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TNA - No Limitations "Goodbye Russo"

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Good luck on your recovary glad you are ok. Altough loosing the competition woulda been kinda nice lol just kidding hehe. Actually love the fact there are multiple TNA diaries around now.


Haha you wont get rid of me that easily. Well im back now and i'll post the Impact Preview shortly. The TNA wars are back:D.


After the preview i will let everyone know about a special feature i plan to use for the diary. Its been in the works for a while but i had to wait for permition off another diary maker, i didnt want to steal the idea without asking.


The new feature will we called "The Wall of Shame" feel free to guess what it is. Untill then i shall continue with the TNA Impact Preview:D.


Its good to be back:D

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TNA Impact Preview






The Front Line and the Main Event Mafia have been over clouding the Impact TV Shows as of late and this week will be no Different as we see members of the Mafia and Front Line in Action with one of those matches being the “Phenomenal” AJ Styles vs “Big Poppa Pump” Scott Steiner.



Last Week things came to a new height between Shelley and Sabin when quick thinking of Sabin allowed him to get one up on his former tag team partner. Also last week we saw the destructive Bobby Lashley show his hatred of the old Extreme once again by taking out Sabu and making a statement with RVD. This week the forces of Lashley and Shelley will take on the fan favourites RVD and Sabin to gain another week of bragging rights.




Sting has been a strong figure in the Mafia since it began in October with countless battles for the name of the Mafia. This week Sting will battle another Original of TNA and a man who claims to be a member of the Front Line. The “Icon” Sting will battle the “Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels in the second MEM vs FL match of the night.




The X-Division Championship is a high commodity to possess and that seemed obvious last week in the #1 Contenders match that went to a draw. This week both London and Dutt will get another chance to battle for the #1 contendership when they battle in a match with no count outs.




Last week Angelina Love gained herself a shot at ODB at Hard Justice but now this week the powers in TNA have given two more Knockouts a chance to go to Hard Justice and make the match a Triple Threat. The newest Knockout Jazz will battle the most dominant female in TNA known as Awesome Kong.




Cornette dropped a Bombshell last week with announcements about Impact and X-Plosion but will Cornette tell us any matches for the shows or will he have more in store for the TNA Fans.




Finally we will see the second of 5 rounds in the Tag Team Championship Tournament. Last week LAX, Beer Money Inc and 2Fro came out victorious and earned 10 points for their teams. This week every team is battling to gain the 15 Points on offer.




Confirmed Matches


Lashley and Shelley vs RVD and Sabin

AJ Styles vs Scott Steiner

Sting vs Christopher Daniels

#1 Contender X-Division - Paul London vs Sonjay Dutt

#1 Contender Knockout - Jazz vs Awesome Kong


Impact Players vs FBI vs Team 3D

Beer Money Inc vs Unholy Alliance vs James Gang

2Fro vs Lethal Consequences vs LAX










For more info on the Roster, Championship History, Tag Team Experience and Who is in Development Visit






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Lashley and Shelley vs RVD and Sabin

AJ Styles vs Scott Steiner

Sting vs Christopher Daniels

#1 Contender X-Division - Paul London vs Sonjay Dutt

#1 Contender Knockout - Jazz vs Awesome Kong


Impact Players vs FBI vs Team 3D

Beer Money Inc vs Unholy Alliance vs James Gang

2Fro vs Lethal Consequences vs LAX

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Lashley and Shelley vs RVD and Sabin

AJ Styles vs Scott Steiner

Sting vs Christopher Daniels

#1 Contender X-Division - Paul London vs Sonjay Dutt

#1 Contender Knockout - Jazz vs Awesome Kong


Impact Players vs FBI vs Team 3D

Beer Money Inc vs Unholy Alliance vs James Gang

2Fro vs Lethal Consequences vs LAX

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The TNA Prediction Wall of Shame




Thanks to tristram for allowing me to use this idea even if I have re-branded it in the WWE Fashion. Starting with TNA Hard Justice Predictions I will be keeping note and tallying up peoples Correct and In-Correct predictions on match outcomes. After every PPV I will post the latest rankings using percentages, right and wrong answers. The winner of each month will get their name in lights. Well it sounds better than it is lol. The winner will be the official Sponsor of the Following PPV.




Everyone who predicts will be listed. Only people who predict atleast once every round will be eligible to be the winning sponsor. How cool is that lol.




Anyway have some fun with it and be careful you don’t drop too low on the wall of shame. You might end up being the right height for a passing dog with bladder problems.:D

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TNA No Limitations Update



TNA No Limitations Website has finnaly been updated. Every active wrestler on the TNA Roster has a Profile.

The TNA Alumni section has been updated and all Alumni now have profiles

The TNA Roster has the new additions of RVD, Tazz, FBI, 2Fro and more.

Slammiversary PPV Buyrate has been calculated.

All new Tag Team section with the new teams of TNA

More news updates.

Development Rosters have been updated with two huge new signings and a new Senior trainer for OVW

SHIMMER and OVW results have been updated for July.

Rank 20 has been posted for the past 3 weeks.

and more minor updates.




