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SWF 70s : The birth of an empire

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SWF World Heavyweight title : "Migthy" Micky Starr (ch) vs "The Last Viking" Hagar Erikson (w/ Ares)

Rick Rumble (w/ Babette) vs Baron Von Rambis (w/Ares)

Rocky Streets vs Powerhouse Patterson

SWF United States title : RJ Danzig (ch) vs Sid Streets

SWF Tag Team Titles : Deadly Gamble (ch) vs Blazin' Flames

"King of the Ring" Tyson Lang vs Frank Rock (w/ Coach Pangrazzio)

The Mustache Dream Team & Babyface Dave Kelso vs The All-Star Team (Haggans, Enforcer McBride, Iron Mike Milligan) (w/Coach Pangrazzio)

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You leave my TWL guys alone you hear. :p


Sshh ! No one asked you to come out of your corner, go back there :p

I still think it's a shame, Mike Nero would have been a great partner and teacher for Corporal Doom.

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SWF World Heavyweight title : "Mighty" Micky Starr (ch) vs "The Last Viking" Hagar Erikson (w/ Ares)

Rick Rumble (w/ Babette) vs Baron Von Rambis (w/Ares)

Rocky Streets vs Powerhouse Patterson

SWF United States title : RJ Danzig (ch) vs Sid Streets

SWF Tag Team Titles : Deadly Gamble (ch) vs Blazin' Flames

"King of the Ring" Tyson Lang vs Frank Rock (w/ Coach Pangrazzio)

The Mustache Dream Team & Babyface Dave Kelso vs The All-Star Team (Haggans, Enforcer McBride, Iron Mike Milligan) (w/Coach Pangrazzio)


Got to love these male managers - when wrestling started replacing male managers with valets that just stood around and did very little, it was a sad day. You're doing a great job with this diary so far, MrOnu. Keep it up!

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Golden Dreams 1975



Golden Dreams

5000 people in the Irvine Hall, Mid-South area


http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/bobjohnson75.JPG & http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/chaimsilverman75.JPG

Original commentary by Bob Johnson & Chaim Silverman



SWF United States title :

RJ Danzig (ch) vs Sid Streets


Not as good as their first encounter, but it was still a good way to start the evening. Danzig spent the first part of the match taunting his former protégé with different armlocks and armbars, telling him he could break it again if he wanted. Streets used his speed to make some distance and it made a pretty even bout from this moment on. It got under the skin of Danzig and he seemed about to lost his temper a couple of times. The match sprawled to outside the ring where Danzig took some brass knuckles out of his trunks and discreetly leveled Street. The champion put the evidence away, rolled Streets in the ring and got an easy three count.


Winner and still champion : RJ Danzig

Rating : C+


{Rocky Streets, still in his street clothes, is getting some coffee in the catering area. He can only take a single tip before spilling it all over the place thanks to a charge from Powerhouse Patterson. Streets ends up on the table face straight in some vegetables. Patterson hits him with forearm smashes behind the head then rams his head in the coffee machine spilling the precious liquid everywhere. A powerslam through the table later, officials are finally restraining Patterson from doing any more damage.}


Patterson : You should have not made it personnel Streets!

Rating : B



The Mustache Dream Team & “Babyface” Dave Kelso vs The All-Star Team (American Made & Iron Mike Milligan) (w/ Coach Pangrazzio)


This short story never caught on with our fans. It was meant to get a small program for these guys to keep them busy and at least it served that purpose. As for the match itself, it was average even though Mike and Richie really shined in there. The All-Star Team, more experienced together, won when Iron Mike put Kelso away with the KO Combo.


{The All-Star Team is quick to empty the ring of their opponents and they are joined by the Coach. As he raises his mic, The Masked Mauler, a baseball bat in hand, runs from the straight for Dave Kelso and swings for the knees. Still dizzy, Kelso falls on his back and The Mauler nails him in the ribs. The Mustache Crew comes to Kelso defense, but the Mauler wants none of it and runs back the way he came. After letting a long sigh, the Coach finally speaks… }


Coach : Forget about the Titans, these men are the real threat in this company. This was a perfect display of our teamwork and unity. I recruited these men for their athletic abilities and for the willingness to put their personal objectives on the side for the good of the team. Like tonight, Iron Mike could really get in the face of Tyson Lang if he wanted, but he’s taking a step back as Frank Rock will take care of that and our team had other matters to settle. The Titans won’t get rid of Micky Starr, but I’m telling you, soon, the All-Star Team will !


