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NOTBPW : Set in Stone

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North of the Border Pro Wrestling and UNICEF Present...

Championship Wrestling : The Charity Edition


Show Preview


In this edition of NOTBPW Championship Wrestling, to honor our ascent into the month of love, we've decided to introduce a Charity Edition of Championship Wrestling, so we'll be seeing some excellent match-ups ! First off, the money maker, Jeremy Stone and Dan Stone Jr. will battle each other. Usually not the match NOTBPW veterans are used to seeing, but this should really be a popular match-up with the fans, and earn UNICEF a lot of money for the kids in need and adults that are in need of it. Johnny Bloodstone will also be defending his title, against the big man, Dallas McWade. This match should be one of the show-stoppers tonight, so don't blink.


Melody Cuthill will also be defending her title against Wanda Fish. Fish lost her debut match with NOTBPW against Joanne Rodriguez, but quickly re-gained her momentum with AAA, giving her the title shot at Championship Wrestling. Jim Force will be in action as well against Davis Wayne Newton, so it should be an action packed show. So Get those predictions in, and we'll see you tomorrow !


Predictions Form

Joey Poison vs. Harrison Hash

Davis Wayne Newton vs. Jim Force

Hardcore Killah vs. Tim Westybrook

Melody Cuthill © vs. Wanda Fish

Johnny Bloodstone © vs. Dallas McWade

Jeremy Stone vs. Dan Stone Jr.

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Joey Poison vs. Harrison Hash

Poison has lots of potential, Hash can easily be used as a jobber


Davis Wayne Newton vs. Jim Force

Force needs to sell merchandise


Hardcore Killah vs. Tim Westybrook

Street Cred's losing streak motivates Westybrook to win the fight


Melody Cuthill © vs. Wanda Fish

Champ beats newcomer


Johnny Bloodstone © vs. Dallas McWade

Bloodstone should easily rid himself of the Mountain Man


Jeremy Stone vs. Dan Stone Jr

Close one, but I'm calling Jr.

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NOTBPW Championship Wrestling


Wednesday, Week 1, February 2008

Varsity - 2,000 In Attendance





Tom Townsend - Tommy London

Tom Townsend : Hey Everybody !

Tommy London : And Welcome to...


Tom Townsend : With Longer Matches.

Tommy London : 2 Title Fights

Tom Townsend : And Stone vs. Stone !

Tommy London : So Let's Get Started !



Joey Poison vs. Harrison Hash


Joey Poison dominated Harrison Hash in this match. Point Blank, Opening Minute, Poison connects with a quick clothesline that dropped Hash. Poison continued the early massacre with a Poison Lariat, followed by a quick succession of punches and kicks. Hash tried to get back up, but was quickly shoved back down by Poison, who finished the match with an Antidote Web.


Joey Poison wins @ 6:23 with an Antidote Web

Grade : D+



Jim Force vs. Davis Wayne Newton


Jim Force made good work of Up-And-Comer Davis Wayne Newton, with some devastating punches and kicks that showed that the American Invasion are for real, and that the first matches they lost were just bad luck. Force rushed Newton to the ground, and pounded him out with some hammer fists and overhand punches that really started to hurt Newton. He started fighting back, but Force used his patented Full Force finisher, to end the match at 7:12 before eventually throwing out some Jim Force T-Shirts.


Jim Force wins @ 7:12 with a Full Force

Grade : D+



Tim Westybrook vs. Hardcore Killah


Hardcore Killah and Street Cred got man-handled again, this time by the Big Man Tim Westybrook, who utilized his power and strength to the best of his abilities. The power he put into his strikes really showed as he pounded away at Hardcore Killah, who was visibly tiring after awhile. Westybrook hit the Superman Punch, that collapsed an exhausted Hardcore Killah who was eventually pinned by the Big Man.


Tim Westybrook wins @ 9:17 with a Superman Punch

Grade : C-


Tom Townsend : Well, those guys should be bringing in some cash, Tommy Boy, how much have we made for Charity so far ?

Tommy London : Well Tom, let's check out our money counter...


