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GDFC: Grey Dog Fighting Championship

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Prologue: History’s Weakest Disciple

January 2070


Chris Itchy slammed on his brakes, bringing his car to a screeching halt. In this day and age, it was unusual to hear the high-pitched frictional force of tires; most people drove battery-powered hover cars. But Chris, along with a small minority, preferred the more traditional mode of transportation involving antiquated gas engines and rubber tires.


“Dad…everything okay?” asked 10-year old Ben.


“Sorry, Ben; spaced out for a moment. How’s your mixed martial arts report coming along?”


“Okay, I guess,” Ben looked up from his electronic reader. “But I can’t find any information on Grandpa Ken.”




“How come there’s nothing about Grandpa Ken?”


“Well,” Chris grasped as he saw the traffic light turn green. “The truth is your Grandpa Ken wasn’t very good.”


“He wasn’t?”


“Sorry buddy,” Chris said as he lightly pressed the accelerator. Floating cars whizzed easily whizzed past him as he spoke. “You know how I tell you how we’re all gifted in some way? Grandpa Ken was not a gifted athlete. In fact, he was a very poor athlete.”


“So he wasn’t a good fighter?”


“Not really. Especially compared to Affonso.”


“Affonso...Affonso Villar?”


“You read about him.”




“Affonso trained at the same dojo as your Grandpa Ken. They hated each other…they REALLY hated each other. Affonso was very talented and worked hard to boot, which was the exact opposite of your Grandpa. I mean, the difference in their ability was like night and day. Affonso was beyond talented. Your Grandpa was…the only thing he had was an incredible reach for a guy his size. The dojo he trained at claimed he had incredibly untapped potential, but…I don’t know. He just wasn’t a very talented fighter.”


“So why did he keep fighting?”


“Well, when I asked him that question growing up, he gave me the same two answers…”


“What were they?”


“He kept fighting because he really hated Affonso. He would describe Affonso as his “greatest rival,” to be perfectly honest. I just don’t think Affonso saw him that way. But you never know.”




“And…oh, the second reason…He said the training, the fighting made him stronger. He always said that before he started his MMA career he didn’t care much about anything. No heart, no desire, no passion. But as he kept fighting and training, those things grew in him. I guess what I’m saying is that he saw something worthwhile in the training and the fighting and even though it was painful as hell, he just kept doing it. Anyway, you should be able to find something about your Grandpa under GDFC, Grey Dog Fighting Championship. Try January 1999; I’m sure you’ll find something.”


A brief silence filled the air, save Ben punching in search terms into his electronic reader, mixed with the ancient purring of the motor. As Ben finally found a picture of his Grandpa from his youth, a final question sprang into Ben’s mind “Did Grandpa win any matches?”


A faint grin appeared on Chris’s face. “That’s for history to decide.”



Ken Itchy

History's Weakest Disciple?


(OOC: Here’s everything you need to know about Ken: he has a 90 reach, 100 potential, is part of a custom kick arse dojo with Affonso, they hate each other, and poor Ken has zeroes in all his other stats. ZEROES! IN ALL HIS OTHER STATS! Let’s see how he does…)

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September 1998

A hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada



Whatever happens in Vegas…





Lance Decker

Rich Guy




Lance Decker couldn’t believe it. Here he was, coming to meet some mysterious stranger in a Las Vegas hotel about some “business opportunity” he didn’t really care about. On the other hand, it was an excuse to get out of his Texas mansion, away from his nagging wife, and visit his favorite Las Vegas showgirl, Honey Golightly. With his belly full of the finest bowl of red that Vegas had to offer, he made his way to the penthouse suite, determined to finish this meeting as quickly as possible. Taking a peek at his watch, he estimated that he had less than an hour to complete this meeting if he wanted to make Honey’s 9:00 show. His imagination drove his mind to wonder what revealing piece of clothing she’d wear tonight. By Gawd…green…or pink…



Honey Golightly, Sin City Babe


Heh, I say green! The anticipation alone prompted him to move quickly. Lance arrived at the penthouse suite with a spring in his step, and gave a few knocks to announce his arrival.


“Come in.” A soft female voice responded, definitely not what he expected. He turned the knob and entered the spacious, luxurious room. It hadn’t changed much since he last stayed there. In any event, his eyes gaped wide open.



Assistant to the stars...allegedly


“Mr. Decker I presume?”