{Lead by the Coach, the All-Star Team retreats to the back with a ****y demeanor.}


Winners by pinfall : The All-Star Team

Ratings : D+ for the match; E+ for the Mauler attack, D+ for the mic time


{Rick Rumble is lacing his boots in his locker room when the door busts open. Baron Von Rambis charges straight for Rumble and pins him against the wall. Von Rambis holds Rumble by the throat while Babette is screaming for help. Von Rambis slowly releases his hold and shoves Rumble aside. He glares him down for a second, then back away laughing thriumphaly. Rumble slowly gets to his feet, a confused look on his face. }

Rating : C+




“King of the Ring” Tyson Lang vs Frank Rock (w/ Coach Pangrazzio)


A former boxer against a former football player, no wonder why there was not much selling in this one. A pretty rough brawl, but as much as Rock tried to put Lang away, he couldn’t get a three count out of any big moves. To his credit, it took a second T-Flurry of Fists to put him away though as he got his shoulder up after the first one. A convincing win for Tyson Lang who just seems to plow through the members of the All-Star Team.


Winner by pinfall : Tyson Lang

Rating : C+


{As Rocky Streets is closing the medical room door behind him, his elder son, Dusty.}


Dusty : Are you injured, Dad ? You know I’d be glad to help you in your match tonight.


Rocky : A few years ago, I would have slapped you in the back of the head for such an idea !


{Dusty opens his mouth, but knows better and keep it shut.}


Rocky : What did I ever told you about fairness and respect ? Never forget those, son ! Patterson didn’t hurt me, I’m only a little sore. Still, even if I was injured, I would go out there and fight like a man. Patterson needs to be taught a lesson and it’s going to happen later tonight. He’s right, it’s damn straight personal now.


{Rocky puts a fatherly hand on the shoulder of his worried son. Dusty wishes him luck and they part ways.}

Rating : B-



SWF World Tag Team Titles :

Deadly Gamble (ch) (w/ Ares) vs Blazin’ Flames


A classic match between our two top teams. They used a proven formula and it worked very well. The challengers started with energy and passion, only to be slowed down by the champion. Deadly Gamble isolated Teddy for several minutes before he could finally make the hot tag to his brother. Only this time, it didn’t end well for the Flames. Black Jack was lying in the middle of the ring, Ace tried to enter the ring to save his partner, but the referee stood in his way. It was a mere distraction though as Ares pushed Joey first face on the canvas. Black Jack quickly hit the Jack of Spades (Death Valley Driver) and got a three count before Teddy could break it, thanks to the help of Ace McQueen.


A visibly upset Teddy Flame was left in the ring helping his brother to his feet. As the champions retreated with their belts, their manager taunted the Flames pointing his brain to show how intelligent he is. McQueen and Jack exchanged money on their way to the back as they probably bet on how the match would end…


Winners and still champions : Deadly Gamble

Ratings : C+ for the match, C for the post-match segment



Rocky Streets vs Powerhouse Patterson


What started as a side rivalry booked almost on the fly, this ended as pretty much the match of the night. Streets and Patterson pulled no punch and made the match believably personal. Even though Streets is near 50 years old, almost 15 years older than his opponent, he’s still one hell of a wrestler and proved it again tonight. Rocky Streets miracously got his shoulder up after Patterson’s patented Crushing Shouldersmash. The big powerhouse was visibly frustrated after that and drop his guard for a split second, more than enough for Rocky to catch him in a Sleeper Hold position and slammed him head first in the mat, a move he often used when he couldn’t get an opponent to submit. More than enough to get a three as usual!


Winner by pinfall : Rocky Streets

Ratings : B


{Moments before his match, Rick Rumble is making his way to the ring, Babette at his arm. As he goes for the curtain, Rumble is stopped by his girlfriend.}


Babette : You sure you want to do this ? You’ve got everything to lose by fighting injured…


Rumble : I’ve got everything to lose by not showing up my dear. I will not this scumbag win that easily !


Babette : Just be careful out there and remember that I love you no matter what happen.


{A last kiss for the luck and here we go !}



Rick Rumble (w/ Babette) vs Baron Von Rambis (w/ Ares)


We already knew these two have great chemistry, so we could only hope for the best. The match was kept short to further sell Rumble’s injuries… and to cover for Baron’s total lack of stamina. Not a pretty affair as Von Rambis mixed powerful attacks with verbal harassments. Like Ares promised, his buddy has smell blood and work extensively on the shoulder and the upper back of Rumble. Visibly not at 100% Rumble kept getting up and fighting back. Much to the delight of the crowd, Rumble dodged a Beheader Clothesline only to connect with his Running Crushing Axehandle a few moments later to get the win.


