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CGC: "That's Entertainment", The DeColt Tragedy

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Good stuff, FIN.


Now we just need an angle where Kirk Jameson and Phillipe LaGrenier realise they are actually the same person just with different hair dye. It's begging to be written! :D


Yeah I've been toying with the idea. It has to be written like you said. :p


Yeah good stuff.


Especially Whippy the Clown & Ryan Powell alts <3 Can't wait to see what you do with Whippy.


Thanks! :) Nice to hear that you guys are enjoying the diary.. It'll only get better. I can't wait for me to book the two days of DeColt Wrestlefestival. Whippy is one of the guys I have a lot in store for right now. He and Sage are the ones outside of the main event group that have a long storylines ahead of them. I hope I'm not going to run into the "Mary Sue" problem or whatever it was called and I know I should concentrate on the other guys in the roster aswell. It's no surprise that The Sage is surely a fan favourite here. :p


And of course this is my last Thank you that I will say concerning the Cornellverse DOTM win. It really means a lot to me after all this time doing diaries, alts and being part of the forum. Hard work pays off.. Like I said before, this CGC diary is going to last for a long, long time and I hope that people will stay with me to the end. :o

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More tag matches :) I'm physically incapable of "predicting" the DeColts to lose, so those matches are locks in my opinion. Clown/Powell vs A&A could go either way, but I'm expecting a stunning TV debut for the Dragon Kid & Remmy.


DaLay & Chandler vs. Dragon Kid & Remmy Skye

Clown Powell vs. Aether & Ares

Ricky DeColt vs. The Sage

Steve & Jack DeColt vs. The Specialists

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DaLay & Chandler vs. Dragon Kid & Remmy Skye

Clown Powell vs. Aether & Ares

Ricky DeColt vs. The Sage

Steve & Jack DeColt vs. The Specialists


I fully expect the Elite to come through with wins. It is a new and improved Elite after all. As for CP/AA, I think Clown Powell wins. And well Ricky's still the Champ so why would he lose now?

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DaLay & Chandler vs. Dragon Kid & Remmy Skye

- The Skye Kids get a boost by bumping like pinballs for the refocused Elite.


Clown Powell vs. Aether & Ares

- I dig Clown Powell, but The Sage distracts or interferes to give his minions a win.


Ricky DeColt vs. The Sage

- The Sage is not going to win this even if it is non-title. He might be shooting up the card but he's not ready to be a viable challenger for the DeColts... at least until he deals with his Clown Infestation.


Steve & Jack DeColt vs. The Specialists

- The reformed, refocused, rededicated Specialists manage to topple The DeColt Sibling Rivalry Connection.

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would you mind if I steal your layout, great story too :D


DaLay & Chandler vs. Dragon Kid & Remmy Skye


I'm a Remmy mark


Clown Powell vs. Aether & Ares


Numbers will all add up


Ricky DeColt vs. The Sage


He is a DeColt


Steve & Jack DeColt vs. The Specialists



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DaLay & Chandler vs. Dragon Kid & Remmy Skye


DaLay & Chandler may have lost last week to their Elite mates, but there's no chance they'll be losing this.


Clown Powell vs. Aether & Ares


It's hard to say what direction you will go sometimes, as there seems to be alot of 'parity' booking near the top end of the card. I think Aether/Ares take this via some form of shenanigans.


Ricky DeColt vs. The Sage


I agree with the general consensus that Sage isn't quite ready yet to move into the main event until he blows off his feud with Whippy.


Steve & Jack DeColt vs. The Specialists


Specialists are coming off a big win over what many would consider to be the stronger members of Elite, and Steve & Jack's relationship with one another is growing more strained with each passing day.

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  • 2 weeks later...




CGC Title Bout Wrestling

Sunday, Week 4, February

Moose Jaw Centre, The Prairies. Attendance: 1,000



Mitch Naess - George DeColt















The Soldiers Of Fortune defeated Christian Price and Kirk Jameson in 4:54 when Destiny defeated Kirk Jameson by pinfall with the Tag Chokeslam.

Grade: E






Youth Energy defeated Zeus Maxmillion and Philippe LaGrenier in 4:52 when Lee Rivera defeated Zeus Maxmillion by pinfall with the Youth Movement. Youth Energy make defence number 3 of their CGC World Tag Team titles.

Grade: D

(Shane Nelson has now switched to a Fan's Own gimmick, (B+). Lee Rivera has now switched to a Surfer Dude gimmick (A))










Mitch: "Hello and welcome to Title Bout Wrestling! We have an action packed event for you tonight ladies and gentlemen, and we'll start wi-"





The theme of the Elite starts to play.


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Mitch: ".. With the Elite I suppose."





Eddie Chandler & Dan DaLay come to the ring, sporting a new look. Chandler, who comes to the ring wearing a big, glamorous robe, picks up the mic while DaLay just stands tall with his arms crossed, looking around with a pathetic look towards the crowd.


Eddie: "Last Sunday you saw the new Elite take form, stronger and united more than ever before. Tonight we will make an impact, we will take our place at the top of the foodchain, a place where we so rightly belong! We are the best damn wrestlers in this damn company, the most toughest, intense bad asses around!"


