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TNA X-Plosion 1 Hour Special - Saturday August Week 2






Announcers for tonight’s X-Plosion Broadcasting
















The biggest X-Plosion show in history kicks off with the new announce team of Joe Raymond and D’lo Brown making there way to the announce table. Raymond and Brown immediately get down to business and welcomes everyone to the all new X-Plosion. D’lo now talks about what is going down tonight on X-Plosion. Tonight Rhino and Scott Steiner will fight it out in a Mafia vs Front Line match where its all about getting one over on each other. Also tonight is a 5-Way X-Division match up where 5 out of the 6 nominees for the Gold Rush championship match will battle it out to win over the fans. Plus Kevin Nash is in the building.










Shark Boy vs Steven Richards




Recently in TNA it seems that Richards has become the tormentor of Abyss by teaming up with his long time friend Raven. With Richards putting himself back in the mix tonight we see Shark Boy and Richards give a little taste of Hardcore on the X-Plosion Stage. The match is evenly fought and Shark Boy really gives himself a push for a title shot. Sadly for Shark Boy it proves to be the night of Richards as he gets taken out by a sickening chair shot to the scull allowing Richards to pick up the victory




Winner: Steven Richards

Time: 7:44


Rating: D+










Velvet Sky vs Jackie Moore




In a bid to get themselves in the Championship match at Gold Rush we see a sluggem out brawl between the two Knockouts. Tonight ODB may not be the target but you can bet that the second the bell rings to end the match it will be all eyes on ODB who is currently the most wanted Knockout in TNA. Both Jackie and Velvet put up stiff competition but the assist of Eric Young who comes to ringside proves to much for the former multi time WWE Women’s Champion.




Winner: Velvet Sky


Time: 6:08


Rating: D-










Sonjay Dutt vs Paul London vs Christopher Daniels vs Sheik Abdul Bashir vs Suicide




With Daniels hot off the heels of his huge victory over Kevin Nash, both Joe and D’lo tip him as the favourite in the match. With nothing on the line but the ability to prove themselves as Contenders at Gold Rush we see the X-Division really shine. Throughout the match the crowd are hot and on there feet with lots of high flying and great mat wrestling. The rivalry between Suicide and Bashir seems to have been re ignited in this match as we witness both men concentrating on beating the crap out of each other. All 5 men truly shine and all get themselves within inches of winning with countless near falls. In the end we see Sonjay Dutt hit the Bombay Buster on London to pick up a great victory.




Winner: Sonjay Dutt


Time: 12:07


Rating: C+










As the competitors leave the ring we hear D’lo congratulate them all on a great match up for the very special edition of X-Plosion. With Christopher Daniels being the last man making it up the ramp we hear the music of Kevin Nash play as Nash comes out onto the stage. After having an eye to eye stare down with Daniels we see him throw him down the ramp before waiting for him to stand again. As Daniels stands we see Nash plant a huge Big Boot to the face of Daniels. Nash then enters the ring and calls for a Mic. Nash proceeds to rant about what happened to him on Impact and how he was Humiliated thanks to someone he thought was a true friend. Nash says he is out here for one thing and one thing only and that’s to challenge Waltman next week on Impact. Nash then throws the Mic to the floor and walks past Daniels who is still out on the floor on his way to the back. Joe Raymond says “ that’s one angry 7 footer”.










Rhino vs Scott Steiner




Mafia vs Front Line has happened all over TNA recently but this is the first time such a huge battle has taken place on X-Plosion. Both men waste no time in getting down to business. The match is immediately turned into an all out fight with both men hitting suplex’s and right hands like there is no tomorrow. Both men will have a chance to challenge for a title at Gold Rush, so you can almost bet that it plays on the minds of Rhino and Steiner. Both men continue to slug it out until Rhino misses a gore to Steiner in the corner. Rhino slams his shoulder hard into the post and is left reeling. Steiner then hits a belly to belly before locking in the Camel Clutch, causing Rhino to tap out.




Winner: Scott Steiner


Time: 8:41


Rating: C+








Show Rating: http://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp142/bwauk/Ratings/grade_c.jpg








For more info on the Roster, Championship History, Tag Team Experience and Who is in Development Visit




Vote for the TNA Gold Rush Contenders




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  • Replies 443
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I just checked out the website you made for this diary. And I have to say I love it! You have done a great job on it! It looks like a real wrestling website.