Lance ogled the young woman sitting in front of him, as if he were endowed with x-ray vision. He definitely wasn’t expecting this. If there was one thing that he felt confident about above all else, it was his eye for beauty. Lance finally moved forward and extended a hand, making sure to stand up straight and flex his arm muscles. “By Gawd, I am Lance Decker! By the way, I’m rich!”


“You don’t say.” The young woman smiled back.


“How’s about we go catch a show after this here meeting?”


“What did you have in mind?”


“Honey Golightly’s Babes of Sin City! It has the finest showgirls in all of Vegas. And believe me, I know. Heck, I’ve seen them all.”


“I have no doubt you have.”


Suddenly, a young man entered the room, making his way toward the duo by the desk. Lance sized him up almost immediately. “I be guessin’ this here is your boss.” The young man extended his slender hand.



Jordan Carpe, Broadcast Journalist


“Jordan Carpe. I’m assuming you were asked here too?”


“Hmph. I guess you aren’t the boss. Well, where is your boss little lady? It don’t make no good impression that he be late to his own meeting.”


“Mr. Decker…Jordan, my employer is already here. He’d like to address both of you.”


The assistant’s gentle hands opened up a laptop computer, setting it on the small desk with the screen facing Lance and Jordan. Two miniature speakers were plugged in before the laptop screen suddenly sprang to life with an image intensely staring at the men.



Mittens Blurcat, the envy of lolcats the world over!


A robotic voice emerged from the two speakers. “Greetings gentlemen. I am Mittens Blurcat.”


“What in tarnashin’ is a Mitten Blurcat?” interrupted Lance.


There was a small pause before Jordan stepped forward. “I’ve heard the name, but I always thought it was a myth; an urban legend.”


The robotic voice continued. “I can assure you that I am no urban legend. I am Mittens Blurcat, but you may call me…M. I am speaking to you from an undisclosed location…”


“What in tarnashin’ is this?! Do you know who I am? By gawd, I’m Lance Decker, and I’m richer than you! I didn’t come here to talk to a dang computah!”


“Mr. Decker…Lance…tell me, does your wife know why you do much business in the Netherlands?”


“Whatcha talkin’ about?”


“I’m sure she’d love some video footage of all the time you enjoy spending in the red light district.”


Stunned silence filled the room, broken by Lance gulping uncomfortably. Finally, Jordan spoke up. “M, why are we here?”


“Very well, I shall get to the heart of the matter. Mixed martial arts has recently experienced a surge of explosive growth. A dawning of a new era is at hand, and I would like all of us to be part of that evolution via a business arrangement.”


“Business arrangement? We’re starting a mixed martial arts company?” Lance sneered.


“Precisely; the three of us shall begin a new mixed martial arts promotion here in Las Vegas. There is no other location in the United States that holds MMA in such high regard. However, this venture is not without its difficulties; for a startup company to directly compete with the Global Association of Mixed Martial Arts…


“A global what’d you say?” Lance interrupted once more.


Jordan answered for M. “The Global Association of Mixed Martial Arts; GAMMA for short. They’re the largest MMA promotion in North America, and if I’m not mistaken, we’re on their home turf, right M?”


“That is correct Jordan,” the robotic voice continued. “To compete with GAMMA directly on their home base is not without risk. The only way we can accomplish this is if we all work together.


“Let me guess: I’m fundin’ this little MMA business?” Lance reasoned.


“Correct, Lance, though there is more to your role. You shall serve as the presidential figurehead of the company, while in fact I shall preside over all matters related to fighter management and the booking of events.”


“HMPH!” Lance muttered, annoyed he was talking to a laptop screen. Still, he quickly realized the situation easily favored M. How could he possibly know the true reason of his business trips to the Netherlands didn’t matter. What did matter was that M knew. “Guess I have no choice in the matter.” Thank Gawd I’m rich!


Jordan spoke up. “Okay, that explains Mr. Decker, but what am I doing here? I’m hardly wealthy enough to qualify as an owner of the company in any way.”


“While Lance shall be a key investor in the promotion, you Jordan will be the voice of the company. Your experience as a broadcast journalist shall be key to our success.”


A small smile crept on Jordan’s face. “Sounds like you’re offering me a job, M.”


“Indeed I am. I am confident that there will be no issues securing your services. Since we appear to be in agreement, I’ll have my assistant work out the particulars with you all. Good evening, gentle-“


“Hold on one second! What are we callin’ this dang mixed martial arts company?”


