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RPW: The Dark Side of Family Entertainment (C-Verse '97)

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3/4 aint' bad, baby.....


I'm starting to get this prediction thing down :D


I was going to make fun of you for over thinking Braun/Holmes, but since you were the only predictor I'll just thank you instead. :D


It's Steve's time, baby!


One of the main reasons for not letting this diary die is that I finally get to use Steve Flash in his prime. Can't wait till I can work his entertainment skills up (same goes for guys like Morton and Morgan).

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I was going to make fun of you for over thinking Braun/Holmes, but since you were the only predictor I'll just thank you instead. :D


I guess the issue is that I'm not thinking in terms of "10 years ago..." and am just thinking about the current '08 data. I would definitely put Bryan over Braun because Braun is so far over the hill.


However, 10 years ago, it's a different story...


Plus Braun does get a lot of sympathy pushes because he was partnered with the tub o'blub Tank Bradley for so long in Dave, practically wearing an anchor around his ankle.

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Richard Eisen Memorial Cup, Day Two Preview


The Richard Eisen Memorial Cup continues with semi-final action. Our first semi-final matchup is none other than Alex Braun vs. Brent Hill. Though the two just met a couple of monthes ago, the match ended in a draw when both men brawled their way to the back. The other semi-final match, and the main event of the evening, with be RPW's World champion taking on "The Lone Wolf" Shawn Gonzalez.


Also on the card will be Canadian Dragon vs. Donnie J. Earlier in the month, these two were involved in a triple threat match that neither man won. Canadian Dragon blames Donnie J for the lost and assaulted him in the locker room area because of it. The laid back Donnie J isn't the kind of guy to pick fights, but after being assaulted, the young high flyer requested a match with CD. And as you can see it was granted.


Quick Picks

REM Cup Semi-Finals: Shawn Gonzalez vs. Steve Flash

REM Cup Semi-Finals: Alex Braun vs. Brent Hill

Bryan Holmes vs. Jungle Jack vs. Whippy The Clown

Canadian Dragon vs. Donnie J

Blue Sky vs. Tayler Morton

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RPW Richard Eisen Memorial Cup, Day Two

Saturday, Week 3, January 1997

534 people at The Skid Row Club



Rock Downpour • Akili Umaga • Floyd Goldworthy






Blue Sky vs. Tayler Morton


A nice little opener between an RPW mainstay in Blue Sky and the promising new comer, Tayler "not spell it Taylor" Morton. Morton is actually the more talented of the two, but it was the two extra years of experienced that allowed the leader of Team Lucha to get the victory (the difference in their popularity also had a little bit to play in the matter ;)).


Result: Blue Sky defeated Tayler Morton in 7:48 by pinfall with a Phoenix Firebird Splash.

Rating: D-






Shawn Gonzalez: Steve Flash, I am a man of my word. I said I was going to send a message last week, and I did. So I want everyone on the roster to listen carefully. I am not a punk, I am not a brawler, and I am definitely not some wacko that needs to hit people with a frying pan or a pitch fork to win matches. I am a wrestler and tonight I am going to out wrestle your best.


Rating: D




Canadian Dragon vs. Donnie J


This match was slightly disappointing due to the lack of chemistry between the two combatants. The match was fairly open, but the real story of the match didn't happen till the very end. After a collision between Canadian Dragon and referee Dwight Kumas, two hooded figures stormed from the back and assaulted Donnie J. When the mud hole was dry, Dragon woke Kumas and pinned Donnie to pick up the victory. As Canadian Dragon was declared the winner, the figures took off their hoods to reveal…




UK Dragon and Snap Dragon in a blue mask!?


Result: Canadian Dragon defeated Donnie J in 5:34 by pinfall. During the match we also saw Snap Dragon turn on Donnie J, and UK Dragon do the same to Donnie J.

Rating: E

(Canadian Dragon and Donnie J just don't click at all)





As the three masked dragons stand victorious over their fallen foe, Canadian Dragon demands the microphone.


Canadian Dragon: Donnie J, congratulations. Two weeks ago I said I was going to start a revolution and tonight you have become it's first victim.


And what a perfect victim you are. You represent EVERYTHING that is wrong with this promotion and this country. You were given the world. And what do you do? You sat back, "relaxed," and wasted away all your opportunities. While we, who were given NOTHING, scrapped and clawed our way to the positions that we are today.


Donnie J, you might be the first victim to fall at the hands of the Commonwealth, this Commonwealth of Dragons, but I guarantee to you that you will not be the last. Eddie, bring that banner down and play my music!




Rating: E-




On location


JD Morgan is working out in a gym. As he works outs with his trainer a female voice can be heard talking on a cellphone (well it is assumed as such since no other voice can be heard).


??? : What do you mean you don't make blue? Like do you want to keep your job?...Do you know who I am!?