Keep up the good work! And push Velvet Skye to the moon.:D


Thanks, im proud of the website even if it did take me days lol. It will be moving to a real .com soon so that i can add more graphics, more bio's and pile it up with more facts about the wrestling world.

There's a little spoiler for free lol.

If anyone has any tips how to improve it please feel free to sugest them to me.


Oh and Velvet Sky will be getting that push, All the Knockouts will, i wont give away any spoilers but um... yeh lol:D

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TNA Announcement: Impact Hits The Road




TNA President Dixie Carter made a huge announcement about the future of TNA Impact last night on ESPN Sports News. Dixie told the reporter that TNA was about to follow in the footsteps of the giants of wrestling, the WWE and WCW. She made this weeks Impact location public and named Houston, Texas as the first stop on the TNA Road




Reports from inside TNA have been mostly positive with only Jeff Jarrett expressing any negativity over the idea.




Reports from Autry Court in Houston, Texas are indicating that Impact has already Sold Out.





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TNA Impact Preview






Kurt Angle and Kevin Nash will attempt to get some more votes on Impact this week when they face Jeff Jarrett and Brock Lesnar. With Lesnar possibly having to team with his opponent for Gold Rush there are questions if the two can work together or if they will crumble. Will Angle be able to get one over on Lesnar again? Will Nash step up the game for the Mafia? Will Jarrett put himself back on top again or will Lesnar prove why he is the TNA Champion?




The Gold Rush Qualifiers hit Impact once again where we will decide the fourth person in the match. With so much on the line and so many great superstars in the match, who will drop the ball and who will be left standing?




Abyss faces the challenge of teaming with a long time enemy and former partner, Matt Morgan. Both men will have to battle it out as a team when they take on Raven and Stevie Richards in chats described as a preview of Gold Rush




ODB has an announcement to make regarding a future TNA event




The TNA Tag Team Championship Tournament Round 4 hits Impact leaving the 9 teams with another chance to rack up the points before Gold Rush. With the James Gang currently in the lead followed by LAX in a close second it seems the other teams have to step up and put themselves in the match at Gold Rush.




The fallout of last weeks Sean Waltman and Kevin Nash situation is still fresh on the mind of the TNA fans and Kevin Nash, but will last week be a one off or is Waltman planning on tarnishing the night for Nash again.








Confirmed Matches




Brock Lesnar and Jeff vs Kurt Angle and Kevin Nash


Matt Morgan and Abyss vs Raven and Stevie Richards


Team 3D vs L.A.X vs Unholy Alliance


Beer Money Inc vs 2 Fro vs F.B.I


Impact Players vs Lethal Consequences vs James Gang


Gold Rush Qualifier

Bobby Lashley

Christopher Daniels


Jack Evans

Paul London

Rob Van Dam

Scott Steiner

Sheik Abdul Bashir

Sonjay Dutt









*** Who do you have you’re money on? Get Predicting. The Wall of Shame needs YOU! ***




For more info on the Roster, Championship History, Tag Team Experience and Who is in Development Visit





Vote for the contenders at Gold Rush



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Brock Lesnar and Jeff vs Kurt Angle and Kevin Nash


Matt Morgan and Abyss vs Raven and Stevie Richards


Team 3D vs L.A.X vs Unholy Alliance


Beer Money Inc vs 2 Fro vs F.B.I


Impact Players vs Lethal Consequences vs James Gang


Gold Rush Qualifier

Bobby Lashley

Christopher Daniels


Jack Evans

Paul London

Rob Van Dam

Scott Steiner

Sheik Abdul Bashir

Sonjay Dutt



No worries and you still have a little time to predict on mine it should be up tonight hint hint lol.

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TNA Announcement: Attitude and Abuse Program




Effective immediately is the new program to tackle any Drug Abuse, Alcohol Abuse or Antisocial Behaviour, Before, After or During shows.




The new program will consist of a 5 Point program where a wrestler can receive a written warning all the way up to Dismissal. Each point lasts for 12 months and will be wiped off the record 1 year from the incident.