Winner by pinfall : Rick Rumble

Ratings : B



“Mighty” Micky Starr vs “The Last Viking” Hagar Erikson (w/ Ares)


Before this match, a segment was later added to the video distribution of the event. Bob Johnson and Chaim Silverman dressed a quick portrait of both wrestlers, the evens of the last Supreme Challenge and some details about how this rematch was scheduled.


As for the match itself, it was good, but it could have been a lot better if it wasn’t for a total lack of chemistry. Yeah, I’m two for two in the awful chemistry department regarding my championship matches, that’s how lucky I am ! Let’s see how this match ended from the vintage commentary…


Johnson : Both men are down folks ! That last collision was brutal and took the wind out of both champion and challenger. Erikson is the first one to move, he takes his weight to one knee. He slowly gets to his feet and the champion is still on his knees.


Silverman : It’s over Bob ! Erikson is circling Starr looking waiting for the right moment to hit his Back Snapper.


Johnson : And he goes for it ! Starr’s blocking it ! He still has some gas in his tank ! The champion falls back in a corner punishing the challenger on the turnbuckle.


Silverman : Once again, Starr took the easy way out.


Johnson : Starr Treatment out of the blue ! It might be over ! Micky Starr is going for the cover…one….two…thrr…no! Starr is pulled by leg out of the ring by none other than Powerhouse Patterson !


Silverman : This is getting interesting Bob.


Johnson : OH! Patterson rammed the champions head against the apron. And again ! Patterson rolls Starr in the ring.


Silverman : Erikson is trying to get up, Bob.


Johnson : Yeah and I think Patterson saw him. Oh my ! What a devastating Spear! Erikson might be out cold ! Patterson’s going back to his assault of Micky Starr. Punches and kicks are raining on the champion.


Silverman : This is arguably, not a bad thing at all. Oh great, looks who’s here…


Johnson : It’s Rocky Streets ! And he’s going straight at Patterson !


Silverman : Tonight again, Micky Starr has been saved by the cavalry…


Johnson : Streets and Patterson are exchanging rights and lefts. Thumb in the eye of Streets, that’s unfair !


Silverman : Life has never been fair, Bob.


Johnson : Patterson tries to lift Rocky Streets but he wants none of it and he’s fighting for his ground. Oh my god ! This unstable position caused them to fall over the top rope onto the floor and they looked hurt !


Silverman : That was nasty folks, they were near and you could feel their pain.


This how this show ended with four our of top wrestlers battled and bruised around the ring, helped by their friend to the back. Well, Patterson had to make it alone, he hasn’t made a lot of friends lately.


Winner by DQ and still champion : Micky Starr

Ratings : A for the pre-match recap, B for the match, A for the post match segment.





Because you know, Rocky Streets totally pissed me off that night...


OCC : Tried something different for the main event just for the hell of it. The format may varies, but I like the idea of doing a real match description for those key main events.

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Yup, a real shame, but somehow, Patterson slipped in popularity in these two months. His B- was fragile it seems, he's now at C+, much lower than Rocky's solid B- (he's even A in Mid-South!). I only realized it when Streets used his creative control unfortunately.
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“There are things sometimes you do…” begins Carlton while shaking his head in negation. “Bringing talents in your promotion is not always about putting a lot of money on the table. Sometimes, you put more weight in the balance, most of them involve paying some expenses for your talent, but here and now, it can also affects the product. Since this business is running, promoters have guaranteed so many title belts to so many people, if I was to dress a list now, we’d have names for a few hours and you’d be disgusted by many.”


“It’s not only a special twist smaller company founded to attract big names”, continues Carlton. “Larger promotions make this kind of promises here and then to make some talent feel special and more important. Title reigns are one thing, but sometimes, it might go far beyond that…” Carlton sighs heavily. “It’s called creative control. When a wrestler gets this, it’s like winning the lottery. Basically, you have the final word on anything related to your character in your storylines. You can’t create them, you can’t book yourself in matches, but you can damn sure choose how they end and how you’ll look out there. It’s another trick some smaller promotions pull to attract bigger names. It’s also what made some wrestlers jumped ship to SWF in the seventies.”




