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Motor City Wrestling: 2015

Guest codey

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Guest codey

It started out as a favor. Jake had a little up start for the locals up in Detroit, and he wanted someone with a good mind for the business and a little talent to work the early shows. I don't really know why, anyone could've run those shows back then. We could've picked up two bums off the street and had them battle for 90 minutes over a burnt steak and gained some popularity. Oh, it was easy back then. Fun, too. Riley McManus, Brimstone, even the Quest characters, all great guys to work with.


Back then, it was like a little side project we had once a month. Now, it's turned into a full time job. A hard one, at that. The big guys are starting to take notice of us, too. North of the Border, Supreme, they're stealing our top guys. I'm just lucky Tommy's been nice enough to ignore us for now. But after losing Kirk right after putting the title on him, it doesn't really matter. Now I gotta find a new young guy to run with. We'll see how that goes with our new touring schedule...

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Guest codey

A quick run down of the roster, nothing fancy.


Amazing Fire Fly's on the brink of the main event, putting out some good matches. He'll be one to watch, hopefully.


Antonio and Brady Prince are low on the card, working as the Underworld Connection. Don't use em much, but Prince has potential as a midcarder.


Aristocrat and Handsome Stranger are both main eventers. Aristocrat held the title for a while, but couldn't work well with anyone, despite his talent. However, he gels well with Stranger as a team, so both of them are working the tag division for now.


Ash Campbell and Regular Joe were both doing nothing, so I teamed em up under the unoriginal name of Joe Campbell. Confuses the casuals, who think it's some third invisible member of a stable. Joe I hope goes far. Kids got talent, but can't gain momentum.


Babyface McQueen used to go by Quentin, but I didn't like that. He used to have an old school gangster gimmick, but didn't get real over with that. I turned him face, and now he's my tag partner. We go by the Express, and have had the titles three times now.


Bradford Peverell is coming back on this tour fresh from a year long break, courtesy of a concussion. He's a main eventer and talented, so hopefully he brings legs to run.


Bradley Blaze teams up with Dazzling Dave Diamond as the Texas Wranglers. They've teamed for a while, but haven't accomplished much. They're cheap, though, and might work their way up the card a little.


California Love Machine's coming in for the first time on this tour. He's decent enough, so he might do good in the midcard.


Cobra's been here for a while, but I don't think much of him. He can't go for long, at all, and he's only got decent skills. Works alright as a heel, I guess.


Cowboy Buck is about the same CLM. Not bad, not real good, just average. Might team them up or turn him heel and put him with the Texas Wranglers. Probably won't do either.


Dean Waldorf is new as well, and he's talented enough to go far. Might even be like a new Kirk if he works hard enough. I can say this much, he won't be pissed away as an enforcer like in PSW.


Demon Seed is Duberry Excess. Talented, but he's just a jobber. Enhancement talent, if you will.


Eddie Howard used to team with DC Rayne, but when Rayne wouldn't resign he turned on him, and had got a little run with the All Action Title.


El Medico. Honestly, he's only around because he's best friends Jake. He hasn't even wrestled a match, anywhere, since 2012. He just kind of hangs out backstage.


Flash Savage and Oscar Golden. The Canadian Blondes, and current tag champs. Talented and over enough. Golden was even Champ back when we were smaller.


Jack Avalon. Me. I team with McQueen, and go for the title once in a blue moon. Like Golden, I even held it when we were smaller. Stroke my ego a bit.


Jackpot Jordan and Jake Idol. The Rich, and The Famous. Midcarders, and former tag champs. Improving all the time, and Idol may be a big player in the future.


Jared Johnson is low on the totem pole, but he's talented enough to make other guys look good. I like him.


JD Morgan. Talented as all hell. Sniffed the title a few times, but hasn't touched it yet. May get a chance at glory soon.


Kanishoki is a Samoan beast. Big and menacing, but he works at other places too, so doesn't shine much.


Lee Rivera and Shane Nelson, Youth Energy. Lee, like El Medico is friends with Jake, but he's around for much more than that. Both are talented as all hell, but with some of the new talent surging in since we hit regional, they're resting in the midcard. Rivera had a great run with the MCW Global championship, running a ladder match specialist gimmick. Great ratings for that.


Bad, bad, Levi Brown. Don't call him Leroy. Good technician, improves all the time.


Marc Mercier, also known as Masked Patriot. Got a bit sadistic after Jameson got in his head a while back.


Marc Speed's new, but he's got a great rep. He'll do great in my midcard.


Nelson Callum teams with Ted Brady. Brady's mentoring Callum, still running with his bitter gimmick. It's got Callum our Eurocontinental title, so I guess it's working.


