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The X-WA || "An Act of Vengeance for The Fallen Angel"

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The X-WA, while still in its infancy, is highly regarded as THE most entertaining source of wrestling action on the United States scene. While "The Big Three" continue to shove talentless hacks like Runaway Train, Vengeance, and Bruce The Giant down your throats.... The X-WA will forever holds its promise in delivering the great "unknowns" of our industry.... The men who have practically destroyed their own bodies to even slightly register an "Oh hey... I know him" response.... The kind of superstars who leave it all in the ring and don't expect any acclimation for doing so (Unlike Tommy "Please... Please... Love me" Cornell). We are the X-WA... We are innovation, death-defying action, and shocking entertainment... All coiled into one.


For those of you who have passed us off as YET another "Hardcore" promotion trying to grip onto what's left of the loyal DaVE fans.... Take a closer look. The X-WA has never been about "Hardcore" wrestling... Rather, the X-WA is focused primarily on delivering a Modern style of wrestling unseen by any other mainstream company. You won't see 300 pound guerrillas pounding their chest to victory in our ring... As, we have no time for SWF'esque "Big Man Wars". Our roster, outside of a bodyguard, consists of primarily cruiserweights... With our heaviest athletes ringing in as Middleweights. These men know how to fly... They know how to bend the rules of gravity and soar with death-defying means.


We received a lot of flack for our brash mentality... our ability to "shake up" the status quo. While this may run as "fear" in most mainstream promotions... The X-WA relishes in the fact of being held in controversy. How can a company truly succeed with its fans if you allow the rules to come into play? With a roster full of psychos, egocentric bullies, and borderline circus acts... How could you even attempt to "stay in the lines"? We house people like "The Circus".... "The Next-Gen Trio"... The X-WA X Champion... Acid... and the ultra-violent, and somewhat animalistic, Hell Monkey... And we make no excuses... no apologizes for doing so.


If you want to follow the same monotonous scheme then continue with your viewership of "The Big Three". However, if you want to be part of a true, unadulterated, Revolution of epic proportions... Then tune into the X-WA this week... Invite our brand of "Shock & Awe" into your household.


If you do so... This week... You'll witness the new #1 contender to the X-WA X Championship... Fumihiro Ota squaring off with our vicious, and vile, Champion... Acid. While their "Date with destiny" stretches a few episodes from now at "eXcessive Force"... Their journey starts this week in our Main Event... Live in the X-WA Arena.






+ Following a successful surgery for Steve Flash... It seems that the "King of New York" may be closer to returning than first expected. Rumor is that Flash could potentially be ready for "eXcessive Force", however, his doctor has made it clear that he could still be out for some time, possibly indefinitely, if any complications are seen.


+ Could the "Next-Gen Trio" be looking for a fourth ally? While it would certainly challenge their name... "The Next-Gen Trio" is rumored to be in talks with a negotiating X-WA superstar about potentially joining the group. Stay tuned to see what may happen.


+ Will Nemesis be stepping into the ring at "eXcessive Force" to face off against, disgruntled employee, William Kingsbury III? With what has been going on as of late... I don't think anyone would be surprised to see such a match announced.


+ As reported in an earlier post... Is an immediate Flash family member looking to train as a Pro Wrestler? Word is that a member of Steve's family may be in the process of negotiating an X-WA Deal. While it's certainly still a rumor, as of right now, it's obvious to see why anyone from the Flash family would want to join the company... Ultimately "head-hunting" for the "Next-Gen Trio".






(I've messed around with creating a new format for "The Xplosive Report". These posts are designed to be a "blog" like post from Ernie Turner himself, So comments will be directed as such (ie: the slam on Cornell). I wanted to make it more of a homer situation than anything else and a "kayfabe" directed approach (as TotalExtremeWrestling.com is now taking all the duties of realism information about the diary). Hope you enjoyed reading!)

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Loving all of the hard work you're putting into this diary sir. It certainly shows its a labour of love and the layout means I can keep on coming back to it and be able to keep track. Damn cool.


Thanks Kamchatka! This diary has def. been a great source of fun for me as of late. I'm a fan of writing in general (and while I'm in a writer's block for writing music, This is my source of creativity right now) and overall, It's fun to create the kind of company that you would like to actually see in real life. In my eyes, the X-WA is my perfect product on what I'd like to see right now.


Also, I've tried to keep the layout as "reader friendly" as possible. If you miss a week or so of posts... You've got a lot of posts letting you know what you've missed. Therefore, it's easy to come in and out of without having to search for hours on end. :)



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*** "Blitzkrieg" Quick Picks ***


Silver Shark vs. Jack Griffith

Francios Cartier w/ "The Next-Gen Trio" vs. Mikkel Drago

Vicente Marquez vs. American Elemental vs. Burning TAKA vs. Jacob Jett vs. Whippy the Clown vs. Hell Monkey

Ultimate Phoenix © vs. Teddy Powell

Fumihiro Ota vs. Acid


I am really liking this. You are keeping it very reader friendly by the way. 1 question, Did you edit in the arena? I am asuming you are doing a ECW arena type thing where you use that as a base? Keep it up.


Trevor L.

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I am really liking this. You are keeping it very reader friendly by the way. 1 question, Did you edit in the arena? I am asuming you are doing a ECW arena type thing where you use that as a base? Keep it up.


Trevor L.


It's been my goal from the get-go to make the diary as reader-friendly as possible... That way it's a lot easier to keep up with the current storylines and what has happened to get to this point. When I started the diary I knew that I wanted to create an overall "brand" for the X-WA... In a sense, when you thought of the X-WA.... What came to mind? The extra posts (ie: X-WA.com posts, Totalextremewrestling.com posts, and The Xlopsive Report posts) were created to keep everyone up to date & also make it easier for the casual reader to understand what has happened, why it happened, and what to expect from this point on. I know some people may not like it as much because it isn't show after show and there may be too many posts in between shows, however, I'm really enjoying the current layout! As long as others out there are enjoying it as well then i'll keep going forward in this manor.


Also, The X-WA arena picture came from FlameSnoopy who was using the image as an alt booking screen for his game. With some added changes coming from both Snoopy and myself, we were able to personalize it enough to be the X-WA arena. As you said, I plan on booking all of my TV events (and possibly PPV events) out of the arena... making it like an ECW'esque "home arena". It makes it easier for the reader to visualize what happened during a show as they can see where everything un-folded it.


I also wanted to thank everyone for their predictions! I'm currently in the planning stage for this episode of "Blitzkrieg" right now... So if you still want to leave a prediction or two.. You def. have time! All in all, results should be up sometime this week!



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Silver Shark vs. Jack Griffith

Francios Cartier w/ "The Next-Gen Trio" vs. Mikkel Drago

Vicente Marquez vs. American Elemental vs. Burning TAKA vs. Jacob Jett vs. Whippy the Clown vs. Hell Monkey

Ultimate Phoenix © vs. Teddy Powell

Fumihiro Ota vs. Acid

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X-WA "Shockwaves" - PPV Event

2nd Week of April 2008



Angle: Fear my tantrum...

Grade: B-


X-WA "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg" opens with the hell-bent superstar, William Kingsbury III w/ Vladimir, making his way down to the ring. Stomping his feet in a childish manor, as if he was completely comfortable with his constant "tantrum" approach to life, Kingsbury would be seen instructing Vladimir to retrieve a mic for him. As Vlad violently rips the X-WA micraphone from the in-ring announcer, Kingsbury would waste no time... Calling out the X-WA's owner, Nemesis, straight away. It only took a few seconds for him to get what he wanted (as in most cases with his life) as Nemesis came roaring out of the back to a massive ovation. The X-WA owner would climb into the ring, with his own mic in hand, as the two would trade an aggressive banter back and forth. At one point, Kingsbury would show signs of another tantrum after Nemesis told him that he is "not even close to being the #1 Contender to the X-WA X Championship". Kingsbury, weighting the option of having Vladimir lay out Nemesis for all of his troubles, would strip away his narcissistic demeanor for a brief second... Inquiring what he has to do to get to the X Championship (in a moment that makes Kingsbury look like a little boy... Hands in his pockets... Asking his "daddy" if he can have a cookie.) Nemesis, takes no second to think about his answer, comes back with the response of... "If you EVER want to via for the X Championship... You'll have to prove yourself... from the ground up." This drives Kingsbury absolutely crazy as he violently shakes his head "no"... all the while mouthing... "You can't do this to me... I'm a Kingsbury!"... In the end, Nemesis tells Kingsbury that his "trail period" starts TONIGHT... And that he better get his "sh*t together" as soon as possible as he has a match coming up... RIGHT NOW. This would continue to add fuel to the fire... Kingsbury, now in full-on temper tantrum mode, is seen kicking the ropes all around the ring and shouting like a scourned child.


