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Volver: La Historia de OLLIE

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As I walked down the hallways of the OLLIE headquarters, I could scarcely believe my eyes. Photos of old champions adorned the walls, El Bandito, Mephisto, Luis Montero, Mr Lucha, and straight ahead, the biggest and brightest picture of all struck me: El Patron, the most famous luchadore of all time.


But it also painted a rather bleak picture. For you see, OLLIE is the oldest promotion in the world. Formed in the 1950's, they dominated Mexican wrestling like no other, to the extent that their Friday night TV show would dominate the country's thoughts, often taking presidence over the latest news from America and the Pope's happenings. However, all good things must come to an end, and OLLIE was no exception.


First came the formation of MPWF by 4 of OLLIE's top wrestlers. Although this didn't adversly affect the popularity of OLLIE, many Mexicans also tuned in to see fresh, exciting action, most notably a young American called Sam Keith.


OLLIE withstood the blow however, and for the next 20 or so years, kept at the top of the foodchain. Unfortunately in 1998, SOTBPW was formed, giving another alternative to Mexican fans. By the time 2008 rolled around, OLLIE was a distant 2nd to the new upstarts, and MPWF were closer to overthrowing them than they had ever been in 30 years.


This is the story of OLLIE's remarkable return (Volver) to the top of lucha libre, involving a fresh, new dynamic. This is the re-invention of OLLIE, in my eyes, the world's most prestigious promotion.

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I walked into my good friend Joaquin Soler's office after gawping at the poster of El Patron. The office was small, but adorned with various OLLIE memoriblia, most of it looking as it belonged to the 60's, but yet again another reminder of how rooted to the past OLLIE has been.


The office was empty. I used the opportunity to look about his desk, and discovered, (much to my delight) a photo of the current OLLIE Golden 4, OLLIE Universal Champ Marcos Flores, El Leon, El Critico and Nicolas Lopez. The thing that amazed me? The fact that a picture from this decade was anywhere near OLLIE HQ, never mind in the owner's office!


The colour image stared back at me, each person photographed showing their real personality in this simple photograph.


On the left, El Leon and El Critico had their arms around each other's shoulders, smiling broadly and laughing. In the centre, our champ Flores, wearing a cursory smile, but looking a little boring. Interestingly, I'd always percieved him as dull. Might have to change that. And on the end, Lopez, who looked annoyed. I was later informed a stagehand had inadvertently gotten in the way of the shot, which set him off for 5 mniutes. Apparently we were lucky it didn't make YouTube. Imagine the publicity!


As I looked, Joaquin walked in behind me, booming voice and all: "Matteo!" he shouted with happiness, and then coughed a lot into his handkerchief. A large, jolly man, looking a bit like Father Christmas if he were Mexican, appeared behind me. I like Joaquin. Usually he had his head on his shoulders, a sensible approach, and he clearly loved wrestling. After the welcome, he explained to me exactly the reason I was to be head booker: OLLIE needed revitalising.


Phoenix I, the previous head booker, had been burnt out for a while (and it showed), and OLLIE was dangerously close to losing the Mexican wrestling war. So risking it al, on a young, unproven kid like me with no previous job experience at all? Perfect. Probably helped that Joaquin was an old family friend.


He saw that I was nervous, and reassured me. "If I didn't think you were the best for the job, why would you be here? I mean, there was no-one else who wanted the job, but . . "


My raised eyebrows shut him up.


"Anyway, I have some goals for you, some goals to make this place a hotbed of passion again!"


"Passion?" I quizzed.


"Yes. Watching this company used to be like making love. Nowadays, watching this company is like making love to an 80 year old amputee animal lover!"


That's why I loved Joaquin. Never afraid to be as un-politically correct as they come.


"Right. Goal #1: OLLIE must not be seen to have lost ground to those scumbags, MPWF!"