Playboy Jake Sawyer. The Boss. Smoothtalking as hell. He does a bit of managerial work.


Reese Paige is on the announce team, but she also steps in for some road agent work every now and then.


Reggie Bishop. Jobber, with not much going for him.


Riley McManus. Another jobber, and not much going for him. But I love the kid, and think maybe someday he could be something. If only I could get SWF or someone to give him a developmental deal.


Rob Miskovsky. Announcer.


Roger Dodger, the smooth talking veteran jobber.


Sammy the Shark. Turned him face a while back, and while he's still low on the card, I think it turned out well.


Teddy Powell is a main eventer, and talented enough. He's not great or awesome, but he's solid and works hard.


The New York Doll is a jobber with a great look, and enough talent to make others look good.


Tully Angelus, aka Tully Arthurs, aka Leper Messiah. He's coming in as a heel on this tour using his old gimmick with a twist. He's a psychotic who believes himself to be a god. I want him to become huge. He's improved a ton since he first started, and I think he deserves to hit the big time.

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Guest codey

Well, it's January, and the tour starts at the end of the month, with Wrestlepalooza. There's gonna be some debuts, and a big match for the vacant Global championship, and it's gonna turn out to be what I hope is a good show.


Stranger's gone now. His departure freed some space up in the main event for Cowboy Buck to weasel his way up, but I don't see that lasting all that long.


On a positive note, totalextremewrestling.com named MCW as the most improved promotion of the past year. Going from small to regional was quite the accomplishment, but I wouldn't call it much of an improvement considering how many years it took us to move up. I guess maybe the small shows we ran in the mid south helped boost us up. Still, any time that our name gets out there is a good thing for me.


The card will be up soon.

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Guest codey

Some bad news. Aristocrat and Bradford Peverell have been stolen from us a week away from the kick off of our Full Throttle tour. That's the bad. We held Pev for a year while he was out because I thought he was going to be big. I guess I was right. That's the bad.


The good is that I'm going to push some other people into the spotlight a little bit more. Give some other people a chance to shine. Plus, Aristocrat, while hugely talented, just can't work well with others in singles matches. He was going down the card in the tag division anyway.


MCW Wrestlepalooza

Teddy Powell vs Dean Waldorf vs JD Morgan vs ??? for the Global Title

Tully Angelus vs Cowboy Buck

The Express vs The Canadian Blondes for the Tag Team Championships

Marc Speed vs The Amazing Firefly

Lee Rivera vs Eddie Howard for the All Action Title

The Rich and Famous vs Joe Campbell

Marc Mercier vs California Love Machine

Nelson Callum vs Sammy the Shark vs Jared Johnson for the Eurocontinental Title

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MCW Wrestlepalooza

Teddy Powell vs Dean Waldorf vs JD Morgan vs ??? for the Global Title

JD Morgan, even in his mid 40s, is a guy who can carry a Regional company on his back

Tully Angelus vs Cowboy Buck

"America's Muscles" Tom Angelus is the first C-Verse character I ever really marked for, and still do. I love that guy.

The Express vs The Canadian Blondes for the Tag Team Championships

Just a guess.

Marc Speed vs The Amazing Firefly

Again, just a shot in the dark

Lee Rivera vs Eddie Howard for the All Action Title

Rivera is talent

The Rich and Famous vs Joe Campbell

C'mon, how often does the single guy actually lose a handicap match?

Marc Mercier vs California Love Machine

CLM is going places me thinks

Nelson Callum vs Sammy the Shark vs Jared Johnson for the Eurocontinental Title

Double J for 1, 2, 3

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Guest codey

MCW Wrestlepaloozaa! 8 being held in Michigan's Junkyard in front of a sold out crowd of 1000


Dark Match

10 Man Battle Royale

Roger Dodger displaces 9 of his peers in this one to pick up the win in 11:22. The New York Doll shined through here, showing that he's going to continue to develop as a worker so he can get up on the big shows.


Marc Mercier vs California Love Machine

Mercier and Cal couldn't be more different. Merciers strange style and movements might remind some of The Great Muta, for those fans that play the fictional EWR series. Me, I prefer TEW. Keep it free, keep it real. Cal, on the other hand, is like a less cool, prettier James Hernandez. Quick and agile, but preens a bit too much. That came back to bite him in the end, as Mercier got a little pissed and nailed him with a chair for the DQ loss.

Winner: Marc Mercier


Nelson Callum vs Sammy the Shark vs Jared Johnson for the Eurocontinental Championship

Callum and Johnson teamed up on Sammy in the early going, but came to blows when Johnson went for a pin following a double suplex. This gave Sammy the the opportunity to nail Johnson with a Royal Flush, but Callum, ever the opportunist, tossed him from the ring and stole the win for himself.

