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Following Hard Justice will be some big news, the Full 3Hour Impact show lineup and first results of the "Wall of Shame". Round 1 was only 1 prediction, Round 2 Will be predictions for the next 3 Impacts, the 1 Hour Xplosion and TNA Gold Rush.


Any predictions left to come are welcome. i hope to have Hard Justice up tonight. Just so everyone knows, nobody had 100% yet, the closest it 5/8. Just goes to show im not being predictable lol:D

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TNA Hard Justice 2009






TNA Hard Justice - Sunday August Week 1











Arena: The Pyramid Arena, Memphis Tennessee


Attendance: 15,000 Sell Out






Announcers for tonight’s PPV Broadcasting















As the Pyro’s go off and the lights begin to shine, The Main Event Mafia members of tonight’s 5v5 match begin to make there way to the ring. The crowd is silent as we hear Kurt Angle open up the show. Angle tells us that tonight he is going to promise Mafia domination when Lashley beats RVD, When Mafia wannabe Morgan wins the Qualifier and when the team of the Main Event Mafia beats Brock Lesnar and the Front Line. The crowd begins a Mafia sucks chant as the fans in the Pyramid in Memphis Tennessee really get behind the Front Line. Booker T takes over and talks about how he helped take down AJ Styles back at Victory Road alongside his Mafia brother Sting. Sting then takes the microphone and makes sure everyone can hear him before he vows to leave TNA Tonight if the Mafia looses. Sting says he is so sure that they are going to win that he is more than confident enough to put his job on the line. The Mafia look shocked but they all leave the ring, Taunting on the stage before going backstage and prepping for their big match.










X-Division Championship


Eric Young© vs Sonjay Dutt vs Paul London




As the men make there way to the ring we see Velvet Sky accompany the champion to the ring. Recent weeks has seen the relationship between Young and Sky blossom. As the bout gets underway we see Dutt and London take out Young who is being nursed at ringside buy Sky. Dutt and London continue in the ring with some great wrestling and plenty of WOW! Moments for the crowd in attendance. Dutt and London really hold the match before we see Eric reappear into the mix. The battle holds up well and Young begins to take back the control. In the next few moments we see the 3 men all have there spot until a mistake from London sees him get planted with the Bombay Buster. Sky gets up on the apron distracting the referee from counting Dutt’s pinfall, Young then regains his feet and manages to roll up Dutt from behind as he was mouthing at the Referee. The count begins as Eric Young gets the 1-2-3 thanks to Sky at ringside.




Winner: STILL X-Division Champion, Eric Young


Time: 10:27


Rating: http://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp142/bwauk/Ratings/grade_dplus.jpg









Mike Tenay at ringside comments on the video telling up that we have a whole new attitude coming to TNA. Tenay reminds us that in the WWE, Nemeth was one of the brightest stars of the future and its now the luck of TNA to watch him shine.










Taylor Wilde vs Awesome Kong




Over the past few weeks we have seen the odd and unexplained feud between Kong and Wilde get out of control. Both knockouts cost each other matches on Impact before being forced to team up this past week in a handicap match against three other knockouts. Even as a team the two could not coexist as we seen them break down and get beaten in the ring thanks to the unknown reasons of the two’s dislikes. This match starts out with the rules being bent by the referee as both knockouts take it to the outside and use the guardrails. The knockouts are both out of the ring for over the given 10count but the referee gives leniency as the two carry on their battle. After some time on the outside, the knockouts bring it back into the ring as Wilde begins to get the upper hand on the almighty Awesome Kong. Kong is within seconds of loosing when we see Raisha Saeed make her way to ringside. Kong distracts the referee as we see Saeed plant Wide with a devastating DDT. Kong then picks up the weakened Taylor Wilde and plants her with an Awesome Bomb. Kong pins Wilde and celebrates with Saeed on the outside.




Winner: Awesome Kong


Time: 6:16


Rating: http://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp142/bwauk/Ratings/grade_dplus.jpg










Hardcore Championship


Abyss© vs Raven




Abyss and Ravens history dates back more than just the past few weeks. Raven and Abyss have battles dating back to the years when both men held the TNA Championship. These days the two men have gone back to there extreme roots of bloodshed and pain. Ravens return to TNA after the BloodBath PPV came as a shock thanks to Stevie Richards. Lately Richards and Raven have been making life hell for the monster, with brawls through the crowd and disrupting championship defences. This match was sanctioned thanks to TNA Management Director Jim Cornette who thought both men had a difference to settle. Before the match even begins we see Abyss make his way to the ring. Unknowingly to Abyss he was walking into a trap as we seen the Hardcore Raven run him down from behind with a Shopping cart. Raven throws Abyss into the ring and the brawl gets underway with both men bleeding profusely as the match goes on. Stevie comes to ringside halfway through the match carrying a bag of thumbtacks and a steel pipe. Towards the end as Stevie watches on, we see Raven call for the tacks as he is about to plant Abyss into them with the Evenflow DDT. Abyss manages to avoid them but gets charged at by Stevie with the Steel Pipe. Abyss avoids the giant swinging of the pipe, which hits Raven in the ribs. A cowering Raven then watches on as he witnesses Abyss hit the Black Hole Slam on Stevie to the Tacks. Abyss then gets straight back in the game and hits another Black Hole Slam on Raven who is in serious pain from the shot to the ribs. Abyss picks up the victory and the crowd celebrates with him thanks to a “That was Awesome” chant.