For some reason, Joaquin hated MPWF, but never told us exactly why. I know during the National Draft in '05 he'd nearly come to blows with Domino, but at the last second the crisis was averted. He didn't seem to mind SOTBPW, strangely.


"Which ties into Goal #2: We must gain popularity, to catch up to SOTBPW. As for wrestlers, no psychopaths. Nothing that would make small children upset. And they must not be lacking in Basics or Stamina (D-)."


"Any questions?"


"Yes. What do I do if Nicolas threatens to punch me if I stand in his way?"


Joaquin grimaced at the memory of the incident. "Well, why don't you ask him yourself? We're going to meet the roster . ."

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Welcome to the Locker Room




As Joaquin led me to the locker room to meet the wrestlers, I felt slightly nervous. What would they make of this kid, this young boy who'd been entrusted to revitalise the fortunes of the world's oldest company?


As it turned out, I was fine. When I entered, the room went quiet, but Phoenix I came up to me, shook my hand and told me he'd heard I had great things in mind. After that, I was fine. Everyone took it to mean I had Phoenix's blessings, so the atmosphere went back to the relaxed state I'd found it in. After greeting the majority of the roster (like I needed introducing, I idolised these men!), I decided to sit back and observe them, trying to take inspiration to their characters.


El Leon and El Critico were sat in the corner with a number of our younger stars, like Tricolor and Laberinto, telling a road story which was met with hilarity from the listeners, Leon and Critico backing each other up and adding detail.


Marcos Flores was eating with Cuervo, and what I took to be the Swarm boys, in the 'cafeteria' (read: vender) section of the locker. Phoenix I was drinking coffee in the corner with Rafael Ruiz and Secreto, looking very much like the vets of the locker room, keeping an eye on all others. Dos Phoenix seemed to be in discussion about their latest tag team maneuvers, the innovators who'd captured the crowd's heart. Nicolas sat by himself, although when I set my eyes over the locker room, he was social enough to give me a glare, and walk out of the locker room. Nice guy.


Most puzzling though, was Joaquin talking to Luis Montero Jr. I'd seen Luis numerous times, and to me, he was an average wrestler who was trying to make it solely based on his family name. My suspicions were confirmed when Joaquin pointed at me, giving him the opportunity to seek me out. Unfortunately, I'm just not that good at exiting the room like Nicolas.


"Hello Mr. Bookerman, I am Luis Montero Jr., yes, Montero" he informed me. And just when things were looking up. I politely greeted him and we exchanged small talk about the company and other wrestlers.


"Anyway, enough about others, you need to learn more about me." Great. Drawing back attention to his mediocre ass.


"I am a Montero, a great wrestling dynasty member who should be treated with utmost care. After all, I could be the saviour of OLLIE!" he said, with terrifying conviction. He took my disbelief as conformation of his skills, giving me a dazzling, yet seedy, plastic smile.


"Do you know what's up with Nicolas?" I asked him, desperate to steer the conversation elsewhere.


"Who?" he asked, not really giving me attention now I'd said my piece, looking around as if an adoring crowd, complete with mariachi band and flower girls, would spring up any minute after his speech, right in the middle of the locker room.


"Lopez" I replied.


"Oh. That guy. He has the biggest ego ever, that guy. You'd think in a locker room with me, he'd learn humility, but . . " he grinned. Seriously, did he think he was that good?


"Enough about him. I want to talk titles!" he said, greedy glint in his eye.


"Ok. Your tag title reign with Tricolor Jr . ." I began.


"No, no, no!" he snapped. "Truth be told, I carry that guy. In fact, I think we (we?) should drop the titles, start a fued, I'd win of course" giving me a cheesy wink.


"Then I'd win the Universal Championship off of Marcos Flores, and OLLIE would be saved. Excellent, right?" the smarmy b****** continued.


Finally, getting a word in edgeways, I replied "Oh I'm sure we can remedy the tag title situation Luis. I already have a plan for that" I smiled.


"Good. And, oh, another thing, I am Mr. Montero". Jackass.


