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RPW: The Dark Side of Family Entertainment (C-Verse '97)

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RPW - The Dark Side of Family Entertainment: Chapter I

These things always go so much better on T.V.

Monday, Week 3, December 1996


James Heatly: ...And that's my five month plan to bring NYCW into the driver's seat of the East Coast Wars without anyone being the wiser.


And there it was. I'd just laid out my who outline on how I would bring the little promotion that could out from wrestling obscurity into a power house of a promotion. A promotion that would no doubt be able to become the 3rd most influential promotion in the nation within half of a calendar year. All that was left was to get congratulated for a job well done and accept my new position of head booker for New York City Wrestling.


The Stomper: That has got to be the stupidest thing I've ever heard.


Or not.


The Stomper: There is no way we could make Ernest Mason into a major title contender. And that whole Fallen thing is so bad I don't think AMW would run it.


Corporal Doom: And pushing Jack Bruce? That runt isn't going to get anywhere in this business with that two cent head of his, brother.


His two cent head? Jack Bruce is one of the brightest workers in the business today. Of course hitting on Doom's 16 year old daughter probably wasn't the brightest of ideas in the world. Especially considering that Stomper and Doom are butt bodies, I mean "best friends."


Though I have to give some credit to Bruce. He's been able to keep the secret of him popping Doom's little baby's "cherry" from the Corporal, even though about half of East Coast wrestling scene knows about. Hmm, I wonder if I could leverage that secret for the booking position? Nah, Doom's probably the type to kill the messenger.


James Heatly: Soooo, I guess I'm not going to be getting the job then?


Total Silence, awesome...


James Heatly: I'll just show myself the door. I hope you both rot in hell.


The Stomper: What was that?


How the hell did that old geezer hear that!? Does he have bat ears or something! Think fast Heatly.


James Heatly: I said I hope it's not hot in Hell. Hell, Michigan, you know where I live. You see there was a heat wave there before I left and I was kind of hoping it would snow in time for Christmas.


Corporal Doom: Aren't you one of dem' atheists?


Damn, here I thought a wrestler's memory started to go around his age.


James Heatly: Err, close. I'm an agnostic actually, but I was raised Catholic and I have nothing against the exchanging of gifts.


The Stomper: Right. Merry Christmas then.


James Heatly: Merry Christmas to you too.


God that was a close one.

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RPW - The Dark Side of Family Entertainment: Chapter II

Reaping what you sow

Monday, Week 3, December 1996


After narrowly avoiding getting beaten down by two men that wouldn't know a good idea if it hit them in the head, I decided to book it out of that hell hole known as The Ministry (I really don't think you guys get the creep factor of setting up shop in an old, abandoned church). As I'm about exit the building, a weasel of a man come up to me.


???: Heh, that was some pretty good talking you did there. You know those two have beaten up people for less.


Marv Earnest, how am I not surprised. This man has got to be one of the sneakiest people I've ever had the displeasure to meet. Sure now everyone thinks he's a good apple, but in the next ten years I'm sure his true colors of being a giant pain in the ass are going to come out in all its glory.


Marv Earnest: You know those ideas of yours were pretty good. Stomper might not see it, but I do.


James Heatly: Uh, thanks. I think. Hey wait, How did you know about my ideas?


Marv Earnest: That's not important. What is important is that I have some good news. I know a guy who could use a someone like you. His name is Preston Holt and runs a promotion called Rapid Pro Wrestling.


James Heatly: The kiddie promotion down south? I don't know.


Marv Earnest: Trust me. I can get you an interview with Holt with just one phone call. And the best part is that they are running a show on New Year's Day right here in the New York! You don't even have to travel all the way down the Carolinas.


James Heatly: Well I guess it couldn't hurt.




Flash forward to Monday, Week 1, January 2009


James Heatly: ...And that's my plan to bring RPW into the driver's seat of the East Coast Wars. A plan that no one will be able to do anything about.


Complete silence, just great. Wait till I get my hands on that runt Earnest. I'm going to kill him. Wait, Preston looks like he's about to say something...


Preston Holt: I like it. You're hired! Now we already have tonight's event booked, so just enjoy yourself. I'll get Harrison to save you one of the seats in the front row, right next to the announce table.


He liked it!? He actually liked it! Of course he liked it, I'm the man! I'm the booker. I make all the decision and have the responsibility of the company, the workers, and their fans... Wait a minute. What the hell did I just agree to?

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RPW - The Dark Side of Family Entertainment: Chapter III

An Overview of the Cutting Edge

Monday, Week 1, January 1997





Rapid Pro Wrestling are caught in the middle of a four way battle for supremacy on the East Coast of the US. Promoting a cutting edge style featuring a number of innovative Japanese influenced high flyers along with the more traditional brawlers and technicians, RPW promote fast paced, exciting shows full of all sorts of wrestling. They are also the richest of the warring promotions thanks to their mainstream appeal and ability to attract a family audience.