Winner: Nelson Callum, retains

E+ (too many lower carders?)


Tully Angelus is backstage, reveling in the attention of three scantily (toga)clad women.


"Not long ago, I died in the tropical paradise of Puerto Rico, the Summer Triangle of the world. I was a scarred man, bitter and angry over my exile from the pristine heights of my homelands. But someone reached out to me. Jada Oso, the patron goddess of machismo. She brought me back, risen from the ashes like the mythical Lyger, as Tully Angelus. And she told to me to come here today, to come to Detroit and beat the man they call Buck. And after this victory I will ride upon it's back to great heights, and I will drink from the Fountain of Gold, and it will be good!"


Rich and Famous vs Joe Campbell

The fans were confused when Joe Campbell came out, expecting a single man, but getting Ash Campbell and Regular Joe. That confusion may have hurt the match, as they never really got the fans on their side. I told them they should change their name, but they say it reflects that their teamwork makes them a single man. Well, they might as well have been, as Jake Idol pinned Ash Campbell following a Money Clip double team fairly quickly.

Winners: Rich and Famous



Lee Rivera vs Eddie Howard for the All Action Title

Well, these two don't really have any chemistry, which is a shame considering how talented they both are. Rivera picked up the win here following a beautiful moonsault, but not after Howard did some damage with a belly to belly suplex into the corner. Post-match, Nelson Callum and Ted Brady come out and rough up Rivera a bit.

Winner: Lee Rivera, retains


Playboy Jake Sawyer is shown backstage with his new client, Dean Waldorf.


"Tonight, my friends, Dean Waldorf is fighting for the biggest prize in the business: my companies championship belt!"


Jake flashed a cheesy smile as Waldorf nodded menacingly.


"And I don't really care who he's fighting, because honestly, can anyone really beat this man? Can anyone beat this chiseled-out-marble, wrestling machine that stands before me? I didn't think so. And that, my friends, is why I sided with him. Because I'm a smart man, and I make smart investments. And Dean Waldorf, he is the real deal. He is a smart investment."


Tully Angelus vs Cowboy Buck

Angelus looked good out there, putting a beating on Buck, who looked like he got hit by a train when Angelus nailed him with the Rising Heights for the win.

Winner: Tully Angelus



Amazing Fire Fly vs Marc Speed

Before the match started, it was announced that it would be held under lucha libre rules. The match followed the basic story of Firefly using his speed to his advantage, and Speed trying to slow him down by attacking his ligs with strikes and holds. Firefly picked up the first fall with hurricanrana, but he was quickly put down by Speed, who made him tap shortly after to a figure four. Speed had control for most of the rest of the match, until he went for a superplex which Fly countered with a push and flying cross body block for the win.

Winner: Amazing Fire Fly



The Express vs The Canadian Blondes

Both teams went at it hard here. I played the face in peril as the Blondes worked me over. The hot tag to McQueen went over well with the fans, but the match didn't end there. We kept it going for a while longer, with me selling my injuries from earlier in the match and the Blondes trying to take advantage of that. In the end, they couldn't, and Savage had to resort to a low blow and roll up to finish the match.

Winners: The Canadian Blondes, retain



JD Morgan vs Dean Waldorf vs Teddy Powell vs ??? for the MCW Global Championship

The first three entrants came to the ring, awaiting the arrival of the mystery man. The man who emerged from the back wore a hooded robe, and the fans in the arena were biting their nails in anticipation of who it was. What they got instead, when he finally revealed his face, was a mask. A metallic mask, to be precise. The other three entrants in the match eyed him nervously, not sure what to expect. What they got when the match started was a cool, calculating man, stalking the ring and striking when he could in direct contrast to the other three men's frenetic brawling. The first man eliminated was Teddy Powell, who fell to a complete shot that Jake Sawyer dubbed the Machine Swing on commentary. Dean Waldorf was the next to go, losing to a JD Morgan-delivered DDT. This left Morgan face to face with the mystery man. The two circled the ring, and then tore into each other. The mystery man used submissions to try and wear down the veteran competitor, while Morgan fought back with more traditional brawling techniques to try and win the title. The newcomer looked close to winning, too, until Morgan brought the fight to the floor, where the mystery man seemed totally out of his element. In the end, he managed to get back in the ring, but couldn't prevent Morgan hitting him with a brainbuster and locking in the Cross Atlantic Stretch for the win.