The System works as follows

1 Incident = Written warning from TNA Management

2 Incidents = $2,000 Fine

3 Incidents = 10% pay Decrease and $5,000 Fine

4 Incidents = 1 Month Suspension

5 Incidents = Dismissal



TNA will make public any Points received

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TNA Takes a Stand




After TNA President Dixie Carter announced TNA would be going on the road with Impact there was a backlash by TNA Founder Jeff Jarrett who called the idea ridiculous. Pro Wrestling Spy has heard roomers that Jarrett might be on his way out of TNA after Dixie Carter and Reece Piper were said to be furious. Nobody knows the future of Jeff Jarrett but the powers in TNA are said to be furious and looking for a way to resolve the problem.




When asked to comment on the situation TNA declined








Don’t miss the Impact preview, Get your predictions in

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Gee mate, that's a strong card. I'm glad to see you back fo shore.


Brock Lesnar and Jeff vs Kurt Angle and Kevin Nash - I can't go past Brock Lesnar, sadly as it means my mark Kurt Angle goes down


Matt Morgan and Abyss vs Raven and Stevie Richards - I would love to tip Raven, I really would, but I am high on Matt Morgan. What a brutal package!


Team 3D vs L.A.X vs Unholy Alliance - Team 3D will more than likely win, but I think Hernandes in particular is a fantastic young talent


Beer Money Inc vs 2 Fro vs F.B.I


Impact Players vs Lethal Consequences vs James Gang - I reallllly like Consequences and Black Machismo.


Gold Rush Qualifier

Bobby Lashley

Christopher Daniels


Jack Evans

Paul London

Rob Van Dam

Scott Steiner

Sheik Abdul Bashir

Sonjay Dutt



I'll go RVD. Normally I'd pikc Bobby Lashley in this type of match, but I feel that a top powerhouse him like him could lose a match like this controversially and still feel strong, and then you've really opened up a great push for RVD.



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Brock Lesnar and Jeff vs Kurt Angle and Kevin Nash


Matt Morgan and Abyss vs Raven and Stevie Richards


I am not a fan at all of Matt Morgan, love Abyss, Rave, and Dancing Stevie. However, Abyss and Morgan should get the win.


Team 3D vs L.A.X vs Unholy Alliance


I loved LAX as a tag team, hate them as singles


Beer Money Inc vs 2 Fro vs F.B.I


Impact Players vs Lethal Consequences vs James Gang


Gold Rush Qualifier

Bobby Lashley

Christopher Daniels


Jack Evans

Paul London

Rob Van Dam

Scott Steiner

Sheik Abdul Bashir

Sonjay Dutt


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TNA Impact - Thursday August Week 3











Arena: Autry Court - Houston, Texas


Attendance: 5,000 Sell Out






Announcers for tonight’s Impact Broadcasting
















Matt Morgan and Abyss vs Raven and Stevie Richards




The unlikely team of Morgan and Abyss have been put together tonight for a battle. At Gold Rush we found out last week that Abyss will have one of five challengers, tonight he faces two of those. Morgan plays a big part in this match as he continues to prove himself heading into the GoldRush match at the PPV. Morgan shows he is championship material as he and Abyss take it to Raven and Richards. The match continues with lots of heavy right hands until the ring is rushed by Rhino, Shark Boy and Crowbar. Leaving the referee to call the bell as all 7 men brawl it out in the ring.




Winner: Draw, Double DQ


Time: 7:38


Rating: D+










Nash is in the ring looking irate as we come back from commercials.




Nash: Sean its about time you came to the ring, faced me man to man and apologised for your actions. We have been friends for to long to let this get between us.




Sean Waltman makes his way to the ring with no theme music and gets into the ring.




Waltman: Big man, we have been friends for to long. We have been the best of buddies but I just couldn’t sit at home any longer watching you play backup to Angle. Your better than that man. You are a former WCW and WWE champion. You have beaten the likes of Shawn Michaels, Sting, Hulk Hogan and Triple H.




Nash: I don’t need you or anyone to tell me how good I am. As my friend you should support me and respect my rights to choose to be in the Main Event Mafia.




Waltman: I support you all the way but I can’t respect your decision to play lackey to Kurt Angle. Making that kind of decision makes me think you need your head testing. If Scottie were here he would say the same thing.




Nash: Need my head testing huh? Carry on talking like that and you will be the one getting your head examined.




Waltman: Calm down big man, I’m here looking out for you, not to fight with you.




Nash: You bring Scott into this, you say I need my head tested and then refer to me as Angles lackey.




