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XWA: American Wrestling Just Got Serious

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YEAH! 4 OUT OF 6! It's a miracle! I am so good. On-topic, that was an awesome interview with Champagne Lover I must say. If he continues like that I will be rooting for him. Though I am sadden to see Remmy Skye lose, as he is one of my CZCW favourites. Talking about that, I am also sadden to see that you haven't signed Fox Mask. And Masked Cougar. You know, the Animal Magic from TK's diary :)
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Place your predictions for Devil's Dance at the link below. The contest will close on Wednesday evening.


Don't forget to click 'Done' at the end of the predictions.

Click off the linked website afterwards and you'll be right back at the forum.

Thanks again for all those who are participating in these predictions - it's really making the diary a lot of fun for me!



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You mean the results? They're in the right side of the above post, but if you mean the predicting itself, it's of course closed for now, just wait to Marcel Fromage to post the next prediction sheet link for the next event.


anyone else has noticed, that Marcel is the Afromagician? Like 'Fro is a shortened version of Afro and Mage is shortened from Magician :p

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Am I missing something? Where are the predictions? Or is it that survey thingy that's always closed when I enter it? :D


Yep, people post predictions on a survey form which I then collate and present in a slightly different way to most diaries. It's working well so far, although the last show was the lowest prediction rate so far with 13 participants. That's still more people than I was expecting when I started this thing though, so thanks again to everyone who is joining in.


If the prediction thing is closed for you, FIN, it just means the results have already been posted for that show. I keep it open as long as possible, just leaving myself a little time (an hour or so) to collate the Fanzone page before the show results go up. So if you try to use the link after the show results are up, it won't let you access it.


So although you don't actually see the precise predictions people made, you do get to read a variety of comments on the matches in the Fanzone - I promise those are real comments made by GDS posters. I'm not making them up! :D


The next show preview will be up sometime Saturday. Off out tonight!

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I predicted also, but had I just had to come out here and say, that when we have this survey kind of thing in this diary, I actually care what I predict. I actually care what the results are. I'm having tons of fun predicting and finding out how many I managed to get right. Good job on this Marcel, and of course excellent job on the graphics and planning: you seem to be the master with them.
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The three diaries I love reading at the moment are Self's FCK, Derek's SWF, and this one. The other two are both superb, but the added interactiveness of this one means it's probably my current favorite.


Keep up the great, great work Marcel.

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Interesting. :) Did my first poll!


Good to have you aboard! :)


I predicted also, but had I just had to come out here and say, that when we have this survey kind of thing in this diary, I actually care what I predict. I actually care what the results are. I'm having tons of fun predicting and finding out how many I managed to get right. Good job on this Marcel, and of course excellent job on the graphics and planning: you seem to be the master with them.


The three diaries I love reading at the moment are Self's FCK, Derek's SWF, and this one. The other two are both superb, but the added interactiveness of this one means it's probably my current favorite.


Keep up the great, great work Marcel.



Thanks, guys. I'm glad the diary is going down well and seems to be achieving what I wanted it to, which is to get people involved in it a little more. Also, as I am usually a few months ahead in-game, doing predictions this way means that I personally look more carefully at what people are thinking and saying and it may help impact on my future decisions with the promotion more. I guess it's all a part of trying to make something that's totally fictional seem a little more real.


Edit: Just noticed this post has started a new page in the diary, so just a reminder that the current prediction contest for Grand Finale is currently up and running on the previous page.

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Bit of a newcomer to these boards,but really enjoying this diary, seems to be an ideal IWC style Cornellverse roster, glad to see my predictions are fairly accurate too!


I was wondering who it was atop the predictions list! I recognised most of the other names in the list! Glad you're enjoying the diary. :D

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I have to say that after a closer, indepth look of this layout, I think it's awesome. All the comments from the users here and the response from the wrestlers, all this interactive stuff. I mean, this is something totally different and it really stands out. Sorry to say, the only bad thing is that I just wish this wouldn't be non-default promotion as I find it very hard to get into. :) KUTGW still!
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I have to say that after a closer, indepth look of this layout, I think it's awesome. All the comments from the users here and the response from the wrestlers, all this interactive stuff. I mean, this is something totally different and it really stands out. Sorry to say, the only bad thing is that I just wish this wouldn't be non-default promotion as I find it very hard to get into. :) KUTGW still!


Thanks for the kind comments, FIN.


I know what you mean about the non-default promotion. It's something I really considered at the start of the game because I thought it might turn people off. I'd tried to get into both a 21CW and UEW diary and not felt it. Then I looked at the US and Canada, which I'd never played before. I thought about CZCW but it just didn't quite feel right for me. I thought about NOTBPW but I really prefer starting with a lower ranked promotion and building up. With nothing quite giving me what I wanted, I decided to go with a new promotion. That said, it is in the future promotions, so it does exist in-game. I've just debuted it a bit early.


At the end of the day I might have got a few more readers by playing a known promotion, but I wouldn't have enjoyed the actual game as much myself. And that's what really counts. :)

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At the end of the day I might have got a few more readers by playing a known promotion, but I wouldn't have enjoyed the actual game as much myself. And that's what really counts. :)


That is the most important thing: As long as you yourself enjoy the diary, that's all that matters. I'm really exited by the new things, diary-related. This layout and survey thing of yours, mistaken's Java thing.. I'm really looking forward on the possibilites of taking these diaries to the next level. :cool:

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Thanks for the kind comments, FIN.


I know what you mean about the non-default promotion. It's something I really considered at the start of the game because I thought it might turn people off. I'd tried to get into both a 21CW and UEW diary and not felt it. Then I looked at the US and Canada, which I'd never played before. I thought about CZCW but it just didn't quite feel right for me. I thought about NOTBPW but I really prefer starting with a lower ranked promotion and building up. With nothing quite giving me what I wanted, I decided to go with a new promotion. That said, it is in the future promotions, so it does exist in-game. I've just debuted it a bit early.


At the end of the day I might have got a few more readers by playing a known promotion, but I wouldn't have enjoyed the actual game as much myself. And that's what really counts. :)


I suspect that you'll probably deal with a lot of the issues of 'not-known' given that any character the readers are curious about can be either questioned or mocked.


Oh, and Stevie? Toldya, chief.

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