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CZCW: Treading Water

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"Mister ... Anderson."


Cliff gave me a sideways look. In it was a potluck of emotions, from annoyance to disbelief to amusement.


"Come on, Cliff, you not a Matrix fan?"


"I wish you would just focus on the road..."


The rain was coming down a bit, but I was used to New England blizzards, so it didn't phase me. Cliff seemed phased, however.


"Relax, besides, we're here."


"Thank God..."


Here, was a small banquet hall that Cliff and I had rented out. A lot of the Zoners would be spending the holidays with loved ones, or other companies, so CZCW upper managment decided to hold the party early. I opened the door and scanned the hall.


"Hey! What's going on?!?"


Big smiles filled the room, as a few veterans came over and patted me on the shoulder. A change of plans was what was going on. There was not a single Christmas or Chaunikka decoration up, not even a tree. Instead, everything was light blue and white, colors of the zone. Along the wall were some beautiful full color pictures of past Zone shows. I couldn't help but smile along with the rest of the guys, especially when Fox Mask did the "Fox Howl" (even funnier sans mask) and bolted for the cake.


I looked up at the banner hanging above the cake.


"Nikk, Welcome to the Coastal Zone"


((much respect to infinitywpi))

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Oh man, Tuesday morning was a disaster. All I kept thinking was "How could I feel so bad in the morning, it was a dry party?". Of course I would then remember Mr. Skye swinging from a banner and accidentally landing on me, then Matt trying to carry me to a chair and dropping me.


So, yeah, there was some icing going on Tuesday morning. Alas, small muscle aches don't get you out of your first booking meeting as head booker. I took the time I was spending healing to reflect on how I got here.


I used to be in the financial area, banking and numbers and what not. It was more boring than it sounds. One weekend, while on a business trip in Los Angeles I noticed a poster. To this day I can see it in my mind: Join the exciting world of Pro Wrestling! Be a CZCW Ring Boy! Meet Fox Mask! Ect, and so on. Now in my mid 30s I was no "boy", but I had nothing to do that night, so I figured why not, better than hitting the strip clubs.


Turns out it was the best move I ever made. I was hired immediately after that night. Sure I took a massive pay cut, but at least now my life felt worth living. Just recently Cliff decided to scale back his responsibilities, and named me the Head Booker, effective Mo.1.Jan.2008.


I gingerly took the ice off my hips. It was a gentle reminder that I lacked the athleticism to ever go in the ring. With a slight hobble I walked through the light rain to my car and started it. I had a meeting to be to.

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"Alright, Cliff," I let the moment hang dramatically as I reached into my briefcase. "I have here, the plans for CZCW Revolution 2008!"


Cliff smirked a little. He knew I was over doing it, but it was my first show, per se. He shifted into serious mode quick.


"and the long term plans?"


I sat there for a good minute. I had no long term plans. I just planned on treading water, I mean just look at the title. Cliff probably wouldn't want to hear that. Time for a little on-the-fly-lying.


"Well, I want to see how the fans react to my interpretations before I make any real plans."


I waited anxiously to see if it worked. Cliff ****ed an eyebrow, but seemed okay with what I said.


"Okay, lets see Rev 2008,"


CZCW Revolution 2008


Jeremiah Moose and Snap Dragon vs. Rich and Famous

Flying Jimmy Foxx vs. Insane Machine for the Coastal Zone Xtreme title in a Ladder Match

Al Coleman vs. Marc Speed

Equipo Mexicano vs. Frankie Perez and Remmy Skye for the Coastal Zone Tag Team titles

#1 Contender Match: Fox Mask vs. Plague

Donnie J vs. James Prudence vs. Masked Cougar for the Coastal Zone Championship title

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Jeremiah Moose and Snap Dragon vs. Rich and Famous

R&F are an actual team.


Flying Jimmy Foxx vs. Insane Machine for the Coastal Zone Xtreme title in a Ladder Match

Tired of seeing FJF with a title.


Al Coleman vs. Marc Speed

I have a thing for submission specialist.


Equipo Mexicano vs. Frankie Perez and Remmy Skye for the Coastal Zone Tag Team titles

Frankie's ground game meshes well with Skye's aerial game. Makes for a great tag team.


#1 Contender Match: Fox Mask vs. Plague

The face of CZCW looks for the title here.


Donnie J vs. James Prudence vs. Masked Cougar for the Coastal Zone Championship title

Toss up for me as I don't know what your plans are yet.


I don't know much about CZCW save for a few regular GDS forum favorites (Fox Mask, Snap Dragon, etc.) so forgive me if I get no more than at least one right. Here's hoping for a long and enjoyable diary!!! :D

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Jeremiah Moose and Snap Dragon vs. Rich and Famous

RF are jobbers.


Flying Jimmy Foxx vs. Insane Machine for the Coastal Zone Xtreme title in a Ladder Match

Insane Machine is so much better than Foxx.


Al Coleman vs. Marc Speed

The same applies to Speed compared to Al.


Equipo Mexicano vs. Frankie Perez and Remmy Skye for the Coastal Zone Tag Team titles

Equipo Mexicano = ???


#1 Contender Match: Fox Mask vs. Plague

Because Donnie is getting the belt from James.


Donnie J vs. James Prudence vs. Masked Cougar for the Coastal Zone Championship title

Why on earth is Masked Cougar in the match? :o Donnie wins the title because James is going to SWF.

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CZCW Revolution 2008


Jeremiah Moose and Snap Dragon vs. Rich and Famous


Flying Jimmy Foxx vs. Insane Machine for the Coastal Zone Xtreme title in a Ladder Match


Al Coleman vs. Marc Speed


Equipo Mexicano vs. Frankie Perez and Remmy Skye for the Coastal Zone Tag Team titles


#1 Contender Match: Fox Mask vs. Plague


Donnie J vs. James Prudence vs. Masked Cougar for the Coastal Zone Championship title

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This was my locker room... well okay, maybe my backstage. I felt like Peyton Manning in the huddle, Micheal Jordan on the hardwood, Tiger Woods approaching the 18th. I was in heaven.


Fox Mask approached me. He looked excited for the upcoming storyline, and we discussed a few things. I bounced some ideas for tag teams to him, some he liked, some he didn't. Fox was as much a mark as a wrestler, and it was great to have someone backstage who I could plan with.


Matt came over and we discussed his angle. CZCW wasn't really known for story telling, but I was going to try to incorporate it. During that time Mikey James ran over, which gave me a great idea. Soon after Ultimate Phoenix jogged over.


"Angel arrived. He'll be down shortly."


I nodded to Phoenix, "Make sure you warm him up, he's in a dark match too."