Nash drops his microphone and walks straight into Waltman’s face and proceeds to stare down at him, looking ready to strike.


Waltman: Don’t do this big man




Jim Cornette’s music hits and he makes his way to the stage.




Cornette: Nash, Stop it Stop it immediately. If you lay one finger on him you will be suspended immediately. He’s not contracted to TNA and I don’t want a lawsuit on my hands.




Nash proceeds to back away and leave the ring to a chorus of booing from the crowd. Cornette and Nash glance at each other intently as Nash makes it way back to the locker room.


















Team 3D vs L.A.X vs Unholy Alliance




Kicking off the fourth round of the tournament is 3 great teams from the newly reformed TNA Tag Team Division. This match truly kicks the fourth round off with a bang as we see lots of great action from all 6 men involved. The match was dominated early by LAX who has the powerful Hernandez throwing all the competitors out of the ring. As the match rolls on we see everyone target and weaken the big man. Eventually we see a 3D planted on Whipwreck who gets pinned by Devon for the victory and claming 25 points for his team




Winner: Team 3D


Time: 8:47


Rating: D










Next up we see ODB make her way to the ring with a microphone. She goes on to tell the live audience that she has a big announcement that concerns X-Plosion this Saturday. She tells everyone that it will be a Knockout Special where all of her contenders for Gold Rush will battle it out in multiple matches. ODB then tells everyone she will see them there as she will be calling the matches. ODB announces that the main event will be Angelina Love vs Raisha Saeed.










Eric Young and Velvet Sky are backstage with JB talking about how his match at Gold Rush will be the toughest challenge of his life as he will only have 24 hours to prepare for his opponent. JB then asks Eric what means more to him at the moment, Velvet or the X-Division Championship. Before he can answer, the interview is interrupted by Madison Rayne who tells Young that Velvet isn’t interested in him for himself, She just want to be seen with a Champion. Rayne tells Young to do the right thing and face facts. Rayne then walks off leaving a trail of destruction behind her as we see Young begin to question Sky about the accusations.

























Beer Money Inc vs 2 Fro vs F.B.I




The second of tonight’s tournament matches kicks off with a bang as we see 2 Fro member Charlie Speed Froman get injured when he fly’s out of the ring and hits the guard rail causing a deep cut on his head. The match carries on as Chris Ray is forced to go at it alone. FBI and Beer Money then take up a lot of the ring time as we see Mamaluke and Roode have a great battle in the ring, showing off both there skills to the crowd. The match rolls on for quite some time keeping the fans gripped till the end when we see James Storm catch Chris Ray from a flying move and plant him into the canvas picking up a solid victory




Winner: Beer Money Inc


Time: 11:53


Rating: D+










In the ring Chris Sabin is on the microphone talking about winning last weeks Gold Rush qualifying match and how he is going to win the match at the PPV and go on to headline Bound for Glory. Before Sabin can get any more words out we hear the music of Alex Shelley who makes his way to the ring and proclaims himself the true winner of last weeks double Qualifiers. Shelley tells Sabin that he was the better man in the tag team, he was the better man last week and he will be the better man at Gold Rush when they get in the ring. Shelly tells Sabin that its him he has to watch out for and not any of the other contenders. Sabin retaliates by laying out the facts for Shelley, telling him how he won the Tag titles by himself for the team, how he won there 6 Sides of Steel match and how at Gold Rush he will shine brighter than Shelley once again and go on to beat the TNA Champion at BFG.


With that said the music of Kurt Angle hits as he makes his way to the ring to confront both men. Kurt goes on to tell them both that he will be the Champion at BFG when his Main Event Mafia makes sure the fans vote for him. Angle goes on to tell them both that if either one of them makes it to BFG that it will be a wasted trip as he will beat them in seconds. Angle then tells both men to leave as he has some words for Lesnar.


Shelley slinks out of the ring as Sabin stands his ground with the Olympic Gold Medallist. Angle gives Sabin a warning that he will remove him himself if he doesn’t leave in 5 seconds. Angle proceeds to count for from 5. As Angle reaches 1 we see Sabin jump Angle and both men brawl. After some good back and fore action we see Angle plant the Angle Slam on Sabin on the steel ramp.


Angle still irate walks to the announce table and yells at them that he just send a message to Brock that its just how things will end at Gold Rush.