The camera pans around a corner to reveal a blonde woman dressed smartly in a pantsuit and a expensive pair of sunglasses.




???: I'm Emma freaking Chase. I'm the manager of the most dangerous Brit in the wrestling biz, and someone you don't want to get on your bad side. Now I'm going to say this one more time. JD Morgan wants blue Swedish Fish. And what JD Morgan wants, JD Morgan gets.


It's about this time when Emma notices the camera


Emma Chase: Get out of here! Don't you see I'm busy? Ugh!


Rating: D-




Bryan Holmes vs. Jungle Jack vs. Whippy The Clown


Fun little triple threat match to entertain the crowd and give a bit more momentum to the relatively new Bryan Holmes. Whippy was as entertaining as ever, but it seems the fans are starting to get tired of Jungle Jack's whole Wild Man persona. Bryan Holmes continues to impress as he put Whippy away with an always brutal looking Final Impact.


Result: Bryan Holmes defeated Jungle Jack and Whippy The Clown in 7:53 when Bryan Holmes defeated Whippy The Clown by pinfall with a Final Impact.

Rating: D-





Brent Hill: Here we are again, Alex Braun vs. Brent Hill. Two weeks ago, we fought to a double count out because I wanted it to happen. Tonight it's going to be a little different. Oh, I'm still going to get what I want but, tonight I'm not going to get under your skin and goad you into losing control. I am just going to straight up beat you till you can't stand.


Rating: D+




Alex Braun vs. Brent Hill

REM Cup Semi-Finals


I don't know if it was because the two just faced each other a couple of weeks ago, but this match just wasn't as good as their previous encounter. Unlike their last encounter, the two started with some chain wrestling. Brent Hill was able to out wrestle Braun (working Braun's leg) and kept control for most of the match. Alex Braun was able to make a comeback, however the damage Hill dealt him in the early going was too much. Braun took too much time climbing to the top rope and Hill was able to cut off and threw Braun down to the mat. With a prone Braun lying back down, all it took was one King Of The Hill and three seconds for Hill to advance to the finals.


Result: Brent Hill defeated Alex Braun in 15:46 by pinfall with a King Of The Hill.

Rating: C-






Rich Money: Mr. Flash, so we meet again. I know you are a busy man, so I'll keep this brief. I want into this tournament and I have more than enough money to compensate you.


Steve Flash: Err, I don’t really know what to say. Your offer sounds interesting, but I was kind of looking forward to facing Shawn Gonzalez for the first time. And…


Rich Money: Say no more. I know how special the first time is and won't want to ruin your special moment.


Steve Flash: http://www.theguba.net/forum/Smileys/GUBA/whoosh.gif

Rating: D




Shawn Gonzalez vs. Steve Flash

REM Cup Semi-Finals


I could watch these two wrestle for hours, though I pretty sure that a good portion of my own fan base might disagree (I will not change the product settings to something closer to NEO, I will not change the product settings to something closer to NEO ;)). Two of the biggest names in this era went toe to toe, fist to fist, hold for hold for almost a half an hour. Shawn Gonzalez isn't exactly known for his fair play, but tonight he showed he wasn't lying and didn't try one dirty or underhanded tactic throughout the match (though I'm not sure our younger fans got that). However, as the match went on Steve Flash's experience in longer matches and overall better conditioning allowed him to capitalize on a couple of mistakes by the younger Gonzalez netting him the win.


Result: Steve Flash defeated Shawn Gonzalez in 27:19 by pinfall with a Flash Bang.

Rating: C-



Overall: D+

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Richard Eisen Memorial Cup, Day Three Preview


The Richard Eisen Memorial Cup comes to an end and isn't fitting that the last two men standing are the current and former RPW World champions, Steve Flash and Brent Hill. Both men have gone through some of the best in the world to get to this point and there is no doubt that both men will be giving it all to win the prestigious" REM Cup.


Also in action are RPW mainstays Alex Braun and Blue Sky. These two will being team up to face Bryan Holmes and Shawn Gonzalez, two new comers to the RPW wrestling scene. We will also see a #1 Contender's match for the RPW Double Act titles. Taking part with be the Underwater Enforcers, Silver Shark and Inky The Squid Boy, and the Commonwealth Dragon, Scottish Dragon and UK Dragon (formerly known as Double Dragon).


Quick Picks

REMC Finals: Brent Hill vs. Steve Flash

Alex Braun & Blue Sky vs. Bryan Holmes & Shawn Gonzalez

JD Morgan vs. Peregrino Soto

Dylan Sidle vs. Pete The Hillbilly

# 1 Contenders: Commonwealth Dragons http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/RPW/cdragonslogoicon.png vs. Underwater Enforcers

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As I am working on the next write up here is some eye candy in the form of faction logos to tide you guys over.


