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PSW: Third Times A Charm

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http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/Titles%20and%20profiles/ForceToBeReckonedWith.jpg. (credit goes to Boomer Iles)


Dark Matches:


Plague defeated Davis Wayne Newton in 8:02 by pinfall with a New Jersey Turnpike. (E+)


Frankie Perez defeated Burning EXILE and Mainstream Hernandez in 7:53 when Frankie Perez defeated Mainstream Hernandez by submission with a P-Clutch. (D-)


PSW Force to be Reckoned With Live from McGaw Arena in front of 4,116 people.




Elmer: Hello everyone and welcome to PSW Force to be Reckoned With. We're broadcasting live from the McGaw Arena. Thanks for inviting us into your home and onto your computer. I'm Uncle Elmer, joining me is my broadcast partner Doc Messing.


Doc: Thank you for the introduction Elmer. We have quite a show in store tonight. We will have two titles on the line tonight the world Championship in that amazing four way match, and the tag team title match. Who are the New Jersey devils facing inside the steel cage tonight?


http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/JackGiedroyc_alt3.jpghttp://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/Valiant_alt2.jpg & http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/AlexBraun_alt.jpghttp://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/TankBradley.jpg & http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/HenryLee_alt.jpghttp://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/DougPeak_alt.jpg


A Graphic is shown revealing tonight's tag title match will be a triple threat involving New Jersey Devils, Wrath of God and American Psycos.. (E+)


Elmer: There you see it folks.


Doc: A three way tag? Inside the steel cage, wow I can't wait for that one.


Elmer: The match was made after last weeks match broke down. Technically since neither Wrath of God nor American Psycos won, New Jersey Devils could have chosen any opponents they wanted. They didn't choose anyone so I chose for them. This is what the fans wanted so this is what I'm giving them tonight.


Doc: Its just about time for our first match up to begin, so we send you now to " The World's Most Dangerous Ring Announcer" Mitch Naess.


http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/RhinoUmaga_alt.jpg vs http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/NickyChampion_alt3.jpg


" Rhino Umaga attacks Nicky Champion as he is getting in the ring to gain the early advantage. Umaga proceeds to pummel Champion as he stumbles around the ring. Umaga throws champion to the corner and follows him in with a clothesline. Umaga grabs champion and quickly throws him to the opposing turnbuckle not wanting to give Champion a chance to get started. Umaga runs in for an avalanche in the corner but Champion moves, Umaga hits nothing but the top turnbuckle. Dazed Umaga turns around and catches a dropkick from Champion and rolls out of the ring. Champion finally takes his entrance attire off and throws it out of the ring and gives an encouraging yell to the crowd. Umaga grabs a chair and tries to get back into the ring but Champion cuts him off each time. Umaga turns to argue with someone in the front row, Champion has had enough and grabs onto the top rope and launches himself over with a cross body taking down Umaga. Both men are laying on the floor and Champion may have done more damage to himself hitting the chair before he landed on Umaga with that move. Umaga get to his feet first and moves the padding outside the ring exposing the concrete floor. He sets Champion up for a piledriver onto the concrete but its reversed with a back body drop. Champion rolls Umaga back into the ring and follows him in, stomping the fallen Umaga. Champion picks up Umaga and lifts him up in the air holding him up their displaying his strength. Then Driving him down to the mat with a Hawkeye Hammer. The cover 1... 2... 3! "


Nicky Champion defeated Rhino Umaga in 6:42 by pinfall with a Hawkeye Hammer. (D-)


Elmer: What a win for Nicky Champion, who's still in the ring clutching his ribs after that impact with the chair earlier.


Doc: He's walking out on his own accord so it doesn't appear to be to serious of an injury.


Elmer: Maybe he'll finally be able to build some momentum up and get on that winning roll, he's been after. Now its time to keep the action going with our next match up.


http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/HellMonkey_alt.jpg vs http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/RudyVelasquez_alt.jpg


" Rudy Velasquez an extremely promising young man, making his return to the PSW ring after an early defeat in the KOTDM tournament, has a difficult task infront of him in the form of Red Death. The two men take a moment to size eachother up before locking up in the middle of the ring. Velasquez gets a thumb in the eye of Red to gain the advantage. He throws Red to the ropes and drops as, he criss crosses the ring. Velasquez stands up and delivers a back body drop. Red reverses it in mid air using a reverse snapmare and kips up onto his feet. Red mounts Velasques and delivers several punches to his head. Red picks him up and throws him out of the ring. Velasquez recovers and gets caught with an impressive baseball slide leaving both men down on the floor. Red grabs the chair the time keeper was sitting on using it to bash Velasquez several times, befoer tossing it to the side. Velasquez is dazed and confused as he tries to pull himself up using the aprong for support. Red is their to help him up pulling him to his feet from behind but Velasquez kicks Red below the belt dropping him to his knees and stopping his momentum. Velasquez reaches into his pants and pulls out a chain and wraps it around his fist. He delivers a flurry of right hands to the head of Red splitting him open. Satisfied with the blood Velasquez removes the chain from his fist and uses it to choke Red almost unconcious. Velasquez rolls back into the ring and taunts the crowd giving Red a chance to recover and climb back onto the apron. Velasquez grabs Red and attempts to suplex him into the ring but its blocked, instead he gets a shoulder to the stomach. Red seizes the opportunity and leaps over the top rope delivering a sunset flip to Velasquez. 1... 2... and Velaquez reverses the pinning predicament, 1... 2... 3! Velasquez picks up a first fall, Red was still not recovered enough from the assault outside the ring to kick out. Giving him no time to rest Velasquez stays on the assault stomping away at the downed Red. Rolling out of the ring Velasquez return with a chair as he is climbing back in the ring Red delivers a spin kick to the the chair driving it into the face of Velasquez, knocking him off of the apron onto the arena floor. Red hits the ropes and suicide dives out of the ring crashing into Velasquez. Red throws him into the ring and follows close behind him. He scoops him up for a powerbomb but Velasquez thumbs him in the eye falling on top of him. The ref starts to count 1... Velasquez graps onto the ropes 2... the ref doesn't see it 3!


Rudy Velasquez defeated Red Death in 8:19 by two straight falls, with the final fall happening by pinfall, illegally using the ropes for leverage. (D)


Doc: That was truly an upset. He won that match using underhanded tactics.


Elmer: Looks like that time he spent in development did him some good after all. I sent him there to find his mean streak and he might have done just that.


Doc: Still I don't think Red Death is going to take this laying down. In any event onto our next contest between two men who i'm sure are going to want their shot at that X-Division title you were showing off earlier this month.


http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/UltimatePhoenix_alt.jpg vs http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/ChampagneLover_alt.jpg


" The two men start of fast paced Pheonix delivers an arm bar take down. Champagne rolls over and flips up reversing it tossing Pheonix to the mat. Champagne bounces off the ropes and lands a quick leg drop springing to his feet and bouncing off the ropes again this time landing a baseball slide into the side of the head of Pheonix. Champagne pulls Pheonix up by the mask, but is fought off by a slew of forearm shots. Pheonix throws Champagne into the ropes and catches him with a tilt-a-whirl side slam. Pheonix leaves the ring and grabs a chair sliding it into the ring, then spring boards himself into the ring landing on Champagne with an elbo drop. Pheonix pulls Champangne to his feet and irish whips him to the corner and hits him with a running kick. Pheonix ties him to the corner hangman style and places the chair in front of his face, and crosses the ring. Charging in he lands a baseball slide of his own driving the chair into the face of Champagne causing his limp body to fall from the turnbuckle. Pheonix drags him out towards the center of the ring and signals to the top rope. Pheonix is poised on the top turnbuckle gives a quick pose for the crowd and leaps off connecting with the Firebird splash; 1... 2... 3! "


Ultimate Phoenix defeated Champagne Lover in 6:14 by pinfall with a Phoenix Firebird Splash. (E+)


Elmer: That match started off with a display of athleticism and turned violent quick.


Doc: I guess Ultimate Pheonix thought Champagne Lover was trying to take his mask off when he was pulling him to his feet. An act that is extremely disrespectful in the Mexican wrestling culture.


Elmer: It'll be interesting to see what happens between these two come time for the X-Division title to make its proper debut. As far as violence goes our next match is just that, they have set up the ring, the ropes have been wrapped in barbed wire and our competitors are in the ring ready to get this started.


http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/NathanColeman.jpg vs http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/ArtReed_alt2.jpg w/ http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/Osiris.jpg


" Osiris is on the outside shouting words of encouragement to Art Reed as she slides in weapons. Nathan Coleman is Staring down Art Reed. Art bends down to pick up a chair and Nathan rushes in catching him with a shoulder block knocking him to the canvas. Nathan picks up the chair and starts hammering Art with shot after shot before pulling him to his feet by his hair. Nathan irish whips Art but stops short pulling him back in for a short arm clothesline nearly decapitating him. He grabs Art and is pulling him up again but gets caught with an elbo to the stomach. Art fires off rights and lefts into the midsection of Nathan. Art sends him into the barbed wire covered ropes and catches him with a powerslam. 1... 2... Nathan kicks out after the count of two. You can see the blood forming on his back where he collided with the barbed wire Art doesn't waste any time pulling him up and hitting a DDT then climbs to the top turnbuckle. Art jumps off for a body splash but finds nothing but canvas after Nathan rolled out of the way. Art is rolling on the mat holding his ribs and struggling to breathe. Nathan crawls to his feet and walks over to Art and starts stomping on him, dragging him over by the ropes. Nathan rakes the face of Art across the barbed wire back and forth. The blood is pouring from his forehead and Nathan drops him to the canvas. He taunts the crowd and shouts some degrading words to Osiris at ringside. Nathan turns around in walks into three snap suplexes delivered in rapid succession from Art. As Art walks over slowly toward Nathan he stops to wipe the blood from his face only for more to continue to pour from his head wound. Nathan lands a low blow to Art as he is pulling him up which prompts Osiris to get up onto the ring apron. Nathan delivers a brainbuster to Art then casually walks over to Osiris and continues to belittle her grabbing her hair when she tries to jump down off the apron. Osiris spits in the face of Nathan and he looks enraged he draws his fist back like he's going to hit her but then stops and looks at the barbed wired around the ring ropes. He slowly pushes her head down as her face draws nearer to the barbed wire she starts screaming for help, the ref tries to step in but is easily shoved to the side. Art recovers and runs up behind Nathan grabbing him around the waist and delivering a belly to back suplex and quickly jumps on him pounding his head into the mat and locking in the Dread Lock submission hold. The ref looks up to see Nathan Coleman tapping out and calls for the bell ending this match."


Art Reed defeated Nathan Coleman in a 1 vs 1 Barbed Wire USA match in 10:03 by submission with a Dread Lock. (D+)


Doc: Wow now that was hardcore. Barbed wire, steel chairs and a damsel in distress.


Elmer: Right all the good elements of a fairy tale. Our next match is a mixed tag match brewing from the conflict between Joey Minnesota and Steven Parker.


Doc: You can't forget the other elements in this equation, Parker's ex, the gold digging Persephone, his new main squeeze Blonde Bombshell and of course the PSW National Championship. The participants are in the ring the crowd doesn't sound to happy about seeing these two women in wrestling attire. Lets see if they can turn their opinion around.


http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/JoeyMinnesota_alt3.jpghttp://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/Persephone.jpg vs http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/BlondeBombshell_alt.jpghttp://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/StevenParker.jpg


" The crowd bombs the ring with debris immediatly following the opening bell they didn't come here to see women wrestle especially two managers. Persephone and Bombshell spill to the outside of the ring in typical cat fight fashion leaving Minnesota and Parker to lock up in the ring. The ref moves around clearing as much rubbish out of the ring as he can and the crowd seems to settle momentarily. Minnesota gets the upper hand slamming Parker to the mat and locking in a rear chin lock submission the ref asks if he wants to give it up and he emphatically responds no. Parker astonishes the crowd standing to his feet with Minnesota on his back. Parker takes a couple of steps and falls backwards as Minnesota crashes to the mat he releases the hold. Parker pulls him to his feet and throws him into the corner and follows him in with a running high knee, then grabs his head and bulldogs him out of the corner. Minnesota crawls to his corner and tags in Persephone who reluctantly slinks into the ring, the crowd seems mildly entertained at the prospect of parker finally getting his hands on her. He picks her up like he's going to bodyslam her but sets he down and grabs her by the hair. Parker drags Persephone to his corner and tags in Bombshell, the crowd starts up with boo's but luckily don't resort to tossing more garbage into the ring. Bombshell tackles Persephone and pounds her head into the mat by her hair Persephone struggles free and runs across the ring to her corner tagging in Minnestoa. Bombshell tries to hide her concern but isn't backing down Minnesota grabs her and throws her to the ropes Parker blindly tags himself in. Bombshell luckily ducks a clothesline when Minnesota turns to catch her Parker enters the ring and levels him from behind. Bombshell grabs the ropes to stop herself and turns and tackles Persephone through the ropes and off of the apron. The two continue to fight on the outside. Back in the ring Parker is clearly in control of the match. Bombshell charges at Persephone who is standing prone next to the ring post outside, but she moves and Bombshell hits the post head first. Parker has Minnesota set up for the future shock, Persephone slides in behind him and hits him with a low blow. Minnesota reverses it and lands the Empire Spiral. 1... 2... 3!