Chandler's speech draws a choir of boos from the crowd and a "You suck!" chant.


"SHUT UP!! Listen to me.. You will never be as good as the Elite. Go back to your ordinary work and to your ordinary life, go around those familiar circles over and over again for the rest of your life! That's not the way of the Elite, no. We live in the fastlane! We're livin' it up, not giving a f*ck, jet flyin', limousine ridin', stylin' and profilin' son of a guns!!"


"Take a look at this goliath right here", Eddie stands next to DaLay who just stands tall, flexing his muscles. "A CGC Triple Crown holder, the original Powerhouse, Dan "The Big Bad Bossman" DaLay!!"


"The most vial, tough, intense big heavyweight you can ever find in North America. He has it all: Strenght, toughness, intensity, you name and he's got it! And on top of that he has the most brutal finishing move around, the DaLay Driver. Once he hits it, it's over, oh yeah you better believe it!! One DaLay Driver and it's all over, ring the bell straight away!"


Chandler starts shouting at the mic: "I am The Fabolous! And the Elite Evolution has just begun!"


Grade: B-

(Chandler has now switched to an Arrogant Heel gimmick (A*), DaLay to Bodyguard (A*))



Mitch: "That's some scary amount of confidence right there."

George: "Sometimes confidence can be a bad thing Mitch. They might be underestimating their opponents which is always a huge mistake. Let's just see what happens, it's DaLay & Chandler versus Dragon Kid and Remmy Skye, next!"





DaLay & Chandler vs. Dragon Kid & Remmy Skye

Chandler and DaLay basicly crushed their opponents in our opening match of the night as they defeated Dragon Kid and Remmy Skye in just 4:06 when Dan DaLay defeated Dragon Kid by pinfall with the DaLay Down.

Winners: DaLay & Chandler

Grade: D+



Mitch: "I hate it when George is wrong. Speaking of, we will now go to George's office!"







George, Steve and Marie are in George's office.



Steve: "Marie.. I'm sorry about last week. I didn't want you to get hurt in the midst of everything. And.. I'm sorry for the fact that I attacked Jack after the match. I'm not trying to find a scapegoat for myself.. I take all responsibility. But after all he hit me with a chair. I'm sorry that I lost my temper.. I'm not like that usually."

Marie: "I believe you Steve.. I believe you since I know you. And to be honest I don't blame you. It was time for someone to stop Jack. He's been acting so weirdly for such a long time. After Ricky had come in between you two.. Jack just pushed me away. I got hurt.. Physically but most of all.. Emotionally. He threw me away like I was nothing. I.. I Don't know how long.. How much I can take. I'm afraid of him yet still I love him.. I love him so much. I care about him.."

George: "And it's a good thing you do. Steve, Marie.. I'm sorry but tonight's match is still going to happen. It'll be you, Steve, teaming up with Jack as you two will be taking on The Specialists. I just hope nothing will happen between the two of you. Where's Jack by the way?"

Marie: "I just don't know.. Once again. He's.. Lost."

Steve: "I really have no idea why I have to team up with Jack against the Specialists tonight. I'm sure he hit me accidentally with the chair last week.. I'm not sure what will happen tonight. Is he even in the building?"

Marie: "Haven't seen him yet. I've stayed at my sisters house for some time as I'm afraid of being in my own home because of Jack."

Marie: "Please.. George.. Steve. Could someone talk to him. I'm too afraid myself.. I'm too scared!"


George: "I'll try. If I can find him first."


George leaves the room, leaving Steve and Marie into his office. Just before he closes the door, Steve mumbles "I've had enough of this".


Grade: B-



Mitch: ".. I'm all alone here. Darn you George. For the first time ever I actually miss Adrian. Where is everyone!?"



Whippy's theme starts.


Mitch: "Yes! Everyone come see the greatest show, gather up all Juggalos and roll, everyone come see the greatest show, gather up all trugalopes and roll!! ..."

Mitch: ".. Might aswell behave myself."





Clown Powell vs. Aether & Ares

In a surprisingly good match the Prophecy picked up the victory by cheap tactics as Aether and Ares defeated Clown Powell in 7:15 when Ares defeated Ryan Powell by pinfall with the Running Big Foot following interference from The Sage who hit Ryan with his staff behind the referees back.

Winners: Aether & Ares

Grade: C



Mitch: "Not like this.. Not cool Sage, not cool."






The Sage comes down to the ring and takes the microphone while Aether and Ares stay next to him, keeping Clown Powell away. Whippy and Sage exchange stares, eventually Whippy escorts Ryan to the back. Sage raises up the mic.


Sage: "I wantt.. Ricky DeeColtt!"





Ricky DeColt comes to the ring, obviously frustrated that Sage is once again trying to screw with him and causing trouble.


Ricky: "What now Sage, what now?"

Sage: ".. Hii.. Haa.. Hahaa..Hee..", Sage laughs and orders Ares and Aether out of the ring.

Ricky: "C'mon. Let's go. Say what you have to say. Be a man. Tell us another lie about the future. Lie, lie like always."