Winner: STILL Hardcore Champion, Abyss


Time: 11:26


Rating: http://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp142/bwauk/Ratings/grade_cplus.jpg










Jim Cornette now makes his way to the Stage and informs the fans that he has a few little announcements for everyone. Cornette’s first announcement is that the Following match with be the last championship match before the Gold Rush PPV. His next announcement is that on Impact the 2 10Man Qualifiers on this weeks 3Hour Impact will feature all the tag teams in the TNA Tag Team Tournament, Team 3D, LAX, Unholy Alliance, Beer Money Inc, 2-Fro, FBI, Impact Players, Lethal Consequences, The James Gang and the former Tag Team Champions, Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin. On a Final note, Cornette drops a bombshell to the TNA fans telling them that TNA President Dixie Carter will be at Impacts 3Hour Spectacular with a big announcement regarding TNA’s Future.










Knockout Championship


ODB© vs Jazz vs Angelina Love




Jazz has been a hot new addition to TNA over the past few weeks with he undefeated streak in TNA, Beating the Beautiful People at BloodBath, beating both Kong and Wilde the following two weeks then being victorious in a handicap match over the two just this Thursday on Impact. Angelina has not taken kindly to Jazz after she mingled her way into this match thanks to TNA Management. With ODB being ODB there is no doubt that she didn’t fear either knockouts and just planned on turning up too whoop ass and leave. The match begins with that attitude firmly on show as ODB clears the ring of Jazz and Angelina. Both Jazz and Angelina work together to take out ODB and proceed to fight each other. After a few moments of battling we see Jazz go for a Fisherman’s Suplex on Angelina. After hitting the move Jazz is left reeling in the ring with tremendous pain. EMT’s rush to the ring and help Jazz to the back as she seems to be limping. A shocked Don West rubs in the fact that ECW stars should just stay at home and rot. ODB and Angelina go back to wrestling as Jazz is removed from the mix. The knockouts put up a short but good fight as we see ODB hit a devastating running spear to Love for the Victory.




Winner: STILL Knockout Champion, ODB


Time: 6:56


Rating: http://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp142/bwauk/Ratings/grade_d.jpg










Backstage Eric Young is with JB. JB congratulates Young on his victory and tells him that he is garneted to be on TNA Gold Rush defending his Championship. Young is still hyped up after his victory earlier tonight when he successfully defended his X-Division Championship. Young says he has been thinking about what he can do to keep him occupied until Gold Rush and tells JB that he is going to open up a challenge, an X-Division Open Challenge. Anyone can turn up, anyone can challenge him and if they beat him then they may win over some fan voters heading into TNA Gold Rush. Young shakes JB’s hand as Velvet Sky drags him away.










Gold Rush Qualifier


10 Man Battle Royal




All 10 men are in the ring ready to fight it out for a garneted Championship match plus a chance to battle on the PPV Gold Rush. All 10 men begin battling in the ring with Shark Boy being eliminated within seconds. Matt Morgan who has dominated the early goings then throws homicide over the ropes. Next out is former ECW star Lance Storm, Storm is thrown out by Daniels who is putting up great offence in this match. Next out is Stevie Richards who gets tricked by Bashir. Following Bashir’s trickery of Stevie comes another slick move from the former X-Division Champion as he throws out Jay Lethal. With 5 men out it’s down to 5 men left in the ring. Next to bite the bullet is Kip James as Matt Morgan hits a huge kick to the chin of Kip, making him hit the mat outside. Bashir and Suicide are Battling in the ring as Daniels and Morgan battle it out. Morgan downs Daniels and charges to both Suicide and Bashir who are battling on the top rope; Morgan knocks them both out leaving just Daniels and Morgan. Morgan and Daniels then continue to brawl with many opportunities to eliminate the other. Lots of close eliminations come to a climactic end as we see Morgan and Daniels go over the ropes together but with only Daniels having both his feet touch the floor. Morgan is declared winner as the Tenay gives both men credit for going all out in this match.




Winner: Heading to the Gold Rush, Matt Morgan


Time: 10:11


Rating: http://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp142/bwauk/Ratings/grade_cplus.jpg










Backstage JB is with Brock Lesnar, AJ Styles and Jeff Jarrett to talk about tonight’s match and Thursdays beat down on Impact. Styles opens up by telling everyone that right now Rhino and Samoa Joe haven’t been cleared to compete. He continues to tell us that although they plan on fighting tonight, the Front Line is not at 100%. Styles says none of them are 100% but they will all put in everything they have to topple the Mafia. Jarrett cuts in and says if he still held power in TNA today, he would be controlling the Mafia way better than the ways is being handled at the moment. An irate Jarrett who is still upset about the attack on his friend in the Front Line is dragged away by Styles, leaving Lesnar to finish up the interview. Before leaving, Lesnar ask’s JB does he know the number for the emergency services. JB says yes and Lesnar makes the smart comment of saying “well you better call them now and give them enough time to reach the building, because I’m about to BRING THE PAIN”. Lesnar then follows Styles and Jarrett.










