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The X-WA || "An Act of Vengeance for The Fallen Angel"

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Gotta say that I'm glad to see that this diary has really taken off in terms of viewership/commenters. Just goes to show that if you do stick with it, they will come! :p


And the praise is definitely all justified


wow, Thanks Crayon! I'd be lying if I didn't say that there were a few times where I questioned whether to keep going or not... however... Writing this diary has been a lot of fun! I can't seem to keep myself away from it. :D


Thanks for keeping up with the Diary! It makes it a lot more fun knowing that there are others out there who enjoy your work.



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X-WA "eXcessive Force" - PPV Event

Saturday, 3rd Week of April 2008

Evanovich Riverside Arena (Tri-State)



Angle: Opening the Show

Grade: C


The most recent X-WA PPV Event, "eXcessive Force", would kick off in the Evanovich Riverside Arena in New York City with a thunderous ovation from its loyal, and often extremely vocal, fan base. No Pyro is seen... No crazy intros... Rather, a low-budget... and overly grainy highlight video re-caping a months worth of action in the X-WA is displayed to the masses. The overall tone of the video is that.... tonight... Everything that has been boiling up will finally overflow... Causing the PPV Event to carry a climactic feel.




William Kingsbury III w/ Vladimir vs. P-Phunk and Mr. Electricity ("The P-G Squad")

[Kingsbury's "From the Bottom - Up Challenge"]

[2 on 1 Handi-cap Match]


It's obvious to see that Kingsbury was not happy with his match-up for the night. The young snob glued to "Daddy's Money" was seen stomping around the ring like a 4 year old in the middle of a terrible tantrum (Which as we all know... Is nothing new for Kingsbury). In his eyes... He should be headlining every event... He still believes in his mind that he should be the rightful X Champion... Despite not actually doing anything to prove that he's sincerely a true threat to the Championship. However, instead, he's been the focus of most jokes in and out of the ring in the X-WA. Nemesis has forced him into a scenario where he has to ultimately "prove himself" before he can EVER receive a title shot... or come anywhere near the Main Event for that matter... Again. So would the self-obsessed little punk find it in his heart to compete tonight? Sure... If you could say that it was actually HIM competing.


Through out most of the match... Vladimir was seen intimidating the members of the "P-G Squad"... At some points, Only need to use a "ice cold" stair from across the ringside area... Striking motionless fear out of the babyface duo. It got so bad that, at one point, P-Phunk was seen dancing in the ring after landing a spinebuster turned into a neck ringer on the top rope.... Just as he spun around and started to flail his hips around like a fool... Vladimir was seen grabbing his legs firmly and pulling him, in one major swoop, to the outside. The referee, trying to restore order, would threaten to kick Vladimir out of the ringside area... however... even the referee was seemingly afraid of the Big Heavyweight Russian Bodyguard.


So... If you want to say that William actually competed then go ahead... He did string together some impressive combos, however, in most cases... He would ultimately make a glaring mistake here and there... Keeping the "P-G Squad" in the match-up. While the loveable babyface duo was forced to tag eachother in and out of the match (it was not a "Texas Tornado" Style Handi-cap match)... They were often seen using their double-team abilities to keep Kingsbury on his back through out most of the match. However, despite being in firm control of most of the match, You all know what was about to happen next....


Kingsbury, staggering to his feet following a string of moves, would be seen pulling the referee in front of him as Mr. Electricity attempted a missle-drop kick from the top. The referee, taking the brunt of the impact, would fall in a heap to the canvas as Kingsbury would instantly call for Vladimir. Now... With a sense of lawlessness hovering over the Ringside area... Vladimir would be seen making his way into the ring.


Once in the ring, Vladimir would completely floor both Mr. Electricity and P-Phunk with an array of power moves. Even Silver Shark would make his way out of the back to help his babyface brothern... However... he would find the same fate as Vladimir would catch him off the top rope attempting a seated splash... Ultimately powerbombing him viciously down to the mat. Vlad would kick Shark and P-Phunk out of the ring... In a matter of a few seconds and then would give Kingsbury the chance for a pinfall.... Picking up the referee and plopping him down next to the pin... Just as the referee comes back too... He counts a slow... Staggering 1...2....3 in favor of William Kingsbury III.


Winner: William Kingsbury III over P-Phunk and Mr. Electricity in 10:26 via pinfall.

Grade: D+


Angle: Walking out on the X-WA

Grade: C+


The match has come to a close just as we hear Nemesis's theme music hit over the arena PA. The crowd goes absolutely crazy for the X-WA owner as Nemesis would quickly make his way down to the ringside area. With a mic already in hand... Nemesis would call for his music to cut rather early... Instead focusing in on Kingsbury and Vladimir who now both stand in the ring... Inches from the Wrestling Legend. Nemesis would go on to shockingly congratulate the self-obsessed Kingsbury... Citing that William has gone through every hoop that Nemesis has laid for him so far. With that tone... It seems that Kingsbury is on the verge of finally ending his "From the Bottom - Up Challenge"... A sly smirk begins to grow on his face as you can see him mouth the words "I knew you would come around". However, that blissful honeymoon would come to a quick hault as Nemesis would then go on to unvail that Kingsbury has only finished "Phase 1" of his Challenge and that "Phase 2" now starts Tonight! Kingsbury, seemingly having his heart ripped out of him in the process, begins to throw a quick tantrum right away as Vladimir is seen standing his ground with a "ice cold" look on his face.


Nemesis would go on to say that even though Kingsbury has kept an impressive undefeated record since the Challenge started... All of his wins came at the hands of his Family's personal bodyguard. Ultimately declaring that Vladimir can NO LONGER interfere in any of Kingsbury's matches during his Challenge as Nemesis wants to know if "Kingsbury can do it on his own". This would enrage the young Kingsbury to the point where he is seen yelling in the face of the X-WA owner about being treated unfairly... However, this wouldn't hault Nemesis from also declaring that IF Vladimir does interfere in the next batch of matches... A restraining order will be placed upon the big man.. Keeping him 50 yards away from the X-WA Arena at all times (knowing that he couldn't fire Vladimir... Seeing as he isn't an actual X-WA employee.. but rather he is employed by the Kingsbury Family). This would send Kingsbury over the top as Nemesis finishes his promo with a message wrapped in a confident smirk... Wishing him the "best of luck" as they move forward with the rest of his Challenge.


Just as Nemesis is about to leave the ring... Kingsbury is seen grabbing the left over mic and making a dramatic statement that would echo through out the Arena... Hell, through out the Industry itself.... Kingsbury, shaking with intensity, would go on to say the imfamous words that no one actually believed they would ever hear from the young superstar.... Simply stating.... "I QUIT".


With that, Nemesis would stop in his tracks... Slowly spinning around to look at his now EX-Employee.. As Kingsbury would go on to say that Nemesis can take his stupid little challenges and "Shove them square up your ass". This would send the crowd into shock as Kingsbury would ultimately throw the X-WA mic down to the mat... The two of them leaving the arena through the crowd as Vladimir is seen having to physically shove some fan members out of the way as they try to get their hands on the hated Kingsbury.


In the end... William Kingsbury III has QUIT the X-WA... And now its Nemesis who looks like the fool.


Angle: Self-Destruction is my burden...

Grade: C-


Following William Kingsbury walking out on the X-WA... We would instantly cut to a taped promo by the self-destructive, and borderline scitzophrenic, Jack Griffith seated in a darkened room. The only light that is seen to escape the dark is a dimly lit bulb above the camera lens... Shining down on Griffith as he sits with his face in his hands. Without looking up the camera... Griffith would be heard verbally disecting Vicente Marquez... Likening him to a niave child... Unaware of the injustices.... of the debilitating pain in the world. Griffith would go on to say that despite others rejection... He believes the two to be "one in the same"... Citing that before his inevitable breakdown... He was on top of the wrestling world (so to speak). He was set to be the "Next Great Superstar"... Probably only years away from absolute superstardom... Much like where Marquez stands today.


Griffith would slowly raise his head up to the camera now.... His eyes darting back and forth as if he was unable to control himself... Acting solely on impulse. From this point, Jack would relay his dismal story of death, self-destruction, and abuse... ,All factors in his ultimate downfall, and ultimately make the declaration that no matter what happens tonight... No matter what Marquez believes... This war of mental mutilation would NOT end tonight. In the end, Griffith would close the promo with a fit of psychotic laughter... Finishing his unstable address with an eery phrase... A phrase that he would repeat over and over again... Each time with more and more conviction...


"You WILL Feel... my... Pain"




Mathew Flash vs. Francios Cartier w/ "The Next-Gen Trio"

[unsanctioned Back Alley Brawl]


This wasn't going to be your typical match... Actually... It would pose to be the exact opposite. This was set to be an all-out "bar fight" between "The Next-Gen Trio" and the son of the legendary indy wrestler, Steve Flash, Mathew Flash. This would be Mathew's moment in the limelight as the un-trained fighter would have to overcome not one... not two... but three men. A 3 on 1 match-up? Did you think it would be anything else? Even though it says it's suppose to be Francios Cartier in a one-on-one "Back Alley Brawl" with Mathew Flash... Everyone knew that this would end up being an uphill battle for the vengeful youngster from New York. Nemesis himself was weary of booking this match-up (hence it being declared an Unsanctioned Match) as he was afraid that Mathew would fall victim just as his Father did a month ago at "Shockwaves".


Mathew, looking for a fight, would burst out into the alley way as "The Next-Gen Trio" stands around... laughing... Excited for their opportunity to beat down yet another Flash along the way. Mathew, wasting no time (and who could?), would instantly dive towards Francios Cartier... Taking him straight to the ground in a thunderous tackle. Mathew, wailing away on the French-Canadian superstar, would give no room for escape. If it was going to be a one-on-one affair.. Mathew would be firmly in control of the match-up. However, Mathew would only have a small window of offense in this scenario... Both Joss and Jacob would pull the rabid Flash off of Cartier... Pounding him into the cement in the process.