A final brief pause before M answered. “Grey Dog Fighting Championship.”


“Grey Dog? Why Grey Dog?”


But Lance wouldn’t get an answer. The laptop screen went blank, leaving the trio the remainder of the evening to discuss the details of their undiscovered country.





(OOC: Next time, you'll never guess who's coming to GDFC...or will you?)

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The Force Unleashed

November 1998

The Home of Kevin Peter Jefferson



Hmmm…this house looks vaguely familiar somehow…






His throat was dry.



His body trembled.




NO! Kevin sat up, gasping for air, his body covered in sweat. Was it a dream? No, a nightmare; the same nightmare that’s been haunting him for months now; and yet, it all seemed so real. Quitting the Supreme Wrestling Federation, telling Richard Eisen to f*** off, tossing around gorilla midgets like rag dolls! Unbelievable! Kevin looked over at his clock, which read 4:45. Realizing he wouldn’t be able to fall asleep even if he wanted to, he got out of bed and walked down to the kitchen, deep in thought. He filled his blender with skim milk, fruit, protein powder, ice, and blended the contents for half a minute.


Taking his breakfast-filled blender to the living room, Kevin decided to continue watching the latest GAMMA event he had taped. He was only one match away from the main event, and couldn’t wait for the showdown between heavyweights ‘The King of Ground and Pound’ James Foster and champion ‘The Demolition Expert’ Raul Hughes. As the co-main event began, Kevin began wondering about his wrestling career.


Professional wrestling had been good to him. In a little over a year, he had gained a great deal of fame and fortune in the Supreme Wrestling Federation. A lengthy title reign as SWF North American champion was also very gratifying. But he also felt like the creative team had no long-term direction with his character. Practically every match he had was against either Black Hat Bailey or Phillip “Enforcer” Roberts. Every single idea he pitched to SWF owner Richard Eisen was rejected immediately. Eisen even promised a second North American title reign, but he felt like the belt was being offered to shut him up more than anything else. He wasn’t afraid to admit that the monotony of his wrestling career was making him feel jaded about the business as a whole. The thought of leaving was more than appealing, but he wasn’t sure what he could do. A return to professional bodybuilding was a definite possibility, but he wanted something new, something more.


As the GAMMA event proceeded to the main event match, Kevin began to feel inspired by what he saw. After watching the fight in its entirety, which saw Foster regain the heavyweight title against Hughes, an encouraged Kevin got off his sofa and picked up the phone. It was time for him to start a new chapter in his life.


‘Ultimate Warrior’ Jim Force

MMA Fighter?




(OOC: Alternate reality Cornellverse FTW! First, I didn’t do that render; someone did it for me waaay back for my TEW 2007 Jim Force Dynasty. So thank you kind stranger! Second, if that very first part seems familiar, that’s because I wrote nearly the exact same thing in my TEW 2008 Jim Force Dynasty. At the time, I used his unrest as the reason for leaving USPW and opening his own wrestling promotion. Now, I’m using that same reasoning and thrusting Jim Force into the World of Mixed Martial Arts, and since I wrote it before I have no problems with recycling my old writings. Anyways, back story is over. Next time, I’ll list the rosters, and announce the first event matches.)

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Interesting start, I'm liking the back story. Should be fun to see how Itchy turns out.


The real question is: Will he every win a fight?



The story was incredible, cant wait to see this thing build!


Lovin This !!!


Thanks guys!



Love the Lance Decker character, especially since his in-game bio is all of a sentence.


In my experiments, I noticed Mr. Decker ALWAYS became an owner so that was an easy decision. And to me, he just screams stereotypical male chauvanist ignorant redneck. A very rich one. :p



Actually, what I love most about the whole backstory is the fact that Mittens Blurcat is referred to as M, and has a robotic voice.


GDFC: Where robotic cats rule the world?


Ah, but is he a robotic cat, or something much more? Or less?







People just seem to expect Jim Force out of me.



I'm so glad I'm in the Lightweight/Welterweight divisions... that should keep Force a loooooong way away from me. :p


Actually, he...has a long way to go. He ALMOST to Terry Bull in one test run.


And now, going forward. I wanted to do something special with the roster presentation, but my print screen button appears to not work. So we're going old school.




January 1999

The Final Frontier

A press conference outside GDFC Headquarters



Lance Decker, GDFC “President”

“By Gawd, I’m STILL richer than you!”