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TNA Impact - Thursday July Week 4






Announcers for tonight’s Impact Broadcasting
















Sting vs Christopher Daniels




Opening this week is the legendary member of the Main Event Mafia and a man who swears his allegiance to the Front Line. Daniels has been calling himself a member of the Front Line all week and even had the guts to open the challenge to Sting after a recent TNA house show. Daniels hasn’t been seen much in the main event scene in TNA so this is a great step up for a man who was around in the early days of TNA. This match really gets the crowd on there feet as we see both Sting and Daniels hold a great battle and add a new edge to the Mafia/Front Line war. As the match goes on we see a lot of offence from both men with a clean fight thanks to no Mafia or Front Line interference. The match may have shown Daniels as a great wrestler but the experience and talent of sing prove too much for the man who swears his allegiance to the Front Line. Daniels takes the beating and gets planted with the Scorpion Death Drop for the pinfall.




Winner: Sting


Time: 10:54


Rating: B-










Backstage the Camera’s catch up to ODB and Angelina talking backstage. The challenger at Hard Justice offers words of advice to ODB, telling her that its time to start counting down her days as champion. ODB becomes enraged and begins to throw facts at Love, telling her about the times she beat her leading up to and since her championship win. ODB continues to talk down to Love who gets irate, stamps her feet and walks off with her arms folded and humming to block out ODB. Mike Tenay makes a comment on Angelina saying, “Its like a baby loosing its toy, she’s not going to stop whining until she gets it back”.


















Round 2 Tag Team Tournament


2-Fro vs Lethal Consequences vs L.A.X




The start of the second rounds of the tag team tournament begins with two of last weeks winners, LAX and the new team of 2-Fro. This match shows off the great skills of the Tag Division of TNA but sadly fails to get the crowd as hot as last weeks opening round. We see lots of great in ring action from this match though with Charlie Froman and Jay Lethal stealing the show with their fast paced, highflying styles. The match comes to a surprising ending as we see both last weeks winners fail to pick up the victory as Lethal hits a Diving Elbow drop from the top to the heart of Homicide for the pinfall, gaining the first 15 Points in the second round.




Winner: Lethal Consequences


Time: 8:06


Rating: E-










Backstage we see the camera enter the Main Event Mafia locker room where the Mafia is still hyping up the Sting victory from earlier in the night. Kurt then begins to give Mafia members, Sting, Nash, Steiner and Booker a pep talk on how they plan to over come TNA and make it there own. Kurt talks about how the Mafia is a multi million dollar earning faction with enough money to buy anyone they want. Nash begins to joke about hiring Eric Young or Shark Boy. Angle gets back onto serious matters by telling the Mafia that there probable opponents at Hard Justice will include the TNA Heavyweight Champion, Brock Lesnar. After a quick strategy talk the Godfather of the Mafia hints at a new member and asks Booker if he has heard from him yet (Who???). In closing we see the Mafia all stand up and put their hands in to represent solidarity.










#1 Contender


Jazz vs Awesome Kong




Last week Jazz battled Taylor Wilde to gain her job, beating her thanks to Awesome Kong. This week the “Extreme Vixen” plans to defeat and not thank the former Knockout Champion who currently stands in her way of the Knockout Championship match at Hard Justice. The match really takes off with a lot of power moves and brutal body blows. Again for Jazz this turns out to be an easy win as the woman scorned, Taylor Wilde decides to come to ringside and cost Kong the win this week buy distracting her long enough to allow Jazz to hit the roll up. Leaving Wilde walking up the ramp looking very pleased with herself




Winner: Jazz


Time: 6:23


Rating: D










Abyss’s music hits and he begins to make his way to the ring to battle Crowbar in his first defence as Hardcore Champion when Raven comes running down the ramp behind him and attacking him from behind. Abyss gets back to his feet and begins brawling with Raven all over the Impact Zone turning it into an Arena Brawl. With Abyss now in control we see the men fighting in the crowd when suddenly a fan hits Abyss with a steel pipe. The fan then reveals himself to be Stevie Richards who then proceeds to help Raven beat down the Monster. Both men then retreat as Abyss lays in a pool of blood in the crowd.


















Round 2 Tag Team Tournament


Impact Players vs F.B.I vs Team 3D




The second battle in the second round kicks off in what appears to be a flashback match to the old ECW days. The 3 teams involved all being former ECW Champions really gives the match a whole new dimension as we see them battling it out for the chance to be TNA Tag Team Champions. Throughout the match all 6 men play within the rules and show off the great tag team spirit of TNA. Lance Storm and the FBI really steal the merits for this match after putting in some great spots throughout the match. Sadly for the other 2 teams it turns out to be the night of Team 3D as we see Tony Mamaluke get hit with a Team 3D special known as the 3D. Mamaluke hits the floor and gets pinned by Devon who picks up the first points for Team 3D in the tournament.




Winner: Team 3D


Time: 9:25


Rating: D+










Backstage we see an odd pairing of Eric Young and Velvet Sky who are talking in the canteen. Sky and Young are seen laughing and joking over their food and even flirting. Don West throws in a comment of “Its Beauty and the Freak”. The two are seen working there hands closer together over the lunch table before being rudely interrupted by Madison Rayne who drags Velvet away before throwing food in the face of Young, telling him that he has no chance with a beautiful person.