William Kingsbury III w/ Vladimir vs. Mr. Electricity

Impromptu Match

Kingsbury's - "From the Bottom - Up" Challenge


This match would start soaked in drama as Kingsbury is seen shouting at Nemesis through the ring ropes (as Nemesis slowly exits to the back). This would pose as a perfect moment for Mr. Electricity as he would quickly slide in and roll-up the "cranky" Kingsbury with a quick school-boy roll-up. The pin would only derive a un-eventful 1 1/2 count... However, would change Kingsbury's focus from Nemesis to his opponent. From there, Kingsbury would absolutely abuse Mr. Electricity from pillar to post. With a scourned mentality, Kingsbury is seen taking out his woes on the "P-G Squad" member... Raking his eyes at every chance, stomping him square into the mat, and even yelling in his face at certain points like a rabid animal. Kingsbury would throw Mr. Electricity off of the ropes as Vladimir pulls on the top rope... Having his opponent go crashing to the lightly padded floor on the outside. Landing rather awkwardly, Mr. Electricity is seen trying to get back to his feet... However, is forced back into the ring by Vlad before he can even comprehend what just happened. Instead, Kingsbury is seen landing a lightning quick superkick to the jaw of Mr. Electricity (shortly after he was able to make it back to his feet... Althought "out of it" from his fall to the outside).. Finally pinning him with an aggressive hook of the leg and elbow across the jaw.


Winner: William Kingsbury III over Mr. Electricity in 1:57 via pinfall.

Grade: C-


Angle: This is your fate...

Grade: D-


We cut backstage to see Jack Griffith standing before a darkened backdrop. The entire room is an absolute abyss... No light anywhere in sight. The only figure that's seen is Jack, and that's solely because of the light on top of the camera, illuminating in the dark. Jack, a complete wreck both mentally and physicall at this point, is heard relaying mindless jiberish for a few moments... Filling the airwaves with nothing more than rambling sequences of words which all constitute as psychotic rambling. Just as it seems like this segment would never progress... Jack began to address his obsession with Vicente Marquez... Citing that Marquez reminds him of himself before "the demons" took ahold of his mind. Griffith goes on to talk about how, at one point, he was a young superstar with a promising future... How HE was considered to be the "next big thing" in the Wrestling Industry... and now HE could do no wrong.... Much like how others look at Marquez now. In the end, Griffith would continue to draw parallels between the two of them... Finishing his promo with these chilling words:


"Look at me.... LOOK... LOOK at me! [his face twitches uncontrollably] This is your Fate... You can't escape this.... YOU CAN'T ESCAPE THIS"


Jack Griffith vs. Silver Shark


The match-up between Jack Griffith and Silver Shark would carry a very unique tone. Griffith, a noted psychopath and recovering drug addict, would square off with Silver Shark, someone by all means is considered to be a "child-friendly" loveable simpleton. Both men... absolute polar opposites of eachother... (and it showed through out the entire match) as Silver Shark would celebrate any move he exicuted with a hearty yell.. followed by some clapping (to get the crowd into the action)... Even leading cheers at certain parts of the match. Match that up with someone who was seen talking to himself through out most of the match... Occassionally screaming out obscentities like they were common conversational tools... and, at one point, even pulling at his hair following a wicked DDT off of the ropes on Shark. Needless to say... The entire match-up proved to be somewhat of an awkward display, however, great in it's own right.


Towards the end of the match, Griffith is seen pulling away the turnbuckle pads in the far corner of the ring. He was almost successful in doing so before the referee would get involved... Pushing him away from the corner and ultimately focusing entirely on fixing the protective padding. Meanwhile, Griffith would be seen coming back to Shark... who has now caught Griffith off guard with a series of strikes... However, Griffith would ultimately cheat his way to the win... After quickly reaching into his wrestling attire and pulling out a pair of brass knuckles... Planting them square in the middle of Shark's head as he lunged forward for a closeline. Shark's body would topple to the floor in a heap as Griffith, throwing the knucks out of the ring, would drop down for the three count... Just as the referee has finished fixing the protective padding.


Winner: Jack Griffith over Silver Shark in 9:39 via pinfall.

Grade: C-


Angle: Revenge of The Child...

Grade: E+


"The Next-Gen Trio" is seen making their way to the ring for Francios Cartier's match with Mikkel Drago. As the trio makes it to the ringside area... We all of a sudden see a random fan dive straight over the security guardrail... Tackling Cartier to the ground and instantly wailing away with "fists of fury". The crowd errupts in a fanatic uproar as those standing next to the attacker are completely shocked as to what had happened. Jett & Thompson, now aware of the situation, would dive on the rogue fan member... Physically tearing him off of Cartier and inflicting their own kind of justice in the process. X-WA security officials, a little too late, sorround the ringside area... Seperating the fan from "The Next-Gen Trio"... ultimately trying to diffuse the situation. The Trio, still trying to get to the fan in rabid fashion, is being held back by X-WA security officials as the fan is picked up off the ground and put into an arrest position (with his arms locked behind his back). Blood pours down from the fans nose as we all of a sudden hear X-WA commentator, Ernie Turner, start to question who the man is... Just as he gets a good shot of the man's face we hear Turner say.... "Mathew?"... "Is that Mathew?". We later come to find that the man who jumped the gaurdrail to attack Francios Cartier is none other than Steve Flash's son... Mathew Flash. Turner, who has met Michael at various wrestling events with his father over the last few years, is absolutely floored that Mathew would have put himself in harms way as he did... Citing that, while Mathew is an avid wrestling fan, he is not really the kind of person you would expect to do such a thing. In the end, Mathew Flash is escorted out of the arena through the crowd as the "Next-Gen Trio" is seen verbally attacking X-WA security officials for "not doing their jobs".


Francios Cartier w/ "The Next-Gen Trio" vs. Mikkel Drago


Francios Cartier started the match off with a ruthless aggression not seen from him before. Obviously still stemming from the recent, and shocking, attack at the hands of a fan (Michael Flash, Son of Steve Flash)... Cartier is seen engaging Drago in a heated manor. Through out most of the match Cartier would be seen grounding Mikkel with an array of signature suplexes and light submission holds... All with the notion of wearing down the Martial Artist. Cartier's main focus would be on the legs of Drago... Knowing that if Drago is unable to stand... Then he is unable to use his lethal kicks on the "Next-Gen" Superstar. At one point, Cartier was seen, early on, pushing Mikkel almost to the point of submission with a leg gripped Sleeper Hold... However, Mikkel ultimately found a way to break the hold with a few well-placed strikes to the face of Francios.


The match would continue to be in Cartier's favor for most of the time. Occassionally, Drago would land a few hard striking attacks... Flooring Cartier in the process, however, between the sheer technical ability of Cartier, and his "goons" at ringside, Drago really never stood a real chance. In the end, Cartier was seen landing a front-face russian leg sweep/STF combo.. Which would ultimately lead Drago to a cry of submission.


Winner: Francios Cartier over Mikkel Drago in 7:53 via submission.

Grade: D+


Angle: The road less traveled...

Grade: C-


We cut backstage to see Fumihiro Ota standing alongside newbie X-WA interviewer, Jonathan Owens, infront of a black and white X-WA backdrop. The interview would quickly take shape as Fumihiro Ota chronicles the tumultuous path that has led him to this point... Starting with his overhwelming success in TCW (practically spearheading their cruiserweight division for years) all the way up to the current day in the X-WA. He would touch on William Kingsbury III and Vladimir... Citing that while both men were destructive in their means... How he ultimately was the one who prevailed. Ota, sounding as if he has turned the page on from his feud with Kingsbury (finally getting what he wanted... A true one on one match-up cloaked in redemption at "shockwaves"), would shift his focus to the present day... Focusing on his upcoming X Championship Match at "eXcessive Force". With a strong stance of confidence in his corner... Ota declares that TONIGHT will be yet another example of his rise here in the X-WA... Citing that, While Acid is a dominating presence in the company, it is his destiny to ultimately be named as Champion. He would close the interview with a pointed response to a "softball-like" question from Owens... His words were, and I quote, "People counted me out years ago... Told me that my days of relevance in wrestling were done and overwith... I spent years traveling across the country... Working small indy events with this opportunity in mind... This ability to change my course all in one night... That night is a little over a week away... "eXcessive Force"... I will claim the X-WA Championship for myself...., however, defend the title with the utmost pride for this company.... For it's fans."


American Elemental vs. Burning TAKA vs. Hell Monkey vs. Jacob Jett vs. Vicente Marquez vs. Whippy the Clown

Six Way Tables Match


Argueably the most anticipated match of the night pitted six young X-WA high fliers in a display of masterful aerial spots. This match alone proved exactly why the X-WA is, hands down, the best wrestling product today... As we were treated to six individual superstars who were all hungry to make a name for themselves. From the onset, Hell Monkey and Whippy the Clown were seen practically diving over other opponents to get to eachother. These two absolutely hate eachother with a passion (which has been seen over the last month) and would like nothing better to not only win tonight's match-up... but also drive the other through a table for said victory. Whenever anyone else was seen trying to "but in" on their fight... Both men were able to remove themselves from their advances and ultimately come back to beat the hell out of eachother.


Outside of those two, the rest of the crop of superstars would find no claim to their opponents... Rather... Actively distributing their attacks "across the board". All four men looked extremely compontent, and able to pick up the victory, as they exchanged aerial spots through-out the duration of the match.