I exited the locker room to start my plans. As I walked down the halls, I passed the picture of Luis Montero Sr. As I reminded myself of what just happened, I set an additional goal to myself: teach Junior that he wasn't as good as Papa in a million years.




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Prediction time! Going to get these matches announced before I post a roster review, so people who've never played Mexico can get a better idea of the characters, and then the event.


So, for our next event:



OLLIE: El Rey de Reyes


Number 1 Contedership Match for the OLLIE Universal Championship:

El Critico (w/Secreto) vs. El Leon vs. Nicolas Lopez


Non-Title Match:

OLLIE Universal Champion Marcos Flores vs. Rafael Ruiz (w/Secreto)


Championa Jr. vs. Julio Dominguez


Dos Phoenix vs. Swarm II & III (w/Cuervo)


Slayyer vs. (1/2 of the OLLIE Campeones de Parejas) Luis Montero Jr.



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Already liking the look of this so far. Here's to hoping this is the first Mexico diary that actually lasts !



Number 1 Contedership Match for the OLLIE Universal Championship:

El Critico (w/Secreto) vs. El Leon vs. Nicolas Lopez


All talented performers but as El Leon is a face, that rules him out. I see you going with Flores/Lopez for your first title feud.


Non-Title Match:

OLLIE Universal Champion Marcos Flores vs. Rafael Ruiz (w/Secreto)


I think Ruiz is there to try and soften up Flores, so I see this being a DQ win for the champ.


Championa Jr. vs. Julio Dominguez


A bit higher up the card


Dos Phoenix vs. Swarm II & III (w/Cuervo)


Could go either way, I think as this is the start of the dynasty...the heel pair take this.


Slayyer vs. (1/2 of the OLLIE Campeones de Parejas) Luis Montero Jr.


You already have it for Montero and want to 'humble' him, so I think Slayyer gets the win here to set up instant challengers.

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Number 1 Contedership Match for the OLLIE Universal Championship:

El Critico (w/Secreto) vs. El Leon vs. Nicolas Lopez


Non-Title Match:

OLLIE Universal Champion Marcos Flores vs. Rafael Ruiz (w/Secreto)


Championa Jr. vs. Julio Dominguez


Dos Phoenix vs. Swarm II & III (w/Cuervo)


Slayyer vs. (1/2 of the OLLIE Campeones de Parejas) Luis Montero Jr.

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Roster Review




A little somethin' for those who don't know how it goes down in the world of lucha . . .



Asesino De La Espada


Opener (H)/Bully


Internet Bio: Asesino De La Espada is one half of Los Asesinos, a tag team of powerfully built brawlers who like to smash their way through opponents, his partner being Asesino Del Hacha. The two masked figures first appeared in OLLIE in 2007, having previously only worked on low-level independent shows around Mexico. Still young, Asesino De La Espada looks to have a lot of potential.


Future Plans: A lower card tag team who are solid eonugh but a little lacking. Probably will be jobbers until foreseeable future.



Asesino Del Hacha


Lower Midcarder (H)/Bully


Internet Bio: Asesino Del Hacha is one half of Los Asesinos alongside Asesino De La Espada, a tag team built on straight-ahead brawling and smash-mouth tactics. The duo got a break in 2007 when they were hired by OLLIE, having spent the previous few years grinding out a reputation on the independent circuit. With youth on his side, how far Asesino Del Hacha can go in the business is unknown.


Future Plans: As above. Although he is slightly better than his partner, so may venture into singles every so often.



Championa Jr


Main Eventer (F)/Patriot


Internet Bio: Championa Jr is a patriotic luchador who usually comes to the ring wrapped in a large Mexican flag, and is often called "The Pride Of Mexico". A former two time OLLIE champion, he has never quite managed to earn the same level of respect as some of his peers like Nicolas Lopez or Marcos Flores. This is perhaps because his title victories were both during weak points in the company's history, and he does not possess the natural ability or charisma of his more illustrious peers.