#1 Contender


Paul London vs Sonjay Dutt




Last week seen the epic battle between these two end in a double count out. This week Jim Cornette sanctioned this match with no count outs to make sure it couldn’t end in the same way again. No love has been lost since last week as we see both men begin to liven up the show once again with some fast paced action and some great matt wrestling from the two greats of the X-Division. The battle goes outside once again with the Referee mistakenly counting to 4 before realising the no count out rule. Both men then make it back into the ring looking beaten down but still running strong. Dutt then hits the Bombay Buster for only a 2 count, and then London hits a 450 Splash for a 2 count. Both men then run to the ropes and go for a cross body. The men’s heads collide and they fall to the matt leaving the referee no option to begin counting to 10 in case either doesn’t reach there feet within the 10 count. The referee gets to 9 with both men still not stirring leaving him to count the final 10 declaring the match a Draw for the second week running.




Winner: Draw


Time: 7:15


Rating: C










The Music of Jim Cornette hits as both London and Dutt are helped out of the ring. Cornette claps both men and tells them they have both earned themselves respect and shots at the TNA X-Division Championship at Hard Justice in a 3Way battle for the championship. Cornette then tells us he will see us shortly with some information on TNA Gold Rush and the 3 Hour Impact.


















Round 2 Tag Team Tournament


Beer Money Inc vs Unholy Alliance vs James Gang




Last week seen the beginning of the tournament and Beer Money picking up the 10 points on offer in the first round. This week we have Former TNA, ECW and WWE champions battling it out here with years of teaming experience together. The last of the second round battles gets underway as we see Beer Money dominate the early round. BM continues the beat down by taking down Tajiri with a spear/clothesline combo. The James gang then evens out the playing field by battling the BM with there own game of double teams. The match continues with many twists and turns throughout with Beer Money and James Gang looking particularly strong. The match then hits a bump in the road as we see Kip James hit Roode with a Fame-ass-er in the ring to gain the pinfall, giving the team of BG and Kip James the final 15 points of the night.




Winner: The James Gang


Time: 9:08


Rating: C-










Jim Cornette once again makes his way to the ring with business on his mind once again. Cornette takes the microphone and tells us he is here to explain the concept of TNA Gold Rush to all the fans.


Cornette says the Following, At Gold Rush every Championship will be on the line, with no exceptions. Every Champion will face a competitor chosen by the fans (TNA No Limitations Readers) where the person receiving the most points will face the Champion live on the PPV.


Cornette then tells us about the Tag Team Tournament finish at Gold Rush. He explains that the teams will get to earn points themselves leading up to the PPV, where each team can gain a head start. After that the Fans will vote using a system of giving points to each team. The fans will give 5 different teams the points. With points ranging from 1-5. The three winning teams will battle at Gold Rush for the TNA Tag Team Championships.


We are then told that at Hard Justice we will se the first 10 Man Gold Rush “Qualifier” with the following competitors. Sheik Abdul Bashir, Jay Lethal, Matt Morgan, Stevie Richards, Christopher Daniels, Suicide, Kip James, Lance Storm, Shark Boy and Homicide.


We are told that all the Voting for TNA Gold Rush will begin following the 3 Hour TNA Impact Special.


Cornette then tells us to tune in next week to find out the matches for the 3 Hour Impact and the rules for the Gold Rush match at TNA Gold Rush.










AJ Styles vs Scott Steiner




Another Mafia member squares up to the Front Line in a battle that is tearing TNA apart from within. Styles and Steiner have a lot riding on this match as we see both men parade there loyalty to each of their factions. Months upon months have passed since the birth of the MEM but the TNA foundations are still shaking. Kurt and the other members have made it perfectly clear as of late that the Mafia is looking to take over TNA and make it there own. Steiner has been the backup for the MEM over the months with the big man stopping a lot of the uprisings from Front Line members thanks to his amazing strength. AJ Really takes it to him in this match though, Steiner is left reeling from countless aired attacks and fast pace kicks. Towards the end of the match we see Kevin Nash make his way out the stage distracting Styles. The music of Lesnar then hits as we are greeted by the TNA Champion who chases off Nash, leaving Styles to hit Steiner with a Styles Clash for the victory.




Winner: AJ Styles


Time: 10:41


Rating: C










While AJ is still in the ring, the TNA Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar makes his way down the ramp. Lesnar gets in the ring and shakes Styles’ hand before reaching for a microphone. Brock proceeds to tell us that he is sick and tired of Kurt Angle, that he is sick of the Main Event Mafia and even more he is sick of the good guys getting the hard time. Lesnar offers his hand to Styles and tells him to shake his hand if he accepts Lesnar’s offer to be the 5th man in the Front Line vs MEM match at Hard Justice. Styles proceeds to reach out and shake the hand of Brock Lesnar. Lesnar then drops the microphone and goes to the back with Styles, as the crowd is red-hot for Lesnar being added to the match at Hard Justice.










