. Extreme tension in the air?


Vicente Marquez vs. Burning TAKA vs. Teddy Powell vs. Silver Shark vs. The Mean Machine

The Winner is the #1 Contender for the X Championship at "Shockwaves"


All five men are seemingly obsessed with their match-up tonight as this supposed undercard competition ends up carrying a hefty weight to it all. There was no time for jitters in this one as the winner could ultimatley change his fortune (as well as the fortune of the X-WA entirely). The match itself would be a speedy affair between some of the strongest high flier's in the X-WA (with exception of The Mean Machine). Each man had their give time "in the sun" and at one point it looked as if the match-up was going to end pretty quickly after Silver Shark happened to exicute a top rope hurricanrana on a dazed Burning TAKA. The crowd would gasp greatly as the pin was ultimately broken and the match continued. At points, It looked as if the Mean Machine would end up spoiling the high flier's fun... Grounding each superstar at one point... Wrenching in a submission hold or two and ultimately slowing down the pace of the match-up. In the end, The Mean Machine would set up Teddy Powell for a sit-down powerbomb just as Silver Shark runs in and takes out Machine with a running drop kick out of nowhere. Silver Shark, so excited for his break-up, runs around the ring clapping with the fans as he points down to the Mean Machine as the crowd goes absolutely nuts. Just then, however, Vicente Marquez would slide into the mix and rush at Shark. While running, Marquez would be taken out by a Top rope cross body block by TAKA. Mass hysteria is going on in the ring as, once TAKA, goes for the pin... Shark quickly climbs the top rope and lands a leg drop on the back of TAKA's head (while going for the pin). Rolling TAKA over and getting the three count.


Winner: Silver Shark over Burning TAKA in 14:25 via pinfall. Silver Shark is the NEW #1 Contender to the X-WA X Championship.

Grade: C


Angle: The Next-Gen Meeting of the minds...

Grade: D+


We cut backstage again to see "The Next-Gen Trio" standing in the hallway talking over different strategies for tonight's match-up versus Steve Flash. Just as they notice the camera man present, Joss Thompson shoves his hand out pushing the camera lens away in a forceful fashion. As the camera man tumbles to the ground, shaking the viewpoint constantly until finally slamming against the floor, Meanwhile we can hear Jacob Jett saying "F*cking camera man...". We cut to a commercial break as we see the feet of the "Next-Gen Trio" walking by the fallen camera. All the while they're still talking about tonight's match-up with Steve Flash... Almost as if they are completely obsessed with the man.


Steve Flash vs. Jacob Jett w/ "The Next-Gen Trio"


Knowing that he has to face the entire "Next-Gen Trio" at "Shockwaves", one of them shouldn't be a problem. right? wrong. Mostly because this trio, like many others in the X-WA, does their dirty work together. It might as well been a 3 on 1 affair as both Cartier and Thompson were often seen jumping up on the aipren to distract the veteran, Flash. At one point, Cartier even grabbed the hair of Steve Flash as he walked by... Pushing the referee to break the hold by kicking Cartier's arm out of the way. A warning was given to Cartier and the match-up would continue. The actual match-up itself, however, was a strong back and forth showdown. With that being said, Steve Flash would always find a way to capitalize on any sort of mistake made by the youngster... Giving him and ultimate heads up through out the match. At one point, Flash had thrown Jett out of the ring.. as both remaining Trio members came around to help Jett up... Flash catipulted himself over the top rope... landing a flipping cannonball like plancha onto all three men... Pushing the crowd to the brink of madness!


In the end, Steve Flash was able to use his superior in-ring psychology to manipulate Jacob Jett while he stood on the top rope. Waiting to exicute a move on a supposed fallen Flash... Jett would wait far too long as he taunted his opponent. Flash quickly rose to his feet and pushed the youngster off the top rope... Jett would go tumbling to the outside... Landing side first into the guardrail. The impact would make a sickening thud as Jett instantly yells out in pain. He would never get back up to his feet from that position... Rather, laying on the ground rolling in obvious pain as the other members of "The Next-Gen Trio" look him over.. Trying to help him back to his feet... but... being unsucsessful.


Winner: Steve Flash over Jacob Jett in 12:22 via count-out.

Grade: D+


Angle: Medic...

Grade: E+


"The Next-Gen Trio" are seen helping a severly injured Jacob Jett to the back as Steve Flash stands on high... watching the three of them exit from the ringside area while standing on the turnbuckle facing the enterence ramp. Just as the trio is about to exit the ringside area, Francios spins around and stairs down Flash... Both men don't budge for a second as we cut to a commercial break.


Hell Monkey and Enygma Extreme vs. Kill Switch and Whippy the Clown w/ Snap Dragon


This match was an all-out war from the very second that it started. The referee was forced to call in additional officials to try to temper the madness as all 5 men were seen fighting all over the ringside area... Oblivious to the rules of the match. While Monkey and Extreme were putting up valiant fights... The numbers game was too much for them early on. The added help from Snap Dragon would pose as a huge problem as the X-WA officials scramble to get the match back on track. The problem is... The match never really got to anywhere even close to being civil. Rather, everyone and anyone was getting involved from beinning til the very end. Once the action had filed, however, back into the ring... We grew closer to our finish. Hell Monkey was seen pounding Whippy the Clown mercilessly in the corner... busting him open in the process. Blood poured from his colorful face painted face (adding an extra layer of creepy to him) just as Extreme was seen trying to fend off both Dragon & Switch. That proved to be unsucessful as Kill Switch ended up flooring Enygma Extreme with a spiked spinebuster in the middle of the ring. Both Switch and Dragon would continue over to the corner of the ring... Catching Hell Monkey off guard. Monkey tried to put up a fight, however, with 3 on 1... it was too much. After a hellacious beating... Monkey tried to crawl over to the corner of the ring where he set his trusty bloodied steel chair... However, Whippy pulled him back to the middle of the ring while laughing hysterically. In the end, Hell Monkey was defeated when Kill Switch and Whippy the Clown were able to exicute a double reverse russian legsweep/face plant (Jeff Jarrett's old move). Picking up the three count with both Monkey and Enygma Extreme out cold.


Winner: Whippy the Clown over Hell Monkey in 15:32 via pinfall.

Grade: D




Overall Show Grade: D+

Attendance: 2,000

TV Rating: 0.33 (+/- 0.00)


Post-Show Thoughts: I wasn't expecting a great grade out of this show since tag matches never seem to get me the overall grade that I'm looking for (Especially in a Main Event). However, this show was more to get things set up for the upcoming PPV. I wanted to continue with the idea that, for a lack of better phrasing, "anything can happen" in the X-WA. This sense of chaos within it all. Overall, I think that the show did a good job of setting up "Shockwaves" and ultimately getting the ball rolling again.

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Heh I thought you were shortening the tv event writeups? I'd totally burn out if i had to write that much all the time :p


It started off shorter.. ha... And then continued to stay pretty long. Needless to say, I'm going to have to learn to "cut back" a little on TV event match lengths... Mostly to keep my sanity. ha. Also, brings something bigger to PPV events when the write up is a little more crazy!


It was a good show. I'm hyped for the PPV can't wait to see (read) Silver Shark vs Acid. The Steve Flash three on one should be good too.