Basic Information

Name: Rapid Pro Wrestling

Initials: RPW

Owner: Preston Holt

Head Booker: James Heatly

Home Region: Mid Atlantic

Prestige: 35%

Money: $100,000



Mid Atlantic: 40%

New England: 25%

Tri-State: 25%

South East: 25%

Great Lakes: 5.1%

Puerto Rico: 5.1%


The Maritimes: 5.1%

Quebec: 5.1%

Ontario: 5.1%

The Prairies: 5.1%



Name: RPW Cutting Edge

Match Ratio: 80%

Match Intensity: 20%

Match Danger: 40%

Women's Wrestling: None

T&A Levels: None

Face/Heel Divide: Strong


Key Feature: Mainstream

Heavy: Modern

Medium: Traditional, Comedy, Lucha Libre

Low: Realism, Hardcore, Daredevil

Very Low: Cult, Risqué

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RPW - The Dark Side of Family Entertainment: Chapter III

An Overview of the Cutting Edge (cont.)

Monday, Week 1, January 1997


Current Champions



RPW World


Steve Flash



RPW Double Act


Cousin Erza & Lance Henderson




Current Roster


Main Event

Alex Braun

Brent Hill

Cousin Ezra

Steve Flash


Upper Midcard

Blue Sky

Dylan Sidle

Pete The Hillbilly

Silver Shark



Canadian Dragon

Donnie J

Jungle Jack

Lance Henderson

UK Dragon

Whippy The Clown


Lower Midcard

Daniel Cano

Inky The Squid Boy

Peregrino Soto



Panda Mask

Snap Dragon


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I have several signs ready for this one. Hell, I even have a custom made T-Shirt campaigning about sacking Cousin Erza. :D


Normally I'd agree but in my '97 game Ezra has remained one of RPW's stars for years and years on end. How, I don't know, but it's worked.

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RPW New Year's Bash

Monday, Week 1, January 1997

859 people at The Ministry



Rock Downpour • Akili Umaga





Dylan Sidle vs. Jungle Jack


Kicking off the new year was "Deadly" Dylan Sidle taking on fan favorite, "Jungle Jack" Marlowe. Jungle Jack's wild offensive strikes were able catch Sidle off guard early in the match. However, using his vast ring knowledge, the young veteran Sidle was able to counter Jack's early advantage by using Marlowe's own size and momentum against him, countering one of Jack's moving into a Bridging Roll Up for the victory.


Result: Dylan Sidle defeated Jungle Jack in 8:10 by pinfall with a Bridging Roll Up.

Rating: D-





Backstage, the giant Cousin Erza is sitting down at a table about to eat what looks to be some sort of creme pie. The moment he puts his fork into the pie, it explodes right in his face. Coming out from behind a doorway, Whippy The Clown laughs hysterically at the Mountain Man's situation (a situation that was no doubt caused by Whippy himself) and high tails it out of the room before Erza can get his revenge. Once Cousin Erza realizes what happened he starts to chase after the wrestling clown only to be stopped by his wrestling manager, Brain McGhee. McGhee tells the big man to save it for his match tonight against Double Dragon.


Rating: E+





Cousin Erza & Lance Henderson © vs. Double Dragon

RPW Double Act Title Match


In a promotion of odd balls, I've got to say that Cousin Erza and Lance Henderson might take the cake for being the oddest pair you could possibly come up with. Cousin Erza is a mountain of a man who's main goal is usually to punish his opponents with his fists. On the other end of the spectrum is Lance Henderson, a pacifist who would rather forfeit a match than throw a punch (grabbing the tights and eyes rakes on the other hand are fair game). As odd as these two are, they seem to work well together and take care of the young team of UK Dragon and Snap Dragon quite easily.


Result:Cousin Ezra and Lance Henderson defeated Double Dragon in 5:46 when Cousin Ezra defeated Snap Dragon by submission with a Sleeper Hold. Lance Henderson and Cousin Ezra make defense number 1 of their RPW Double Act titles.

Rating: E+





Canadian Dragon: In 1812, the United States of America unsuccessfully attempted to invade the greatest nation in the world, Canada. After my victory tonight, I will begin my own personal takeover of Rapid Pro. And unlike the USA, I will not fail in my mission.


Rating: E



Canadian Dragon vs. Donnie J vs. Silver Shark


At the start of the match, Canadian Dragon tried to team up with Donnie J and then Silver Shark to take out the other. Not trusting CD for a second, Donnie J and Silver Shark instead decided to double team Canadian Dragon, taking him out of the match. The two fan favorites had some nice back and forth with some nice chain wrestling before Canadian Dragon recovered and broke it up. The end came when Canadian Dragon threw Donnie J into the turnbuckle and then out of the ring only to be put into the Jaws Of Life by Silver Shark. Without Donnie J to break up the pin, Canadian Dragon was forced to tap out giving Shark the win.


Result: Silver Shark defeated Canadian Dragon and Donnie J in 9:39 when Silver Shark defeated Canadian Dragon by submission with a Jaws Of Life.

Rating: D





Alex Braun: Brent Hill, congratulations. Few men have been able to get under my skin as much as you have. Tonight, it will all be over. You see not only am I going to win tonight's match and go on to face Steve Flash for the RPW World, but I am going to ensure you won't be there to interfere by beating you within an inch of your life.