Bobby Lashley and Alex Shelley vs RVD and Chris Sabin




The hottest feuds in TNA today are all contained in this tag team match tonight. Sabin and Shelley have been at loggerheads for months. Ever since they won the TNA Tag Team Championships, the cracks began to appear with Shelley eventually snapping on his long time friend and tag partner. At Hard Justice both men will face off in the 6 Sides of Steel match where only one man will win, but both men will be hurt. Lashley and RVD on the other hand have had run-in’s the past few weeks, with Lashley taking his “I am the best ECW star ever” to a whole new level. Starting after BloodBath we seen Lashley and RVD go extreme in more than once sense. Lashley has made it his personal mission to stand tall over every ECW Original, even taking out Sabu on Impact, then pinning him in a match on XPlosion. This match really is loaded with explosive power as we see the match begin with Sabin and Lashley in the ring. The match gives a great boost to the already hyped crowd who are fully behind Sabin and RVD in this match. As the match goes on we see some great wrestling from all four men and even some great highflying spots from Shelley, Sabin and RVD. The match then takes a twist as we see Lashley miss a spear on Sabin and hit his partner. RVD then hits a Vandaminator on Lashley, knocking him out of the ring and pinning Shelley to pick up the victory for both himself and Sabin.




Winner: RVD and Chris Sabin


Time: 13:02


Rating: C+








Show Rating: http://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp142/bwauk/Ratings/grade_cplus.jpg








For more info on the Roster, Championship History, Tag Team Experience and Who is in Development Visit




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Last night after TNA Impact went off air, Kevin Nash gave an interview backstage with JB where Nash opened a challenge to Brock Lesnar. Nash said that Lesnar just comes into TNA, steals titles and bullies people around. Nash points out that although he ran from Lesnar earlier, he is not afraid of him and that’s why he is opening a challenge to Lesnar for this weeks Impact.

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TNA XPlosion - Saturday July Week 4






Announcers for tonight’s XPlosion Broadcasting















Matt Morgan vs Shark Boy




Winner: Matt Morgan


Time: 7:27


Rating: C









Justin Credible vs Jay Lethal vs Little Guido vs Robert Roode




Winner: Robert Roode


Time: 8:57


Rating C+








Show Rating: http://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp142/bwauk/Ratings/grade_c.jpg








For more info on the Roster, Championship History, Tag Team Experience and Who is in Development Visit




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TNA Impact Preview






Brock Lesnar has the Challenge laid down to him by Kevin Nash after Impact went off air last week. This week work has it that the Challenge has been accepted and Brock wants to shut up the big man before the whole Main Event Mafia thinks he’s an easy target.




This Week in hype of the PPV and the Main event of Mafia vs Front Line, the TNA management have drawn up a 5 on 5 match for tonight featuring opponents from this Sundays PPV. Booker T, Alex Shelley, Bobby Lashley, Bashir and Raven vs Jeff Jarrett, Chris Sabin, RVD, Suicide and Abyss.




Sonjay Dutt and Madison Rayne have teamed up and decided to challenge Eric Young in a mixed tag match. Young hasn’t yet found a partner but he has happily accepted the challenge after last week’s antics by Rayne who got in the personal space of Eric Young.




Knockout PPV matches meet with a 2 on 3 Handicap match between the team of Awesome Kong and Taylor Wilde vs ODB, Jazz and Angelina Love. The Knockout division lately has been on a roll and coming this Thursday will be another reason why the best women’s wrestling in the world is in TNA.




Matt Morgan Steps up in order to gain some brownie points with the Main Event Mafia when he challenges Samoa Joe to a match on Impact. Nobody has been able to get confirmation from Samoa Joe but then again the Samoan has yet to back out of a challenge.




Round 3 of the Tag Team Tournament commences when 20 points is up for grabs to every winner. With only 2 more round to follow, you can expect every team to put up all the fight that they have in order to win.




Confirmed Matches


Brock Lesnar vs Kevin Nash


Booker T, Alex Shelley, Bobby Lashley, Bashir and Raven


Jeff Jarrett, Chris Sabin, RVD, Suicide and Abyss


Sonjay Dutt and Madison Rayne vs Eric Young and ???


Awesome Kong and Taylor Wilde vs ODB, Jazz and Angelina Love


Matt Morgan vs Samoa Joe


Beer Money Inc vs LAX vs Lethal Consequences

James Gang vs FBI vs 2Fro

Team 3D vs Unholy Alliance vs Impact Players










For more info on the Roster, Championship History, Tag Team Experience and Who is in Development Visit




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Brock Lesnar vs Kevin Nash


Booker T, Alex Shelley, Bobby Lashley, Bashir and Raven


Jeff Jarrett, Chris Sabin, RVD, Suicide and Abyss


Sonjay Dutt and Madison Rayne vs Eric Young and ???


Awesome Kong and Taylor Wilde vs ODB, Jazz and Angelina Love


Matt Morgan vs Samoa Joe


Beer Money Inc vs LAX vs Lethal Consequences

James Gang vs FBI vs 2Fro

Team 3D vs Unholy Alliance vs Impact Players

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Now is everyones last chance to post there predictions before the "Wall of Shame" comes into action:D.


Impact is almost written up, 14 out of the 16 segments are written up. I should post it later tonight.


On a final note, How would people feel about this diary having a creative team? Is it better with just me writing? or would a small team of brains help fine tune the diary?