Silver Shark vs. Acid will be fun to write as they are polar opposites of eachother. Shark is more of a simpleton... A quick and easy Kid friendly superstar. While Acid is more of a maniac, non-human, violent beast of a man. All in all, the match should pose to be a great one.


Flash vs. "The Next-Gen Trio" may take some twists and turns as you'll see in my next few posts before the PPV. However, the match-up is posing to be a big part of "shockwaves".

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NEWS: Jacob Jett injured. Out for "Shockwaves".


While initial reports are somewhat sketchy, word is that X-WA superstar Jacob Jett was injured during tonight's taping of "Blitzkrieg". The injury was said to have happened during his match with "Indy Legend" and X-WA Stand-out, Steve Flash. When Jacob Jett was showboating on the top rope, seconds from a potential victory, the youngster was pushed from the top rope and tumbled outside of the ring. From there, Jett was seen slamming into the security guardrail with the side of his body.


While it hasn't been confirmed, It's said that Jett has most likely injured his ribs in the tumble.


What we have confirmed so far though is that Jacob Jett will not be physically able to compete at "Shockwaves" due to said injury. With that being said, It seems that the 3 on 1 handi-cap match has now been shaved down to a 2 on 1 handi-cap match pitting Joss Thompson and Francois Cartier vs. Steve Flash.


More to come.

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NEWS: Official Card for X-WA "Shockwaves" released!


The official card for the X-WA's latest PPV event, "Shockwaves", was released today. Here is the line-up as it stands right now:



Acid © vs. Silver Shark

[X-WA X Championship Match]


"The Circus" © vs. Hell Monkey, Enygma Extreme, ?????

[X-WA Six Man Championship Match]


Ultimate Phoenix © vs. Stric Lee Bizness

[X-WA Arena Championship Match]


William Kingsbury III w/ Vladimir vs. Fumihiro Ota w/ Nemesis


Steve Flash vs. Francois Cartier and Joss Thompson w/ Jacob Jett

[2 on 1 Handi-cap Match]



It is now official that Jacob Jett will not be competing at "Shockwaves", due to his injury, but will rather be accompanying the rest of "The Next-Gen Trio" when they lock up with Steve Flash. Also, it's been made official that Stric Lee Bizness will receive another chance at redemption by challenging Ultimate Phoenix for the X-WA Arena Championship. Finally, who will be named as the 3rd member of the Hell Monkey/Enygma Extreme Trio? Tune into the X-WA's PPV Event, "Shockwaves" , this upcoming Saturday!

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EV, I do like the way you've renamed a lot of people and given them whacky gimmicks, makes this promotion really seem seperated from all the other indy diaries where you just hire people and let them be the same. It makes it seem unique.


Acid as your champion makes this a win too (:

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EV, I do like the way you've renamed a lot of people and given them whacky gimmicks, makes this promotion really seem seperated from all the other indy diaries where you just hire people and let them be the same. It makes it seem unique.


Acid as your champion makes this a win too (:


Thanks Shmoe. I felt that the only way I could end up really getting into a Cornellverse game was if I gave them all their own unique personalities. That's always been my problem with sticking with a cornellverse game since you don't know anything about these guys outside of some history that's been written into the game. You don't know how they act, re-act, how they fight... etc. So, trying to bring the X-WA to life for myself and others, I decided to really give everyone their own feel. It's helped me immensely when it comes to writing up these shows as I already have an idea how everyone would act and re-act as it pertains to to their persona.

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Acid © vs. Silver Shark

[X-WA X Championship Match]


Acid makes a great champion and you have enough faces to keep chasing him for the title.


"The Circus" © vs. Hell Monkey, Enygma Extreme, ?????

[X-WA Six Man Championship Match]


I like the Circus by I realy think you're gonna pull something special with the mystery opponent. DQ victory so "The Circus" retains the titles.


Ultimate Phoenix © vs. Stric Lee Bizness

[X-WA Arena Championship Match]


This is Phoenix's second defense and I think He'd look week if losing the title so soon.


William Kingsbury III w/ Vladimir vs. Fumihiro Ota w/ Nemesis


Kingsbury finds a way to cheat even with Nemesis on hand.


Steve Flash vs. Francois Cartier and Joss Thompson w/ Jacob Jett

[2 on 1 Handi-cap Match]


These guys just aren't on Flash's level and giving them a win even a dirty one just isn't right.

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"The X-WA Xplosive Report w/ Ernie Turner"



Hey there X-WA fans... "Shock" here!


We're only days away from one of the biggest PPV events in X-WA history, "Shockwaves"! As we grow closer to the historic night there are still a lot of questions left unanswered. Therefore, Today I'm going to focus primarily on said event.


Who is set to be the 3rd member of the Hell Monkey/Enygma Extreme Trio? This has been the biggest source of buzz backstage ever since the match was announced. Do the two of them actually have a guy in mind or will it end up becoming a last minute scramble? Truth of the matter is this though... I tried to get Hell Monkey to give me an exclusive on who it could be... however, all that came of that was me getting shoved into the wall and told to "mind my own business". No matter who it is... This man (Hell Monkey) is looking for an absolute war with "The Circus" and who can blame him? This destructive battle has already gone to hell and back over the last few weeks on "Blitzkrieg".... And is now gearing up for a violent ending.


Is Silver Shark truly ready for a X Championship title shot? Sure, he's an international stand-out, however, does anyone really expect to see Shark come away with the win? Acid is an uncontrollable monster... a societal misfit... An absolute viper... So, with that being known, how does someone like Silver Shark even stand a chance? Don't get me wrong... I love Silver Shark. He's your quitessential "Flash in the pan" kind of wrestler... The fans love him.... The kids especially love him. What's not to love? However, when it comes down to the grit of it all... Can Shark muster up enough aggression to match the animalistic Acid? As of right now, no one in the back seems to really think that Shark poses any real threat to the X Champion.


The X-WA has truly shown itself to be a company of little limits. This was obvious this last week on "Blitzkrieg" when Nemesis declared that a match between 5 undercard superstars would ultimately crown our new #1 contender to the X Championship. The most coveted X-WA Title was going to find it's PPV Challenger through a match-up of a bunch of relative unknowns. It wasn't another Steve Flash vs. Acid warfare (While, it couldn't hurt to have the match-up again... The two of them shine when facing off with eachother.. And it's bound to happen again)... Rather, Nemesis made a shocking declaration when he strayed from what you can "expect" and delivered true anarchy... Revolting from the traditional sense and delivering a "new age" of Pro Wrestling in the U.S... Ushering in the "Age of Chaos".


Speaking of Nemesis... What's his relationship with Fumihiro Ota? Why would he offer his support at "Shockwaves" and stand in his corner as he takes on William Kingsbury III? He says that it's because he wants to see a "fair fight"... Equalizing Kingsbury's use of Vladimir. Which make sense... Fumihiro Ota hasn't had a clean shot against Kingsbury since the X-WA opened it's doors and William assaulted Ota inwhich to take his place at the original X Championship Match. Since then... William has used Vladimir as an extension of himself... Constantly becoming involved in every one of his matches and, at one point, even helped William to dodge a match-up with Ota... Attacking Ota right after the bell was rung... Causing the 9 second match-up (The shortest in X-WA History) to end in a DQ. I don't know about you.... But... I'm hoping that Vlad tries to pull the same crap in this match so we can see the Owner himself... Wrestling Legend... Nemesis "Equal out the sides".