Rating: C-



Alex Braun vs. Brent Hill

#1 Contender's Match for the RPW World Title


With the storied history of Alex Braun and Brent Hill in RPW, the Rapid Pro faithful expected to see both men tear into each other. Well, those fans were not disappointed as neither man waited for the introductions to begin their battle. Even with the #1 Contendership on the line both men bent the rules during this match, brawling all over the place and throwing each other into whatever was at and around ring side. Knowing the importance of this match Referee Dwight Kumas did his best not to DQ anyone and tried to keep order, but around the 19th minute when Braun and Hill brawled into the back Kumas had no choice to count out both men ending the match in a draw.


Result: Brent Hill drew with Alex Braun in 19:28 following a double countout.

Rating: C





Stetson Hatt: Flash my boy, I've got some bad new for ya. You see with Braun and Hill going to a draw there is a slight problem with the main event next week at Broken Resolution. Cause without a number one contender...


Steve Flash: You are making the match a triple threat with both Braun and Hill facing either Human Arsenal or myself. Correct?


Stetson Hatt: Well, yes…


Steve Flash: Seems fair enough. We can't disappoint the fans by not give them a title match. Well, if you'll excuse me I think it's time for my match. Time to make sure I am still going to be in that triple threat.


Rating: E+




Human Arsenal vs. Steve Flash ©

RPW World Title Match


Coming from CZCW, I don't really think the fans thought Human Arsenal had a real chance of beating the current RPW World champion and the company's biggest fan favorite, Steve Flash. And they were right as Steve Flash retained his title, but you couldn't tell me that at the 20 minute that the majority of the fans thought they might just see a new World champion. Flash and Arsenal were just that good.


Result: Steve Flash defeated Human Arsenal in 21:53 by pinfall with a Flash Bang. Steve Flash makes defense number 1 of his RPW World title.

Rating: C



Overall: C-


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Normally I'd agree but in my '97 game Ezra has remained one of RPW's stars for years and years on end. How, I don't know, but it's worked.


In my PPPW diary game he's been top champ since Steve got so over in Canada he left. That said, It's essentially given me one less rival in the Wars.


Cool show, foolinc, and great to see Arsenal get some love.

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RPW - The Dark Side of Family Entertainment: Chapter IV


Monday, Week 1, January 1997


I slept in after a long night of partying with the boys. Once my hangover wore off (I drowned my fear me via Jack and Coke during and after New Year's Bash 1997), it was time to get spend the little time I had left in the day to conduct my first piece of business:





RPW has come to terms on the release of announcer Marv Earnest as of today, Tuesday, Week 1, January 1997. RPW wishes Marv the best in all his future endeavors.


What? You thought I actually was going to reward Marv Earnest for helping me get the head booking position? Ha! I'm a business man and one of the first rules of business is not to hire or keep people that you can't trust. And after Marv's display of spying during my interview with the Stomper, I know for a fact I can't trust him. For all I know he might be trying and get some of my workers to jump ship to rival promotions right this minute. Well, he could be if I didn't fire him! MUHAHA-*cough* Plus, it didn't help his cause that he doesn't have a role on the roster. Rock Downpour is a better announcer and he's a terrible color commentator.


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RPW - The Dark Side of Family Entertainment: Chapter V

Rules and regulations

Wednesday, Week 1, January 1997


I was sitting in my office, getting some serious solitaire done, when Preston Holt paid me a visit.


Preston Holt: James, what a pleasant surprise! Just the man I've been wanting to see.


James Heatly: Err, yeah. How convenient you would find me in my office. What's going on boss?


Preston Holt: Boss, I like the sound of that. It shows you have respect. I like respect. *pauses for a moment* Anyway, I just come in to give you some "guidelines" that you "should" follow.


James Heatly: Thanks...wait what was with the air quotes on guidelines and should?


Preston Holt: Well by "guidelines" I mean laws set in stone and "should" I mean have to on penalty of termination.


James Heatly: Rrrright. Just let me take a look at them then.


RPW must have risen to Cult (Critical - 2 years)

Makes sense considering I said I would bring RPW to "Cult" status in my pitch.


RPW must not fall below regional (Critical - 2 years)

You know this rule is so stupid that I almost made fun of it to Preston's face. Almost because if I did then he'd probably change it to a "goal" that's actually challenging.


Cannot hire or rehire people with less than a D- in stamina (Average - 1 year)

Cannot hire or rehire people with less than a D- in athletic ability (Average - 14 months)

Cannot hire or rehire people with less than a D- in psychology (Average - 1 year)

So hiring Land Mass is out huh?


James Heatly: These don't look too bad. Is there anything else?


Preston Holt: Actually, yes. What's that trophy over there for?




And the Richard Eisen Memorial Cup bites me in the ass once again. First all my ex-girlfriends and now my boss. Why did I even bring that thing here?


James Heatly: Oh that. Well that's just a trophy my friends and I bought a while back. Every time we get together and do something competitive the winner gets to keep the cup till the next time we get together. I'm not really sure why I brought it in to be honest.


Preston Holt: So what did you win?


James Heatly: Russian Roulette. Needless to say, I'll be keeping this cup for a long time.


Preston Holt: *talking to himself* Hmm, that just might work. *turns back to me* I'll get back to you later.


I'm not sure what's more concerning, that he seemed to buy the BS about Russian Roulette or that he got an idea from it.


