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Drug Suspensions, RL MMA Question Also

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<p>So I'm running GAMMA a little differently than the way it "ships," with four male divisions and a women's division. There are several guys I'm finally building up into stars from near-nothingness, which is making me happy.</p><p> </p><p>

Among the guys I was trying to build up includes Tim Boyer. After feeding him a few opponents to get him fit, he managed to knockout a couple of my upper-caliber stars, including Jack Cobblepot (who is being considered a "Major Star" in my universe).</p><p> </p><p>

After the match, my plans go to hell, because Boyer gets suspended for a year due to testing positive for drugs after the fight. Jerk.</p><p> </p><p>

Now, I'm a newbie in real-life MMA, so a question crossed my mind: if this were to happen in reality, would the win still stand? I figure if Boyer really did cheat, the loss would be erased off Cobblepot's record... but maybe it doesn't really work like that? Just curious, is all.</p><p> </p><p>

Any of you had your plans ruined by drug-using fighters too?</p>

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Sir, the problem you are having doesn't seem to be that uncommon. I've had 2 occasions in the past week where carefully laid plans went to hell. This is something that needs to be dealt with. Perhaps being able to drug test guys like in TEW. Or just have tainted wins get whipped off a guys record, and the loss removed from his opponents.
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Yeah, in RL if the guy tested positive it would be changed to a no contest afterwards. This happened not too long ago in Nick Diaz vs Takanori Gomi. It's been asked for this to be implemented before in the suggestions forum, so who knows. :)


And yeah, I really hate the drug suspensions sometimes, always seem to screw me up. I'd say at least half of my drug suspensions have been from reigning champions.

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Wow, I didn't realize it was that common in the game. This was the first drug suspension for me... but then I'm only 8 months into my campaign.


I don't mind playing by rules that may not specifically mimic real-life, mostly because I know so little about real MMA that I'd barely tell the difference between a rear naked choke and a full guard!


...Okay, so I'm not that bad. :D But still, I don't know all the more subtle rules about the sport, ya know? I really need to catch an episode of UFC one of these days.

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Wow, I didn't realize it was that common in the game. This was the first drug suspension for me... but then I'm only 8 months into my campaign.


They're not really THAT common for me, fairly rare at least. I've seen probably less than 10 in 20 years of play, but they do seem to have a habit of coming at bad times. My last two have been to the winner of the semi final of the yearly multi show tournament I hold. :D

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Works for me, man.


As it is, I did just lose a girl to a drug suspension too. I busted my butt trying to get a decent women's division in GAMMA (one with decent credibility), and after one year of game time -- January 2000 -- I was set to deliver the first women's title match, this one between Mizuki Watanabe and Haley Croft. I was sure Croft would win, but I was surprised, and Mizuki became our first Women's Champion.


And then was suspended for a year due to failing the drug test. Sigh.


Not only did I vacate my Women's Title, but so did KDM FC; seems that Mizuki was holding two women's belts at once. About three months into her suspension, WEFF decided to sign her despite not able to get her for another 9 months. She was only an Associate Fighter to me, and I didn't bother to match WEFF's offer. No big loss to me.


So now, Kimie Igarashi is holding the title (defeating Thea Higgins for it), and Haley is waiting for a second attempt. It's a good story, but one that shouldn't have had to occur in the first place. Mizuki will never work for GAMMA again!!!

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I'm playing XCC, finally got up to High National, and Luiz Machado tests postive. I then manage to steal Teeratep Nutnum, who tests positive after his first match with me. Then, after I've made some heavier weight classes, I manage to steal Thomas Smith from GAMMA- and in his last match with GAMMA, he tests positive, then joins my roster. Fat lot of help that was...
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This pertains more to the real world counterpart to this...but what if the drug in question wasn't anything performance enhancing, but say cocaine or marijuana or something like that.


It still gets put down as a no contest. In the Diaz vs Gomi fight I mentioned earlier, it was actually marijuana Diaz tested positive for.

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I've only had 2 in about 3 or 4 years so far. Brought in Truck Gleeson to try and build him up in my lightweight division...he loses his first match and is immediately suspended for a year after it for testing positive for drugs.


The 2nd one was to one of my cans. I didn't mind much, but was a little sad I lost a punching bag.

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