Backstage Dawn Marie informs Christy, Traci and Taylor that they have an 8 Knockout tag team match. Dawn proceeds to hype up the knockouts and tell them that this match could decide who the challenges are at Gold Rush.












Gold Rush Qualifier


Christopher Daniels vs Crowbar vs Jack Evans vs Rob Van Dam vs Paul London vs Bobby Lashley vs Sonjay Dutt vs Sheik Abdul Bashir vs Suicide vs Scott Steiner




The Fourth Gold Rush Qualifier kicks off in a blaze of glory with all men getting straight down to business. Within the few seconds we see the First to go over the ropes is Crowbar who gets eliminated by Bobby Lashley. Second out is Bashir who gets eliminated by Christopher Daniels. Third out is Suicide who gets eliminated by Lashley. Fourth and Fifth out is Jack Evans and Christopher Daniels who gets eliminated by the dominant Lashley. Sixth out is Sonjay Dutt who gets eliminated by Paul London. Immediately following that the Seventh person out is London who gets eliminated by Scott Steiner while Celebrating his elimination of Dutt. Eighth and Final eliminated is Lashley and Steiner who attempt a double clothesline on RVD, RVD pulls down the top rope eliminating both men and earning himself a spot in the Gold Rush match.




Winner: Rob Van Dam


Time: 12:46


Rating: C










Backstage we are taken to JB who is interviewing TNA Legends Champion AJ Styles




JB: Thanks for taking the time to join me tonight. At Gold Rush you have to defend your Championship against either Sting, Booker T, Scott Steiner or Samoa Joe. The TNA fans will decide on who you face and the results of the vote wont be made public till 24 hours prior to the PPV. I have to ask what its like to know you have to defend your championship with on 24 hours notice of who your opponent will be.




AJ: Having to face one of these guys with a week or a months notice is hard to strategize for, as they are all highly experienced in the ring. For my opponent they only have me to strategize for which makes things stacked in there favour. Having just 24 hours to put a plan of attack together makes me really step up my game.




JB: If you were put in charge at Gold Rush, which of the 4 competitors would you chose.




AJ: Any of them would make the match great but I would love to battle Joe and tear the house down. There is no doubt that as friends, originals and Front Line members that we could really tear the house down.




JB: Just to finish things up here, Do you fear that if you are chosen to fight a Mafia member that the other members might interfere and get the Mafia to whitewash another PPV.




AJ: Its always on the back of my mind. The Mafia will scheme and buy there way into everything. If one of them is voted in I am just going to have to fight until there is no fight left and hope at the end that I walk out Champion.




JB: Thanks and good luck


















James Gang vs Lethal Consequences vs Impact Players




Finishing off the fourth round of the tournament is 3 former world tag champions. With former champions from TNA, WWE and ECW the match is filled with tag team specialists. This match gripes the crowd all the way through and proves to be the best match of the tournament so far. Lance Storm and Jay Lethal take control most of the match. They both put on a great wrestling performance with a few highflying moves. Proving to be a team on a roll we see the James Gang once again clear up at the end by getting a victory over Creed to make a 3rd straight victory for the team leaving the announcers to question if they can make it four.




Winner: James Gang


Time: 10:24


Rating: C-










Backstage we catch Angle talking to Nash about Gold Rush. Angle tells Nash to stay focused on the Championship as they have a 2-1 advantage when it comes to who is voted in. Angle tells Nash to take his mind off Waltman for the time being and concentrate on taking out Jarrett so that he cant make it to Gold Rush. Nash tells Angle that he wont be seeing Waltman round here anymore as Cornette has banned him from being here as he doesn’t have a contract. Nash also tells Angle that one of them will win at Gold Rush because he will personally make sure that Jarrett doesn’t make it there.