The biggest moment of the match came when Jacob Jett had set up a table in the middle of the ring... He placed Burning TAKA on the top rope.. Fixing to send the international superstar through the table. However, before he could attempt anything... TAKA is able to re-take control of the situation with a series of right handed jabs. TAKA.. Latching onto Jett (who stands before him on the top rope) would flip over Jett and land a huge rolling powerbomb straight down to the mat. Jett's head would bounce harshly off of the canvas as TAKA is seen jumping up to celebrate... Only to get caught by a top rope hurricanrana from American Elemental that would send him flying across the ring. Just then AE was seen attempting to lift Jett up for a suplex through the table, however, it's thwarted when Vicente Marquez was able to swiftly slide in and hit AE in the back with a thunderous spinning heel kick... All three men would come crashing to the ground, right near the table, as the crowd is going crazy for what is going on! Just then (all in succession) Hell Monkey is seen trying to powerbomb Whippy the Clown through the same very table (Still standing in the middle of the ring after all of that carnage), however, Monkey over shoots the table and Whippy goes smashing into the ground on the other side. Monkey is then taken out by a quick side roundhouse kick (AJ Style's Pele Kick) to the back of Hell Monkey's head... As all the competitors are seen laying in a heap in the middle of the ring.


This match could have gone on forever with how the action was unfolding. However, just as that though crossed the X-WA Commentators mouths, we saw Jack Griffith come staggering out of the back... Stairing down the ringside area. Vicente raises to his feet (the only man on their feet after the crazy series of events) and instantly notices Jack Griffith making his way to the ring. Marquez, shaking his head in disbelief that Griffith is still fixated on him, walks to the side of the ring Jack is walking towards and motions for him to "get out here". Jack, inching even closer to the ring, gets within inches of Marquez as he ****s his head slowly to the side and begins to whisper to himself in dramatic fashion. Meanwhile, Jacob Jett has raised to his feet quietly and is now standing on the top rope... Awaiting Marquez to spin around. Vicente, after breaking his eyes free from the intruding Griffith, spins around to see Jacob Jett leaping towards him in mid-air...


In a quick reaction, Marquez is able to catch Jett off the tope rope and slam him down with a massive Spinebuster.... Straight through the standing Table (the table that Jett put up in the first place).... Marking a memorable victory for Vicente Marquez.


Winner: Vicente Marquez over American Elemental, Burning TAKA, Hell Monkey, Jacob Jett, and Whippy the Clown in 13:54 via a pinfall over Jacob Jett.

Grade: C-


Angle: If at first you don't succeed...

Grade: D-


The match comes to an end as Vicente Marquez is seen with his arm raised as the victor by the X-WA refree. This moment of celebration would prove to be brief for Marquez as Jack Griffith is seen sliding into the ring and knocking Marquez to the mat with, yet another, sneak attack. While on the mat, Jack Griffith would continue his assault... Stomping Marquez firmly into the canvas... All the while screaming out the words "This is your fate... You can't escape it" increasingly louder and louder with each aggressive stomp (which becomes more and more reckless in fashion). In the end, Marquez is unable to really defend himself following the surprise attack... Instead, he is laid out by the mentally tortured psychopath with a sickening stomp on the back of Vicente's head... Slamming him face first into the canvas and seemingly knocking him out cold in the process. As Marquez laid on the mat... motionless... Griffith is seen standing over the fallen superstar... Whipsering something to himself in rapid fashion.


Ultimate Phoenix © vs. Teddy Powell

X-WA Arena Championship Match

Special Referee: Stric Lee Bizness


Most men wear referee outfits when they are declared as the "special guest referee", however, Stric Lee is not "most men". Instead, the "ice cold assasin" would be seen wearing his traditional black suit (equipt with leather gloves and all) through out the entirety of the match... and what a match it was. Phoenix and Powell were seen competing at a high level from the very start. Both men were focused and determined to walk away with the X-WA Arena Championship, however, both men were also keeping an eye on the polarizing referee. In many instances, both men would find themselves taking their focus away from their oponnent for a split second.. as they would make sure that Stric Lee wasn't on the verge of getting involved. However, through out most of the match, Stric Lee never got involved... and I mean.. never. Whenever someone would go for a pinfall... SLB would be seen standing in the corner of the ring... Doing nothing but stairing down the action. A submission hold? Nothing from Stric Lee. Even when Powell and Phoenix took the action to the outside... There was no ten count... No nothing from the referee. This scenario seemingly began to weight on both competitors as they, have now realized, that there may not be a way to ever end this match if Stric Lee never commits to anything. This drove the two of them to confront Stric Lee Bizness, and ultimately, double team on the referee... Finally planting him in the corner of the ring with a tandem brainbuster DDT.


In most cases.. Who would ever want to take out the referee in a match? However, in this case, Stric Lee was showing no signs of doing "his job"... So what would it hurt? The action would go ahead as projected, however, the ending would pose to be a shocking scenario...


Just as Phoenix is seen setting up a dazed Powell for a Fisherman's suplex... SLB would dive into the action (seemingly concious again).. Cutting Phoenix's leg out from behind. Both Phoenix and Powell would fall to the mat as Stric Lee Bizness would take turns... laying out both men in various grizzly fashions. In the end, Stric Lee would be seen landing one final blow to Phoenix (a 360 seated piledriver) as he stands above both of his victims. This goes on for a good ten seconds as no one knows what the remorseless fighter is set to do. Then.. In a shocking turn of events... Stric Lee would roll the lifeless body of Phoenix over onto Powell... Just enough to count it as a pin. Stric Lee would then slowly drop to the ground and count the three count for Phoenix... Marking the end of the match.


Winner: Ultimate Phoenix retains the X-WA Arena Championship in 11:57 after pinning Teddy Powell.

Grade: D-


Angle: Crooked Referee...

Grade: D-


The match has come to an end as we see Stric Lee Bizness slowly back away from the carnage that he has just delivered. Not in a "what have I just done?" kind of way... but more so in a predatory kind of manor. Stric Lee, never taking his eyes off of the fallen Phoenix and Powell, calls for the X-WA Arena Championship. After a reluctant transfer of the championship belt to SLB... Stric Lee is seen walking over to Phoenix... About to drop the title on his chest, however, stopping just before releasing the strap of the belt. Instead, Stric Lee is seen pulling the Championship belt back up towards himself... Finally, lifting the Arena Championship straight into the air... transfering his focus entirely to the Championship belt he holds on high (All the while the fans are boo'ing like crazy). We cut to a commercial break now as we see Stric Lee slowly leaving the ring with the X-WA Arena Championship resting over his right shoulder.


Acid vs. Fumihiro Ota

Non-Title Match


The first ever match-up between Acid and Fumihiro Ota was set to be a historic event. Both men were only one more episode of "Blitzkrieg" away from their X-WA X Championship match at "eXcessive Force"... And it was obvious to see that THAT match-up was on both of their minds. How can you tell? Both Acid and Ota were seen sizing up their opponent in the onset of the match. Nothing too crazy from either superstar but rather a collection of "chain wrestling" spots.. Followed up by a few stair downs over thwarted reversals. The match really didn't open up until both men started to show their aggravation with eachother a few minutes into the action... Both men would trade a round of knife-edged chops to eachothers chests... Back and forth... back and forth... At one point, the camera man would zoom in on Ota's chest to see a bright red hand print square in the middle of his pecs. This would go on for a few more exchanges until Acid lands a hard hip shot to Ota's chest... Opening up the match... and sending the two men down a path of absolute destruction. ...To one another & themselves...


One instance of their reckless affair came when Acid was seen exicuting a top rope moonsault onto Ota as he stood on the outside. The aerial spot would pose as destructive to both men as Ota took the brunt of the spot... however... Acid also slammed his knee on the cement ground below him in the process. The two would continue their assault on the outside of the ring for most of the match... With both men breaking the ten count by sliding back into the ring at various spots. It began to look as if both men were realizing that the other is just as much of a threat... Knowing that they would have to pull of something drastic in which to defeat an equal in the ring.


Their drastic attempts would carry them all around the ringside area... Slamming their bodies into the steel guardrail at every attempt... fighting into the crowd... and landing aerial attacks from the aipren of the ring on more than one occasion. At one point, it looked as if Acid was going to walk away with the win pretty early on as Ota was caught trying to land a flipping forward roll off the aipren onto an unsuspecting Acid below... However, Acid (seemingly more focused that people though at the time) was able to catch the flying Ota in midair... Then using his momentum to fall backwards and drop Ota chest first across the security guardrail.


Somehow... Ota found a way to get back into the ring before the ten count but the damage had already been done. You could tell that he was having troubles breathing towards the end of the match as a result of the gaudrail spot. This would pave way for the ending as both men are seen fighting, once again, on the outside of the ring (Most of the match took place outside of the ring than in it actually). After trading a series of punches.. Acid would lunge forward and land a open palmed strike on Ota's throat... Ota, backing away while holding his throat, is having difficult breathing as he is seen hunching over the guadrail for a second to try to catch his breath. Acid, feeling the end is near, continues his assault... Pulling away the light padding sorrounding the ring and exposing the hard cement below. He would set up Ota for a suplex onto the cement... but Ota would find a way to reverse the hold... Instead... Picking up Acid for his singature Front Face mariente spike...