There were no wrist locks... No Bulldogs... Rather, a "Fist-to-cuff" affair that would leave Mathew Flash staggering around the Alleyway... Looking for a way to defend himself. At one point, Mathew was lucky enough to land up against a dumpster where a large wooden 2 x 4 was seen resting. Mathew would use this well-placed weapon on all three members of the "Next-Gen Trio"... Knocking them all towards the ground... And showing himself to be in control of the match. Who would have ever thought?


Mathew would continue to drive the end of the 2 x 4 into the chest, stomach, and heads of all three members of the Trio... Showing that if you're hell-bent enough... You can overcome 3 men and defy the odds of reality. However, this dominant series would only last for 30 seconds or so... As Jacob Jett was seen hitting Mathew with a low blow from behind... Finally, pushing him head first into the brick wall of the arena. Mathew would topple to the ground.. and once again... open himself up to another major beatdown by the vile Trio. At one point, Mathew was seen being whipped into a large fenced gate... Slamming his body repeatedly into the fencing and then being beaten squarely back down to the ground with a series of violent jabs (by all three men).


In the end, Francios Cartier would call for Joss and Jacob to lift Mathew off of the ground. Mathew, unable to hold himself up, would slowly raise his head up... Bloodied... Broken... Just like his Father... However, concious enough to send one final message to the "Next-Gen Trio"... Spitting squarely in the face of Cartier and saying "F*ck you". This would enrage Cartier to the point where he would instantly lunge at the Youthful Flash... Kicking him square in the gutt and DDT'ing him smack onto the cement below. Finally rolling him over and counting his own Three Count.


Winner: Francios Cartier over Mathew Flash in 4:49 via pinfall.

Grade: D-


Angle: He Returns...

Grade: E


"The Next-Gen Trio" would be seen toying with the unconcious Mathew Flash... Verbally assaulting him following their violent 3 on 1 attack. At one point, Joss Thompson was seen rubbing his shoe in the face of Flash... Laughing the entire time while the three youngsters refered to Mathew as "Daddy's Boy". I don't know if they were expecting this moment... But... The looks on their faces would almost entirely rule out that notion. Just as it seemed like the "Next-Gen Trio" was on the verge of leaving the bruised and broken Flash out with the Trash... A blue four door sedan would come rolling around the corner and into the alley way... Speeding recklessly... and almost slamming into the arena in the process. The Trio, in shock of almost getting hit by a car, would take a step back as all of a sudden the Car door would come flying open... Even before the car had come to a complete stop.


As a figure of a man would exit the car in a rapid fashion... He was seen rushing straight for the Trio and engaging all three in a violent brawl. As the camera man was able to move in closer, as he originally moved out of the way seeing a blazing car coming around the corner, would adjust the focus on his lens... Showing the attacker to be none other than STEVE FLASH!


Flash, still dressed in his hospital gown, is seen wailing away on all three members of the "Next-Gen Trio"... In almost un-human manor... Flash was able to stave off all three men... Mowing them over with a string of thunderous right hands. At one point, even slamming Jacob Jett into the arena wall head first. Jett would tumble back to the cement... Strongly gripping his forehead in pain as Flash would then turn his attention towards the two others who had originally put him in the hospital. Steve would continue to dominate the three youngsters in an epic fashion... Showing no signs of injury and seemingly in full control of the situation... That was untill.... He saw his son laying unconcious up against the steel fencing.


Steve, sensing that his Son may be severly injured, would drop his vengeful attack to be by his son's side... Taping him on the face and yelling for a medic. While it was a fatherly gesture of love... His blinded vision would end up aiding the assault levied by the three Trio members. Steve was blindsided by a trash can shot out of nowhere by Joss Thompson.... Slumping over... next to his son... Steve would try to get back to his feet, however, "The Next-Gen Trio" would once again assault "The King of New York" with a hanious beatdown. To the point where X-WA security was seen rushing onto the scene to break-up the fight... most likely Nemesis's decision... However, by the time order was restored... The damage had been done....


The medics on hand would be seen quickly rushing onto the scene and checking over both Father and Son... Finally calling for an ambulance in dramatic fashion.


Angle: Theft is the key...

Grade: D-


We would cut backstage to see Teddy Powell gloating about how he had stole the X-WA Arena Championship last week and, in turn, shocked the wrestling world with his "out of left field" knock-out of the belts rightful owner, Ultimate Phoenix. Powell, wearing the belt over his shoulder as if he had rightfully won the championship belt, would continue to dive into his reasoning for the attack... Citing that "sometimes... You just have to take control of the situation... In which to make yourself something in this Industry"... While the message is quite true to how the Wrestling Industry works, at least presently, Powell is setting the overall tone of his new found personality.... "Do whatever it takes to succeed". After years of oppression and being forced to compete mindlessly in tag-team after tag-team... Powell is now more focused than ever to make his own path... That's why he ultimately "swerve" attacked Ultimate Phoenix to steal the victory over Stric Lee Bizness last week... And that's also why he inevitably stole the Arena Championship.... To show that he was no longer going to stand on the sidelines and watch others succeed... It was now his time... His moment in life... Where it all "clicked"... Where he finally realized that he must make an impact, even if it's controversial, in which to sail on into the Main Event.


Just as it seems like the promo is coming to a close... The REAL Arena Champion, Ultimate Phoenix, would walk into the room and confront his attacker from last week. Powell, still standing his ground, would steer the Championship belt more towards Phoenix... Allowing the lights to catch it just enough to send a gleam Phoenix's way... All with the idea of rubbing it deeper into the skin of the true Champion. Ultimate Phoenix would go on to demand that Powell give him his Championship back... Citing that he never won it in the first place... Powell, nodding his head in approval, would look as if he was about to hand the title belt over to Phoenix... However, just as Ultimate Phoenix would extend his arms out to take back his Championship belt... Powell would shockingly kick Phoenix in the stomach (catching him completely off-guard).... And finally slamming the gold end of the Arena Championship square into the head of The Champ! Phoenix, tumbling to the ground, would let out a deep groan of pain as Teddy Powell would slowly back out of the room with a sly smirk on his face... Once again... Catching someone off-guard... And once again... Proving that Powell has developed a new opportunistic swagger.




"The Circus" © vs. Hell Monkey, Enygma Extreme, and American Elemental

[X-WA Six Man Championship Match]

["The Bloody Big Top" Match]


In THE most innovative match in the short history of the X-WA... We would see two war-torn trios on the verge of absolute destruction.... Of eachother.. and of themselves (in some cases). The unforgiving steel scaffold would be seen being lowered from the ceiling... Sorrounding the ring below... Standing 20 feet above the ring. Littered inside the ring itself would be layers upon layers of unfolded tables.... Posing as a "safety net" in a sense... however, falling 20 feet and slamming through a few layers worth of tables isn't really my idea of a "safety net". However, without anything to "cushion the blow"... These superstars could find themselves in the emergency room for internal injuires... If not death.


The match would start off with an overwhelming chant of "Kill the Circus" being heard through out the entire arena. While it seemed as if the crowd was firmly behind Hell Monkey and his rag-tag bunch of fighters... "The Circus" ultimately used this scenario as their subconcious motivation. All 6 men were seen fighting tooth and nail around the scaffold... Occassionally toying with the crowd as one superstar dangled off of the Scaffold in various ways... Looking as if they were about to fall to their final rest... In this match-up at least.... however, always finding a way to get back up to safety. At one point even.. It looked as if Whippy the Clown was going to throw Hell Monkey off the otherside of the Steel Scaffold... Having him fall 20 feet into the crowd... however, Enygma Extreme was able to storm over and break the move... however, seconds before it was about to happen.


The weapons placed around the scaffold would be the ultimate tool in this match-up as the first man was eliminated with a thunderous steel chair shot. Snap Dragon was on the verge of suplexing American Elemental off the Scaffold... (Most likely going for a release suplex... Throwing him down below)... However, Hell Monkey would be seen rushing onto the scene with a steel chair in hand... Slamming the chair across the back of Snap Dragon... Dragon would stagger for a second... arching his back in pain... As Monkey would land one more vicious chair shot square to the head of Snap Dragon. This would send Dragon beck peddling slowly... And having him fall off the scaffold... Crashing through 2 layers of tables before ultimately landing on the ring below... Motionless from the fall. Referees would find a way to free Dragon from underneath the broken tables and taking him to "safety" backstage... As Hell Monkey and Whippy the Clown are seen yet again brawling their way around the scaffold.


The next person to be eliminated was done so via a standing powerslam. Hell Monkey was seen brawling with Whippy the Clown shortly after Snap Dragon was eliminated (about 2 minutes before)... Monkey would go for a piledriver onto the steel scaffold... However Whippy would block it... Throwing Monkey over the top... Close to going off the side of the Scaffold, but holding onto the side of the scaffold and pulling himself up in the process. Meanwhile, American Elemental is seen rushing onto the scene with a baseball bat in hand. He swings and connects with Whippy the Clown's chest and is about to do so again... Just as Kill Switch slides in out of nowhere and lands a low blow on AE... Finally lifting him up, with Whippy's help, as the two of them thrown AE from the 20 foot scaffold and through the tables below. Now making it... 2 on 2.


The next elimination would be a double elimination.... Kill Switch was seen wrapping a chainlink around the neck of Hell Monkey... Finally wrapping it around a corner of the Scaffold... And then kicking Monkey off of the scaffold (where he laid) and watching him dangle below... Looking as if he was being hung (however, his arms are holding the chain... making it look that way). Kill Switch watches on with a evil smirk on his face... Just as Enygma Extreme rushes onto the scene with a steel chair in hand... He swings for Kill Switch, however, misses... The chair slams onto the steel scaffold... Forcing him to drop the chair... Just then, Kill Switch would lift Extreme up into a firemans carry... Looking to throw him off the top of the scaffold... However, just as he goes to do so... Extreme grasps onto Kill Switch and takes him down with him... Both men go crashing through the tables below!! Eliminating both Kill Switch and Enygma Extreme in the process.