Sage: "Noo lieess.. The truth. I'vee seenn iit. I knoww what, will happenn. I know.. Hee.. Will come.."

Ricky: "He? Who's he!?"

Sage: "Hee.. Heheee.. Hahaa.."

Ricky: "Tell me!!"

Sage: "He'ss.. Our... .. Messiaahh!! I cann feel his.. Presence!! I cann feel it!! The Messiah iss cominng!!" E'ss coming!" E's comingggg!!"


Ricky: ".. You're a loonie, you know that? Seriously. No one takes you seriously anymore. You're been hit in the head too many times haven't you? You're lost.. And confused. You think you know it all don't you?"


Sage: "BUT I KNOWW!! Don't questionn me!! Don't everrr, quuestion, MEE!!", Sage screams at Ricky who ends weird confrontation with a hard slap across the face of Sage. The bell rings and the match starts!


Grade: B




Ricky DeColt vs. The Sage



In a good match Sage and Ricky went all out from the start to the finish. Right near the end Sage hit a nice DDT to Ricky and went up to the turnbuckle, trying to hit the Final Divination but Ricky caught him on the way up and hit a stunning top rope DeColt 45 for the win!

Winner: Ricky DeColt

Grade: C+






"Fabolous" Eddie Chandler is in the back, hyping his team of The Specialists taking on Steve & Jack DeColt in a tag match in our main event.


Eddie: "The Specialists. They have put on countless great matches, winning the CGC tag team titles on a record five separate occasions in the process, and are now widely regarded as one of the best duos in North American wrestling. "All Business" Bobby Thomas and "The Natural" Nate Johnson. They will rip you apart with their all-around game, their technical excellence. They can keep the match on the ground or take it to air, it doesn't matter. And tonight, they will defeat the DeColt brothers."


Eddie: "Nothing.. Will stop the Elite."


Grade: B-

(Bobby Thomas has now switched to a Dual-Sport Superstar (B), Nate Johnson has now switched to a City Slicker (B+))



Mitch: "And is time for our main event of the evening! Steve and Jack DeColt will be taking on The Specialists."

George: "I'm back.. Didn't find Jack. Looked around everywhere."





Steve & Jack DeColt vs. The Specialists

As Steve comes into the ring George stops by to say that Jack is nowhere to be found so the match will be a handicap match until Jack comes back, if he comes back. Steve quickly refocuses in the match while the Specialists make their way into the ring, laughing and mocking Steve for being in a handicap spot against them. The bell rings and Steve starts off strong against the Specialists but near the ten minute mark the 2 on 1 situation is just too much for him to handle and he finds himself struggling against the former World Tag Team champions. Bobby and Nate make quick tags to keep themselves fresh while Steve has no one to tag, when finally..











.. Jack, wearing casual clothes, comes to the ramp and slowly walks to the ringside. With slow steps and a blank expression on his face he climbs to Steve's corner, extending his arm out, waiting for a tag. Steve gets his hopes up and tries to get a tag but Bobby keeps him on the ground with an achilles tendon hold. Steve tries to roll over, kick, anything to escape the hold when finally breaks the hold and leaps towards his corner. In a moment that seems to last forever, Steve's hand is coming down on Jack's hand, when suddenly Jack steps away from the corner. Steve's hand finds the ropes, nothing less, nothing more. Steve crashes on the mat with a sad, shocked look on his face while Jack just stares at him, coldly, backing away.






Bobby comes closer, trying to grab Steve by the leg when as suddenly as Jack had stepped back from the corner, he leaps back to the corner and tags himself in! Jack levels Bobby with a furious clothesline and just keep going all the way to the other corner, nailing Nate down to the ringside with another clothesline! Steve pulls himself to other side of the rope, going below the bottom rope as he takes breath, watching his brother create mayhem in the ring. Jack throws his jacket to the crowd and hits a barrage of punches on Bobby and finally hitting swinging neckbreaker. Jack signals for his finishing move, The End Of Days, when "Fabolous" Eddie Chandler and the "The Big Bad Bossman" DaLay storm into the ring and attack Jack! The reg signs for disqualification in 17.29!!


Winners: Steve & Jack DeColt via DQ.

Grade: C+





Steve gets himself up and to the ring but he's quickly outnumbered as the Elite take him down, kicking him all around his already beaten up body. Jack tries to fight back but to no avail as Elite has the clear advantage and after an array of stomps they just kick him out of the ring. Nate gets couple of chairs from the ringside and gives them to Chandler and DaLay who hold them up high, waiting for Steve to get up. Steve is already daized as he wobbles on his kness, trying to a vertical base but is unable to do.




Steve straightens his back up while staying on his knees while Eddie and Dan hold the chairs on both sides of Steve's head. The Specialists, who are also on opposite sides, hit a devastating and a brutal Special Delivery, sandwhiching Steve's head between the two chairs. A thud echoes the arena and an unconscious Steve slowly slumps forward, eventually dropping to the canvas. The Elite stand tall on top of Steve's body as the show ends.

Grade: B




Mitch: "We're lacking good guys here.. Help.. Anyone?"