Finally, Who will walk away as the "talk of the show" when it's all said and done? The glaringly obvious choices would be Acid and Steve Flash as these two superstars are already seen as the "bar setters" here in the X-WA. However, I'm going to go with a dark horse choice... Mark my words... At the end of the night... Everyone will be buzzing over X-WA Arena Championship Challenger... Stric Lee Bizness. While SLB doesn't totally fit with the modern style of wrestling the X-WA has perpetuated since it's debut... The man is a true cold and calculating fighter.... The kind of man who will stomp all the teeth out of your mouth and then rub your face in it.... Stric Lee is an Ice Cold technition with a vendetta set against Ultimate Phoenix, who many believe won the championship off of SLB in a cheap roll up. At the end of the night... SLB is my choice for the dark horse show stealer.


X-WA Rumors


+ Is Hell Monkey and Enygma Extreme looking to a superstar outside of the X-WA to fill their Trio? Rumor is that Hell Monkey is looking to his past in which to fill the final spot. While there are no actual names that have surfaced... It could be someone he use to work with in a previous company.


+ Rumor is that Genio Verde is close to making his "Blitzkrieg" debut after weeks of dark match work. When asked to comment on the situation, Nemesis made it apparent that the X-WA did have an ultimate direction for the foreign superstar... However, had not found the best moment in time to use him. It seems that it could be very soon though...


+ Rumor is that a major international superstar may be joining the X-WA within the next few weeks. There have been a few names thrown around since the rumor first started, however, little is known for sure yet. With that being said though... If my sources are right... This superstar will certainly make a major impact here in the X-WA.


+ Is there a new Trio forming in the X-WA? I've overheard a few superstars talking backstage about forming up inwhich to compete for the Six Man Championship. If the team does come together then the Champs may have their hands full for quite some time.

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Those are some juicy rumors right there. I don't even know who is in Hell Monkey's past but I'm intrigued at what kind of backstory could be a brewin'


I can't help but think of Triple H's version of DX with this match-up. I'm sure that sounds weird when I'm talking about Hell Monkey but... The line that constantly comes up in my mind from that storyline was when Hunter talked about "looking to his blood.. to his friends" in which to take on all challenges from there on out. Ultimately saying that if you have those close to you at your side... Then you can't be stopped.


The match should turn out pretty good from a technical stand point and I haven't decided what I want to do yet with it. I'm in the process of booking the show, so, the results probably won't come until this weekend or so.

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Diary Notes:


Results for "Shockwaves" should be up sometime either tomorrow or Friday. I found a window of time this afternoon where I was able to write out the results for each of the matches that are taking place. Now all that's left is the storylines that are set to take place on the event as well. I may get some more time to finish those tonight and some more time tomorrow to ultimately finish it all.


Anyways, Just wanted to let you know the progress of the show. I always map out how long it should take to write the results and it always ends up being a lot earlier than I had first thought. ha. Ohh well, as long as they are quality that's all I care.



Feedback From You? - Do you like updates about when show results will be up? The only reason I ask is because I like to typically let others know how long it will be until the results are ready... therefore... you have an idea when to expect them. Kind of like an updated progress report. I'm sure no one will be completely against the notion, however, I just wanted to see if people were thinking "You post too much out of topic". ha.


I try to seperate the overall look of what is considered a part of the "Creative aspect of the Diary" and what is considered as "Out-of-Diary Talk" (which is typically more my thoughts on shows.. Characters... In a sense, insight into what I'm thinking versus another "in character" like post).


While I've been on the GDS boards for a few years now... This is the first diary I've really developed (and before this didn't really focus too much on this thread).. However, I was totally out of the loop to some of the best things about this game. The diaries that come out make these TEW games soo much more fun than ever. So, needless to say, I'm a newbie to this whole Diary thing... However, have so much respect for those who've developed great diaries before and today. So, I want to make sure that this X-WA Diary is something that is, not only interesting, but also as reader friendly as possible. I ramble.. yes.. so if you understand what I'm trying to say then you must be literate in the "ramblings of a mad man". haha. Cheers

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X-WA "Shockwaves" - PPV Event

3rd week of March 2009


The X-WA PPV Event "Shockwaves" opens with a short video sequence documenting some of the biggest moments in their short history. When the video comes to a close, we cut to a live shot of the Evonovich Riverside arena (Tri-State) as the crowd is going absolutely nuts in anticipation for tonight's action.


Steve Flash vs. Joss Thompson and Francios Cartier w/ Jacob Jett ("The Next-Gen Trio")

2 on 1 Handi-cap Match


"Shockwaves" kicked off with an all out battle between "The King of New York" Steve Flash and two members of "The Next-Gen Trio" (Joss Thompson and Francios Cartier) accompanied by their third member, and currently injured superstar, Jacob Jett. Before the match could even start... Both Cartier and Thompson are seen attacking Steve Flash as he stretches in the corner of the ring (gearing up for a fight). Both men, taking Flash by surprise, ends up beating Flash down to the matt in a hard striking fashion. The referee would try to intervene and would successfuly do so after a few seconds of yelling in the faces of both youngsters, however, the damage had already been done.


Cartier would start the match off continuing the ground assault on the fallen Steve Flash. Never allowing him to get back up to his feet as he toys around with Flash... Kicking his head, stomping his fingers, punting the side of his head... It looks as if Flash would never regain and sense of control as Cartier went a step further and locked in a devestating boston crab submission hold. Flash cried out and ultimately found the ropes, however, once again, the damage had already been done. From there, Cartier would tag Thompson in and the two would double team Flash with a double snap suplex in the middle of the ring.


Joss would continue the domination of Steve Flash for a few more series until "The King of New York" pulled a veteran move and caught a reckless Thompson with a Russian Leg Sweep out of nowhere. Thompson, grabbing his head, would fall victim to a few more impact moves from Flash as the crowd began to chant "Flash" over and over again. However, Flash's control of the match would quickly subside once again as Francios Cartier illegally runs into the ring and shoves Steve through the ropes and to the floor in a shocking move.


The referee, caught up with Cartier, wouldn't see Jacob Jett plow over Steve Flash with a leaping superkick that sent Flash crashing to the floor... and Jett staggering to the guardrail holding his ribs in pain. Thompson would come out of the ring from there and work over Flash.. Throwing him around the ringside area... and planting him into the steel steps towards the end.


Thompson and Cartier would continue to tag eachother in and out over time.. Working over the beaten down Flash all around the ringside area. At one point, it looked like the match was all done when Francios Cartier landed a thunderous belly to back suplex that sent Steve Flash flying to the matt. He looked as if he was out cold.. however.. the pin only got a 2 count in the end.


It looked as if "The Next-Gen Trio" was gearing up for their first BIG WIN in the X-WA, however, that notion came crashing to a hault shortly after Steve Flash found his second wind. Flash was able to catch Thompson coming off the top rope with a major spinebuster... Then flooring Cartier off the aipren with a diving elbow smash. The crowd is going crazy now as Jacob Jett tried to also get involoved but was met with a dropkick of his own square to the jaw... Sending him crashing to the floor (once again in obvious pain with his ribs). Flash would help up Thompson, and even though Thompson tried to get the upper hand with a few cheap shots, Flash was able to power through and ultimately plant Thompson with an Olympic-type slam in the corner of the ring. He would go for the three count but Cartier would quickly tag himself in.. Slapping the unconcious Thompson's shoulder while being pinned on the matt.