However, Just as he gets him up onto his shoulders... Ota grabs for his chest in pain (most likely showing signs of a bruised or broken rib)... Acid is able to slip out from behind and ultimately land a reverse DDT (all in one motion) on the injured Ota... Slamming his head square into the cement ground. A groggy Acid would slowly pull himself back up onto his feet... Realizing the ref's count... and is seen sliding back into the ring just before the ten count ends. Once in the ring Acid would fall to his knees... using the ropes to try to keep him "stable" as the ref finally hits 10... Counting out Ota (who is still motionless on the outside of the ring) in the process.


Winner: Acid over Fumihiro Ota in 13:36 via count-out.

Grade: C+






Overall Show Grade: C

"Blitzkrieg" Attendance: 3,652

"Blitzkrieg" TV Rating: 0.41 (- 0.05)

Prediction Winner: 3 Way Tie.... CZCW, jtnlange, smurphy1014 - (4 out of 5)

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STORY: It's not personal... It's Strictly Business.




One of the most shocking moments in "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg" history came last night in the form of a Heist. Stric Lee Bizness was set to only officiate last night's X-WA Arena Championship match, however, he did much more than just oversee the action. In most cases... He didn't even do that... As Stric Lee was consistently seen standing in the corner... Fixated on the action before him, however, detached from his actual duties while in the ring. There were countless pin attempts... and Stric Lee did nothing... Rather, He continued to stand in the corner like a Viper waiting to strike at the right moment.


He would find his "right moment" towards the end of the match as Stric Lee Bizness was seen flooring both competitors in an excersize of abusive power. In the end, The "Ice Cold Assasin" was seen placing Phoenix on top of the, also, unconcious Teddy Powell for the three count.


His debilitating interference could have been enough to cause controversy, however, Stric Lee would shock the world when he stole the X-WA Arena Championship from its rightful champion, Ultimate Phoenix, following the hanious assault.


With the Championship belt now in Stric Lee's possesion... No one knows what will ultimately come from this situation. One thing is for sure, however, Ultimate Phoenix will certainly not stand for the Heist and will most likely confront the "Ice Cold Assasin" next week on "Blitzkrieg".



More to come...

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STORY: A Flash Family Affair?








The iconic war between "The Next-Gen Trio" and Steve Flash has seemingly become a "Family Affair" as of this last "Blitzkrieg" telecast. The incident took place as Francios Cartier, along with "Next-Gen" members Joss Thompson and Jacob Jett, was seen entering the ringside area for his scheduled bout with Mikkel Drago. As he turned the corner to climb into the ring he was shockingly assaulted by, what we thought at the time was, a rabid fan.


However, we've come to find out that it was not a random fan... but the SON of injured X-WA Superstar, Steve Flash. The X-WA was unaware of his presence at ringside, and while we understand his reasoning for the assault, we cannot condone the act.


For his troubles, Mathew Flash seemed to have suffered a broken nose in the scuffle and was also escorted out of the X-WA Arena immediately.


We here at the X-WA will not be pressing charges against the young Flash family member, however, frown upon the idea of him attending any other live X-WA events for the near future.


With that being said, "The Next-Gen Trio" has demanded that Mathew Flash attend next week's episode of "Blitzkrieg"... Defying the X-WA's public stance on the altercation.


Will Mathew defy the X-WA and confront the Trio he attemted to assault this week on "Blitzkrieg"? Or is this the last we ever see from the hell-bent youngster?


Tune into next week's episode of "Blitzkrieg" to find out...

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Very interested in this Flash Family story. Exciting. But is it Michael or Mathew?


Good catch! I was a little tired when I finished the show yesterday and I must have completely spaced out on the name. It's suppose to be "Mathew Flash". I've changed all the typos from Michael to Mathew.


Thanks again for the catch though Kamchatka. I'm sure it was confusing. ha.

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NEWS: X-WA signs indy superstar.






The X-WA has officially signed Indy Superstar Roderick Remus to a non-exclusive contract. For those who saw "Blitzkrieg" this week... Roderick was the "rabid fan" in the first row who attacked Francios Cartier. It seems that the X-WA is re-packaging Remus as "Mathew Flash", the son of X-WA superstar Steve Flash.


Our insiders within the X-WA have told us that Roderick was highly regarded as an "up and comer in need of a little work" from the man himself, X-WA Owner, Nemesis. They seem to believe that interjecting him into the "Next-Gen Trio"/Steve Flash war will ultimately give him room to grow as a weekly character on "Blitzkrieg".


Word is that Remus will be making an apperance this week on "Blitzkrieg" once again, however, little is known as to what he may be doing. My guess is that Remus will carry the "Flash name" until Steve Flash is "100% ready to go".

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Roderick is a good choice for Flash's son. He looks the part for sure. The show was good I just got a chance to finish it still a little upset Silver Shark lost, one day a top title contender the next day beaten by an old drunk, crazy old drunk but still. Maybe Jack will get a quick title shot and I won't feel so bad.
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STORY: "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg" Card.

[3rd Week of April 2008]


With "eXcessive Force" only a week away... The upcoming "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg" telecast will prove to be a hectic-affair. Most of the X-WA's PPV bouts have yet to be announced, therefore, this show will certainly stand as an important event. The official line-up for this weeks "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg" is as follows:



William Kingsbury III w/ Vladimir vs. ?!?!?!?!

[Kingsbury's "From the Bottom - Up" Challenge]


Jack Griffith vs. Velocidad


Kill Switch vs. Enygma Extreme

[The winners Trio may choose the Match Type at "eXcessive Force"]


Ultimate Phoenix and Teddy Powell vs. Stric Lee Bizness

[2 on 1 Handi-cap Match]


|| "Blitzkrieg" Main Event ||


Acid vs. Vicente Marquez

[Non-Title Match]




* Will Steve Flash's son, Mathew Flash, take the bait and confront "The Next-Gen Trio" this week in the X-WA ring?

* Will Ultimate Phoenix be able to re-capture his stolen X-WA Arena Championship from Stric Lee Bizness?

* "eXcessive Force" will take its final shape this week on "Blitzkrieg"



What will happen this week on "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg" as the tension rises over "eXcessive Force"? Will William Kingsbury continue the "Road to proving himself" with yet another victory this week? Also, Will Vicente Marquez get a "fair shake" against the X-WA X Champion in a non-title match-up with Jack Griffith waiting in the wings? Finally, will Fumihiro Ota find a way to create some momentum going into his X Championship match at the PPV? Tune into to this weeks telecast to find out!


*** "Blitzkrieg" Quick Picks ***


William Kingsbury III w/ Vladimir vs. ?!?!??!

Jack Griffith vs. Velocidad

Kill Switch vs. Enygma Extreme

Ultimate Phoenix and Teddy Powell vs. Stric Lee Bizness

Acid vs. Vicente Marquez

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William Kingsbury III w/ Vladimir vs. ?!?!??!

He needs to keep winning to get his shot at Nemesis and than the title. This trumps the mystery opponent rule.


Jack Griffith vs. Velocidad



Kill Switch vs. Enygma Extreme

The Circus and they chose a 3 ring ruckus match.


Ultimate Phoenix and Teddy Powell vs. Stric Lee Bizness

Strict is a smart man, he does some damage and then gets going while the getting is good. Purposeful count out.


Acid vs. Vicente Marquez

Not a squash but Marquez won't win


Matty Flash thins the herd as he takes out the next-gen-trio one at a time. At least one attack should happen in the bathroom where no one exects to be hit. One of he trio ends up face down in a urinal.

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*** "Blitzkrieg" Quick Picks ***


William Kingsbury III w/ Vladimir vs. ?!?!??!

Jack Griffith vs. Velocidad

Kill Switch vs. Enygma Extreme

Ultimate Phoenix and Teddy Powell vs. Stric Lee Bizness

Acid vs. Vicente Marquez



I guess I missed it but was Steve Flash legit injured? I thought the whole beatdown and stuff was kayfabe. Either way I am looking forward to the fued and where it goes from here.


Trevor L.

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I guess I missed it but was Steve Flash legit injured? I thought the whole beatdown and stuff was kayfabe. Either way I am looking forward to the fued and where it goes from here.


Trevor L.


Without giving too much away from the Diary... Steve Flash was "kayfabe" injured due to the assault from "The Next-Gen Trio".. So there really isn't a time frame that he will be out. However, I wanted to give him enough time to make it look realistic enough to the storyline... while also giving the "Next-Gen" younsters the ability to look strong in their attack.


The storyline will make sense as to why things have unfolded the way they did over the next few shows.


All in all, The Trio vs. The Flash's is one of my fav. storylines even though it's been pretty one-sided over the last few weeks with Flash being out of action. From here... The storyline will get even more interesting as the 5 all interact with one another.