Brock Lesnar and Jeff Jarrett vs Kurt Angle and Kevin Nash




A match with so much to prove and a match with so much darkness surrounding it as the words we heard from Nash and Angle before the break pinpoints an attack on Jarrett’s well being. The match kicks off with Jarrett and Nash who waste no time into slugging some blows to each other’s anatomies. Jarrett gets the early advantage before tagging in Lesnar, who clears Nash from the ring. Angle then gets tagged in by a disorientated Nash, while Angle slowly enters the ring. Angle and Lesnar then square off toe to toe in an explosive battle. Angle gets the upper hand on Lesnar in the end by using an exposed turnbuckle to his advantage while the referee’s back was turned. Lesnar manages to tag in Jarrett but it doesn’t help there team as we see Angle on fire. Within seconds we see Angle lock in the Ankle Lock on Jarrett forcing him to tap out. Angle continues to hold the Lock after the bell rings and while Lesnar tries to come help we see Nash hit him with a big boot, allowing Angle to leave the Ankle Lock applied. TNA Impact then goes off air with Angle torturing Jarrett as he is screaming in pain




Winner: Kurt Angle and Kevin Nash


Time: 13:59


Rating: C+








Show Rating: http://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp142/bwauk/Ratings/grade_cplus.jpg








For more info on the Roster, Championship History, Tag Team Experience and Who is in Development Visit






Vote for the TNA Gold Rush Contenders




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The TNA Tag Team Championship Tournament




So far this is how the points look for the tag teams of TNA











TNA Impact August W3 Predictions


(draws do don’t count)




1st with 3/5 Hyde Hill


2nd with 2/5 tristram


3rd with 1/5 BHK1978




Congratulations. Nobody has yet predicted 100% right. I guess my booking isn’t always obvious:p

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TNA Attitude and Abuse Program: Results Friday August Week 3




Jeff Jarrett has received a Written warning from TNA management when he caused a fight backstage with TNA World Heavyweight Champion, Brock Lesnar



Eric Young has received a Written warning from TNA management when he got into an altercation with a fan after the show.



Rob Van Dam received a Written warning from TNA management when TNA management found that he tested positive to illegal substances.



Madison Rayne received a Written warning from TNA management when she turned up late for Impact.






Points Currently Received



Jeff Jarrett

Friday August Week 3 - Written



Eric Young

Friday August Week 3 - Written



Rob Van Dam

Friday August Week 3 - Written



Madison Rayne

Friday August Week 3 - Written

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Gold Rush Voting Closes in 24-hours



I know there are still 2 X-Plosion’s and 1 Impact to go but I am trying to keep ahead of things, plus I need to make up all the graphics for the show.


At least one more vote is needed, as there is a tie in one of the match’s


The Results will be revealed in a special X-Plosion Results show before the PPV.


Thanks to everyone whose voted. There has been more people voting than I thought there would be. So I have to say a huge thanks.


I will post the next TNA X-Plosion show after the voting is closed tomorrow.




Until then GET VOTING




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TNA X-Plosion - Saturday August Week 3






Arena: Autry Court - Houston, Texas


Attendance: 5,000 Sell Out






Announcers for tonight’s X-Plosion Broadcasting















ODB Opens up the show on the announce table and hype the fact that every Knockout in action tonight could be a Challenger come Gold Rush when she has to defend her Knockouts Championship










Roxxi vs Daffney




Daffney gives Roxxi a great battle but the queens of hardcore battle to the end where Roxxi is named Victorious




Winner: Roxxi


Time: 7:39


Rating: E








Joey Raymond, D-Lo Brown and ODB Hype the Hardcore Championship match at Gold Rush and remind us that we can vote for either Crowbar, Raven, Stevie Richards, Rhino or Raven














Sharmell, Jacqueline, Madison Rayne and Awesome Kong




Traci Brooks, Taylor Wilde, Dawn Marie and Christy




The Knockouts take the word “Knockout” to a whole new meaning when Traci Brooks hits a devastating kick to the head of Sharmell for the Victory




Winner: Traci Brooks, Taylor Wilde, Dawn Marie and Christy


Time: 9:18


Rating: E+








Joey Raymond, D-Lo Brown and ODB Hype the Gold Rush match at the PPV and tell us that Matt Morgan, Chris Sabin, Alex Shelley and Rob Van Dam have already qualified. They then tell us the names of the final 10 who will battle it out this coming Impact to be the fifth and final man in the match.


The Names are:


Christopher Daniels vs Sonjay Dutt vs Bobby Lashley vs Paul London vs Sheik Abdul Bashir vs Stevie Richards vs Jack Evans vs Crowbar vs Shark Boy vs Suicide










Sojourner Bolt vs Velvet Sky




Sojo and Sky have a mediocre battle in what can be described as a lacklustre match. The finish comes as Eric Young trips out Sojo behind the referee’s back allowing Sky to gain the advantage and hit her finisher




Winner: Velvet Sky


Time: 5:48


Rating: E








Joey Raymond, D-Lo Brown and ODB Hype the Legends Championship match at Gold Rush and remind us that we can vote for either Sting, Samoa Joe, Scott Steiner or Booker T








Joey Raymond, D-Lo Brown and ODB Hype the TNA Heavyweight Championship match and remind us that the Mafia want in and will go to any length to make sure of it. They break the news that on Impact Jeff Jarrett will Battle Kevin Nash.










