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21st Century Wrestling

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From the TEW.com website – 21st Century Wrestling debuted in 2001 with an action packed, high flying oriented product. While the British promotion was popular with critics and tape traders, commercially it was flop.


On the brink of bankruptcy, the promotion was taken over in September 2006 by UK celebrity Jeff Nova who re-vamped the product. Using his fame he was able to secure a television deal for the company.


For the first time the UK has a promotion that has potential to make an impact on the wrestling world. If it continues to go strength to strength, it might fill that potential.








Jonathan Faust





Daniel Black Francis






The Anglo-Scots Connection

Davey Celtic and Davey London





Show Stealer’ Adam Matravers



Chuck Frisby



DJ Reason



Luke Cool



Mister King



Nate Manchester






'Hatman’ Philip Cooper



Pit Bull Brown



Red Dragon



Rolling Johnny Stones



Steve Stoat





The Elimination Agents

Genocide Agent and Suicide Agent



The Ivanoff Brothers

Igor Ivanoff and Ivan Ivanoff



The Takeover

Joss Thompson and Leo Price



The Assassin’s Guild

Louie Peyton and Stefan Reynor











Kathleen Lee



Phoebe Plumridge


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21st Century Wrestling kicked off 2008’s first edition of the New Year’s Special two hour Wednesday night Best of British Wrestling with a quick firework display which led into a panning shot of the screaming British fans who had packed into the arena to see Britain’s top leading promotion kick off a new, wonderful year. The broadcast kicks opens up the face duo announce team of Steven Smith and English Celebrity and 21CW Owner, Jeff Nova. Both men put over 21st Century Wrestling and promised appearances from all of their biggest and brightest stars. They also started off the broadcast by announcing that British Conquest, 21CW’s first big event of the year would be taking place on Sunday the 31st of January and told us to keep tuning into Best of British Wrestling each week to follow the build-up to what is sure to a fantastic night of wrestling.


Before the announce duo could go any further the crowd gathered together to scream and vocalize their dismay and anger as 21st Century World Champion Jonathan Faust strode out into the arena, his white cloak pulled up around his head. He revelled in the reaction he was drawing from the crowd and slowly soaked it in as he entered the ring. Upon entering the ring he flung his jacket off and posed in the ring for a moment, proudly revealing the prestigious World Championship around his waist. He stood central in the ring, bringing the microphone he had been holding in his hand to his lips.


Jonathan Faust: “You people should show some respect for your prodigy! I thought that it was only fitting that I, Jonathan Faust, World Champion, should start off 2008 with my wonderful presence.”


The crowd, of course, are disgusted at being in Faust’s presence and begin to heavily jeer him once more.


Jonathan Faust: “You see this? This right here is my one and only prized possession in this world, well – apart from me. This is my 21st Century World Heavyweight Title which I have heroically defended since winning the title way back in July from Joss Thompson. It was hardly a fair fight. I mean, it’s never going to be fair when your opponent is me – I’m just too damn talented for my own good. God wanted me to have this advantage, this belt is my destiny. And I’ll do anything to keep it in my possession.”


Faust pauses and the crowd jumps on its opportunity to once again vocalize their disapproval of their champion – begging someone to come out and shut him up.


Jonathan Faust: “You know, you people really don’t appreciate a fine and expensive piece of art when you look at it! For that matter, I doubt you people could ever afford a decent piece art if you saw one. Fact is, I’m knocking down any challenger than dares come my way, and I think it’d be a lot simpler, and a lost less painful for my opposition if they simply stopped trying. I’m proposing that you people simply go about your business and leave the professionals to do the real work, sell the tickets and market this place like it’s not even imagined. When one of you failures in the back think you might be close to the level of professionalism I’m at – then you need to take a serious look at yourself, because none of you will even get close to the greatness of me, Jonathan Faust! Because, at the end of the day, you are all a bunch of fail-”


Jonathan Faust wasn’t able to finish insulting the wrestlers in the back as, much to the announce team and the audience’s delight, two-time former 21CW World Champion, Pit Bull Brown made his way out into the area, standing firmly on top of the rampway with a microphone in hand.


Pit Bull Brown: “Frost I swear to God if you don’t you shut the hell up; I’ll charge down to that ring and by God I’ll make you shut the hell up!”