Cartier and Flash would go back and fourth with an excellent display of chain wrestling until Flash was able to get the upper hand with an atomic drop followed by a diving back elbow to the back of Cartier's head. From there, Flash would dive over the top rope (out of nowhere) landing on Jacob Jett and Joss Thompson who stood on the outside trying to regain their composure.


From here... It looks like Flash is in firm control of the match. Taking it to all three members of "The Next-Gen Trio" despite being cheap shotted in the begining of the match. Flash would quickly side back into the ring and continue with a brawling exchange with a staggered Cartier.


In the end, Cartier would gain the upper hand after a low blow kick to Steve Flash. The referee threatened to DQ Cartier as he picked up an injured Flash and motioned for a "Flash Bang" (using Flash's move)... He went to pick up Flash...


And Steve Flash reversed it by flipping over Cartier's shoulder while going backwards... Landing on his feet.. he moves in for the kill... Locking in "The Flash Bang" and ultimately exicuting! Flash would quickly go for the pin as Thompson and Jett are seen trying to get into the ring... but... It's too late.


Winner: Steve Flash over Francios Cartier & Joss Thompson in 12:38 after pinning Cartier.

Grade: D


Angle: Ramblings of a "Rich Snob"...

Grade: C


Following the handi-cap match, we cut backstage to see William Kingsbury III sitting in a luxurious locker room equipt with lavish gifts from wall to wall. It looks as almost everything is gold plated (even down to the flat screen TV placed on the far wall... showing the X-WA "Shockwaves" telecast). Kingsbury, with Vladimir standing tall by the only enterence into the room, is also seen finishing up a glass of wine as he slowly sets the glass down and begins to rip apart both Nemesis & Fumihiro Ota in the longest promo of the night. Kingsbury seemed absolutely pissed that he was not challenging for the X-WA X Championship tonight... Still citing that he was ultimately "Screwed" out of his chance to be declared as the historic first X Champion... However, not going as far as to verbally attack the current champ, Acid, Like he had done previously (probably knows what's best for him). Kingsbury would then go on to whine, like the rich snob that he is, about how he is STUCK facing a guy that he's already beaten before (however, in an actual match.. he has not yet)... And how this match was beneath his ability... beneath his name. After a lengthy 6 minute promo, Kingsbury sets the overall tone that he is almost more pissed off at Nemesis for not granting him his title shot .. than his actual opponent for tonight. He finishes the promo off with a strongly directed sound-bite towards Nemesis... stating... "If you want to get involved in tonight's match-up then so be it. However, if you so far as lay a finger on me... I will sue you for all that your worth. Don't believe me? Go for it... Punch me out Mr. Owner (smirks)... but remember, if you do... I'll take everything you own... (laughs a little)... I'll even pry your precious X-WA away from you when I strip it financially."


The Circus © vs. Hell Monkey, Enygma Extreme & ????

X-WA Six Man Championship Match


One of the big question the night would found its answer in this match-up. Who would Hell Monkey and Enygma Extreme find as their third member of their challenging Trio? In the end, the answer was former WLW stand-out (a company that Hell Monkey has had a history with), American Elemental.


The match-up between these two enraged Trios would deliver one of the more violent matches in X-WA history. Bodies were thrown everywhere, careers were projected as possibly being shortened, and blood was spattered all over the ringside area. The action would all start as all 6 men were seen brawling around the ring... Taking it too eachother with whatever and whoever they could find. This would go on for a good couple of minutes as the referee frantically tries to seperate both teams back to their corner. However, in the end, the challengers were seen as gaining the upper hand from the get-go as all three members of their trio were able to eliminate The Circus from the ring. The crowd would errupt as the trio of Monkey, Extreme, and Elemental stood tall in the ring... Ready for a fight.


From there all three members would look at eachother and, without saying a word, run full speed towards the ropes... All three men flying over the top rope with an array of aerial assaults... landing on a member of the Circus in the process. The most painful spot, however, came from American Elemental as he dove over the top rope with a twisting moonsault like move... Landing half of his body on Kill Switch and the other half on the hard cement floor.


The match would continue with all 6 men fighting around the ringside area as the referee is seen standing in the ring... Shrugging his shoulders (in a sense giving up on trying to restore order) and ultimately starting a ten count. The brawl would continue... and continue... all around the ringside area and even into the crowd as two members of the trio both find their way into the ring around the count of 9.


Enygma Extreme and Snap Dragon are seen in the ring going at it as Hell Monkey and Whippy the Clown are seen in the crowd... Throwing wild punches and using fans chairs as weapons.. Barely missing fans in the process. Also, AE and Kill Switch are seen brawling by the announcers table.. .However... AE is seemingly reeling from his half-botched aerial assault... So, Kill Switch is seemingly in firm control of their fight.


While in the ring Snap Dragon and Extreme would tear up the ring with a non-stop style of fighting. One man would gain the upper hand and then ultimately lose it within a matter of a few more moves... Just an all around back and forth war. However, Snap Dragon would gain the upper hand when he plants Extreme with a DDT out of the corner. Snap, slowly walking over for the pinfall, would all of a sudden get blind sided by Hell Monkey who has now broken away from Whippy... Climbed up to the top rope... and now knocked Snap Dragon across the ring with a heated missle dropkick!


Hell Monkey would lay into Snap Dragon as Enygma Extreme would roll out of the ring by the bottom rope. The new legal man is now Hell Monkey as he beats down on Snap Dragon... Throwing him all over the ring and beating him like he owed him money.


This would continue back and forth.. Seeing changes in legal men over and over again.


The final straw would come, however, towards the end of the match when Hell Monkey grabbed his trusty bloodied steel chair from ringside to use on a fallen Whippy the Clown. The referee, seeing the chair, grabs it out of Hell Monkey's hands as he is about to swing... This pisses of Monkey... As the referee turns to throw the chair out of the ring, Hell Monkey blindsides the referee from behind!


From there, Whippy the Clown, would pull some sort of whoopy cushion from his clothes... Monkey would spin back around only to have Whippy the clown push on the whoopy cushion.. Blowing some sort of white powder into the face of Hell Monkey! Monkey would be seen rolling around the ring in pain, clawing at his eyes as Enygma Extreme and AE quickly dive into the ring... However, are both taken out by Snap Dragon and Kill Switch in varying ways.


The match would come to an end as Whippy the Clown would manipulate the blinded Hell Monkey back up to his feet... Ultimately laying him out with a steel pipe that he had lodged in his "Sack of fun" (which sat in the corner of the ring). Whippy would pick up the pinfall as the referee slowly came back to his senses and counted.


Winner: The Circus retains the X-WA Six Man Championship in 13:33 when Whippy the Clown pinned Hell Monkey.

Grade: D


Angle: The official "crowning" of the "King of New York"...

Grade: E


We cut backstage to see Steve Flash changing back into street clothes while talking with various X-WA wrestlers backstage. Almost everyone is seen congratulating the grizzled veteran on his iconic 1 on 2 (really 1 on 3) victory tonight against the "Next-Gen Trio". Flash, never one to float his own boat, would be seen only nodding his head and proclaiming that it was just "another day on the job". A response that could only be seen as another example of Flash's true "blue collar" mentality... Not focused on accomplishments and praise, but rather, getting the job done and ultimately being respected by his peers due to his "no-nonsence" approach to life in general. From there, an X-WA employee is seen sticking his head into the room telling Flash that "the boss" wants to see him. After finishing his conversation with his fellow wrestlers in the locker room, Flash is seen walking down a crowded hallway.. towards Nemesis's temporary office.