Overall Grade: C+

TV Rating: 0.54




  • Match A: The Soldiers Of Fortune defeated Christian Price and Kirk Jameson.

  • Match B: Youth Energy defeated Zeus Maxmillion and Philippe LaGrenier. Shane Nelson has now switched to a Fan's Own gimmick, (B+). Lee Rivera has now switched to a Surfer Dude gimmick (A)

Main Show

  • "Fabolous" Eddie Chandler and Dan "The Big Bad Bossman" DaLay come to the ring and do a promo about the "Elite Evolution" that'll start tonight. Chandler has now switched to Arrogant Heel, DaLay to Bodyguard (Both A*).

  • Match #1: Chandler & DaLay def. Dragon Kid & Remmy Skye via pinfall with the DaLay Down on Dragon Kid.

  • George, Steve DeColt and Hostuff Marie are in George's office. Jack is nowhere to be found, Marie is scared, George goes out looking for him.

  • Match #2: Aether & Ares def. Clown Powell via pinfall with the Running Big Foot after Sage interfered in the match.

  • Sage asks for Ricky DeColt to come to the ring which he does. They go back and forth on the mic when eventually Sage reveals that a "Messiah" is coming to CGC, warning Ricky about him. Ricky questions Sage's ability to foresee the future which doesn't go well with Sage who ends up screaming at Ricky who slaps the taste out of the masked man's mouth.

  • Match #3: Ricky DeColt def. The Sage via pinfall after a top rope DeColt 45.

  • "Fabolous" Eddie Chandler hypes up The Specialists backstage. "All Business" Bobby Thomas has switched to Dual-Sports Superstar (B), "The Natural" Nate Johnson to City Slicker gimmick (B+).

  • Match #4: Steve & Jack DeColt def. The Specialists via DQ after DaLay and Chandler interfered in the match. At the start of the match Jack was nowhere to be found and Steve tried his best but near the ten minute mark found himself taking all the beating when finally Jack came to the ringside. When Steve got up and tried to make the tag, Jack backed down first and a shocked Steve found only ropes when trying to make the tag. As quick as he had backed down, Jack tagged himself in and raised hell until DaLay and Chandler dived to the ring and attacked the brothers.

  • In a post-match beatdown the Elite stomped a mudhole on both brothers Steve and Jack. Jack was eventually kicked out of the ring while Nate grabbed few chairs from the ringside and with the help of DaLay and Chandler, the Specialists delivered a special chair related Special Delivery, crushing Steve's head between the two chairs they had just superkicked. Steve drops to the mat while the Elite stand tall as the show fades away.

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Another good show, Fin. Sorry I didn't get my pics in. Keep up the good work.


Thanks, it means a lot since I had a _huge_ writers block just now. I mean it was over 10+ days since I had posted a show which is kind of a record for me. It felt really weird as I just had no energy to write. I know what I had in my mind for this show and for the next few ones also but I just couldn't put my thoughts into text. Doing those Elite alts really cheered me up and gave me some much needed boost!


I altered the layout a bit just so that I wouldn't burnout in transferring these shows from the notepad to the actual forum. There's no more colours used when the text is in quotes, colour is now used only on grades and commentary. And besides some colours just don't look that good when there's that grey background. I think it's still very much readable and much clearer now, more easy on the eye. It's still 4 shows before the DeColt Wresltefestivals which are going to be awesome btw. I have a lot in story for you guys! Just wait! :p:rolleyes:


Ooh. I hope Eddie Chandler gets in trouble for that f-bomb. CGC is a family show.


Note to self (:D): Use that in future shows, make it part of the storyline! Thanks man! :) I think that turning CGC into more cult'ish, more risque type of a product/promotion is quite inevitable in the long run, in the backstory. This f-bomb thing and the violent gimmicks are just the start of it.

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Preview of CGC Title Bout Wrestling on Maple Leaf Sports this Sunday:



Backlash From Last Week

Last week the newly formed Elite manhandled Jack and Steve DeColt after the main event match. At first Jack was nowhere to be found and when he finally came he backed down last minute just when Steve was going to make the tag. Jack eventually tagged himself in but what exactly was going on his mind? How will Steve react? Will the brothers make peace?



New Commentator

A new commentator will also be revealed this Sunday as Adrian Garcia is taking some time off. Who will be seated next to Mitch Naess and George DeColt!?



The "Gold Rush" Tournament starts this Sunday!

Last Sunday George DeColt was supposed to announce the eight participants who will take part in the tournament to decide the #1 contender for CGC World championship which Ricky DeColt holds having made two succesful defends thus far. George had his hands full in finding his son Jack DeColt and thus didn't have the time to announce the participants. However these eight participants have been now announced here at CGC.com and they are Whippy The Clown, Ryan Powell, Ares, The Sage, Eddie Chandler, Dan DaLay, Steve Decolt and Jack DeColt.




Who will advance to the next round in the Gold Rush Tournament!?

Who will survive!?


Tune in this Sunday, only on Maple Leaf Sports!