I cant decide and im always open to opinions and sugestions to make it better :)

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Brock Lesnar vs Kevin Nash


Booker T, Alex Shelley, Bobby Lashley, Bashir and Raven


Jeff Jarrett, Chris Sabin, RVD, Suicide and Abyss


Sonjay Dutt and Madison Rayne vs Eric Young and ???


Awesome Kong and Taylor Wilde vs ODB, Jazz and Angelina Love


Matt Morgan vs Samoa Joe


Beer Money Inc vs LAX vs Lethal Consequences

James Gang vs FBI vs 2Fro

Team 3D vs Unholy Alliance vs Impact Players

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Brock Lesnar vs Kevin Nash


Booker T, Alex Shelley, Bobby Lashley, Bashir and Raven


Jeff Jarrett, Chris Sabin, RVD, Suicide and Abyss


Sonjay Dutt and Madison Rayne vs Eric Young and ???


Awesome Kong and Taylor Wilde vs ODB, Jazz and Angelina Love


Matt Morgan vs Samoa Joe


Beer Money Inc vs LAX vs Lethal Consequences

James Gang vs FBI vs 2Fro

Team 3D vs Unholy Alliance vs Impact Players

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TNA Impact - Thursday August Week 1






Announcers for tonight’s Impact Broadcasting
























Round 3 Tag Team Tournament


Beer Money Inc vs L.A.X vs Lethal Consequences




This weeks Impact makes its last stop on the road to the Hard Justice PPV with the Tag Team Tournament kicking off the proceedings. All three teams in this match have wont points in the Tournament so far but make no mistake, all three teams are not happy with what they have so far. All three are aiming to gain the most points on the board. This match almost steals the whole show thanks to all 6 men putting in a blockbuster PPV performance. Everyone in the match really shone, specially the “cowboy” James Storm who gave the performance of his life. The match takes many twist and turns but it eventually ends with an awesome Boarder Toss from Hernandez to the former TNA Tag Team Champion Jay Lethal. LAX now pick up their second victory in the tournament and become the only team to pick up 2 victories in the tournament so far.




Winner: L.A.X


Time: 9:15


Rating: C+










Now the crowd is highly hyped up for the following segment as the TNA Management Director Jim Cornette makes his way to the ring to announce the rules for the TNA Gold Rush match and the line-up for the 3 Hour Live Impact kick off show. Cornette gets into the ring and proceeds to greet the crowd. Cornette then tells us that at the Gold Rush PPV will be an all-new match with an all-new concept. Cornette tells us that a concession of 5 Battle Royals decides the 5 competitors for the match. Cornette tells us that each man automatically earns a title shot but what title they challenge for will be decided in the Gold Rush match.


The First person eliminated from the Gold Rush match at the TNA Gold Rush PPV will earn a TNA Hardcore Championship match within the next year. The Second person eliminated will earn a shot at the TNA X-Division Championship within the next year. The Third Person will earn a TNA Tag Team Championship match and the Final Person to be eliminated will earn a TNA Legends Championship match, both within 1 year. The Winner will be awarded the title of Gold Rush Champion 2009 and will earn a shot at the TNA Championship at Bound For Glory.




Cornette then turns our attention to next weeks Impact 3 Hour Live Spectacular. We are told that it will be 3 Hours with 3 Main events.


The Icon Sting will battle the man from Battle Creek Michigan, Rob Van Dam.


The Destroyer Bobby Lashley will battle the Founder Jeff Jarrett.


Finally the team of AJ Styles and Brock Lesnar will battle Kurt Angle and Booker T.




Cornette winds up the show by reminding us that Impact will be live, with a new face on commentary and hints at the all new face of XPlosion, Coming next Saturday only on YouTube.com.










Awesome Kong and Taylor Wilde vs ODB, Jazz and Angelina Love




From the get go this match is unhinged with none of the teams being able to work together. Kong and Wilde can hardly look at each other during the match let alone tag or work together. The past few weeks have seen these two women cost each other victories and championship contendership. As for the team of Love, Jazz and ODB there seems to be some form of Unity even if Angelina isn’t the most liked person in the world. The match progresses with them most uneasiest of alliances until all hell breaks loose between Wilde and Kong. Kong ends up entering the ring while Wilde is the legal member and hitting her with an Awesome Bomb. Jazz is then left to pick up the pieces by pinning the former Knockout Champion.




Winner: ODB, Jazz and Angelina Love


Time: 6:25


Rating: D+












Backstage the Camera catches up with the Front Line who are awaiting the arrival of Brock Lesnar. As the camera is rolling we see Brock driving into the parking lot greeted by Rhino, AJ Styles, Jeff Jarrett, Samoa Joe and Christopher Daniels. All the men shake Brocks hand and he makes his way into the building. AJ Styles mutters the words “Lets Get Em” to Lesnar before the men all enter the building.


















Round 3 Tag Team Tournament


James Gang vs FBI vs 2Fro




The second of tonight tournament matches kicks off with the new Brother team of Chris and Charlie Froman who enter the ring in the fun loving fashion of walking round the crowd at ringside touching all the hands. The following two teams then enter and the match begins. The FBI really steal this match putting in the best wrestling performance they possibly could. Don West at ringside comments that the FBI has something in common with their new broadcast partner who is joining them next week. West says they are just trying to capitalise on what’s left of a career, in a company which is is to nice to say no. The match proceeds with West continuing to insult the FBI and Tazz. Guido over hears and goes to shut up West. With Guido’s eyes off the match and Mamaluke, Charlie and Kip out on the floor. BG capitalises and hits the Pump Handle Slam on Chris Ray who gets covered, giving BG and Kip James their second straight victory in the tournament.