Joey Minnesota and Persephone defeated Steven Parker and Blonde Bombshell in 11:29 when Joey Minnesota defeated Steven Parker by pinfall with an Empire Spiral. (D-)


Elmer: The crowd was not thrilled with that match at all. Steven Parker and Joey Minnesota gave it their best but the crowd did not want to see women compete in a match.


Doc: These two are just getting started and regardless of how he won Joey Minnesota got the win I'm sure he'll be wanting a shot at the National Championship soon.


Elmer: They're finished cleaning up the garbage and the three teams are in the ring awaiting the start of this match. He're comes the cage and our opening bell.


http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/JackGiedroyc_alt3.jpghttp://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/Valiant_alt2.jpg vs http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/AlexBraun_alt.jpghttp://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/TankBradley.jpg vs http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/HenryLee_alt.jpghttp://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/DougPeak_alt.jpg


" As the cage settles the combatants erupt into a brawl. They pair off and fight it out all around the ring. The first team to score a pinfall , submission or to get both men outside the cage will be victorious. Tank bradley squares off with Doug Peak. Henry Lee and Greed battle it out on one side of the ring. Alex Braun and Famine are fighting in one of the corners. Peak wipes out Bradley and goes over to Lee and they take out Greed with a double powerbomb. American Psycos pair off and battle it out with Braun and Famine. Peak suplexes Famine and heads over to the Corner where Lee is being pummeled by Braun. He breaks up the attack and the two start double teaming Braun. Famine scurries up the cage and turns around to start climbing down. Lee and Peak reach into their pockets and pull out three pairs of handcuffs, halfway down the cage and almost to freedom Famine sees this and returns to the top of the cage. American Psycos turn around to go back on the attack and Famine nails them both with a senton from the 16 feet in the air. Bodies are laying everywhere. Bradley and Greed return to their feet and spot the handcuffs. Greed is the first to move but Bradley cuts him off locking him in a bear hug. Greed struggles to get out but Bradley keeps squeezing. Greed manages to break lose and delivers a sickening enziguri. He strolls over to the handcuffs and locks bradley to the cage. He turns around and sees a groggy Famine returning to his feet and tosses a pair of the cuffs to him. Wrath of God use the last two pair of cuffs and lock American Psycos to the cage. Braun pulls himself to his feet and looks around realizing he is the only "free" man in the ring with both members of Wrath of God. Instead of trying to run he waves them on telling them to bring it. He does a good job of defending himself scoring with a few big moves but WOG get the upper hand. Tossing a beaten and bloodied Braun to the corner the set him up and execute a spike pile driver. They take turns going around to pummel and humiliate the combatants cuffed to the cage. Famine picks up Braun and powerbombs him to the mat as Greed climbs to the top rope and leaps off; Crashing On! The cover 1... 2... 3!


The Wrath Of God defeated The New Jersey Devils and American Psycos in a 2 vs 2 vs 2 cage match match in 16:20 when Greed defeated Alex Braun by pinfall with a Crashing On. The Wrath Of God win the PSW Tag Team titles. (D+)


Doc: What a match. We have New tag team champions. American Psycos brought in those cuffs in no doubt to get some measure of retribution for what happened to Henry Lee weeks ago. That wasn't the case.


Elmer: I don't think they expected Famine to climb back up the cage and dive off like that. Wrath of God are certainly on a roll. Thier higher power must really be looking out for them.


Doc: I'm getting word from the back that Chris Caulfield wants to address everyone. I deffinatly don't want to keep that guy waiting so lets get our cameras on him.




"Tonights the night. Tonight is the night I get what is rightfully mine. Stairway to Hell is my golden ticket. A coil of barbed wire suspeneded above the ring. Find a ladder pull it down and use it at will. No rules! Anything goes. Acid you're out of your league. Shawn Gonzalez you have no right carrying that belt. Johnny Martin, while I hold respect for you for carrying on the hardcore legacy in my absence it just so happens luck wasn't on your side tonight. You were pitted against me in this match. I am the Premier Hardcore Athlete. I won't go out of my way to punish you, but I won't let you stop me from getting that belt that is rightfully mine either."


Chris Caulfield had an interview hyping his upcoming battle with Johnny Martin, Acid and Shawn Gonzalez. (C-)


Elmer: Strong words, strong words indeed.


Doc: We've still got our main event to come they're raising the cage now and the ref is attatching the barbed wire coil to the rung to be hoisted.


Elmer: This one is going to be a blood bath for sure. Each of these men are pining to be at the top of the food chain. Here comes our first contestant now.


http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/ChrisCaulfield.jpg vs http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/ShawnGonzalez_alt3.jpg vs http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/JohnnyMartin.jpg vs http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/Acid_alt2.jpg


" Before the bell can ring Johhny Martin tackles Shawn Gonzalez who rolls out of the ring and is followed in pursuit by Martin. The bell rings and Acid wearily stalks Caulfield who is just laughing at Acid. Acid doesn't take the mocking lightly and leaps at him with a spinning heel kick which is easily avoided by Caulfield. Martin is pummeling Gonzalez on the outside choking him with cables laying around the ring. Back inside the ring Caulfield has Acid sitting on the top turnbuckle and delivers a Danger DDT. 1... 2... 3! Acid looks shocked he's been eliminated already he leaves the ring and Caulfield switches his focus to Gonzalez and Marting still fighting on the outside. Acid slides a ladder into the ring and runs at Caulfield hitting him from behind and proceeds to obliterate the Premier Hardcore Athlete. Finally the ref pushes him away and Acid leaves the ring furious that he lost his shot at the gold so quickly. Gonzalez cheap shots Martin and quickly jumps in the ring hoping to capitalize on Acid's attack. 1... 2... Caulfield kicks out. Gonzalez pulls him to his feet and sends him to the ropes back dropping him up and over the top rope onto Martin who just got to his feet. Gonzalez sets up the ladder and climbs to the top pulling down the barbed wire. He climbs down arrogantly showboating when he turns around he is face to face with Martin and Caulfield. He drops the barbed wire and tries pleading with the two men and gets hammered instead. They take turns raking the barbed wire across his face before wrapping it around his head. Martin throws him to the corner and charges in with a splash. Caulfield goes outside the ring and returns with a chair blasting Gonzalez in the head digging the barbed wire in deeper. He looks at the fans and then at Martin and hands him the chair. Martin takes the chair , stops to look at the fans and blasts Gonzalez again with the chair. The two trade the chair back and forth each sickening thud echoing throughout the arena. Its almost as if they are trying to one up eachother. Trying to prove which is more hardcore. Caulfield is holding the chair and swings it like he is hitting a game winning homerun into the face of an unsuspecting Johnny Martin. He turns and grabs the limp body of Gonzalez still Standing only by use of the turnbuckle and lifts the bloodied near unconcious Gonzalez onto his shoulders and Danger Drop onto the steel chair. 1... 2... 3! The champion has just been eliminated. We're down to our final two competitors and no matter the outcome we'll have a new world champion. Caulfield pulls the barbed wire off the head of Gonzalez before kicking him out of the ring. Caulfield walks over to Marting who rolls him up in a small package but can't keep him down for longer than a two count. Martin grabs the barbed wire and wraps it around his fist and hammers it down onto the skull of Caulfield busting him open. Blood is trickeling down the forehead of Martin from the vicious chair shot earlier. He pulls Caulfild to his feet and connects with a twist on the rocks. If he can cover him or just roll over with an arm on him Martin could be the PSW champion again. Neither man is moving the ref keeps checking on them but neither is responding. Finally Martin gets to his feet and sets the ladder up again and starts climbing it. Caulfield recovers and ascends the other side of the ladder. The two are exchanging blows at the top of the ladder. Caulfield grabs Martin and jump off the ladder both men crash to the mat and lay their motionless.




Out from the locker room comes Bloodshed. He runs down to the ring with a steel bat in hand. Bloodshed slides into the ring and kicks the two men to check their response, neither budge he holds the barbed wire up and wraps it around the bat and proceeds to beat both men with it. He tosses the bat aside and locks Martin in that wickedly painful looking submission hold known as bloodstone mutilation and Martin taps and the ref calls for the bell. Bloodshed then walks over to Caulfield and pulls him to his feet and irish whips him into the ropes; Blood Rush! The cover 1... 2... 3!"


Bloodshed defeated Chris Caulfield, Johnny Martin, Shawn Gonzalez and Acid in a 1 vs 1 vs 1 vs 1 Stairway to Hell match in 25:25 when he ran in from the back and entered himself into the match; the order of elimination was Acid first, then Shawn Gonzalez, then Johnny Martin, and finally Chris Caulfield. Bloodshed wins the PSW Championship title. (C+)


Doc: What the hell just happened? Bloodshed wasn't even in that match and now he's standing over the bodies of Johnny Martin and Chris Caulfield holding the PSW World title?


Elmer: I don't know just what happened either, Doc. I understand their are no rules here but this is just insanity. I mean to have such a phenomenal match ruined. These men were in there for the better part of 20 minutes and he just comes out here...


Doc: Folks we're all out of time join us next week for PSW Unleashed! There are sure to be major fall outs from this. Thank you and goodnight.


Show Rating: C-

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Roster Overview as it stands now:


Main Event:


Alex Braun

Chris Caulfield


Henry Lee

Joey Minnesota

Shawn Gonzalez


Upper MidCard:


Art Reed


JD Morgan

Johnny Martin

Madman Boone




Champagne Lover

Doug Peak

Nathan Coleman

Nicky Champion

Rudy Velasquez

Steven Parker

Tank Bradley

Ultimate Pheonix


Lower Midcard:

Frankie Perez

Mainstream Hernandez


Red Death



Burning Exile

Rhino Umaga

Whippy The Clown


Enhancement Talent:

Davis Wayne Newton

Xavier Reckless (just called up from development)


There are more in development including most of the PSW initial roster who will be returning at some point in the coming months.