I looked around at my locker room. Two hours to show time, and I was loving it.


A voice called out to me. Turning around, I saw James Prudence standing behind me.


"Hey, boss, Eisen called..."


((Show's up tommorrow morning))

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Jeremiah Moose and Snap Dragon vs. Rich and Famous

Flying Jimmy Foxx vs. Insane Machine

Al Coleman vs. Marc Speed

Equipo Mexicano vs. Frankie Perez and Remmy Skye

Fox Mask vs. Plague

Donnie J vs. James Prudence vs. Masked Cougar


Hard to judge. Looking forward to your first show.

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Jeremiah Moose and Snap Dragon vs. Rich and Famous


Flying Jimmy Foxx vs. Insane Machine for the Coastal Zone Xtreme title in a Ladder Match


Al Coleman vs. Marc Speed


Equipo Mexicano vs. Frankie Perez and Remmy Skye for the Coastal Zone Tag Team titles


#1 Contender Match: Fox Mask vs. Plague


Donnie J vs. James Prudence vs. Masked Cougar for the Coastal Zone Championship title


Good luck, love reading CZCW.

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CZCW Revolution 2008


The Simmons Center - SELL OUT!


DARK MATCH: Jeremiah Moose and Snap Dragon defeated Rich and Famous - E+


DARK MATCH: Masked Cougar defeated Angel de Mexico and The American Flash - D-


The lights go down, and the spotlights focus on the curtain. Quick thought, why is it called dark matches, if there down in the light while the fans file in. Cliff does his normal job of in ring announcer.


"Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to Coastal Zone Championship Wrestling. This is Revolution 2008! To kick things off, I'd like to welcome the new General Manager here at CZCW... Astil!"


I walk through the curtains, and I must say it is completely different looking at the crowd from a personalities eyes. Or maybe the spotlight on me was making it hard to see. I walked to the ring and shook Cliff's hand. Then I made the big mistake, and took the mic.


It was ... nervewracking to say the least. "H-hello. I am GM Astil. CZCW will be under my control and I'll be making all the matches from here on out."


All in all, a pretty weak opening to the show, and it's all my fault. - E-

The short choppy remix of Mr. Roboto echos out of the sound system. It truely gives a silly, yet slow and menical feel which fits the man. Insane Machine plods forward, something not seen much in CZCW. Some of the crowd starts booing him, still bitter of his recent attack on Cougar.


The sound system changes pace, with the roar of B52's replacing "You're wondering who I am". Flying Jimmy Foxx races to the ring, He jumps up a turnbuckle and holds his hands out as if flying a plane. The crowd chants along with the sound system.




It's a nice touch.


Machine starts the match taking it right to Jimmy. I told them to go all out with hopes that it would get the crowd going early. Driving his foot into Jimmy's chest, he forces Jimmy against the ropes. He starts raining stiff punches on Jimmy, keeping the pace slow. He finishes with a kick to the gut and a DDT. With Jimmy down, Machine springboards off the bottom rope and hits an elbow drop.


Machine gets up and goes for another elbow drop. Jimmy is able to roll out of the way, and slowly get to his feet. Machine tries to punch, but Jimmy blocks and gets a punch in of his own. The two trade punches a bit, until Jimmy decides to go running.


Raising the pace of the match to something he can appreciate, Jimmy starts hitting running move after running move. with Machine stunned, Jimmy moves out of the ring and grabs the single ladder. As he slides it into the ring the crowd goes crazy. Machine intercept the ladder, but Foxx jumps at Machine and hits a cross body. The ladder is pressed between the two men, with Machine underneith. Jimmy gets up and sets up the ladder.


He begins to climb.


...and retrives his belt!


Flying Jimmy Foxx defeated Insane Machine in a Ladder Match to retain the Coastal Zone Xtreme Title - D


As the men bail out of the ring, Marc Speed comes through the curtain, microphone in hand.


"Al Coleman"


The name hangs out there as the fans wonder whats going on.


"Al Coleman. I'm not in CZCW to face Al Coleman. I've proven myself again and again as the best there is. If taken champions to there limits. Yet, Masked Cougar gets a title shot. Masked ... Cougar. So, Al Coleman ... you get to face an angry Marc Speed. You'll know what so many already know ... you have three choices:


Tap, nap or snap ... Speed kills!"


Backstage, I look about the crowd. No one seems into a Marc Speed promo - E-


Al Coleman comes out, annoyed. He plays to the crowd slightly, but seems more focused on shutting Speed up. However once the bell rings, Speed is on Coleman like white on rice. Armdrag takedowns in arm wrenchs into neck kicks. Speed sneers at the crowd in between attacks, really toying with Coleman. In just under five minutes Speed has Coleman utterly and totaly beat, and applies the Cross Armbreaker.


Marc Speed defeated Al Coleman - D-

After the match the theme song of Ultimate Phoenix starts. He is not alone in his approach to the ring, as a newcomer jogs down with him. Cliff introduces him as Angel de Mexico, and the team as Equipo Mexicano.


The remix of turning Japanese starts, and Perez and Skye come out to a large pop. The crowd really is eating out of there hand, so much so that they may be above a midcard run.


Skye and Phoenix start the match. The crowd is split, and decides to just cheer for everyone, as there are four faces in the ring. Skye and Phoenix wail apon each other at such a frentic pace that the crowd can hardly keep up. I even have trouble watching these two go at it.


After about ten minutes of even offense, Skye is able to get a tag. With a fresh Perez in, Ultimate Phoenix starts losing the slight edge he had. As offense is traded, it becomes more apparant the Phoenix needs to tag out. Perez messes up once, and Phoenix dives across the ring to tag Angel.


Angel runs into the ring, full head of steam. Unfortunetly for him, Perez was waiting with a shining wizard. With a swift kick Angel hit the floor, and Perez applied the P-Clutch for a successful submission.


Frankie Perez and Remmy Skye defeated Angel de Mexico and Ultimate Phoenix to retain the Coastal Zone Tag Team Titles

The main screen hums to life with a shot of the set which is to be my "office". I am sitting at the desk, pretending to be doing important paperwork. Matt Sparrow busts in, and stares me down.


"I should be in the triple threat."


I sigh. "Sparrow. Cougar earned it. Cougar deserves it."


Sparrow had a look in his eye that faces should not get and started to walk away.


"Oh, but Sparrow. You can face Mikey James. Start earning it tonight."


Once again, our angles bomb. Slow and steady I suppose. - E-


A generic asian theme starts up as Mikey James jogs to the ring. He is still stretching, as he didn't know he had a match to prepare for. Without his music, Matt Sparrow runs down to the ring and demands the bell be rang.