As he finally exits the crowded hallway, we would then see Flash take another turn which would open up into a large loading area. Just as he walks past a large collection of doors leading to the outside... He is bum-rushed by all three members of "The Next-Gen Trio". Away from the crowded locker room area, Flash is all alone as he tries to difuse the situation and ultimately put up enough of a fight to get himself out of harm's way. At first, it looks as if he is about to do so... staving off all three members in a wild brawling manor... however, he is finally overpowered by the Trio as the injured Jacob Jett is seen tackling Flash to the ground. All three men continue to beat down on the Indy Legend as they seem "out of their minds"... After a vicious beating that stretches around the loading area for a good few minutes... Flash is seen being thrown through the doors leading to the outside.


Steve Flash, staggering to the ground because of the forceful push, slams into a pile of snow... Trying to pull himself back up, however, Francios Cartier is seen beating him back down to the ground. After another beating outside, Flash is finally dragged over towards a dumpster as Francios Cartier begins to rant about how if Steve Flash is really the "King of New York" then he should be crowned as such. He first says that if he truly is to be a king.. He needs his thrown... From there, Jacob Jett and Joss Thompson are seen slamming Flash up against the dumpster... Having him slide down to the ground... Seated before the dumpster. The two of them would continue to stomp the hell out of him, while in this position, wearing down the veteran with a vicious assault. Cartier, taking his time, would then declare that if he truly were to be a king... He would need his glorious septor. From there, Cartier would grab a peice of scrap metal laying near the fence that sits behind the dumpster... Jamming the blunt end of the scrap metal square into the chest of Steve Flash. Flash lets out a loud moan as Cartier would slam it once again against his chest.


It looks as if Steve Flash is fighting to stay concious after the assault... however... at the same time... He looks to try to get up. Almost as if he is subconciously looking to fight. However, when doing so, we see Joss Thompson beat Flash back down to the ground. Finally, Cartier would tell Flash that if he really is supposedly the "King of New York"...He would need his crown...


From there Jacob Jett would be seen handing a baseball bat to Cartier. Francios would eye up the fallen Flash... Calling him "pathetic" as he steps back and then winds up... Swinging the bat over the top of Flash's head... pinning his head between the bat and the dumpster. Steve Flash, now in desperate need of medical attention, is seen busted open as he slowly rolls down the dumpster and lands on his side... Unconcious.


In the end, The "Next-Gen Trio" had viciously "crowned Steve Flash as the King of New York"... Finally yelling out to the city that sorrounds him saying "Here is your king... Here lies your god-forsaken King... (Spits on Flash) The King Of New York... Steve Flash". The three members of the Trio walk away laughing as the lasting image is that of Steve Flash... A bloody mess... Laying up against a dumpster.. alone... broken... and obviously in immense pain.


Angle: It's Strictly Hype...

Grade: D-


A hype video is shown at this point promoting the X-WA Arena Championship match that is about to take place. The video shown is a quick re-cap showing the first ever X-WA Arena Championship match where Ultimate Phoenix was able to defeat Stric Lee Bizness with a quick roll-up amid the chaos that ensued towards the end of said match-up. The clip would slow down towards the end as you can simply see Stric Lee Bizness's response to the shocking loss. It looked as if he was on the verge of "killing someone"... A look that could only be described as Bizness's own "personal hell" as he let the X-WA Arena Championship slip out of his grasp with a simple school boy roll-up. The possibility to go down in history as the first X-WA Arena Champion was no longer a possibility.. but rather.. the inability to do so... has become his ultimate obsession.


Ultimate Phoenix © vs. Stric Lee Bizness

X-WA Arena Championship Match


In one of the dark horse match-ups of the night, Stric Lee Bizness would challenge for Ultimate Phoenix's X-WA Arena Championship. The match was a true clash of different styles.... Ultimate Phoenix using a spot-based aerial assault while Stric Lee Bizness incorporated a more matt-based, submission style, technical approach that would ultimately slow the pace of the match down.


Ultimate Phoenix was often seen in control of the match, however, Stric Lee Bizness always found a way to capitalize on any mistakes... Ultiamtely taking Phoenix down to the matt and keeping him there. At one point, Phoenix had been on a roll... Landing move after move on a staggering Stric Lee Bizness. He had even gone so far as to exicute a rolling leg drop square on the throat of SLB. When the pinfall only got a 2 count... Phoenix would stay on top of SLB after the pin was broken... Trying to regain his breathe... However, SLB would quickly take advantage.. Shocking Phoenix and rolling him over on his back while using a wrentching arm-bar. The move almost ended the match as Phoenix took a good minute before he could reach the ropes... However, the move would leave lasting signs as Phoenix would never seem to be the same with that arm through out the match.


Stric Lee Bizness would gain control from there... Taking Phoenix down to the matt with an array of suplexes which would quickly be turned into submission holds. No matter what move it was... It would end up in an arm bar, leg lock, ankle lock... Seriously, Phoenix was getting stretched like never before.


This sequence of moves would end up grouding Phoenix for the rest of the match as the somewhat injured Phoenix would not take to the air much after that point. When he tried... his ankle gave way on the top rope and Phoenix would fall to the matt holding his leg in pain. Which would be followed up by a quick leg lock from SLB... Only broken 10 seconds later with a rope grab by the Champ.


In the end, Stric Lee Bizness would set Ultimate Phoenix up on the top rope after a string of stamina killing submission holds... SLB would end up latching in, what would seem to be a, top rope belly to belly suplex... however, just as he goes to do so... Phoenix would slip out of the hold and end up hitting a top rope DDT on Stric Lee Bizness in a last ditch effort! It didn't look pretty but it got the job done... both men looked to be out cold in the middle of the ring... However, Phoenix would slowly roll over onto Stric Lee... Ultimately picking up the pinfall.


Winner: Ultimate Phoenix retains his X-WA Arena Championship in 16:32 after pinning Stric Lee Bizness.

Grade: C


Angle: Shock Tactic...

Grade: E+


Vicente Marquez is seen finishing a conversation with X-WA youngers, Velocidad, as both men exchange a handshake and go their seperate ways. The camera stays on Vicente as he continues to walk past several other X-WA superstars... Wishing them luck tonight, congratulating them on a great match, etc. All around, It looks as if Marqurez is a very popular figure backstage. Just as Marquez goes to turn the corner, however, he is viciously attacked from behind. At first, the movement is so quick that you can't really make out who it was... however... as Marquez topples against the wall... We see that it's Jack Griffith (The man he defeated and caused to have a mental breakdown after the loss). Griffith wails away with fists of furry on the side of Marquez's head as Vicente tries to initially cover up and then regain control of the situation... however, Griffith is in firm control after shockingly attacking Vicente Marquez out of nowhere. Just as Griffith lands a hard striking knee to Vicente's face... Jack motions for someone waiting off in the wings... Just then we see an X-WA referee come running onto the scene as it seems that we are about to have an impromptu match-up here at "Shockwaves".