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Its that time once again PSW proudly brings to you the wrestler of the Month for February. He is former PSW World Champion. A great personality and locker room leader. He constantly delivers solid angles and match performances. He is willing to lose to almost anyone for the sake of the company. The man in question is Johnny Martin:



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<p><span>http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/Titles%20and%20profiles/PSWUnleashed.jpg</span><span style="color:#0000FF;"> Week 1, March.</span></p><p> </p><p>

Dark Matches:</p><p>

Red Death defeated Xavier Reckless in 3:22 by pinfall with a Tumbling Monkey. <strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">(D-)</span></strong></p><p>

Nathan Coleman defeated Davis Wayne Newton in 2:51 by pinfall with a Pioneer Twist. <strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">(E+)</span></strong></p><p>

Ultimate Phoenix defeated Burning EXILE and Mainstream Hernandez in 2:50 when Ultimate Phoenix defeated Burning EXILE by </p><p>

pinfall with a Phoenix Firebird Splash. <strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">(E)</span></strong></p><p>

Art Reed defeated Rudy Velasquez in 3:01 by submission with a Dread Lock. <strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">(D)</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/Titles%20and%20profiles/PSWUnleashed.jpg</span><span style="color:#0000FF;"> live on Hardcore TV </span></p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;">from The Simmons Center in front of 194 people.</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;">{ As the show opens the set is darker than normal. Black curtains are hanging over the PSW logo and banners. PSW's resident </span></p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;">GM and color commentator; Uncle Elmer is standing in the ring}</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/DocMessing.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<em><span style="color:#008000;">Doc: Hello everyone and welcome to another edition of PSW Unleashed! I'm Doc Messing and my broadcast partner is in the ring </span></em></p><p>

<em><span style="color:#008000;">no doubt he has some very important announcements. He wouldn't waste tv time otherwise, without further delay lets hear what </span></em></p><p>

<em><span style="color:#008000;">he has to say.</span></em></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/ThePlayer.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<em><span style="color:#008000;">" I let everyone know that my goal was to forever change the face of PSW and tonight I do just that. (As soon as Uncle Elmer </span></em></p><p>

<em><span style="color:#008000;">points to the stage the black curtains fall away reveal the new face of PSW)</span></em></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/Titles%20and%20profiles/PSW_alt2.jpg</span><em><span style="color:#008000;"> & </span></em></p><p>

<span>http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/Titles%20and%20profiles/PSW_alt.jpg</span><em><span style="color:#008000;"> (Another big thank you to </span></em></p><p>

<em><span style="color:#008000;">Boomer Iles)</span></em></p><p> </p><p>

<em><span style="color:#008000;">Before my time has come to an end here I will have given this company the face lift it so rightfully needed. Now on to more </span></em></p><p>

<em><span style="color:#008000;">pressing matters.</span></em></p><p>

<em><span style="color:#008000;">As all of you know after tuning in to Force to be Reckoned With on our live webcast, we have a new World Champion in PSW. </span></em></p><p>

<em><span style="color:#008000;">Not only was this man an underdog to win, he wasn't even in the match. I've made an executive decision Bloodshed will </span></em><em><span style="color:#008000;">remain the World Champion. How long he can hold onto that belt depends entirely on his durability. You see tonight in an </span></em><em><span style="color:#008000;">attempt to settle the boys in the back I have booked a Fatal Four way match for tonights main event. The original participants </span></em><em><span style="color:#008000;">Acid, Johnny Martin, Chris Caulfield and Shawn Gonzalez will all take part the winner; will face Bloodshed for the World </span></em></p><p>

<em><span style="color:#008000;">Championship at our big show at the end of this month..."</span></em></p><p> </p><p>

Uncle Elmer addresses the crowd from the ring regarding pressing matters within the company. <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>(D+)</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;">{ The music for Bloodshed starts to play interrupting Uncle Elmer who leaves the ring and takes his place at the announce </span></p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;">table. Bloodshed is carrying his newly won world title to the ring. }</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/JohnnyBloodstone_alt8.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<em><span style="color:#008000;">" I told everyone that I would prove I was a Force to be Reckoned with. I was named wrestler of the month for January, I beat </span></em></p><p>

<em><span style="color:#008000;">both the champions to make it to the finals of the Deathmatch Tournament, continued dominating the month of February and when </span></em></p><p>

<em><span style="color:#008000;">it came time for our big show; I didn't even have a match! So I took it upon myself that I was going to wrestle at the show. </span></em></p><p>

<em><span style="color:#008000;">I seized the opportunity during the main event, I came down to the ring (in a sarcastic tone) risking life and limb, all for </span></em></p><p>

<em><span style="color:#008000;">the benefit of you people, and I won that match. I stand before you today as the NEW! PSW World Champion. There's no one in </span></em></p><p>

<em><span style="color:#008000;">this company that can take this belt away from me despite what our resident GM may think. You can have your little fatal four </span></em></p><p>

<em><span style="color:#008000;">way tonight, regardless of who the winner is, come April I'll still be the World Heavyweight Champion. You see there's no one </span></em></p><p>

<em><span style="color:#008000;">in this company, no one in this business that can stop me n..."</span></em></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;">{ The music for Joey Minnesota interrupts him as JM makes his way onto the ramp with Persephone tagging alongside him}</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/JoeyMinnesota_alt3.jpg</span> w/<span>http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/Persephone.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<em><span style="color:#008000;">JM: Let me stop you right there. I was momentarily distracted dealing with that wanna be Steven Parker, now my focus has </span></em></p><p>

<em><span style="color:#008000;">changed. I've proven I can beat him, which means i'm better than him. That of course means I'm better than the National </span></em></p><p>

<em><span style="color:#008000;">Champioinship. That leaves one other place to go, the World Heavyweight Championship. I'm done with Steven, I want your belt. </span></em></p><p>

<em><span style="color:#008000;">A second rate wrestler like you doesn't deserve to be world champion. You may claim to bring a touch of class to the hardcore </span></em></p><p>

<em><span style="color:#008000;">style we represent, but I promise that I will take this company to the next step, we will reach a national audience with me </span></em></p><p>

<em><span style="color:#008000;">at the helm.</span></em></p><p> </p><p>

<em><span style="color:#008000;">B: You're pretty bold standing up there on the stage running your mouth. Why don't you come down here and say it to my face. </span></em></p><p> </p><p>

<em><span style="color:#008000;">JM: You'd like that wouldn't you, for me to come down there and beat you without gaining anything. What I suggest later </span></em></p><p>

<em><span style="color:#008000;">tonight, one on one. You, me, PSW Championship; Last Man Standing.</span></em></p><p> </p><p>

<em><span style="color:#008000;">B: You're on, and Joey, you better bring your A game because like I said, no one is going to stop me now.</span></em></p><p> </p><p>

Bloodshed cuts a promo hyping up his glorius reign as champion in the promotion. He is interrupted by Joey Minnesota and a </p><p>

match is scheduled for later tonight. <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>(D-)</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/WhippyTheClown_alt-1.jpg</span> vs <span>http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/FrankiePerez_alt3.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Frankie Perez defeated Whippy The Clown in 4:45 by submission with a P-Clutch. <strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">(E+)</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/ChampagneLover_alt.jpg</span> vs <span>http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/NickyChampion_alt3.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Nicky Champion defeated Champagne Lover in 5:28 by pinfall with a Hawkeye Hammer. <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>(D)</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/JackGiedroyc_alt3.jpg</span><span>http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/Valiant_alt2.jpg</span> vs <span>http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/MadmanBoone.jpg</span><span>http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/RhinoUmaga_alt.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

The Wrath Of God defeated Madman Boone and Rhino Umaga in a 2 vs 2 Flaming Tables match in 10:20; Rhino Umaga was eliminated </p><p>

first, and finally Madman Boone. The Wrath Of God make defence number 1 of their PSW Tag Team titles. <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>(C-)</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/AlexBraun_alt.jpg</span> vs <span>http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/HenryLee_alt.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Alex Braun defeated Henry Lee in 5:15 by pinfall with a Braun Damage. During the match we also saw Doug Peak run in and </p><p>

attack Alex Braun, and Tank Bradley also attack Henry Lee. <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>(C-)</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/StevenParker.jpg</span> vs <span>http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/JDMorgan_alt4.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Steven Parker defeated JD Morgan in a 1 vs 1 First Blood match in 10:19 when JD Morgan was busted open. Steven Parker makes </p><p>

defence number 4 of his PSW National title. <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>©</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/JohnnyBloodstone_alt8.jpg</span> vs <span>http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/JoeyMinnesota_alt3.jpg</span>w/<span>http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/Persephone.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

Bloodshed defeated Joey Minnesota in 10:20 when Joey Minnesota could not beat a ten count after a Blood Rush. During the </p><p>

match we also had Steven Parker run in and attack Joey Minnesota. Bloodshed makes defence number 1 of his PSW Championship </p><p>

title. <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>(D+)</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;">{ After the match steven Parker grabs a microphone and gets in the face of the fallen Joey Minnesota}</span></p><p> </p><p>

<em><span style="color:#008000;">SP: You may be done with me but I am far from done with you. This isn't over, not by a long shot. If I have to interefere in </span></em></p><p>

<em><span style="color:#008000;">every single match you have untill you give me a one on one rematch against you, then so be it. I'm going to make you're life </span></em></p><p>

<em><span style="color:#008000;">a living hell much like you tried to make mine.</span></em></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/JohnnyMartin.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<em><span style="color:#008000;">" Bloodshed what you did at Force to be Rekoned With is unexcusable. The lack of respect you showed, the disgrace you've </span></em></p><p>

<em><span style="color:#008000;">given to the PSW World Title will not go unanswered. Its one thing to beat someone the calibur of myself and Chris Caulfield </span></em></p><p>

<em><span style="color:#008000;">after a grueling 20+ minute match, but I dare you to step into the ring from start to finish with either of us and see how </span></em></p><p>

<em><span style="color:#008000;">you fair, when the richest prize in the business is at stake. As for this match tonight I will win and I will get my long </span></em></p><p>

<em><span style="color:#008000;">over due rematch for MY world title. As the former champion I find it disshonorable what I've been put through to get what is </span></em></p><p>

<em><span style="color:#008000;">rightfully mine. After I win this match tonight I'll be just three short weeks away from finally realizing my goal."</span></em> </p><p> </p><p>

Johnny Martin had an interview hyping his upcoming battle with Acid, Chris Caulfield and Shawn Gonzalez. <strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">©</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/JohnnyMartin.jpg</span> vs <span>http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/Acid_alt2.jpg</span> vs <span>http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/ChrisCaulfield.jpg</span> vs <span>http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/ShawnGonzalez_alt2.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Johnny Martin defeated Acid, Chris Caulfield and Shawn Gonzalez in 11:53 when Johnny Martin defeated Shawn Gonzalez with a </p><p>

Twist on the rocks. <strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">©</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em><span style="color:#008000;">Doc: He's finally done it Johnny Martin has guaranteed himself his rematch for the world title that he feels is long overdue.</span></em></p><p> </p><p>

<em><span style="color:#008000;">Elmer: Good for him and what a show in doing so, now wasn't that more entertaining than just giving him a rematch because he </span></em></p><p>

<em><span style="color:#008000;">lost the belt. And what about the threat we heard from steven parker directed towards joey minnesota a little earlier?</span></em></p><p> </p><p>

<em><span style="color:#008000;">Doc: I don't know about a threat it sounded more like a promise to me folks we're just about out of time thanks for </span></em></p><p>

<em><span style="color:#008000;">tuning in, I'm Doc Messing...</span></em></p><p> </p><p>

<em><span style="color:#008000;">Elmer: and I'm Uncle Elmer</span></em></p><p> </p><p>

<em><span style="color:#008000;">Doc: Thank you and good night.</span></em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">Over All Rating: C-</span></strong></p><p>

<span>http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/Titles%20and%20profiles/HardcoreTV.jpg</span><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;"> Rating: .10</span></strong></p>

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<p><span>http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/Titles%20and%20profiles/PSW_alt.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">Website Announcements:</span></strong></p><p>


<span style="color:#000000;"> Be sure to tune in to the upcoming PSW Unleashed! Its been talked about its been brought up again and its been asked about. This week we start the process to crown the first ever PSW X Division Champion. 20 men will fight in singles matches. The order was randomly selected, however due to time constraints only five of those matches will be shown during Unleashed. We will show the ending of the previous five matches that will take place before the show. Each contestant is fighting for a spot in the 10 man battle royal mayhem that will be held at Outlawed, our main show for the month of march.</span></p><p> </p><p>

A second major announcement we have secured a talent trade with TCW. Edd Stone will be making three appearances for PSW. Just as a prelude he will be one of those 20 men competing for the X Division title.</p>

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http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/Titles%20and%20profiles/PSW_alt2.jpg March, Week 2.


Dark Matches:


Xavier Reckless defeated Hector Galindo in 2:24 by pinfall with a Slingshot DDT. (E)

Brimstone defeated Whippy The Clown in 1:51 by pinfall. (E)

Mainstream Hernandez defeated Red Death in 2:01 by pinfall with an Apparition #14. (E)

Champagne Lover defeated Jefferson Stardust in 2:28 by pinfall with a Champagne Sunrise. (E+)


http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/Titles%20and%20profiles/PSWUnleashed.jpg on Hardcore TV, live from The Den in front of a sold out crowd.


http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/FearlessBlue_alt.jpg vs http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/UltimatePhoenix_alt.jpg


Ultimate Phoenix defeated Fearless Blue in 2:08 by pinfall with a Phoenix Firebird Splash. (E-)


http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/BurningExile_alt.jpg vs http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/JoeyPoison.jpg


Burning EXILE defeated Joey Poison in 2:32 by pinfall with an Exile Driver. (D-)


http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/AshCampbell.jpg vs http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/RemmySkye.jpg


Ash Campbell defeated Remmy Skye in 5:29 by pinfall with a Shooting Star Press. (E-)


http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/DavisWayneNewton_alt.jpg vs http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/genericmaskedman.jpg


Wrestler X defeated Davis Wayne Newton in 4:47 by pinfall with a Spinning reverse neck breaker. (E+)


http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/FumihiroOta_alt2.jpg vs http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/JacobJett.jpg


Fumihiro Ota defeated Jacob Jett in 4:37 by pinfall with a Ninja Strike. (D-)


http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/BlackEagle_alt5.jpg vs http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/roster/not%20used/EddStone_alt6.jpg


Edd Stone defeated Plague in 5:22 by pinfall with a Party's Over. (E+)




Greed: Ever since we won these tag team titles, we've had a target on our back the size of the higher power thats watching out for us.