“It sounds easy to say now, but maybe I was too generous back then” picks up Eisen. “I wanted so badly to run down all the competition that I promised a few things to make sure the right people would be working for me and only for me.”


“Take Rocky Streets for example” continues the owner. “Sure, the Texas territory was dying, but I had to pull a few tricks to have him on board, giving him the books was not enough. I agree to sign his sons when they would be ready to wrestle for one. I didn’t tell him exactly he could do whatever he wanted with his in-ring persona, but being the one who makes the call, it’s easy to figure he took advantages of it a few times. We never had any big arguments though, we always found out a way to a middle ground.”




“From my understanding, Golden Dreams was one of those times” follows up Carlton. “Richard had plans for Patterson, he wanted him to take a step back from the belt than make a quick jump back in the title picture. I think the story with the Streets was just a sideshow, which Patterson was meant to get over this quickly. Unfortunately, Rocky Streets didn’t agree.”


“I was just a kid minding my own business back then, but I remember the argument was about to go out of proportion in Richard’s office. Patterson was pissed off, but there wasn’t much he could. Micky Starr was there too, trying to moderate things as usual, but I believe it’s Antonio Moretti who came up with a solution that satisfied everyone. Plans changed that night, some stories were trashed, but I’d say that overall, the fans didn’t see the difference as the new ideas were put in place. That’s probably the most important thing in my opinion.”



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Confirmed matches for the next SUNDAY SLAMFEST


Micky Starr & Rocky Streets vs Powerhouse Patterson & Hagar Erikson (w/ Ares)

Burt Selleck vs Baron von Rambis (w/Ares)

Babyface Dave Kelson vs The Masked Mauler

Tyson Lang vs Mayhem Midden

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Micky Starr & Rocky Streets vs Powerhouse Patterson & Hagar Erikson (w/ Ares)


DQ craziness, keep the bad guys looking strong.


Burt Selleck vs Baron von Rambis (w/Ares)


The mustache isn't quite as powerful as the Russian here.


Babyface Dave Kelson vs The Masked Mauler


Masked Mauler is a character that makes a lot of sense in this time peroid, but I don't think you brought in Babyface to lose to the likes of Mauler.


Tyson Lang vs Mayhem Midden


No chance for Midden.

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Sunday Slamfest - Oct 75 2nd Week



Sunday Slamfest

5000 people in the McGraw Arena, Tri-State area


http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/bobjohnson75.JPG & http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/chaimsilverman75.JPG

Original commentary by Bob Johnson & Chaim Silverman


{The television broadcast begins with the boss, Richard Eisen, already in the ring, ready to roll, microphone in hand.}


Eisen : As you have probably read in the papers, a few days ago, Golden Dreams main event was brutally interrupted By our rules, Micky Starr retained the World Heavyweight championship {cheers from the crowd}. However, as the owner of this company, I cannot tolerate that my main events would be spoiled like this. Hagar Erikson was denied his fair chance at the belt while it could be argued that Micky Starr retained his title by devious means.


I could simply fine or suspend Powerhouse Patterson for his action {more cheers from the crow}, but that’s not what I am going to do {cheers start turning in boos}. After seeing Rocky Streets run for Patterson and take care of it, it had an idea. Let’s make things right so no one would run in and spoil another main event. Therefore at our next big event called Final Conflict, Micky Starr will defend his World Heavyweight championship in a Fatal Four Way match against Hagar Erikson, Powerhouse Patterson and Rocky Streets ! But that’s not all. Tonight, these four individuals will square off in tag team actions. Micky Starr will team up with Rocky Streets against the team of Patterson and Erikson !


{Richard Eisen is interrupted by the arrival of rather pissed off Sid Streets.}


Sid : Sorry to interrupt you boss, but the main event was not the only travesty last night.


Eisen : Be quick young man, my patience is rather limited when people interrupts me.


Sid : For the second time, RJ Danzig cheated his way out of our match. I’ve been denied another title opportunity and I demand a rematch.


Eisen : What makes you think you deserve this rematch, let alone demand it ? You already got two chances…


Sid : You’re really going to let Erikson have another shot at the world title because Patterson ran in and you’re not going to give me another opportunity when Danzig blatantly cheats at every occasion ? And you call yourself fair ?


Eisen : You come here demanding a match than you doubt my fairness. You really expect me to give you a positive answer ? Not going to happen. Besides that, Danzig’s next title defense is already scheduled. Last Thursday, after his victory over Baron Von Rambis, Rick Rumble came to me and invoked his rematch clause. Next week, it’s going to be RJ Danzig defending the United States title against Rick Rumble !