Team Lucha



Underwater Union



The Brain Trust


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RPW Richard Eisen Memorial Cup, Day Three

Saturday, Week 4, January 1997

964 people at the Delaware Auditorium



Rock Downpour • Akili Umaga • Floyd Goldworthy








Brent Hill: I love it when a plan comes together. Steve Flash, tonight we might be fighting in a memorial tournament for a guy that isn't actually dead, but at the end of the day we are still fighting. And that's all that matters. Steve, tonight I am going to win. And after I win, I am going to take that win and leverage it into a title shot. Enjoy your time as champion, because when I take back my title you are never getting your grubby hands on it again.


Rating: D+



JD Morgan vs. Peregrino Soto


Coming off a loss against Steve Flash on night one (not to mention not being on card on night two), JD Morgan was in no mood to mess around with Peregrino Soto. Though that isn't to say he didn't take his time putting away the young luchador. Morgan tortured Soto for eight minutes before finally letting the young man submit to the Cross Atlantic Stretch.


Result: JD Morgan defeated Peregrino Soto in 8:07 by submission with a Cross Atlantic Stretch.

Rating: E+

(JD Morgan and Peregrino Soto don't seem to click)





Steve Flash: Brent Hill, I may not agree with the circumstances that we are meeting, but right now that doesn't matter. All that is going to matter when we lock up in that ring is who coming out of the ring the victor. May the best man win.


Rating: D-



Dylan Sidle vs. Pete The Hillbilly


You know, I'm really not that mad usually when I see two workers go out and there and just not have any chemistry with each other. It happens. But, I'm pretty sure these two have locked up in singles actions before, which means that Preston Holt knew that these two weren't going to click at all. Why would be do this to me? Who knows. Oh yeah, Dylan won after he slammed Pete's head into the metal part of the ring post.


Result: Dylan Sidle defeated Pete The Hillbilly in 5:59 by pinfall.

Rating: E

(Dylan Sidle and Pete The Hillbilly just don't click at all)





Silver Shark: UK Dragon and Snap, I mean Scottish, Dragon, I don't know what's happened to you guys over this past month. And I guess I'm never going to understand. But what I do understand is that our match is going to be a number one contender's match for the RPW Double Act titles.


Inky The Squid Boy: *Blub* *Blub*


Silver Shark: That's right Inky, you tell them!


Inky The Squid Boy: *Blub* *Blub* *Blub*!


Silver Shark: Whoa there Inky. Don't you know there are kids watching? For shame, for shame.


Silver Shark walks off, presumably for his upcoming match, leaving a stunned Inky.


Inky The Squid Boy: *Blub*?


Rating: D-



Commonwealth Dragons vs. Underwater Enforcers


Ah, now this is what I am talking about. This match represents everything RPW stands for, a bunch of young hungry workers giving everything they had to entertain the fans. On one side are Scottish Dragon and UK Dragon of the newly formed faction, The Commonwealth of Dragons. These once friendly masked super juniors have now joined Canadian Dragon's crusade against Rapid Pro and look to start on their path by beating two of RPW's biggest fan favorites, the Underwater Enforcers. The Enforcers make up 2/3 of the ever popular Underwater Union faction (with Panda Mask making up the rest of the faction as the "Official Ambassador of the Land Legion") and would no doubt like to get their hands on the RPW Double Act titles. Well in the end they got their wish as Silver Shark was able lock UK Dragon in the Jaws Of Life while Inky kept Scottish Dragon at bay with a well time ink mist to the eyes.



Result: Underwater Enforcers defeated Commonwealth Dragons in 6:48 when Silver Shark defeated UK Dragon by submission with a Jaws Of Life.

Rating: D-





Taken from the security camera (hence no sound), we see Shawn Gonzalez, Bryan Holmes, and Holmes' manager Carl Batch getting ready for their tag match against Alex Braun and Blue Sky. Ever his lively self, Carl Batch seems to be trying to rally the troops, however something he says seems to upset Gonzalez. A pissed off Lone Wolf gets into the face of Batch before the level headed Bryan Holmes breaks it up. At this point Gonzalez storms out of the locker room area leaving Holmes and his manager to prepare by themselves.