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RPW Broken Resolutions

Saturday, Week 1, 1997

Live at The Sweat Box



http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/RPW/resized/AlexBraun_alt.jpg vs. http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/RPW/resized/BrentHill.jpg vs. http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/RPW/resized/SteveFlash.jpg

At RPW New Year's Bash 1997, Braun and Hill's hatred for each other spilled over into a double count out. Since we promised you a title match here at Broken Resolutions, Sheriff Hatt has decided that both men with face Steve Flash in three way dance.




http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/RPW/resized/UltimatePhoenix.jpgvs. http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/RPW/resized/CarlBatch.jpg

New on the scene, "Super Agent" Carl Batch has already been making waves in RPW, even before stepping foot inside a RPW ring (or so I say standing right outside a RPW ring?). Batch has stated he's been able to land a client that is without peer. For his sake, we here a RPW.com hopes he's right because his client is going up against one of RPW's best and brightest, the American Luchador, Blue Sky.




http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/RPW/resized/DanielCano.jpg vs. http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/RPW/resized/InkyTheSquid.jpg vs. http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/RPW/resized/PeregrinoSoto.jpg vs. http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/RPW/resized/TaylerMorton.jpg

After an impressive showings in Coastal Zone Championship Wrestling, Taylor Morton has made his way to the east coast to challenge RPW's finest. In his first match as a RPW wrestler he faces Daniel Cano, Inky The Squid Boy, and Peregrino Soto in a four way dance.




http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/RPW/resized/AlTheHillbilly.jpg vs. http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/RPW/resized/WhippyTheClown.jpg

After getting a pie to the face, Cousin Erza sets to get his revenge on Whippy The Clown as the two face off in a one-on-one contest.



Quick Picks

RPW World: Alex Braun vs. Brent Hill vs. Steve Flash ©

Blue Sky vs. Carl Batch's Client

Cousin Erza vs. Whippy The Clown

Daniel Cano vs. Inky The Squid Boy vs. Peregrino Soto vs. Taylor Morton

Rich Money vs. Panda Mask

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RPW Broken Resolutions

Saturday, Week 1, 1997

747 people at The Sweat Box



Rock Downpour • Akili Umaga






Panda Mask vs. Rich Money


A fun little opener that saw the debut of Rich Money to RPW. The young light heavyweight comes to us from the Big Apple, New York City, and as the potential to be one of the best heels in the business today. While his impressive technical prowess and brawling ability is usually what Rich Money uses to put away his opponents, the arrogant New York showed he fly a little as he put away Panda Mask with a top rope splash he likes to call Dollars From Heaven.


Result: Rich Money defeated Panda Mask in 8:22 by pinfall with a Dollars From Heaven.

Rating: D-

Notes: The announcing quality lifted the match. The color commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down. Panda Mask is improving in Technical skills. Panda Mask is improving in Performance skills.



Rapid Pro Announce Booth


Rock Downpour: And there it is. Rich Money has won his first match here at RPW, one of many to come in the future no doubt for this top notch competitor.

Akili Umaga: It's not that often that you see a man of his size being able to fly like that Rock. But let's not forget the effort that his opponent put up...can we help you?




Floyd Goldworthy: Yes, you can get me a coffee and a muffin top. I take mine with two sugars, no creme.

Rock Downpour: I think what my partner means is "what are you doing here Mr. Goldworthy?"

Floyd Goldworthy: To give this bias announce crew the unbiased opinion of one Floyd Goldworthy that it has been sorely lacking.

Akili Umaga: Don't you work for...

Floyd Goldworthy: Not anymore I don't. Now back to the action!


Rating: D-



Daniel Cano vs. Inky The Squid Boy vs. Peregrino Soto vs. Tayler Morton


When you have a multi-man match with a group of young, unknown talents it tends to be a bit of a spot fest and this match match was no exception. Though that's not to say that the match wasn't enjoyable. The ending of this match was what I like to call the "reverse musical chairs" finish as each man hit is finishers on each other. While being last in musical chairs means you lose, being the last man to hit your finish means to win in wrestling and that's just what newcomer Taylor Morton did on this night as he was able to hit Inky The Squid Boy with a huge Senton from the top rope.


Result: Tayler Morton defeated Daniel Cano, Peregrino Soto and Inky The Squid Boy in 8:23 when Tayler Morton defeated Inky The Squid Boy by pinfall with a Senton Bomb.

Rating: E






Brains McGhee: Whippy The Clown, what you did last week was unbelievable! No one puts on over on me, NO ONE! Tonight Cosuin Erza isn't going to just beat you. He's going to wish you were dead. Let's go big man.


Rating: E-



Cousin Ezra vs. Whippy The Clown


After being on the wrong end of an exploding pastry, Cousin Erza was in no mood for the "fun and games" offense that Whippy likes to employ and went right on the offensive. Unfortunately in his anger, Erza started to telegraph his punches and was unable to land a blow. Well until Erza's tag partner came from the back and tripped Whippy went the referee wasn't looking. After that it was all over for the wrestling clown.


Result: Cousin Ezra defeated Whippy The Clown in 4:39 by pinfall by a Running Butt Avalanche. During the match we also had Lance Henderson run in and distracted Whippy.

Rating: D-



Bonus Video from NYB 1997


Back in the locker, Donnie J is changing into his street clothes after his loss against Silver Shark. Out of no where Canadian Dragon storms into the room and begins to attack Donnie J. As the wrestlers separate the two, Canadian Dragon shouts that Donnie ruined his the beginning of his revolution and that he's going to pay for his actions.