The crowd almost explode for Brown who’s doing what every single fan in the arena dreamed of doing. Faust’s facial expressions in the ring were close to priceless as he took real offence from Brown and over exaggerated accordingly.


Pit Bull Brown: “I’m hurt that you’d not only waste the fans time with your worthless chatter, but you’d have the cheek to call us wrestlers in the back failures! Some of us who have battled through pain you’ll never imagine, we battle through things you would never have the heart to face up to! There are those of us left that are respectable and we hold that close to our hearts as we give these fans something to believe in, someone to get behind. These days we have an ever bigger hurdle to jump with rats like scampering about, underhandedly trying to steal away from of us what we have earned! The pride of Britain seems to be dying with types like you!”


The crowd were really starting to get behind Brown, who, despite his lack of skill on the microphone, had a certain aura about him and people really started to believe in him.


Jonathan Faust: “It hurts you doesn’t it? It hurts you to admit that I’m just that much better than you. Out of interest, Brown – what has your ‘good will’ and ‘respectable’ behaviour got you? I’ll tell you what it’s got you – it’s got you two FORMER World Championships on your record. The most important of the many differences between you and I is that I’m willing to get the job done at any cost and secondly that I’m the CURRENT World Champion and not some former has been.”


Pit Bull Brown: “Faust, you sure have one hell of a big mouth. I’d love to see you put your money where your mouth is! I’m not a has-been, I’m only getting started! So I’m challenging you tonight, to face me one on one and I’ll print it in your brain that you are not God’s gift to earth!”


The crowd roared in approval, eager to see such a blockbuster Main Event start off the year – begging to see Frost get his ass kicked. Faust, in the middle of this heated argument, merely started bursting out with laughter.


Jonathan Faust: “You think I’m going to waste my skill on someone like you, a man who seriously need to prove himself before even thinking he could step into the squared circle with me. I’ll tell you what, being the kind giving gentleman I am – I’m going to stop hogging the spotlight and for one night only give it to someone else. Brown, tonight, you will be in the Main Event with a man of my choosing. If you somehow pull of the win, I’ll consider letting you into the ring with me.”


Pit Bull Brown: “Throw whoever you want at me Faust, but after tonight, be prepared – because I want that World Title back around my waist and I want these fans to have a champion then can believe in once more!”


Pit Bull Brown’s music played over the PA System as the crowd cheered for the man who looked to be a front runner in the title chase. Jeff Nova and Steve Smith hyped up our Main Event and promised we’d return to after the break with the first piece of in-ring action on 2008.


Upon returning from the commercial break viewers tuned back in half through the entrance of Assassin’s Guild, made up of Louie Peyton and Stefan Raynor. The crowd hadn’t quite grown to even appreciate the heel tandem that were shat on last year in their run as a hitman team hired by Jonathan Faust. Both men wondered to the ring, trying to gain heat, but were failing in doing so. These two entered the ring and started to warm up, preparing for their opponents. The unique team known as The Elimination Agents were out next. Suicide Agent and Genocide Agent wore glowing face point as they charged down to the ring, drawing a small response from the crowd. Both men had an oddly refreshing charisma about them. Assassin’s Guild bailed from the ring as Suicide and Genocide Agent slid into the ring, their face paint really separating them from the rest of the roster. Once Peyton and Raynor had regained their composure – they were ready to start.


Raynor, the more talented member of Assassin’s Guild, started off the match with the enigmatic Suicide Agent, who was arguably the slightly worse wrestling of The Elimination Agents. Raynor seemed somewhat hesitant as he stood opposite The Elimination Agents – but he barely had time to think about this as Suicide charged at him and floored him with a hard clothesline. The Elimination Agents were not a technical team; they were hard fighters who wanted to get the job done. Suicide whipped Raynor around the ring before planting him in the center with a body slam. Suicide then tagged in Genocide Agent who went high to the top rope, waiting for Raynor to get up, and nailed him with a flying double axe handle! The Assassin’s Guild almost looked like they were never going to get into this match, but Raynor, to his credit, hit a very smooth dropkick which abled him to tag in Louie Peyton. Peyton entered, recklessly swinging, albeit hitting, Genocide Agent. Peyton didn’t stay in control of the match for long as Genocide got Suicide Agent in on the hot tag and things quickly took a turn worse for The Guild. Raynor was quickly thrown from the ring in his attempt to interfere and that left Peyton to fall victim to The Elimination a two man Brainbuster, which worked similarly to that of a two man suplex. Suicide Agent hooked the leg and secured the three count for 21CW’s first wrestling match of the year. The Elimination Agents left shouting at each in joy, while the Guild picked up their broken pieces.