6 Sides of Steel


Alex Shelley vs Chris Sabin




This feud began back some 5-6weeks ago on Impact when Shelley turned his back on his partner and attacked him during a tag match. Following that has been one of the most heated rivalries in TNA history. Previously to the split we had seen Shelley not turn up to fights, leave his partner in the lurch and even get physical with Sabin. The speculation behind the two’s demise started early, with many not even believing they would hold the TNA Tag Team Championships for much longer. In the end the team proved just too strong to over come and ended up splitting as tag champions and leaving TNA with a huge problem on their hands. This all brings us to tonight where the culmination of their hatred comes out inside the 6 Sides of Steel, where nobody can run and nobody can hide. The cage is set up as the two men make there way to the ring. Looking at the structure sends home the message of the feelings both men have for each other. As the door is closed the cage we hear the bell and the bout begins. Sabin and Shelley waist no time in getting there hands on each other and using the cage as a weapon. The match sees some of the best wrestling on the planet mixed in with some dirty tactics and face smashing. As the match goes on we see both men put in there all, blood sweat and tears are all smeared into the mat as the match draws to a close. We see Sabin get his the Shell Shock only to kick out, in a twist of fate for Shelley, he gets over ****y and tries for another Shell Shock. Unlucky for Shelley that he is facing a man who knows him so well, Sabin reverses and lifts Shelley into the Cradle Shock, pinning Shelley for the 3 and stealing the show with the fans on there feet cheering like crazy. Sabin leaves the ring to a standing ovation, Shelley is then helped out of the ring with a show of respect from the live fans.




Winner: Chris Sabin


Time: 19:12


Rating: http://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp142/bwauk/Ratings/grade_b.jpg










Bobby Lashley vs Rob Van Dam




Lashley has made it his personal goal to make himself known as the best ever ECW Champion in history. First time around it was to prove he was better than Rhino and now Lashley has made it his goal to make RVD the example as to why he is the best ECW Champion ever. RVD and Lashley both former ECW champions have seen some fair amounts of extreme wrestling in there time and tonight will be no different as both men seem to have made this match more than about the respect that comes with the ECW Championship. Earlier tonight the rest of Lashley’s Main Even Mafia brothers said they would dominate the show, fist with Matt Morgan, which came true and now with Lashley. With that hanging over his head, you can imagine there is a lot to fight for in Lashley’s mind. As the men enter the ring and begin we see the fans still hot as ringside get right into this match. Both men take it to each other in a no holdem style battle. Lashley hits lots of slams but also gets caught by a few of RVD’s kicks. The match mostly favours Mr Thursday night throughout, with every move from Lashley being reversed. Lashley still on his game manages to capitalise on the ever-growing confidence of RVD, as Lashley manages to catch RVD in mid move. Lashley then plant RVD with one of the most devastating Dominators to pick up the second victory of the night for the Main Event Mafia.




Winner: Bobby Lashley


Time: 18:50


Rating: http://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp142/bwauk/Ratings/grade_bminus.jpg










Main Event Mafia

Kurt Angle, Sting, Kevin Nash, Booker T and Scott Steiner


Front Line

Brock Lesnar, AJ Styles, Jeff Jarrett, Samoa Joe and Rhino




The build up between the Front Line and the Main Event Mafia has been months in the making. From stealing championships to beat downs, the Mafia has dominated proceedings every time. Since the debut of Brock Lesnar in TNA is seems the hype of the Mafia has been laid to rest in favour of the TNA Champion. Lesnar and Angles rivalry dates back all the way to 2004 in WWE when Lesnar and Angle were battling over the WWE Championship. Since then both men have lived different paths but have crossed at every opportunity. As for AJ Styles and Stings friendship, it seems both men had mutual respect for each other over the years even back to a few months ago when everyone thought Sting was leaving the Mafia. Thanks to Booker it was all a plot to get at the Front Line, but that doesn’t seem to work for Styles who still wants the respect he deserves. Samoa Joe and Kevin Nash on the other hand have been friends, student and mentor and now the bitter divide between the two. Nash and Joe may never have respect again but this match will beat some respect into someone. The bell rings and Referee Earl Hebner is in charge or proceedings. Tonight’s match really holds the crowd’s attention with the Mafia looking strong throughout thanks to the Beat down on Impact this past Thursday. Joe and Steiner are the first to battle it out. Joe holds his own but the beat down really shows and weakens Joe forcing him to tag out. The match takes many back and fore turns, Lesnar then gets into the ring and clears it of the Mafia, before Lesnar has a change to celebrate they have the ring surrounded, Steiner and Nash beat down on the beat down Front Line members as Sting, Booker and Angle take the ring. The three men beat down Lesnar to within an inch of his life before leaving Angle alone to pick up the pieces. Angle then hits Lesnar with an Angle Slam before locking in the Ankle Lock. Referee Earn Hebner calls the end to the match when Lesnar fails to answer a 3 Count.




Winner: Main Event Mafia


Time: 21:01


Rating: http://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp142/bwauk/Ratings/grade_bminus.jpg










After the big triple Victory for the Main Event Mafia, we see Lashley make his way out to the ring to celebrate with his other MEM members. The show then goes off air with a chilling silence over the Arena as the MEM cleans house








Show Rating: http://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp142/bwauk/Ratings/grade_bminus.jpg










For more info on the Roster, Championship History, Tag Team Experience and Who is in Development Visit



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TNA Injury News




Last night at TNA Hard Justice, Jazz was battling for the TNA Knockout Championship when she had to be helped from the ring in the middle of the match due to a leg injury. Since last night she has been assessed by doctors and has been given a diagnosis. TNA Knockout Jazz has sustained her Torn Quadriceps in her Left leg and will require immediate surgery. The timeline for her return has been estimated at 8 months. TNA authority is said to be very saddened by the injury of a true veteran.