Roderick is a good choice for Flash's son. He looks the part for sure. The show was good I just got a chance to finish it still a little upset Silver Shark lost, one day a top title contender the next day beaten by an old drunk, crazy old drunk but still. Maybe Jack will get a quick title shot and I won't feel so bad.


The Silver Shark/Jack Griffith match could have gone either way in my mind. The deal breaker was ultimately that Griffith is the one currently in the middle of a storyline... and... I had to start to sell the new "Trainwreck Psycho" persona for Jack Griffith. In the end, without giving too much away, his win was put in place to set up future events.


Also, I'm excited to ease Remus into the X-WA through this storyline. I've never used him in any of my previous games and I thought he would fit best with Steve Flash as his "son". So far, I've mapped out his progression into the X-WA and it may end up being a lengthy affair (as I have an idea of how to introduce him over time in my mind and I'm pretty sure it comes out to being a few months worth of storylines).

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As we grow as children we typically follow our parent's perspective on life. We subconciously turn our guardians into "super heros" and ultimately obtain their personal traits without much thought. When I was a child my Father use to come home from work... battered... bruised... Practically sleeping as he walked in the front door at 1 AM. He lived a physically, and psychologically, draining lifestyle so that WE (his children) could continue to miss out on the misfortunes of life. He didn't have to say a word, however, my brothers and I would always see it on his face. At a very young age I was learning lessons about life and my classroom was typically in the front living room while I waited up for him to come home.


There is no doubt in my mind that Mathew did the same with his Father. In Mathew's eyes, Steve was a "super hero" (Many believe this to be so outside of the Flash family as well)... Someone who personified his ideal sense of what a man was about. I had the great opportunity to meet Mathew on a few occassions over the last 5 years... Whether it was following his Father to the arena or it was accompanying him on the road during his spring break... You could tell that Mathew idolized his father. He, like many children before him (myself included with my Father), most likely learned his early lessons about life by watching his Father struggle as a Wrestler, as a Father, as a Husband, and as a Man. Despite his struggles... Steve would always go to work... Never complain about his situation... And put an amount of pride into his work that no one could replicate (especially the modern generation of superstars). I have no doubt in my mind that Mathew understands these principles better than he even realizes.... As it came from years of watching his Father from afar.


So what would you expect from the youngster? I am 100% positive that Mathew was watching "Shockwaves" when "The Next-Gen Trio" viciously assaulted his Father. He was forced to watch his idol fall victim to a greedy bunch of frat boys who were more fixated on their own fame than the health of a legend that stood before them. After weeks of practically living in the Hospital where his Father was being treated... I'm sure it all came to a point where he just snapped. Days upon days of watching his "unbreakable" Father... Broken. Unable to walk at moments... Unable to comprehend initially why he was even in the hospital... Mathew saw his "superman" crumble infront of his very eyes. What would you have done? Would you have had the kind of restraint to wait as long as Mathew did? His attack on Francios, while extremely risky, was almost the only thing that he could have done. In a moment where his Father was no longer available to stand up for himself... his Son... was there to do the job for him.


With this all being said, however, I think it would be absolutely stupid of him to seek out this fight. Does Mathew expect to defy reality and honestly take out three different men at one time? His father wasn't even able to do so and Steve was a trained fighter. Mathew, while an avid wrestling fan, has never had any sort of training as a pro-wrestler. Actually... From what I know of... Mathew wasn't even an athlete in High School. Rather he was the kind of kid who would skip out on classes just to sneak into area wrestling arenas to watch his Father train. Sure he may know almost every wrestling hold in the book after years of following Steve, however, I'm sure he doesn't know the first thing about actually competing in the ring. If I was Mathew, I would take the "shot" I got on Francios Cartier and be happy with what I was lucky enough to land. If Mathew confronts "The Next-Gen Trio" this week... I'm positive that he won't be leaving the arena on his own two feet. I mean, again, look at what they were able to do to Steve... Is Mathew that much greater that he could survive such an attack? Not even close. However, While I'm typing these very words out... I know that if I was Mathew... I would show up.


Here in lies the problem though... Mathew is not under contract with the X-WA. If he shows up at the arena.. he shows up as a fan and not a competitor. Therefore the second he were to leap over the guadrail again... X-WA security will be ready and waiting to escort him out of the arena once again. Not to mention, The X-WA has officially made the statement that Mathew is "not wanted at the X-WA Arena for the time being." You can't blame the X-WA... Even though the "Next-Gen Trio" landed one of the most controversial attacks in wrestling history... They are still members of the companies roster and for that reason are valueable assets. While I'm sure that company officials don't want to see an average fan member get injured and, quite possibly, sue... I can't see even X-WA Owner, Nemesis, getting in the way of a Family member scourned... Especially when their last name is... Flash.





+ Is Mathew Flash on the verge of competing in the X-WA? While he isn't an official member of the roster, or a pro-wrestler in that matter, there is a rumor floating around that Nemesis may be mulling over the idea of giving the Flash youngster the ability to "stand up for his Father".


+ Rumor is that Steve Flash may be closer to a return that previously thought. While many think that Flash may never take the same form he had before the attack... The rumor is that the Indy Wrestling Legend may be close to being dischraged from the Hospital rather soon. With his release seemingly eminent... Steve may be on his way back to the X-WA Ring.


+ Rumor is that Jack Griffith may be close to being released by the X-WA due to his recent actions. It's been said backstage that Nemesis is growing weary of his "state of mind" and may be releasing him from his employment so that Griffith can transition into a mental hospital full-time.


+ Is William Kingsbury III's father potentially coming to the X-WA? It's been rumored that the Father of the struggling superstar may be making an apperance in the X-WA to speak with Nemesis about his son's "future with the company". If this rumor proves to be true... I can't wait to see how the X-WA owner will react.





While "Blitzkrieg" is chalked-full of great matches from start to finish... The Match of the Night, in my mind, certainly has to be the Main Event match-up between X-WA X Champion, Acid, and the up and coming superstar, Vicente Marquez. Acid is has truly been the most dominant figure in the X-WA's short history... Racking up victories over Fumihiro Ota, Steve Flash, Silver Shark, and William Kingsbury III. With victories like this... Who can deny Acid the top spot in the X-WA? At the same time, Vicente Marquez is coming off of a career changing win this last week on "Blitzkrieg"... Defeating 5 other men in a six way Tables Match. On top of that, Marquez has found much success in the X-WA while being creepily stalked by the "Trainwreck" that is Jack Griffith.


In the end, These two superstars are widely considered to be two of THE most talented competitors in the X-WA.... Making this upcoming Main Event one of the most anticipated in "Blitzkrieg" History.

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Also, I'm excited to ease Remus into the X-WA through this storyline. I've never used him in any of my previous games and I thought he would fit best with Steve Flash as his "son". So far, I've mapped out his progression into the X-WA and it may end up being a lengthy affair (as I have an idea of how to introduce him over time in my mind and I'm pretty sure it comes out to being a few months worth of storylines).


I can't wait to see where it goes. The obvious story to me is that eventually he turns on his "dad" and joins the next-gen-trio. It seems very odl school ECW to me fro that to happen. I'd expect it but I think you'd tell the story really well.

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William Kingsbury III w/ Vladimir vs. ?!?!??!

Jack Griffith vs. Velocidad

Kill Switch vs. Enygma Extreme

Ultimate Phoenix and Teddy Powell vs. Stric Lee Bizness

Acid vs. Vicente Marquez


I love what you've done so far with the Mathew Flash storyline. can't wait to see where it goes from here. Also, Stric Lee Bizness strikes me as a combination of Dean Malenko and the vicious mentality of Randy Orton. Very cool.


I'm sure this show will be mostly about hyping the PPV coming up but I'm guessing you'll throw some surprises in the mix like always.


Looking forward to it all. Keep up the great work! You're my favorite diary on the boards right now.

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I love what you've done so far with the Mathew Flash storyline. can't wait to see where it goes from here. Also, Stric Lee Bizness strikes me as a combination of Dean Malenko and the vicious mentality of Randy Orton. Very cool.


I'm sure this show will be mostly about hyping the PPV coming up but I'm guessing you'll throw some surprises in the mix like always.


Looking forward to it all. Keep up the great work! You're my favorite diary on the boards right now.


wow. Thanks CZCW! I really appreciate it. There are so many great writers on the board here (especially now that Derek is back... We'll all have another great writer to compete for attention with. Love his work so far though). "Blitzkrieg" is in the planning stage right now so it won't be up for a few days but thanks for your comment!



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Diary Update:

* Jack Griffith's character synopsis and roster image has been changed.

* "Blitzkrieg" will be up in the next day or so!



I know this probably could have not been posted, however, I thought I would let people know that Jack Griffith has been altered in the roster section. Also, that "Blitzkrieg" has already gone through the in-game process and currently am over half way done with the show write-up.


All in all, Just thought I'd make a quick update.