Famine: Thats right and he said onto us that not only would we become the hunted but that we would have people coming out of the wood works and that seems to be just whats happened recently.


Greed: Are the tag teams of PSW that scared of us that they have to put us in a match against regular wrestlers who...


{ The American Psycos run into the interview area and blindside Wrath of God. The four men start brawling around the backstage before being pulled apart by security. }


The Wrath Of God had an interview hyping their upcoming tag match with Joey Minnesota and Nathan Coleman. (D+)


http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/JoeyMinnesota_alt3.jpghttp://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/NathanColeman.jpg vs http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/JackGiedroyc_alt3.jpghttp://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/Valiant_alt2.jpg


The Wrath Of God defeated Joey Minnesota and Nathan Coleman in 5:37 when Famine defeated Joey Minnesota by pinfall with a V-Split. During the match we also had Steven Parker run in and attack Joey Minnesota. The Wrath Of God make defence number 2 of their PSW Tag Team titles. (C-)


{ Steven Parker gets the microphone again and is in the face of a fallen Joey Minnesota. }


SP: I told you every match, I will personally guarantee you lose untill you sign the contract to face me one on one. You claim to be finished with me but I'm just getting started.


{ Steven Parker continues assaulting Joey Minnesota, Nathan Coleman jumps back into the ring to pull him off. The two exchange words and Parker is leaving the ring. Coleman charges Steven and levels him from behind. Officials and security quickly fill the ring and seperate them. }




" Tonight is the first step of many that I take to prove I am the rightful champion in PSW. That this belt is where it belongs and that not including me in that match at Force to be reckoned with was a major mistake. Not only do I have to fight Johnny Martin in 3 weeks out Outlawed, but I have to fight the losing competitors all in non title matches in the weeks leading up to the event. If that isn't bad enough my opponents get to choose the match type. Tonights challenger is Acid, I still haven't figured out how you fit into the whole title picture. What have you done to prove yourself here, to these fans. No one cares who you were or where you came from. The only thing that matters is what you do here to entertain these people. Well, I'm not scared and I am going to prove that with a touch of class even the garbage promotions of the world can attain greatness! "


Bloodshed had an interview hyping his upcoming singles match with Acid. (D+)


http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/JohnnyBloodstone_alt8.jpg vs http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/Acid_alt2.jpg


Acid defeated Bloodshed in 9:47 when Acid was the first to touch all the corners. (D+)




" How many times must I make you lose, Joey Minnesota? I assure you this is not , Will Not be over untill you face me one on one. What are you afraid of, I'm going to prove once and for all who the better man is. Tonight I take on Shawn Gonzalez for the national title. I plan on using this as a stepping stone, I will win tonight. After I settle things with Joey Minnesota I'm making it known I'm moving on to bigger and better things, I want my chance at the World Championship. "


Steven Parker had an interview hyping his upcoming singles match with Shawn Gonzalez. ©


http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/ShawnGonzalez_alt2.jpg vs http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/StevenParker.jpg


Steven Parker defeated Shawn Gonzalez in 14:34 when Shawn Gonzalez was knocked out. Steven Parker makes defence number 5 of his PSW National title. ©


Show Rating: C-

http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/Titles%20and%20profiles/HardcoreTV.jpg Rating: .10

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  • 2 weeks later...

http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/Titles%20and%20profiles/PSW_alt.jpg Saturday, Week 3, March 2008


Dark Matches:


Brimstone defeated Xavier Reckless in 3:08 by pinfall. (E)

Mainstream Hernandez defeated Ash Campbell and Burning EXILE in 2:50 when Mainstream Hernandez defeated Burning EXILE by pinfall with a Super Kick. (E)

Champagne Lover defeated Ultimate Phoenix in 3:06 by pinfall with a Champagne Sunrise. (E+)

Wrestler X defeated Fumihiro Ota in 3:26 by pinfall with a Spinning Reverse Neckbreaker. (D-)


http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/Titles%20and%20profiles/PSWUnleashed.jpg on hardcore Tv live from The Asylum in front of 901 people.




Elmer: Hello and welcome everyone to the latest edition of PSW Unleashed! We have quite a line up for you tonight, headlined with Bloodshed taking on the second person he screwed over by injecting himself into that world title match last month; Shawn Gonzalez.


Doc: What a match its going to be too Gonzalez chose his match, Thunderdome. For those fans who are unfamiliar, its a steel cage, electrified and wrapped in barbed wire at the top. To further prevent escape the top of the cage is bowed in. We've also got a ladder match for the PSW national title. Edd Stone vs Steven Parker.


Elmer: Thats right we have quite a card


{ The music for Joey Minnesota starts to play as he and Persephone make their way to the ring }


Oh now what do these two want. They aren't supposed to be out here.


Doc: Oh great She's asking for the mic now. Lets see what they have to say.





P: Every shut up and listen to me. Everyone knows that I'm daddies little princess and I demand my turn on the mic. I loathe Steven Parker and the fact that he left me behind when the spotlight started to shine on him. He forgot that I was the one that was there to support him. I don't just want to take his title but I want to take his career, everything that I helped him get.


J: In other words she wanted me to use her money, and my knowledge of this business to get the best guys I could find, and thats just what I did.


{ A new music starts to play and out walk the men Joey was talking about }




JM: JD Morgan, Acid, Nathan Coleman and myself, with Persephone at the helm. In this ring you are looking at the richest most over wrestlers in this sport today. Money can buy you whatever you want. Including everything I need to take out steven parker. I told him I'm through with him and he wants to keep interjecting himself into my matches. That all stops tonight.


P: Collectively and in honor of my upbringing, this is the Polo Club, and you Steven Parker aren't fit to be our landscaper let alone be a champion. You have your marching orders boys, if you want the cash to keep flowing you'll carry them out without fail.


Formation of the Polo Club (D)


http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/Acid_alt2.jpg vs http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/Valiant_alt2.jpg


Acid defeated Famine in a 1 vs 1 First Blood match in 5:20 when Famine was busted open. (D+)


http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/JDMorgan_alt4.jpghttp://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/NathanColeman.jpg vs http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/ArtReed_alt2.jpghttp://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/ChrisCaulfield.jpg


JD Morgan and Nathan Coleman defeated Art Reed and Chris Caulfield in 7:25 when JD Morgan defeated Chris Caulfield by submission with a Cross Atlantic Stretch after interference from Persephone. (D+)


http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/JoeyMinnesota_alt3.jpg vs http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/JohnnyMartin.jpg


Johnny Martin defeated Joey Minnesota in a 1 vs 1 Glass Death match in 7:58 by pinfall with a Twist On The Rocks. During the match we also saw Bloodshed run in and attack Johnny Martin, and Steven Parker also attack Joey Minnesota. ©


{ Steven Parker is standing at ringside with a microphone }


SP: You can repeat yourself all you want to Joey. I'm not done with you and won't be until you agree to a one on one. You can go and get all the back up you want, it still won't stop me.


{ The Polo Club comes running down the aisle and Steven Parker jumps over the guard rail and exits through the crowd }


http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/AlexBraun_alt.jpghttp://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/TankBradley.jpg vs http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/HenryLee_alt.jpghttp://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/DougPeak_alt.jpg


American Psycos defeated The New Jersey Devils in 5:37; Doug Peak was eliminated first, then Tank Bradley, and finally Alex Braun. (D+)




BB: Polo Club, how dare you try and gang attack my man. You claim to be the elite of pro wrestling. All I see are a bunch of cowards. Jealous of the fact that Steven Parker has beaten all of you with the exception of Joey Minnesota who refuses to wrestle him one on one.


SP: Ok calm down babe. First things first, you boys may think you have me running scared because you all came out, scared no but i'm not stupid either. Now for tonight's business So i get to step into the ring with fellow canadian Edd Stone. An outsider, traded to us from TCW for a limited time. You may be the odds on favorite to win the PSW X Division title, but i'm here to let you know you will not be taking this National championship away from me. I've heard a lot of great things about you and from what I've seen most of it was true. Tonight you get your chance to go though the test. Tonight you get a glimpse at the future. Tonight you go one on one with me: Steven Parker.


Steven Parker had an interview hyping his upcoming singles match with Edd Stone. (C-)


http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/StevenParker.jpg vs http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/roster/not%20used/EddStone_alt6.jpg


Steven Parker defeated Edd Stone in a 1 vs 1 Ladder match in 8:48 when Steven Parker retrieved the item. Steven Parker makes defence number 6 of his PSW National title. ©




" Another round of prooving that I deserve to be the champion. I should have been in that match all along. Acid got lucky last week, cheating his way to victory. Tonight you have us locked inside the Thunderdome Steel Cage. Barbed Wire, Electricity and No Escape. This has to be the worst decision I've ever heard. Shawn tonight you find out just why I am the World Champion."



Bloodshed had an interview hyping his upcoming singles match with Shawn Gonzalez. (C-)


http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/JohnnyBloodstone_alt8.jpg vs http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/ShawnGonzalez_alt2.jpg


Bloodshed defeated Shawn Gonzalez in a 1 vs 1 Thundercage match in 11:52 by submission with a Bloodstone Mutilation. ©


Show Rating: C-

http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/Titles%20and%20profiles/HardcoreTV.jpg Rating: .10

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http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/Titles%20and%20profiles/PSW_alt.jpg Week 4, March 2008


Dark Matches:


Brimstone defeated Ash Campbell in 3:20 by pinfall. (E-)

Wrestler X defeated Xavier Reckless and Burning EXILE in 2:43 when Wrestler X defeated Xavier Reckless by pinfall with a Reverse Spinning Neckbreaker. (E+)

Champagne Lover and Fumihiro Ota defeated Ultimate Phoenix and Mainstream Hernandez in 2:40 when Champagne Lover defeated Mainstream Hernandez by pinfall with a Champagne Sunrise. (E+)

Frankie Perez defeated Red Death in 2:34 by submission with a P-Clutch. (D)



http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/Titles%20and%20profiles/PSWUnleashed.jpg On Hardcore TV! Live from Delaware Auditorium in front of 807 people.





Doc: Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to PSW Unleashed! We are on the eve of OUTLAWED, what is sure to be an astounding PPV.


Elmer: Don't worry fans that doesn't mean we're going to dissapoint you tonight. We have a star studded line up for you tonight. But before we get into that I have to bring up the case of one, Wrestler X. He has been wowing the fans in the stadium since his on screen debut two weeks ago.


Doc: Who is this guy and where did he come from? Judge for yourself from this video clip.