After both of our commentators were done analyzing our first match we were swiftly transferred into a slick music video. The video’s purpose soon became clear as the opening image was of Nightmare, an imposing six foot seven, three hundred and fifty pound toned monster, who, since joining 21CW, had caused nothing but havoc. The video used good production to cut between clips of Nightmare viciously destroying his opponents with crippling spinebusters, beheading clothesline and worst of all, his dreaded Darkness Chokeslam which the video had built up to be a real killer and backed this up by showing plenty of people falling to the move. The heavy music that accompanied the video started to die down and we rejoined the action in the area as Nightmare was halfway through his entrance.


The lights in the arena were very dark and the crowd was obviously intimidated by his size. He slipped into the ring face Nate Manchester, a scrawny boy who was yet to pick up his first victory in 21CW. Nate looked horrified as he went toe to toe with the monster, who had a good seven inches and two hundred pounds on the lad. Things were looking fairly bleak. Turned out that things turned out very bleak as well. Nate didn’t stand a chance in this match and beside a weak clothesline, he didn’t get any offence in. Nightmare continued to prove why he was just that, a Nightmare as he pummelled and beat on Nate. Nightmare smashed him into the ground with a crunching Spinebuster! He threw him into the ringpost before finally ending with the Darkness Chokeslam which nearly broke the poor kid in half! Nightmare covered him with his foot which earned him the three count. The lights turned dim once again and Nightmare snarled as he made his exit, leaving the referee to tend to Nate Manchester who looked like he may never get up again.


Jeff Nova, while intimidated, couldn’t help but be impressed by Nightmare’s brute strength and his fierce showing. Smith then reported that they were now going to go backstage into Jonathan Faust’s lockeroom, to see how his quest to find a wrestler to represent him tonight was progressing.


We cut backstage into a decorated locker room which had been filled with posters and framed pictures of the World Champion, Jonathan Faust. Faust was standing by one his photo’s, admiring it. He was disturbed when where was a knock on his lockeroom door.


Jonathan Faust: “Come in.”


Slowly the door to Faust’s locker room opened to reveal Chris Frisby, a very colourful, camp and over excited young man who bounded into the locker room, skipping right up to Faust and touched him on the nose.


Chris Frisby: “You…look…AMAZING!”


Christ Frisby couldn’t stand still and squirmed around in his tight pink hot-pants. Faust backed up, obviously uncomfortable.


Chris Frisby: “Anyway, I was thinking that if I solved your problem tonight, maybe you could solve a problem for…me.”


Frisby winked at Faust and jumped up and down excited, he approached Faust, who took another step back.


Chris Frisby: “We could have such a good time. It’d be wonderful, the dark sky watching over both us as we…”


Chris jumped up and down, frantically clapped his hands together. Faust looked absolutely speechless.


Jonathan Faust: “No! Get the hell out of here!”


Faust pushed Frisby backwards. But somehow, Frisby took this as a positive sign.


Chris Frisby: “I get it, you’re playing hard to get.”


Chris Frisby left the room, only turning back to give Faust one last wink. Faust sighed in relief as Frisby finally left. Faust sunk down onto one of his expensive chairs that had been imported into his locker room. We then fade into our second commercial break.


The commercial break ends and we fade back into our second music video of the evening, this one celebrating the two time and current United Kingdom Champion, Daniel Black Francis. Francis was a charismatic wrestler with a unique look that the fans rallied behind. Fans really dug his laid back character and enjoyed his matches which usually a combination of a fighting and technical style which was highlighted by the video. The video started out in chronological order, showing a clip from his first title win in November of 2006 as he defeated five other men to lift the championship. It went on to highlight his two most deadly moves, The Rasta Lock, a single leg Boston Crab and The Dreadlock Drop, a Death Valley Driver. The video concluded with Francis’ latest title win over Philip Cooper to lift the title for the second time after dropping him with The Dreadlock Drop! The final image was Daniel Black Francis was smiling, winking at the camera. It was the laid back image that everyone had come to love and accept.