That would leave Whippy the Clown... Barely able to get back to his feet on the Scaffold... And Hell Monkey... Seemingly being hung from the Scaffold by a steel chain. Whippy, seeing what has unfolded, would be seen trying to un-wrap the chainlink from the scaffold so Hell Monkey would fall... However, it seems that he's unable to do so. Monkey, meanwhile, shows a shocking amount of strength as he is able to start to pull himself up the chain... Getting closer and closer to the Scaffold floor. He is able to get both hands up onto the scaffold Floor... JUST AS... Whippy has finally was able to release the chainlink from the scaffold... Freeing Hell Monkey from the "hanging predicament". Monkey pulls himself up and is about to put his knee up onto the scaffold... Just as Whippy the Clown viciously starts to wail away on Monkey's head... over and over again.


Hell Monkey is struggling to pull himself back up onto the scaffold... However... Whippy is ultimately able to put a stop to his advances... Grabbing a baseball bat nearby and slamming it over Monkey's head. Hell Monkey would be seen losening his grip and falling down through the tables below as Whippy the Clown is seen as the Last Man Standing atop the "Bloody Big Top" Scaffold.


Winner: "The Circus" over Hell Monkey, Enygma Extreme, and American Elemental 13:31 via scaffold throw. "The Circus" successfully defends their Six Man Championship.

Grade: D


Angle: The rise of Marquez...

Grade: D


Just before his anticipated match-up with Jack Griffith, Vicente Marquez was seen standing backstage with X-WA announcer, Jonathan Owens. The promo would carry an overall tone of Marquez "on his way up" in the X-WA... Owens would rave about Marquez's epic meeting with the X Champion, Acid, 2 weeks ago on "Blitzkrieg"... Ultimately coming just short of declaring him a "Hall of Famer" before his career has even started really. Despite the praise, the grounded Vicente was seen cool, calm, and focused on the task at hand... Citing that his upcoming assault on Griffith has been a "long time coming". In the end, Owens hypes the Vicente even more (hell... You could call it really throwing it down your throats)... Ultimately turning to the camera and, actually, calling Marquez the true "Next Big Thing" in Pro Wrestling Today.




Jack Griffith vs. Vicente Marquez

[No DQ Match]


This felt more like a lengthy altercation than a true move-by-move match-up.... Neither man was looking to "out wrestle" the other... But rather, To physically destroy the other... Adding to a string of violent interactions between the two. Jack Griffith, seemingly becoming more and more psychotic as the weeks go on, was seen wearing war paint down to the ring... However, it wouldn't stop at his face... Rather, his entire body would show signs of a frantic slathering... Yet another sign that Griffith is completely lost within itself... Detached from reality and acting solely off of impulse (Versus cognitive thought). Vicente Marquez, on the other hand, was in absolute control of his thoughts... The man often seen as a "pretty boy"... Didn't look the part tonight. Dressed in street clothes, Marquez had both hands wrapped with heavy boxing tape... Adding an extra sense of "knockout power" with each and every blow.... Needless to say... Both men (albeit with different motivation) were focused and ready for a fight.


The second that Marquez hit the ring... Both men rushed to eachother.... Leaping and connecting in the middle of the ring! Rolling around the canvas like mad-men... Both superstars were seen trying to physically slam their fists through the others forehead. At one point, Jack Griffith even began to bite Marquez... First on the nose and then moving to his ear... This would enrage Marquez even more so as the Foreign Superstar was able to throw Griffith off with a powerful overthrow. Marquez, now bleeding from his nose from the bite, didn't seem to know his condition what so ever... Rather... Focused on Griffith... Better put... Focused on beating some sense into Griffith enough that he would ultimately leave him alone.


Through out the match Jack would show signs of complete lack of reality... He was often seen yelling at the turnbuckles, threatening the referee on several occasions, and even mimicking Marquez's signature holds... However, not in a "****y" kind of way... More so in a obsessive outpour kind of way. It was obvious to see that Jack Griffith had cooked up some sense of connection between he and Marquez.... At a few points in the match... Beating Marquez down to the ground and then he, himself, laying down next to him... Yelling in his face and quickly snapping into a fit of laughter seconds later. You would this Griffith's mental state would hurt his chances of EVER winning a match... Let alone being able to function long enough to stay focused on one common goal... however, it's exactly this psychosis that makes him the bitter, vile, subconciously manipulative predator that many have come to fear. Much like "The Circus", Griffith is seen as someone with "no rules"... "no boundaries"... "no Social alliance".... Therefore, there is nothing holding him back from carrying out hanious decisions bent on primal rage.


This fact was shown steadily through out the entire match... As Griffith was seen in control of most of their affair. Maybe it was because this was a match designed for someone like Griffith (no rules)... or maybe it was Marquez's wandering mindset... All in all, It seemed as if Vicente was already thinking of where he could go from here. He had just come off of a major one on one bout with the X Champion, Acid, and everyone was on the verge of proclamming him as "The Next Big Thing". So, when he challenged Griffith to this match-up... Many believed that it was a last ditch effort by Marquez to get Griffith "off of his back" as he moved forward into the Main Event scene.


It was this argueable "lack of focus" that would ultimately lead to Griffith's dominance through out most of the match. Once again, as stated before, that doesn't mean that Marquez didn't carry a strong offensive strategy. Vicente, on talent alone, was able to floor Griffith on several occasions... At one point... Catching Griffith off of the aipren and ultimately throwing him through a table wedged in at ringside. Another major spot would come as Marquez was able to land a 360 plancha off of the top rope... Landing square on a standing Jack Griffith in the ring. While the pinfall would only generate a 2 1/2 count, and not the victory, Marquez was starting to get the hang of a "No DQ" kind of mentality... Instead... From here on out.... Using an array of weapons left at ringside. Everything from a stop sign, baseball bat, steel chair, chainlink, TV Camera, etc... You name it... It was used in the match by both men.


As the match came to an end... Both men would be seen standing in the middle of the ring... Blood pouring from their foreheads from vicious weapon assaults gone by... Just trying to stay on their feet long enough to land one more punch... Hoping that it would knock the other out. With each and every blow... Blood and spit would go flying into the first row of the crowd... So much so that people started to back away from the gaudrail... Instead, watching the action out of the reach of what was being shed by the competitors.


Griffith, in a last ditch effort, would will his body to lunge forward... Trapping Marquez into a overhead belly to belly suplex... However... Marquez was able to break the hold with a few well timed inside elbow shots... This would force Griffith to step away for a second... Which is all the time that Marquez needed... ****ing his hips backwards and landing a snap superkick to the jaw of the unsuspecting Griffith. Jack would be seen buckling to the ground as Marquez would slowly walk over and grab a bloody steel chair from the corner of the ring. With Griffith out cold in the corner of the ring... Marquez would set the bloody steel chair over the face of Jack Griffith... The crowd would roar at the sight of the carnage.... Meanwhile, Marquez would slowly pull himself to the top rope... Finally leaing off of the top rope with a powerful leg drop onto Griffith (who still laid there with the steel chair on his head). Marquez, grabbing his backend, would wince in pain from the impact for a quick second before he would ultimately push the steel chair off of the bloodied Griffith... Finally picking up the pinfall.


Winner: Vicente Marquez over Jack Griffith in 17:58 via pinfall.

Grade: C


Angle: X Championship Hunger...

Grade: C


We would cut backstage to see Fumihiro Ota standing along side X-WA announcer, Jonathan Owens. The interview would quickly get to the point as Owens directs most of his questions squarely at his upcoming bout with the X Champion, Acid. The overall tone of the interview seemed to be centered around Ota's desire to dethrown Acid... His desire to, once again, prove himself to be one of the premeire high fliers in the industry today. He would touch on his success with TCW, with Owens citing that Ota was THE most decorated cruiserweight in TCW history, and would ultimately show a sense of urgency to his persona... It's been years since Ota was seen as relevant... Years since he was considered a true threat... In the back of his mind, and hidden in his speech, it seems that Ota would never truly rest until he's built himself back up to that platform... That level of respect.




Ultimate Phoenix © vs. Stric Lee Bizness vs. Teddy Powell

[X-WA Arena Championship Match]

[3 Way Match]


The war for the X-WA Arena Championship will forever go down as one of the tightly contested matches of the night. Ultimate Phoenix, seen walking down to the ring without his Championship, would show a side of aggression NEVER seen to him before. It seemed as if he was obsessed with retaining his Championship.... Even if it hasn't been in his possession for 2 weeks now. Teddy Powell, the man who walked to the ring with Phoenix's stolen Championship, would act as if he was the incoming Champion.... Kissing the Arena Championship before he started the match... And even handing it off to the referee stating "Take good care of MY Championship". This would ignite the fire within for Phoenix... Having him pretty much floor Powell for the beginning of the match-up. using combination strikes to break him down... Ultimately putting him in the corner and landing a thunderous european uppercut that would almost take the head off of Teddy Powell. Powell, would be seen slumping over on the ground in the seated position, as Phoenix would spin around and turn his attention on Stric Lee Bizness... Who stands motionless in the other corner of the ring.


Phoenix's streak would continue with Stric Lee Bizness, however, his momentum would slowly start to drain as SLB found a way to focus in on Phoenix's leg during the process... Chop blocking him on a few occassions... A dropkick to the same knee off of the ropes... And finally, a strong side leg-lock which would send Ultimate Phoenix racing for the ring ropes... and ultimately... a break.


This exchange would show Stric Lee Bizness's approach for the entire match... SLB would be seen working over every single body part on both Powell and Phoenix at different points of the match. Breaking them down... Limb by Limb. Chopping out both men's legs and ultimately wrentching in submission holds... Breaking the hold only after the referee has forced the Submission artist to break. It looked as if SLB was in firm control and on course for an easy dominating win over Powell and Phoenix, however, that notion would come to an abrupt close.


Both Phoenix and Powell would be seen gaining their own advantage... And at one point... Shockingly working with eachother to take out the determined Stric Lee. This unlikely duo would continue to work on SLB until a major turning point in the match... Both Powell and Phoenix were able to exicute a double powerbomb on Stric Lee Bizness... However... Both men tried to go for the pinfall... And end up beating eachother up over who was to get the pinfall. In a scenario that looked a lot like their match-up this last week on "Blitzkrieg"... Powell tried to one-up Phoenix to get the pinfall, however, Phoenix was waiting for it... The two began to brawl around the ring until Powell regained control and knocked Phoenix out of the ring with a diving spinning heel kick.