Elmer: He certainly is impressive you can all see him in action again tomorrow night at Outlawed, as he will be a part of that 10 man battle royal mayhem rulez to crown the first PSW X Division champion. Lets send you to the ring and the worlds most dangerous ring announcer: Mitch Naess.


http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/Valiant_alt2.jpg vs http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/JDMorgan_alt4.jpg


JD Morgan defeated Famine in 5:39 by submission with a Cross Atlantic Stretch after interference from Persephone. (D)




" Tonight I face Shawn Gonzalez, you couldn't get the job done against Bloodshed, you certainly won't be able to beat me. After I take you out tonight me and my partner Doug Peak go on tomorrow night and win the tag team titles that we've been chasing since we arrived here. The American Psycos will reign supreme and I dare any tag team alive today to step up and take those titles from us. "


Henry Lee had an interview hyping his upcoming singles match with Shawn Gonzalez. ©


http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/HenryLee_alt.jpg vs http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/ShawnGonzalez_alt2.jpg


Shawn Gonzalez defeated Henry Lee in a 1 vs 1 Glass Death match in 5:55 by submission with a Latino Crab. (C+)


http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/JoeyMinnesota_alt3.jpg vs http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/AlexBraun_alt.jpg


Joey Minnesota defeated Alex Braun in a 1 vs 1 First Blood match in 9:19 when Alex Braun was busted open. (C-)


http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/Acid_alt2.jpg vs http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/JackGiedroyc_alt3.jpg


Acid defeated Greed in 3:40 by pinfall with an Acid Rain Bomb. ©


http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/NathanColeman.jpg vs http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/StevenParker.jpg


Steven Parker defeated Nathan Coleman in 10:59 when Nathan Coleman could not beat a ten count after a Future Shock. During the match we also had Joey Minnesota run in and attack Steven Parker. Steven Parker makes defence number 7 of his PSW National title. (D+)


{ After the match the rest of the Polo Club flood the ring and continue the assault on Steven Parker }


JM: Steven Parker, you want to try and make my life a living hell? I told you I was through with you. You didn't want to listen. You drove me to this. You want me one on one, you got it tomorrow night. You! Me! Last Man Standing!


{ The Polo Club exit the ring leaving a bloodied, unconcious steven parker laying in the ring }


Elmer: What an announcement. The only question is will steven parker be able to make it tomorrow night.


Doc: Steven asked for it but I don't think this was quite how he wanted to get the response he was after. Up next we have our semi main event Johnny Martin's warm up match for tomorrow nights title shot against Bloodshed.


http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/ArtReed_alt2.jpg vs http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/JohnnyMartin.jpg


Johnny Martin defeated Art Reed in 10:15 when Art Reed was thrown from the top of the scaffold. ©




" My final test is tonight before I have to fight Johnny Martin under whatever conditions he chooses tomorrow night. Chris Caulfield, we come face to face again. You chose you're stipulations. A fifteen minute time limit, hardcore match. Do you think that little of me. You really think you're gonna soften me up enough to let you buddy beat me tomorrow. I've overcome every obstacle, every obstacle but you. For three months I've been tormented by the fact that you beat me, It should have been me as King of the Deathmatch. Tonight I prove it!"


Bloodshed had an interview hyping his upcoming singles match with Chris Caulfield. (C-)


http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/JohnnyBloodstone_alt8.jpg vs http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/ChrisCaulfield.jpg


Bloodshed drew with Chris Caulfield in 15:00 when the time limit expired. During the match we also had Johnny Martin run in and attack Bloodshed. (C+)


Elmer: Both men are still layin in the ring bloody and not moving. That was the most brutal 15 minutes i think we've seen since the conception of PSW.


Doc: Bloodshed is getting to his feet and he realizes that he still didn't get the victory over Caulfield and starts assaulting him.


Elmer: Here comes Johnny Martin to make save his friend.


Doc: I don't know if its friends or just a mutual respect between these two. Folks we're just about out of time but we'll stay with this as long as we can.


{ Johnny Martin hits the ring and Bloodshed makes a quick exit. Johnny Martin gets a microphone }


JM: I've had enough from you. Tommorow night at Outlawed I put you in your place. The match I choose is the very match you chose to throw yourself into last month. Stairway to Hell!


Show Rating: C

http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/Titles%20and%20profiles/HardcoreTV.jpg Rating: .09

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Card Preview for PSW Outlawed!


Feel free to join our discussion forum and predict the outcome.


Nicky Champion vs Nathan Coleman


The Polo Club (morgan and acid) vs The New Jersey Devils


10 man battle royal - Mayhem Rulez - PSW X Division Championship


Wrestler X, Fumihiro Ota, Ultimate Pheonix, Brimstone, Edd Stone, Burning Exile, Xavier Reckless, Champagne Lover, Ash Campbell and Mainstream Hernandez


PSW Tag Team Championship


American Psycos vs The Wrath of God ©


Triple Threat for #1 Contendership


Shawn Gonzalez vs Chris Caulfield vs Art Reed


Last Man Standing - PSW National Championship


Steven Parker © vs Joey Minnesota


Stairway to Hell - PSW Heavyweight Championship


Johnny Martin vs Bloodshed ©

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http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/Titles%20and%20profiles/PSW_alt2.jpg Sunday Week 4, March 2008


http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/Titles%20and%20profiles/PSWOutlawed-1.jpg ( Courtesy of CQI13 )



Dark Matches:

Plague defeated Whippy The Clown in 3:47 by pinfall with a New Jersey Turnpike. (E)

Red Death defeated Rhino Umaga in 4:24 by pinfall with a Tumbling Monkey. (D)

Frankie Perez defeated Rudy Velasquez in 4:04 by submission with a P-Clutch. (E+)



PSW OUTLAWED live from McGaw Arena in front of 4,644 people.




Doc: Ladies and Gentleman welcome to PSW Outlawed. Tonight Steven Parker finally gets his one on one match against Joey Minnesota. In a last man standing match for the PSW National Champion.


Elmer: Our main event after two months of trying Johnny Martin finally gets a one on one match for the PSW world championship, he feels he should have never lost, against Bloodshed.


Doc: I'm getting word now that something is going on in the back.


{ A limo is shown in the back pulling up and Steven Parker and Blonde Bombshell step out.}




" As the limo door closes the Polo Club run on camera and assault Steven Parker. They continue to pummel him until security run out and seperate them. Joey Minnesota shouts at the fallen Parker, "I'll see you later tonight." He picks up the National title, "and you can say good bye to this because it's leaving with me."


Polo Club Attack Steven Parker as he arrives at the arena. (E)


Elmer: What a vicious assault. That was totally uncalled for. I just hope Steven Parker will be able to make it to the ring later tonight.


Doc: I don't want to see any titles change hands because of a cheap shot like that. I mean they already assaulted Steven Parker last night on Unleashed. Is Joey Minnesota that afraid of him that they have to attack him again tonight.


http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/NathanColeman.jpg vs http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/NickyChampion_alt3.jpg


" Nathan Coleman makes his way to the ring and Nicky Champion doesn't waste anytime running down the aisle to cut him off. Champion beats Coleman down the aisle towards the ring side area. Champion throws Coleman into the steel steps but its reversed and it is he who crashes into the steel steps. Coleman slams Champions arm into the steel steps, and again. They continue to fight around the ringside area. Coleman irish whips Champion into the guardrail and charges at him. Champion moves out of the way just before Coleman can connect with a boot to the face, and Coleman winds up crotching himself on the guardrail. The action moves inside the ring, Champion shows off his strength by pressing Coleman above his head and dropping him to the mat. Champion is pulling Colman to his feet but gets hit with a low blow for his trouble. Coleman leaves the ring and returns with a steel chair. He nails Champion with a couple hard shots before dropping the chair. He goes for the cover 1... 2... and a kick out Champion tossed Coleman in the air with that one. Coleman grabs the chair and is arguing with the referee. He turns around and swings the chair at Champion who moves out of the way the chair bouces off the ropes and back into face of Coleman. Champion quickly uses a school boy roll up and the ref starts to count 1... 2... 3! Champion exits the ring as the rest of the polo club come running down to the ring. "


Nicky Champion defeated Nathan Coleman in 5:17 by pinfall with a roll up. (D-)


Doc: Some might call that an upset but Champion has really been impressing a lot of people lately.


Elmer: Its a good thing he got out of here before the Polo Club could get their hands on him. They've done enough damage for one night. Acid and JD Morgan are in the ring already and here come their opponents The New Jersey Devils. The winner will take on whomever the tag team champions may be next week on Unleashed.


http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/Acid_alt2.jpghttp://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/JDMorgan_alt4.jpg vs http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/AlexBraun_alt.jpghttp://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/TankBradley.jpg


" The four men are in the ring and immediatly Polo Club go on the attack ambushing Braun and Bradley. They throw Braun from the ring and double team Bradley. First they land a double suplex and then irish whip him into the ropes, Bradley ducks a double clothes line attempt and bounces off the ropes and levels both members of the polo club with clotheslines. Bradley focuses on Acid picking him up and body slamming him down. Morgan hits bradley from behind with a forearm and continues the assault. Braun pulls Acid to the outside and the two begin fighting on the outside. Brau whips Acid into the guardrail and clotheslines him, both men topple over the guardrail. Morgan is still dominating Bradley in the ring. Morgan sets up a chair in the middle of the ring and irish whips Bradley to the ropes. Drop toe hold on to the chair, that split Bradley wide open. Morgan makes the cover 1... 2... and Bradley barely gets his shoulder up before the count of three. Nathan Coleman runs in and attacks Braun from behind the two battle through the crowd and dissapear behind the curtain. Acid makes his way to the ring and joins Morgan in a 2 on 1 assault. Morgan grabs Bradley and pulls him up for a powerbomb. Acid adds to the impact of the powerbomb by executing a neckbreaker at the same time. Morgan locks bradley in his finisher the Cross Atlantic Stretch. Bradley is writhing in pain and trying to get to the ropes. The crowd erupts as Braun comes racing back down to the ring with a chair in hand. Coleman again comes out to try and stop him but gets knocked out with a chair shot. Acid leaves the ring to cut him off but gets a chair shot of his own instead. Braun is sliding into the ring but its too late Bradley is tapping out. Braun swings the chair at morgan but he ducks out of the ring to avoid the impact. Braun is checking on his fallen friend and long time partner. The polo club try to get into the ring but Braun is there to cut them off with chair in hand. "


Acid and JD Morgan defeated The New Jersey Devils in 8:51 when JD Morgan defeated Tank Bradley by submission with a Cross Atlantic Stretch. (C-)


Elmer: You can feel the dissapointment radiating off of The New Jersey Devils. To lose their chance at getting a re-match for the tag titles they lost, because of interferance like that.


Doc: The Polo Club are certainly making their presence felt and in a big way. Next up we have the 10 man battle royal to crown the first ever PSW X Division Champion.


http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/roster/not%20used/Brimstone.jpg vs http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/genericmaskedman.jpg vs http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/roster/not%20used/EddStone_alt6.jpg vs http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/XavierReckless_alt2.jpg vs http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/FearlessBlue_alt.jpg vs http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/BurningExile_alt.jpg vs http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/UltimatePhoenix_alt.jpg vs http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/ChampagneLover_alt.jpg vs http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/FumihiroOta_alt2.jpg vs http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/MainstreamHernandez_alt5-1.jpg


" This has been an amazing match up so far. Early on we saw Champagne Lover and Ultimate Pheonix eliminate eachother via double count out. There is still a lot of heat between those two stemming from that match where Pheonix thought Champagne was trying to remove his mask. Fearless Blue eliminated Xavier Reckless. He didn't have much time to celebrate though as Wrestler X caught him with a cross body off the top rope for the pin. Mainstream Hernandez caught Burning Exile with a superkick and covered him. A few minutes later he was taken out by Edd Stone courtesy of a Party's Over. We're down to our final four competitors Edd Stone, Brimstone, Fumihiro Ota and the mysterious Wrestler X. Each man is winded and resting in a corner staring at the other competitors. Brimstone is the first to act he charges over and splashes Edd Stone in the corner. Fumihiro Ota moves and and catches him with a reverse ddt as he lands and covers him 1... 2... 3! Now we're down to three folks. Stone and Ota are battling back and forth Wrestler X is just standing back watching the two go at it. Stone has Ota perched on the top turnbuckle and delivers a huricanrana X runs over and scores the pinfall. As Stone gets to his feet he turns around and gets caught with a reverse spinning neck breaker. The cover 1... 2... 3! Wreslter X continues assaulting Stone. Finally the ref steps in and warns him that if he doesn't stop he'll reverse his decision."


Wrestler X won a battle royal in 14:38. The final four competitors also included Fumihiro Ota, Edd Stone and Brimstone, with Edd Stone being the final elimination. Wrestler X wins the PSW X Division title. (D+)


{ After the Match Wrestler X is handed the belt and asks for a microphone }




" Sammy Bach! Sammy Bach! I'm Calling you out. First things first { He stops and pulls off his mask }




Thats right. Who did you think it was under this mask? Who did you think the PSW X Division was designed around? Its me, for weeks i've had to sit in the back and listen to everyone talk to Edd Stone about you. Wanting to know how you were doing. I'm calling you out. { Teddy Powell goes over and continues assaulting Stone } You take that message back to Sammy Batch. Along with this. Sammy, you abandoned me! We had a pact, neither of us would leave the other behind. What did you do the first chance you got. Took the money and the spot light. I was the one who carried our team! It was me, not you! I'm going to prove to everyone that TCW took the wrong person. I'm challenging you are you man enough to accept?"