The video fades away to put us back in the arena as Daniel Black Francis was making his entrance. He interacted with the fans more than any other act so far today and was shaking the fans hands on his way down to the ring. When he entered the ring, Francis started to warm up. His opponent for the evening, Luke Cool, strutted down to the ring wearing his wrestling gear and some overly big dark glasses, his hair perfectly placed. He was ignorant to the fans and didn’t hear their jeers as he was so focused on his own well being. Luke entered the ring knowing a win here could put him in the running for a title shot.


The bell rang and Luke Cool didn’t seem fussed. Luke was to busy shouting at the fans about how damn good looking he was. Of course, the fans didn’t care and neither did Francis who turned Look Cool around and punched him in the face, forcing the glasses to drop to the floor. The crowd were firmly behind Francis as he whipped Luke across the ring and followed up with a clothesline before driving him into the mat with a bulldog. From the get-go, Francis was fired up. Unfortunately it turned out that Francis was too fired up for his own good and Luke used Francis’ momentum against him and caught him with a high dropkick. Luke knew what he was doing and talk glee to torturing Francis by keeping him on the ground and locking him in various submission moves. By no means was Luke a gifted technical wrestler, but he kept things basic as slowly starts to wear and tear on Francis’ body. Francis has never been a man to give up, though. Luke Cool’s biggest weakness shone through once more when he couldn’t help but boast to the audience which gave Francis the opening to start his comeback. Francis got to his feet. Luke turned around and charged at him, but Francis caught him with a stunning Belly to Belly Suplex! Francis tried to take advantage and hit The Dreadlock Drop, but Luke cool was able to wriggle off of Francis’ shoulders and roll him up. Francis was able to kick out of the pin at two and both men got to their feet. Cool lunged forward with another dropkick, but Francis caught both of Luke Cool'’ legs and dumped him to the floor. Francis then turned him over and locked him in The Rasta Lock! Luke Cool, to his credit, was able to last a while in the hold, but eventually, like many others before him, frantically tapped out putting an end to the match.


Daniel Black Francis was handed back his championship belt and posed in the ring while Jeff Nova and Steve Smith agreed that Francis had a bright future in front of him. Smith added in that Luke Cool put in a good showing, but he’s still got plenty of paces to take. Nova then added in that we’d be going backstage to join Adam Matravers and Phoebe Plumridge.


We cut backstage to Join Phoebe Plumridge and her boyfriend ‘Show Stealer’ Adam Matravers, a man who was blessed with being able entertain the crowd with high flying moves and a man who was able to step up to the plate when asked. Phoebe was strikingly pretty and had her hair in pigtails, she held a microphone in her hand.


Phoebe Plumridge: “This whole year is about new beginnings for Adam and I. Last year, Adam was dubbed the ‘Show Stealer’ for his valuable efforts in all areas as he entertained fans across the United Kingdom. Adam and I owe all of our success to the loving and adoring fans which make this company!”


Phoebe can’t help but keep the smile off of her face. She turns to her real life boyfriend, Adam Matravers, and kisses him on the lips.


Phoebe Plumridge: “We know with your support that there is no way Adam can fail in his goal to become World Champion. This year is about new beginnings, new quests. We, ourselves, have promised to surprise each other, continuing to find ways to make each other happy – and we’ve both agreed that part of that is for Adam to make his rise to the top of food chain. Adam Matravers is always going to be the show stealer, now; he’s just going to be doing it in the Main Event. I know my baby’s got it in him, and from what we can hear, so do you! 2008 will be our year, and you fans are going to right alongside us – hand in hand!”


Plumridge smiles to the camera, grabbing a hold of hey boyfriend’s hand and squeezing it tight as we fade back to the arena.


After fading back into the arena our announcers made it clear that as a part of the two hour special we’d be witnessing a ‘wrestling frenzy’ as three matches were scheduled to go back to back, with only a commercial break separating from running straight. 21CW didn’t waste any time in delaying what was to come and Mister King, a somewhat mysterious figure who was gifted academically beyond his dream – majoring in psychology. He was an expert at getting under the skin of his opponents. He sneered as he strode down to the ring with a confident swagger before entering the ring. His opponent for the night was former United Kingdom champion, ‘Hatman’ Philip Cooper, known for his funky personality and his strange choice of hats. This evening, to celebrate the New Year, Cooper had a long black top hat with sparkling letters spelling out ‘2008’ around the hat. He bounded to the ring, interacting with the fans as he went. He entered the ring, throwing his hat out a fan, and he was ready to rock.