This left Phoenix dazed on the outside... Barely moving as he hits the gaudrail on the way out and smashes strongly to the floor. Powell would then turn his focus on Stric Lee... landing a few choice moves and ultimately setting him up on the top rope for a major impact. Stric Lee would be seen seated on the top rope as Powell would also step up... Bringing SLB to his feet as well for a top rope superplex!! Stric Lee would try to block it... However... Powell would find a way to somehow break his reversal...


Ultimately, Powell would go for the high risk superplex... However... Just as he was about to take SLB over top... SLB would turn the hold into his favor... Jumping off the top rope... and twisting Powell's body enough to land a rough bulldog off the top rope. From there, SLB would instantly (the second he hits the mat) turn the bulldog into a seated side headlock... Wrentching Powell's head back with so much force that it looked as if Powell's back was on the verge of snapping.... Ultimate Phoenix, noticing what is going on, would stagger his way back into the ring.... Diving towards the submission hold.... However... It was too late. Teddy Powell has submit... And Stric Lee Bizness has won the X-WA Arena Championship.


Winner: Stric Lee Bizness over Teddy Powell and Ultimate Phoenix in 15:30 via submission. Stric Lee Bizness wins the X-WA Arena Championship by forcing Teddy Powell to Submit.

Grade: C-


Angle: How we got here...

Grade: C


A video was shown hyping the Main Event for "eXcessive Force" at this point. The video was, much like the intro video, a low-quality... Grainy kind of presentation... Showing the past few weeks worth of action between Ota and Acid. The lasting image of the video was the moment where Acid was able to slip out of Ota's spiked front-face powerslam... Instead, landing a reverse DDT on the cement below. That series of events would be shown over and over again... Each impact as sickening as the last. In the end, we would see a slow freeze frame of Acid standing on the second turnbuckle... Looking down onto Fumihiro Ota, who stands on the outside, following last week's "Blitzkrieg" Main Event. In the end... we were only seconds away from one of the best X-WA Main Events of all-time.




Acid © vs. Fumihiro Ota

[X-WA X Championship Match]


Acid has been on a complete tear through the X-WA since the companies debut event. Challengers have come and gone... and yet, Acid has always found a way to not only retain his Championship... but also display his overall dominance over the entire X-WA roster. Just like others before him... Fumihiro Ota would have to balance an aggressive offense with a "mistake-free", overly calculating, approach to the match. If he came into the fight with a reckless manor then he would ultimately find his demise just like all of those who have attempted to dethrown the X Champion before. Needless to say... When you step into the ring with Acid... You better be bring your "A+" game or else the animalistic fighter would find, yet, another victim.


The match itself would generate a slow build as both men were more focused on scouting their opponent versus picking up a quick dominating win from the onset. Both men would use an array of strikes... Staying a good distance from his opponent in the process. This exchange would continue for another minute or so until it seemed as if both men were on the verge of finally "breaking out". Now, with a better understanding of their opponent, the match would seemingly open up with one major shot from Fumihrio Ota...... Acid had landed a few hard striking elbow shots to the face of Ota... Just as he turned his back to hit the ropes, Ota would reach out and grab the back of Acid's mask... Pulling him down to his back in a thunderous heap. Acid, shaken by the surprise fall, would try to get back to his feet... But... Ota would take firm control of the match at this point... Using an array of stiff kicks to the back of Acid's head... Each impact making a louder thud until Acid's legs buckled underneath him.... And the X Champion would fall back to the mat in a staggering fashion.


It looked as if this may be Fumihiro Ota's night as the Challenger was seen taking full control of Acid and his movements. Throwing him into the corner... Throwing him off the ropes... Ota was mowing over the Champ with, what seemed to be, a string of momentus shots. At this point, Ota was still keeping his distance from the X Champion... even though he was knocking Acid around the ring with an array of strikes. It seems that Fumihiro Ota has "done his homework" from the get-go as this approach is unlike any seen before when going up against Acid. The new approach would prove to be a successful one as Fumihiro's momentum wasn't seeming to slow down what so ever.


This would all continue... for a while... however, was not constant situation. Sure, Ota was knocking the Champ around... However... Never bet against Acid. In a sweeping reversal, Acid would find a way to slip out of a running powerslam... Instead, landing a laydown reverse DDT... Planting Ota square in the middle of the ring. The move wouldn't land a crushing blow to Ota's success, however, it would daze the Challenger enough to bring Acid back into the match. The two would be seen going "toe-to-toe" all over the ringside area... Wild punches are thrown now as both men are seeming to strip away their protective approach. This would ultimately prove to be Ota's biggest mistake... He was seen as the dominant one in the match up until now.... Using his "mistake-free", non-reckless approach... however, with this switch... The match turned favorably towards Acid.


The X Champion would be seen working over Fumihiro Ota with a string of aerial assaults... With each impact... It would seem like Acid was growing in strength. Towards the end, Acid was seen planting Ota with a spinning back-breaker and following it up with a demonic roar that would fill the Arena. The crowd, sensing that the match may be coming to a close, would begin to chant "Ota" over and over again... Willing the Challenger to put up one final stand and somehow come away with the Victory.


Shockingly... Ota would find that "second wave" following a lightning quick reversal of a hurricanrana into a powerbomb. The pinfall would only generate a quick 2 count... However, would pose to be a great launching point for Fumihiro Ota's rebound. Both men struggle to keep themselves in check as Fumihiro Ota starts to slow down Acid's attack with a number of suplexes from ringpost to ringpost. The big problem, however, is that with all of these high impact moves... It was obvious to see that Fumihiro Ota was growing very tired... Not just from a "I need to take a breathe" kind of stand-point... but from an all-out "I may pass out" way. This would ultimately set up the ending of the match pretty well...


As Acid lays out-cold in the middle of the ring, we would see Fumihiro climbing to the top rope... While standing on the top rope... Ota would take a deep breathe and set his mind on how to end the match-up. Just before he would leap, however, Ota would change his mind... Instead turning around on the top rope and showing an attempt for a moonsault on the fallen Champion. The crowd, going crazy for the possibility of a new X Champion, would take a deep breathe themselves as Ota would bend down and start his attempt of a Moonsault... However, just as he does... Acid quickly rises to his feet and catches the unsuspecting challenger from behind... Pulling him off the top rope and landing a major "Acid Rain Bomb" in the corner of the ring.


The crowd... Shocked as to what has just gone on... Would watch on in horror as Acid would deliver a quick roll-up... Picking up the 3 count in the end!


Winner: Acid over Fumihiro Ota in 19:55 via pinfall. Acid retains his X Championship with an "Acid Rain Bomb" out of the Corner.

Grade: C+






Overall Show Grade: C+

"eXcessive Force" Attendance: 9,193

PPV Buyrate: 0.39

Prediction Winner(s): Apupunchau@optonline and Marcel Fromage (5 out of 6)



Show Notes:

* Acid and Hell Monkey are becoming increasingly fatigued and may be leading towards injury if they don't slow down and take some time off. I'm not sure how to go about doing this? I don't want to loose Acid... At all... However, I don't really want to give him "Time off". I guess we'll see...

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Great show and definitely a bummer to hear about HM and Acid :/ (although perhaps it could also lead to some inspired booking you might not have thought of otherwise?)


Now onto a bit of criticism... I've noticed that you use the word "would" a lot in the match writeups. It's not a big deal, and I suppose much of it comes with writing in the past tense, but if you can find a way to reduce its useage I think it'd make for more flowing writeups.

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Great show and definitely a bummer to hear about HM and Acid :/ (although perhaps it could also lead to some inspired booking you might not have thought of otherwise?)


Yea, I've been getting the message for a few weeks now, however, have been putting it off. As of right now, Acid is at the point (it seems) where he could become seriously injured down the road. If I lost him... It would probably force me to change my plans and create a new booking scheme. However, I love booking Acid as the champ right now... Dominant, animalistic fighter.. Where people have to really bring everything they have just to try to pick up the win. Poses a great storyline, down the line, to who may ultimately take the title away.


Now onto a bit of criticism... I've noticed that you use the word "would" a lot in the match writeups. It's not a big deal, and I suppose much of it comes with writing in the past tense, but if you can find a way to reduce its useage I think it'd make for more flowing writeups.


The hard part, I've found, is writing in the past tense and keeping the wordage "new". I can try to see what I can do, however, I've found it hard to do so all together. To me, I try to get down as much as possible before I loose my train of thought... So, word choice is kind of second nature in the process. Sorry if it's annoying. I'll try to see what i can do from here on out to keep in mind how many times i've used the same wording.

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Acid is probably working three shows a week for WLW plus your shows. One method would be to keep him out of matches while they are on tour. Do a lot of angles with him on the TV shows and then save his matches for the PPVs.


Good call. Thanks Apu. I may have to go about doing so. The hard part is he is my top grade-getter... So to not have him in the Main Event can be rough. Especially since Steve Flash has been "unable to compete" for the last month... I've had to rely on Acid to pull down some good ratings to keep me afloat.


Going forward I may have to look into stripping back the amount of matches with me.

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- Quick Diary Note -


I'm leaving out of town for all of Saturday and most of Sunday with my Girlfriend... So, my Diary will be without updates for a few days. However, it may be for the best... So that way I can "re-charge my batteries" in the end.


I may add some additional pre-PPV posts before I leave tomorrow, however, there won't be a card update/show update until early next week. I'm pretty sure the Girlfriend would beat me up pretty heavily if I brought my laptop with me on our vacation. ha. I think she already considers it to be my "second girlfriend". :p (Then again I do a lot of promotional work online, So It's not like I'm just mindlessly clicking around)


If you haven't already... Check out my last post. It was the X-WA's PPV Event, "eXcessive Force". I'm really happy with how the show unfolded (even a good grade. yay).


I'm really excited to move on past this PPV, as well, as I have an idea of where most of my storylines are going from here and I'm crazy stoked to get it all down in here. They are all taking shape really well (at least with how I've foreshadowed it in my mind)... So, over the next few in-game weeks and leading into the next PPV... A lot of the major storylines will see a twist in the end.


Thanks for everyone who is keeping up with this Diary!