8,894.13 $



R.K. Hayes & Street Cred

In-Ring Segment


Hayes : Ladies and Gentlemen of Ontario, You have the privilege tonight, of seeing a historic moment in Street Cred's short history.


The Crowd Boos loudly


Hayes : Shut The Hell Up ! Like I care what you idiots think. Street Cred. Boone, Green, Haynes, Brown, Killah and Slim. Not Impressed by your performances. We've not won a match in some 3 weeks ! What the hell are we doing ! Slim and Killah, since you are both new here, I'm going to give you a break, but Boone and Green, you boys better get the hell out of my sight, before I really get pissed off. Brown, you too, get out of my sight.


Boone : R.K. ! You've lost matches yourself !


Hayes : Shut Up ! Get out of here.


Green : No, Why should we leave, I say we end Street Cred for good. Who's With Me !


Brown : Nah, I ain't in to end this thing, but R.K, you better watch your back, because you're not going to be able to sleep, wrestle our do anything whatsoever, without contemplating the things I'll do to you, and for the rest of Canada, Omar Brown out, Dog Fyte's back...


Dog Fyte storms off. Followed by Craig Green, Boone is left in the ring staring at R.K.


Boone : I'm done with this R.K, I've not liked you since the beginning, and I won't be liking you in the future. Watch your ass...


Boone leaves the ring, leaving the remaining four members of Street Cred to talk.


Hayes : I swear to god, if we take one more loss, you're all screwed. Fight to your fullest, and do anything to win... Dismissed...


Grade : B-


Tommy London : Woah ! And just like that, the Stones might have less of a job then we would've thought !




Melody Cuthill © vs. Wanda Fish

NOTBPW Women's Championship


Wanda Fish put on an excellent battle with reigning champion Melody Cuthill, but Cuthill is such a vicious athlete, and Fish was unable to remain in the ring long enough to pose a threat to the current champion. Melody pushed the pace early, learning from her mistakes in her last bout with April Appleseed, and caught Fish with an excellent Knee to the jaw that dropped her to the canvas, and allowed her to bloody her up with elbows and soccer kicks to the face. Fish battled through, but took a punch to the jaw on the way up, leading to the pin from Melody Cuthill courtesy of a Melody Maker.


Melody Cuthill wins @ 9:45 with a Melody maker

Grade : C+




Johnny Bloodstone © vs. Dallas McWade

NOTBPW Canadian Championship


Johnny Bloodstone came out swinging against the Mountain Man, showing no fear in throwing windmill punches and brutal haymakers, one of which caught McWade right smack in the jaw, dropping him to the canvas, smashing his head on the side of the ring. McWade managed to get up, but already bloodied up, allowing Bloodstone to continue assaulting him with brutal punches. As McWade threw one of his own, Bloodstone shot off a counter punch dropping him to the canvas once more, and tapping him out with the Bloodstone Mutilation


Johnny Bloodstone wins @ 13:23 with a Bloodstone Mutilation

Grade : B+



Dan Stone Jr. vs. Jeremy Stone


Dan Stone Jr. and Jeremy Stone put on an excellent match-up in this back and forth affair that went on for nearly 40 Minutes. Jr. hit Stone with a brutal left hook, but was countered into a Stone Throw by the elder Stone. Jr. got back to his feet, grabbing onto Stone's foot and attempting a Stone Ankle Stretch. Stone powered out of it though, and hit a brutal stomp that really hurt Jr. Dan got up though, and hit a murderous spinning kick, that stumbled Jeremy to the ground, who kicked out and hit Dan with another Stone Throw. Jeremy threw down at a downed Dan Stone Jr. with a brutal Hand of Stone, that incapacitated Stone Jr. temporarily. Jeremy hit the pin, and ended that match at the 38 Minute Mark.


Jeremy Stone wins @ 38:12 with a Hand of Stone

Grade : A*


At the end of the show, UNICEF and NOTBPW raised...


23,993.73 $



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Alright, so thoughts...


Wow, my first A* match, didn't think the Stone vs. Stone would be that good, I guess the card got a B because of the mediocre undercard, but the Title defenses went over well, and the Street Cred Angle went over well to my surprise !

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North of the Border Pro Wrestling Presents...

