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NYCW: All Roads...

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I just wanted to go ahead and reveal a few things about this, sadly short-lived diary. Honestly, I think guilt over leaving EWA is what drove me away from NYCW. I do love NYCW, and its usage of ridiculously old guys caught my interest. I know that, sadly, in terms of a diary I'll never, ever have the time do here what I wanted to. Which is a shame... I had big, big, big plans for this company. Huge ones. Ones that I probably don't have the talented to actually pull off. So, I'll tell you the "big stuff" I had planned for it, and maybe someone can take a little inspiration from it and later succeed where I failed. No matter what, I think those who actually took the time to read this diary deserve some answers.




1. A few months in, I planned to have The Mysterious Strangers (name taken from KOTOR, btw) become tag team title contenders against Wiley Coyote. Right as it looked like WC was about to win the final match after a long (and bizarre) feud, Herb Staley would've lept from the announcer's booth and interfered, giving the title victory to The Mysterious Strangers. They would've unmasked, revealing themselves as... well, The Tennessee Outlaws, Blackjack Robbins and Whisky Jack. The little group would've been re-united, ultimately leading to...


2. About a year and a half in (give or take charge of continuing where), the SCCW invasion. Unhappy with how they've been treated, Herb Staley would've taken over where Shane Sneer left off, and the South would've rose again. The somewhat sizeable amount of SCCW superstars already in the company, a few new signings (say, if Jesse Christian decided to finally come back), and likely Travis Century (did I mention I signed him? I totally did.) would've formed the SCCW faction, causing a massive civil war, from which the NYCW we all know and love would likely cease to be.


Because, guesstimating from how I did with EWA already, at this point I'd likely have a TV deal, and if I was lucky even pushing towards Cult. It took me a little less than three years to go from Small to Cult with EWA, figure NYCW has a better home location, more popular workers, and I think even starts slightly more popular. Would've made going Cult pretty easy, comparably. And it's from here the world would watch as...


3. My user character made his prescence known to it, as he took control of the chaotic situation in NYCW. That character? His name was Sonny, Sonny Lambert. Son of Terry Lambert, grandson of Franco Lambert, and the rightful heir to the Lambert throne.


4. And neither side would give in to the other (NYCW vs. SCCW), allowing Sonny to give them, well... an offer they can't refuse. Simply because if they did, they'd be fired. Neither side would get what they want in full, and instead... would be united under the banner of the NEW American Pro Wrestling Federation. As it would turn out, The Stomper (a longtime APWF alumni) set up NYCW ages ago with the possibility in mind that it could be used to bring APWF back, and help his old friends get revenge on SWF for what they've done to wrestling.


5. And that would've been that. The diary would've probably got a new thread as APWF, risen from the ashes, began its aggressive efforts to topple the "evil SWF empire" (though, let's be honest, APWF are the "evil" ones), despite its failure so long ago.


6. Oh, the name was a bit of a vague hint. "All Roads..." "All Roads Lead To Rome"... which is in Italy, much like the origin of that delightful Lambert family.




So, there you go. That was the big plan for this diary, and the big mysteries (that yall got to see begin) of it answered. Typing this out, I still kinda wish I could find a way to bring APWF back. How I've always dreamed of crushing SWF under their heel... Alas, this effort (nor the two I've had in the 1975 mod) was unsuccessful.


Last... I'm not, I repeat, NOT doing one of these for EWA. There's still an outside chance I try to pick up were I left off somehow, and I wouldn't want to ruin that fun.


And, again, thanks to everyone who took the time to read this diary. I know it was weird to briefly leave EWA up in the air while I did this instead, but... as you can see, I had a plan that I wanted to execute.


Instead, I abandoned the diary a few shows in and promptly went back to EWA. My bad.

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