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Loved the write-up, Man. Great stuff. It took me a little while to read but I'm glad that I did. Here is my top 3 fav. things about this show:


1. The End of the Scaffold Match

Hell Monkey seemed iconic by being able to pull himself up from being hung from the Scaffold. It was kind of a letdown to see him lose but it also seemed realistic to have him almost make it back up and then finally fall.


2. Kingsbury quitting

I'm not sure what you're going to do with this but I'm sure whatever it is it'll be interesting. Maybe he actually jumped ship in your game? In that case, This may be the way that you had him leave the company. I hope not though as his character is really interesting. Plus he and Nemesis have a great feud building.


3. Stric Lee Bizness winning the Arena Title

I Love Sean Deeley. His Stric Lee Bizness character is really fun to envision. I'm sure it's hard for him to do angles since he's kind of a silent killer but I'd love to see more of the man down the line. He could be a great cold and calculating mind.


Keep up the great work. Take your time over the weekend to relax and I'll be looking for the card next week.

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STORY: X-WA "eXcessive Force" Re-Cap.



William Kingsbury III w/ Vladimir def. P-Phunk & Mr.Electricity

Francios Cartier w/ "Next-Gen Trio" def. Mathew Flash in an Unsanctioned Back Alley Brawl

The Circus © def. Hell Monkey, Enygma Extreme, and American Elemental in a "Bloody Big Top" Match. The Circus retains the Six Man Championships.

Vicente Marquez def. Jack Griffith in a No-DQ Match

Stric Lee Bizness def. Teddy Powell and Ultimate Phoenix. Stric Lee Bizness wins the X-WA Arena Championship.

Acid© def. Fumihiro Ota. Acid retains the X-WA X Championship.


The recent X-WA PPV Event, "eXcessive Force", has come and gone with much underground fanfare. A New Champion was crowned, an Indy Legend Returned, a big-time superstar quit the X-WA, and one Trio survived a hellacious Scaffold Match. In the end, history was made this last Saturday in the Evanovich Riverside Arena.


If you have not yet viewed "eXcessive Force" then call into your PPV provider and order Today! (OOC: The PPV write-up is on page 12) With everything that came together... You'll certainly want to use this event as a precursor to where the X-WA is going from here.




(For those who haven't read the write-up yet.. Take a look! I'll be gone over the weekend so it opens up more time for new readers to catch up on previous events. I thought I would leave this quick "re-cap" results post to make it easier for those who don't have the time to read the large write-up but would still like to keep up with what happened.)

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STORY: NEW X-WA Arena Champion.









You could make the case that Stric Lee Bizness had the biggest impact on last night's PPV with his Arena Championship Victory. The cold, calculating, and often brutally vicious, SLB had spent the last month trying to gain Ultimate Phoenix's Championship Gold, however, falling short on numerous occasions. So, when the "Silent Assassin" forced Teddy Powell to submit last night in their hotly contested three-way affair... The constant challenger, or at least it seemed so, finally achieved his goal of obtaining the Arena Title.


Here in lies the problem... however... After battling for the last month with the Title's former owner, Ultimate Phoenix, and coming up short on every occasion... One could also make the case that Stric Lee Bizness will NEVER be seen as the rightful champion UNTIL he's defeated Phoenix. When Powell was forced to submit last night, securing the Championship win for Stric Lee, Ultimate Phoenix was seen struggling to get back to his feet and into the ring. From the outside looking in... Phoenix was unable to make the break (If only a second earlier and the match would have continued)... Thus... Giving SLB his first title victory in the X-WA.


While no one will ever question Stric Lee's superior technical ability within the ring... Most will question whether or not he can be seen as the truthful Champion. How can you do so if he was unable to defeat the previous title holder? Add on top of that... A previous title holder that he has been unsuccessful against since the X-WA's inception.


There is no doubt that this notion will come into play this week on "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg". Rumor is that X-WA Owner, Nemesis, is on the verge of potentially naming a re-match between the two X-WA standouts (Ultimate Phoenix and Stric Lee Bizness) for the near future....


Regardless of when, or if, this match will ever take place... As of this moment, Stric Lee Bizness is the NEW X-WA Arena Champion and will be honored as such.







(The roster section on "Page 1" has been updated to show Stric Lee Bizness as the current X-WA Arena Champion. Also, Ultimate Phoenix was edited to go from the current holder of said title to a previous title holder (marked by the "x1" marking next to his Arena Title reign). Just wanted to update others who are using the roster section of the Diary to keep up with information. Cheers)

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STORY: Kingsbury Quits X-WA.




[... The young Snob has walked out on the X-WA ...]



In arguably the most SHOCKING situation to arise from last night's "eXcessive Force" broadcast... William Kingsbury III has walked out on the X-WA and has officially quit the organization. Little is known as to why, however, many have come to speculate that the youngster was growing tired of the weekly Challenge that Nemesis had developed for him to "prove" himself.


When have attempted to contact William but our advances have been deemed as unsuccessful. We did, however, receive a written response from the Kingsbury Family... Stating...


Response from The Kingsbury Family

"We are deeply saddened by the events that transpired during last night's PPV taping. It has always been William's focus to compete at a high level in the X-WA and ultimately carry the Kingsbury name with a sense of absolute pride. Ultimately, William's Father, William Kingsbury II, has advised his Son to take a short vacation and re-analyze his decision to walk away from the company. When William makes that decision we are sure that he will be back with the X-WA with a renewed focus on perpetuating the Kingsbury Mantra."


As you can see, The Kingsbury Family was seemingly embarrassed by their Son's decision to walk out of the company... Vowing (almost going as far as to promise) his return shortly.


Word is that William may be addressing the X-WA while on Vacation this week on "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg". Many believe that the youngster will allow "cooler heads to prevail" in the end... Announcing his return to the company... However... That is solely speculation at this point.


More to come...







(I know.. A lot of posts today. huh? I'm at work right now and have some time to kill... So I thought I'd set up some "creative inspired" posts that would ultimately foreshadow some of the upcoming X-WA storylines. This way, when I get back next week... Everyone has an understanding of where we lie after "eXcessive Force". Cheers)

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The hard part, I've found, is writing in the past tense and keeping the wordage "new". I can try to see what I can do, however, I've found it hard to do so all together. To me, I try to get down as much as possible before I loose my train of thought... So, word choice is kind of second nature in the process. Sorry if it's annoying. I'll try to see what i can do from here on out to keep in mind how many times i've used the same wording.


lol nah i can understand that, and keeping your train of thought going is definitely the important part here. It's not too annoying, just thought I'd mention it in case you weren't consciously aware about it :)

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lol nah i can understand that, and keeping your train of thought going is definitely the important part here. It's not too annoying, just thought I'd mention it in case you weren't consciously aware about it :)


Thank you Crayon. I was somewhat aware that there were specific "key words" that were showing up through out my write-ups, however, I didn't really realize that "would" was as prevalent as it was. I think this show, more so than others, was harder to keep new "words" coming as most of my PPV events are written out a lot longer than my TV events. So, when tackling the mountain that was writing "eXcessive Force"... I found myself leaning more towards getting my thoughts down on "paper" (hypothetically speaking) versus really watching my word choices.


Wording is an important part to a Diary, I know, as there are no visuals available for the reader. So, in the end, as a writer.. You have to do a better job of keeping things interesting to read. That being said... I'm going to work on it from here on out to make sure that certain choice words don't show up over and over again through out a post.


Cheers. :D

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This concludes my updates for the rest of the Weekend as I'm going to be out of town both Saturday and most of Sunday. It probably looks like I posted out of my mind today, however, I wanted to make sure that everything was set for when I get back. I'm working on a slew of storylines right now and wanted to have a reference point for others to go off of in the next few days.


For those of you who have not read the results for the recent X-WA PPV... "eXcessive Force"... It's on page 12. Following that post is a series of X-WrestlingAmerica.com stories that play off of the results from the show and ultimately will serve as teasers for a few upcoming storylines (however, not all of them... There are still a few others that I will wait until the next show to start to convey).


For New potential readers.... Since I'm going to be away for a few days... If you want to dive into the story while there are no new posts... Now would be the time to do so! Not saying that you have to... Just giving a heads up to those who may want to start following the diary but feel that it's updated to quickly for them to really understand what's going on.


If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or just overall feedback... You can certainly leave it over the next few days while I'm gone. I can address it all on late Sunday night/Monday.


All in all, I hope you're enjoying the Diary so far. It's been a labor of love of mine recently. My show schedule (as I'm a musician) has picked up this summer and mixing that with my 2 jobs and then 2 summer school courses... I could ultimately start to slow this diary down as the summer months come in. Not abandon the Diary but rather... Slow down my amount of posts and space the show write-ups out a little longer than right now (as I have more time right now... as you can see).


Have a great weekend!


Cheers. :D

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I've made it home now! :D


All around, Great weekend to get away and re-charge my batteries a little bit (not that I was overly exhausted with it all, however, It was good to get away from my laptop for a little while). While watching a movie in the Hotel late last night I found myself coming up with a new character persona... Just need to find someone to fit that persona. :)


All in all....


The card for this week's "Blitzkrieg" will be up sometime tonight. It's the last show of the Month of April so a montly re-cap awards post will come shortly after the results are up so that anyone who would like to catch up with the Diary is def. able to do so!


This show is going to be a pretty big one (not really from a written out stand-point) for me overall as it's going to be the catalyst for some new feuds... as well as evolving a few others into a new direction.



So, just wanted to let you all know that I was back and to look for the "Blitzkrieg" card sometime tonight! Predictions are always welcome!





SIDE NOTE: Thank you to Apu and Foolinc for nominating this diary as the Rookie Diary of the Month of April. I'm going up against Derek's SWF diary... Which will be extremely hard to do so as I love what he's doing with the SWF. I'm just happy to have others stopping by and giving this thing a read. It's a true labor of love for me.

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SIDE NOTE: Thank you to Apu and Foolinc for nominating this diary as the Rookie Diary of the Month of April. I'm going up against Derek's SWF diary... Which will be extremely hard to do so as I love what he's doing with the SWF. I'm just happy to have others stopping by and giving this thing a read. It's a true labor of love for me.