Winner: James Gang


Time: 8:21


Rating: D










Samoa Joe vs Matt Morgan




Recently the Main Event Mafia have been over heard talking about a new member, which has left many speculating. Tonight however the Blue Print has a point to prove as he want in the Mafia and tonight’s his chance by playing the Mafia’s hit man. Matt Morgan hasn’t been see much on TNA TV much as of late and there has been talk that he has quit TNA. With this latest news of him wanting in the Mafia it seems that Joe is his only problem. As the match gets under way and the announcers hype the magnitude of the Mafia vs Front Line on PPV, we see the awesome skill of both men take hold of the show. Joe and Morgan battle tooth and nail in this match with pride vs the brownie points for the Mafia. Morgan really take it to Joe in a great battle that really leaves the former champion reeling. In the end Joe proves to much for Morgan when he hits a Muscle Buster and then chokes out Morgan for the victory.




Winner: Samoa Joe


Time: 10:59


Rating: C+










Backstage the cameras are following the X-Division Champion Eric Young who is on the lookout for a Knockout partner for tonight. While looking for a partner he stumbles across the Beautiful People’s locker room. Young Knocks the door and gets invited in where he sees Velvet Sky on her own filing her nails. Young and Sky flirt a little before he comes out and asks her to be his partner. Sky accepts and says she wants to show Madison that she can chose her own friends. Velvet Sky then kisses Eric on the Cheek and tells him she will see him in the ring.


















Round 3 Tag Team Tournament

Team 3D vs Unholy Alliance vs Impact Players




Another all Extreme line-up for the final 20 points of tonight’s tournament commences with some great nostalgia of the ECW days. The match gets underway with Don West once again insulting the ECW originals. Tenay on the other hand tells the listening audience that West is just scared that Tazz will put him out of a job. The match then continues with Team 3D in firm control as the fans are firmly behind them. Brother Devon is the main man in this match as he controls the offence for Team 3D. As the final seconds count down for the chance to win the 20 tournament points, we see Justin Credible over come the offence of Team 3D and pin Brother Ray. Justin Credible hits a jaw jacking Superkick and earns the Impact Players some much-needed points.




Winner: Impact Players


Time: 8:56


Rating: C-










Backstage JB is with the former TNA Tag Team Champion Alex Shelley who has requested the time to explain his actions recently. Shelley begins by telling everyone that he was tired of living under the judgement of Sabin, who would always criticize him on what he did in and out of the ring. Shelley goes on to say that Sabin wanted only one thing and that the Motor City Machineguns were just a pastime until something better came along. JB cuts in and says that he and Sabin have known each other for years and that Sabin was one of the genuine guys in TNA who people could turn to. Shelley then slaps JB and then says, “I hope that knocked some sense into you”. As JB gathers himself together on the floor we see Shelley get up close with the camera and tell Sabin that at Hard Justice there will be no running, no hiding and everything will be on show where Shelley can show Sabin up for the Fraud that he is. Shelley throws the microphone at JB and leaves.










Eric Young and Velvet Sky vs Sonjay Dutt and Madison Rayne




Last week se caught up with Young and Sky backstage sharing table. Rayne took special offence to the proceedings and ended up dragging Sky away and throwing food in the face of Eric Young before a verbal assault. With Young scheduled to face Dutt and London at Hard Justice it seemed to be the last thing he needed. Since last week there has been lots of roomers to the relationship status between Sky and Young and even more pressing is the friendship between Sky and Madison. The two BP members have been best of friends up until last week and word has it that the two have not spoken since last week. Now tonight with Dutt added to the mix and Sky siding with Young the match really does have a lot of hidden agendas. While the match is underway we see Madison at ringside cheering on Dutt by verbally picking apart Young who is fighting a loosing battle against the Guru. As the match proceeds we see the Knockouts and BP members get tagged in. within no time the Knockouts are brawling which Dutt and Young continue to brawl outside the ring. Within no time we see Velvet Sky hit the Blockbuster to Madison leaving her out for the count as Sky pins her for the victory. The fans are left stunned as they witness Sky and Young leave together, while Sky and Madison look ripped apart.




Winner: Eric Young and Velvet Sky


Time: 5:34


Rating: D+










Backstage Steiner and Sting are with JB who has been asked by Jim Cornette to get word from the Mafia on there plans for this Sundays Hard Justice PPV and to get word on the mysterious man who Angle wants in the Mafia. JB Opens up with the big question of asking who Kurt Angle was talking about last week on Impact. Steiner follows up by saying TNA shouldn’t be prying in on the Mafia meetings and secondly it’s not up to them to say who the Mystery man is. JB then asks about what plans the Mafia has when they head into Hard Justice. Sting takes over the interview and says that Lashley will take care of RVD at Hard Justice and then it will be up to the 5 remaining members to take out the Front Line. Sting then tells JB he is not stupid enough to blab the Mafia plans to the world. Sting says the main plan is just to Divide and concur. JB quickly asks Sting and Steiner what they want from the outcome at Hard Justice. Sting tells us that the Mafia wants the win to gain more Respect, Power and Money. Before JB can ask his next questions, the two men up and leave. JB closes up by reminding the fans to tune in Sunday or miss out on the biggest brawl in TNA History.