Rating: E+





Batch: Ye-ye-ye-yeah! Carl Batch is the house!

The crowd doesn't really react because most of the people have no idea who he is.


Batch: So that's how it's going to be? You people showing no love to Carl Batch? That's fine, I've grown up with haters all my life. It just makes victory taste that much better as I'm rubbing it in all y'alls' faces. I am the greatest hustl... business man in the world and it's only a matter of time till I gets what mine! And you know why? Because I got the greatest wrestler in the world backing me up. So called Ladies and Gentleman I present you, straight from the the mean streets of Philly...



...Bryan Holmes!


Rating: D



Blue Sky vs. Bryan Holmes


Bryan Holmes' might now have been a little too bland for the RPW's tastes (his No Gimmick Needed gimmick unsurprisingly got a D+). It also didn't help matters much that unlike the rest of the heels in the promotion, Bryan Holmes doesn't actually cheat to win his matches, though he does seem perfectly content to let Batch cheat for him. That said the match itself was great with both men getting their fair share of offense. However, it was Holmes' versatility that was the difference in this match as he was able to use his power to catch Blue Sky off the top rope and then able to use his technical skills to put Blue Sky into a full Nelson before hitting Sky with a brutal Full Nelson Suplex that Holmes like to call Final Impact.


Result: Bryan Holmes defeated Blue Sky in 13:36 by pinfall by a Final Impact.

Rating: D






Brent Hill: Alex Braun, I didn't think it was actually possible to be so native at the ripe age of 35. You actually thought you could dictate when our "little feud" was going to end? It ends only when I say it ends. But why would I ever want it to end when I am getting everything I wanted?


Let's take tonight for explain. You see I wanted tonight's title match to be a triple threat. Some might call it taking the easy way out. But when are as good as me, you can take whatever way you want. And there is nothing anyone can do about it.


Rating: D+




Alex Braun vs. Brent Hill vs. Steve Flash

RPW World Title Match


Tonight was a night full of surprises, but no one them could top what happened in the main event after Brent Hill irish whipped Alex Braun into Dwight Kumas and then kicking Braun over the top rope with a devastating Super Kick. Without a referee, the two top stars of RPW battled until Hill took the advantage with a low blow. Brent Hill continued to take advantage of the situation and probably would have won the match if it wasn't for a masked figure coming out of the crowd. The masked figured charged Flash and Hill trying to take out both of them with a flying tackle, however Flash was able to get out of the way in time, making Hill take the force force of the hooded figure's attack. It was at this time Kumas and Braun were starting to stir. Thinking on his feet, Flash pulled Kumas over to Brent's body and was able to get a three count before Alex Braun was able to break up the count.


As Flash's music played, all eyes where on the hooded figure who was standing near the entrance way. The man removed his hood to reveal...




"The Lone Wolf" Shawn Gonzalez!?


Result: Steve Flash defeated Alex Braun and Brent Hill in 28:05 when Steve Flash defeated Brent Hill by pinfall following botched interference by a Shawn Gonzalez. Steve Flash makes defense number 2 of his RPW World title.

Rating: C-


Overall: D+

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RPW - The Dark Side of Family Entertainment: Chapter VI - Part One

Fear hillbillies bearing gifts

Monday, Week 2, January 1997



After Broken Resolutions I went on to the internet to see if anyone caught the RPW show and what they thought. Ten minutes later I was finally one the the wrestling section of the BlurCat and was surprised at what I saw. The forums were stirring and everyone was talking about one company, Rapid Pro Wrestling. Sure some people were complaining about Nathan Priest being forced into clown make up and getting "jobbed" to that useless hoss, Cousin Erza, but most of the feedback was positive in nature.


Once I finished reading just how good I am, Pete The Hillbilly come in with a large package that I knew had to contain the payoff for the events of Broken Resolutions, The Best Of The East Coast trophy.


Excerpt from Jan 1st, 1997 "Heatly interview"


James Heatly: As I see it there are two easy ways to bring in a large influx of people, an invasion and a tournament. I don't know about you, but personally I'm not a fan of invasion angles . Not that good ones aren't entertaining, but they are a bit played out. Besides we are going to be steal...er bringing in people from rival promotion and I can't buy them banding together, even if they are all are from the Tri-States. That's why I am proposing the creation of "The Best Of The East Coast" tournament. We'll take five of RPW's best and save three spots for a wrestler from each of our three rivals (PPPW, XFW, and DAVE) and they'll fight over three days for the title of Best Of The East Coast.


Imagine my surprise when I see this:




You've got to be kidding me.




James Heatly: Sophie, could you transfer me to Mr. Holt? It's pretty important.

Sophie: Whatever.


Preston Holt: James! How's it going my boy?

James Heatly: Not so good, I just got the trophy...

Preston Holt: Was it broken? If it was I am going to go right down to those morons and give them a piece of my mind.

James Heatly: No, no. It's in one piece. It's just not, umm have do you say, correct.

Preston Holt: Oh yeah, that's right. I forgot to tell you. We decided to go in a different direction with the Best Of The East Coast tournament. Same setup, but we calling it the Richard Eisen Memoorial Cup instead. Great idea you had by the way. It takes a lot of balls to make fun the big cheese.