It's a well-earned nomination! Looking forward to the next show and especially what is happening with the Kingsbury storyline!

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STORY: "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg" Card.

[4th Week of April 2008]


The X-WA's recent PPV, "eXcessive Force", has come and gone leaving fans with a false sense of understanding. Just when it seems as if you know all the answers... The Fallout will deliver a shocking blow to your psyche. With that being said... It all starts again... With this upcoming "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg" card.




Mikkel Drago vs. Kill Switch w/ "The Circus"


Burning TAKA vs. Teddy Powell


Steve Flash vs. Joss Thompson w/ "The Next-Gen-Trio"


The Cyclone vs. American Elemental


|| "Blitzkrieg" Main Event ||


Fumihiro Ota vs. Hell Monkey vs. Ultimate Phoenix

[Three Way - "Texas Tornado" Style]




* William Kingsbury III holds a live interview via satellite & will address his status with the X-WA.

* Who will be the next-in-line to challenge Acid for the X-WA X Championship?



Will William Kingsbury III re-consider his walk out on the X-WA? Will Steve Flash find revenge upon "The Next-Gen-Trio" for his, and his sons, previous attacks? Also, Will Ultimate Phoenix contest Stric Lee Bizness's Arena Championship reign? All of these questions, plus much more, will be answered this week on "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg"!



*** "Blitzkrieg" Quick Picks ***


Mikkel Drago vs. Kill Switch w/ "The Circus"

Burning TAKA vs. Teddy Powell

Steve Flash vs. Joss Thompson w/ "The Next-Gen-Trio"

The Cyclone vs. American Elemental

Fumihiro Ota vs. Hell Monkey vs. Ultimate Phoenix

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STORY: Father and Son will be "OK".




It's been confirmed that both Steve Flash and his son, Mathew Flash, will 100% recover from their violent attack at the hands of "The Next-Gen-Trio" a few days ago. Following Mathew Flash's unsanctioned affair with Francios Cartier... Steve Flash made his return... Only to be subjected to a vicious 3 on 1 assault. Both men, Steve & Mathew, were seen being rushed to the hospital minutes after the attack... however... It's been reported that both have only suffered minor injuries that will not impede upon their quality of life.


This week on "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg", Steve Flash will make his comeback to the X-WA ring when he faces off against one of his 3 attackers, and member of the "Next-Gen-Trio", Joss Thompson. The match will certainly carry a sense of retribution for the previously injured Flash... As he's been out of action for the last month following the controversial "King of New York Crowning" assault at X-WA "Shockwaves".


It should be noted that Mathew Flash is NOT a member of the X-WA roster despite competing a few days ago at "eXcessive Force". Also, arena security will be on the look out for any potential uprisings caused by the young Flash. The X-WA has sent word to the Flash Family following this last PPV's unsanctioned bout that it would be in Mathew's best interest to stay away from the X-WA Arena.


With this being said... No one expects the vengeful youngster to stand on the sidelines as his Father is encompassed in an un-fair battle with the three members of the "Next-Gen-Trio".


The real scenario in question is whether or not Steve Flash even wants Mathew's help. Many close to the Flash Family have hinted that Steve wasn't very happy with Mathew's decision and was even more un-happy with the X-WA officials for allowing him to get this far.


More information to come...




*** "Blitzkrieg" Quick Picks ***


Mikkel Drago vs. Kill Switch w/ "The Circus"

Burning TAKA vs. Teddy Powell

Steve Flash vs. Joss Thompson w/ "The Next-Gen-Trio"

The Cyclone vs. American Elemental

Fumihiro Ota vs. Hell Monkey vs. Ultimate Phoenix


[From now on... I think I'm going to post the Quick Picks segment of my upcoming card on all "website" posts leading up to the card. That way it's easier for those of you who like to use the option of leaving predictions. Now you don't have to search for the "card posting" if you don't want to... but rather, It's right there for you! Cheers.]

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Congrats on the Rookie Diary Nomination. It's good to see your Diary getting some focus.


Now onto my pics.


*** "Blitzkrieg" Quick Picks ***


Mikkel Drago vs. Kill Switch w/ "The Circus"

Mikkel hasn't done much of anything. On the other hand Kill Switch is coming off of a high profile win. Kill Switch wins an easy one to show more of the circus dominance.


Burning TAKA vs. Teddy Powell

TAKA is a glorified jobber it seems for you. Powell wins a pick me up match after losing at the PPV.


Steve Flash vs. Joss Thompson w/ "The Next-Gen-Trio"

Flash wins. Maybe by DQ.


The Cyclone vs. American Elemental

This is more of a homer pick for me. Even though American Elemental is an up and comer for the X-WA; Donnie J is the man.


Fumihiro Ota vs. Hell Monkey vs. Ultimate Phoenix

Phoenix shows himself to be a player in the Main Event scene with a win over Ota

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Mikkel Drago vs. Kill Switch w/ "The Circus"

Mikkel Drago isn't going anywhere fast and The Circus has a story behind them.


Burning TAKA vs. Teddy Powell

TAKA is a jobber for you and that's ok. He's a well trained jobber. PLus Powell will get some momentum to go after SLB


Steve Flash vs. Joss Thompson w/ "The Next-Gen-Trio"

Flash for the win as the Flashes start building up some clean wins to frustrate The Next-Gen-Trio.


The Cyclone vs. American Elemental

Yeah you will never see me backing a Donnie J win. It may tank my ratio but its worth it.


Fumihiro Ota vs. Hell Monkey vs. Ultimate Phoenix

Phoenix just lost his title and well quickly move on to a title shot against Acid.

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*** "Blitzkrieg" Quick Picks ***


Mikkel Drago vs. Kill Switch w/ "The Circus"

I think the Circus has more background for wins on this


Burning TAKA vs. Teddy Powell

Gotta agree with all the others TAKA is a jobber


Steve Flash vs. Joss Thompson w/ "The Next-Gen-Trio"

I agree that some cleans wins will start to frustrate the Trio and escalte the feud


The Cyclone vs. American Elemental

AE wins in spectacular fashion


Fumihiro Ota vs. Hell Monkey vs. Ultimate Phoenix

nothing really here just a gut feeling


nothing like a recharge to get you going again. Congrats on the DOTM nomination.


Trevor L.

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I like that we all see and understand TAKA is the jobber to the stars. I think you could do some really great things with this to liven things up a bit, like Funaki in WWE he can be the comedy relief on your dark backdrop.


ha. I like the "Jobber to the stars" feel. There was a time where I was expecting TAKA to be a big-time player since he has an amazing skill set and fits perfectly with the X-WA "modern product". However, when it came down to it... He had too many strikes against him to have me really push him.


1st - Short term contract

2nd - Bad Attitude

3rd - Low Popularity

4th - No Mic Skills to speak of


The last one was the big kicker. The X-WA roster is full of really talented superstars but not many who can actually Talk. So, a strong showing of Heel's in the company... I need good babyfaces to start to stand up for themselves. While he's talented... I couldn't push another superstar who couldn't carry some of my segments as well.


I may think of some sort of comedic relief for him though... Maybe even throw him in with the "P-G Squad" since that's their job... To bring some sense of light, fluffy comedy to an extremely dark roster. :D

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X-WA "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg" - TV Event

Tuesday, 4th Week of April 2008 (Shown on TV on Thursday)

The X-WA Arena (Tri-State)



Angle: Continued War or New Blood Rising?...

Grade: B-


The show started off in typical fashion... A low-budget, shaky camera styled X-WA highlight video was shown documenting some of the most impactful moments in the companies short history. As the video comes to a close... A widespread shot of the X-WA Arena was sure to follow... Showing the extremely vocal, and almost too loyal to a point, X-WA fans throwing insanity from wall to wall. A few choice close-ups would be shown of the roaring crowd as it seems that the traditional X-WA fan resembles the 18-34 male demorgraphic.


It would only take a few seconds for the show to officially kick off as the former challenger to the X-WA X Championship at "eXcessive Force", Fumihiro Ota, was seen making his grand enterence to an epic response. Ota wouldn't waste anytime with theatrics as the former TCW Stand-out was seen grabbing a micraphone straight out of the gate. While on the mic, Ota would praise his opponent from their recent PPV, Acid, for his "well deserved victory". Ota makes no mistakes about it, He lost and he knows that... There's no shaking reality (unless you're one of the countless psychos on the X-WA roster. ha) However, Ota wasn't planning on using this opening segment to outright praise the X-WA X Champion... Instead, Ota is heard calling out Acid for a re-match. Despite holding an imperfect record of 0-2 versus the animalistic warrior... Ota feels that he pushed Acid to the limits at "eXcessive Force" and he now understands exactly how to do the impossible... Defeat the undefeated (in singles competition) Champion.


From there the lights would quickly flicker as a small array of smoke would fill the enterence way. The X-WA X Champion, Acid, made his arrival into the X-WA Arena as the crowd delivers a true mixed reaction. While he's a feared, animalistic, and seemingly borderline Psychopath... There is a small undercurrent of fans who dig the X Champion for that very reason. This isn't like the SWF... In the X-WA the lines of "Face" and "Heel" are often blurred and most superstars could typically be classified in traditional wrestling terms as "tweeners". Even a superstar like Acid has his following.


While in the ring... Ota would hand it to the X Champion once more... However... Ultimately challeing him to a re-match for his Championship at a later date. Acid, not one to ever verbalize his intentions, is seen standing in the corner of the ring with the X Title strapped over his shoulder like the great prize that it is. Hunched over, and breathing rather heavily... making his full body move in an up and down motion, Acid was seen slowly lifting his hand towards Ota... Pointing square to his chest and seemingly whispering something under his breath. The crowd, eating this up right now, believes that this signifies that Acid is interested in Ota's challenge.


Just then, however, Nemesis makes his arrival into the X-WA ringside area... Standing just a few steps from the enterence curtain, The X-WA Owner, Being showered by fan-fare, was heard slowing down Ota's momentum... Almost cutting off the possibility of a re-match all together with a ambiguous response... Citing that Ota was unable to get the job done on two previous occasions and while he respects the great fighter.... He doesn't know if Ota is the right choice for another re-match for the X Championship. In his rant, Nemesis would go on to proclaim the true honor it is to via for the "crown jewel" (X-WA Championship) of the X-WA... and how it won't just go to anybody... Unlike other companies who dillute their championships within a few months of their arrival.