{Richard Eisen leaves a rather baffled Sid Streets by himself in the ring.}

Ratings : B+ for the 4 Way Announcement; C for the Sid interruption



“King of the Ring” Tyson Lang vs Mayhem Midden


It’s okay if you don’t know Midden, people tend to forget about our job guys. Midden is a late coming in wrestling, an average brawler who needs to improve to secure a regular spot in television. He’s going around with a rather generic tough biker gimmick. As for the match itself, it was fairly shot. Midden had little offense, it was Lang all over the place and in 5 minutes, it was over thanks to the T-Flurry of Fists.


With this match over, Tyson Lang quickly switch to business addressing his current nemesis :


Lang : And that’s another victory in the books for the King of the Ring ! Not bad for someone who shouldn’t be in a wrestling, huh ? What do you think Milligan ? Don’t you think it’s time for you to stop lying about this ? I went through your buddies, McBride, Haggans, Rock… I beat all of them easily ! So what’s up now ? Do I really have to punch your other teammates, mini-Coach, out of his boots ? It’s time to get serious now Milligan. You and me, at Final Conflict. And this time the only bright thing you’ll see are the lights while you lay on your back in the middle of this ring !


Winner by pinfall : Tyson Lang

Ratings : D+ for the match, B- for the challenge


{Rocky Streets is lacing his boots peacefully in his locker room when he’s joined by his elder son. Dusty sits next to his dad who’s simply continuing his task.}


Dusty : Well, you certainly taught a lesson to Patterson the other night. Hopefully, he’ll be less a bully now.


Rocky : I really doubt it son, but at least, he should stay away from you.


Dusty : Speaking of this.. Don’t you think it’s about time I do things on my own ? That I care about my problems myself ? I’m a grown man, I shouldn’t need you to help me like this.


Rocky : Sometimes, a father has to take some actions even if his children don’t agree. Regardless of your age Dusty, I’ll still be there for you. That’s the role of a good father.


Dusty : I understand… but you won’t be here forever ! Look, just do your things now, win that world title that be great. Just.. just let me prove to you I don’t need your protection anymore!


{Dusty doesn’t even wait for his father’s answer. You could feel he’s not totally confident about himself, but feels the need to take this path. Rocky Streets shakes his head…}


Rocky : Kids, sometimes…

Ratings : B-



“Babyface” Dave Kelso vs The Masked Mauler


Not a great match by any means, but it filled its story purpose. The Mauler didn’t wait for Kelso to get in the ring and attacked him from behind while he was making his way to the ring. The first few minutes were dominated by the Mauler, but slowly Kelso turned the tides. Things went downhill at this point. His first plan having failed, the Masked Mauler went for the next best thing. He completely ignored the referee warnings, grabbed a chair outside and nailed Kelso right on the head. The Masked Mauler didn’t stop there and bashed Kelso with the chair until security ran in.


Winner by DQ : Dave Kelso

Ratings : D+ for the match, D- for the short post-match beatdown


{Powerhouse Patterson is doing some pushups when a pair of nice shiny shoes appears near his head. He quickly gets to his feet to see Ares Aegaleus standing in front of him.}


Ares : That wasn’t very smart of you of getting involved in Hagar’s title match.


{Patterson isn’t moved by the statement. He simply stares at a hole at Ares challenging him to continue talking.}


Ares : Next time you want a shot at Starr or at the world title, get in line and wait for your turn. You had your chance and you failed miserably. Now step aside and let the real men take care of this.


Patterson : Or else ? Oh yeah, you’ll try to bully your way through me… I’ve got news for you Ares : I ain’t Wally Conklin or Rick Rumble. I’m not going to be pushed around by you and your fat headed cavemen. I’ll do whatever I want, when I want it, like it or not.


Ares : We’ll see about that.


{Patterson shoves Ares hard and he ends up on his rear end.}


Patterson : I’d think about it again if I was you…


{Ares gets up and walks to the door.}


Ares : Mess with us Patterson and you’ll need eyes in your back.

Rating : B-



Burt Selleck vs Baron Von Rambis


I’m really starting to believe that Selleck is not made for single action after another average match. Granted, it was against the stamina limited and rather sloppy Von Rambis, and he had another off night, but I think Selleck can deliever better matches. Anyway, Baron pretty much dominated the match and won it in 7 minutes with his signature Beheader Clothesline.