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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i559.photobucket.com/albums/ss39/Kamchatka863/XWA2.jpg</span><p> <strong>X-WA "Shockwaves" - PPV Event</strong></p><p> <em>3rd Week of April 2008</em></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><strong>Angle:</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> Next up...</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><strong>Grade:</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> C+</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> "Blitzkrieg" opens with X-WA superstar, William Kingsbury III, along with his menacing bodyguard, Vladimir, already in the ring. The crowd was heard boo'ing like crazy (even chanting "F*ck you p*ssy" at certain moments... however. drowned out by others in the end) as Kingsbury instantly gets on the mic and informs the X-WA crowd that he will NOT be competing tonight even though Nemesis had declared this week another "proving ground" match-up for him... Citing that this sort of challenge is beneath the Kingsbury name. This exact comment would ignite a firestorm as Nemesis's theme music would be heard roaring over the X-WA arena sound sytem.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> Nemesis, the "Fallen Angel" X-WA Owner, would climb into the ring (as the fans are going crazy for the Controversial Legend), with a mic in hand, and instantly inform Kingsbury that his decision to not compete tonight is "his own choice"... Citing that he cannot FORCE Kingsbury to compete if he doesn't want too. However, Nemesis would then go on to tell Kingsbury that if he doesn't compete Tonight.... If he turns his back on the Owner's challenge for him... Then Kingsbury would end up forever stuck as the opener of each and every "Blitzkrieg" card... Never getting to the Main Event and THUS never getting another X-WA X Championship match-up.... Ever again.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> The self-obsessed Kingsbury would be seen throwing, yet another, hissy fit about the situation at hand.... Instantly getting back on the mic and yelling various cliche' lines like... "Don't you know who I am? I'm a Kingsbury!! A Kingsbury!". Nemesis, not moving an inch... however sporting a healthy smile after watching Kingsbury unravel yet again, would allow the youngster to work through his own perception of the events... As he starts to calm down a tad, Nemesis would get back on the mic and calmly asks the "Silver Spoon Superstar" if he "would like to compete tonight?". Kingsbury, pouting like a scourned 2 year old, would abandon his natural tendacy of kicking and screaming... Finally accepting another installment of the Kingsbury "Bottom - up Challenge". </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> Nemesis would then step back, away from Kingsbury, and point to the enterence way as he announces Kingsbury's opponent for Tonight's "Blitzkrieg" Match-up...</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">American Elemental</span></strong></span></p></div><p></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="21914" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><strong>William Kingsbury III w/ Vladimir vs. American Elemental</strong></span><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><em>Impromptu Match</em></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><em>Kingsbury's - "From the Bottom - Up" Challenge</em></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> In what would prove to be Kingsbury's toughest "From the Bottom-up" Challenge yet... American Elemental (AE) would push the self-obsessed rich boy to the brink. In a lot of ways, Kingsbury was seen as being absolutely weak through most of the beginning of the match. Complaining to the ref, "begging" for AE not to hit him at points, and even, at one point, threatening to walk out on the match (however, that fell flat pretty quickly as the referee reminded Kingsbury if he were to lose then his shot at the "Main Event" would certainly be thwarted... on orders by X-WA Owner, Nemesis). Needless to say, Kingsbury made American Elemental look like </span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><em>the</em></span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> most feared superstar in the X-WA with his actions. </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> However, this would all play into his plan, as Kingsbury found "loop holes" through out the match to utilize cheap shots on AE... such as poking the international superstar in the eyes following a tie up and stomping out AE's knee's and "accidentally" kicking AE below the belt... The referee, almost always focused on something else, would catch Kingsbury landing a cheap shot here and there, however, would do very little to really reinforce the rules. Instead, he would let the two duke it out with little interference from the man in the stripes.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> In the end, Kingsbury's under-handid tactis would prove to be a "useless" approach as American Elemental was seen in control for most of the match. So, when AE planted Kingsbury with a corner-to-corner bulldog... It seemed as if the match was nearing its end. AE would be seen climbing to the aipren on the outside.. waiting for Kingsbury to, once again, rise to his feet so that he may slingshot himself into the ring for a high impact move (that would most likely end the match). However, just as he waited for Kingsbury... William is seen grabbing the referee and pulling him closer. The referee, not knowing what is going on, listens to Kingsbury's plea.. </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> Meanwhile, Vladimir has now snuck up from behind on AE and, in an act of disrespect, would be seen pulling AE off of the ropes with a major powerbomb onto the outside. AE, motionless on the light padding on the outside, is then seen being picked up with ease by Vladimir and thrown back into the ring. Seeing this unfolding, Kingsbury would keep the referee's attention long enough... Then quickly running over to the fallen AE to make the 3 count pinfall in the ultimate cheating fashion.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> Winner: William Kingsbury III over American Elemental in 11:48 via pinfall. </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> Grade: C+</span></p></div></blockquote><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><strong>Angle:</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> Unsanctioned Warfare</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><strong>Grade:</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> D</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> After we've come back from a commercial break following Kingsbury's latest dubios triumph... We are treated to the arrival of "The Next-Gen Trio" to the X-WA ringside area. The crowd is heard showing their absolute hatred for the Trio by chanting "Steve Flash" over and over again... Meanwhile, all three members are basking in the moment... However, also looking out into the crowd as if they were trying to single someone out. Just then we would see Francios Cartier being handed a micraphone from Joss Thompson... Cartier, who stands on the second turnbuckle rung, points out into the crowd as their music comes to a close. From there Cartier, still pointing off to the left, would direct Mathew Flash (who is seemingly in the crowd tonight despite the X-WA's plea) to come down to the ring and get what's coming to him. </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> Mathew, obviously taking after his father in the sense of never backing down from a fight, would slowly make his way over the gaudrail and into the ringside area. This would create mass hysteria as 20 X-WA security guards would then be seen coming out of the back and towards the ringside area. Cartier, still on the mic, tells the security guards to not get involved in this situation as it's between Flash and the Trio. Respecting his wishes (for some reason) the security guards wait along side the ring (5 security guards to each corner of the ring) as Mathew slowly climbs into the ring... tenative, however, focused on the task at hand.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> While in the ring Cartier would be heard ripping into Flash for his assault last week... Citing that Flash's attack could have posed serious injuries... Injuries that would not be warranted due to the fact that Flash isn't even part of the X-WA. Mathew, standing in the corner, stands with his arms crossed before him... Almost like a roman statue... waiting... plotting how he could stand up to 3 men at one time.... something his Father was unable to do...</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> Cartier would then dig even deeper into Flash's psyche as he would touch on their attack of his Father, Steve Flash. Asking him, at one point, if Mathew would want to know what his Father's final words were before he succumb to his injuries and passed out. This would cause Mathew to break from his statue'esque pose and forcefully step towards Cartier... however, just then Joss and Jacob would step in his path.. Slowing down his momentum. Instead, Flash would stair down both men and exchange some heated words in the process.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> From there, Cartier would go on to tell both Joss and Jacob to "stand down"... After a short off-mic conversation between the "Next-Gen Trio"... Both men move aside. From there, Cartier would methodically make his way over to Mathew Flash as both men meet in the middle of the ring. After a brief smirk, Cartier would then also dig even deeper... Telling..., at one point even,... begging for Flash to land a punch. Knowing that Mathew isn't an X-WA superstar... This would certainly cause him to be escorted from the arena yet again and would also give the Trio the ability to attack him in the process citing self defense.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> Mathew, somehow holding himself back, stands before Cartier... Looking him square in the eye as you can tell that the young man is becoming quite emotional. Cartier would then land this memorable line:</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> "C'mon Mathew... Hit me square across the Jaw... Just do it! We all know that you want too.... You've obsessed about it for days... Having to watch your Father barely be able to move out of his Hospital Bed! [Crowd boo's as Mathew is seen clentching his fists] Just go ahead... Right here [turns his head towards Mathew].. Hit me... It'll make you feel better..... Then again... [****y smirk] It's not like hitting me will magically allow your Father to walk again..."</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> Just as he finishes this line... Mathew Flash is seen springing into action... Tackling Cartier to the ground in a thunderous heap and wailing away with first of fury. Joss and Jacob instantly pull the youngster off of Cartier, however, Flash is then able to send Jacob Jett reeling with a few choice right hands. However, in the end, the numbers are just too much. "The Next-Gen Trio", much to the fans dislike, regains control of the situation and starts to wail away on the youngster Flash... Beating him viciously down to the mat with a combination of 3 on 1. </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> The crowd would go on to chant "Steve Flash" over and over again.. Expecting Mathew's Father to save the day... However... It wouldn't be Steve who would end up saving the day in this scenario. Instead, X-WA Owner, Nemesis is seen coming out of the back with a micraphone already in hand. He instantly calls for security to break up the fight (all the while walking to the ring). Doing what they've been told, The X-WA security guards pile into the ring and seperate the 4 men from eachother... Mathew feverishly tries to break past the 8 security guards holding him back, however, the number of Security guards in the ring makes it impossible for anyone to make any sort of advances. </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> Now in the ring, Nemesis would go on to tell both Flash and The Trio that he can't allow such a fight to happen in the X-WA for legal reasons... Mathew Flash isn't an X-WA superstar... So an act like this would only prove to be illegal and would most likely force the company to shut down. With that being said, however, Nemesis would go on to say that he understands the issue at hand... And even he, the owner of the company, cannot stand in the way of such redemption. In the end, Nemesis would address both Cartier and Flash... Saying that if they REALLY want this fight then Nemesis can grant it at "eXcessive Force"... However, it would be an Unsanctioned Back Alley Brawl... As Flash isn't a licensed pro wrestler or a member of the X-WA roster. </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> Flash, still feverishly trying to get to Cartier as Francios is heard still throwing insults at Mathew from across the ring, agrees to the stipulation... Anything to get his hands on a member of the "Next-Gen Trio". Francios also agreed to the stipulation as the crowd goes absolutely nuts. The match is set... at "eXcessive Force" it will be Francios Cartier vs. Mathew Flash in an Unsanctioned Back Alley Brawl... With that declaration... We would fade to a commercial break as Mathew is seen trying to battle his way through the security guards to get to any member of The Trio... Wanting his revenge... And wanting it NOW.