We? Preston's the only guy above me. What is he talking about we? And did he just say my idea!? Oh Ryland, if this thing blows up I'm going to get all the blame and I'll never work again! I think I'm going to throw up.


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RPW - The Dark Side of Family Entertainment: Chapter VI - Part Two

Making lemonade out of a lemon flavored law suit in the making

Tuesday, Week 2, January 1997




A special announcement from Rapid Pro Management


Please come down to the North Carolina Biker Museum (Thurs, W2), The Skid Row Club (Sat, W3), and the Delaware Auditorium (Sat, W4) as Rapid Pro Wrestling honors the life and memory of one of the greatest promoters in the history of wrestling, Richard Eisen. In respect of this great man, RPW will be having a three day bonaza of family friendly wrestling action. Centered around all this excitement will be the Richard Eisen Memorial Cup. This tournament will feature eight of the best wrestlers in the world fighting it out for the prestigous REM Cup. And while it's not a guarenttee, you'd have to think that this tournament is going to have major World title implictations as well.


Here is a run down of the eight men entered into the first annual Richard Eisen Memorial Cup.


Entrant #1



Name: Alex Braun

Theme Music:

Signature Move(s): Braun Damage (Reverse Enzuigiri)

Title History: RPW World, King Of The Indys Trophy ('94), CZCW SoCal Championship (x3)


Bio: "Ice Man" Alex Braun is a veteran competitor who has a well-deserved reputation for being a dependable worker. He first came to people's attention with SWF in the 1980s, where he worked as Ace Freeze and spent most of his time putting over other workers. He has since become a success as part of the East Coast Wars with RPW where he has been allowed to showcase his high flying skills as he wishes to do so while also competing for CZCW on the west coast. In recent months it has become known to many that he has started dating Catherine Quine, with many people openly surprised about this due to the age difference between the two.


Entrant #2



Name: Blue Sky

Theme Music: "From Out Of Nowhere" by Faith No More

Afflication: Team Lucha

Signature Move(s): Phoenix Firebird Splash (Corkscrew 450° splash)

Title History: None


Bio: Blue Sky is a youngster who has clearly been influcenced by lucha libre culture, as is evidenced by his mask and costume. He debuted in 1995 and has slowly been growing into a decent worker with RPW, although he has yet to show the kind of spark needed to be a star. Even so, he has a loyal base of followers thanks to his mask and many think that he could one day work in Mexico if he could improve his performances.


Entrant #3



Name: Brent Hill

Theme Music:

Signature Move(s): Complete Package (Seated Inverted Sleeper), King Of The Hill (High Elevation Flying Legdrop)

Title History: RPW World, PPPW Tri-State Championship (x2), CZCW So Cal Championship


Bio: "The Complete Package" Brent Hill is a superb all-rounder, whose incredible versatility means that he can comfortably work any style, at any time. He was a 2 time champion for Philly Power Pro Wrestling, before leaving them for Rapid Pro Wrestling where he has also had a title run. His matches with Steve Flash in RPW have been highly acclaimed by those who have seen them and are said to outshine most matches held by the SWF. Many think he could be a huge star.


Entrant #4



Name: Bryan Holmes

Theme Music: "Zero" by Smashing Pumkins

Afflication: Batch International

Signature Move(s): Cyclone Shock Kick (Dragon Legwhip), Final Impact (Bridging Full Nelson Suplex)

Title History: None


Bio: Bryan Holmes is one of the most versatile, consistent workers around, blessed with the ability to have great matches with just about anyone. He was trained by the Stone family in Canada and their influence is clear as he has an incredible grasp of the basics for such a young man as well as a good all round game. Much like his mentors, Holmes looks set to compete and star in promotions around the world.


Entrant #5



Name: JD Morgan - "Helter Skelter" by The Beatles

Afflication: ???

Signature Move(s): Cross Atlantic Stretch (Arm Trap Crossface)

Title History: DAVE Extreme (x3), MOSC UK Championship (x4)


Bio: Jeff Daniel "JD" Morgan is a veteran worker from the United Kingdom, who moved to the USA in 1992 to be one of DAVE's first regular wrestlers. He has been with them ever since, rising up the card slowly as DAVE have gone from strength to strength. His European style of wrestling may not seem like a natural DAVE fit, which is perhaps why all of his DAVE title runs have been comparatively short and his place in the main event always questionable.


Entrant #6



Name: Shawn Gonzalez

Theme Music: "Freedom" by Rage Against The Machine

Afflication: Himself

Signature Move(s): Latino Crab (Single Leg Boston Crab)

Title History: XFW World (x2)


Bio: "The Lone Wolf" Shawn Gonzalez is a solid all-round wrestler and has seen his career rise rapidly since joining XFW where he is a two time champion. Deeply embroiled in the East Coast war, Gonzalez is one of the driving forces behind the promotion as it has largely been his creative ideas that have saw XFW gain the notoriety it has achieved.