For more info on the Roster, Championship History, Tag Team Experience and Who is in Development Visit


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TNA Gossip




TNA Veteran and Main Event Mafia member Kevin Nash has been receiving Cryptic messages since Hard Justice, as reported by a member of the TNA staff who over heard a conversation between Nash and Booker. One of the messages is believed to have indicated at an appearance at this weeks Impact, Quoting the words, “Its time to make the change”. Sources within TNA are said to be uneasy about the revelations, Not knowing if the person is pro or anti Mafia.






For more info on the Roster, Championship History, Tag Team Experience and Who is in Development Visit



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Sponsors of the first TNA Gold Rush have decided. Thanks to everyone who has taken part in the "Wall OF Shame". Every Prediction leading upto and on GoldRush will be to decide the Sponsor of the TNA PPV spectical Bound For Glory:D

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TNA Impact Preview






Kurt Angle and the Main Event Mafia dominated Hard Justice by picking up every Victory possible. This weeks Impact 3 Hour Special will see the Main Even Mafia once again take on the Front Line in several matches. Can the Mafia take a clean sweep once again or will the Front Line gain some revenge.




Hard Justice saw the beginning of the Gold Rush Qualifying matches. Matt Morgan became the very first man to enter the all-new PPV match. This week two more men will enter the match, but who will it be. The Tag Team Tournament is off for one night as we see all 9 teams battle in the Gold Rush Qualifiers.




The Knockout Division has been slowly building up over the past few months with many Knockouts laying claim to being the best in the company. Impacts 3 Hour Special will see a 6 Pac Challenge where Returning Knockout Roxxi will take on Angelina Love, ODB, Awesome Kong, Taylor Wilde and Raisha Saeed.




A cryptic message left on the Cell phone of TNA Main Event Mafia member Kevin Nash has made circulation around the locker room of TNA. With people uneasy about the revelations, it seems this Thursday cant come quick enough. Who will be the Mystery person? And will they be Mafia or Front Line?




Eric Young’s Open challenge has seen a lot of applicants but only 1 person has been selected. TNA management are keeping the identity of the superstar as a surprise, but have hinted that he is a top star on the Indie wrestling circuit. Also for Eric will be the ever going saga of Beauty and the Geek as Velvet Sky and Eric Young continue their relationship.




The Debut of Tazz finally arrives, but how will Tenay and West welcome him. Even more importantly is the question of how will the fans welcome him. Only time will tell.




Dixie Carter will make her first appearance on TNA Impact with a special announcement for the fans. A new Signing has been rumoured and even a few gossiping members of the locker room has mentioned Dixie wanting to Fire to Main Event Mafia.






Confirmed Matches




Brock Lesnar and AJ Styles vs Kurt Angle and Booker T


RVD vs Sting


Bobby Lashley vs Jeff Jarrett


Kevin Nash vs Christopher Daniels


Abyss vs Raven vs Matt Morgan


Roxxi vs Angelina Love vs ODB vs Awesome Kong vs Taylor Wilde vs Raisha Saeed


Gold Rush Qualifier #1

BG James

Brother Ray

Chris Froman

Chris Sabin

Consequences Creed


Lance Storm

Little Guido

Robert Roode

Yoshihiro Tajiri


Gold Rush Qualifier #2

Alex Shelley

Brother Devon

Charlie Froman


James Storm

Jay Lethal

Justin Credible

Kip James

Mikey Whipwreck

Tony Mamaluke


X-Division Open

Eric Young vs ??? =



Dixie Carters Announcement?


Nash’s Cryptic Messager? MEM or Front Line?






*** Who do you have you’re money on? Get Predicting. The Wall of Shame needs YOU! ***




For more info on the Roster, Championship History, Tag Team Experience and Who is in Development Visit



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Brock Lesnar and AJ Styles vs Kurt Angle and Booker T


RVD vs Sting


Bobby Lashley vs Jeff Jarrett


Kevin Nash vs Christopher Daniels


Abyss vs Raven vs Matt Morgan


Roxxi vs Angelina Love vs ODB vs Awesome Kong vs Taylor Wilde vs Raisha Saeed


Gold Rush Qualifier #1

BG James

Brother Ray

Chris Froman

Chris Sabin

Consequences Creed


Lance Storm

Little Guido

Robert Roode

Yoshihiro Tajiri


Gold Rush Qualifier #2

Alex Shelley

Brother Devon

Charlie Froman


James Storm

Jay Lethal

Justin Credible

Kip James

Mikey Whipwreck

Tony Mamaluke


X-Division Open

Eric Young vs ??? = Danielson

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Brock Lesnar and AJ Styles vs Kurt Angle and Booker T


RVD vs Sting


Bobby Lashley vs Jeff Jarrett


Kevin Nash vs Christopher Daniels


Abyss vs Raven vs Matt Morgan


Roxxi vs Angelina Love vs ODB vs Awesome Kong vs Taylor Wilde vs Raisha Saeed


Gold Rush Qualifier #1

BG James

Brother Ray

Chris Froman

Chris Sabin

Consequences Creed


Lance Storm

Little Guido

Robert Roode

Yoshihiro Tajiri


Gold Rush Qualifier #2

Alex Shelley

Brother Devon

Charlie Froman


James Storm

Jay Lethal

Justin Credible

Kip James

Mikey Whipwreck

Tony Mamaluke


X-Division Open

Eric Young vs ??? = Austin Aries?