CGC Title Bout Wrestling

Sunday, Week 1, March

King Edward Multiplex, British Columbia



Gold Rush Tournament











Whippy The Clown vs. Ares

Jack DeColt vs Dan DaLay

Eddie Chandler vs. Ryan Powell

The Sage vs. Steve DeColt



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Looks like I stole your "Ares" name. ha. Sorry. I must not have been paying attention. Hopefully the two characters are different enough that I can somehow squeak by with some sense of originality. ha.


Anyways, First time I've put behind predictions in your diary but I thought it would be best to start some time! Needless to say, as a noob, I'm just picking off of uneducated means. :)




Whippy The Clown vs. Ares

Jack DeColt vs Dan DaLay

Eddie Chandler vs. Ryan Powell

The Sage vs. Steve DeColt

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Whippy The Clown vs. Ares


Whippy's character is alot of fun, but he's not ready to step up to the main event level.


Jack DeColt vs Dan DaLay


Jack's been looking like the weak link lately out of the DeColts


Eddie Chandler vs. Ryan Powell


Chandler needs to continue looking strong


The Sage vs. Steve DeColt


At least one face has to make it through

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News from February 2008


- SWF have risen to Global size after "Nothing To Lose" PPV which gained a PPV-Buy Rate of 8.36 and attendance of 28,637 at Manhattan National Center (Tri State). In the main event Jack Bruce made a succesful defence against Vengeance (B-). The overall grade given by the IWC was B- aswell. It seems as if the overall show grades are on a downward spiral as the start of the year was clearly better than the few last shows, several which have been graded as just C+. The only championship that has changed hands is that of SWF World Tag Team when High Concept won the belts from The Amazing Bumfholes at the "When Hell Freezes Over" PPV. SWF also signed a new PPV deal with PPV Japan and a new TV-deal with Canada-On-Air.


- MHW, Mexican Hardcore Wrestling, opened in Northern Mexico at the start of February by Gino Montero. The head booker was quickly signed as Carlos Moreno took control of the position. MHW soon contacted such lucha superstars as Magnifico, Mexican Beast, Mexican Ghoul, Phoenix I & III, Rebelde Loco and Rafael Ruiz.


- SWF signed Micky Starr, James Prudence, Matt Sparrow and Jez MacArthuer following their rise in size. BHOTWG signed Washichi Inao into a Written deal and in his first match in the promotion, a 3vs3 match where Elemental III, Inao and Samoan Machine took on Sessue Kawate, Inao and Shiraishi, Inao sustained a Spinal Disaligment which will take a month to heal. BHTOWG signed following wrestlers into Touring contracts: Champagne Lover, Jungle Jack, Rhino Umaga and Julian Watson. Mario Heroic got signed to RIPW under a developmental deal. NOTBPW signed Frankie Perez and Wanda Fish to PPA deals. After signing a written deal with BHOTWG in January, Phenomenal E has left 4C.


- Alejandro Navarro, Amber Allen and Gino Montero entered the wrestling world while Junnosuke Fukazawa, Alfredo Menendez and Seiko Nakami retired.


- TV & PPV news: As mentioned before SWF signed a PPV deal in Japan and a TV-deal in Canada. There was a huge buzz in the TV negotiations this February and there will be a total of 6 new wrestling TV-shows starting in March as 5SSW signed with All Japan TV, TCW with GNN Total Sports, OLLIE with Los Deporte Hoy, MPWF with Los Deporte Hoy, INSPIRE with Japanese Sports Vision 2 and WLW with Prime Japan TV.


- Jackson Jackson, the Australian referee has been caught in possession of illegal steroids.




CGC News:


+301,672$ in February. B popularity in British Columbia, C in The Prairies, C- elsewhere in Canada so a slight increase in popularity altough PPV Buy Rate was 0.26 and the Highest TV show rating 0.54, both of which are down from January's ratings. Economy is falling while Wrestling Industy is rising, both are in C.










We ran a prediction poll here at the CGC forum. Here are the results from Febuary!

(Draws are not counted: If the match ended in a draw it isn't count to the overall count or if the user choosed draw, it isn't counted at all to the count.)



Week 1

Self 4/4, Tigerkinney 4/4, UFC-KING 3/4, doctorjones 4/4


Week 2

Self 3/3, foolinc 3/3, angeldelaynette 3/3, Tigerkinney 3/3, Beeker 3/3, TheStroke7 3/3


Week 3

CGC: Luck Of The Draw PPV

Correct Match Stipulation choices will be awarded as follows: 2 correct stipulation choices award you one match point, 4 equals two points and all 5 correct choices equals three match points.


Tigerkinney 2/5 correct, 3/5 Stipulations = 3/5.

praguepride 2/5, no stipulations choosed = 2/5

derek_b 3/5, 4/5 = 5/5.

angeldelaynette 4/5, 1/5 = 4/5.

foolinc 3/5, 2/5 = 4/5.

Self 3/5, 2/5 = 4/5

critical-23 4/5, 2/5 = 5/5

Beeker 4/5, 1/5 = 4/5



FlameSnoopy 2/4, foolinc 2/4, Self 3/4, AzzMartin 1/3, Marcel Fromage 2/4, Tigerkinney 2/4, praguepride 1/3, Beeker 2/4


Week 4

Self 3/4, Briskout 2/4, AzzMartin 3/4, Beeker 3/4, SWF2K9 3/4, Tigerkinney 3/4.