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="21914" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><strong>Jack Griffith vs. Velocidad</strong></span><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> This was a squash match if there ever was one, however, not in the typical manor most are carried out. In your "garden-variety" squash match it seems that the string of events only carries you as far as a minute or so, however, this match would carry out almost 6 minutes. So, the ultimate reasoning for this to be classified as a "squash match" is the fact that Jack Griffith was in firm control through the match's entirety. Griffith would use these 6 long minutes to beat the living hell out of Velocidad from pillar to post. Using every little rope, turnbuckle, and step as a weapon during this battle. At one point, Velocidad was knocked unconcious with a violent hangmans DDT out of the corner... however... That was at the 4 minute mark. Instead of picking up the victory, Griffith was seen absolutely humiliating Velocidad for the next 2 minutes... Throwing his lifeless body around the ring and ultimately positioning him up in a "tree-of-woe" in the corner. Griffith, standing on the other side, would be heard through out the arena yelling out absolute jibberish... streaming explicit wording along with total non-sense all into one. From there, Jack would be seen running across the ring and slamming his knee square in the exposed throat of Velocidad... Causing his body to fall back to the matt while Velocidad seems to come back to conciousness shortly to hold his throat in immense pain. Jack, smiling at the carnage he had created... overjoyed about potentially destroying the quality of life of yet another X-WA superstar, is seen slowly dropping down to the mat... Sliding up onto Velocidad in a "snake-like" fashion.. Picking up the 3 count... Finally ending this violent assault, masked as a wrestling match.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> Winner: Jack Griffith over Velocidad in 5:46 via pinfall.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> Grade: E+</span></p></div></blockquote><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><strong>Angle:</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> Endulge in your obsession...</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><strong>Grade:</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> D</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> As Jack Griffith's attempted "beheading" (not literally) of Velocidad has come to a close... Vicente Marquez would be seen coming out of the back and standing in the enterence way stairing down his former attacker. Marquez, with X-WA mic in hand, would go on to challenge Jack Griffith to a "No-DQ" match at "eXcessive Force"... Citing that if Griffith is truly "obsessed" about inflicting his internal misfortunes on Marquez.. Then there is no better place to than this upcoming Saturday's PPV event. Griffith, standing in the ring with a devilish grin on his face, forcefully nods his head like an overachieving 5 year old. (showing his true misunderstanding of reality) With Jack Griffith seemingly on board for the match-up, Vicente Marquez would be heard getting on the mic one last time... Proclaiming "This Saturday.... I'm going to do the wrestling world a favor and put you OUT of your misery once and for all." From there Marquez would slowly drop the mic down at his side as the two men stair eachother down. As we cut to a commercial break we would see a camera angle from behind Marquez as he points down towards the ring... square at Griffith... All the while you can hear him (Marquez) mouthing the words... "I didn't come all this way... From the streets of Mexico... To lose my career to a raging psychopath."</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="21914" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><strong>Kill Switch w/ "The Circus" vs. Enygma Extreme w/ Hell Monkey & American Elemental</strong></span><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> Kill Switch has been the strongest figure in "The Circus" since their inception. His technical abilities inside the ring... fused with his mental inabilities inside his head... Projects himself to be a vicious and vile competitor. This was shown through out the match as Kill Switch's offense was typically best described as "aggressive" and "stiff". Any move Switch was able to exicute would be followed up by a stiff strike or two. At one point, Kill Switch was seen stomping Engyma's head square into the mat with so much force that Enygma Extreme seemingly injured his nose. Blood was pouring out of Enygma... And this would pose to be a "shark-like" intoxicant for Kill Switch... Who was seen instantly focusing on the head of Enygma. Whipping him all through out the ring... Kill Switch was truly seen as a dominant figure in the match. However, that doesn't necissarily mean that Enygma Extreme was a push over as well. Extreme, especially following his nose injury, began to fight with a passion unseen to his character so far. It looked as if the fight had become personal and both men were not looking to let the other bring the victory home to their Trio. </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> In one of the most shocking aerial spots in X-WA history... Enygma Extreme was able to land a moonsault into a reverse DDT on Kill Switch in the middle of the ring. It looked as if the impact from the DDT had knocked Kill Switch out in the process, however, the pinfall would only generate a 2 count. The fact that Enygma didn't pick up the pinfall right there seemingly enraged him to the point where he continued his assault... With the same kind of aggression and stiffness that his opponent had been showing through out the match.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> In the end, however, it wasn't Kill Switch that would be Enygma's ultimate downfall... but rather... his own partner... Hell Monkey. Enygma looked to be on the brink of defeating the psychotic "Circus" member when Hell Monkey grabbed Kill Switch from behind while on the aipren. The two began to brawl like crazy (as Hell Monkey is still on the aipren). This would cause Enygma Extreme to rush to the scene, however, as he dives to hit Kill Switch from behind... He goes over top of Kill Switch accidentally and rams his head square into the head of Hell Monkey. Both men fall flat to their backs... Monkey on the outside... Enygma in the ring.... Which would then lead to Kill Switch locking in a quick crossface submission hold to pick up the submission victory amid all the chaos.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> Winner: Kill Switch over Enygma Extreme in 11:49 via submission.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> Grade: C-</span></p></div></blockquote><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><strong>Angle:</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> Bloody Big Top...</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><strong>Grade:</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> D</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> The match comes to a close as we see, both, Snap Dragon and Whippy the Clown join Kill Switch in the ring. Everyone awaits the announcement of what kind of match the 6 Man Championships will be defended within as Hell Monkey's trio is seen standing on the outside... Obviously not happy with tonight's outcome. As Monkey's Trio is on the verge of starting the match right here... right now... "The Circus" is seen motionless in the ring... All standing in very awkward, contortion-style poses... Just then we see the lights drop completely to darkness.... Finally, a video would show over the small enterence video screen positioned above the enterence way....</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> This video, circus themed of course, would carry a lasting impression with it's eery out of tune Circus theme playing on a loop in the background. Meanwhile the video itself would follow seemingly follow a distorted figure walking towards a "Circus Big Top" in the distance. While the figure grows closer... We would hear a deep baritone voice yell out "Step right up... Step right up... And see THE most demonic wrestling match in history"... Then as the figure would walk through the opening of the big top... We would cut to a shot of the X-WA arena (shot before the crowd was moved in most likely) with a large scaffold wrapping around the ringside area. Then... We would see a pyramid of tables stacked on top of themselves all over the ringside area (Both in the ring and out). If that wasn't enough... The scaffold would show "hot spots" where weapons were hung next to the scaffold... Creating an ultimate "playground in Hell".</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> The video would come to a close as we hear Whippy the Clown's eery laughter fill the arena... Finally breaking free from a laughing fit... saying "Welcome... To the Bloody Big Top". The video would then close with Whippy's laughter, once again, filling the arena and sending a deep chill down the back of everyone in attendance. From there we would fade to a much needed commercial break.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="21914" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><strong>Ultimate Phoenix & Teddy Powell vs. Stric Lee Bizness</strong></span><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> In what would prove to be the most shocking match of the night (for reasons to find out later)... Stric Lee Bizness was given the enormous task of taking on two men, who were both fixated on getting their hands on SLB following his job as a "referee" for their bout last week. The match would be a tag-in format handi-cap match (versus a "Texas Tornado Style") so this would prove to be an advantage for SLB... if you could give him any sort of advantage in a 2 on 1 affair. While both Phoenix and Powell were focused on delivering payback... Stric Lee used this knowledge to his gain. He was seen allowing his other two opponents to work themselves into a frenzy... Going at an impossible rate and ultimately slowing down their offense when Stric Lee used their momentum against them. This would transfer into Stric Lee dominating the "pace of the match" through out the rest of the match-up. Instead of allowing his opponents to run all over him... He was able to ground both of them at certain points... Ultimately using his intensive knowledge of "catch-by-catch" submission holds to gain control of the situation. </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> All was seemingly in his corner until Ultimate Phoenix, the X-WA Arena Champion, was able to mount a second wind of sorts. The embattled champion was able to not only throw SLB off of his game.. but also show a stint of lightning quick strikes.. Finishing off the streak with a string of submission holds himself. In the end, the fact of having to wrestle two superstars in one match proved to be too much for Stric Lee as Ultimate Phoneix was able to land a high rise brainbuster... followed by his famous "Phoenix Firebird Splash". On impact Ultimate Phoenix would spring back up to his feet with momentum... Just as it looks like he is about to drop back down for the pinfall...