Jack Griffith vs. Vicente Marquez

Impromptu Backstage Brawl Match


Jack Griffith was in full control from the matches onset after a sneak assault on Vicente Marquez. Jack would be seen throwing Vicente around the hallway... Smashing his head into the wall on every occassion and even using a trash can planted off to the side... To slam over the head of Marquez. It looked like Vicente was fighting a "Losing game" here as he tried to regain composure, however, never really seemed to get his feet back underneath him following the sneak attack.


Vicente would find one short sense of control after, in an act of desperation, landing a hard right to the jaw of Griffith... Jack would stagger backwards, landing up against the wall, as Vicente dove back at him.. Both men falling to the floor as Vicente continued to punch the living hell out of Griffith. Pissed for being thrown into the situation... Vicente seemed to "lose it" as he continued to pound away on Griffith's forehead. This would go on for a good 15 seconds until Griffith was able to elbow Marquez in the groin... knocking him over and giving Griffith a second to breathe.


From there Jack Griffith would remain in full control... Throwing Marquez through a X-WA backdrop, slamming his head into a locker room door, and even landing a piledriver in the shower room area of someone's locker room. Vicente, a bloody mess now, was seen as being completely out cold following the piledriver... however... This wouldn't stop the psychotic Griffith. Jack just seemed to "snap" even more so at the sight of Vicente's blood... Punching over and over on the sore on Marquez's head. Blood began to spill even more as Griffith would then drag the unconcious Marquez to a bathroom stall... Yelling "Welcome to America"... "Here's your American Dream" over and over again... Finally sitting Marquez up on the toilet. His body slumped over, due to being out cold, Griffith would walk back into the locker room to grab a steel chair. Coming back into the bathroom... Griffith would run and swing the chair at the seated Marquez... Slamming the chair into his head... Pinning Marquez's head between the steel and the cement wall.


Blood would mark on the wall as Marquez slowly slouches down to the floor by the toilet. Meanwhile, Griffith leans down and seems to be aggressively whispering something in the face of Marquez.. Finally back upon his feet... Pinning Marquez with one foot drapped across his throat.


Winner: Jack Griffith over Vicente Marquez in 8:58 via pinfall.

Grade: C-


Angle: History in the making...

Grade: D+


A hype video is shown, at this point of the show, laying out how we had come to this historic match-up between Kingsbury & Ota. The highlight reel would show everything from Vladimir making his debut with an assault on Ota.. Leading to William Kingsbury III taking his place in the first ever X-WA X Championship match all the way up to the recent war of words between Kingsbury and Nemesis. The overall tone of the video is that Fumihiro Ota has been waiting a long time to finally get his hands on Kingsbury without the fear of Vladimir playing a major role. As the video comes to a close... A slowed down still frame is shown of the 4 men all standing in the ring this last "Blitzkrieg" telecast.


Fumihiro Ota w/ Nemesis vs. William Kingsbury III w/ Vladimir


From the get-go, it seemed that Kingsbury really didn't want to be part of this match. He tried to bait and switch on Ota again by having Vladimir step into the ring, however, the referee was able to stop the advance. At one point, Kingsbury even stepped outside of the ring himself and began to walk back up the rampway saying "F*ck this... I'm out of here"... However, Nemesis would force his hand... Telling Kingsbury to step back into the ring or he will be "Fired on the spot". Kingsbury tried to fight the notion of being fired with Nemesis saying "you would never"... however, as Nemesis began to push the subject more and more... Kingsbury would grudgenly step back into the ring.


While in the ring, Kingsbury would plead with Ota not to fight him. On his hands and knees... Kingsbury is seen crying to Fumihiro to just let him be. Ota, not hearing any of it, moved in for the kill... however... Kingsbury quickly leaped up and poked Ota in the eye... Dropping his "Scared boy" routine and now letting out a ****y smirk. From there, ota would back away holding his eye as Kingsbury moves in for the kill.. Punching the hell out of Ota. Over and over again... Fumihiro would stagger into the corner as Kingsbury quickly bolts that way as well... Landing a knee to the gutt of Ota and then landing a major uppercut... Sending Ota backwards and landing on the ground in the seated position up against the turnbuckle.


From there Kingsbury would back away and call for the referee to discipline a fan in the front row who was yelling "mean things at him". The referee, looking out at the crowd while Kingsbury pushed him that way, didn't see as Vladimir came around the corner and began to choke Ota from behind while he sat in the corner. This would go on for a few seconds as Nemesis would walk around the corner of the ring... As he does, Vladimir backs away and smiles, as if to say "I didn't do anything boss".


Kingsbury would come back in for the kill... Stomping Ota in the corner over and over again. At one point, He even exicuted a reverse DDT in the middle of the ring... However, only picking up a 2 count. Kingsbury, who would argue with the ref about the speed of the count, would be caught of guard as Ota would find his second wind... Getting back to his feet and taking it to Kingsbury! The crowd would absolutely errupt about this as Vladimir would quickly jump up onto the aipren and go as if he was going to step into the ring... The referee went to stop him as Vlad shoved the referee out of the way!


This would push Nemesis to jump into the ring and spear Vladimir to the matt! The crowd would once again errupt at Nemesis began to pound on the big man... Over and over again! Kingsbury, trying to pull Nemesis off of Vladimir, would spin back around only to get caught by a standing spinning heel kick from ota.


After Nemesis and Vlad exited the ring, The match would continue with Fumihiro ota in full control. At one point, Ota would have Kingsbury down and out on the matt... however... instead of jumping down on Kingsbury... He would turn his attentions towards Vlad... Jumping off the top rope and landing a flipping aerial assault onto Vlad, who stood on the outside.


When back in the ring Ota would continue his back and forth with Kingsbury with both men gaining the advantage at different rates. Kingsbury would always find his advantage coming off of a cheap shot... Followed by a string of technical moves. However, Kingsbury's downfall would come late in the match....


When Kingsbury went for a powerbomb in the middle of the ring... Ota would slip out... The two would brawl back and forth until Ota would land a sharp hip to the gutt on Kingsbury. he would then lift him up for a front-face martinete... However, Vlad would climb back into the ring and hit him with a big boot. The referee, about to call for the bell, is told by Nemesis not to do so... Instead, Nemesis slides into the ring and begins to brawl with the big man. The two go back and forth... Until Ota was able to intervene and land a standing spinning heel kick on the big man.. Sending him reeling towards the ropes... Just as Nemesis runs and closelines him over the top rope.


From there, Ota would lay out Kingsbury with a ****ed front kick to his chest... Following it all up with his spiked front-face move. Nemesis would stand alongside in the ring watching Vlad try to get back up to his feet... Counting along with the referee as Ota ends up getting the three count.


Winner: Fumihiro Ota over William Kingsbury III in 15:10 via pinfall.

Grade: C+


Angle: Finally...