In the end, Nemesis proclaims that he has "another superstar in mind" to potentially carry the torch of challenger to the X-WA X Championship at next month's PPV... however, If Fumihiro Ota was able to produce a strong showing tonight... It could ultimately shift the X-WA Owner's mind enough to grant the previous Challenger another shot at the Limelight.


From there... We would cut to the first commercial break of the night... All the while we see Fumihiro Ota trading glances at both Nemesis and the man who stands before him, Acid.




Kill Switch w/ "The Circus" vs. Mikkel Drago


To anyone who simply saw this match on paper, You'd expect to see Kill Switch absolutely mow over Mikkel Drago in the process. Most X-WA followers would have expected the match to end in a matter of a few minutes with Kill Switch seen as the obvious victor. However, that was certainly not the case. Mikkel Drago, a dangerous martial artist himself, really gave it to Kill Switch in a shocking fashion. It wasn't so much that he dominated Kill Switch, because he didn't, however, he did carry this match-out to look like the two were close to equals. Kill Switch would gain control and Mikkel would find a way to take the least amount of damage as possible... in turn... Mikkel was seen landing some major open palmed strikes to sent Kill Switch reeling on several occasions. At one point, Mikkel was able to catch Kill Switch off of the top rope with a double-clutch front kick... Hitting Kill Switch square in the jaw and almost landing him a life-changing 3 count. However, in the end, Kill Switch would end up being a little too much for Mikkel to keep up with... Switch was able to catch one of Mikkel's kicks... locking his leg in a DDT kind of position... Finally, pulling Mikkel close and landing a irregular type of overhead suplex (A Tazz'esque kind of suplex)... Drago hit the mat hard and was subjected to a quick 3 count marking the win for the "Circus Freak".


Winner: Kill Switch over Mikkel Drago in 8:58 via pinfall.

Grade: C-


Angle: Frustration boils over...

Grade: E


Steadily through out the match it was easy to see that Kill Switch was becoming increasingly frustrated with the overall ability of Mikkel Drago. He was expecting to literally "squash" his opponent in record fashion, however, he found exactly the opposite. This fact would trigger something vile in the mind of the "Circus Freak" as Kill Switch was seen pouncing on the fallen Drago. While the attack was short lived, It was an obvious moment of overflowing frustration... Mikkel, unable to defend himself, was laid out in quick fashion and ultimately spiked into the mat with a jaw-dropping 360 tombstone piledriver. Drago, now laying out cold on the canvas, has fallen victim of his own success.


Angle: A Father's Plea...

Grade: C+


At this point, Steve Flash was seen bursting into Nemesis's official X-WA Arena Office. The crowd would errupt at the sight of the returning indy wrestling Legend as Nemesis is somewhat caught off-guard by Flash's overall tone. Before Nemesis can even extend a respectful handshake... Flash insantly is heard diving square into the topic at hand. Steve goes on to "rip into" the X-WA Owner for allowing his youngest son to compete in an Unsanctioned "Back Alley Brawl". Flash's arguement is based off of the fact that Mathew is not a trained professional wrestler and that he could have been "killed" by the "Next-Gen-Trio". Nemesis tries to calm his biggest Main Event asset... Apologizing for the match... however... ultimately shedding new light on how the match came to be... Unvailing that Mathew had informed Nemesis, at the time, that he had his Hospital-ridden Father's approval.


This would instantly change Steve's body language as the message seemingly hits him like a theoretical "dump truck". Nemesis, sensing that Steve's internal fire is starting to wane, tries to extend an olive branch to Flash... However, Steve is seen backing away from the scenario with a confused look on his face. All the while he's heard questioning to himself... Until it finally clicks. Mathew had conciously sought after the match by using false pretences. Instead of being proud of his Son's bravery, standing up for the Flash name despite not being a trained fighter, Steve is seen storming out of the room in a fit of rage that can only be described as.... A father on the verge of angrily disciplining his son.




Burning TAKA vs. Teddy Powell


As a wise man recently stated... "Burning TAKA has become a Jobber to the Stars"... 'Aint that the truth. However, unlike other promotions in the U.S., Burning TAKA can carry his own despite losing almost all the time. It's never a squash match really but rather a 10-12 minute back and forth affair... With TAKA almost always coming out as the saddened victim of someone else's push for success. This match would be no different.... Teddy Powell, while not as talented in the ring as TAKA, has seen a character transformation that has brought him a lot of attention in the X-WA. A true "tweener" of sorts (I liken him to my X-Pac in a lot of ways)... Powell found a way to maxamize his abilities... Coil that with a sense of desperation to make it to the top and you have a full-fledged momentum machine. The match itself was, much like most of TAKA's matches, a back and forth affair with TAKA gaining control through out most of the match. It looked as if the un-lucky foreigner was on the verge of picking up his second win in the X-WA, however, Powell was able to string together an onslaught of impact moves... Finally finishing with a jaw dropping "Motion Censor"... Knocking TAKA Out cold. This would lead to a traditional 3 count for Powell... Giving him the much anticipated win.


Winner: Teddy Powell over Burning TAKA in 10:04 via pinfall.

Grade: D


Angle: You never beat me...

Grade: D


Following a quick promotional break the former X-WA Arena Champion, Ultimate Phoenix, is seen standing before an X-WA TV camera backstage. With all the focus currently on him, Phoenix instantly rips into the NEW X-WA Arena Champion as of a few days ago, Stric Lee Bizness, for having a "stained victory". While he commends SLB's ability to gain the very title belt that he once carried with pride... He stops short of an all-out hype for the new Champ. Instead, he is heard professing that the "stained victory" comes from the fact that Stric Lee was unable to defeat the TRUE Champion in their 3 way affair. Therefore, while he carries the gold... He didn't officially defeat the previous Champion to gain said gold. Phoenix, heartily focused on regaining his Arena Championship, goes on to challenge the new champ to a re-match... anytime... anywhere.


This would eventually set the tone for what would happen next as Stric Lee Bizness was seen walking into the scene. Phoenix, moving back to allow SLB to get into the shot, points over to the new champ... Reminding him that he never lost the Championship and that, in the end, SLB has NEVER defeated him one on one (While Phoenix has certainly beat SLB on many occasions so far in their short feud). With an air of tension swallowing the scenario... Phoenix poses the challenge one more time to the habitually silent SLB. However, Stric Lee doesn't move an inch... Rather the "ice cold assasin" is seen holding the Arena Championship over his shoulder.. resting on his suit coat.. As he stairs down the previous Champion... Barely giving himself an ability to blink.


Just as Phoenix was about to pose the challenge once again... Stric Lee slowly starts to nod his head (while keeping the rest of his body completely still). Taking this as a declaration of a re-match... Phoenix starts to nod his head as well.. Smiling... Knowing that if he is set to never regain the Arena Championship... At least he can have "one last stand" to right this injustice. The two men stair eachother down for a few seconds now as Stric Lee slowly backs away from Phoenix... not in a retreating fashion... however.. In the sense of "We'll meet again" sense of ideal. All in all, the stage has been set... It will be Ultimate Phoenix versus Stric Lee Bizness in a re-match for the X-WA Arena Championship... HERE.... NEXT WEEK... on "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg".




Joss Thompson w/ "The Next-Gen-Trio" vs. Steve Flash


This match would go down as a true classic in X-WA History. Not because the match was particularly "amazing", actually quite the opposite in some aspects as both men "don't seem to click, making for an awkward bout", but it would mark Steve Flash's triumphent return to the X-WA ring. You would expect to see a sense of "ring rust" from a returning superstar who spent the last month in a hospital bed, however, there was no such thing coming from the incomparable Steve Flash. Instead, Flash made Joss Thompson his obsession tonight... Taking out a months worth of aggression on the very man who put him in said hospital bed (Along with Francios Cartier & Jacob Jett). Steve was in firm control through out most of the match... Throwing Joss around like a rag-doll and teaching him a lesson in "respecting your elders". At one point, Flash was able to exicute a top rope crucifix slam... However, the impact would slow down both superstars and would only warrant Flash a 2 count after a dramatic pinfall attempt.


Through out the entire match Flash not only kept an eye on the other members of the "Next-Gen-Trio" but was often seen stairing them down... Trying to send the fear of Flash into them. Steve even went as far as to throw a half-concious Joss over the top rope and onto both of his partners on the outside... Creating a massive stir among the X-WA fans.


In the end, however, Steve Flash was successfully able to exicute the "Flash Bang" in the middle of the ring on an unsuspecting Joss Thompson. Just as he would go for his conquering pinfall... Francios Cartier and Jacob Jett were seen rushing into the ring and instantly breaking the count with a wild attack. The referee was forced to call for the bell... Ruling the match in favor of Steve via DQ. Not the ending that anyone in the X-WA arena wanted to see, however, setting up for future heroics from the Indy Wrestling Legend.


Winner: Steve Flash over Joss Thompson 11:47 via DQ. The referee called the match when Francios Cartier & Jacob Jett ("The Next-Gen-Trio") attacked Steve Flash.

Grade: C-


Angle: Saving another Hospital Bill...

Grade: E


"The Next-Gen-Trio" is seen wailing away on the victorious (however by DQ) Steve Flash. In what seems to be a "let's finish what we started" kind of attack... All three men leap into action; making the most of their attack & doing so in a quick, and ultimately violent, fashion. Just when it looked as if Steve Flash was a true glutton for punishment and on a fast track back to a Hospital Bed... The crowd begins to errupt. Why? Because his emotionally charged son, Mathew Flash, is seen cutting through the crowd in dramatic fashion. Once he makes it to the ringside area... A group of X-WA security members are seen standing before him... You would think this would mean the end of any sort of "save" from Mathew... However... Mathew is seen swinging a louisville slugger baseball bat in his right hand. The X-WA security officials (only 2 of them at ringside) slowly step away from the gaudrail as Mathew quickly dives over the steel guardrail and slides into the ring.