Championship Wrestling


Show Preview


In the last event before Clash Classic, NOTBPW is presenting another special event of Championship Wrestling, as Johnny Bloodstone will defend his title against the other McWade. Dean is a very big Mountain Man with the strength of an ox, however, Johnny Bloodstone is quite the champion though, and after 3 defenses, he's ready for war with the Mountaineer that is Dean McWade. It should be an all out brawl, so don't blink. Also on the card, is perhaps the biggest flop in wrestling history, the leader of the Street Cred Clan, R.K. Hayes is ready to brawl it out with an opponent who he has quite the history with. After a DQ loss to Jeremy Stone last month, R.K. is ready to avenge it, without the help of Street Cred this time. Dan Stone Jr. is also on the card, this time against Ed Henson Memorial Cup winner The Natural. It should be a great technical battle, so watch carefully. Joanne Rodriguez is also on the card, this time against up and comer Katherine Goodlooks. J-Ro is a great contender for the division, and could easily become the leader of the pack by the end of 2008.


Get Ready for Clash Classic folks, but first, check out this week's edition of... CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING !!!


Predictions Form

Joanne Rodriguez vs. Katherine Goodlooks

Dan Stone Jr. vs. The Natural

Jeremy Stone vs. R.K. Hayes

Johnny Bloodstone © vs. Dean McWade

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Alright, so thoughts...


Wow, my first A* match, didn't think the Stone vs. Stone would be that good, I guess the card got a B because of the mediocre undercard, but the Title defenses went over well, and the Street Cred Angle went over well to my surprise !


Congrats on the first A* match. Its a good feeling.


Liking the diary so far. I love the potential of NOTBPW, plus I'm Canadian, so its a great read.


Joanne Rodriguez vs. Katherine Goodlooks

Dan Stone Jr. vs. The Natural

Jeremy Stone vs. R.K. Hayes

Johnny Bloodstone © vs. Dean McWade

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Congrats on the first A* match. Its a good feeling.


Liking the diary so far. I love the potential of NOTBPW, plus I'm Canadian, so its a great read.


Joanne Rodriguez vs. Katherine Goodlooks

Dan Stone Jr. vs. The Natural

Jeremy Stone vs. R.K. Hayes

Johnny Bloodstone © vs. Dean McWade


Really ? Never would've guessed ? From whereabouts ?

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Joanne Rodriguez vs. Katherine Goodlooks

Going with Joanne in this one....


Dan Stone Jr. vs. The Natural

I alwyas thought that the Natural could break off from Owen Love and be a HBK kind of break out star, but obviously, Stone Jr. wins here....


Jeremy Stone vs. R.K. Hayes

Stone wins because he's Stone, but R.K. Hayes is a beast, kind of see him as a Batista/Sid character......



Johnny Bloodstone © vs. Dean McWade

Funny, Dean wants a Main Event push in my game, but he can't seem to cut the mustard yet, Bloodstone in this one....

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British Columbia, About an Hour from Vancouver to be exact


The Burnaby or Surrey area? I have some family in one of those suburbs. As well as on the island, in Nanaimo and Victoria. Beautiful area, but its been a few years since I've been out that way.

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The Burnaby or Surrey area? I have some family in one of those suburbs. As well as on the island, in Nanaimo and Victoria. Beautiful area, but its been a few years since I've been out that way.


More like Abbotsford, but I make regular trips to Burnaby and Surrey for the PPV events with my friends, and every so often we head over to Victoria. Beautiful Place it truly is.

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Joanne Rodriguez vs. Katherine Goodlooks

Dan Stone Jr. vs. The Natural

Jeremy Stone vs. R.K. Hayes

Johnny Bloodstone © vs. Dean McWade


Thoughts on the diary :


Presentation is great ! Shows are easy to read, commentary is serious but usually funny, and NOTBPW is so different from the other promotions, so it's great to see a diary with them.


Suggestions :


So I'll basically go with what I like about the other diaries, maybe a Weekly/Monthly Top 10, Maybe a monthly interview segment with Your lead commentator and a wrestler (Yes I'm referring to the pulse), Maybe some new championships ? There's so much you can do with NOTBPW so it should really do good for you.