Doc: I can't believe it, it was Teddy Powell all along. Did you know about this?


Elmer: I didn't know a thing. He came to me as wrestler X looking for a spot on the roster. I just gave it to him. What a way to crown our first X division champion though. He didn't wait to get challenged he laid it on the floor.


http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/JackGiedroyc_alt3.jpghttp://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/Valiant_alt2.jpg vs http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/HenryLee_alt.jpghttp://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/DougPeak_alt.jpg


" The Wrath of God leave the ring and grab a microphone. Greed does all the talking "Now word has it that the Polo Club have been making some noise demanding a title shot. As you can see boys our dance card is a little full tonight. However anyother night you boys step up we'll be glad to put you in your place. Tonight we ged rid of the thorns in our sides that is you American Psycos..." He gets cut off when Lee and Peak in tandem dive through the ropes wiping out Greed and Famine. American Psycos take the opportunity to gain control of the match. They battle around the ring, Peak lands a DDT on the floor to Famine, and slides a ladder into the ring. He's almost to the top when out of no where Greed hits him in the back with a chair causing him to fall to the mat. Lee comes in and tips the ladder over as Greed was beginning his ascent. Just as he turns around he gets caught with a missle dropkick from Famine. Greed and Famine set up a table in the ring and suplex Peak through it. Famine tosses Lee out of the ring while Greed sets the ladder up. Greed starts to climb the ladder as Lee is getting to his feet on the outside, but Famine takes him out with placha over the top. Peak starts to crawl his way up the ladder as well but its too late as Greed unhooked the belts."


The Wrath Of God defeated American Psycos in a 2 vs 2 TLC match in 11:55 when Greed retrieved the item. The Wrath Of God make defence number 3 of their PSW Tag Team titles. (D+)


Elmer: The tag team champions retain their titles yet again. These two are certainly on a role here in PSW.


Doc: You can say that again, I'll tell....


{ The lights go out and an image is show on the jumbo tron two people are seen in a movie theatre all you can see is the back of their heads }


person 1: That match was a little dull for my tastes. It wasn't hardcore enough, what do you think?


person 2: I'll agree. For a match that involved tables, ladders and chairs there was so much more they could have done with it.


person 1: Final rating; two thumbs down.


person 2: We are the critics, thank you all for tuning into our review program.


Elmer: What the hell was that?


Doc: I have no clue. The bigger question is who the hell was that and who do they think they are judging our competitors?


http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/ArtReed_alt2.jpg vs http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/ChrisCaulfield.jpg vs http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/ShawnGonzalez_alt2.jpg


" This match is for the number one contender spot for the PSW world championship. All three men are in the ring sizing up the competition. Art and Chris attack Shawn beating him down to the mat. They know the only way to get a win in a triple threat match is to eliminate one of your opponents. Art pulls Shawn to his feet and irish whips him into the corner. Art grabs Chris and irish whips him toward Shawn, connecting with a clothesline. Art follows suit landing an avalanche splash on shawn in the corner who stumbles forward and falls on his face. Chris goes for the cover and doesn't even get a 1 count before Art throws him off. Art tries to go for the cover but again doesn't even get a 1 count before chris throws him off. The two exchange punches back and forth giving Shawn time to recover. He pulls himself to his feet and is resting in the corner watching Art and Chris fight eachother. Art has Chris perched on the top turnbuckle and set up for a superplex. Shawn runs over and assists Art and they deliver a double superplex. Shawn picks Chris up to his feet and throws him into the corner. Art irish whips Shawn into Chris. Looking for a repeat of moments ago Art runs in but gets stopped short when Shawn steps in and superkicks him down to the mat. Shawn quickly goes for the cover but only maganges a two count before Art gets the shoulder up. Caulfield gets to his feet and the two double team Art eventually throwing him to the outside of the ring. Shawn tries to cheap shot Chris but he blocks the punch and deliver one of his own, then another and another. Chris sends Gonzalez to the ropes and catches him with a brutal spine buster. Art gets to his feet on the outside and slide a chair into the ring that he uses to break up the pin attempt. Art swings the chair and levels Chris. Reed turns around as Shawn is getting to his feet and levels him with the chair as well. With both of his competitors down Art climbs to the top turnbuckle, he leaps off with a frog splash onto Shawn. Caulfield gets to his feet and pulls Art off of Shawn and lifts him onto his shoulder and Danger Drop onto the chair. Chirs grabs Gonzalez and throws him out of the ring and pins Art 1... 2... 3!"


Chris Caulfield defeated Art Reed and Shawn Gonzalez in 11:37 when Chris Caulfield defeated Art Reed by pinfall with a Danger Drop. ©


Doc: What an awesome match and it looks like Chris Caulfield has himself an open opportunity for a shot at the world title.


Elmer: I couldn't think of a more fitting number one contender. After all he is the innovator of violence. Our next match is one that most of our fans are viewing this event for. Last Man Standing and the PSW National Championship!


http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/JoeyMinnesota_alt3.jpg vs http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/StevenParker.jpg


" Joey Minnesota makes his way to the ring first and no surprise here but the entire Polo Club are making their way to the ring as well. They reach the ringside and the referee stops them. He sends them all to the back much to the delight of the crowd. Steven Parker makes his way to the ring and wastes no time rushing down the aisle attacking Joey from behind while he's still arguing with the ref. The attack is vicious and quick he throws him into the steel steps with such force that Minnesota flies over them. He manages to pull himself to his feet resting against the guardrail but not for long as Parker launches himself off the steel steps and lands a clothesline knocking Joey over the rail and into the crowd. Parker fills the ring with a couple steel chairs a table and some other weapons that were lying under the ring. Parker is standing in the ring waiting for Joey when Persephone tries to sneak up behind him. He turns around and catches her causing her to stop in her tracks and start to back peddle. Blonde Bombshell is standing behind her with a chair leaving her with no where to go. Minnesota slides back into the ring behind Parker and hits him with a chair. Bombshell swings the chair but misses Persephone who flees the ring. Bombshell gives chase and the two dissapear behind the curtain. Back in the ring Joey has used the cheap shot with the chair to take control of the match. Unfortunatly for Parker the weapons that he threw into the ring earlier are being used against him. Joey heads to the outside and finds a ladder under there from earlier. He delivers a DDT to Parker and leans the ladder against the corner and climbs on the top turnbuckle. He uses the ladder falling forward onto Steven and the ref starts to count. Steven pulls himself up on the ropes stopping the count at 7. Joey charges at him but Parker falls back down grabbing the top rope on his way down and Minnesota falls to the outside. Steven runs to the ropes and catches Joey with a baseball slide to the side of the head. Parker exits the ring and grabs one of the cables running along the ringside area and uses it to choke Minnesota. Minnesota looks to be unconcious and Parker relinquishes the choke. As the ref is counting him Parker starts to take apart the announce table. Joey reaches his feet at the count of 8. Parker lunges at him with monitor in hand but Minnesota kicks him in the stomach and snatches the monitor and uses it on him instead , Parker stumbles backwards and blocks the second swing of the monitor. The two make their way back into the ring Steven blocks a suplex attempt and delivers a snap suplex. Parker gets to his feet and sets the table up in the middle of the ring. He drags Joey over to the table and sets him up for the future shock. Acid comes racing down the aisle and slides into the ring Parker lets go and catches Acid with a dropkick and quickly grabs a chair and nails him with with. JD Morgan just leapt over the guardrail and gets a chair shot as well. Parker turns his focus back to Minnesota again setting him up for the future shock. Nathan Coleman slides into the ring Parker sees him and kicks him in the stomach and Future Shock onto the chair. Steven Parker jumps up and turns around walking right into Joey Minnesota and an Empire Spiral right through the table. Parker starts to stir at the count of 8 he's crawling to the ropes and tries pulling himself up but doesn't make it before the count of 10."


Joey Minnesota defeated Steven Parker in 12:26 when Steven Parker could not beat a ten count after an Empire Spiral. The match also had a lot of interference: Acid targeted Steven Parker, JD Morgan attacked Steven Parker, and finally Nathan Coleman interfered against Steven Parker. Joey Minnesota wins the PSW National title. (C-)


Elmer: It took all 4 of them, 5 if you count the distraction from Persephone at the start of the match but we have a new PSW National Champion.


Doc: It doesn't look like they're finished yet either, as they are continuing their assault on Steven Parker. This is just uncalled for. Finally security is on the way to the ring to pull them off of him.


Elmer: I'm getting word now that Bloodshed is in the back for a pre match interview.




" Johnny Martin, you think you're going to scare me by having a Stairway to Hell match. Like I said before I should have always been in that match and tonight I'm going to show what I can do with more time in the ring. You may think this is going to be you're saving grace. I know this is going to be my stepping stone. I'm going to use you to catapult myself into superstardom. From this point on my name will be synonamous with Hardcore. I don't have to tell you that though, you'll find out soon enough. "


Bloodshed had an interview hyping his upcoming singles match with Johnny Martin. (C-)


Doc: Those are some strong words lets see if he can back them up.


http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/JohnnyBloodstone_alt8.jpg vs http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/JohnnyMartin.jpg


" Johnny Martin starts the match as soon as Bloodhed steps through the ropes, hitting him with a shoulder tackle knocking him back through the ropes and onto the floor. Johnny dives through the ropes but Bloodshed side steps him and he lands face first on the concrete. Bloodshed mounts him and delivers a series of rights and lefts. Bloodshed slides a ladder into the ring and sets it. Martin is starting to stand up on the outside bloodshed turns and dives over the top rope with a canonball wiping them both out. Bloodshed pulls him to his feet and they brawl around the ring. The two men are fighting infront of the announce table. Bloodshed suplexes Johnny onto the table. Bloodshed climbs back into the ring and starts to climb the turnbuckle but stops. He grabs a chair and points to the ladder. The crowd pops in anticipation of what he's going to do. Bloodshed climbs the ladder, chair in hand . At the top of the ladder he unhooks the coil of barbed wire and drops it to the mat. He stands perched ontop of the ladder and leaps over the ropes and crashes onto Johnny Martin driving him through the announce table with an arabian facebuster. Holy **** echoes throughout the arena as both men lay motionless in the wreckage of the announce table. A few minutes pass as the ref is checking on both men. Bloodshed is the first to move crawling out and towards the ring. Johnny Martin finally starts to move. Bloodshed rolls into the ring and Martin grabs a bag out from under the ring and rolls in behind him. Bloodshed is resting in the corner, Johnny dumps out the bag of thumbtacks and moves towards Bloodshed. Bloodshed charges Johnny who sees him coming and back body drops him into the ladder causing it to topple over and fall ontop of him. Martin grabs the barbed wire and wraps it around the head and shoulders of Bloodshed. He drags him over to the thumbtacks and delivers a twist on the rocks. Again both men are laying motionless this time in the ring. If Martin can capitalize he might be able to pick up the win. He crawls over and drapes an arm over Bloodshed, 1... 2... 3! Both men remain motionless and a bloody mess. The staff medics are on their way down to the ring with two stretchers. The chant of Holy **** is still being chanted throughout the arena."


Johnny Martin defeated Bloodshed in a 1 vs 1 Stairway to Hell match in 19:41 by pinfall with a Twist On The Rocks. Johnny Martin wins the PSW Championship title. (C+)


Doc: Holy **** indeed! Bloodshed may not have won that match but I think he proved he can manage hardcore with the best of them.


Elmer: That leap from atop the ladder inside the ring all the way to our announce table was simply amazing. That may have been his downfall though.


Doc: I'll agree with you there I think that hurt him more than it did Johnny Martin.


Elmer: One big night , Two new champions folks we're out of time, join us next week for Unleashed! Thank you and Good night everybody.




Show Rating: C-

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Its that time again for the PSW wrestler of the month. It should come as no surprise who the winner is this month. The mastermind behind the mystery of Wrestler X. None other than Teddy Powell:




The first ever PSW X Division Champion, former D.A.V.E star and tag team champion there. He has thrown down the gauntlet and started some heated negotiations between management at TCW and here at PSW headquarters. Lets see if he can continue his impressive streak he's started so far.