Lance Decker stood at the podium, near the end of his speech. “And this is why,” Lance proudly proclaimed. “we be bettah than that other MMA promotion, BAMMA!”


M’s assistant whispered something into Lance’s air.


“GAMMA! ‘Cause a fighter in our company can take his knee, shine it up real good, and smash that knee into the head of someone on the ground! ‘Cause a fighter in our company can stomp on someone on the ground. All of that stuff is legal! Unlike that other wimpy promotion, GAMMA! Their fighters are all wusses! Our fighters, the fighters in the Grey Dog Fighting Championship, are Lance Decker’s men! And by Gawd, each and every one is a real man’s man! A man’s man!! I mean, take a good look here at this here python!” Lance flexed his right arm, admittedly impressive in size. “That there python is like…twenty-four inches around. Actually, it’s more like twenty-five, but I don’t like to brag! And it isn’t even the biggest part of my, what’s it called…anatomy! If Lance Decker is this big and tough, imagine how tough my fighters are!”


As he finished his rambling speech, Lance saw the surge of hands explode upward. He hated fielding questions, but as the “president” of the company he did what he felt he had to do. Not that he was actually the president; all he did was follow M’s orders. Regardless, he scanned the small crowd of sports journalists intently. Hmmm…she’s kinda hot. I wouldn’t say no to that…I’ll choose her.


“Yes ma’am! In the nice tight, pink blouse!”


The young woman paused for a moment, clearly embarrassed. “Mr. Decker, could you go over the regulations and the weight divisions once more?”


“Well, pretty lady,” Lance noticeably winked at her, “all them weight divisions and regulations are on the GDFC website! Just log on to http://www.gdfc.com, and don’t forget to register for the ‘Night With a Billionaire’ contest. I reckon’ you do mighty fine in that contest, yesiree. Now, I’ll let my beautiful assistant take the rest of your questions, ‘cause I got me a meeting to go to.”


Lance walked back inside GDFC headquarters and made his way to his overly spacious office. He spared no expense in having this building made, and since he was going to be spending so much time here, he might as well make himself at home. As he sat down at his oversized desk, his computer suddenly whirred to life, with the screen blinking a familiar image at him.



Mittens Blurcat

Urban legend or MMA Behind-the-Scenes Power Player?


“Lance, I just saw your meeting.” M’s robotic voice chimed through. “You need to work on memorizing the speeches my assistant gives you.”


“By Gawd, I am Lance Decker, and I am richer than you!”


“Your obsessive compulsive need to remind me of that, while amusing, does not change the fact that you must work on your public persona. Memorizing the speeches you are provided will…”


“Do you know the last time I had to memorize something? NEVER, that was the last time! If SOMEONE actually appeared in public for once to do the public speaking instead of making me do it, we wouldn’t be in this mess now would we?”


Lance took a moment to calm himself down. As long as M had footage of his exploits in the Netherlands, he ultimately had to do as he was told. This frustrated him to no end. But I’m still rich!


“So what you want today, M?”


The cat image shrank from view to reveal Lance’s e-mail. “I have e-mailed you the latest roster as well as the planned matches for the first six events. Make sure to go over them thoroughly, especially the roster. Also, keep in mind that the roster itself, as well as the card for future events is subject to change.”


There was a brief silence before M’s robotic voice spoke once more. “Lance, please be aware that despite the…circumstances of our business arrangement, this will more than likely be a very profitable venture for you in the long run. With that said, I have other duties to attend to. Good day, Lance.”


Lance printed out the attachments M provided. While he waited for the printer to finish its task, he sat at his desk for a long moment, thinking about M’s words. By Gawd, why in tarnashin’ didn’t he say so?! Well I’ll be darned! If he makes me more rich than I already am, well he can't be all bad.


The printouts completed, he perused the roster and the first event. (OOC:Created characters appear in red, excluding Mr. Itcy & Mr. Force. They don't count...not really.) :p



Lightweight Division (146-155 lbs.)

  • Clifton Curry
  • Danny Kelly
  • Derek Blackley
  • Doug Minnelli
  • Luigi Kolasinski
  • Matt Horowitz
  • Renato Beningo
  • Romy Alvarez
  • Thomas Lithos
  • Tito del Sol
  • Warren Kitt
  • Zac Bacall


Welterweight Division (156-170 lbs.)