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Brock Lesnar and AJ Styles vs Kurt Angle and Booker T


RVD vs Sting

Bobby Lashley vs Jeff Jarrett


Kevin Nash vs Christopher Daniels


Abyss vs Raven vs Matt Morgan

Roxxi vs Angelina Love vs ODB vs Awesome Kong vs Taylor Wilde vs Raisha Saeed


Gold Rush Qualifier #1

BG James

Brother Ray

Chris Froman

Chris Sabin

Consequences Creed


Lance Storm

Little Guido

Robert Roode

Yoshihiro Tajiri


Gold Rush Qualifier #2

Alex Shelley

Brother Devon

Charlie Froman


James Storm

Jay Lethal

Justin Credible

Kip James

Mikey Whipwreck

Tony Mamaluke


X-Division Open

Eric Young vs Brian Danielson


Nash’s Cryptic Messager? MEM or Front Line

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Again no one has 100% right but i can say one of you has picked a correct winner in the Gold Rush Qualifyers. I think this 3 Hour Impact will be a bit of a shocker.


Anyone want to leave there predictions to get on the wall of shame?


Oh and does anybody want to guess at who the mystery man messaging Nash is? and if he is Mafia or Front Line?


Also there is Dixies announcement live on Impact. What does she have to say thats so important?


Eric Young opens the challenge to any X-Division star but who could it possibly be this week. You will be pleased at who the star is:D


Untill Impact is aired i would like to say its the all new Impact, with a new Video, New Music and a New Announce Team.

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  • 1 month later...

Brock Lesnar and AJ Styles vs Kurt Angle and Booker T


RVD vs Sting


Bobby Lashley vs Jeff Jarrett


Kevin Nash vs Christopher Daniels

distracted by the cryptic messages


Abyss vs Raven vs Matt Morgan


Roxxi vs Angelina Love vs ODB vs Awesome Kong vs Taylor Wilde vs Raisha Saeed


Gold Rush Qualifier #1

BG James

Brother Ray

Chris Froman

Chris Sabin



Gold Rush Qualifier #2

Alex Shelley

Brother Devon

Charlie Froman


James Storm

Jay Lethal



X-Division Open

Eric Young vs ??? =



and I'll go with Frontline sending the cryptic messages to Nash

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TNA Impact 3 Hour Live Special






TNA Impact 3 Hour Special - Thursday August Week 2











Announcers for tonight’s Impact Broadcasting
















As the new opening credits roll we hear the ominous music of the newest member of the TNA Announce Team, Tazz. Tazz then makes his way to the announce table after greeting the crowd and shaking hands at ringside. When Tazz pulls up a seat an ecstatic Mike Tenay who welcomes him with open arms. Don West on the other hand refuses to shake the hand of Tazz and tries to rush things along to tonight’s first match. Tazz then welcomes us to the first of the live Impact’s and tells us tonight will be the biggest 3 hours in Impact history. Tazz hands the proceedings over to Mike Tenay who gives us the rundown on tonight’s matches.










Bobby Lashley vs Jeff Jarrett




Kicking off the huge Impact 3Hour special is the first of the 3 main events advertised for this evenings broadcast. Just 4 days ago these men battled it out in matches on the Hard Justice PPV where the Main Event Mafia dominated the proceedings and walked out with victory’s over the Front Line, Brock Lesnar, RVD and the rest of the TNA locker room. These two men went into this match with a gut full of fuel and a whole load of ass whooping on their mind. With the Mafia and Front Line clearly in it for the long run you can only imagine what tonight and the following weeks have in store as the Mafia and Front Line crosses paths. This opening match gets the atmosphere in the arena buzzing as the first live Impact broadcast takes place. The match sees Jarrett and Lashley deliver a good performance with a over confident Lashley making some school boy errors. Lashley manages to regain the match towards the closing seconds as we see him hit Jarrett with a devastation Dominator to the canvas.




Winner: Lashley


Time: 13:12


Rating: B-










Backstage JB is with Roxxi as she makes her return to TNA after a recent injury. Roxxi talks about the long road to recovery and sympathises with fellow Knockout Jazz who was injured on Sunday at Hard Justice. Roxxi thanks the fans for the support they gave her during her time off and she tells JB that tonight she is ready to get back out there and claim right to a #1 Contenders spot at the Knockout Championship.










X-Division Open Challenge


Eric Young vs Jack Evans




It was made clear that Eric Young wanted to be a fighting champion in the X-Division and when he heard he couldn’t defend his championship until Gold Rush he chose to set up the open Challenge. When Jack Evans then made his way to the ring to accept the challenge you could see the puzzling look on Young’s face as he realises he has to battle a man he has never met before. Young and Evans get the match under ways but with many of the fans not knowing who Evans was it seemed like a bore for the fans. Although both men pulled out some awesome moves it seemed that the crowd only came alive at the end when Jack Evans hit the Sky Fever (Corkscrew 630). Evans managed to get the huge upset on the X-Division Champion and get himself noticed here in the TNA X-Division.