At the bell, Matt looks to beat down Mikey quickly. However, the young James is resourceful and blocks Sparrow off just before he gets anything big going. With a swift kick, Mikey takes the advantage and starts his martial arts offense. He backs Sparrow into a corner, but Sparrow fight his way out.


Matt takes back control of the match. With a series of moves targeting the head of James, Sparrow wears him down. Finally Sparrow goes for and hits the Birdbrain Buster, and gets the definitive victory.


Matt Sparrow defeated Mikey James- D+


A video is played to hype Fox Mask v. Plague -F+

"With a Fox Howl, he cried more, more, more!"


A techno theme fills the arena as Fox Mask walks down the ramp, high fiving fans and overall being a fan favorite. The music and lighting changes to a more mystereous motif, as Plague comes down. The crowd hisses and boos the man who dares get in the way of Fox Mask and the title.


The action is fast paced and keeps the fans happy. Fox Mask hits a top rope crossbody to take a commanding advantage, but it doesn't last long as Plague beings to kick Fox's hamstrings. After working on Fox's neck a bit, Plague starts his real offense.


Going to the top rope, Plague hts a beautiful dropkick. Fox goes flying backwards, and Plague rushes in to hit mounted punches. While Fox is dazed, Plague runs to the other side of the ring. Fox sits motionless as Plague hits the running boot. Emotionless, he grabs Fox by the mask, but Fox trips Plague by surprise and goes for an inside cradle.






Plague kicks out. Fox continues with his offense, as the crowd slowly start to build. Plague gets in a couple of moves, but it is really Fox's time to shine up until the Fox Hunter and the three count.


Fox Mask defeated Plague - D+

While Fox is celebrating his victory, Matt Sparrow slides in and hits Foxx with a Birdbrain Buster - E-

A roar of a Cougar is heard, and some safari techno starts up. Masked Cougar sprints to the ring, looking happy to be here. He did earn his way into the title shot, with a little help from a James Prudence.


Donnie J comes down the ramp to the Fly Boy theme. He looks all business, or as all business as Donnie J can look. He shakes hands with Cougar in the ring and waits for Prudence.


"You've been waiting for me?"


Hard rock over comes the sound system as the champion pops out to a chorus of boos. He flashes the rock horns and smiles ****ily before jogging to the ring and giving his belt to the ref.


The bell is rung, and Prudence goes right after Donnie. He hits shot after shot on his former partner. He reels back for the "moneymaker punch" but Cougar hits a standing dropkick on James, and begins his assualt on Donnie. James goes to the top ropes, and jumps at Cougar. The hurricanerana attempt is countered into a powerbomb. Both Flyboys look dazed as Masked Cougar stands tall.


There is a bit of hesitation as Cougar decides who to attack. He chooses Donnie, trying to show that he would have won the match last month without Prudences help. Donnie is beaten down beyondfighting back, and Cougar hits a few big moves before turning his attention to Prudence.


However, now Prudence is rested and ready for Cougar. The two exchange blows and look to be on about the same talent level. Prudence looks to be getting the better of it, and puts an exclamation mark on his attack with a running clothesline.


Unfortunetly for James, the fight had given Johnny enough time to shake out the cobwebs. He ran towards James like a bat out of hell and hit an akward spear. He punched like he was in a street fight, not a wrestling match. Still showing a bit of gingerness, he lifted Prudence up and ... got hit with the Cougar Pounce!


Masked Cougar went to lift Donnie up to hit him again, but Prudence flew in with a dropkick. With Cougar down, he hit a groggy Donnie J with a DDT and locked in the Prudencial Pain Plan. cougar tried to break up the hold, but it was too late, Donnie was tapping.


James Prudence defeated Donnie J and Masked Cougar to retain the Coastal Zone Championship title - D+


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Jeremiah Moose and Snap Dragon vs. Rich and Famous

R&F are an actual team.


Flying Jimmy Foxx vs. Insane Machine for the Coastal Zone Xtreme title in a Ladder Match

Tired of seeing FJF with a title.


Al Coleman vs. Marc Speed

I have a thing for submission specialist.


Equipo Mexicano vs. Frankie Perez and Remmy Skye for the Coastal Zone Tag Team titles

Frankie's ground game meshes well with Skye's aerial game. Makes for a great tag team.


#1 Contender Match: Fox Mask vs. Plague

The face of CZCW looks for the title here.


Donnie J vs. James Prudence vs. Masked Cougar for the Coastal Zone Championship title

Toss up for me as I don't know what your plans are yet.


I don't know much about CZCW save for a few regular GDS forum favorites (Fox Mask, Snap Dragon, etc.) so forgive me if I get no more than at least one right. Here's hoping for a long and enjoyable diary!!! :D


Thanls, I hope for a long enjoyable diary/dynasty as well. 3/6. Not Bad, 50%


Jeremiah Moose and Snap Dragon vs. Rich and Famous

RF are jobbers.


Flying Jimmy Foxx vs. Insane Machine for the Coastal Zone Xtreme title in a Ladder Match

Insane Machine is so much better than Foxx.


Al Coleman vs. Marc Speed

The same applies to Speed compared to Al.


Equipo Mexicano vs. Frankie Perez and Remmy Skye for the Coastal Zone Tag Team titles

Equipo Mexicano = ???


#1 Contender Match: Fox Mask vs. Plague

Because Donnie is getting the belt from James.


Donnie J vs. James Prudence vs. Masked Cougar for the Coastal Zone Championship title

Why on earth is Masked Cougar in the match? :o Donnie wins the title because James is going to SWF.

I was trying to not just start storylines, but pretend other storylines were going on as well. Cougar and Donnie had a #1 Contender match in December, and Prudence intefered, causing Cougar to win. Donnie was named as co-#1 conteder due to interference.


3/6 Not bad.


CZCW Revolution 2008


Jeremiah Moose and Snap Dragon vs. Rich and Famous


Flying Jimmy Foxx vs. Insane Machine for the Coastal Zone Xtreme title in a Ladder Match


Al Coleman vs. Marc Speed


Equipo Mexicano vs. Frankie Perez and Remmy Skye for the Coastal Zone Tag Team titles


#1 Contender Match: Fox Mask vs. Plague


Donnie J vs. James Prudence vs. Masked Cougar for the Coastal Zone Championship title


2/6 Must mean I'm not predicatable, which is good.


Jeremiah Moose and Snap Dragon vs. Rich and Famous

Flying Jimmy Foxx vs. Insane Machine

Al Coleman vs. Marc Speed

Equipo Mexicano vs. Frankie Perez and Remmy Skye

Fox Mask vs. Plague

Donnie J vs. James Prudence vs. Masked Cougar


Hard to judge. Looking forward to your first show.