Winner by pinfall : Baron Von Rambis

Rating : C


{Sid Streets is packing his bags in his locker room when Rick Rumble enters the scene.}


Rumble : I know you’re pissed off Sid, but Eisen played us. I didn’t plan to get in your way.


Sid : Did you really think I would call it a day ? Danzig needs a lesson and I’m not going to give up.


Rumble : No, no, don’t get me wrong, I think you got a point. I didn’t expect Eisen would give me a match with Danzig while taking out of the picture, ya know. Look, after I beat Danzig, you’ll be the first one to get a chance at the belt.


Sid : Like Eisen would let that happen…


{Sid is finished packing, gives a last look at Rumble who’s extending his hand and simply walks away, his bag on his shoulder.}

Rating : C+



“Mighty” Micky Starr & Rocky Streets vs Powerhouse Patterson & “The Last Viking” Hagar Erikson (w/ Ares)


A very good main event that served its storyline purpose. The dissension between Patterson and Erikson was important, in fact, they never looked on the same page. In the other team, you could feel some respect between Starr and Streets and they functioned as a unit. Erikson managed to hit Starr with the Viking Back Snapper, but Patterson tagged himself in. No one went for the cover as both men started to argue and soon they were trading punches. Patterson finally pushed Erikson over the top rope with a Clothesline, but as he turned back, he fall victim of a Starr Treatment. The champion got the three count while Erikson didn’t even try to break it.


As soon as the bell rung though, he jumped back in the ring and went straight for Starr hit a vicious looking Lariat. Rocky Streets entered the fray and cornered Erikson. As Micky Starr made it to his feet, he was clipped in the knees by a shoulder block from Patterson. It’s now a full fledged battle between the four men and the fans are on their feet ! Unfortunately for our viewers at home, that’s all the time we had left for the broadcast!


Winners by pinfall : Starr & Streets

Ratings : B for the match, B+ for the post-match brawl





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Confirmed matches for the next SUNDAY SLAMFEST


SWF United States Title : RJ Danzig (ch) vs Rick Rumble (w/ Babette)

Dusty Streets vs Iron Mike Milligan (w/ Coach Pangrazzio)

Wade Morris vs Mitch Haggans (w/ Coach Pangrazzio)

Cherokee Hawk vs Ace McQueen


Congratulations to Marcel Fromage and Randomfreeze for the first perfect predictions card. Two vintage t-shirts are on your way : a Rocky Streets "Making people tap out since 1952" t-shirt and a Von Ramis one, "Russian Behemoth".

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I hate that Sports America thing too...I always run into that too. I've never done a diary so what I do doesn't have to make sense, haha...so I just end up cancelling it until I can get something else. SWF has a lot of money, even at this stage of the game though...losing $40,000ish bucks for a month or two isn't a game breaker. Anyways, I liked the last show, especially the ending to the main event.


SWF United States Title : RJ Danzig (ch) vs Rick Rumble (w/ Babette)


Eh, I don't see why Rumble would win it back.


Dusty Streets vs Iron Mike Milligan (w/ Coach Pangrazzio)


Iron Mike is still probably ahead of Dusty in the pecking order.


Wade Morris vs Mitch Haggans (w/ Coach Pangrazzio)


Even match here, more of a preference pick.


Cherokee Hawk vs Ace McQueen


Cherokee is cool but he seems a little ahead of his time on the roster. He's like the Flames, but less talented haha. Anyways, I like Ace. Again, good show man.

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Sunday Slamfest - Oct 75 3rd Week



Sunday Slamfest

2000 people in the Washington State Gymnasium, North West area


http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/bobjohnson75.JPG & http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/chaimsilverman75.JPG

Original commentary by Bob Johnson & Chaim Silverman


{Tonight’s broadcast begins with the arrival of the World Heavyweight champion, Micky Starr. The belt strapped around his waist in a traditional fashion, Starr shakes hands with some fans while heading for the ring.}


Starr : So it has been decided, in three weeks, I’ll be defending this title not only against one individual, but against three of them! Some people would be complaining about this, but I’m not. I know that with your support, I can overcome all odds. Sure, I don’t need to be pinned to lose the championship, but it’s not going to happen. As always, I’ll bring my A game and I’ll make damn sure no one else escapes with the title. With the exception of Rocky Streets who I haven’t fought in quite some times, I’ve been the competition and I’ll do it again. There’s no way I’m letting an egomaniacal or a dishonorable viking tarnish that title. And Streets, I’m sorry, I have tremendous respect for you, but this not your time.