King teased Copper at the start, constantly trying to go for tie-ups, but backing out at the last second – trying to irritate Cooper into making a mistake. Cooper, however, didn’t really mind. Cooper was far too full of fun and energy to even bother falling for King’s trick. Instead, with a smile on his face, he charged King with a clothesline. King went down, to the crowd’s delight, and soon felt Cooper on top of him who hammered away at King with lefts and rights. King was able to kick him off and was able to mount an offense. King wasn’t a gifted technician, but he knew how to hurt. King whipped Copper against the ropes and clotheslined him out of the ring. King followed up with a baseball slide which Copper dodged and then drove King onto wresting mats outside with an STO! Cooper rolled King back into the ring, went to the top rope, and leaped off with an elbow drop which got him a two count. Cooper had the crowd behind him as he planted King with a powerslam. He went to the second rope but missed and a leg drop and a moment later King powered him high with a big back body drop! King grounded Cooper for a good minute of the match, but with the crowd willing him on, nothing was going to keep Cooper down. Eventually, after making his way back to his feet, Cooper hit a desperation clothesline. Then, when both men were back to their feet, Cooper planted King with a roundhouse kick. He then ascended to the top rope and the fans cheered as he came off with the Top Rope Cooper Splash! Cooper hooked the leg for the three count! Cooper had his hand raised in glory as Mister King groaned in the ring, things hadn’t worked out quite so well for the psychological master.


The commentators didn’t take long to analyze and praise the match as they were quick to try and get the next match to go in back to back wrestling action. Once the ring was cleared and the commentators were done praising both Cooper and King, DJ Reason made his way out to a club tune. The crowd couldn’t help but move to the beat as strobe lights flashed around the arena as DJ slowly strode out, his hands high up in the air. The crowd seemed to have a soft spot for Reason; he relieved tension and brought a sense of fun to the arena. He got into the ring as his the lights started to die out. A guitar heavy song was played out next as Rolling Johnny Stones made his way out to the ring. His long hair was swaying from side to side as he made his over the top entrance which the crowd has slowly grown to hate. He rocked down to the ring, playing to the fans jeers and slipped into the ring, now turning very serious.


DJ Reason got the crowd going early on as he rushed Johnny Stones as soon as the bell rung. Johnny seemed a little more concerned with how is hair looked than how Reason’s fist was meeting his face. Stones staggered back and Reason pounced with a big clubbing forearm shot. Stones quickly recovered though, and Reason was soon on the back peddle as Stones started using his wrestling skills, he was easily one of the most impressive on the roster, to beat down Reason. Stones floored him with a neat dropkick before locking in a Fuwija Ambar! Reason was in obvious pain but was able to stick his hand out to the bottom rope, drawing a rope break. Reason was a wrestler who may be coming to the end of run. Though you wouldn’t know and it seemed he was at the best he ever was and it showed in this match. Reason started to mount a comeback with the fans very much behind him. Reason battered Johnny Stones with a big hard shot to the face and mid section before dropping him with a DDT, which got him a two count. Despite being the oldest active wrestler on the roster at 34, Reason could still go and controlled Johnny Stones for another minute but soon lost control after Stones caught him with a Nothern Lights Suplex! It was one was traffic from there as Stones locked in a chokehold before finishing Reason off with a Brainbuster he named The Rolling Stone! The three count quickly followed and Reason was left staring at the lights as Johnny Stones celebrated his victory. He was shown smiling as 21CW, again, went to commercial.


As 21CW returns from commercial break we’re just in time to see Former 21CW World Champion Red Dragon make his entrance. Dragon was a world champion before Nova took over, and had flopped in his five month run as champion. He now sat comfortably in the midcard, showing very few signs of the flair that got him to the top of the card two years ago. Dragon still had a little something with the audience, nostalgia maybe, and got a fair reaction as he entered the ring. His opponent for the evening was a man on a serious rise; Stevie Stoat was a very intense wrestler who thrived on inflicting pain. Stoat was a very serious man who was solely focused on the task at hand.