I guess it was hard to judge, but I hope you enjoyed the show. 2/6


Jeremiah Moose and Snap Dragon vs. Rich and Famous


Flying Jimmy Foxx vs. Insane Machine for the Coastal Zone Xtreme title in a Ladder Match


Al Coleman vs. Marc Speed


Equipo Mexicano vs. Frankie Perez and Remmy Skye for the Coastal Zone Tag Team titles


#1 Contender Match: Fox Mask vs. Plague


Donnie J vs. James Prudence vs. Masked Cougar for the Coastal Zone Championship title


Good luck, love reading CZCW.


Wow, our winner. Hope you enjoyed the show. You win a Fox Mask "Fox Yell" talking bobblehead doll.


randomfreeze - 4/6 - 4/6

critical-23 - 3/6 - 3/6

FINisher - 3/6 - 3/6

Smurphy - 2/6 - 2/6

Self - 2/6 - 2/6

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New CZCW GM Astil announced today on his daily blog that in February CZCW will hold an event titled CZCW Draft 2008, along with CZCW Vendetta 2008. At Draft the roster will be seperated into two divisions, each with there own Main Event and Midcard title.


Also announced was an early indication of the Vendetta 2008 card.


CZCW Vendetta 2008


Al Coleman vs. Mikey James

Donnie J and Whippy the Clown vs. The Lords of Wrestling

The Idol Brothers (Brendan and Jake) vs. The Gilbert Brothers (Jesse and Joe)

Flying Jimmy Foxx vs. Masked Cougar in a Ladder Match for the Coastal Zone Xtreme title

James Hernendez vs. Jeremiah Moose

Frankie Perez and Remmy Skye vs. Insane Machine and Marc Speed

Huey Cannonball vs. Ultimate Phoenix


Plus a Coastal Zone Championship match!

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Very nice show. I don't think I'm gonna get Mr. Roboto out of my head for Insane Machine from now on, haha. I love the team of Angel de Mexico and Ultimate Phoenix, are you gonna keep them together or were they just a one time thing? And the Fox Mask bobblehead doll is certainly a collectors item, haha.



Al Coleman vs. Mikey James


Donnie J and Whippy the Clown vs. The Lords of Wrestling


The Idol Brothers (Brendan and Jake) vs. The Gilbert Brothers (Jesse and Joe)


Flying Jimmy Foxx vs. Masked Cougar in a Ladder Match for the Coastal Zone Xtreme title


James Hernendez vs. Jeremiah Moose


Frankie Perez and Remmy Skye vs. Insane Machine and Marc Speed


Huey Cannonball vs. Ultimate Phoenix

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The main reason I said things would be hard to judge is that until you have a look at one show, you have no idea what the booker is going to do. I expect in the few shows time we'll know who's being 'pushed' and your stuff will become FAR more predicatable. Which is good. When people become complacent they're far easier to trick. Then it's Welcome to Swerve City.


Interesting little show. I like the "Speed Kills" motto. Could do with a clearer job of formatting, but there are some good characters on display. I like how you describe their music. I find music helpful in understanding a character, but don't like clicking on YouTube links. Might have to start doing that in my diary.


Al Coleman vs. Mikey James - Battle of losers... I liked Mikey's stretching.

Donnie J and Whippy the Clown vs. The Lords of Wrestling - If God were a wrestler... and a clown... He'd be Whippy.

The Idol Brothers (Brendan and Jake) vs. The Gilbert Brothers (Jesse and Joe) - Pure bias. I never liked those hockey guys.

Flying Jimmy Foxx vs. Masked Cougar in a Ladder Match for the Coastal Zone Xtreme title - Fox beats Cougar. Laws of nature.

James Hernendez vs. Jeremiah Moose

Frankie Perez and Remmy Skye vs. Insane Machine and Marc Speed - Speed Kills!

Huey Cannonball vs. Ultimate Phoenix

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All in all, a pretty weak opening to the show, and it's all my fault.


I still like you though. :D


Al Coleman vs. Mikey James

Donnie J and Whippy the Clown vs. The Lords of Wrestling

The Idol Brothers (Brendan and Jake) vs. The Gilbert Brothers (Jesse and Joe)

Flying Jimmy Foxx vs. Masked Cougar in a Ladder Match for the Coastal Zone Xtreme title

James Hernendez vs. Jeremiah Moose

Frankie Perez and Remmy Skye vs. Insane Machine and Marc Speed

Huey Cannonball vs. Ultimate Phoenix

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"Sit, sit."


I sat down at the table. With me was the thinktank of CZCW Farrah, Fox Mask and Cliff. It was a bit fancier of a booking meeting, with the extra February show and the new ideas.


Cliff opened with some numbers. "We sold out last month, and made ovef 15,000. Not bad, Nikk. Now lets here this grand idea."


I stood up. My previous experience had helped me sell people on things, but those where never my own ideas.


"Well, the overall idea is to have two shows a week, without burning out our fans, our storylines and ourselves. To do this we will split CZCW into two parts, the Coastal Zone and the Combant Zone. Each will showcase CZCW style wrestling, but with different stars."


Farrah raised her hand and I nodded at her. "Will we be hiring more refs and booth workers?"


"No, the only thing being split up is the wrestlers."


All seemed in agreement, so we began to discuss storylines.


((Show to be up late tonight or early tomm.))

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Al Coleman vs. Mikey James

Judging from the first match, I can see a potential Al Coleman vs. Marc Speed feud, but Coleman would need to be built up a little for it. Mikey I guess becomes Mr. Jobman?


Donnie J and Whippy the Clown vs. The Lords of Wrestling

Unless you have Whippy full time and I missed the announcement, I think LoW get a little boost.


The Idol Brothers (Brendan and Jake) vs. The Gilbert Brothers (Jesse and Joe)

Flying Jimmy Foxx vs. Masked Cougar in a Ladder Match for the Coastal Zone Xtreme title

There hasn't been enough buildup for a title change

James Hernendez vs. Jeremiah Moose

In my diary game, Jeremiah was just recently let go. Can't say I blame them :D

Frankie Perez and Remmy Skye vs. Insane Machine and Marc Speed

F-P & Skye are riding a wave to the big leagues

Huey Cannonball vs. Ultimate Phoenix

Ultimate Phoenix FTW!