{The champion is suddenly interrupted by Ares Aegaleus and Hagar Erikson. While they’re making their way to the ring, Ares wastes no time and he’s already talking.}


Ares : You’re damn right it’s not Streets’ time ! For the second time, at Golden Dreams, my man here has been denied his championship rights by some outside incompetence. First time it was a referee, then it was no good failure of Patterson. If someone should be asking for a fair treatment, it should be us !


Starr : Say what you want Ares, but everyone knows your boy never beat me in the middle of this ring.


{Starr and Aegaleus lower their mic as they almost collide in the middle of the ring. They exchange a few words, but they are separated by Erikson.}


Erikson : Micky Starr, you dare calling me dishonorable ? If I was like that, you wouldn’t be standing like now. I would have blindsided you so many times that even the great Thor would have turned his head away disgusted by the massacre. You’re wrong Starr, I fight with honor and this conflict has never left the confine of this ring.


{Ares looks strangely at Erikson, really not sure about where this is going, but before we could get an answer to this question, it’s now Powerhouse Patterson who makes his way to the ring.}


Patterson : Honor ? What do you know about honor, Erikson ? Where was this honor you’re speaking when you took away my chances of becoming the champion ? Stop hiding behind false principles, you’re just like everyone else, you’re greedily want that championship belt and you’ll do anything to get it. I put you back in your place at Golden Dreams and I’ll gladly do it again at Final Conflict. I still have a score to settle with Micky Starr and I’ll be little closer to revenge when I take this belt. Then, I’ll be whipping the floor with your head Erikson!


{And you guessed it, Rocky Streets is now joining us. The champion and the three contenders are all in the ring, the tension is heavy.}


Rocky : So much hatred… I’ve never seen in my entire career a man filled hatred winning a fight and this going to be your downfall Erikson. Yours too, Patterson. Just look how I beat you, your ire blinded you and just like it will blind you at Final Conflict. With all due respect to you Micky, I don’t think you’ll be able to pull out of this match as the champion. There’s too much thing stacked against you. Some people are saying in my back that I should retire, that my time is over, but I’ll prove all the naysayers that I still have some good wrestling in my body by winning my first World Heavyweight title at the age of 47 years old and there’s nothing any of you can do about it.


{Patterson gets in the face of Rocky Streets and dresses him down, calling him an old washed up man. Micky Starr shoves him away telling him that’s exactly what I’ve told the world : Patterson has no respect for anything. Rocky Streets yells at the champion that he can defend himself. While Starr answers back he was just doing the right thing, Erikson tells Rocky Streets he should have stayed away from this if he didn’t want to get hurt and retire soon. Patterson jumps back in the exchange with the only way he’ll know he’s a top contender : with his fists! Soon enough, the four men a wildly brawling and it takes security and some lower card wrestlers to restore order.}

Rating : B



Cherokee Hawk vs Ace McQueen (w/ Ares)


The young Cherokee lost any kind of direction and momentum he had when his partner The Shaman was released for his out the ring behavior and this match is not going to do him any good. McQueen completely dominated the match, Cherokee had barely any offense and it was over in only 5 minutes with an Aces High (Double Hands Choke Bomb).


Winner by pinfall : Ace McQueen

Rating : C


{Richard Eisen is filling some papers in his office when someone knocks on the door. He calls for the person to get in…}


Eisen : Mr Krogan, you wanted to see him ?



{Now standing in front of Eisen’s desk is the southern wrestling legend, Mark The Lariat Krogan. He usually doesn’t travel much north, but tales of his epic brawls in Texas have spread all over the country over his twenty plus years career. }


The Lariat : Thank you for time Mr Eisen. When I heard you might be looking for new talents, I knew I had to talk to you.


Eisen : I’m always looking for new talent that could be useful to our programming. I hate to say that you’re probably not Supreme material though…


The Lariat : I was choking out people before you were even born Eisen, don’t tempt me to prove I can still do it!


Eisen : Do that and I’ll make sure you never get a job again. Not here, not in Texas, not even in Canada.


The Lariat : You do not impress me with your menaces Eisen. I know a lot more people than you do and I’m sure I’d be able to find a job again.


Eisen : Wanna try it ?


The Lariat : The only thing preventing me of jumping to your throat right now is my boy, Johnny Tucker. It would be a damn shame if an old man like me wasted the career of a young star in such a selfish way.


Eisen : So, it’s not about you…


The Lariat : It never was. I’ve been training a lot of young punks over the years, but I think Tucker is one hell of a talent. You would want to get passed him.