As soon as Stoat slipped in the ring he didn’t wait for the bell, he simply charged forward hammering Red Dragon in the stomach with a kick. He the flipped Dragon over with a snap suplex! The referee was forced to the ring the bell as Stoat continued the beating, barely letting Dragon catch his breath. Dragon was able to catch Stoat with a flying crossbody as Stoat charged him. Dragon had a moment to catch his breath and soon tried to start his attack on Stoat. He hit Stoat with a dropkick that pushed Stoat into a turnbuckle. Red Dragon then ran forward and soon hit Dragon with a Monkey Flip that him a two count. Dragon seemed to be getting some momentum but that came to a screeching halt when Stoat turned Dragon inside out with a massive Lariat! When he got to his feet, Stoat threw Dragon back with a German Suplex, bridging into a pin! Red Dragon was able to kick out, but Stoat seemed in control from there out. That was until Dragon his a desperation Spinning Heel kick! Dragon then went to the second rope and measure Stoat! Dragon jumped off with a double axe handle! But Stoat was playing possum and thrusted his foot forward, hitting Dragon in midair with a Superkick! Dragon fell to the ground and Stoat hooked the leg for the three count!


Nova was seriously impressed by Stoat’s performance and mentioned that we were now going backstage to rejoin Jonathan Faust.


Jonathan Faust sat slumped in his own personal dressing room. He looked frustrated and his spirits dropped when he head another knock at the door. He gave a forced reply.


Jonathan Faust: “Come in.”


Faust’s eyes lit up when, through the door, Kathleen Lee entered. Kathleen was strikingly sexy and she carried herself forward, looking very serious.


Kathleen Lee: “I’m going to cut straight to the chase, Mr. Faust. You know who I am, and I can see you’ve got a problem on your hands which happens to work out for both me and my boys. You need someone, and if I’m as a good as I know I am, then going off the expression you currently wear, I’m going to guess your search for an ally has gone very, very badly.”


Faust nodded. Kathleen smiled.


Kathleen Lee: “This is where me and my boys, Joss Thompson and Leo Price come in. Joss, as you know, is a former World Champion.


Jonathan Faust: “Yeah! The one I beat for the belt!”


Kathleen’s expression turned sour while Faust enjoyed a little laugh.


Kathleen Lee: “If I recall, you also insulted him earlier this evening – so Joss is itching for an attempt at your title. But I’ve gotten him to reason. If my boys can take care of Pit Bull Brown, you have to vow to me that they’re next in line for a shot at your championship belt. Leo Price will be your man tonight, if I have your word.”


Kathleen extended her hand. Faust got up quickly and shook it, smiling.


Jonathan Faust: “You have my word. It feels refreshing to know someone has my back for my long reign to come.”


Kathleen Lee: “Oh, don’t be mistaken Mr. Faust. We’re not doing this because we like you, we’re doing it because The Takeover always get what we want. This way, we just get to kill two birds with one stone.


Kathleen leaves Faust on his own to think for a moment. Slowly, the blank expression on Faust’s face turns into his trademark smirk.


We fade into our third and final music video of the evening. The slick productions once again showcase the talent that 21CW can provide. The video started out showing 21CW Tag Team Champions Davey Celtic and Davey London standing together their championship belts around their waist. The next show is of Igor Ivanoff and Ivan Ivanoff standing together in the same location, their faces filled with anger. The video then takes us back to July 2007 where Davey London and Davey Celtic hit a Splash and a Leg Drop simultaneously on Ivan Ivanoff ALA The Hardy Boyz and celebrate like crazy after they picked up the three count! Both men were handed their newly won tag championships. The video then skips in time to December 2007 where both Ivan and Igor viciously attack both Celtic and London backstage! They bloody both men and are pulled away by security! The video then shows highlights of both teams hitting various moves on one another, and shows past clips of by tag teams in action! The music speeds up and so do the clips, ending with a black screen filled with white text. ‘The Anglo-Saxon Connections vs. The Ivanoff Brothers for the 21CW Tag Team Champions – NEXT WEEK’!