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Al Coleman vs. Mikey James

Donnie J and Whippy the Clown vs. The Lords of Wrestling

The Idol Brothers (Brendan and Jake) vs. The Gilbert Brothers (Jesse and Joe)

Flying Jimmy Foxx vs. Masked Cougar in a Ladder Match for the Coastal Zone Xtreme title

James Hernendez vs. Jeremiah Moose

Frankie Perez and Remmy Skye vs. Insane Machine and Marc Speed

Huey Cannonball vs. Ultimate Phoenix

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CZCW Vendetta 2008


The Simmons Center - SELL OUT


Mikey James defeated Al Coleman D-


Cliff Anderson: Hello, fans and welcome to the CZCW's second show of 2008, Vendetta!

Farrah Hesketh: Certainly a lot of vendetta's to be settled today, Cliffy.

Cliff: You got that right Farrah. Matt Sparrow attacked Fox Masked at Revolution, and Prudence walked out with the title again, much to the chagrin of Donnie J

Farrah: Donnie will just have to get over it, Prudence retained far and square.

Cliff: True, but you have to admit Donnie still has never gotten his one on one rematch. Also, what was with Matt Sparrow attacking Fox Mask?

Farrah: I have my finger to the pulse, and most around CZCW are saying Matt was just frustrated. He's just too much of a goody goody to actually attack someone out of spite.

Cliff: For our first match tonight ... wait, we're going Coastal Zone Live Feed to the back!


Fox Mask is laying on his stomach bleeding. Several backstage hands are surronding him, asking "who did this?". Fox isn't responding, as an ambulance rolls up, but Mask shakes his head no as the camera fades out...


Watching the crowd as they watch the moniter, I can see they are getting antsy for some action ... E-


Farrah: Oh dear, oh dear...


Cliff is standing in the ring.


Cliff: This match is a tag team match. I have just recieved word that the winners will face James Prudence in a triple threat match tonight...


The high energy music of Donnie J starts pumping as he rushes to the ring. Following behind him is a new face to the CZCW crowd, Whippy the Clown. He high fives some of the crowd. Grabbing a bucket, he feigns throwing it on Farrah, only to turn and toss it at Cliff! The confetti flys and everyone has a big laugh.


The mood changes fast as we go from the Clown Prince to the Lords of Wrestling. Snap Dragon and Plague both walk to the ring, meaning business. Plague's eyes tell a story of redemption, as Snap Dragon looks around the arena at the negative reaction, as if soaking it all in for motevation.


Donnie J and Whippy the Clown vs. the Lords of Wrestling


Snap Dragon and Whippy start off the show. Whippy looks very strong and smart, wearing down the legs of Snap. It's as if the Clown didn't make it through the ropes, and a master technical wrestler took over. In the early going it really looked as if Whippy might get a dominating submission victory, but each time Snap got to the ropes.


Snap started to get some offense in, but even so Whippy was getting shots in. It was as if for every three moves Snap did, Whippy countered one of them. In his corner, Plague slowly began to get heated. He started as he normal is, stoic, but with each near submission or counter he became more animated. When Snap was finally able to escape to the corner and tag Plague, he exploded. Jumping to the top rope, he hit a crossbody so fast Whippy didn't have an aswer for it.


Plague was like a house on fire, like a unleashed wolverine, like a hot tagged babyface. He hit move after move, keeping Whippy down and wearing down the newcomers desire. With Whippy down, Plague went for the pin...






Plague gets up and goes to his corner. He waits for Whippy to get up, and when he does Plague points to Donnie. Whippy is happy to oblige and tags in Donnie.


Donnie leaps in, but his fire isn't there. Instead he seems confused, put off by the gesture of sportsmanship by Plague. Plague however, is quick to rush in, and quickly gains the advantage. Donnie is never able to recover fully, and Plague uses the confusion to dominate. He hits two New Jersey Turnpikes on Donnie before attempting the and getting the pinfall victory.


The Lords of Wrestling defeated Donnie J and Whippy the Clown D+



Cliff: What a big win for Plague and Snap Dragon!

Farrah: You gotta think that with Plague as motivated as he is, he's got a hell of a chance against Prudence.

Cliff: It's just unfortunet the legnths "Platinum" Prudence will go to to avoid his real challangers

Farrah: If it was James, our sure our new commishioner will handle it, until then it's best not to cast blame.

Cliff: True, I suppose. Up next we have two teams of brothers facing off.


We keep the action rolling with the theme of Hockey Night in Canada. It draws a few chuckles from our smarter fans as the Gilbert Brother come out wearing Gretski LA Kings jerseys. Taking them off and handing them to the ringside hand, they revealed a red wrestling singlet that had a maple leaf with a hockey puck in the middle. They snatched back the Jersey's back and started stomping on them, much to the distain of the crowd.


Out comes the Idol brothers, Brendan and Jake. Brendan looks full of energy and spunk, while Jake sneers at the crowd. Brendan takes a second to try to pump up Jake, but Jake looks annoyed.


The Idol Brothers vs. The Gilbert Brothers


Jesse and Jake start in the ring. Brendan is yelling tips to Jake, and as Jake turns to tell him to shut up Jesse nails him with a haymacker. Grabbing Jake's hair, Jesse pulls him in close and starts punching over Jake's head, most of them land on Jake's back. Jake hits a low blow, which doubles over Jesse and leaves Brendan looking horrified.


Jake's advantage doesn't last long, as Jesse and Joe impliment quick tags to wear the arrogant youngester down. Jake manages to escape to his corner, but before he can tag is isolated by Joe. While Joe is attacking him, Brendan's yelling at him for cheating. After a brief beat down, Jake pokes Joe in the eye, and slaps Brendan across the face. Full of rage, Brendan runs in and superkicks Joe. He scores the pinfall, and turns to Jake, who is already running up the ramp. Brendan gives chase as the Idol Brothers are announced the winners.


The Idol Brothers defeated the Gilbert Brothers D-



Cliff: One team showed a good sibling dynamic, and one team showed a terrible one.

Farrah: Right, but there can be only one winner, and that was the Idol Brothers. I can see the difficulties in there family fueling big things for these two.

Cliff: If they don't kill each other first.

Farrah: Right now we have a fight for the CZCW Xtreme title.


Safari techno and a roar of a Cougar signify the coming of a CZCW fan favorite, Masked Cougar. Masked Cougar pops out from behind the curtain and surveys the crowd. With a smile, he sprints to the ring and awaits his second title match in two months.


The crowd goes into full gear as the roar of B52s start up. Jimmy Foxx pops out and holds the Xtreme title high. Smiling at Cougar, he sprints to the ring too, lateraling the title to a ring hand and sliding into the ring. Jumping up on the turnbuckle, he grabs hold of the invisible joysticks.