  • Alexander Middleton
  • Chad Zoff
  • Felix Mattherson Jr
  • Frank Night
  • Grant Capelli
  • Hubert Channing
  • Michael Kairuz
  • Richard Garlick
  • Van Jolson


Middleweight Division (171-185 lbs.)

  • Billy Russell
  • Brandon Alger
  • CJ Battiste
  • Danny Akaboro
  • Esteban Vega
  • Genki Shinashi
  • J. D. Maddox
  • Julio Gutierrez
  • Riley Huxtable
  • Tom Salerno
  • Tora Mizwar


Light Heavyweight Division (186-205 lbs.)

  • Affonso Villar
  • Allen LeFleur
  • Chris Dunn
  • Chris Thomas
  • Cole Simpson
  • Hardy Tristan
  • Ken Itchy
  • Ryuji Ganaha
  • Scott Irvana
  • Shawn Stevens


Heavyweight Division (206-265 lbs.)

  • Alexis Simmons
  • C. M. Henry
  • Chris Sharp
  • Guy Broom
  • Ikuhisa Tamura
  • Jack Jobber
  • Jim Force
  • Kanezane Fujii
  • Taye Burnett
  • Terry Bull
  • Toshiya Furube


Women’s Lightweight Division (100-125 lbs.)

  • Alyssa DeColt
  • Camille Cameron
  • Dorothy Gayle
  • Elizabeth Lindley
  • Isabeli Martins
  • Katie Avatar
  • Marion Reynolds
  • Mila Covarruvia


Women’s Middleweight Division (126-135 lbs.)

  • Alison Beattie
  • Jessica Herbig
  • Karen Curtis
  • Katherine Williams
  • Roz Wareing
  • Seka Mutsu
  • Tammy Westenra
  • Tomi Nishimura
  • Toni Dietrich
  • Yuya Shimizu


Women’s Heavyweight Division (136 – 145 lbs.)

  • Alisha Wood
  • Emma Birch
  • Haley Croft
  • Hope Lehane
  • Joan Whitehouse
  • Maggie Martin
  • Phoebe Bergman
  • Rachel McGuiness
  • Samantha Sachs
  • Vicki Summers



GDFC 1: Bloodbath

Monday, Week 3, January 1999

  1. Semi-Final Lightweight Tournament: Romy Alvarez vs. Renato Beningo
  2. Danny Kelly vs. Derek Blackley
  3. Semi-Final Lightweight Tournament: Thomas Lithos vs. Tito del Sol
  4. Felix Mattherson Jr vs. Chad Zoff
  5. Genki Shinashi vs. Tora Mizwar
  6. Katherine Williams vs. Toni Dietrich
  7. Affonso Villar vs. Ken Itchy
  8. Emma Birch vs. Joan Whitehouse
  9. Jim Force vs. Terry Bull
  10. Finals Lightweight Tournament: ??? vs. ???




(OOC Notes: There will be tournaments to determine champions. Since I can only hold one tournament per event, this will proceed slowly, but I can easily confirm that all created fighters will participate (i.e. get a chance to become a champion) UNLESS you request otherwise, like Derek has done)

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(OOC Notes: There will be tournaments to determine champions. Since I can only hold one tournament per event, this will proceed slowly, but I can easily confirm that all created fighters will participate (i.e. get a chance to become a champion) UNLESS you request otherwise, like Derek has done)


no tourny for me thanks lol.:cool:

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Video for Derek Blackley


In a gym somewhere, a young fighter is being put through his paces by his coach. We see a montage of shots of him training throughout the day before he is finally allowed to relax and talk to the camera


"Hi, my name is Derek Blackley... some people call me 'Dynamite'. What you just saw was a fairly typical day for me. Cardio, judo training, more cardio, weights, some MMA cross training... all overseen by my manager here, Kenny Korba, who helps to make sure I push myself to the limits of what I can do everyday. I joined the Grey Dog Fighting Championships to show the world how good I can be, and they have shown themselves to have faith in me by having me be in the first ever match in GDFC history."


"Some people will wonder why I opted out of the Lightweight Title tournament, but that's simple. Because when all is said and done, one man will walk out of that tournament as the best, having beaten 4 other men to do it. And me... well, once I've beaten Danny Kelly in my match, I'll be in the perfect position to show that I'm the best lightweight in the company. But I don't want to rush things, I'll wait my turn and I'll make a whole host of great fighters tap out."