Rating: D




Alex Braun & Blue Sky vs. Bryan Holmes & Shawn Gonzalez


The fallout from Homles and Gonzalez's pre-match argument was evident from the beginning with Shawn Gonzalez "tagging" his partner in with a stiff chop. Not to be intimidated, Bryan Holmes shot back with a chop of his own. While you would think this action of mutual disrespect would give a large advantage to the team of Alex Braun and Blue Sky, it seemed to do quite the opposite as Gonzalez and Holmes kept trying to "one up" the each other in the amount of damage they could do to Blue Sky as they cut him off from his partner. However, the young leader of Team Lucha wasn't about to give up. Blue Sky made a last ditch effort and pulled the front of Bryan Holmes' tights to give him the momentum to get to his own corner. As Blue Sky made the tag Alex Braun was like a house of fire as he entered the ring. Or he would have been if it weren't for the fact that Shawn Gonzalez and Bryan Holmes were now brawling with each other. You see when Blue Sky grabbed Holmes' tights he sent Bryan into an unaware Shawn Gonzalez. Thinking Bryans hit him on purpose, the Lone Wolf decided enough was enough and turned on his tag partner. As the two battled on the floor, Alex Braun took the opportunity and launched himself from the ring and on two his unexpecting opponents. Not to be out done, Blue Sky took to the sky and hit a moonsault on all three men from the top rope. However, instead of hitting Holmes or Gonzalez the masked American landed right on top of his partner. Alex Braun took exception to this and related with a brutal punch to the side of Blue Sky's head. With the in-fighting from both teams, Dwight Kumas had no choice but to call the match.


Result: Alex Braun and Blue Sky drew with Bryan Holmes and Shawn Gonzalez in 14:05 after the referee lost all control.

Rating: D





Rich Money: Ah, Mr. Flash. Glad to catch you before you went out for your match. Now I know you have decline my offers for the past two times, but I think I know the problem with my salesmanship and I am going to correct it this time. You see while I am very rich, I haven't been in promotion and such have no track record. This is why this time I had come prepared with your compensation in hand. Mr. Flash, if you would be so kind to take a look? I would like complete our transaction quickly to give me time to prepare for my match with Brent Hill.


The champion obliges Rich and opens the briefcase, though it's clear from the look on his face that no matter what's in the case Flash isn't going to take the deal. When he opens the case, this is what he sees.




Steve Flash: This is Monopoly money.


Rich Money: Ah, your Canadian humor never ceases to amaze me. No, no, this is clearly Canadian currency. You can tell by the colors. The colors!


Steve Flash: Please leave. I have a match to prepare for.


Rich Money: Whatever you say champ. Break a leg.


Rating: D




Brent Hill vs. Steve Flash

REM Cup Finals


And now the match we've all been waiting for. Brent Hill and Steve Flash have battled countless times in their tenures in Rapid Pro Wrestling, but this time it was for the first ever Richard Eisen Memorial Cup. The match started with a good deal of chain wrestling as each man tried to gain the first advantage. This took a while, much to the delight of the crowd, due to the overall talent of each worker as well as their experience of wrestling each other of the past couple of years. Of course someone had to get the advantage sooner or later and this time it happened to be Brent Hill after he took a shortcut and raked the eyes of Flash before putting him in a headlock. Even though he got the advantage, you could tell Hill ego took a hit because he had to use an underhanded tactic by the look of his face.


As good as the beginning of the match was, what really got the fans in an uproar happened at it's end after a collision sent both Steve Flash and Brent Hill into Dwight Kumas which resulted in Flash and Hill crashed to the mat and Dwight Kumas getting flipped over the top rope and to the floor. It was at this point that a very irate Rich Money made his presence felt. The arrogant Money stormed into the ring and viciously assault the down Flash with the same briefcase that he tried to buy Flash's tournament spot. After the damage was done, Rich Money rolled outside "woke" up Dwight Kumas while a semi-groggy Brent Hill crawls on to Flash. Three seconds later and it was all over and Brent Hill was announced the first ever Richard Eisen Memorial Cup champion, but more importantly Brent Hill had beat Steve Flash in singles competition for the first time since July of 1996.


Result: Brent Hill defeated Steve Flash in 29:52 by pinfall after Rich Money interfered. Brent Hill wins the RPW REM Cup title.

Rating: C


Overall: D+

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RPW - The Dark Side of Family Entertainment: Chapter VII - Part One

Reviewing January 1997

Monday, Week 1, February 1997



RPW Monthly Report

January 1997

Written by: Sophie


RPW News


New Signings: Floyd Goldworthy (announcer), Carl Batch (manager), JD Morgan (heel), Shawn Gonzalez (heel), Tayler Morton (heel), Bryan Holmes (heel), Rich Money (heel), and Emma Chase (slut)


Name Changes: Scottish Dragon (Snap Dragon)


Alignment Changes: UK Dragon (heel) and Scottish Dragon (heel)


Other News: Alex Braun signs with NEW on a PPA deal and Samoan Warrior signs with AAA on a PPA deal. Our name is now more known in the Great Lakes region (rated a E- in popularity on the Ryland scale).