Flying Jimmy Foxx © vs. Masked Cougar for the Coastal Zone Xtreme title in a Ladder Match


Both men meet in the center as the hands string the belt up high. As the men finish, the competators shake hands, and start going at it. Cougar emerges with the early advantage, but forgoes it to get the ladder early. Instead of getting it in the ring, he sets it up outside the ring, and climbs to the top. As Foxx gets up slowly... slowly... Cougars gets ready...


Cougar leaps for the Cougar Pounce. Foxx leaps ... drop kick! Foxx dropkicked Cougar out of mid air.


Jimmy takes the advantage, as he hits some lefty punches on a dazed Cougar. He slides out to retrive the ladder, as our remix or "Through Fire and Flames" plays over the sound system. The ref and Foxx turn to the curtain, as Marc Speed slips in and hits Cougar with a devisating DDT. He slides out unnoticed as Jimmy sets up the Ladder and climbs to the top, once again retriving the title.


Flyining Jimmy Foxx defeated Masked Cougar to retain the Coastal Zone Xtreme title in a Ladder Match D+



Cliff: What a dispicible act by that jerk Marc Speed!

Farrah: Speed felt as if he was overlooked by Astil, Cliff.

Cliff: Well he certainly won't be overlooked now, he'll get beaten down by Jimmy Foxx at Draft... in a Ladder Match!

Farrah: I'm sure that'll be approved by GM Astil, but why don't you leave the match making to him and call the matches?

Cliff: When someone goes above and beyond like this, it becomes necisarry to step in, I step in.


Standing in the ring are three newcomers to CZCW. The middle one has a microphone.


"Hello, California! My name is James Hernendez, this is Whippy the Clown, and here is Huey Cannonball. We like to call ourselves the Canadain Kill Squad. Now the name may sound a bit ... nefarious, but all we are here to do is prove that we Canadians are great wrestlers."


James begins to sing, with Whippy doing backup and Huey dancing.


"Ohhh Canada! (O Canada baby!) The home of great wrestlers (Like me!)"




(and Huey)




(and Dan Stone)"


James just shakes his head and shooes his group away laughingly as Jeremiah Moose comes out.


Farrah: What ... the ...?


James Hernandez vs. Jeremiah Moose


Once the bell rings, James is all business. After the good, but not great showing Whippy put in to open the show, James would like to impress CZCW upper management. He does so with ease, limiting Moose to little offense and ending things early with an Canadian Aparation.


James Hernandez defeated Jeremiah Moose


Cliff: We go back to the Coastal Zone Live Feed, where Fox Mask is ready to speak.


Fox lets out a Fox Howl, and the crowd respondes with one of there own.


"Do my cubbies want to know who attacked Papa Fox? It wasn't James Prudence."


Farrah: Told you!


"It was Matt Sparrow. Sparrow, I don't know what's up, and why you did it, but lets finish it... in the ring."


Astil walks onto the screen.


"Great idea, Fox Mask. Fox Mask vs. Matt Sparrow, winner fights James Prudence at CZCW Draft 2008 in two weeks! That'll happen ... later tonight!"


Well, my acting skills aren't amazing, and we did tease the crowd with the match being now, and not deliver... all in all not terrible though. E


"Domo, domo, domo, domo!"


Insane's infectious theme song pumps out as he walks to the ring alone. Cliff comments on the lack of team unity, but Farrah counters that Perez and Skye started the same way. Machine looks ready to go and loose as he awaits his opponent.


The speed guitar of Dragonforce signify the coming of Marc Speed. He smirks, evidently remembering his earlier conquest. He high fives Machine in the ring, and climbs through the ropes to wait in his corner.


Turning Japanese remix kicks up and the crowd pops big time. Frankie and Remmy run out, high fiving what seems like all 300 people in the Simmons Center, which annoys the heel group.



Frankie Perez and Remmy Skye © vs. Insane Machine and Marc Speed


Frankie and Machine start in the ring. These two go back and forth with stiff chops and kicks, giving our fans a huge treat. Franike goes for a rising knee, but it is blocked by Machine. Machine turns Perez around and kicks him righ in the back of the head. Luckily Perez falls hand extended, and Remmy is able to reach for the tag.


Remmy's spaz offense is not something Machine is comfortable, but he does not tag out. He tries and tries to overcomes what Remmy can do, but Remmy starts gaining a big advantage. Just when it seems Machine has gotten in a few counters, and may be ready, Skye tags in Perez.


Perez, now rested, is able to feast on the tired Machine. Speed is screaming for a tag, wanting desperatly to get in. Finally Perez lets his guard down long enough for machine to reach for Speed.


Speed takes the offensive quickly, not letting the worn down Perez get any breathing room. He beats Perez down and locks in the Cross Armbreaker. As Frankie struggles he screams:


"Tap, Nap or Snap, Frankie!"


Remmy looks desperate to help, but can't do anything.


Frankie reaches for the ropes...


but can't reach! Speed torques it harder...


Speed is suddenly distracted by the sound of B52s. Jimmy Foxx races through the curtain and blindsides Insane Machine! He looks to attack Speed, but referee Pee-Wee is quick to confront the Xtreme champ. Speed lets go of the hold and starts yelling at Foxx. Frankie looks to use this advantage to tag in a ready Skye, but Speed turns around...


right into a Cougar Pounce! Masked Cougar rolls out of the ring and escapes up the ramp with Jimmy. Pee-Wee turns around to see Frankie tag Remmy!


Remmy Climbs the turnbuckle and hits the Skye Diver on a prone Speed.


Franie Perez and Remmy Skye defeated Insane Machine and Marc Speed to retain the Coastal Zone Tage Team titles. D



Farrah: Not the cleanest of victories by the champs

Cliff: No, but it's Speed's own fault! I hope Sparrow recieves the same treatment.

Farrah: Why, because he attacked one man? What's so different between what Sparrow did and what Cougar did?


O, Canada plays as Huey Cannonball dances his way to the ring. He has a big grin, and shakes hands with ref Pee-Wee before dancing to his corner.


Ultimate Phoenix's theme begins to play, as he jogs to the ring. He shakes hands with young Huey, and looks to the ref to signal the bell.



Huey Cannonball vs. Ultimate Phoenix


This was a basic squash match. Phoenix lit up the young Huey, and although Huey showed a bunch of heart and fight, Phoenix was able to put him away quickly.


Ultimate Phoenix defeated Huey Cannonball D-


Cliff: Not a very good first match for the young Canadian.

Farrah: Or for the Canadian Kill Squad. One for three is not very good.


"With a Fox Howl, he yelled more, more, more!"


Fox mask runs down, a serious look to him. He's ready for Sparrow, and it is evident in every action he takes.