Winner: Jack Evans


Time: 10:45


Rating: E+

















Kevin Nash vs Christopher Daniels




Front Line and Mafia once again meet tonight but with more than just team loyalty and respect on the line. Over the past few days “Big Sexy” has been receiving anonymous cryptic messages from someone who claims they will show up tonight and “change things”. With Nash not knowing if this person is pro or anti Main Event Mafia or even knowing when this person will turn up. With Nash now on full alert it begins to show in his performance in this match. Daniels dictates a lot of the pace in this match with Nash seemingly more interested in watching his back for the Anonymous messager. Nash then begins to get into the match and is about to Jacknife Daniels when music begins to play and Sean Waltman makes his way to the stage just looking on at the match. With Nash absolutely stunned we see Daniels pick up on the change in mental power and rolls up Nash for a 3 count. Nash then gets up off the matt and hits Daniels with a big boot before leaving the ring to hunt down Waltman who has already left the stage.




Winner: Christopher Daniels


Time: 9:04


Rating: C










Backstage JB chases after Sean Waltman who is walking towards the parking lot. JB manages to stop Waltman and get a few words. When JB asks why Waltman turned up tonight and why he was targeting Nash personally, Waltman turned to JB and says it’s for the good of TNA, the good of Kevin Nash and for the good of the Kliq. Before JB can ask any more questions Waltman says he has just two words for Nash, “I’m Waiting”. Waltman then makes his way to his car and sits patently waiting for Nash.










Gold Rush Qualifier #2




All 10 men in the first of the 2 Qualifiers make there way into the ring as the crowd gets warmed up and ready for action. The bell rings and all hell breaks’ loose as the 10 men begin trying to throw the others over the top rope. First to go over the ropes is Tajiri who gets eliminated by Chris Sabin. Second and Third out are Creed and Guido who get thrown out by Brother Ray. Forth to be eliminated is LAX member Homicide who gets eliminated by Robert Roode. Fifth out is Lance Storm thanks to a running clothesline from BG James. The Sixth elimination comes again from BG James as he hits another clothesline to Chris Froman. Seventh and Eighth out is BG James and Brother Ray who get double teamed by Sabin and Roode. The match is then left to just Sabin and Roode who battle it out to gain the prestige’s spot in the TNA Gold Rush match which could lead to a main event shot at the TNA Championship at Bound for Glory. The match rages on as we see a great effort from Sabin who eventually manages to eliminate Roode by pulling down the ropes as Roode came charging towards him.




Winner: Heading to the Gold Rush, Chris Sabin


Time: 11:48


Rating: C+










Backstage a worn out Chris Sabin is walking back to his locker room as he comes across Kurt Angle in the corridor. Angle steps up into the face of Sabin and calls him “a young, know it all PUNK!” Sabin responds by saying “At least I will be in the rush for the gold when it comes to Bound for Glory”. TNA Agents then rush in and pull the men apart before it gets any more serious. Angle is pulled away while the cameras concentrate on the grinning face of an excited and victorious, Chris Sabin.










Abyss vs Raven vs Matt Morgan




Sunday at Hard Justice we seen Matt Morgan win the first Gold Rush Qualifier and we also seen Raven and Abyss beat the holy hell out of each other. Now tonight without the big PPV selling point of stipulations, championships or title shots it’s just a triple threat match. For the first time in weeks we see some non-hardcore fighting from Raven and Abyss who take it to each other at every chance they get. Matt Morgan helps to upset the battlefield every time he enters the ring. The genetically jacked and athletically stacked star really takes it to the two Hardcore Icons of TNA and begins to dominate like he did on Sunday. In the end a big Bicycle Kick to the face of Raven ends the match and leave Morgan with another victory under his belt as he heads towards TNA Gold Rush




Winner: Matt Morgan


Time: 11:01


Rating: C+










Tenay, West and Tazz are about to hype up the 3 Hour “Live” Impact so far when there told to watch the Titantron to see what’s going on in the back. Backstage in the parking lot we see Kevin Nash walking towards the car of Sean Waltman when Waltman exits his car. Nash gets right up close and in the face of Waltman and asks what the hell is he doing. Nash begins to rant about how they have been close for years, being part of the NWO in WCW and the WWE, how they watched each other’s backs in the early days of TNA and how they even shared girls back in the old days when they were on the road. Waltman butts in and try’s to cool things down by telling Nash that he is here for him and that he’s not here to screw him over or steal his thunder. Waltman offers out the hand and tells Nash that he wants him to be at Impact next week where he will publicly make his intentions known to the world. Waltman then hugs an unwilling Nash and then gets into his car and leaves the Arena.










Gold Rush Qualifier #3




All 10 men in the second of tonight’s Qualifiers make there way into the ring as the crowd gets ready for the second 10 man match of the night. The bell rings and all hell breaks’ loose as the 10 men begin trying to throw the others over the top rope. First, Second and Third eliminated are Charlie Froman, Tony Mamaluke and Mikey Whipwreck as Hernandez explodes in the ring and takes a run toward the 3 men. Forth out is Jay Lethal who gets bodypressed out of the ring by Hernandez once again. Fifth and Sixth out are Justin Credible and Kip James thanks to a double clothesline from Hernandez once again. As Hernandez is celebrating he is made to be the Seventh eliminated as Alex Shelley and James Storm team up to throw him out. Shelley and Storm team up once again to take out Brother Devon who is the Eighth eliminated. The match then changes gears as the two who worked together have to go through each other. After a long exchange of fists we see Shelley plant a Hurricarana over the top rope to Storm. Shelley holds onto the ropes and saves his feet from touching the floor and leaving him as winner




Winner: Heading to the Gold Rush, Alex Shelley


Time: 11:19


Rating: C










The cameras now take us outside the arena and directly across to a restaurant where Eric Young and Velvet Sky are having dinner together. Sky is consoling Young on his loss as the waiter brings over food. The cameras leave just as we see Eric Young and Velvet Sky hold hands over the dining table.