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Exclusive Match Announced Special for Jeopardy in June !


Yes, it was bound to happen, NOTBPW already has a tag tournament, and it was obvious that they would eventually get a Singles tournament, however, this time, it won't be your standard singles tournament, perhaps not even a tournament in certain people's minds. Jeopardy in June 2008, under the reign of new booker Scott Ripley will feature The Jeopardy Lottery where 20 contestants will enter in a draw, each being picked one by one to enter the ring, no pre-determined order, no pre-determined victors, just straight up brawl, with the winner taking the coveted Jeopardy Championship


Now, what is different about this trophy that your standard Battle Royal. Well, for one, the rules. The only ways to win, are by Pinfall or Submission, so no throwing out of the ring, so it really displays the technical aspect of the brawl. Number 2, you must have fought once in NOTBPW to compete in this tournament, with only one exception, Talent Trades. A talent trade would only be performed to give competition to the top dog in the promotion, and perhaps testing them out for a future entrance into NOTBPW, but it would be a rare occasion, since most promotions do not share NOTBPW's views on wrestling, the traditional aspect of it, and the technique involved in fights of the caliber of guys like Johnny Bloodstone, and The Stones. Perhaps the return of Edd Stone, or even Duane ? These things will be revealed as we get to the inaugural Jeopardy Lottery battle. So stay tuned for more info on NOTBPW, and for all your NOTBPW needs, go to NOTBPW.ca

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NOTBPW Championship Wrestling


Wednesday, Week 2, February 2008

Smallwood Field - 2,000 In Attendance





Tom Townsend - Tommy London

Tom Townsend : Hey Canada !

Tommy London : It's Great to be here at Smallwood Field !

Tom Townsend : We've got an action packed card so get ready for some brawling !



Dan Stone Jr.

In-Ring Promo


Dan Stone Jr : Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for your attendance at Smallwood Field, and I hope you'll enjoy your show. But I have something more important on my mind that I do have to say. Tonight, Jeremy, My Brother, will be fighting R.K. Hayes of Street Cred...


The Crowd Boos


Dan Stone Jr : Ladies and Gentlemen, Street Cred will no longer be heard of after tonight, and I'll tell you why. R.K, If you are listening, if Jeremy Stone beats you tonight, Street Cred is done, and if you even try to keep it going, I'll get involved. Our War on Street Cred is no longer needed, because you've gotten rid of 3 of your prospects, and you're left with Harlem, Slim and Hardcore, all three of which could easily be defeated. So, let's make this simple for you. R.K, if you are beaten tonight, you end Street Cred, if you continue, I'll get involved, and if it goes any further, I have authorization to fire your ass. Thank you ladies and gentlemen, and hope you enjoy the rest of the show.


Grade : B-



Dean McWade & Johnny Bloodstone

Hype Video


Highlights are shown, putting emphasis on Bloodstone's submissions and McWade's brute strength...


Dallas McWade : Bloodstone Beat Me, which is enough to show Dean that he needs to get revenge for me...


Dean's Brutal Slams are highlighted...


Sean McFly : Johnny Bloodstone is superhuman. I mean you have to remember, Bloodstone already beat Dallas, so it shows that he knows how to beat one brute, then he probably knows how to beat the other one...


Bloodstone's Submissions and Throws are highlighted...


Johnny Bloodstone : He's not faster, stronger, or more intelligent than me. The closest chance he has is to slam me to the mat and lay on top of me for the whole time period. But I'm not stupid, I can guess what his game plan is, you know, try to slam me on the mat, and just shoot in for pre-mature pin attempts. I'll get the hell out of there and crack him on the jaw with a kick to the head, and then break his arm...


Clips of Bloodstone's last victims are shown post-fight...


Dean McWade : I know Bloodstone is a strong guy, I know he's fast, I know he's smart. I'm a Mountain Man though, I do what works for me, and what works for me, is picking him up, and power bombing him right through the canvas. That works for me, that's what I'm going to do to Johnny Bloodstone...


The Camera fades out after seeing one brutal power bomb from Dean McWade...