Raisha Saeed vs Angelina Love




With the show at its final peak and the last chance to see who proves they should challenge ODB it seems things pick up. Saeed and Love have a great battle and it ends when Love misses a move and allows Saeed to capitalise




Winner: Raisha Saeed


Time: 12:09


Rating E+








Show Rating: http://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp142/bwauk/Ratings/grade_eplus.jpg








For more info on the Roster, Championship History, Tag Team Experience and Who is in Development Visit





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TNA Signing News




TNA Impact will play host to the signing of Sean Waltman this week. After the huge confrontation between Sean Waltman and Kevin Nash, TNA management decided in the best interest for TNA they should get Sean on board. Jim Cornette will take care of the contract signing Personaly.










TNA Management has negotiated a deal with Australian PPV broadcaster “MainEvent”. Effective immediately will be the 12-month PPV broadcasting. In a press release on Australian news today, Dixie Carter said this was great for the company and the Australian public who now have the opportunity to watch TNA Gold Rush live this Sunday.



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TNA Impact Preview






One of Impact biggest Main Events ever will consist of a 6-man tag team match featuring Kurt Angle, Booker T, Alex Shelley, Brock Lesnar, AJ Styles and Chris Sabin. With this Huge match announced just moments ago its sure to light the world on fire and bring in viewers waiting to see what Gold Rush has to offer. Will Angle get one over on Lesnar again? Can Sabin gain revenge for last weeks attack? Will Alex Shelley work well with two Mafia teammates? Only time will tell.




Kevin Nash uses his last opportunity to get rid of Jeff Jarrett on Impact when he goes one on one with the Founder on TNA. Will Nash prevail and gain some serious momentum heading into Gold Rush or will Jarrett put an end to the Mafia’s domination plans.




The Tag Team Tournament comes to a end on Impact with the James Gang currently in the lead with 3 our of 4 victories. Which teams will prevail this week and can the James Gang make it 4 weeks in row of winning.




Sean Waltman will become the newest member of the TNA roster thanks to the announcement on the TNA website that his contract signing would be live on Impact. Will Nash crash the proceedings or will he be too busy taking care of Jeff Jarrett.




The Final of the Gold Rush Qualifiers is on Impact this week and its set to be a huge match. Christopher Daniels, Sonjay Dutt, Paul London, Bobby Lashley, Sheik Abdul Bashir, Stevie Richards, Jack Evans, Crowbar, Shark Boy and Suicide. With Matt Morgan, Chris Sabin, Alex Shelley and RVD already through it’s setting up a huge match for Gold Rush that will be complete this Thursday.




Matt Morgan and RVD face off this week on Impact just days before their big match at Gold Rush where the biggest #1 Contenders slot is on the line. Both men have yet to Win singles gold in TNA and it looks as if Thursday is a chance to prove that they are worthy.






Confirmed Matches




Brock Lesnar, AJ Styles and Chris Sabin vs Kurt Angle, Booker T and Alex Shelley



Jeff Jarrett vs Kevin Nash



RVD vs Matt Morgan



Impact Players vs FBI vs LAX



Unholy Alliance vs Beer Money vs Lethal consequences



Team 3D vs James Gang vs 2 Fro



Gold Rush Qualifier

Christopher Daniels

Sonjay Dutt

Paul London

Bobby Lashley

Sheik Abdul Bashir

Stevie Richards

Jack Evans


Shark Boy









*** Who do you have you’re money on? Get Predicting. The Wall of Shame needs YOU! ***




For more info on the Roster, Championship History, Tag Team Experience and Who is in Development Visit





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<p>Brock Lesnar, AJ Styles and Chris Sabin vs <strong>Kurt Angle, Booker T and Alex Shelley</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jeff Jarrett</strong> vs Kevin Nash</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>RVD </strong>vs Matt Morgan</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Impact Players vs FBI vs <strong>LAX</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Unholy Alliance vs <strong>Beer Money </strong>vs Lethal consequences</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Team 3D</strong> vs James Gang vs 2 Fro</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Gold Rush Qualifier</p><p>