Entrant #7



Name: Silver Shark

Theme Music:

Afflication: Underwater Union

Signature Move(s): Jaws Of Life (Straightjacket Surfboard)

Title History: RPW World, CZCW SoCal Championship, Campeones de Trios OLLIE


Bio:Silver Shark is a good masked high flier, who is extremely good at getting sympathy heat. With a natural comic flair to his work he has no shortage of offers from around the world. A regular on the American East coast and in Mexico, he is also looking to get a chance to shine in Japan too.


Entrant #8



Name: Steve Flash

Theme Music: "Last One Standing" by Mercy Me

Signature Move(s): Flash Bang (Hot Shot)

Title History: RPW World (x3), NOTBPW Tag Team (x2), CGC World Tag Team


Bio: "Remarkable" Steve Flash is a great all-rounder, who has been highly in-demand for virtually his entire career thanks to his ability to make even the least talented opponent look good. He seems to have really come into his own in recent years as he wrestles for both major Canadian promotions and also for RPW in the US, playing a starring role in all the companies. The only thing that seems to be holding him back is a lack of charisma, which may sadly stop him achieving his true potential.


Note: All bios are from Derek_B's fantastic '97 mod, which you all should play at least once.

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RPW - The Dark Side of Family Entertainment: Chapter VI - Part Three

The fateful call

Wednesday, Week 2, January 1997



???: Hello, can I speak to James Heatly?


James Heatly: I'm James Heatly.


???: Ah, yes this is Jerry Eisen. I just wanted to tell you that my father saw your guys little announcement...


Here it comes. We're getting served and the company's going to fold. And I'm going to get the blame because Preston Holt is a douche, blackballed from wrestling, and will end up working at some fast food place for minimum wage! I'm screwed.


Jerry Eisen: ...and he loved it!


Or not! :D


James Heatly: Really? I mean that's great to hear. I thought he'd like it.


Jerry Eisen: Oh yeah. He raved about how you guys took some of the tops guys from your rivals, just like he did in the late 70s, early 80s. He said that calling it the Richard Eisen Memorial Cup was deep.


And here I thought my friends were making fun of Eisen's lack of creative ideas in the mid 90s that caused the East Coast Wars and that Stallings kid opening Hollywierd Grappling Company . Huh. Maybe I should write a book or something.


James Heatly: Glad to hear it. I'll be sure to send some tapes with Alex Braun when he works with you guys in February (Note: Alex Braun just signed a PPA deal with NEW, SWF's child company and is owned by Jerry Eisen).


Jerry Eisen: That would be great. Talk to you later.


Maybe Preston Holt is smarter than I give him credit for. Nah, if he actually thought Eisen would like it, he would have taken all the credit for the REM Cup instead of saying it was my idea.



RPW Richard Eisen Memorial Cup, Day One

Quick Picks


REM Cup Quarter-Finals: JD Morgan vs. Steve Flash

REM Cup Quarter-Finals: Alex Braun vs. Bryan Holmes

REM Cup Quarter-Finals: Blue Sky vs. Shawn Gonzalez

REM Cup Quarter-Finals: Brent Hill vs. Silver Shark

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  • 2 weeks later...

Enjoying the read, but could you do me a small favor? Could you put spaces between your image tags? If you don't the shows explode horizontally and I have to keep scrolling back and forth just to read a single sentence.


REM Cup Quarter-Finals: JD Morgan vs. Steve Flash

REM Cup Quarter-Finals: Alex Braun vs. Bryan Holmes

REM Cup Quarter-Finals: Blue Sky vs. Shawn Gonzalez

REM Cup Quarter-Finals: Brent Hill vs. Silver Shark

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Enjoying the read, but could you do me a small favor? Could you put spaces between your image tags? If you don't the shows explode horizontally and I have to keep scrolling back and forth just to read a single sentence.


REM Cup Quarter-Finals: JD Morgan vs. Steve Flash

REM Cup Quarter-Finals: Alex Braun vs. Bryan Holmes

REM Cup Quarter-Finals: Blue Sky vs. Shawn Gonzalez

REM Cup Quarter-Finals: Brent Hill vs. Silver Shark


Actually, I'm just going to use the smaller pics from now on for previews. Didn't realize it because of the resolution of my computer. Thanks for predicting/bumping the thread. I've been on a anime kick and had a cool idea for a short story, so I've been taking a break from diary writing. However, I am starting to get the diary bug again. Don't know when I'll come back, but I wouldn't be surprised if NEO starts up again real soon and Night One for this diary is up by Monday.

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The images aren't the problem. I like to read diaries at work during my downtime and so I disable all the pictures to keep it a little less obvious that I'm not doing anything important :D


Anyway, when you go through the user CP and disable images, it prints out the URL instead of the image.


When you don't space out the images, the computer just runs one URL right into the next, and that can get to a really really long character string. For whatever reason the forums don't auto wrap long continuous strings of characters, so what it ends up doing is blowing up horizontally, creating a huge horizontal scrolling issue and making actual reading nigh impossible. What I end up doing is copying the entire thread into notepad and just reading it sans formatting, but taht's no fun because I do enjoy the colors and layouts of your diary.

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  • 2 weeks later...


RPW Richard Eisen Memorial Cup, Day One

Thursday, Week 2, January 1997

1,644 people at the North Carolina Biker Museum



Rock Downpour • Akili Umaga • Floyd Goldworthy







Before tonight's festivities kicked off, the fans were treated to a spiffy video featuring all of the competitors for the first ever Richard Eisen Memorial Cup set to "A Fortune In Lies" by Dream Theater (Do you know how hard it is to find footage of Shawn Gonzalez not in an XFW ring?).