Matt Sparrow walks down to the ring. His usual entrance music is not playing. In fact no entrance music is playing. He walks slowly, not taking his eyes off of Fox. Even as the fan's boo him, his stare remains fixed on his opponent.



Fox Mask vs. Matt Sparrow


Fox Mask and Sparrow don't even wait for the bell. These two just start tearing into each other with a sudden anger. Sparrow seems to be getting the upper hand too, looking just as focused as last month. Fox Mask counters a few attacks, but Sparrow just keeps coming and coming.


After about fifteen minutes of near falls and Sparrow dominating, Mask seems to get a little bit of control. Sparrow seems to be sagging a bit. Fox Mask is able to hit a few good moves to the head, and the crowd is looking for a Fox Hunter. They got it, as Fox hits the move and looks like he got a lot of stress of his back by doing so. Fox goes for the pin.








Fox looks surprised as Sparrow looks reguvenated. Fox keeps the offense going, looking for a second Fox Hunter to keep Sparrow.


As Fox sets up, Sparrow turns around. Quick kick to the gut and Birdbrain Buster. He got that off so fast! He goes for the pin.








Sparrow looks annoyed, and pulls Fox Mask agian. He goes for another Buster but Mask blocks it ... and the bell rings.


We have a time limit draw.


Fox Mask drew with Matt SparrowD+



Cliff: My word! What a match!

Farrah: I thought Matt was such a nice guy! Where's this mean streak coming from!


After Sparrow realizes what happened, he flips, kicking the turnbuckle and shaking the ropes angrily. Fox goes to check on him and gets a Birdbrain Buster for his efforts. E-




James Prudence © vs. Snap Dragon vs. Plague


Even though they fought as a team earlier, Dragon and Plague have no issue fighting each other. The two go right after each other, as Prudence slyly retreats to a corner. Dragon and Plague beat the tar out of each other, and just when it seems Plague is getting an advantage, Prudence strikes. Running strait at the two as they go back and forth with punches, Prudence is able to blindside them with a double clothesline.


Prudence starts attacking Plague first, recognizing him as the bigger threat. Using a systematic method he puts the boots to his fallen foe. As he finishes, he turnes to see Snap Dragon is the process of standing. Prudence solves with a flying shoulder block, which hits Snap in the face and creats a nice "Oh!" moment for the crowd. Prudence goes back to working Plague, starting with a legdrop, and using other basic moves. Snap Dragon recovers quickly, and is able to wrestle the advantage away from Prudence.


Prudence looks for a quick escape and slides out of the ring. Dragon gives chase, and Prudence tries to do the classic heel hide and pop out attack. Dragon anticipates this and blocks the attack. He takes Prudence down with a vicious slam. With Prudence down, Snap Dragon just looks at him for a second, before dragging the body to Cliff and Farrah at the announcers table (A standard table with some cloth around it). Putting James on top, Dragon heads back to the ring. Climbing to the top quickly, he uses the momentum to launch himself, and land on and through James!


In the ring, Plague comes to and rolls out to the carnage. Picking up Snap Dragon, he rolls him into the ring. He doesn't see James stirring. Plague hits a big New Jersey Turnpike on Dragon, leaving him out cold. However, as he stands, James springboards off the top rope and dropkicks Plague! All three men lay on the ground for a while, but eventually Prudence rolls over Snap Dragon and gets the cheap pin.


James Prudence defeated Snap Dragon and Plague to retain the Coastal Zone Championship C





Mikey James defeated Al Coleman - D-

Fox Mask Attacked - E-

The Lords of Wrestling defeated Donnie J and Whippy the Clown - D+

The Idol Brothers defeated The Gilbert Brothers - D-

Flying Jimmy Foxx defeated Masked Cougar to retain the Coastal Zone Xtreme title - D

Introducing ... Canadian Kill Squad! - F

James Hernandez defeated Jeremiah Moose - D

Fox calls out Sparrow - E

Frankie Perez and Remmy Skye and Insane Machine and Marc Speed to retain the Coastal Zone Tag Team titles - D

Ultimate Phoenix defeated Huey Cannonball - D-

Fox Mask drew with Matt Sparrow - D+

Sparrow attacks Fox Mask - E-

James Prudence defeated Plague and Snap Dragon to retain the Coastal Zone Championship title - C

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The main reason I said things would be hard to judge is that until you have a look at one show, you have no idea what the booker is going to do. I expect in the few shows time we'll know who's being 'pushed' and your stuff will become FAR more predicatable. Which is good. When people become complacent they're far easier to trick. Then it's Welcome to Swerve City.


Interesting little show. I like the "Speed Kills" motto. Could do with a clearer job of formatting, but there are some good characters on display. I like how you describe their music. I find music helpful in understanding a character, but don't like clicking on YouTube links. Might have to start doing that in my diary.


Al Coleman vs. Mikey James - Battle of losers... I liked Mikey's stretching.

Donnie J and Whippy the Clown vs. The Lords of Wrestling - If God were a wrestler... and a clown... He'd be Whippy.

The Idol Brothers (Brendan and Jake) vs. The Gilbert Brothers (Jesse and Joe) - Pure bias. I never liked those hockey guys.

Flying Jimmy Foxx vs. Masked Cougar in a Ladder Match for the Coastal Zone Xtreme title - Fox beats Cougar. Laws of nature.

James Hernendez vs. Jeremiah Moose

Frankie Perez and Remmy Skye vs. Insane Machine and Marc Speed - Speed Kills!

Huey Cannonball vs. ultimate Phoenix


5 for 7. Also, I edited the formatting a bit. Hope it's more eye pleasing. I know what you mean about being predictable, and once things start going it should be easy to see what I'm doing with the zone. Draft will be a big first step, with storylines really defining themselves.



I still like you though. :D


Al Coleman vs. Mikey James

Donnie J and Whippy the Clown vs. The Lords of Wrestling

The Idol Brothers (Brendan and Jake) vs. The Gilbert Brothers (Jesse and Joe)

Flying Jimmy Foxx vs. Masked Cougar in a Ladder Match for the Coastal Zone Xtreme title

James Hernendez vs. Jeremiah Moose

Frankie Perez and Remmy Skye vs. Insane Machine and Marc Speed

Huey Cannonball vs. Ultimate Phoenix


4 for 7. Not bad for someone with no Cverse knowledge. I like you too.


Al Coleman vs. Mikey James

Judging from the first match, I can see a potential Al Coleman vs. Marc Speed feud, but Coleman would need to be built up a little for it. Mikey I guess becomes Mr. Jobman?


Donnie J and Whippy the Clown vs. The Lords of Wrestling

Unless you have Whippy full time and I missed the announcement, I think LoW get a little boost.