"The Next-Gen-Trio" was in the process of waiting for his attack, however, that wouldn't create the kind of outcome you were thinking. Instead of the Trio's numbers, once again, playing a factor... This time... Mathew Flash was seen as the dominant figure due to the weapon he was wielding. His Family owned bat would end up being the ultimate "game changer" as Mathew is seen swinging like a mad man. Luckily for the "Next-Gen-Trio", all three men were able to dive out of the ring before Mathew could make contact... but... The message had been sent by the youngest Flash family member. Despite not being an X-WA superstar, Mathew was out not for fame... not for some sense of legacy... He was out to simply lend a hand to his outnumbered Father. He was showing his loyalty, and beaming love, for his Legendary Father. A commercial break would come not a moment sooner as Mathew bends down next to his fallen Father... keeping one eye focused on the Trio at all times.


Angle: Will he re-think his "walk out"?...

Grade: C


A taped video response from former X-WA Superstar, William Kingsbury III, was shown at this point. Kingsbury, currently seated in a bamboo chair, is seen wearing beach-based attire... Off in an undisclosed location (however, obviously somewhere amazingly nice)... And wearing a sly smirk from ear to ear. The taped promo would only take a few minutes... however... What was said would resonate through out the X-WA for hours afterwards. In a quick, combative, response Kingsbury was heard ripping into the X-WA. He would proclaim the fact that with the Kingsbury name you are warranted a level of respect.... A level of respect that was not given to him by the X-WA owner. William would actually never speak Nemesis's name... rather refering to him as "The X-WA Owner"... Sending a message that Nemesis was beneath him and in no need of direct responses. In the end, Kingsbury wouldn't allow a second for ambiguity... Instead... Declaring that he made the right decision by walking out on the X-WA and that his choice was final. Even with his Father's recent comments... urging him to go back... He doesn't care... Rather, he would rather retire from wrestling all-together as the industry is chalked-full of "Hasbeen's, nobodies, and absolute fools". Kingsbury would sign off with, what everyone believed to be, his final "goodbye to the X-WA", and on a larger scale.. To the industry itself, as we fade to another commercial break.




American Elemental vs. The Cyclone


Despite being an West-Coast Indy stand-out (however, most wouldn't know that unless you're a smark since Donnie J is clad in a luchador mask in the X-WA) .. We haven't seen much from The Cyclone in the X-WA. Much like Burning TAKA, The Cyclone has found his way into a small fraternity of superstars who can't seem to ever pick up a victory. With that being said, however, there are no real "true jobbers" in the X-WA as to be a jobber... You almost always have to end up getting squashed on a weekly basis. Cyclone, and TAKA, are never seen as being squashed... Rather, putting on a great match... Pushing their oppoents to the "edge", however, ultimately coming up with the loss in the end. Like TAKA's match before... The Cyclone would fall in the same aspect. AE (American Elemental) was just too much to handle in this match-up. Despite showing signs of injury from this last Saturday's "Bloody Big Top Match"... AE was overpowering even at 50% physically. Not overpowering from the stand-point of throwing his opponent around, however, from the notion that The Cyclone was unable to do anything to slow down his approach. The match itself would display AE's ability to truly "fly"... His explosive aerial assaults, sometimes seen as a hinderance to his overall success since all it takes is one botched spot to force AE into a loss, all landed tonight with a thunderous ovation behind each and every one of them. In the end, American Elemental followed a leaping piledriver with his signature "Inferno Splash"... Picking up a victory that many have labeled as AE's "Career Altering Win".


Winner: American Elemental over The Cyclone in 13:56 via pinfall.

Grade: D+


Angle: We All Fall Down...

Grade: C+


Coming off of a huge "career-changing" victory for American Elemental the crowd is exhaustively buzzing. While the overall tone of the arena is that of marked anticipation, wondering where AE can go from here, we instantly cut to a taped promo by the X-WA's pure psychopath... Jack Griffith. The audience in attendance, now watching this promo from a small flat screened enterence TV, is heard boo'ing like crazy & even chanting "Marquez beat you" in small smatterings around the arena. The promo itself seems to position Griffith in a darkened room somewhere in the arena.... Something that has become quite a trademark for the mentally embattled superstar since his debut with the company. A small overhead light swings back and forth continuously.... Creating an eerier vibe than ever before. Fragments of light would hit Griffith across the face for a matter of a few seconds... Only to deliver us back into absolute darkness a second later.


When it came to content, Griffith was still seemingly obsessed with his opponent from "eXcessive Force", Vicente Marquez. In a feverish tone Griffith would denounce Marquez's "celebrity'ism" within the wrestling world... Never making any sort of excuses for why he lost to the youngster but ultimately shinning a dim light upon what could be the future of the Victorious Vicente. Griffith touches on the fact that, at one point, he was exactly in Marquez's position... "On top of the world and with no ceiling in place to stop his ascent"... He was a World Champion in the SCCW and was considered to be the "Next Big Thing" in Pro wrestling.... However, that was all taken away from him in a split second. Griffith reminds Marquez, still in an aggressive whispering tone, that all it takes is one slip up... One wrong turn... One incorrect decision and everything could crumble beneath him. In his eyes, "Success is a fragile platu... Itching to see you fall back to reality."


Griffith also touches upon the fact that Marquez is currently back in his hometown of Ensenada, Mexico... The center of a glorious display of regional pride (Marquez is currently in Mexico... The focus of a weeklong celebration for their beloved hometown superstar). Griffith, without the ability to hold back his true feelings, is seen shaking uncontrollably... Snarling like a dog and ultimately bursting from the seams with absolute rage. In the end, Griffith was heard threatening Vicente... Telling him that this will "NEVER be over until Marquez suffers the same agony, the same pain, the same defeat... That I had to endure". Overall, While it seems that Vicente is on a path towards bigger and better things... Griffith is still trapped within the notion that he will be the culprit behind Marquez's downfall... Praying to systematically force the bright young superstar down the same tortured path that he once, and still currently suffers within, called his "spiral of Hell".




Fumihiro Ota vs. Hell Monkey vs. Ultimate Phoenix

[Three Way Match - "Texas Tornado Rules"]


The Main Event was a classic clash of "New Blood Rising" or "Old Rivalries Pushing Forward" as Fumihiro Ota faced off against two Main Event newbies in Hell Monkey and Ultimate Phoenix. While both newcomers to the limelight were decorated in their own right, Fumihiro Ota was truly a "man on a mission". If Ota was able to come away with the victory tonight then Nemesis would potentially revisit his possibility for a re-match against X-WA X Champion, Acid. This background knowledge, even if subconcious, was in full display in this match-up as Fumihiro Ota looked like a man possesed from the second the bell rung. Ota, normally seen as more of a laid back flier, was instantly seen taking full control of the match... engaging both of his opponents very early on and pushing the tempo of the affair into full-speed. Meanwhile, Hell Monkey was undoubtedly showing signs of injury following his "Bloody Big Top Match" a few days ago against X-WA Six Man Champions, "The Circus". Despite showing some nagging injuries though... Hell Monkey would push through the match as if he was 100%... Fighting "tooth and nail" with anyone who crossed his path. In a lot of ways, This was more of Hell Monkey's "claim to the top" that Ultimate Phoenix as Monkey was putting forth a great effort in his first real Main Event match-up.


This doesn't mean that Ultimate Phoenix wasn't on top of his game either. The former X-WA Arena Champion had a great deal of explosive offense on his side at certain points of the match... To the point where Ultimate Phoenix was on the verge of winning the match on two different occasions... 2 minutes apart. He had a great showing, however, his inevitable downfall would be in the form of the NEW X-WA Arena Champion.


Stric Lee Bizness was seen coming down to the ring to a chorus of boo's as he monitors the action within the ring. Ultimate Phoenix, knowing that SLB is present, would work hard to ignore his future opponent... however... This slight lack of focus would certainly add to his downfall.


At the end of the match, Ultimate Phoenix was tripped up slightly by SLB, who reached under the bottom rope in a lightning quick motion, which caused Phoenix to spin around and confront the interfering Champ. Just then, Hell Monkey was seen sliding into the scenario... Dropping Phoenix on his head with a belly-to-back overhead release suplex. Phoenix looked to be out cold as Hell Monkey quickly arose to the top of the nearest turnbuckle... On the verge of flying... Monkey would jump out... Only to have Ota quickly jump in out of nowhere and catch Monkey off the top rope and landing a HUGE atomic drop on the falling Monkey. This would force Hell Monkey to jump into the air... Almost comically holding his groin... As Ota quickly slides in and lands his front-face powerslam-driver called "The Ota Spike" in the middle of the ring. Finally, picking up the momentus victory and still keeping his name in the running for a re-match against Acid at next month's PPV!


Winner: Fumihiro Ota over Hell Monkey and Ultimate Phoenix in 16:42 via pinfall. Ota was victorious when he pinned Hell Monkey following a "Ota Spike".

Grade: D+







Overall Show Grade: C-

X-WA Arena Attendance: 4,515

"Blitzkrieg" TV Rating: 0.33 (-0.07)

Prediction Winner(s): jtnlange, Apupunchau@optonline (4 out of 5)


Show Notes:

* I was dumb and didn't realize that Vicente Marquez was unavailable for tonight's show until I got into the booking screen. He recently signed a PPA deal with GCG and their company is "more important to him" than the X-WA. I was super pissed though (I should have looked) as Marquez was suppose to be the focal point of tonight's show. Therefore, I had to make some quick changes.

* Mikkel Drago & Kill Switch have pretty good Chemistry! Hm. I smell a continuation.

* Burning TAKA & Teddy Powell have pretty good Chemistry!

* Joss Thompson & Steve Flash don't seem to click! This sucks, in a way, however the match still delivered a decent grade.

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Great show write-up! I'm really digging Jack Griffith these days... He feels like your version of "Raven". Psychological-based character with some "axes to grind". He has a great story to him... Keep it up!


Also. Good to see that you're starting to push some focus towards Marquez. He's a talented motha. ha. I do that all the time though and forget to check peoples schedules. Looking forward to the next show though. Especially if you are still planning on putting more focus on the up and coming marquez!

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