Future Plans: He's quite good, and is a former champ. However, his glory days seem to be over and even "The Pride Of Mexico" must feel surpassed. I have his first storyline mapped out.





Manager (H)/B****


Internet Bio: Cuervo is the most famous manager/valet in Mexico, and by far the longest serving in a business where valets only usually last a few years. This is probably down to the fact that not only is she beautiful, but she is also brilliant on the mic.


Future Plans: Why has management not given this woman a bigger push? Undoubtedly the most charismatic member of the roster, rest assured, Cuervo will have a large part in the revitalisation of OLLIE.





Opener (H)/Demon


Internet Bio: DeCipher is a young worker from Mexico, who is trying to make a name for himself. Perhaps his biggest selling point is his very distinctive and cool mask. DeCipher is quite big for a Mexican wrestler, tipping the scales at just over 230 lbs, and wrestles more in a traditional North American style than the typical Luchador way. Despite this, he seems to be doing pretty well in lucha libre, as evidenced by the fact that he was signed by the prestigious OLLIE promotion in 2006.


Future Plans: On the lower card at the moment, and being only 21, DeCipher should be very good in the future. The fact that he stands out should also help his push, and hopefully not hinder him. His development will be watched closely.



Dragón Americano


Enhancement Talent (F)/Underdog


Internet Bio: Dragón Americano is a young masked technician from California. A good prospect, the rookie got a big break quite quickly in his career, getting signed up by OLLIE in Mexico within 12 months of having made his pro debut. They clearly have a lot of faith in him, as he was soon fighting on the main roster. Whether he can fulfil his early promise remains to be seen.


Future Plans: What the hell? You kidding me? He sucks. Plain and simple.

His 'technical' skills? For a supposed technician, his technical skills are the same as everyone else's. Seriously, did he write this?



El Critico


Main Eventer (H)/Egomaniac


Internet Bio: El Critico is a talented luchador, noted for his technical excellence in the ring. For years he was a fan favourite in Mexico, and was popular enough to occasionally appear on Mexican soap operas and game shows, but in 2004 he turned heel on former friend El Leon in a dramatic angle and became despised by the public instead. One interesting quirk to his character is that despite his popularity, he has never won a major championship, always falling just short.


Future Plans: I think his bio has given me the idea for his character: an insecure egomaniac. A really good wrestler, he is definitely one of our 'Golden 4', and the #2 heel in OLLIE. Look for big things from him in this diary.



El Leon


Main Eventer (F)/Old School Face


Internet Bio: El Leon is one of the biggest names in lucha libre, an incredibly gifted luchador with a talent for adding dramatic flair to matches, who still has years to go before he hits his peak. Already a former OLLIE champion at a young age, many consider El Leon to be a future legend in the sport, and he is tipped to be one of the men who has the potential to bring the glory days back to Mexican wrestling. He is particularly known for his heated and often bloody fued with former friend El Critico.


Future Plans: I can only echo the sentiments of the bio. At only 25 years old, he is an incredible wrestler, and I consider him a more dynamic person than Flores. When time improves his technical skills, he will only get better. Definite champion soon.



Julio Dominguez


Lower Midcarder (H)/****y Youth


Internet Bio: Julio Dominguez, or "JD" as he is more commonly referred to, is a young luchador. He is the nephew of the veteran wrestler Miguel Dominguez, and from 2005 to 2007 was also his tag team partner. Unfortunately for Julio, the bright, championship-winning first few months for the team proved to be a false dawn, as injuries turned Miguel into a shell of his former self. The team's decline badly hit Julio's career, as he quickly became the forgotten man of lucha libre. In what may have actually been a blessing for him, his uncle was released in 2007, leaving JD free to try and resurrect his career in the singles ranks


Future Plans: An average all rounder, who will probably be used mostly as a jobber. Have a few ideas for him though.


Going to do this over the next day, as it takes ageeeees to type up.

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