Grade : B+



Joanne Rodriguez vs. Katherine Goodlooks


Joanne looked strong out there fighting off a rabid Katherine Goodlooks, who was just happy to get to fight. Rodriguez hit her hard though, and went on a roll hitting punch, after punch, after punch, eventually taking her to the canvas. Rodriguez was stalled, so she picked Goodlooks up with a and slammed her right down on the canvas. Goodlooks was in pain after that, and Rodriguez noticed it, so she quickly passed under, and got a hold of a Hammerlock, before eventually going for the pin with the J-Rocker. The Ref counted Three and the fight was over.


Joanne Rodriguez wins @ 7:31 with a J-Rocker

Grade : C-


Tommy London : Well that was a good starting match-up, and I loved the promos !

Tom Townsend : Me too, so let's get to the next match.



The Natural vs. Dan Stone Jr.


The Natural was surprisingly good tonight, winning the quite a few of the exchanges. But that wasn't enough against Dan Stone Jr. who seemed really strong tonight, stronger than Usual. Picking The Natural up multiple times and dropping him in a different manner each time. A Suplex, a Slam, a DDT, and many many more, which really seemed to excite the fans. Stone Jr. continued the domination before eventually keeping the fight on the ground and dropping monster Hammerfists and elbows, that eventually cut The Natural. Blood was everywhere. Stone went for a submission, but it was too slippery, so he got up, and hit him with a couple stomps and kicks, before jumping over and hitting him again, and going for the Stone Ankle Stretch, this time it sunk in, and the fight was over.


Dan Stone Jr. wins @ 27:50 with a Stone Ankle Stretch

Grade : B



R.K. Hayes vs. Jeremy Stone


R.K came into the match with a lot riding on his shoulders, and it showed in his performance. From allowing Stone to hit punches to allowing him to hit slams like the Stone Throw. R.K. finally managed to throw a punch with power, but Jeremy shot under and took him off his feet, before hitting the Inverted Stone Slam. Stone continued to push the pace, as they hit the 15th minute, and R.K. was visibly tiring. Jeremy continued to brutalize R.K. before Hayes finally managed to hit a brutal haymaker that sent Stone on Notice. Stone was hurt, but continued to push forward before hitting another Stone Throw, that started to really take a toll on Hayes. Stone eventually attempted the Stone Hold, and R.K. was forced to tap out.


Jeremy Stone wins @ 27:22 with a Stone Hold

Grade : B




Johnny Bloodstone © vs. Dean McWade

NOTBPW Canadian Championship


Bloodstone was kind of off his game tonight, but he dominated McWade either way. McWade was looking tired early though, as he took some brutal shots from Bloodstone, but he still attempted some slams. Bloodstone stuffed most of them, but took one really hard one, before getting up almost instantly. Bloodstone continued to hit some kicks to the legs, that were chopping away at McWade, but it didn't really have any effect on the big man. McWade continued to push forwards looking for a slam, but Bloodstone kept stuffing them, before collapsing McWade the the ground, and getting a hold of the Bloodstone Mutilation, and tapping McWade to defend his championship.


Johnny Bloodstone wins @ 17:31 with a Bloodstone Mutilation

Grade : B



Jeremy Stone, Johnny Bloodstone & Dan Stone Jr.

In-Ring Celebration


Dan Stone Jr. : It's Finally Over !

Johnny Bloodstone : Street Cred, is finally finished.

Jeremy Stone : So, Johnny, I'm looking forward to that match this Week-End.

Johnny Bloodstone : I wouldn't have had it any other way, and Dan, Next week, we're fighting.

Dan Stone Jr : I'm good for anything, I'm just glad R.K. is out of the picture.

Johnny Bloodstone : Smallwood Field, did you guys enjoy the show !? Are You Glad Street Cred is gone !? Well tune in to Clash Classic to watch a true legends fight, Me and Jeremy will go at it for 30 Mins, and we'll see who is the best wrestler, and then, Me and Dan are going to go at it, and when McFly is back, you better believe I'm going to fight him.

Dan Stone Jr. : Thanks for Coming everybody, and tune in for Clash Classic on Saturday.