"The company asked me to make some predictions for the show... it's hard to predict things so early on, but I've been familiarising myself with the roster so here we go."


Danny Kelly vs. Derek Blackley

Semi-Final Lightweight Tournament: Romy Alvarez vs. Renato Beningo

Affonso Villar vs. Ken Itchy (subject to change)

Semi-Final Lightweight Tournament: Thomas Lithos vs. Tito del Sol

Jim Force vs. Terry Bull

Finals Lightweight Tournament: Romy Alvarez vs. Thomas Lithos



Felix Mattherson Jr vs. Chad Zoff

Genki Shinashi vs. Tora Mizwar

Katherine Williams vs. Toni Dietrich

Emma Birch vs. Joan Whitehouse





"And remember... I'll be the first winner in GDFC fighting history. By submission."

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I (Chris Dunn) would prefer not to be in the tournament as well. I'll work my way slowly to the top. :)


BTW, is it possible to make screenshots of the scout reports so we can make predictions?


Let me see what I can do, though I can't promise anything today. This will be time consuming.


EDIT: Do you prefer the detailed scouting reports or the belts?

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Honestly, rather than having to upload tons of screenshots of people it might be better to share the save game with everyone. It shouldn't be a huge file so anyone interested in keeping up with the game can see how good everyone has turned out to be.


Though if you don't like that, I'd go with the belt pictures. I find them to be much more helpful than the other screen since that has less to do with skillsets and more to do with numbers. Strangely, the numbers don't make it easier to pick winners. :)


Alyssa wants a title shot by the way... she's competitive. :D

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Honestly, rather than having to upload tons of screenshots of people it might be better to share the save game with everyone. It shouldn't be a huge file so anyone interested in keeping up with the game can see how good everyone has turned out to be.


Though if you don't like that, I'd go with the belt pictures. I find them to be much more helpful than the other screen since that has less to do with skillsets and more to do with numbers. Strangely, the numbers don't make it easier to pick winners. :)


Alyssa wants a title shot by the way... she's competitive. :D


this would be even better. :)

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Hmmm...lol. This is becoming more and more time consuming. And I just don't remember mad & Moe doing anything like that, though I could be wrong.


Still, this is what I'll do; for created fighters not found in the database (created guys including Mr. Force), I'll post scouting reports when I get a chance. But for default C-Verse fighters, you have the game, you can look it up on your own time. As far as fighters improving over time and what not...dude, give me a break. :p;):o

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Hmmm...lol. This is becoming more and more time consuming. And I just don't remember mad & Moe doing anything like that, though I could be wrong.


Still, this is what I'll do; for created fighters not found in the database (created guys including Mr. Force), I'll post scouting reports when I get a chance. But for default C-Verse fighters, you have the game, you can look it up on your own time. As far as fighters improving over time and what not...dude, give me a break. :p;):o


Uploading the savegame would only take 5 mins I think. :)

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Uploading files takes no time at all, would be an ideal way to let everyone see the world playing itself out. Though even if you only done that once per game year it'd be more than enough. I'll send you the details for my TEW sendspace account if you like, it's for lots of people to share if they want to. :)
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Then this is only concern: there are things I set up in the database purely for storyline purposes. This isn't me trying to 'pull the wool' over people's eyes; I just want the potential to push this in a variety of directions.


All it'll take is ONE person to disagree with something I've set up, question what I've done...this can potentially open a big can of worms.


"Why is Affonso and Ken in a super kick ass dojo?"


"Why are we starting with 2.5 million?"


"Why blah blah blah yadda yadda yada."


I honestly don't need that stress. If you can tell me here and now with 110% certainty there'll be zero problems, then hell, I'll upload the database right now.

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I won't care what happens, it's still your game. If Jim Force can join the MMA universe and not get complaints then I can't imagine too many people caring about the rest of it. Though if Ken is in my weight class, I should probably get a fight with him in the first couple of years of his career before he improves enough to be competent.... or join the dojo myself. :)
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I won't care what happens, it's still your game. If Jim Force can join the MMA universe and not get complaints then I can't imagine too many people caring about the rest of it. Though if Ken is in my weight class, I should probably get a fight with him in the first couple of years of his career before he improves enough to be competent.... or join the dojo myself. :)


Then here's the save. This is only the 2nd time I've used sendspace, so let me know if I screwed up. :o



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