Christopher Daniels</p><p>

Sonjay Dutt</p><p>

Paul London</p><p>

<strong>Bobby Lashley</strong></p><p>

Sheik Abdul Bashir</p><p>

Stevie Richards</p><p>

Jack Evans</p><p>


Shark Boy</p><p>


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<p>I forgot to say that I love that you are using D'Lo Brown, even if it is only as a commentator. He is oddly one of my favorite wrestlers of all time!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Brock Lesnar, AJ Styles and Chris Sabin </strong>vs Kurt Angle, Booker T and Alex Shelley</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jeff Jarrett</strong> vs Kevin Nash</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>RVD </strong>vs Matt Morgan</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Impact Players vs FBI vs <strong>LAX</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Unholy Alliance vs <strong>Beer Money</strong> vs Lethal consequences</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Team 3D</strong> vs James Gang vs 2 Fro</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Gold Rush Qualifier</p><p>

<strong>Christopher Daniels</strong></p><p>

Sonjay Dutt</p><p>

Paul London</p><p>

Bobby Lashley</p><p>

Sheik Abdul Bashir</p><p>

Stevie Richards</p><p>

Jack Evans</p><p>


Shark Boy</p><p>

Suicide</p><p> </p><p>

I am going to keep on picking Daniels until I am blue in the face!<img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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Brock Lesnar, AJ Styles and Chris Sabin vs Kurt Angle, Booker T and Alex Shelley

All HAIL SABIN!!! revenge is a dish best served cold!


Jeff Jarrett vs Kevin Nash

Nash fails in his quest to get rid of the founder.


RVD vs Matt Morgan



Impact Players vs FBI vs LAX



Unholy Alliance vs Beer Money vs Lethal consequences



Team 3D vs James Gang vs 2 Fro

3D breaks the winning streak, but sets up a good feud with James Gang in the process


Gold Rush Qualifier

Christopher Daniels

Sonjay Dutt

Paul London

Bobby Lashley

Sheik Abdul Bashir

Stevie Richards

Jack Evans


Shark Boy



Sheik has shown he can carry a good match, and this might help elevate him

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TNA Knockouts X-Plosion



After TNA’s appalling X-Plosion results we asked sources what they think of the current situation with Women’s wrestling and if it has a place on the main stage of companies like the WWE.



Paul Heyman told us that Promotions like Shimmer are made for Women’s wrestling and do it great justice. But when we asked Heyman if it should be on TNA or WWE TV he said that the big companies really need no think much harder about women’s divisions and think more about the quality of the matches.



Former WWE Women’s Champion Ivory was much harder on our topic and says that today’s women are more interested in looking good than putting on a match. She tells us that people like the pretty blondes who kiss up to management are over shadowing Awesome Kong, Roxxi and Gail Kim.



The final comment went to former Head Booker of TNA Vince Russo who says the Knockouts of TNA holding an all Knockout show was obviously going to be a disaster. We asked Russo how he would handle the Knockouts but he refused to answer in case he helped TNA in any way.






Update on TNA and Jeff Jarrett



After the report last week that Jeff Jarrett and TNA might be parting ways we received a huge amount of feedback from the fans telling us that Jarrett has long been a burden on TNA’s hands. Many fans are happy to see Jarrett go. Bust after out report last week, we have more inside news that states Jarrett is now on a probation period and until that is broken he is welcome as a member of the TNA Roster.






Sean Waltman to TNA



This is huge news for TNA and the Main Event Mafia story. Waltman and Nash have a great history and what better way to give Nash a rivalry than with a long time friend. Our sources tell us that Waltman is round for at least 18 months and the company has big Plans for him. After the recent Impact tapings in Houston we caught up with Kevin Nash at the airport and he told us it was great to be working with Waltman and that he cant wait to see how the story plays out.






WWE Diva Contract



News in WWE is that former Women’s Champion Candice Michelle’s contract is up for renewal in the next couple of days. Sources close to Candice have reported that the WWE has yet to offer her a renewed contract and things are not looking good, as she has been left off 3 straight SmackDown events. Candice isn’t currently seeking to work for other Companies but is remaining hopeful she will be offered a new WWE contract shortly.




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