Overall in February:

Self 17/20

Tigerkinney 15/20

Beeker 12/16

foolinc 9/12

angeldelaynette 7/8

praguepride 3/8

AzzMartin 4/7

derek_b 5/5

critical-23 5/5


doctorjones 4/4

FlameSnoopy 2/4

Marcel Fromage 2/4

Briskout 2/4

SWF2K9 3/4

TheStroke7 3/3



All Time Overall:

Self 33/43

Foolinc 26/37

Tigerkinney 25/35

TheStroke7 21/28

Beeker 12/16

angeldelaynette 10/12

praguepride 7/12

critical-23 7/12

doctorjones 8/8

AzzMartin 4/7

Mtm2k6 5/6

Hrdcoresidebrns 2/6

derek_b 5/5

smurphy1014 4/4

Astyn 4/4

Comrabebot 3/4

SWF2K9 3/4


Briskout 2/4

FlameSnoopy 2/4

Marcel Fromage 2/4




The users Self, Tigerkinney, Beeker, foolinc and angeldelaynette will be rewarded with a brand new "The Sage: Bloodspill" t-shirt!!

Congratulations to the winners and a big thank you for all the participants, old and new!








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I don't usually do this or am I a fan of bumping or useless information posts but as I see other guys doing it all the time here's my cheap bump. "Still time to predict". And don't forgot to check your score in the prediction poll thingy and the possible merchandise you might have won :D
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Whippy The Clown vs. Ares

Really tough call. Whippy's a champion, but I think you'll need another heel to balance out the tournament.

Jack DeColt vs Dan DaLay

I'm predicting a Jack vs. Steve match at the tournament...

Eddie Chandler vs. Ryan Powell

The new leader of the elite stable can't lose to Ryan Powell!

The Sage vs. Steve DeColt

Steve is a main eventer. Sage is probably still in the midcard

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  • 2 weeks later...




CGC Title Bout Wrestling

Sunday, Week 1, March

King Edward Multiplex, British Columbia. Attendance: 5,000



Mitch Naess - George DeColt









The Specialists defeated Remmy Skye and Kirk Jameson in 4:38 when Bobby Thomas defeated Kirk Jameson by pinfall with the Special Delivery.

Grade: D+


In a non-title match, Ricky DeColt defeated Philippe LaGrenier in 5:26 by pinfall with the DeColt 45.

Grade: C






George DeColt comes down to the ring. He takes a microphone and starts talking to the crowd, welcoming everyone to the show and hyping up the Gold Rush Tournament which starts tonight. He then goes on to reveal the new worker who will join the announcing team..






George: "As we all know Adrian Garcia is taking a break from the announcing duties and as I have other things to do during the show, I have decided that we need a third person by the announcers desk. I just can't leave Mitch all by himself. So allow me to introduce to you our new commentator.."































".. My son, Alex DeColt!"





Alex comes out to a huge pop from the British Columbia crowd! Still sporting the neckbrace, Alex comes to the ramp and waves at the fans as he makes his way down to the announcers table where he shakes Mitch's hand and sits down. Alex tests his mic and starts playing with the crowd.


Alex: "Is this on, can you hear me!?", a big pop from the crowd again.

Alex: "We will start our show with the first match in our Gold Rush Tournament, Ares will be taking on Whippy The Clown! Let's get it on!"



Grade: A












Ares vs. Whippy The Clown

Quarter-Final #1


Whippy starts with fast pace and Ares has trouble trying to catch him. Front dropkick, legdrop, another dropkick, flying head scissors and Whippy has strong momentum until Ares levels him with a huge lariat, turning Whippy inside out and upside down. Ares grabs Whippy by the hair and lifts him up for a powerbomb but Whippy reverses it into a hurricanrana but gets only a two count! Whippy goes up for the turnbuckle but just as he's about to leap and hits the Joke's On You to Ares, Aether comes running to the ringside! Whippy sees him and jumps to the outside with the Joke's On You, knocking Aether down! Whippy rolls back to the ring but just as he stands up, Ares takes him out with the Running Big Foot!! One.. Two.. Three!


Ares defeated Whippy The Clown in 4:49 by pinfall with the Running Big Foot following interference from Aether.

Winner: Ares

Grade: C


Mitch: "Darn those freaks!"

Alex: "That is not a decent way to win a match. Makes me sick."

George: "Well. Win is a win. Whippy himself jumped at Aether and payd for it."












A video package is shown where the Elite attacked Jack and Steve DeColt at the end of last week's show.


Steve gets himself up and to the ring but he's quickly outnumbered as the Elite take him down, kicking him all around his already beaten up body. Jack tries to fight back but to no avail as Elite has the clear advantage and after an array of stomps they just kick him out of the ring. Nate gets couple of chairs from the ringside and gives them to Chandler and DaLay who hold them up high, waiting for Steve to get up. Steve is already daized as he wobbles on his kness, trying to a vertical base but is unable to do.