Grade : B



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Random Thoughts leading up to Clash Classic


Alright, Clash Classic is just around the corner, so I'm going to review a couple things that I'd like to mention.


On the Subject involving the end of Street Cred, it was a storyline. I Intend on a revival near 2009, but that could take awhile, I want to be able to take advantage of the good matches of Bloodstone and the Stones, and eventually McFly vs. The Stones, and Bloodstone as well. We're getting the ball rolling and we're focusing on getting some more Tag Matches in the ring, so we can gear up for The Ed Henson Tournament. And we're putting together new teams so we can test them out, once again to prepare for the Tournament. It should be a good one this year, and The Can-Ams are the favorites to win again, should the Stones not participate.


I got an injury report on McFly today. He's nearing the 40 Day Mark to get out of the hospital and come out to wrestle again. The one problem with this is that he may or may not be as good as he was before, because we all know that after surgery, you're never the person you were before. So we'll have to build him up a little bit before eventually giving him the big guns. We hope that he is doing OK, and we can't wait for his return to NOTBPW.


Contract Renewal already, Robbie McNamara is renewing his contract with NOTBPW. I didn't use him as much as I had wanted, so I didn't get to see how he performed, so I'm renewing him to see how he performs in his second term under contract. More contract renewals will come in the coming month of March, such as The Natural, Matthew White, Grace Harper and Owen Love.


So now let's get to the card.


The Can-Am Blondes vs. Thug Life vs. The Demolition Crew

DWN vs. Sayeed Ali

The McWade Brothers vs. The Fighting Irish

The Conglomerate vs. The Kelowna Playaz ©

Melody Cuthill © vs. Joanne Rodriguez

Dan Stone Jr. vs. Dark Angel

Johnny Bloodstone © vs. Jeremy Stone


Remember, Tickets are just 90$, and the show will be held at the King Edward Multiplex, so get ready for Clash Classic.

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The Can-Am Blondes vs. Thug Life vs. The Demolition Crew

DWN vs. Sayeed Ali

The McWade Brothers vs. The Fighting Irish

The Conglomerate vs. The Kelowna Playaz ©

Melody Cuthill © vs. Joanne Rodriguez

Dan Stone Jr. vs. Dark Angel

Johnny Bloodstone © vs. Jeremy Stone


Lol I wanted to suggest Ali for street cred but they are done (for now) and he debuts lol. Intresting take on NOTBW so far, keep up the good work.

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The Can-Am Blondes vs. Thug Life vs. The Demolition Crew

DWN vs. Sayeed Ali

The McWade Brothers vs. The Fighting Irish

The Conglomerate vs. The Kelowna Playaz ©

Melody Cuthill © vs. Joanne Rodriguez

Dan Stone Jr. vs. Dark Angel

Johnny Bloodstone © vs. Jeremy Stone

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The Can-Am Blondes vs. Thug Life vs. The Demolition Crew

The Blondes are too good for these two Jobber teams

DWN vs. Sayeed Ali

Two 4C guys eh ? While I like Ali, DWN is quite the prospect, so I see you pushing him

The McWade Brothers vs. The Fighting Irish

McWades beat the Irish, plain and Simple


The Conglomerate vs. The Kelowna Playaz ©

Now that Street Cred is over and done with, I don't see the Playaz winning


Melody Cuthill © vs. Joanne Rodriguez

It's a new champ for the Women's Division


Dan Stone Jr. vs. Dark Angel

Stone wins cause he's Stone


Johnny Bloodstone © vs. Jeremy Stone

Stone wins, because, he'll have won many more matches before fighting, and he'll have a ton of momentum

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The Can-Am Blondes vs. Thug Life vs. The Demolition Crew - Best damned tag team in Canada. Occasional my ass.

DWN vs. Sayeed Ali - I like Ali. Plus the casual racism has to stop ;)

The McWade Brothers vs. The Fighting Irish

The Conglomerate vs. The Kelowna Playaz ©

Melody Cuthill © vs. Joanne Rodriguez - J-Ro's such a cliche

Dan Stone Jr. vs. Dark Angel

Johnny Bloodstone © vs. Jeremy Stone

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