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Card Preview For PSW Unleashed:


Saturday, April Week 1 2008


Nicky Champion vs Deadbolt - Hardcore


Polo Club (morgan/acid) vs American Psycos vs Exile/Plague - Hardcore Elimination


Tank Bradley vs Greed - Flourescent Lighttubes Deathmatch


Teddy Powell vs Frankie Perez - Ladder


Alex Braun vs Famine - Hardcore


Steven Parker vs Bloodshed - Hardcore


Shawn Gonzalez vs Joey Minnesota - Strap Match


Johnny Martin vs Chris Caulfield - Last Man Standing

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  • 2 weeks later...

http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/Titles%20and%20profiles/PSW_alt2.jpg Saturday week 1, april 2008


Dark Matches:


Mainstream Hernandez defeated Whippy The Clown in 3:14 by pinfall with an Apparition #14. (E-)

Fumihiro Ota defeated Rudy Velasquez and Davis Wayne Newton in 3:06 when Fumihiro Ota defeated Rudy Velasquez by pinfall with a Ninja Strike. (D-)

Champagne Lover defeated Xavier Reckless in 3:17 by submission with a Champagne Breakfast. (D-)

Art Reed defeated Ultimate Phoenix in 2:43 by submission with a Dread Lock. (D)


http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/Titles%20and%20profiles/PSWUnleashed.jpg live on Hardcore tv broadcast from Colorado Springs Bar in front of 242 people.




Elmer: Hello everyone and welcome to another edition of PSW Unleashed! We are just six removed from PSW Outlawed! The mighty have fallen and the landscape of PSW has been changed.


Doc: Thats right We have a new World and National Champion, as well as crowning our first ever X Division champion. The myseterious wrestler X revealed himself to be Teddy Powell all along, and did he have some words for his former friend...


{ A video clip is shown of Teddy Powell's speech after winning the X Division title.}


Elmer: Strong words indeed. TCW have so far been unrelenting in denying us Sammy Bach, insisting that it is at his request. We have another show lined up for you tonight, with the main event being for the World Heavyweight championship. Johnny Martin will be defending against the new number one contender in Chris Caulfield.


Doc: Joey Minnesota will be defending his newly " won " National Championship against Shawn Gonzalez. That match was certainly a dissapointment at Outlawed. Steven Parker seemed to have things in his favor after finally getting Joey Minnesota in the ring for a one on one contest. What he didn't count on was the entire Polo Club running in to help steal the victory.


Elmer: There's word coming in that Steven Parker is outraged and is storming through the locker rooms looking for Joey Minnesota or any member of the Polo Club for that matter. Its time for our first match up, Deadbolt is in the ring and awaiting his first challenger since returning from injury.


Doc: We send you now to the world's most dangerous ring announcer, Mitch Naess.



http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/roster/not%20used/DeadBolt.jpg vs http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/NickyChampion_alt3.jpg


Nicky Champion defeated Dead Bolt in 5:15 by pinfall with a Hawkeye Hammer. (E+)


Elmer: Nicky Champion continues his roll and I'm sure he'll be looking for his chance to go for gold some time soon. On the other side of that match Dead Bolt was highly unimpressive and the fans pretty much dumped on anything he tried to do.


Doc: In most cases I would say to cut the guy some slack seeing how he is just coming off an injury but that was just awful. As for our next match... Hey wait a minute thats the music for Steven Parker he's not supposed to be coming out here.





" Joey Minnesota, Polo Club you guys stole something from me. I'm out here to tell you that I want it back. Are you really that afraid that I'm better than you Joey? Than any of you self proclaimed "elitists?" I wanted you one on one to put to rest all the trash talk you were doing, saying you were better than me. That you were'n afraid of me. Because to me it sure in the hell looked like it took all four of you to beat me at Outlawed. I had the match won, untill one by one all of your little cronies came out and interefered! I'm laying down the challenge to you Joey Minnesota. If you really are better than me fight me again (huge crowd pop), right here tonight (an even louder crowd pop) inside a steel cage (the crowd erupts extremely loud). That way it stays one on one from start to finish. Are you man enough to come out here and accept the challenge? ( A long pause as Steven Parker is standing on the ring ropes facing the entrance ramp.) Well if you're not going to come out here then I'm going to have to come find you. "



{ Parker exits the ring and heads back into the locker room area to continue his search for Joey Minnesota and the Polo Club }



Steven Parker comes to the ring and challenges Joey Minnesota to a match. (D+)



Doc: He is certainly not happy and I for one hope he does get his hands on Joey Minnesota again. That was an amazing match last night if you take away the interference.


Elmer: I wonder why Joey didn't come out here, do you think he really is scared of Steven Parker?


Doc: It sure seems that way.


Elmer: One thing I couldn't agree with was the statement made by wrath of god at Outlawed, saying that if they beat American Psycos they could never wrestle them again. So our next match is a number one contenders match. Part of the Polo Club in JD Morgan and Acid vs American Psycos and the newly established Trans Am Express. They told me thats Trans Am as in the airport not the car just to clear that up. They looked great in the match they had together last week so they decided to try and give things a go in the tag division.



http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/JDMorgan_alt4.jpghttp://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/Acid_alt2.jpg vs http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/HenryLee_alt.jpghttp://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/DougPeak_alt.jpg vs http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/BurningExile_alt.jpghttp://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/BlackEagle_alt5.jpg


Polo Club defeated American Psycos and Trans AM Express in 4:40; the order of elimination was Trans Am Express first, and finally American Psycos. (D-)



Doc: Another dissapointment for American Psycos. The Polo Club had the numbers advantage and was able to steal the win and earn themselves a title shot against Wrath of God next week.


Elmer: Its a shame to see them put down like that if it wasn't for all the

interference American Psycos would've had that match won. The Trans Am Express gave another good showing, they were just a bit out classed in the experience department.


Doc: Up next is another installment in the growing saga between Wrath of

God and The New Jersey Devils. The Devils want their titles back and Wrath of God are determined to show them they aren't worthy. Its Greed taking on Tank Bradley in a Fluorescent Lighttube Deathmatch.



http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/TankBradley.jpg vs http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/JackGiedroyc_alt3.jpg


Greed defeated Tank Bradley in a 1 vs 1 Fluorescent Lighttubes Death match in 5:39 by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage. (D+)


Elmer: Tank Bradley fell victim tonight when greed propped his feet on the ropes for added leverage to get the pin. He came very close a few times in that match to coming out on top but Greed was just too resilient.


Doc: That was strike one against the Devils later on tonight we have Alex Braun taking on Famine. If Braun can manage a victory then there is still hope that they could get a re match for the tag titles.


Elmer: But for now we have an X Division ladder match for the gold. Its the returning Teddy Powell taking on his first challenger in Frankie Perez.


{ Teddy Powell makes his way to the ring carrying the X Division title in one hand and a microphone in the other }


TP: Well, well , well. Sammy Bach, still no word from you. In fact word around the business is you're scared of me and thats why you don't want to let TCW ok the negotiations that have been taking place. Is that true? I think it is, You know you were in the wrong for betraying me like you did. I'm going to prove once again that I can do anything better than you which brings me to my second announcement; let me introduce all of you to my new manager and fiance... Vita.


{ The swedish beauty makes her way to the ring and takes her place next to Teddy Powell. }



http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/FrankiePerez_alt3.jpg vs http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/My%20Alts/TeddyPowell_alt3.jpg


Teddy Powell defeated Frankie Perez in a 1 vs 1 Ladder match in 7:38 when Teddy Powell retrieved the item with help from Vita. Teddy Powell makes defence number 1 of his PSW X Division title. (D)



{ Teddy Powell is in the ring standing over the fallen Frankie Perez. Vita steps into the ring handing him his title and a microphone. }



TP: This is your future Sammy! I personally guarantee I will stop at nothing to prove I'm better than you. Quit hiding behind contracts and step into my world.


{ Teddy drops the microphone and starts assaulting Perez just as he was getting back up to his feet, eventually leaving him beaten and bloodied in the ring. }



Doc: That attack was completely uncalled for. Teddy Powell claims he is doing all of this to get the attention of someone who probably isn't even watching our program.


Elmer: He didn't exactly get that victory by himself in case you're just joining us lets take a look at how that match ended. You can see Frankie Perez at the top of the ladder reaching for the title when Vita slides into the ring and grabbing his foot. That enabled Teddy Powell to recover and pull him off the ladder and hit him with the Motion Censor. That put an end to what was a great match.


Doc: Up next is the last Chance the New Jersey Devils last chance to keep their title chances alive a little longer. Its Alex Braun taking on Famine in a Hardcore match.



http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/Valiant_alt2.jpg vs http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/AlexBraun_alt.jpg


Alex Braun defeated Famine in 5:37 by pinfall with a Braun Damage. (D+)



Elmer: Alex Braun did it he kept the New Jersey Devils chances at a tag title shot alive.


Doc: For now at least. Its been quite a show so far and there's more to come. Including our next bout between Bloodshed and Steven Parker.


Elmer: Both of these men have taken a fall from grace after Outlawed. Both were former champions looking to get back on top of things. Parker vs Bloodshed coming up next.



http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/StevenParker.jpg vs http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/JohnnyBloodstone_alt8.jpg


Bloodshed defeated Steven Parker in 3:34 by submission with a Bloodstone Mutilation after interference from Lady Melissa. (C-)



Doc: That was a quick match Parker would've had it won if it wasn't for the interference from Lady Melissa.


Elmer: It was very competitive in the short amount of time the ring lasted. I wouldn't mind seeing these two go at it again.


Doc: Up next is Joey Minnesota and his first defence against Shawn Gonzalez, in a strap match. Lets see if he can defend his title on his own since we all witnessed he couldn't win it all by himself.



http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/JoeyMinnesota_alt3.jpg vs http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/ShawnGonzalez_alt2.jpg


Joey Minnesota defeated Shawn Gonzalez in 9:01 when Joey Minnesota was the first to touch all four corners after interference from Nathan Coleman. Joey Minnesota makes defence number 1 of his PSW National title. ©



Elmer: Big surprise there, he's still the champion but he didn't do it on his own.


Doc: Hold that thought Elmer here comes Steven Parker.


Elmer: Things are about pick up now.



http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/JoeyMinnesota_alt3.jpg & http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/StevenParker.jpg



SP: Stop right there Joey Minnesota. You stole my title out Outlawed, you cheated Shawn Gonzalez out of a victory. I came out here earlier and demanded my rematch, you refused to show your face. Now you've got no choice but to give me an answer.


JM: Who do you think you are? Are you forgetting that I'm the one holding the title belt? That means I call the shots, not you! You're not good enough to shine my shoes let alone challenge me to a title match. I bet you couldn't even beat the other members of the Polo Club let alone me. In fact your answer is NO, You get NO title shot. You don't even get a match, unless you can beat the other members of the Polo Club. You run the gauntlet you get your match.


{ Steven Parker charges the ring and starts attacking Joey Minnesota security quickly floods the ring seperating them. }


Joey Minnesota is in the ring when Steven Parker comes out. Joey Minnesota says that he refuses the challenge. (C-)



Doc: What a war this has turned out to be. Steven Parker is all alone in this battle though.


Elmer: It hasn't scared him off yet, in fact this may be just what he wanted. It was the entire Polo Club that cost him his title after all. Up next two friends collide with the world title at stake.


Doc: That right Elmer Chris Caulfield earning himself the number one contender spot at outlawed on the same night his friend Johnny Martin won the World Title. That match is just about to start as we see the new champion on his way to the ring.



http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/JohnnyMartin.jpg vs http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/ChrisCaulfield.jpg


Chris Caulfield drew with Johnny Martin in 12:58 when both competitors failed to beat a ten count. (C-)



Elmer: What an incredible last man standing match. These two put on a hellacious show. Unfortunatly both men were able to beat a ten count and the match ended in a draw.


Doc: Its deffinatly dissapointing but that was truly a brutal match. I can't wait to see them go at it again.


Elmer: You won't have to wait long, I'm making that match right now. Next week on Unleashed, Johnny Martin vs Chris Caulfield. This time locked inside a steel cage. There will be a clear winner. We're almost out of time folks thank you for tuning in. For my colleague Doc Messing, I'm Uncle

Elmer, Thank you and goodnight!