Financial Overview (Jan '97)

Cash: 125,252

Performance: 25,252



Ticket Sales: 57,912

Sponsors: 45,987

Merchandise: 12,367

Misc: 958



Workers: 60,644

Show Costs: 19,500

Marketing: 5,000

Merchandise: 4,328

Production: 1,000

Misc: 1,000




World News


Major Signings: HGC (Tom Gilmore), CZCW (Brent Hill, Freddie Datsun, Chris Morrisette, Richard Coleman, Black Eagle, and Pablo Rodriguez), SWF (Vengeance and Eric Tyler), XFW (Troy Tornado, Monty Walker, Joel Kovach, Jack Bruce, The Hype, and Flex), DAVE (Morpheus)


Title Changes: AAA Tag Team (Glorious Power [Wanda Fish & Suzue Katayama] over Victoria Stone & April Appleseed), AMW World Heavyweight (Big Smack Scott over The Rev), AMW World Tag Team (The Breakers [smokey Joe & Whisky Jack] over Ernie Turner & Rodger Dodger), 4C Tag Team (Death From Above [Keita Fukao & Nathan Black]), HGC Cruiserweight (Dark EAGLE), HGC Hardcore (Dusty Streets), HGC International (Paul Steadyfast), HGC World Heavyweight (BLZ Bubb), HGC World Tag Team (The Untouchables [Robert Oxford & Paul Steadyfast), New England Tag Team (Murder Inc. [Dirty Frank & Henry Lee] over Ernie Turner & Rodger Dodger)


Regional Battles: Great Lakes: 1st (RPW, NYCW, DAVE, XFW, PPPW, AMW), Mid Atlantic: 1st (RPW, NYCW, DAVE, XFW, PPPW, AMW), New England: 1st (RPW, NYCW, DAVE, XFW, NEW, PPPW), South East: 1st (RPW, DAVE, XFW, PPPW), Tri-State: 1st (RPW, NYCW, DAVE, XFW, PPPW, AMW), Puerto Rico: 1st (RPW, DAVE, XFW, PPPW)


Other News: Pistol Pete Hall returns to wrestling (though still injured) and NEW rises to Small (goes down right back down to local after the regional battles)


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RPW - The Dark Side of Family Entertainment: Chapter VII - Part Two

A confrontation of galactic proportions

Monday, Week 1, February 1997


After reading the monthly report, I was fairly content. Everything was going great: finances, the ratings, everything. Nothing could ruin this day, at least that's what I thought.


Sophie: Umm James, there is a problem in the locker room. The wrestlers are all like arguing. It's totally getting ugly down there.


James Heatly: I'm on my way.


With so many egos on the roster it was only a matter of time till something happened. Well I guess if someone's got to return things to order it's going to be me. Time to kick some major wrestler butt!


**Minutes later in the locker room all the wrestlers are arguing over something**


James Heatly: Quiet everyone, what's going on?


Scottish Dragon: Well we were trying to decide which movie to watch on the Rapidtron over there. I wanted to put in Star Wars: A New Hope, but these morons want to see Empire Strikes Back.


Panda Mask: How are we morons? That movie is awesome!


Donnie J: Yeah, you're the morons.


Lance Henderson: New Hope!


Rich Money: Empire!


Inky The Squid Boy: New Hope!


Jungle Jack: Empire!


You've got to be freaking kidding me...


James Heatly: Err, why don't you watch both? It's not like any of you have anything to do tomorrow.


A silence goes over the crowd of wrestler till...


Wrestlers: Yeah!


Canadian Dragon: Why don't we add Return of the Jedi and watch them all?


Wrestlers: Trilogy! Trilogy! Trilogy!


You know I'm happy this wasn't something serious, but a part of me kind of wishes it was. This is freaking embarrassing.


Lance Henderson: I'll make the popcorn. What do you guys want on it?


Snap Dragon: Plain butter sounds good to me.


Panda Mask: Butter? Screw that. Carmel Corn all the way!


Tayler Morton: Butter!


Blue Sky: Carmel!


Jungle Jack: Butter!


James Heatly: *face palm*



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That last argument was possibly the best backstage argument ever! lol.


Oh, and the best line thus far is this one:


James Heatly: Sophie, could you transfer me to Mr. Holt? It's pretty important.


Sophie: Whatever.


I have no idea why but I cracked up when I read that. I'm gonna try and follow this one. Keep up the good work!:D

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That last argument was possibly the best backstage argument ever! lol.


Oh, and the best line thus far is this one:


James Heatly: Sophie, could you transfer me to Mr. Holt? It's pretty important.


Sophie: Whatever.


I have no idea why but I cracked up when I read that. I'm gonna try and follow this one. Keep up the good work!:D


Thanks for the kind words. The "argument" was something I've been meaning to write for a while now as I've always wanted to write a backstage argument. The "problem" with this is that I always have harmonious backstage environments or better. With the kind of dairy this is I thought it was time to write up the "lame argument." Glad to see that the idea wasn't just something I thought would be hilarious.