Grade: B-


After the match had come to an end, We would see Fumihiro Ota rise to his feet as if he had finally lifted a giant weight off of his shoulders. This sense of "freedom" coils itself within an ultimate feeling of "redemption" for Ota as he has finally put Kingsbury back in his place. After weeks of Kingsbury stealing Ota's X Championship title shot, putting hits on him, and even going as far as to purposely DQ'ing himself to get out an original match-up... Fumihiro Ota has finally overcome his opressor and is now seen as the consomate victor. To mark this moment in X-WA history, Ota would slowly climb the nearest turnbuckle (standing over Vladimir, who is seen stairing down Nemesis more so than Ota at this point)... Throwing his arms up in an act of triumphent victory. The crowd, cheering like crazy for one of the most sympathetic X-WA figures, as Nemesis is seen standing in the opposite corner of the ring... Applauding Ota for his great achievement. Meanwhile, Vladimir reaches into the ring and pulls Kingsbury to the outside. Finally, lifting him up onto his shoulders (into a fireman's carry position) and carrying him out of the ringside area. All in all, this moment will forever be seen as the place in X-WA history where Fumihiro Ota overcame the wrath of "The Rich Snob".


Angle: It's all in the hype...

Grade: D+


A hype video is shown at this point chronicling how Silver Shark has come to this point... Challenging for the X-WA X Championship at "Shockwaves". The video reel would show the instance where Silver Shark initially tried to assault Acid at the previous X-WA PPV Event, 'Til the last man stands, however, became too afraid to do so after he finally realized what he was up against. Instead, he was seen running away from the scene flailing his arms in the air and, most likely, peeing his little Shark underoos in the process. Then taking us to the point where Silver Shark and Acid had had a brief exchange during a previous "Blitzkrieg" 6 man tag match main event. Finally, showing Silver Shark being victorious... Winning the "battle of the undercard" match-up... Ultimately putting him in this position. After the video comes to an end, everyone is questioning whether or not the "PG Friendly" juggernaut will be able to stand toe-to-toe with one of the most hanious fighters in wrestling history, Acid.


Acid © vs. Silver Shark

X-WA X Championship Match


Silver Shark was an odd-man out in this match. Mostly because his true "weapon" is his aerial abilities. He isn't known for being a technical wiz or a brawling bad ass... but rather... A fun-loving high flier who has the attention span of a newborn puppy. When you match that up with an absolute monster of a man... A psychotic cornered animal that is Acid... It's pretty easy to see that Silver Shark was out of his league in this one. That doesn't mean that he didn't put up a hell of a fight thought.


Acid took full control at the onset of the match... Beating Silver Shark into the matt with a string of hard strikes. At one point at the very beginning of the match... It looked like Acid had almost decapitated Silver Shark with a monsterous hard striking kick to the face of Silver Shark (while he tries to get up from his knees). The thud would send the crowd into shock as Acid would continue his assault... not looking for the pin... but rather to injure Shark even more. Seconds later, Acid would throw Shark square into the corner turnbuckle so hard that Silver Shark would flop to the ground holding his chest in pain... However, there was no time to regain his composure... Acid would quickly pounced on the fallen Shark... Stomping the hell out of his chest and ultimately pulling up on his arms as he slams his foot across the throat of Silver Shark.


Acid would continue to dominate the match for the next 5 minutes... Beating Silver Shark down to the matt and even causing the crowd to gasp once more as Acid was seen taking Silver Shark to the top rope... And then throwing him off that very top rope... Having Shark fall neck first across the top rope.. guided by Acid's arm. Silver Shark would grasp his neck and fly back to the outside of the ring... Crashing to the cement floor and rolling around in obvious pain.


No matter what Acid did though... Silver Shark found a way to kick out.


Top rope leg drop? Kick out.

Crucifix powerbomb? Kick out.

Hangman's Neckbreaker? Kick out.

Electric Chair Face Plant? Kick out.


Silver Shark showed himself to be an absolute freak of nature, in a way, as he took Acid's beating... and kept on going. While he's seen as somewhat of a "joke character" in the X-WA... He gained a lot of respect with constantly kicking out of Acid's onslaught.


At one point, Silver Shark was able to gain the upper hand for a good minute or two... Blocking a butterlfy suplex... And landing a nothern lights suplex/pinning combination that would have the fans on the edge of their seats..





Acid kicked out. Everyone expected for Acid to regain the control right after the "last ditch move", however, Silver Shark found a way to stay in control (However, not firm). His biggest moment came when he was able to slip by Acid with a move that he calls "Underwater Impact" (A running bulldog... turned into a faceplant into Shark's knee). He would quickly go for the pinfall...





Acid would kick out again. It seemed as if Silver Shark was starting to really create some momentum just as it all began to fall apart in a thunderous heap....


Silver Shark would set up Acid for a rolling fireman's carry which ended up having Acid slide out of the move... Shark, spinning back around to grab Acid, would be the victim of a snap front neckbreaker (Stunner) from Acid. Shark would jolt backwards... landing on his back... And as Shark tried to pull himself back up to his feet... Acid would run across the ring and land a diving knee attack square across the throat of Shark (as he tried to pull himself up).


From there, Acid would butterfly Shark's arms from behind with one arm going across his back... Rolling him over on onto his back (on top of Acid... Who keeps his shoulders off the matt)... Just as Acid would dig his forearm into the throat of Silver Shark... Wrentching his head backwards. Shark, struggling to breath, as he kicks his legs... Looks to tap, however, can't since his arms are being butterflied. Instead, in between gasps of breathe he struggles to say that he taps out.


Winner: Acid retains his X-WA X Championship in 15:33 after a submission on Silver Shark.

Grade: C+




Overall Show Grade: C

Attendance: 8,959

PPV Buy-rate: 0.33

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Diary Notes on the "Shockwaves" PPV Event:


Overall, I'm really happy with how things turned out from a "Grade Standpoint". Sure, It would be nice to pull in some more C+ overall shows... but... I can't complain when my two big main event match-ups did really well. Also, the "Dark Horse" match-up ended up being the add-on of Vicente Marquez and Jack Griffith. I've always been a fan of Jack Griffith's character as I feel that, if approached right, could make him into the perfect darkened soul. With his previous "meltdown" and now coming back to avenge that meltdown with possibly the most horrific assault/match the X-WA has seen... It's turning him into a viable threat in my eyes. Plus, to pull a C in that match? wow. Marquez is a show stealer no doubt but the two of them together put together a better match than I thought possible when I originally booked it into the game.


Also, as a writer, I'm loving the new stage of the "Next-Gen Trio"/Steve Flash feud. To me, Steve Flash is the ultimate hero... The kind of man who goes and does his work, never hypes himself... Never asks for anything in return... Put his body and his life on the line and at the end of the day it's seen as just another day on the job. So, for the "Next-Gen Trio" to assault him as they did... Pretty much physically destroying him using an accomplishment that others have placed on Flash ("being the king of new york")... and not a creation of Flash himself... It's almost as if Flash is being targeted for the very success that he ignores. Overall, this feud has been a lot of fun to book and I hope that it continues to go that way.


Lastly, I chose American Elemental as Monkey's Trio partner due to the both of them working within the WLW. There will be more of a storyline that unfolds as to why AE would back his WLW-brothern... However, when I looked over my roster, It fit perfectly in my mind why a reckloose character like AE would become involved in the "war" that is The Circus vs. Hell Monkey and friends.


All in all, I hope you enjoyed the show! Now comes the Fallout from "Shockwaves"....

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NEWS: "Shockwave" Reaction


Coming off of the X-WA's most controversial PPV to date, The overall reaction has been skewed either way depending on your viewpoint on violence's place in the U.S. culture. Many outside of the wrestling industry are calling on the X-WA to "tone down their excessive amounts of violence"... Citing the hanious assaults on both Steve Flash and Vicente Marquez as keypoints in the debate.