Winner: JD Morgan, new champion



Final: D(will be addressed)

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Guest codey

Well, the show went down horribly, thanks in all to a lapse in judgment pertaining to my choice of referee. I hadn't realized until the day of the show that both David Poker and Shane Stones, my two refs, had bigger commitments that day, and so I assigned the job to Reese Paige, who I thought had previous experience as a referee. She didn't. Black Hat Bailey complained to me after every match, saying that the stories he had laid out were being ruined by her and her awful refereeing. Lesson learned: get a backup ref with no other commitments.


OOC: I really did think Paige had experience as a ref. It really hurts to start the tour off like this, but at least I know it would have been a good show. D+ main event for a fed that just became regional, with a ref that's got an F- rating? I think that's great. I am looking to hire Bret Graveson as another ref, though. Now if only I still had Lois Hudson...

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Guest codey

Jake: "Alright, who are they?"


Me: "Well, one's a young guy. Japanese, fresh out of school. He'll need a mouthpiece if we wanna give him promo time, but he'll be big I think. Got a hell out of a lariat, too."


"And the other?"


"Used to work for SWF. Mostly as a jobber, but he was kind of a pet project they couldn't afford anymore, so he got some good training with the big boys."


"Do either of them want much?"


"The kid knows better, but the other one, he suprised me. Working way below his talent affords, I think. He'll just work the tour, too, so if he doesn't work out, we don't need to worry."


"Then get em. God knows after the screw-up at Wrestlepalooza we need some fresh faces around here to get the fans to care again."




So we got Bret Graveson as a backup, despite his reputation as a troublemaker. He worked too cheap and was too good to pass up. If he doesn't work out, we'll find someone else, but he'll do for now.




The Mid West and South are our main regions for now. We haven't even been to another yet, but we're getting the slightest overbleed into some others. We still lose money whenever we go down south, but it's not much considering they're just small tour shows, and they build our popularity, slow as it goes. I'm toying with the idea of putting on a monthly show down there, see how many I can attract. But with the economy and industry at nearly rock bottom right now, I don't think that'll go well.

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Guest codey

The Global Championship. Truth be told, we had only even defended it in two regions, but Jake wanted a powerful name. I was actually the first to hold it, back in the old days. Got six defences out of it until we put it on Oscar. He held it until our first big star, Jesse Christian, showed.


Christian came out of retirement and won it in his first match back. He and Oscar traded it back and forth for a while until that started getting old. That's when I brought in Lead Belly. He's not a monstrous dude, but in our fed, filled with little guys, he looks gigantic, and can believably destroy anyone. And that's what I had him do until I put him over Christian.


He got some solid wins and good matches with it when I gave Teddy Powell his shot. They had two matches, both of which Teddy lost. But in their third, Teddy pulled it off, and looked great doing it. Then I decided to bring in Ryan Powell as his kayfabe brother, and they feuded for a bit until Ryan won it and Teddy left because of a contract dispute. Ryan had a bit of a reign of terror for a while until I pushed Lee to the top.


Rivera toppled Powell in a ladder match, and it became kind of his gimmick. He had a ton of successful defences, many of which were ladder matches. Put on some of the best matches I'd ever booked, too, against top names from other, bigger companies. I think this is where we proved that we were the real deal. Powell actually left during the middle of this over a misunderstanding, and never got his rematch. That is until he resigned, that is.


He knew he was in the wrong, and signed up with us. To capitalize on his momentum from CGC, we redebuted him in a ladder match against Rivera for the title, which he won. I guess in hindsight it was a bad decision, because NOTBPW signed him to a written deal a few months later.


With the title vacant, I decided to put it up as an added bonus to my annual Crippler Invitational show, held in honor of Ray Kingman. The tournament saw Aristocrat, Marc Mercier, Lee Rivera, Scythe, myself, Ted Brady, Kirk Jameson, and California Love Machine all vie for the trophy and belt, and Aristocrat came out on top, winning a triple threat final between himself, me, and Kirk, as Kirk and I drew in the semis. Coincidentally, this was also the show that I realized Aristocrat couldn't work well with damn near anyone in singles competition.


It wasn't soon after that we hit regional and I was able to get JD Morgan, who I quickly asserted into the title scene. To book around Aristocrat's shortcomings, I had him lose the title to Kirk in a triple threat with Morgan. Morgan and Kirk then started a nice little program that sadly never got off the ground, since NOTBPW stole Kirk.


And that, my friends, leaves us where we are today.


MCW Full Throttle

Underworld Connection vs Joe Campbell

Marc Mercier vs Demon Seed

Sammy the Shark and Riley McManus vs The Texas Wranglers

Shane Nelson vs Marc Speed

Ted Brady vs Lee Rivera for the All Action title

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Guest codey

MCW Full Throttle held in the world-famous Colorado Springs Bar in front of a capacity crowd of 27 people!