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RPW - The Dark Side of Family Entertainment: Chapter VII - Part Three

Better Know A Faction: 1st Edition

RPWrestling.com Special Report


Commonwealth Dragons





Canadian Dragon




Canadian Dragon, Scottish Dragon, UK Dragon



When looking at the members of the Commonwealth Dragons you might think that they are a funny loving group that the fans would love. Well that is anything but the truth. While, their colorful masks might give off that perception, the Dragons are no nonsense group who in their words are "taking back what is rightfully theirs from the lazy and ungrateful Americans." Lead by the arrogant Canadian Dragon, the group is backed up by the high flying Scottish Dragon (formerly known by RPW fans as Snap Dragon) and the polite, yet condescending UK Dragon. With all three members in their early 20s the sky seems to be the limit for this dangerous trio.


Underwater Union





Silver Shark




Inky the Squid Boy, Panda Mask, Silver Shark



The Underwater Union might look like your stereotypical fun loving "babyface" faction. And unlike the Commonwealth Dragons, they pretty much are. Silver Shark, Inky the Squid Boy, and the "Official Ambassador of the Land League" Panda Mask are three fun loving guys that like nothing more than to entertain the fans with their antics. However, don't let their happy-go-lucky personas and sometimes goofy promos fool you because in the ring these three are no joke. Panda Mask is without a doubt on of the best young North American prospects in the world of wrestling with Inky not being that far behind. And Silver Shark? Well the 26 year old masked man is one of the few men ever to hold the precious RPW World title, which only makes him one of the most dangerous men in the promotion.


Team Lucha





Blue Sky




Blue Sky, Daniel Cano, Peregrino Soto



Since 1994 one of the factors that have separated RPW from it's fellow East Coast companies has been it's inclusion of more aerial based wrestlers such as super juniors, cruiserweights, and luchadors. Another RPW quirk has been groups of wrestlers banning together for one reason or another. What do you get when you combine these two qualities? Team Lucha. Since their creation in the first couple months of RPW's creation and no matter who was in the group at the time, Team Lucha has been about one thing, promoting and protecting the sport and spirit of lucha libre. Their current line up is a nice blend of old and new styles as lucha inspired cruiserweights Peregrino Soto and Blue Sky (their young leader) is joined by the more traditional luchador "The Silver Warrior" Daniel Cano.


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RPW - The Dark Side of Family Entertainment: Chapter VII - Part Four

Internationally Bound Preview

Monday, Week 1, February 1997


It seems like Stetson Hatt's (our Sheriff of Fun) love of money has put RPW World champion, Steve Flash, in another sticky situation. With his vast wealth, Carl Batch has acquired not one, but two world title shots this month. The first title shot will take place on the first Friday of February, at an event we are calling Internationally Bound, while the second will be in a triple threat match on the second Friday of February at an event called Internationally Known. This means that if his client were to win the title at Internationally Bound, Batch International members would make up two thirds of the match at Internationally Known! Rumor has it that neither shot will be given to Bryan Holmes, which means that Carl Batch most likely has signed two new contracts. When asked about this rumor, he said that the Batch INTERNATIONAL was not a joke.


Silver Shark and Inky the Squid Boy, The Underwater Enforcers, will be facing off against the RPW Double Act champions, Cousin Erza and Lance Henderson, for those very titles at Internationally Bound. Both teams are coming off of impressive wins against the Commonwealth Dragons (though they were still known as Double Dragon when The Brain Trust faced off against the duo at New Year's Bash) and look to use the momentum against each other in what will no doubt be a monumental battle for tag team dominance.


Also on the card, Alex Braun, Brent Hill, and Bryan Holmes face off in a high profile triple threat match that will most likely have a major impact on the RPW World title scene, Dylan Sidle takes on the Land Ambassador, Panda Mask, and leaders collide as Team Lucha's Blue Sky takes on Canadian Dragon of the Commonwealth Dragons to open the show.


Quick Picks

RPW World: *Batch International Member* vs. Steve Flash ©

Alex Braun vs. Brent Hill vs. Bryan Holmes

RPW Double Act: The Brain Trust © http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/RPW/braintrustlogoicon.png vs. Underwater Enforcers http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/RPW/uuionlogoicon.png

Dylan Sidle vs. Panda Mask http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/RPW/uuionlogoicon.png

Blue Sky http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/RPW/teamluchlogoicon.png vs. Canadian Dragon http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/RPW/cdragonslogoicon.png

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RPW Internationally Bound

Friday, Week 1, February 1997

1,984 people at the North Carolina Biker Museum



Rock Downpour • Akili Umaga • Floyd Goldworthy






Blue Sky vs. Canadian Dragon


In a match that will probably be the first of many, Blue Sky, the young leader of Team Lucha, took on the newly formed Commonwealth Dragons' founder Canadian Dragon. Unlike our last event's opener which was more or less a glorified squash, tonight's first match of the night an open contest that saw both competitors getting in a good deal of offense. In the end, it was Canadian Dragon's arrogance and general unpleasant personally that did him in. After hitting a huge tornado DDT, C. Dragon took time out to showboat and argue with one of our fine fans. This gave Blue Sky more than enough time to recover and make a comeback that resulted with a Phoenix Firebird Splash and a victory for Blue Sky.