Roxxi vs Angelina Love vs ODB vs Awesome Kong vs Taylor Wilde vs Raisha Saeed




With Jazz injured on Sunday at Hard Justice the Knockout Division has taken a big hit and now it looks to try to re group with the return of Roxxi. With no idea on who ODB will face at Gold Rush there seems to be some speculation that the winner of this match might be moved further up the ladder and granted a chance to face her at the PPV. Throughout this match the knockouts give there all with Kong and Saeed even exchanging blows with each other trying to get themselves closer to the gold. All six women bring there all to the match but we eventually see Kong prove too much as she plants Taylor Wilde with a Sitout Powerbomb.




Winner: Awesome Kong


Time: 7:42


Rating: D










Dixie Carter now makes her first ever appearance in the ring Live on Impact. Dixie thanks all the fans for supporting TNA over the years and says she hopes they stick around for the long term. Dixie says its great to finally be Live and that it was the ultimate goal of TNA. After thanking the crowd a little more we are told that Dixie is about to give some huge information regarding the future of TNA. Dixie tells us that starting Fridays on MTV we will see the Debut of a new show called the “TNA Showcase” where the best talent in TNA will compete in some of the best matches TNA has to offer. Dixie tells us to Tune into MTV every Friday at 10pm till 10:30 to see TNA make a real Impact on the biggest screen possible.










RVD vs Sting




The Main Event Mafia have dominated proceedings over the past few weeks and it seems to be that RVD is beginning to join forces with the Front Line. Lashley and RVD have been and logger heads for a few weeks that led to there one on one battle at Hard Justice. With RVD now having to fight Sting after such a brutal match it seems an up hill struggle is in front of him. This match proves to be as good in the ring as it appeared to be on paper. Many fans from all over the world began booking tickets as soon as this match was announced for Impact. The battle is well under way when we suddenly start to see the veteran Sting begin to pick apart the arial offence of RVD. It eventually came down to both men working off there feet on the ground. In what ends up being a great match it seemed a shame to have the match end as it did with the distraction from Bobby Lashley who got RVD to turn his back on Sting allowing him to hit the Scorpion Death Drop.




Winner: Sting


Time: 18:02


Rating: C+










Jim Cornette now makes his way to the stage with a microphone in hand. Cornette welcomes us to the first TNA Impact 3 Hour Live Special. Cornette tells us that on Saturday we will see a 1 Hour all new X-Plosion Special. He then announces that Joe Raymond and D’lo Brown will be calling the matches from ringside. Cornette also announces two huge main events, Rhino vs Scott Steiner and a 5-way X-Division match featuring Sonjay Dutt, Paul London, Christopher Daniels, Sheik Abdul Bashir and Suicide.


Cornette now turns his sights to announcing the PPV Line up for TNA Gold Rush where fans will chose the challengers for the championships.


TNA Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar vs ???

Kurt Angle or Kevin Nash or Jeff Jarrett


TNA Legends Champion AJ Styles vs ???

Sting or Booker T or Samoa Joe or Scott Steiner


TNA X-Division Champion Eric Young vs ???

Bashir or Suicide or Daniels or Evans or Dutt or London


TNA Hardcore Champion Abyss vs ???

Crowbar or Raven or Richards or Rhino or Sharkboy


TNA Knockout Champion ODB vs ???

2 Knockouts from any Knockout on the roster

TNA Tag Team Champions ??? vs ??? vs ??? vs ???

Vote your top 5 teams by giving your chosen teams 5-1 points


Cornette finishes up by telling us that next week on Impact we will see Brock Lesnar teaming with Jeff Jarrett to take on Kurt Angle and Kevin Nash along with a 10 Knockout tag team match.










AJ Styles and Brock Lesnar vs Kurt Angle and Booker T




Angle and Lesnar’s hatred has been clear in TNA for months and its stemmed from years back, carrying more issues on the way and it just led to the bitter rivalry that is visible in TNA today. Styles and Booker also have there problems with each other which is down to the fact that Booker claims AJ is not a legend and that he stole Bookers title. This match proves to be one of the greatest main events possible for the show as we see bitter rivals tear each other to pieces and often ignoring the referee’s counts to break up submissions and to leave the ring after a tag. Lots of sweat is spilt over the canvas as we see Booker and Styles go all out for a good 5 minutes in the ring. Both men are then exhausted and tag out. The fun then begins as we see Angle and Lesnar Square off once again in the ring. After a good battle we see Angle plant the Angle Slam on Lesnar to pick up with victory.




Winner: Kurt Angle and Booker T


Time: 18:34


Rating: B-










After the match, an enraged Kurt Angle continues to assault Brock Lesnar and even locks in the Angle Lock. Brock taps out in the ring before eventually passing out from the pain. With Angle named as a possible contender for the Championship match at Gold Rush it seems risky to possibly take the champion out before the match. Angle then releases the lock on Lesnar and storms up the ramp and out of the Impact Zone to end the 3 Hour Special.