Jeff Jarrett, Chris Sabin, RVD, Suicide and Abyss




Booker T, Alex Shelley, Bobby Lashley, Sheik Abdul Bashir and Raven




Recent weeks have seen the huge build up of the feuds for the Main Event Mafia and Front Line, RVD and Lashley, Suicide and Bashir, Abyss and Raven, and finally one of the most anticipated matches on the TNA Hard Justice card. This Sunday will see the Motor City Machineguns go head to head in the most bitter of rivalries. This match was set up tonight to hype the fact of all the feuds and the fact that TNA will be holding another 5v5 match at Hard Justice. This match really gives the crowd a lot of action with the referee stretched to his limits throughout. As the match goes on we see a lot of back and fore action, along with lots of quick tagging. After a while we see Shelley and Sabin begin to brawl on the outside of the ring while the referee tries to maintain order with the remaining 8 competitors. Sabin and Shelley eventually brawl to the back leaving the rest of their teammates to fight it out. Back in the ring we see Suicide square up to Raven and begin a brawling match. Eventually both men tag out to Lashley and Jarrett, when all hell breaks loose and everyone fights on the outside. Holding it together in the ring, we see Lashley capitalise and hit Jarrett with a Dominator for the victory. When the bell rings we see Lashley looking over the ropes and into the eyes of his adversary RVD, trying to physc him out before their match at Hard Justice.




Winner: Booker T, Alex Shelley, Bobby Lashley, Sheik Abdul Bashir and Raven


Time: 9:27


Ratings: C+










Backstage the cameras catch up with Shelley and Sabin as they are fighting in the back. The men fight through the corridors using every weapon at hand. Before long both men are in the parking lot and using cars as weapons. At one point Sabin is thrown through a windshield before Shelley picks him up and slams him onto the roof with a Suplex. Shelley then disappears as Sabin begins to find hit feet and talks back across the parking lot to get help with his back that is bleeding quite profusely. As Sabin is walking through the parking lot we hear a screech of tyres as a car comes hurtling towards Sabin. Lucky for Sabin his quick actions saved him as we see him jump out of the way and the car hurtle off out of the arena. Mike Tenay at ringside is stunned and calls for someone to call the police.










Brock Lesnar vs Kevin Nash




Last week we seen Nash almost cost AJ Styles a victory during his match with Scott Steiner. Luckily for Styles the TNA World Champion Brock Lesnar came to the rescue and saved the match, but not without ruffling a few feathers. After Impact went off air, Big Sexy Kevin Nash gave a few words to JB backstage. With Nash running his mouth and challenging the TNA Champion it was inevitable that Brock would accept the challenge and use it as a way to get to his nemesis Kurt Angle. This match begins and has no signs of any love being lots between Brock and the Main Event Mafia. A still shocked Mike Tenay comments that is not the only time these two will meet this week. The match now continues to rumble on as we see two of the biggest and most powerful men in TNA battle it out. Nash puts up some great offence against the unstoppable force of Lesnar, even hitting a modified Powerslam, which left Lesnar reeling in pain. As the match goes on we begin to witness the pure awesomeness of Lesnar as we see him start to pick up the pace as Nash is beginning to loose power, like an engine running low on petrol. Lesnar then begins to toy with Lashley in the closing seconds. Lesnar eventually puts Nash out of his misery by hitting a devastating F-5 to the canvas for the 3 count.




Winner: Brock Lesnar


Time: 11:35


Rating: C+









As the show is about to go off air we see Angle run to the ring and begin to beat on Lesnar. Angle hits Suplex after Suplex before locking in the Ankle Lock. Meanwhile the cameras are backstage streaming the going on’s to the Screen in the arena. Backstage the rest of the Main Event Mafia members are beating down AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Jarrett and Rhino. The show then goes off air with Don West saying “See You at Hard Justice, if we make it”.








Show Rating: http://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp142/bwauk/Ratings/grade_cplus.jpg








For more info on the Roster, Championship History, Tag Team Experience and Who is in Development Visit




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TNA XPlosion - Saturday August Week 1





Announcers for tonight’s XPlosion Broadcasting











Christopher Daniels vs Sheik Abdul Bashir



Winner: Christopher Daniels

Time: 10:15

Rating: D+







James Gang vs L.A.X


Winner: James Gang

Time: 9:19

Rating C+






Show Rating: http://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp142/bwauk/Ratings/grade_cminus.jpg






For more info on the Roster, Championship History, Tag Team Experience and Who is in Development Visit