Result: Blue Sky defeated Canadian Dragon in 9:53 by pinfall with a Phoenix Firebird Splash.

Rating: E+

(Blue Sky and Canadian Dragon have great chemistry)





Brent Hill: After three grueling matches in just as many days, I look at this trophy and realize that it means absolutely nothing.


Brent Hill throws down the REM Cup to the ground, breaking it in two.


Brent Hill: That cup represents everything that is wrong with this promotion. It's a joke! I am a professional wrestler, not some clown that does tricks for your amusement!


Hill takes a couple of breaths to cool himself down.


Brent Hill: But as big of a joke that tournament was, one good thing did come from it. At the end of the day, I beat the current RPW World champion in the middle of the ring, 1-2-3. That makes me the rightful number one contender to the title. Not Alex Braun, not Shawn Gonzalez, not Bryan Holmes, and definitely not whoever Carl Batch has acquired a title shot to tonight. Steve Flash, or whoever is the RPW World champion, I'll see you in March.


Rating: D+





The Brain Trust vs. Underwater Enforcers

RPW Double Act Title Match


The first real Double Act title defense of the of the new year (sorry but before their heel turn, Double Dragon were nothing more than jobbers), the Underwater Enforcers took it to the champions with their high flying hit and run tactics. The duo of Silver Shark and Inky looked like they were about to become the new champions when Brains McGhee made his presence known. Thanks to the mouth of McGhee, referee Kumas attention was diverted when Canadian Dragon(!?) made his way down to the ring and attacked an unexpecting Silver Shark who was waiting for the tag on the apron. With a downed Shark, it was only a matter of time before The Brain Trust were able to put away Inky and keep their titles for another day.


Result: The Brain Trust defeated Underwater Enforcers in 5:33 when Lance Henderson defeated Inky The Squid Boy by pinfall. During the match we also had Canadian Dragon run in and attack Silver Shark. The Brain Trust make defense number 2 of their RPW Double Act titles.

Rating: E+



Taped after REM Cup Night Three




Rich Money: Mr. Flash, on multiple occasions I offered you a deal that I thought was fair. A deal that would place me into the REM Cup tournament in exchange a large sum of money. I even went out of my way to exchange it into Canadian dollars. And each time you rejected my offer. That was perfectly fine. I'm a business man and know that sometimes you just aren't going to get a deal done. But what wasn't fine was the disrespect that you had to me and my offer. My offer might have not been big enough you to accept, but to call it "Monopoly Money" was uncalled for. So…




Coming in from off-camera, Whippy The Clown interrupts Money's promo by handing him a suitcase that looks identical to the one that Rich Money has been carrying around this past month.


Whippy The Clown: Here.


Rich Money: What's this?


Whippy The Clown: This is your suitcase.


Rich Money: My suitcase? But my suitcase is right here. Explain yourself.


Whippy The Clown: No, that suitcase is mine. You see me and my friends have been running a weekly Monopoly game for years now. And through wear and tear the original box has become damaged. So we pooled our money together and bought something that would be more durable.


Rich Money: That still doesn't answer the question of why is my suitcase is in your possession.


Whippy The Clown: Oh well you see I wanted to buy a Red Pop from the Soda Machine but didn't have the money and since your so wealthy I didn't think taking a dollar would make much of a difference. Imagine my surprise when I found Canadian money in there. Do you know that the pop machine won't take a Looney? By the way I would find a better combination for the suitcase. It only took me five minutes to figure out the...


Rich Money: You stole my suitcase for sodapop!?


After Money's exclamation, his expression changes from that of anger to shock as the full realization of his situation has finally hit him.


Rich Money: Wait, if you had my case with the Canadian currency then I offered Flash…


Whippy The Clown: Monopoly money. Have a nice day! *Honk* *Honk*


Rating: D-




Dylan Sidle vs. Panda Mask


Poor Harrison Hash. All he wants is to be accepted as a legitimate wrestler. However, that isn't going to happen as long as he has that goofy (yet lovable) mask on his head. But without the mask he has little to separate him from other workers . I wonder if he was thinking on a way to fix this problem when Dylan Sidle using his vast wrestling knowledge to pin him with a his signature bridging roll up.


Result: Dylan Sidle defeated Panda Mask in 7:42 by pinfall Bridging Roll Up.