Steve straightens his back up while staying on his knees while Eddie and Dan hold the chairs on both sides of Steve's head. The Specialists, who are also on opposite sides, hit a devastating and a brutal Special Delivery, sandwhiching Steve's head between the two chairs. A thud echoes the arena and an unconscious Steve slowly slumps forward, eventually dropping to the canvas. The Elite stand tall on top of Steve's body as the show ends.

Grade: B













Jack and Ricky DeColt are backstage.





Ricky: "Where's Marie?"





Jack: "At home. I ordered him to stay there for atleast the duration of the Gold Rush tournament. I don't want any unnecessary distraction at the ringside, or in the backstage. No woman, no cry.."


Jack: "Don't you worry about her Ricky. Keep that title clean and shiny brother. When this tourney is over, that World title is going to be mine. I'm not joking. You know how it goes. When we go trough the ropes and into the ring.. It's on. Doesn't matter if were brothers. Doesn't matter what your last name is. You are the champion. And I would be the challenger. And we would have a championship match. And you better believe me when I say that I will do anything, and I mean anything, to capture that title."


Ricky: ".. We'll see. Don't get too overconfident you know. DaLay is a tough guy. And should you happen to defeat him.. Have you thought about who you will face next in the semi-finals? Could be the Sage, Powell, Fabolous.. Could be Ares, could even be Steve."


Jack: ".. Like I said, I don't care. They are just little rocks along the road. Road to DeColt Wrestlefestival, where the two of us will meet."

Jack: "Now, if you'd excuse me.. I have match scheduled next."


Ricky: "Sure. I'll be watching from the back."


Jack: "You do that. And don't forget to shine that title!"


Grade: B



Alex: ".. Is that so. Doesn't matter if we are brothers.. I can't believe what I'm hearing."

Mitch: "Jack DeColt versus Dan DaLay, next!"














Jack DeColt vs. Dan DaLay

Quarter-Final #2


Jack and Dan had a standard brawl where both wrestlers got the same amount of offence. Right near the end Dan rips the padding off of the turnbuckle which backfires eventually as he misses a big flying tackle and crashes straight into the unprotected corner and busts his head open. Jack capitalises by tripping Dan and locking the End Of Days submission hold but Dan doesn't give up as he tries to elbow Jack but to no avail as he has to tap out since there's nowhere to go! The match is over!



Jack DeColt defeated Dan DaLay in 8:03 by submission with the End Of Days.

Winner: Jack DeColt

Grade: C


Alex: ".. Somehow I don't feel that happy right now, even though Jack won."

Mitch: "Well here's something that will surely cheer you up! Moosewatch!"












Clown Powell are shown backstage, just starting their Moosewatch 10 news program. Whippy is down and slighly depressed after losing to Ares earlier in the evening after Aether had interfered.




Whippy: "You know what. I'm not feeling it tonight."




Ryan: "What do you mean?"


Whippy: ".. To be honest.. I never wanted to be a news anchorman.. I never wanted to be a clown.."


Whippy: "I always wanted to be.."























"A Lumberjack!!"



"Leaping from tree to tree as they float down the mighty rivers of British Columbia! The Fir! The Larch! The Redwood! The mighty Scots Pine!"


Huge pop from the cheap mention of British Columbia.


"The plucky little Aspen! The great limping rude tree of Nigeria!"


"The smell of fresh-cut timber! The crash of mighty trees! With my best gal by my side, we'd sing, sing, SING!!"


Ryan: "STOP IT!!"


"That's copyright infrigment you know?"


Whippy: ".. Don't know what you're talking about."

Ryan: "Monty Python?"

Whippy: "Never heard of them."

Ryan: "..."

Ryan: "Alright then. Let's keep ripping off George Carlin shall we?"


Ryan: "Here are the news headlines: 21 killed in 21 gun salute.. Rapist swallows whistle.. The head of the Lost & Found has been reported missing. A tragedy struck a parade today as an open manhole claimed the lives of 200 marchers one at the time."


Whippy: "And here's few riddles for your viewers. If someone with multiple personalities threatens to kill himself, is it considered a hostage situation? Is there another word for synonym? What do you do when you see an endangered animal eating an endangered plant?


Ryan: "Here's one more last thing for all of you to ponder. The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, "you know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done."


Whippy: "We'll see you next week! Have a nice day!"

Ryan: "Next week? But I have a match later on ton-"

Whippy: "Goodbye!"


Grade: C














A video package is shown on the GoldenTron: The highlights being each DeColt brother's best moments trough the years they've been active in CGC, including each man's first World title reigns in the promotion: Alex's in '98, Jack's in '96, Ricky's in '07 and Steve's in '96.

Grade: A














Eddie Chandler vs. Ryan Powell

Quarter-Final #3


In our third QF Ryan Powell started off strong with his highrisk, high paced moves until the Fabolous caught him and started pinpointing his legs. This proved to be the key in disabling Powell's game as after minutes of constant stretching, wrenching and hitting the legs of Powell, Chandler was in total control. Powell connected with a tornado DDT out of nowhere and got a two count, then followed it up by going up to the turnbuckle. This proved to be the nail to the coffin of Powell since it took a long time to get up with his bad legs and Chandler had no problems taking advantage of the situation as he hit a top rope overhead belly to belly suplex and locked the Fabolous Stretch in the middle of the ring. Sadly, Powell had no option but to tap out in 11.09.