The Idol Brothers (Brendan and Jake) vs. The Gilbert Brothers (Jesse and Joe)

Flying Jimmy Foxx vs. Masked Cougar in a Ladder Match for the Coastal Zone Xtreme title

There hasn't been enough buildup for a title change

James Hernendez vs. Jeremiah Moose

In my diary game, Jeremiah was just recently let go. Can't say I blame them :D

Frankie Perez and Remmy Skye vs. Insane Machine and Marc Speed

F-P & Skye are riding a wave to the big leagues

Huey Cannonball vs. Ultimate Phoenix

Ultimate Phoenix FTW!


6 for 7. As you said, so close, but the promo was more establishing Speed than making a fued.


Al Coleman vs. Mikey James

Donnie J and Whippy the Clown vs. The Lords of Wrestling

The Idol Brothers (Brendan and Jake) vs. The Gilbert Brothers (Jesse and Joe)

Flying Jimmy Foxx vs. Masked Cougar in a Ladder Match for the Coastal Zone Xtreme title

James Hernendez vs. Jeremiah Moose

Frankie Perez and Remmy Skye vs. Insane Machine and Marc Speed

Huey Cannonball vs. Ultimate Phoenix


5 for 7. Thanks for the predictions.


Interesting note: I meant to have Cougar win the belt here, but messed up the booking notes. Oh well, the storyline turned out better.


Posting from my phone so excuse any errors. I'll edit later and put the updated scores in. This weeks winner is: praguepride, who wins a Donnie J Revolution 2008 "So close" commerative plate.

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Fallout from CZCW Vendetta, some Draftees and a look ahead


Nikk, Southern California ~ Big things are on the way here in little CZCW, with fan favorite "Welcome to the Coastal Zone" approaching fast, all the matches mean more. With Vendetta just days old, we have for you ... a look ahead, to CZCW Draft 2008!


But first, some news. Kiddies, CZCW's seen some big things, but this draft just may be the biggest. Minus the super secret pick, here is the review of the Draft.



CZCW Draft 2008


Coastal - James Prudence

Combat - ???

Combat - Ultimate Phoenix

Coastal - Donnie J

Coastal - Fox Mask

Combat - Insane Machine

Combat - Plague

Coastal - Matt Sparrow




Coastal - Masked Cougar

Combat - Snap Dragon

Combat - Mikey James

Coastal - Remmy Skye

Coastal - Frankie Perez

Combat - James Hernandez

Combat - Whippy the Clown

Coastal - Flying Jimmy Foxx




Coastal - Marc Speed

Combat - Eddie Howard

Combat - D.C. Rayne

Coastal - Brendan Idol

Coastal - Jake Idol

Combat - Joe Gilbert

Combat - Jesse Gilbert

Coastal - Jeremiah Moose




Coastal - Al Coleman

Combat - Jackpot Jordan

Combat - Huey Cannonball

Coastal - The American Flash



Just who is this #1 Pick for the Combat Zone?


Also, GM Astil announced a tournament, to decide the first ever Combant Zone Champion. Here is the bracket:


#1 ???-------------\__Winner-----\
#8 Hernandez-------/              \___Winner-----\
                                 /               \
#4 Plague----------\__Winner-----/                 \
#5 James-----------/                                > Combant Zone Champion
#3 Machine---------\__Winner-----\                /
#6 Dragon----------/              \___Winner-----/
#2 Phoenix---------\__Winner-----/
#7 Rafael Ruiz-----/


A lot of amazing grapplers on that card.


Here is the confirmed card for CZCW Draft 2008


CZCW Draft 2008


Jackpot Jordan vs. Jeremiah Moose

Chess Maniac vs. Marc Speed

#1 ??? vs. #8 James Hernandez

#2 Ultimate Phoenix vs. #7 Rafael Ruiz

#3 Insane Machine vs. #6 Snap Dragon

Flying Jimmy Foxx © vs. Whippy the Clown for the Coastal Zone Xtreme title

Donnie J and Masked Cougar vs. Natural Storm

Frankie Perez and Remmy Skye © vs. The Idol Brothers for the Coastal Zone Tag Team titles

#4 Plague vs. #5 Mikey James

Fox Mask vs. James Prudence © vs. Matt Sparrow for Coastal Zone Championship

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I find the brand split an odd choice for what I assume is a low level company, but what the Hell? It's interesting.


Jackpot Jordan vs. Jeremiah Moose - Shot in the dark

Chess Maniac vs. Marc Speed - Speed Kills!

#1 ??? vs. #8 James Hernandez - All hail the mystery man

#2 Ultimate Phoenix vs. #7 Rafael Ruiz

#3 Insane Machine vs. #6 Snap Dragon

Flying Jimmy Foxx © vs. Whippy the Clown for the Coastal Zone Xtreme title - As pro-Whippy as I am, I expect to be disappointed

Donnie J and Masked Cougar vs. Natural Storm - Main Event Pairing

Frankie Perez and Remmy Skye © vs. The Idol Brothers - Opting for the oft pushed tandem

#4 Plague vs. #5 Mikey James - Plague's out of his league

Fox Mask vs. James Prudence © vs. Matt Sparrow - Hmm. Potential "King of threeways" gimmick?

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I find the brand split an odd choice for what I assume is a low level company, but what the Hell? It's interesting.


Jackpot Jordan vs. Jeremiah Moose - Shot in the dark

Chess Maniac vs. Marc Speed - Speed Kills!

#1 ??? vs. #8 James Hernandez - All hail the mystery man

#2 Ultimate Phoenix vs. #7 Rafael Ruiz

#3 Insane Machine vs. #6 Snap Dragon

Flying Jimmy Foxx © vs. Whippy the Clown for the Coastal Zone Xtreme title - As pro-Whippy as I am, I expect to be disappointed

Donnie J and Masked Cougar vs. Natural Storm - Main Event Pairing

Frankie Perez and Remmy Skye © vs. The Idol Brothers - Opting for the oft pushed tandem

#4 Plague vs. #5 Mikey James - Plague's out of his league

Fox Mask vs. James Prudence © vs. Matt Sparrow - Hmm. Potential "King of threeways" gimmick?


I'll address this now, as I am curious. With Prudence, in the last two triple threat matches I've been trying to portray him as crafty/sneaky. He attacks when not focused on, and allows the others to beat each other apart before attacking himself. I hope that's the message being sent, although being away from writing for a couple years has made me rusty.

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This came across far more in the second one, but it's definitely noticable. He's using the rules of the match to his advantage. Smart yet annoying. Good heel stuff.


My "King of Threeways" comment still stands, even if meant slightly ironically. Plus double entendre's are fun.

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