The video fades away to Jeff Nova and Steve Smith who’re extremely excited as it’s Main Event time! On cue the music of The Takeover hits over the arena and Leo Price makes his way out to the ring, accompanied by partner and former world champion Joss Thompson and manager Kathleen Lee. The trio draw fantastic heat as they walk down to the ring, easily the most impressive team in 21CW. They insult the crowd, admire themselves and shout at little children, doing anything they can to draw heat. Leo slips into the ring, while Joss and Kathleen take their place on the outside. The arena goes quiet for a moment but then explodes for Pit Bull Brown, who again drew the biggest pop of the night! The screaming fans were really up for the match and Brown raced down, slipping into the ring as Leo slipped down under the rope. Brown went straight to the turnbuckle, raising both of his arms. Leo slipped back into the ring and it looked like this match was about to start…


When Jonathan Faust slowly made his way out to the ring, which confused all five wrestlers and the announcers. Faust smirked as he passed Brown and made his way around to the announce table and sat down in the empty chair and announced he’d be joining Nova and Smith for tonight’s match.


With all the confusion out of the way, this match was able to get underway and it was easily match of the night. The crowd were emotionally involved from the get go as Pit Bull Brown raced forward, clearly pumped. The fans were ecstatic as Brown connected with his first punch. Brown then whipped Leo Price across the ring and followed up with a strong clothesline. Faust wasn’t impressed and Kathleen was going crazy on the outside of the ring. Brown threw Price across the ring and followed him with a clothesline, sending Price from the ring. Brown slipped out of the ring and threw Price back in, but Joss Thompson came out of nowhere and hit a dropkick on Brown! The referee, however, didn’t see it as he was distracted by Kathleen Lee. Thompson hammered Brown with a few punches before slipping him back into the ring. With the damage done, Leo Price looked to control the match. He was the least experienced of The Takeover team, but he was highly skilled and was brimming with potential. Price took the match nice and slow from there out, being very careful not to give Brown an opening. He locked Brown in slow submission designed to wear and tear on his body and continuously stomped on Brown at any moment possible.


The crowd didn’t give up on Brown, though, and kept willing him to get back up. But every time it looked like Brown might fight out of Leo’s holds, Leo struck him right back down. That was until, finally, Brown found the strength in him to strike Leo with a few hard right and left hands. Brown then shot off of the ropes and hit a desperation flying clothesline that had both men down for five or six seconds. Both men got to their feet at similar times and started to slug it out. Brown get the advantage, being the strong of the two and hit Leo with a back elbow. Brown then scooped Leo up and planed him with a powerslam! Brown then shot off the ropes and came down hard with an elbow drop which earned him a two count. The match raged on with both men getting in a similar amount of offense. Both men were getting close count and the match started to approach the fifteen minute mark. Leo jumped off the top rope with a crossbody but Brown caught and tried to turn it into a piledriver, but Leo was able to reverse his counter with a huricanrana! Leo jumped to his feet and readied Brown for the Price Drop, an Emerald Fusion! When Brown got to his feet, Leo tried to scoop him up, but Brown countered with a gutbuster! Leo groaned as he tended to his stomach and that’s when Brown set him up and drilled Leo Price into the mat with a Doghouse Piledriver! Kathleen Lee looked on in horror as Pit Bull Brown hooked the leg and got the three count!


Pit Bull Brown stood in the ring, victorious! He carefully watched Joss Thompson and Kathleen Lee knowing that either of them could slip into the ring and try and extract revenge over what had just happened in the ring. What Pit Bull Brown had forgotten was that Jonathan Faust had been doing commentary. Faust slipped into the ring behind Brown and viciously attacked him with the 21CW World Heavyweight Championship! Pit Bull Brown collapsed to the floor, unconscious. Faust’s trademark smirk soon crept onto his face as he held his World championship high in the air, both announcers disgusted, the audience heavily jeering! Jeff Nova and Steve Smith closed the show off announcing that at British Conquest we would be seeing Jonathan Faust take on Pit Bull Brown for the World Title! The closing image of Best of British Wrestling was Faust with his title high above his head and Pit Bull Brown unconscious on the mat!

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I like the first show, and I'm anxious to learn more about this region in the C-Verse. Some advise though, find a way to break up the segments it's really hard on the eyes the way it is. Also, can you post the grades for each segment?
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