Eddie Chandler defeated Ryan Powell in 11:09 by submission with a Fabulous Stretch.

Winner: Eddie Chandler

Grade: B-















Ryan Powell is walking back down the ramp, being helped by the staff, having just suffered a defeat. At the same time, The Sage is making his entrance for the next match. As they pass The Sage taunts Powell about the loss, which he is clearly not happy about. Powell tries to run after him but can't as his legs give up under him which gives Sage more to taunt him about. Powell is seen biting his lip as the staff members escort him to the backstage.


Grade: D+


Mitch: "Poor Ryan.. I feel sorry for him."

Alex: "A great example of what superb submission skills can do to you. I hate to admit it but this new Chandler that we are seeing.. Darn impressive. And scary."


Alex takes a moment of adjusting the neckbrace, feeling uncomfortable seeing Chandler wrestling.















The Sage vs. Steve DeColt

Quarter-Final #4


In our final match of the Gold Rush Quarter-Finals we saw The Sage taking on Steve DeColt. In what was clearly the best match of the night we saw Sage using every trick in the book against the much better wrestler Steve. Whether it was a thumb to the eye, raking the eyes against the ring ropes or other shenanigans, whenever Steve seemed to have all the momentum Sage quickly turned the tables over. The referee Long finally warned Sage about using cheap tactics and when he turned around, Steve hit a big slap across Sage's face and then the match got underway, big time!




Steve hit a snapmare, followed it by a soccer kick, elbow drop, irish whip and a samoan drop! Steve tried another elbow drop, Sage rolled out of the way and locked in the surfboard hold and after a moment of stretching, he nailed Steve with the curb stomp and headed for the turnbuckle, only to crash and burn as Sage missed the Final Divination! Steve hit three german suplexes but got only a two count! Sage goes for a koppou kick, Steve sidesteppes and locks an inverted sleeper! But Sage has his foot under the rope! Steve whips Sage to the ropes, Sage hits a hurricanrana but yet again for only a two count!




Sage grabs Steve by the head and places it under his arm, going for a DDT! Steve counters it with a hammerlock and is now behind Sage, going for the finishing move of his brother Ricky, the DeColt 45! Sage counters it by rolling around and goes for a northern lights suplex! Steve counters it with a gutwrench suplex! Sage counters it in midair, falling behind of Steve and trying to hit an inverted double underhook facebuster but Steve breaks the attempt and hits the DeColt Stampede!











Steve DeColt defeated The Sage in 13:29 by pinfall with the DeColt Stampede.

Winner: Steve DeColt

Grade: B



Alex: "Yes!"

George: "Both of my boys are in the semi-finals!"

Mitch: "Sage got what he deserved! That right there is justice!"















Alex and George come into the ring to celebrate with Steve. The three pose around the ring with Steve in the middle, his hand raised high as the show fades away.


Grade: A*




Mitch: "This is what CGC Title Bout Wrestling is all about, what a match! Join us next week as the Gold Rush tournament continues with our semi-final matches! You don't want to miss next Sunday's edition!


"I'm Mitch Naess saying good fight, good night!"




Overall Grade: B

TV Rating: 0.61







(OOC: Huge writer's block and other stuff aswell. Finally got those cleared! Mainly because of the new layout and that Clown Powell segment. Orange/White image means angles, black means matches. Hope you liked the show and the new layout!)

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<p><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong>OOC</strong></span><span style="text-decoration:underline;">:</span></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:left;"><p>A little more change in the diary layout. Unsatisfied with the default 150x150 and 75x75 pictures I use in the diary I have decided to change the size to 200x150 and 100x75. Mainly because I don't like how those pictures just cut weirdly when there would be a piece of clothing/body part in the image if it would be bigger. You know what I mean, it's just quite hard for me to explain it </p><img alt=":o" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/redface.png.900245280682ef18c5d82399a93c5827.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> Here's previews!<p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>200x150</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/CGC/PPV/Adrian2.jpg</span><span>http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/CGC/PPV/Chance.jpg</span><span>http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/CGC/PPV/Destiny.jpg</span><span>http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/CGC/PPV/Ares.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/CGC/PPV/George.jpg</span><span>http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/CGC/PPV/Jack.jpg</span><span>http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/CGC/PPV/Lee.jpg</span><span>http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/CGC/PPV/Francis.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>100x75</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/CGC/PPV/Lee100.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Using this method the images are lot clearer and a lot more realistic now that the picture doesn't end too soon. Feedback is appreciated as always! <img alt=":cool:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/cool.png.f00d2562b2c1d873a09323753efdb041.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> These are just hard cuts just for you to see what I mean by this. I'll clean up them before publishing them in the diary as they will be <span style="text-decoration:underline;">replace</span> the earlier images straight away.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>


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