Yeah, we're kind of a big deal down south.


The night started off with Underworld Connection taking on Joe Campbell. Regular Joe looked great out there, but when Ash Campbell came in the heels started to take control, and pulled off the win with The Hit.


"Playboy" Jake Sawyer came out with the questionable god Tully Angelus, and issued a challenge to anyone in the back to a pose-down with the living sculpture. Riley McManus answered the call, but it was pretty clear that he had no chance. Even so, Angelus attacked him afterward, a smile on his face the entire time.


Next up Sammy the Shark came out, his partner Riley already in the ring. They'd be fighting the Texas Wranglers, who tore into McManus from the start. McManus pulled off the hot tag, and in the end, Sammy hit Bradley Blaze with a Royal Flush for the win.


Marc Mercier against Demon Seed was a bit one sided. Not only is Seed trying to work off a little rust, but he's pure enhancement talent at this point. Mercier dominated and finished with a Figure Four Leg Lock he calls the Ivy Leg.


Shane Nelson against Marc Speed was a solid match, and one that I would be happy if I saw the quality of more often on these smaller shows. In the end, Speed pulled off the win with a cross arm breaker in a more technical match that saw Nelson get pulled out of his element.


Ted Brady challenged for Lee Rivera's All Action title next. Brady and Rivera have a bit of a history, with Brady bitter over how successful Rivera's become using the style he pioneered. Brady tried his best to hold Rivera down on the mat, but Rivera was too slippery, and escaped a loss following a high cross body block. Ted Brady's inability to go for any length of time over 10 minutes hurt the match, I think.


Underworld Connection beat Joe Campbell (E)

Marc Mercier beat Demon Seed (E)

Sammy the Shark and Riley McManus beat The Texas Wranglers (E-)

Marc Speed beat Shane Nelson (D)

Lee Rivera retains against Ted Brady (D-)

Final: D-. Not a good show. I'm trying to build up our lower card guys on these tour shows, but they turn in bad results, so I just don't know right now.



MCW Full Throttle Week 2

Roger Dodger vs Regular Joe

Marc Speed vs Riley McManus

??? vs Cobra

Youth Energy(Rivera and Nelson) vs Ted Brady and Nelson Callum



OOC: Well, the shows do end up getting better. After the Wrestlepalooza debacle and a lot of our top talent vacating their slots on the roster, it's been real hard to try and get back up to C- shows. Any feedback? Complaints or suggestions on the writing style?

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Guest codey

MCW Full Throttle Week 2 held in front of a sold out crowd at the Huntley Town Square


We opened up with two warm up matches, the first pitching The Machine against Marc Mercier. Machine picked up the win with his Machine Swing. The next match saw Underworld Connection go over Sammy the Shark and Demon Seed. Decent enough dark matches.


The real show began with Regular Joe going over Roger Dodger in a pretty poor match up. I can attribute that to a lack of momentum on both men's part, and a lack of in-ring talent on Dodger's part.


The next match saw Riley McManus trying to step up his game to topple the veteran technician, Marc Speed. Speed, however, proved too much for the blue chipper, and dispatched him easily with a cross arm breaker.


Cobra came out next, waiting on his mystery opponent. The man that came out was announced as "The Human Lariat" Gidayu Katou. And boy, did he live up to his name, opening up with a nasty lariat on Cobra. Honestly, I thought it was legit out cold, but they kept going. Cobra tried some heelish stuff, but Gidayu wasn't having any of it, tossing him around the ring. Eventually, he ended it with another lariat, mercifully.


Out came Ted Brady and Nelson Callum to rip on Youth Energy.

"Youth energy have been ridin' on mah coat tails thier entire careers!" Brady compained to the fans. "Truth is, they can't even pull it off right. Without the training of the Original Daredevil, Ted Brady, you ain't nothing in the world of high flyin'. That's why I brought the boy along, to teach em' a lesson!"

"And teach I shall, teach I shall," added Callum, flashing a **** me grin.


The match started off fast, and never let up. Youth Energy used teamwork to attack the team Callum and Brady, who weren't used to working as a team. The heels, however, cheated at every opportunity to gain the lead. In the end, it didn't pay off, as Shane Nelson walloped Brady with his own steel chair while Callum distracted the ref for the win. Brady and Callum argued a bit over the finish to the match afterwards.


Regular Joe over Roger Dodger: E+

Marc Speed over Riley McManus: E+

Gidayu Katou over Cobra: E+

Youth Energy over Brady and Callum: D-

Final: D-. Another bad show.

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