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The Great Southern Breeding Ground

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OOC: Please let me know what you think! I know the picture is an alt that's probably used in some people's games. Sorry if that kills the whole thing for you! :p


Allow me to introduce myself.


I'm Jordan James. I'm 21 and I'm from Australia. This is my story.




It had taken me what seemed like a decade to finally achieve my dream.


And so here I was, sitting at a cheap wooden folding table, a laptop and microphone in front of me, trying to drown out 7 fans with wrestling commentary.


It might as well have been 70,000.




It all started a few years ago, when I graduated high school. I'd grown up watching wrestling tapes I'd ordered from America through magazines - I'd watched classic SWF matches from before I was born and enjoyed them thoroughly - until I ordered a PGHW tape in '98 by accident. The whole show blew me away, and I fell in love with the Japanese Puro style. It looked so much more realistic than SWF's over the top style, and everything was so physically intense! I wanted more, and more and more.


I ordered more and more tapes as I studied business and journalism at university. It was during my final year that APW opened to great fanfare. I went down south once I'd finished my degree to check them out, and was almost disgusted with what I saw - it was SWF Lite. The crowd tore the undercard to bits, only being interested in the main event of Harry Simonson versus Lanny Williams.


It was then that I knew I needed to do something. If this was the best Australian wrestling could offer, then I was going to start my own promotion. One that Australians could be proud of. One that exemplified what Australians want - beer, vegemite, pure unadulterated competition and a little violence. And so began the Great Southern Breeding Ground.



Promotion: Breeding Ground Wrestling

Based: Eastern Australia

Size: Local, 0%

Money: $0

Prestige: 0%

Product: Key Realism and Heavy Modern. 100% Intensity, 40% Danger


I scraped together all my savings, and purchased Adelaide Pro Wrestling's old ring. It was in bad shape, but it'd do. I ordered a belt made from the states, purchased some basic lighting equipment and rigging with a large curtain to be used as my stage and backstage area. I managed to negotiate a little and bought all this with my savings, leaving me with no cash in hand.


All I needed now was workers. I spent a few weeks snooping round on the internet, studying some online indy matches, and decided on my initial roster.


To the main roster, I signed:


Francis Burke,



Adgee Cross,



Jake D'Angelo,



Angus McMiller,



'Whirlwind' Lee Wilkes



Lloyd Banks



It was these six workers that I was going to build my promotion around: Young, in great shape, relatively unknown, and decent (though not particularly spectacular) workers.


To round out the crew, I hired the veteran Jackson Jackson to referee, Jansen Belvedere as my road agent, and myself on commentary duty, book, and in charge of everything else.


I scheduled my first show, BGW Revolution for late February 2008. I managed to nab a couple of sponsors to pay for the show. They were VERY hesitant, but still decided to give me a chance.


I held a meeting backstage prior to the show to meet all the wrestlers. Everyone arrived on time. Good sign. I shook everyone's hands as they all filed in to my small makeshift office backstage.


"Good evening, everyone. I'd like to thank you all personally for making the trip down here. I want you all to give 110% per cent out there, and I want you to kick the sh*t out of each other. This crowd doesnt want to see phantom dropkicks and pulled punches. Go out there, stiff each other, and have some fun doing it. Remember, nothing out there is personal, and I dont want to see anyone get hurt legitimately. I wish you the best of luck out there."


"Remember three things."


"We are not FAKE." *The workers cheer* "We are not a disgrace to wrestling." *cheer* "We are not APW."*And a third cheer. Francis Burke might have cheered a little too loudly.*


"Remember: You are now the brightest stars of a new era in Australian professional wrestling. If anyone needs anything, come and see me."



BGW Revolution 1

Sunday, Feb 28 2008

Marv's Sports Central, Eastern Australia

Attendance: 7




Jake D'Angelo def Lloyd Banks

An okay match for these two unknown youngsters. A very even match with spread out offence. Jake gets the victory after a huge moonsault from the top rope. (F)


Francis Burke def Adgee Cross

A fast paced match between these two. Cross came on strong early on beating Burke from pillar to post with stiff kicks and some impressive flying moves. Cross went for the finish with what looked like a superplex, but Burke countered with some impressive forearms to the jaw, and hit a somersault DDT off the top rope to finish the match. (F+)


'Whirlwind' Lee Wilkes def Angus McMiller in a Ladder Match for the BGW Elite Championship

An awesome match between these two. McMiller debuted a new look, shedding his Tax Man gimmick. He'd shaved his hair, and wore kickpads and long tights in lieu of his normal suit, and grown a goatee. If it weren't for his name, you wouldn't have recognised him. The match started with some HUGE stiff forearms back and forth. Both men went blow to blow for about two minutes, before the action spilled the the outside. Wilkes teased a ladder dive early, but was thrown off the ladder back to the inside.


A number of ladder spots followed, with McMiller taking a nasty shot to the face that split him open hardway. The crowd popped huge for this. The finish came when both men reached the top of the ladder and again traded forearms and stiff kicks. McMiller went for the Penalty Clause, but Wilkes countered it into a HUGE facefirst suplex for the win. Wilkes is now the first ever BGW Elite Champion. (E+)


After the show, I was confronted by Jake D'Angelo.


Hi Jake, great match out there tonight!




There's no need to call me Sir.


Er, Mr. James, after our match tonight, Banks started giving me a lot of sh*t. Saying I wasn't selling and that I was making him look bad. His attitude is REALLY starting to get to me.


You did fine, mate. I'll talk to him for you.


Great. Trouble already. I managed to get a hold of Banks.


I don't know what happened out there, but you cant talk down other workers. If you have a problem with someone, talk to me.


Oh, what a surprise... D'Angelo bitched about me? Maybe if he wasn't so scared to get physical with me because of who I am.


It was no secret that Banks had a preference for other men. I wasn't one to discriminate, of course, but others might have. Jake definately wasn't the type.


I'm sure it's not about that. From what I saw, you both did fine.


Whatever you say, boss.


Backstage problems aside, this was a solid E show, which is a HUGE boost to our popularity, considering how tiny we are. While the attendance was disappointing, the show came off well. I lost money this month, but last month's sponsorship is keeping me afloat. This company is going places, and fast.

Next Show:

BGW Absolution, Sun March 28 2008


Francis Burke vs. Lloyd Banks

Whirlwind Lee Wilkes vs. Jake D'Angelo (BPW Elite Championship Match)

Angus McMiller vs. Adgee Cross


Your predictions are welcome!

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Thanks man. I want to flesh out the other workers a little more, but it occurred to me that the first few months of a zero fed are basically the cheapest wrestlers you can find exhausting all their options vs each other. Hopefully I can make that exciting, lol.
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...Yet the sponsors think I'm too risky to give me more than 2600 a month. I'll post the next show in a few hours.


Maybe it's the Lee Wilkes sponsored cocaine you're selling. I mean really 7 fans, 1000+ merchandise. I did less with CZCW.

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I love Aussie Wrestling in the CVerse. And APW usually has a nice 50/50 shot of suceeding or falling flat. Plus the steady stream of workers that debut, including Maurice Williams, should keep your growth steady with the addition of fighters.


Francis Burke vs. Lloyd Banks

Whirlwind Lee Wilkes vs. Jake D'Angelo (BPW Elite Championship Match)

Angus McMiller vs. Adgee Cross

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