Rating: E+



Post Match


After the match, Brain McGhee and his Brain Trust come from the back and congratulate Sidle on his victory. Brains McGhee tells Dylan that he's been looking for a singles wrestler and an in-ring leader for his Brain Trust and believes that Dylan is the perfect man for the job. It looks like Dylan is going to respond to McGhee's request, but McGhee cuts him off and says that this decision is very important and he advises Sidle to take a week to think about the offer.


Rating: E-





Alex Braun vs. Brent Hill vs. Bryan Holmes


Alex Braun and Bryan Holmes are both veterans of the squared circle and really don't need much to motivate them for their matches. This said, it's probably not the best idea to call them out in a promo right before facing them in a match that you can't get disqualified in. And while neither of Brent Hill's opponents decided to take advantage of this rule (or I guess that should be lack of rules) both of them ganged up on the self proclaimed number one contender, taking him out of the match early. Alex and Bryan battled for the rest of the match, going move for move, hold for hold. The stalemate ended, in well, a stalemate as both Braun and Holmes both went for a high crossbody and collided with each other. With Alex and Bryan both down in the ring, the formerly downed Brent Hill rushed into the ring, up to the top turnbuckle, and hit the King of the Hill on Bryan Holmes (who was closer to Brent at the time) to "steal the match" as Rock Downpour would say.


Result: Brent Hill defeated Alex Braun and Bryan Holmes in 16:05 when Brent Hill defeated Bryan Holmes by pinfall with a King Of The Hill.

Rating: C-





Carl Batch: I bet y'all thought I was some sort of joke when I entered Rapid Pro. That I was just some "negro" with a big mouth. Well, look at me now. With my wealth I have not only acquired the brightest product from the Stones' Mystery Wrestling Club, but also two, count them, two World title shots for my clients.


Steve Flash, I've got to give it to ya. You're a good wrestler. No, you are a great wrestler. But, Steve I've scoured the world, searched high and low, and found the man that is going to end your title reign. A man that is a two time Campeonatos de Trios OLLIE and a two time Campeon de Universal OLLIE. He hails from La Guarida del Ladrón and is the original Mexican Gangster. That man is.......El Bandito!




Rating: E+




El Bandito vs. Steve Flash

RPW World Title Match


For those of you who aren't familiar with Carl Batch's second client, El Bandito, here's a little bit of background on the masked man from Mexico. Born in Tijuana, Mexico, El Bandito is one of Mexico's biggest stars and has held OLLIE's top title (Campeon de Universal OLLIE) on two occasions (this is in conflict with the TEW's default data where Bandito actually held SOTBPW's titles as well as MPWF but hasn't won a thing in OLLIE). Despite being a huge rudo in Mexico, El Bandito actually isn't a luchador. The 27 year old's style would actually be considered more of an all-a-rounder or a "regular worker" if you are going by the Ryland rating system. Regular worker, cruiserweight, luchador, it really doesn't matter what label you put on El Bandito because anyway you say it, El Bandito is highly talented and a man to be feared.


Back to the match itself. The early goings of the match saw both men try and feel each other out while also trying to avoid getting into a situation where they would be susceptible to each other's signature moves, Steve Flash's Flash Bang and El Bandito's Hijack Suplex (Northern Lights Suplex). Eventually Bandito was able to take advantage of his ring position and took control of the match with a well placed eye rake when the referee was talking with Bandito's manager, Carl Batch. The rest of the match had Steve Flash attempting to regain the advantage. The champion used just about every type of move in the book from chain wrestling counters, speedy high impact moves, and even some good old fashion brawling. However thanks to Carl Batch, El Bandito was able to keep the advantage with some less than clean tactics.


When it all but looked like it was over for RPW's favorite Canadian, Flash was able to take advantage of Batch's overconfidence. After instructing El Bandito to Irish Whip Flash into the ropes, Carl Batch turned his back to the ring and attempted to pull off one of the most basic manager moves in the business, the no look trip. Unfortunately for Batch, Flash reversed the whip and Batch ended up tripping Bandito! With Bandito feeling the effects of the trip, Flash had enough time to pick up and drop the masked Meixcan's neck on the top rope, picking up the victory in the process.


Result: Steve Flash defeated El Bandito in 27:53 by pinfall with a Flash Bang. Steve Flash makes defense number 4 of his RPW World title.

Rating: C-


Overall: D+

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RPW - The Dark Side of Family Entertainment: Chapter VII - Part Five

Internationally Known Special Update #1

Saturday, Week 1, February 1997



He's been traveling far

Without a home

But not without a star



Only want to be free

He huddles close

Hanging on to a dream


On a boat or on a plane

He's coming to RPW

Never looking back again

He's coming to RPW




Freddie Datsun joins Rapid Pro Wrestling!

Catch him and many more at

RPW Internationally Known

Friday, Week 2, February 1997

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