Show Rating: C-

http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/Titles%20and%20profiles/HardcoreTV.jpg Rating: .09

OOC: I know this has been long overdue, however real life has been extremely busy as of late. I have to add the finishing touches to the rest of the shows for april and they should be up as scheduled (at least one every friday or monday depending on RL issues)

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/Titles%20and%20profiles/PSW_alt.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="22410" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> </p><div style="text-align:left;"><p>Despite a suprisingly quick recovery from an injury, Deadbolt returned to action, perhaps a little too soon. His in ring performance was way below my expectations, the fans were not pleased with his performance. As a result he has been released from PSW immediatly.</p><p> In major news PSW has landed a PPV contract. So those of you who joined us for Outlawed on our webcast we thank you for joining us for our very last one. Starting this month with our biggest event of the year PSW Baptism by Fire, we will be live on PPV.</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="color:#ff0000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Card Preview for PSW Unleashed:</span></strong></span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">Whippy the Clown vs Teddy Powell</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="color:#000000;">Doug Peak vs Art Reed vs Nicky Champion</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">Wrath of God vs Polo Club</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>Henry Lee vs Steven Parker</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">Joey Minnesota vs Bloodshed</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">Chris Caulfield vs Johnny Martin</span></p></div><p></p><p></p>
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  • 2 weeks later...

http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/Titles%20and%20profiles/PSW_alt2.jpg Saturday Week 2, April 2008


Dark matches:

Mainstream Hernandez defeated Rudy Velasquez and Xavier Reckless in 2:53 when Mainstream Hernandez defeated Rudy Velasquez by pinfall with an Apparition #14. (E+)

Tank Bradley defeated Nathan Coleman in 3:15 by pinfall with a Tank Crush. (D-)

Champagne Lover and Frankie Perez defeated Ultimate Phoenix and Red Death in 3:29 when Frankie Perez defeated Red Death by submission with a P-Clutch. (D-)

Alex Braun defeated Shawn Gonzalez in 3:06 by pinfall with a Braun Damage. (D+)


http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/Titles%20and%20profiles/PSWUnleashed.jpg Live on Hardcore TV from Pennsylvania Park in front of a sold out crowd!






Doc: Hello everyone and welcome to another installment of PSW Unleashed. I'm Doc Messing and you all know my broadcast colleague Uncle Elmer.


Elmer: Thats right fans and followers of PSW. Toight we have the much hyped and anticipated re-match between Chris Caulfield and Johnny Martin. I've decided to lock these two inside a steel cage, we will have a definitive winner.


Doc: We've got Joey Minnesota defending his National Championship against Bloodshed as well as Wrath of God defending against the Polo Club in the form of JD Mor...


Elmer: I have to cut you off but Whippy the clown has been introduced and not yet come out, I'm being told we have cameras rolling in the back and ready to show us why.





Teddy Powell ambushes Whippy the clown in the back prior to their match. (D-)


http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/WhippyTheClown_alt-1.jpg vs http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/My%20Alts/TeddyPowell_alt3.jpg


Teddy Powell defeated Whippy The Clown in 4:39 by pinfall with a Motion Censor. Teddy Powell makes defence number 2 of his PSW X Division title. (E+)



Elmer: Whippy the Clown was looking forward to this match since it was made and he really never got a chance to get out of the starting blocks.


Doc: Teddy Powell jumped him in the back and drug him out to the ring. After the distracton from Vita just as though it looked like he was going to get some offense in and then the Motion Censor put an end to the match rather quickly. And now he's asking for a mic, I wonder what he's going to talk about...


{ Teddy Powell starts to speak. Sammy Bach!...}


Doc: ... there's a schocker.


Powell: ...You still ignore me. Why are you hiding Sammy? What are you afraid of? I'm calling you out again and I demand an answer from you. I'm inviting you, hell I'm begging you Sammy Bach. Look I'm on my knees in here begging you to visit us here in PSW. More importantly I'm begging you to visit me. A match 1 on 1. I'll even put my X Division title on the line. I will not be ignored any longer. You have untill the end of the month to give me an answer. Don't make me come and get you.


Elmer: Emotions are running high through this man. He wants answers as to why his long time friend, in his mind, betrayed him.


Doc: He been spewing from the mouth since his return about Sammy Bach. How does he even know Sammy is watching our show?


Elmer: I don't think thats quite the point he's trying to make, here Doc. Next up we have a number one contender's match for the national championship currently held by Joey Minnesota.



http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/ArtReed_alt2.jpg vs http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/DougPeak_alt.jpg vs http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/NickyChampion_alt3.jpg


Nicky Champion defeated Art Reed and Doug Peak in 6:47 when Nicky Champion defeated Art Reed by pinfall with a Hawkeye Hammer. (D+)


Doc: Nicky Champion is still on a roll and is looking to continue that roll and gain his first title here in PSW.


Elmer: Its not exactly an easy task we've seen the lengths that that Joey Minnesota will go to in winning and keeping that title.


Doc: Speaking of Joey Minnesota thats his music and here he comes. Look at the looks he's exchanging with Nicky Champion on the ramp. He's in the ring with a microphone now, lets see what he has to say.




JM: I'm out here to comment on what happened last week. So Steven Parker come on out here. Come on now we don't have all night, there's a show to put on.


{After a few moments pass by, Steven Parker comes out onto the ramp and sends Blonde Bombshell back to the dressing room "I'll be fine" he tells her as she nervously walks aways.}


SP: Well Joey, you got me out here for your sake it better be to tell me that you changed your mind. Tell me that you're really not a coward and are going to give me my rematch for my belt.


JM: If thats what you really want then you'll get what you deserve right NOW...


{The rest of the members of the Polo Club come out from behind the curtain and assault Steven Parker}




JM: This beating is exactly what you deserve. In fact its the only thing you deserve. Incase you didn't notice this is my title now, it doesn't belong to you anymore.


Joey Minnesota is in the ring, and calls out Steven Parker to face him. As soon as Steven Parker appears he gets jumped by Acid, JD Morgan and Nathan Coleman, who had been lying in wait. The ambush leaves Steven Parker down and out. (D)


Elmer: This kind of thug mentality is uncalled for. I thought Joey Minnesota was a talented athlete with some class. He's showing his true colors now.


Doc: All Steven Parker wants is his rematch. He was cheated out of his title at outlawed. Now he's being given the run around when it comes to his contractually owed rematch for the National Title.


Elmer: There's something going on in the back. Thats the Wrath of God being beaten down by the Polo Club. Greed and Famine are supposed to defend their tag titles against JD Morgan and Acid.



http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/JackGiedroyc_alt3.jpghttp://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/Valiant_alt2.jpg & http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/Acid_alt2.jpghttp://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/JDMorgan_alt4.jpghttp://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/JoeyMinnesota_alt3.jpghttp://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/NathanColeman.jpg


Polo Club is returning to the locker room when the spot Wrath of God, they attack to soften them up for their tag match later. Wrath of God are rescued by a mysterious man dressed in white robes and has a hood hiding his face. (D+)



Elmer: Polo Club is really trying to get things done the cheap way. Assaulting their opponents here tonight. I mean granted Wrath of God is undefeated in tag team action but they do it in the ring not by jumping their opponents in the back.


Doc: Thats true but I think you're missing the bigger picture here. Who was that man in white that showed up? Where did he come from?


Elmer: Whoever he is he is certainly impressive in size and the Polo Club didn't want any part of him they took off as soon as he showed up.


Doc: The Polo Club has been introduced and are making their way to the ring. Look at the smug look on the faces of JD Morgan and Acid. They are real pleased with what they did to WOG in the back. I just hope that that mystery man showed up in time to save our tag team title match up.



http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/JDMorgan_alt4.jpghttp://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/Acid_alt2.jpg vs http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/JackGiedroyc_alt3.jpghttp://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/Valiant_alt2.jpg


The Wrath Of God defeated Polo Club in 7:40; Famine was eliminated first, then JD Morgan, and finally Acid. The Wrath Of God make defence number 4 of their PSW Tag Team titles. (C-)



Elmer: Good for them, despite the attack and the dirty tricks Wrath of God are still the tag team champions.


Doc: Thats right and speaking of tag teams lets send you to the back now as we'll hear from one half of The American Psycos in Henry Lee.





" Before I get to tonight let me say this, The American Pyscos are not done regardless of what Wrath of God may say or claim. No matter if we have to eliminate every other tag team in PSW we will have another World Tag Team title shot. Now as far as tonight goes Steven Parker; I know you've been having your own problems but you better not be looking past me or else you won't make it to get you're rematch. "


Henry Lee had an interview hyping his upcoming singles match with Steven Parker. (D+)



Elmer: I don't know if I like the sounds of that. I'm sure if they just wait their time will come and they will have another shot at the tag team titles.


Doc: For now lets see how he can fair in singles competiton against an angry Steven Parker.



http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/HenryLee_alt.jpg vs http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/StevenParker.jpg


Steven Parker defeated Henry Lee in 10:21 by pinfall with a Future Shock following botched interference by Joey Minnesota. (D+)



Doc: Steven Parker got lucky when a chair shot intended for him connected with Henry Lee.


Elmer: That's right and he got out of dodge quickly as the rest of the Polo Club came down the aisle no doubt looking to deliver another beatdown.


Doc: The referee has got the rest of the Polo Club cleared out and sent to the locker room now as Joey Minnesota prepares to defend the National Championship against a man on a mission in his own right Bloodshed.



http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/JoeyMinnesota_alt3.jpg vs http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/JohnnyBloodstone_alt8.jpg


Bloodshed defeated Joey Minnesota in 7:37 when Joey Minnesota was disqualified when Nathan Coleman ran in and attacked Bloodshed. (C-)



Doc: This is what we have been waiting for all night. The re-match for the world title between the innovator of Violence and the heart and soul of Dave.


Elmer: Chris Caulfield vs Johnny Martin inside a steel cage! Tonight there will be a winner!


Doc: Our two competitors are in the ring and here comes the steel Cage.



http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/JohnnyMartin.jpg vs http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/ChrisCaulfield.jpg



Elmer: I apologize folks we seem to be having some sort of electrical problem here in the arena. The lights have been out for the last 5 minutes or so. We have no way of seeing the action in the ring.


Doc: I can hear the referee yelling for the bell but we don't know whats going on.


Chris Caulfield drew with Johnny Martin in 14:41 when the referee lost control and stopped the match. ©



{ After the match is declared a no contest the lights come back on the ref is bleeding badly and Johnny Martin and Chris Caulfield are on the mat. The mystery man from earlier is in the ring his face still hidden }


" The mystery man grabs the ref and delivers a brutal powerbomb leaving him down and possibly injured. He stalks his way over to Chris Caulfield and presses him above his head. The mystery man hurls Chris at the cage wall with such force that it breaks sending him crashing to the floor. He turns around in time to see Johnny Martin on his feet and charging at him, he takes the clothesline like it was nothing. Johnny fires off a couple of forearm shots but they don't seem to phaze the big man. Johnny Martin reaches for the hood to reveal the big man to us all and a fireball erupts in the face of Johnny Martin, who falls to the canvas instantly in agony. The lights go out again and when the come back on the mystery man is gone."


After the light come back on in the arena Chris Caulfield and Johnny Martin are in the ring down and out. Seemingly out of nowhere the man in white robes has appeared in the ring and attacks. The assault is quick and brutal, and leaves both opponents completely destroyed. (C+)


Elmer: My GOD! Did you see that fireball explode into the unprotected face of Johnny Martin.


Doc: Where the hell did it come from. Our emergency medical staff is in the ring attending to him now. It doesn't look pretty.


Elmer: Folks we are out of time, we'll get you an update on his condition as soon as we can.



Show Rating: C-

http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq90/itzme_017/Titles%20and%20profiles/HardcoreTV.jpg Rating: .09

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Johnny Martin suffered major burns as a result of the attack from the mystery man in white. It is unclear at this time just how severe those burns were but it is clear that he will be out of action for a period of time. As of this posting the PSW world title has been vacated.


Card Preview for PSW Unleashed

Art Reed vs Nicky Champion vs Rudy Velasquez


Xavier Reckless vs Teddy Powell


Polo Club vs The New Jersey Devils


Bloodshed vs Ultimate Pheonix


Steven Parker vs Nathan Coleman

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