When asked to comment, the X-WA released this statement to the masses:


"The X-WA, in its current form, will continue to deliver an alternative type of product to the avid wrestling fan. While we understand why some have questioned our approach... The X-WA will make no changes at this point and, rather, will continue to deliver the kind of hard hitting... high impact style of wrestling that we have built our name upon."

Most who had negative responses to the X-WA PPV have called to "clean up the industry", however, it should be noted that the company is not focused on delivering "Kid-Friendly" entertainment, but rather, has been consistent with their practices of delivering "Cult Entertainment". Pushing for the 18-34 male demographic instead (Which many in the industry believe is needed due to the SWF, TCW, and USPW starting to drift their product more towards "Family Friendly" wrestling).


Can the X-WA continue to survive despite on-going negative responses to their product? We here at TotalExtremeWrestling.com will continue to stand-by the young upstart X-WA as, since the fall of DaVE, there is no company out there that delivers the kind of unique blend of dark-cult-like entertainment and fast-paced modern style of wrestling.


More to come.

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The Chase for the X Championship...


The fallout-out from "Shockwaves" has created more questions than answers. Have we seen Steve Flash's last match following a potential career-ending attack? Why did Hell Monkey call on American Elemental as a part of his Trio? Where does William Kingsbury III and Fumihiro Ota go from here after their all-out warfare? Also, Will Vicente Marquez ever be the same again following a vicious sneak assault by the "Train wreck" that is Jack Griffith?


While these glaring questions are certainly important to the near future of the X-WA... The main question in the minds of many is... Who will become the NEW #1 Contender to the X-WA X Championship?


Silver Shark gave a valiant effort at "Shockwaves", however, was unable to defeat the vile and vicious Champion, Acid. With that being said, Who will be the next to step in line?


Word is that X-WA Owner, and all-around Wrestling Legend, Nemesis will be addressing the X-WA X Championship and it's next contender... THIS WEEK on "Blitzkrieg".


We're only days away from one of the most important telecasts in X-WA History! Make sure to tune in!

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Finally got around to reading the show and the PPV was great. I think the numbers are gonna get to poor Flash and he may need some help. I could see you going one of two ways. Maybe another old veteran of the East Coast Wars comes in to aid his compatriot, Freddie Datsun maybe. Or A young promising worker who respects Flash stands up for his idol. The first way you bring in more star power to help get Next-Gen over, the second way you can build your own star.
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Good ppv, things are definitely getting interesting. And dammed soccer moms trying to bring a halt to X-WA!


Damn those Soccer moms is right! ha. I thought I would throw that post in there just as an added theme to the overall diary. I want to incorporate more "outside of wrestling tones" to the diary so the reader can get an idea of the "Cornellverse" that the X-WA is currently running in. Also, that way, it seems more realistic... as... Any parent who would have watched "Shockwaves" or half-assed kept up with the X-WA in general would probably have some sort of problem with the excessive violence, dark overtones, and all-around animalistic furry that the company projects.


All in all, It helps me to better understand the company that I'm "running" when I think of different angles coming along (ie: viewer response, major events in the Cornellverse world, and such). I don't plan on really focusing on the "Big Three" all that much, unless there is a story that comes through that makes it understandable why I would be incorporated their current status and such. (Ie: USPW being a family friendly vs. X-WA being a "Cult-Like Phenomenon", X-WA signs away a "Big Three" Superstar, Major title change.. etc.)



Finally got around to reading the show and the PPV was great. I think the numbers are gonna get to poor Flash and he may need some help. I could see you going one of two ways. Maybe another old veteran of the East Coast Wars comes in to aid his compatriot, Freddie Datsun maybe. Or A young promising worker who respects Flash stands up for his idol. The first way you bring in more star power to help get Next-Gen over, the second way you can build your own star.


Thanks man! (Side note: Loving your diary right now too. You have a reader in me). I'm not 100% sure where I'm going to go from here with the whole Flash/"Next-Gen Trio" ordeal but both of your ideas are really good. I may have to incorporate those plans in the end if it ends up working into my overal scheme. I have a few ideas on what to do... however... want to keep it interesting enough that it can hopefully push the Trio up the ranks. Right now, they are def. what the name calls for... "The Next-Gen" kind of superstars. People I can see at the top of the company later down the line. However, I want to do a realistic build to get them to that point instead of some sort of major god push.


All in all, Thanks to the both of you for reading the PPV and leaving some feedback behind! It's greatly appreciated.

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Hot damn, that beatdown of Steve Flash is one of the best written skits I've ever seen in a diary. Even though the rating in game was lacklustre, in real life there would be so much heat on that angle you could cook an egg on it!



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Hot damn, that beatdown of Steve Flash is one of the best written skits I've ever seen in a diary. Even though the rating in game was lacklustre, in real life there would be so much heat on that angle you could cook an egg on it!




Thanks Shmoe!! That angle was my fav. write-up from the entire "Shockwaves" event... I literally spent a few days mulling over what i wanted to do until It all of a sudden came to me while in the shower. ha.


It's a very polarizing attack (why I went forward with the PPV Reactions post) and could be seen as overly violent... However, I felt that it really told the story best. Steve Flash, the consommate blue collar man, falling victim to an accomplishment placed upon him. Overall, I could see the attack in a movie... Which... Made me want to go ahead with how it was written (as most of my "major storylines".. I want to have them seem memorable).


I'm not totally sure how I'm going to go from here, however, I have some ideas. Either way, the "Next-Gen Trio" vs. Steve Flash feud is fastly becoming one of my fav angles (along with one that is currently in the works for the next coming months).



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NEWS: 4th week of March 2009 || X-WA "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg" Card


The fallout from "Shockwaves" is projected to be more of a post-atomic bomb blast versus yet another "bump in the road". Officials within the X-WA have continously devoted their time and effort towards developing a culture of Absolute Chaos... And it seems that this upcoming episode of "Blitzkrieg" will not stray from their overall tone. Here is the card as it stands today:



American Elemental vs. Snap Dragon w/ "The Circus"


Hell Monkey vs. Joss Thompson w/ "The Next-Gen Trio" vs. Kill Switch w/ "The Circus"


Fumihiro Ota vs. Burning TAKA


Ultimate Phoenix vs. Teddy Powell

[Non-Title Match]



|| X-WA Main Event ||


William Kingsbury III w/ Vladimir vs. Silver Shark




* The new #1 contender to the X-WA X Championship will be announced!

* Update on Steve Flash's health and the fate of his illustrious career


The upcoming episode of "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg" looks to be, yet another, impactful event from the, "kings of Counter-Culture", X-WA. Don't miss this weeks action, as the company continues in their decent towards mass anarchy.

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Diary Note:


For those who are just starting to read this diary... Swing by the first page to see the roster overview. It'll be updated over time to reflect the current X-WA roster and will even go as far as to change as characters continue to develop (ie: New synopsis, new picture, etc.).


As an example of this, Whippy the Clown's picture has changed (thanks to Benjacko) and I've also added a "Trios" section. There you'll see what Trios are currently active in the X-WA. Their profile will let you know any achievements they've acquired and also their overall group synopsis.


That's all!


I'm going to start booking "Blitzkrieg" in-game and the write-up will follow soon there after. I would say that the show will be up early next week but I always seem to finish way before I thought. ha.



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