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TNA Hard Justice – Preview






Main Event Mafia vs Front Line and Brock Lesnar




Bobby Lashley vs Rob Van Dam




6 Sides of Steel

Alex Shelley vs Chris Sabin




10 Man “Gold Rush” Qualifier

Sheik Abdul Bashir

Jay Lethal

Matt Morgan

Stevie Richards

Christopher Daniels


Kip James

Lance Storm

Shark Boy





Knockout Championship

ODB© vs Jazz vs Angelina Love




Hardcore Championship

Abyss© vs Raven




Taylor Wilde vs Awesome Kong




X-Division Championship

Eric Young© vs Sonjay Dutt vs Paul London




*** Who do you have you’re money on? Get Predicting. The Wall of Shame needs YOU! ***

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Main Event Mafia vs Front Line and Brock Lesnar


Bobby Lashley vs Rob Van Dam




6 Sides of Steel

Alex Shelleyvs Chris Sabin




10 Man “Gold Rush” Qualifier

Sheik Abdul Bashir

Jay Lethal

Matt Morgan

Stevie Richards

Christopher Daniels


Kip James

Lance Storm

Shark Boy





Knockout Championship

ODB© vs Jazz vs Angelina Love



Hardcore Championship

Abyss© vs Raven



Taylor Wilde vs Awesome Kong



X-Division Championship

Eric Young© vs Sonjay Dutt vs Paul London

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Main Event Mafia vs Front Line and Brock Lesnar

Bobby Lashley vs Rob Van Dam


6 Sides of Steel

Alex Shelley vs Chris Sabin


10 Man “Gold Rush” Qualifier

Sheik Abdul Bashir

Jay Lethal

Matt Morgan

Stevie Richards

Christopher Daniels


Kip James

Lance Storm

Shark Boy



Knockout Championship

ODB© vs Jazz vs Angelina Love


Hardcore Championship

Abyss© vs Raven


Taylor Wilde vs Awesome Kong


X-Division Championship

Eric Young© vs Sonjay Dutt vs Paul London

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Main Event Mafia vs Front Line and Brock Lesnar




Bobby Lashley vs Rob Van Dam




6 Sides of Steel

Alex Shelley vs Chris Sabin




10 Man “Gold Rush” Qualifier

Sheik Abdul Bashir

Jay Lethal

Matt Morgan

Stevie Richards

Christopher Daniels


Kip James

Lance Storm

Shark Boy



Don't Job Suicide to everybody else, Sheik i'm not too fond of, so Don't care if he loses, Lethal, Storm, James and Homicide are competing in the tag tourney, so i could care less about them. Stevie Richards and Matt Morgan along with Shark Boy shouldn't last, and Christopher Daniels is another favorite of mine, but it could turn into a feud, due to the fact that Daniels played Suicide, so it could end up being a doppleganger situation evolving into a potential storyline.


Knockout Championship

ODB© vs Jazz vs Angelina Love


ODB wins, no contest.


Hardcore Championship

Abyss© vs Raven


Raven's a Hardcore legend in my book and probably in a lot of other people's so I'm pulling for him this event.


Taylor Wilde vs Awesome Kong


Kong is Kong, much more imposing than Taylor Wilde


X-Division Championship

Eric Young© vs Sonjay Dutt vs Paul London


Eric Young winning at the last show probably shows me that for a feud to develop, Dutt would need to win.


Oh My Gawd Another PPV !!!

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Main Event Mafia vs Front Line and Brock Lesnar


Mafia needs some more momentum back to remain a threat.


Bobby Lashley vs Rob Van Dam


Just to prove Lashley wasn't a true ECW champ.


6 Sides of Steel

Alex Shelley vs Chris Sabin


Shelly is a tad better


10 Man “Gold Rush” Qualifier

Sheik Abdul Bashir

Jay Lethal

Matt Morgan

Stevie Richards

Christopher Daniels


Kip James

Lance Storm

Shark Boy



You are crimanly underusing Daniels


Knockout Championship

ODB© vs Jazz vs Angelina Love


You seem to be high on Jazz for some reason.


Hardcore Championship

Abyss© vs Raven


Abyss has more of a future.


Taylor Wilde vs Awesome Kong


Its Kong!


X-Division Championship

Eric Young© vs Sonjay Dutt vs Paul London


Dutt will win but Eric will retain hehe


PS Ehm shouldn't we be predicting the 3 hour special before the ppv first? And you still ow me a comment.

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PS Ehm shouldn't we be predicting the 3 hour special before the ppv first? And you still ow me a comment.


The 3 Hour Impact follows the PPV. beginning toe road to tha all new PPV


Anyhow thanks for all the predictions so far. its an interesting read so far. I can inform you that so far nobody had got the predictions 100% right. But on a better note, nobody has a 100% wrong lol:D


Keep predicting and lets see if we can get a 100% score for the first "Wall of Shame" revealing :D

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Main Event Mafia vs Front Line and Brock Lesnar




Bobby Lashley vs Rob Van Dam




6 Sides of Steel

Alex Shelley vs Chris Sabin




10 Man “Gold Rush” Qualifier

Sheik Abdul Bashir

Jay Lethal

Matt Morgan

Stevie Richards

Christopher Daniels


Kip James

Lance Storm

Shark Boy





Knockout Championship

ODB© vs Jazz vs Angelina Love




Hardcore Championship

Abyss© vs Raven




Taylor Wilde vs Awesome Kong




X-Division Championship

Eric Young© vs Sonjay Dutt vs Paul London

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