Show Rating: http://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp142/bwauk/Ratings/grade_b.jpg








For more info on the Roster, Championship History, Tag Team Experience and Who is in Development Visit



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TNA X-Plosion Preview






Confirmed Matches




Rhino vs Scott Steiner


Sonjay Dutt vs Paul London vs Christopher Daniels vs Sheik Abdul Bashir vs Suicide


Velvet Sky vs Jacqueline Moore


Stevie Richards vs Shark Boy








*** Who do you have you’re money on? Get Predicting. The Wall of Shame needs YOU! ***




For more info on the Roster, Championship History, Tag Team Experience and Who is in Development Visit






Click HERE to vote for TNA Gold Rush matches

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TNA 2010 Schedule News




TNA President Dixie Carter and C.E.O Reece Piper held a press conference last night to hype the Debut of the new show TNA Showcase on MTV. During the interview the C.E.O Piper announced the TNA Schedule for 2010, with new PPV’s and the old Favourites. The move was said to be a way to make TNA PPV’s more important, more meaningful and more structured, with PPV Specials such as Lockdown where all matches will be inside the 6 Sides of Steel and Gold Rush where the PPV will feature Championship matches voted for by the public and the special Gold Rush match.

The line up was announced as follows:

TNA Ground ZeroJanuary Sunday 14th

TNA Full Metal MayhemFebruary Sunday 14th

TNA Destination-XMarch Sunday 14th

TNA Blood BathApril Sunday 7th

TNA SlammiversaryMay Sunday 7th

TNA LockdownJune Sunday 7th

TNA Gold RushJuly Sunday 14th

TNA Victory RoadAugust Sunday 14th

TNA Bound For GlorySeptember Sunday 21st

TNA Turning PointOctober Sunday 14th

TNA GenesisNovember Sunday 7th

TNA No SurrenderNovember Sunday 28th

TNA Final ResolutionDecember Sunday 21st







For more info on the Roster, Championship History, Tag Team Experience and Who is in Development Visit



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  • 1 month later...

Hey all, again ive had a period off from the diary. Right now im just wondering if everyone is still interested in the diary and its stories and if you want me to carry on with it.


I got to putting everything on paper for the next 3 months storyline plots and i have 4 shows allready written up. Then i realised... do people want to read it anymore lol.


I love writing this diary and every day im not posting or writing im still thinking about how to twist the storylines and so on.


Also feel free to let me know how i should improve the Diary. Lots of things running round in my brain.


Oh and by the way, i have no plans that Involve Eric Bischoff, Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair or even Celebritys. Yup what a shocker lol:D

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Thanks for the feed back. I'm glad people still want to read it. I will get to posting the shows in a few days. I'm just going to get a little ahead in the Booking department. In the mean time i'll leave you with a graphics preview of the 2 new PPV and the brand new TV show TNA Showcase.


TNA Showcase (Debut, Friday September W1)



TNA Ground Zero (Debut, Sunday January W2)



TNA Full Metal Mayhem (Debut, Sunday February W2)



Also dont forget to vote fo the contenders at TNA Gold Rush


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Hey all, again ive had a period off from the diary. Right now im just wondering if everyone is still interested in the diary and its stories and if you want me to carry on with it.


I got to putting everything on paper for the next 3 months storyline plots and i have 4 shows allready written up. Then i realised... do people want to read it anymore lol.


I love writing this diary and every day im not posting or writing im still thinking about how to twist the storylines and so on.


Also feel free to let me know how i should improve the Diary. Lots of things running round in my brain.


Oh and by the way, i have no plans that Involve Eric Bischoff, Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair or even Celebritys. Yup what a shocker lol:D


Keep it going, for two reasons. Firstly, because it's a good diary. And secondly, because you're not going the Flair/Hogan/Bischoff slant, it makes it a very good point of differentiation away from what most will attempt I'm sure and obviously what is happening for real. It helps keep TNA for what as a core makes it great, and that is my one great fear of Hogan coming in.

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im liking it still dont stop


Thanks, Still liking it is a plus. Hope to keep you interested. Im guessing your vote is for Traci in the Knockout match at Gold Rush :Dlol


sure. its a fun read


Cheers and i'll try to keep it fun


Keep it going mate I need the competition as I recently restarted as well hehe.


Ah my arch nemesis lol. Cheers cor the suport. Glad to see your back in business too. I'll be steping up my game this time around. I got lots more planned. More behind the scene's news. Change to how some angles are written (with dialog). Time away has stepped up the game lol. Its on Brother, oh wait no Hogan lol


Keep it going, for two reasons. Firstly, because it's a good diary. And secondly, because you're not going the Flair/Hogan/Bischoff slant, it makes it a very good point of differentiation away from what most will attempt I'm sure and obviously what is happening for real. It helps keep TNA for what as a core makes it great, and that is my one great fear of Hogan coming in.


First off thanks, as a fan of ur diary its great to get feed back off you. Now i am totaly with you on the fear of Hogan wrecking TNA and personaly i think he is way over rated these days. He cant hold a good match and his ego is way to big for a small company full of young tallent. I plan to keep my TNA fresh, full of new tallent and phase out the guys who are really past there prime.

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