Rating: C-



Alex Braun vs. Bryan Holmes

REM Cup Quarter-Finals


After seeing the match these two competitors had, I kind of regretted not trying to milk this tournament for all it was worth and stretch it out to four events rather than three. But that might just be too much wrestling for one month to handle. Anyway, the match itself was an open affair with both men getting their share of offense. But it was Braun's experience that allowed him to stun Holmes with a low drop kick to the knee, a move that set up Braun to finish Bryan off with Braun Damage.


Result: Alex Braun defeated Bryan Holmes in 12:44 by pinfall with a Braun Damage.

Rating: C-



Post Match: Ringside


After the match, Bryan Holmes' manager, Carl Batch, throws a huge fit. The young street hustler gets into the face our fro'd referee, Dwight Kumas, before kicking anything and everything (from the ropes to the guard rails) like an angry child that just was just grounded.


Rating: D-



Hype Video


A hype video plays for Brains McGhee, Cousin Ezra and Lance Henderson showing the power of Cousin Ezra and Lance Henderson's technical skill. At the end of the video the screen goes black and these words appear on the screen:


A Brain Trust has been formed


Rating: E


Blue Sky vs. Shawn Gonzalez

REM Cup Quarter Finals


And two top members of the revamped RPW roster only to not click at all. It begins. :angry: Never the less, Blue and Gonzalez pushed through and put together as best of a match they could. In the beginning Blue Sky took advantage with his hit and run offense, trying to keep away from the more technical Gonzalez. However, Gonzalez was able to capitalize off a missed moonsault from Blue Sky which allowed him to lock in his deadly Latino Crab.


Result: Shawn Gonzalez defeated Blue Sky in 13:30 by submission with a Latino Crab.

Rating: D

(Blue Sky and Shawn Gonzalez just don't click at all)



Post-Match: Ringside


After the match, announcer Rock Downpour comes out from behind the announce table to interview Shawn Gonzalez.


Rock Downpour: Shawn Gonzalez, congratulations on your win tonight over Blue Sky. However, the fans need to know. What happened at Broken Resolutions? We're you paid off by one of the members of the match and if so, who?


Shawn Gonzalez: Let's get one thing straight here Rock, The Lone Wolf is no one's hired gun. I am a man alone, above all you sheeple in the crowd and losers in the back. What I did last month was a message, a message Brent Hill felt loud and clear. It's the same message that Blue Sky felt today, my next opponent will feel next week, and Steve Flash will face whenever I face him for the RPW World championship.


Rating: D+





Stetson Hatt: Stevie my boy, I got some bad news for ya'. You see JD's manager kind of made me an offer I couldn't refuse and in exchange tonight's match will not only be for the right to pass on in the REM Cup, but also for your RPW World title. I'm sorry, but she drives a hard bargin and…


Steve Flash: It's alright Stetson. I'm a fighting champion and will put the title on the line anytime, anywhere against anybody. I just hope what you got in exchange was worst it.


Stetson Hatt: It sure was! Yeeha!


Rating: D-



Brent Hill vs. Silver Shark

REM Cup Quarter Finals


The semi-main event pitted two RPW main stays and two former RPW World champions as Brent Hill faced off the leader of the Underwater Union, Silver Shark. You know it's funny, because of how goofy Silver Shark and his underwater buddies are it's easy to forget just how good of a wrestler he is. Much like the other two qualifying matches, this was also an open contest, a contest that was won by Brent Hill after a beautiful looking King of the Hill.


Result: Brent Hill defeated Silver Shark in 16:19 by pinfall with a King Of The Hill.

Rating: C-





Rich Money: Ah Mr. Flash, just the guy I wanted to talk to. As two men of high moral character and high business sense, I have a proposal for you. You see, do to a grave oversight I seem to left out of the Richard Eisen Memorial Cup. I was wondering if you would kindly offer up your spot in the tournament. Obviously, you would be highly compensated.


Steve Flash: Can't do it. Stetson has already made my match with JD Morgan for the RPW World title and…


Rich Money: A contractual obligation? Say no more. I fully understand. Well then Mr. Flash good luck tonight in your future endeavor.


Steve Flash: Uh, thanks.


Rating: D




JD Morgan vs. Steve Flash ©

REM Cup Quarter Finals

RPW World Title Match


JD Morgan and Steve Flash on it's own would have been a great match, but with the RPW World title now on the line it was just that much more special. Granted the match probably would have been received better if our promotion didn't have so many casual fans, but if it did it wouldn't be Rapid Pro Wrestling would it. Plus I kind of like how those casual fans actually buy stuff instead of purchasing a bootlegged tape from a tape trader. The extra sponsorship money doesn't hurt either. Anyway back to the match. The match went down just as you would think with both men getting their share of offense in the form of wrestling holds. Using his slight experience edge, the champion was able to use Morgan's own momentum against him and gave him a brutal looking Flash Bang in the process.


Result: Steve Flash defeated JD Morgan in 22:07 by pinfall with a Flash Bang. Steve Flash makes defense number 3 of his RPW World title.

Rating: C



Overall: C-

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