</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> BAM!!</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> Teddy Powell swings into the ring, out of nowhere, and lays out Ultimate Phoenix with his signature "Motion Censor". The crowd is absolutely shocked by what has just gone on as Teddy Powell is seen quickly dropping down and picking up the three count over Stric Lee Bizness. Ultimately stealing the pinfall from Ultimate Phoenix who was litearlly only 3 seconds away from the victorious pin himself.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> Winner: Teddy Powell over Stric Lee Bizness in 13:45 via pinfall.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> Grade: C-</span></p></div></blockquote><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><strong>Angle:</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> Shocking Chain of Events...</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><strong>Grade:</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> D-</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> Teddy Powell, now standing over both Stric Lee Bizness and Ultimate Phoenix, is now seen basking in the "tweener" heat that he's generated. As the referee comes back into the ring with the X-WA Arena Championship, with every intent of giving it to the TRUE champion Ultimate Phoenix, Teddy is seen grabbing the championship forcefully from his hands and ultimately pushing the referee to the ground. Now, with the X-WA Arena Championship in his grasp, Powell would be seen raising the title belt high into the air... Holding his head ****ed back with a huge grin on his face (as if he had just won the title himself). The crowd is delivering a true mixed reaction to this scenario as Powell slowly exits the ring now with the X-WA Arena Championship (just as Stric Lee did last week)... now in his possesion. </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><strong>Angle:</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> Ota/Acid Re-cap...</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><strong>Grade:</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> C+</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> Shortly after Teddy Powell exits the ringside area, and the X-WA commentators are finished talking about the controversial scenario, we are treated to a highlight video of last weeks Main Event match-up between X-WA X Champion, Acid and his challenger at "eXcessive Force", Fumihiro Ota. The clips tell a story of the two being almost equals in the ring... Showing the back and forth that took place through out the entire match. Towards the end of the video... This start to slow down as Acid's reverse DDT on Ota is shown over and over again... Each impact drives the point home. Then, the screen would be seen going completely black, as you hear the referee's count go from 1 to 10... It stays completely black until the very end... Just as the referee yelps out "10"...We cut back to a shot of Acid struggling to get to his feet in the ring and Fumihiro Ota... Barely moving on the outside. All in all, The video is there to chronicle the iconic battle between the two men last week... Ultimately... Setting the stage for "Round 2"... This Saturday.... at... "eXcessive Force".</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="21914" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><strong>Acid vs. Vicente Marquez</strong></span><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><em>Non-Title Match</em></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> The Main Event would prove to be one of THE most hotly contested matches in X-WA history. In what was truly Acid's greatest challenge since defending his Championship against Steve Flash in the first week of March 2008... Vicente Marquez would have his "break out moment" in this affair. Through out the entire match... Vicente was seen pushing Acid to the brink and back... Both men were never truly in control, however, both men were also never really lagging behind. It was certainly a back and forth match-up to the "T". </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> When the match started, No one expected Vicente Marquez to stand toe to toe with the X Champion. Most had to double-back on their perceptions of Vicente Marquez with this match-up as Vicente was "out of his mind" through out the entire way. Every high spot landed... Every reversal was epic... At one point, Acid was on the verge of landing a Fireman's carry DDT... Only to have Vicente slip out during the process and land a DDT of his own on Acid. While the pinfall wouldn't generate anything past a 1 1/2 count... It was an early sign that Marquez came to play tonight.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> Towards the middle of the match... Both Fumihiro Ota and Jack Griffith would find their way to the ringside area... Scouting their respective opponents for "eXcessive Force" in the process. While both men are seen on opposite sides of the ring... Neither would become involved. Even when Jack Griffith was seen talking to himself, rocking up against the gaurdrail, and yelling out random jibberish... He still never found himself becoming active with the match-up. Rather, he would watch Vicente Marquez from afar... Plotting his next move within thoughts of mindless violence.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> The match itself would continue to prove to be one of the best in X-WA history as both men were literally putting everything into the fight. This notion was validated towards the end of the match as both men were seen, barely able to stand themselves, getting their "third wind" and wailing away on eachother in the middle of the ring. One man would strike... the other would follow... One man would land a hard chop... the other would do so... So, when both men bounced off the ropes and BOTH connected with dual closelines... NO one was shocked. Both men, rather, would lay in the middle of the ring... Coiled in on themselves and barely able to make it up before the 10 count.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> In the end, Vicente Marquez was seen setting up Acid for a powerbomb in the middle of the ring. Making a quick gesture to the crowd and then pointing up to the ceiling of the arena... Marquez would go to lift up Acid for the thunderous jacknife.... However, Acid would end up blocking the attempt. Instead, Marquez would then go for a piledriver, however, Acid would slip out of the hold entirely... Marquez lunging forward with a reckless punch (hoping to regain control) would ultimately miss the X Champion... Instead, moving slightly out of the way... Enough for Acid to swoop in land a hard kick to the bridge of Marquez's nose. </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> Vicente would stagger away from the strike.. Holding his face in the process... dazed and seemingly confused... As Acid would quickly swoop in and land a major "Acid Rain Bomb" in the corner of the ring where Fumihiro Ota stands on the outside. Acid would turn his signature move into a pinning situation instantly as the referee validated the victory with a standard 3 count.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> Winner: Acid over Vicente Marquez in 18:09 via pinfall.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> Grade: B-</span></p></div></blockquote><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><strong>Angle:</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> Ringside Warfare...</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><strong>Grade:</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> D+</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> The Main Event has come to a close as Jack Griffith is seen instantly pulling Marquez out of the ring by his feet.. The second that Marquez lands on the ground on the outside.. Griffith is seen opening up with vicious left and rights on the fallen Marquez. Meanwhile, Acid is seen walking over to the corner of the ring where Fumihiro Ota stands on the outside. The two share a heated stair down for a few seconds leading into Acid stretching his arms out on either side and letting out an animalistic roar. Ota, who continues to stair down the X-WA X Champion, never moves an inch from his spot... Rather... Focusing all of his attention on the man, who he is set to challenge at "eXcessive Force", before him. While this exchange goes on... We can also see Marquez (now concious and ready for a fight) and Griffith brawling around the enterence way... Finally moving their violent affair into the crowd. While the two brawl their way through the crowd... certain members of the audience are seen giving steel chairs to the two X-WA superstars. In other companies... (SWF, TCW, USPW) they have been told to stray away from this kind of interaction with the fans... however... in the X-WA... These fans are seen as their "lifeline" as both men are seen using said steel chairs being handed out by X-WA fans. </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> The show fades towards its ending now as we see Acid standing on the turnbuckle, over Fumihiro Ota, as the two seem to be on the verge of an absolute war.... Set for this Saturday!</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Overall Show Grade:</strong> C</p><p> <strong>"Blitzkrieg" Attendance:</strong> 3,433</p><p> <strong>"Blitzkrieg" TV Rating:</strong> 0.40 (- 0.01)</p><p> <strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">Prediction Winner:</span></strong> Apupunchau@optonline (5 out of 5). You know me too well. ha. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Quick Show Thoughts:</strong></span></span></p><p> * I know that the "Next-Gen"/Flash angle is kind of long... However... I tried to break it up to make it into short paragraphs. All in all, I knew exactly what I wanted the situation to "look" and "feel" like. So, it ended up coming out a little more developed than the other angles. Typically angles won't be this in depth, however, that was one of the major storylines of the show!</p><p> * All I can say is Hell Yea Vicente Marquez (Champaigne Lover). I knew he was a true talent in the ring but his ability to pull down a B- in the Main Event really makes me look harder at his character. Possibly big things down the road.</p><p> * I'm liking the idea of Teddy Powell as a "tweener" and ultimately think that his "steal" over Phoenix, and then stealing the title (just as SLB did last week), gives him enough heat to be seen as a non-babyface, however, at the same time... He's still loved by some fans for his unique personality/look. Even though he doesn't look the part... I think of him as a Jeff Hardy-heel. He's got heel tendacies, however, the fans still like him for his unique sense.</p><p> * I wasn't expecting a C+ out of Kingsbury and American Elemental either. I thought it would be a good match-up grade wise, however, I was more thinking of a C- or somewhere around that. Shocked me when I got into the in-game results.</p>
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<p>Great Show Eisen. (I feel like it should be an SWF diary by saying that) I really liked what you did with the Mathew Flash/Next-Gen Trio segment. An Unsanctioned match has a lot of room for crazyness. Looking forward to that!</p><p> </p><p>

Also, good to see that Marquez is able to pull such a great grade with Acid. He's one of my fav. wrestlers in my game, So I'd love to see him take on more importance in this diary! Then again, I'm sure you'll find a way to get him into the main event creativley. </p><p> </p><p>

Awesome work!</p>

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