Eisen : Why would I want him on board ? Just because he has been trained by some forsaken Texan who used to be relevant 10 years ago ?


The Lariat : Because that so-called Texan will turn to New York if you pass the offer. I’m sure Lambert wouldn’t mind if one of his boys could get more over by working with another great talent.


{Eisen takes a moment to think before answering, the last comment about going to competition stroked on the spot.}


Eisen : All right, here’s what we’ll do. Bring you boy next week, I’ll put him in match. If he impresses me enough, I’ll think about using him more often. If he fails, I don’t want to neither see him or you again.


{Krogan and Eisen have a handshake to seal this deal as we head back to the ring.}

Rating : D




Wade Morris vs Mitch Haggans (w/ Coach Pangrazzio)


We got a surprisingly good match here thanks to great chemistry. Mitch Haggans mainly worked on the legs of his opponent. While it prevented most of Morris dancing moves, it didn’t prevent him to wrestle his way in the match. Morris hit his signature Mustache Lash (Falcon Arrow) at the 6th minute mark, but only got a two count. Seeing that his man was in trouble, Coach jumped on the apron making loud painful noises with his whistle to buy some time for Haggans. It did more than that as with the referee’s attention away, Enforcer McBride hit the ring and leveled Morris with a Clothesline behind the head. He put him away with a Piledriver and rolled out of the ring to face the incoming Burt Selleck looking to rescue his partner. The damage has been done though, as the Coach jumped down, Haggans crawled to cover Morris and win this one.


Selleck managed to put McBride away by throwing him head first in the ring post and quickly pulled Morris out of the ring before Haggans could do more damage. Selleck asked for a microphone.


Selleck : It seems that you two don’t know the meaning of single action. Not that I have anything about group activities, but my performance is usually a lot better one on one. So, you two wanna dance ? You’re still mad that we beat two a couple weeks ago ? How about we dance again at Final Conflict ? We’ll show you why the ladies love us and why men hate us !


{Before Haggans or McBride could answer themselves, Coach Pangrazzio is already promising that his men will make sure no women would ever get near Selleck and Morris again. Looks like it’s an accepted challenge!}

Winner by pinfall : Mitch Haggans

Ratings : C+ for the match, D for the post-match challenge answered


Bob Johnson : Folks what you will see now was taped earlier today. As we understand it, Teddy and Joey Flames invited themselves in a poker game involving Deadly Gamble and some off-camera workers.


Chaim Silverman : Those Flames… always putting their noses where they don’t belong.


Bob Johnson : If our information is correct, the Flames sat in at the table claiming that the champions owed one to them after Golden Dreams. Deadly Gamble probably did take offense, but their greed kicked in and they let the Flames in the game.


{As Johnson was telling us, the Flames, Deadly Gamble and a couple of backstage crew members a playing a game of poker. So far it looks like the champions are winning more than they’re losing, while the Flames are not looking too bad. Our crew guys seem to have lost of their chips though.}


Joey : I can’t believe you guys are winning that much.


Ace McQueen : We’ve been playing this game while you were still in your diaper kid.


Joey : And your partner hasn’t lost much either!


Black Jack : It’s call knowing how to play the game.


Teddy : There I saw it !


Ace McQueen : What did you see again ? How dumb your brother is ?


Teddy : No, I saw you signaling Jack to not go in ! That’s it, I know how you’ve been winning all day, two you have a system!


Joey (throwing his cards on the table) : Cheaters !


Black Jack (slamming his cards on the table) : No one ever called me a cheater at my table and made it alive to tell his story !


Joey : Cheaters!


Black Jack : Enough !


{Jack shoves the table on the side and goes for Joey, but he has soon Teddy on his back. The four men are exchanging blows for a moment before officials separate them.}


Teddy : Just like at Golden Dream, you couldn’t beat us by yourself, you had to cheat to win here!


Black Jack : If one of you wimps call me a cheater again, I’m going to break his neck !


Joey : The truth hurts, uh, cheater ?


{Jack dives for Joey and can actually land a few punches before they get separated again.}


Teddy : There’s only one solution and you know it. Give us a rematch and prove us wrong.


Ace McQueen : Deal ! We beat you many times and we’ll do it again !


Black Jack : And this time, no one is going to prevent me for breaking your necks!


Joey : Just try to catch us first… cheater!


{Jack is lividly furious at the moment, but the officials have put enough distance between the two teams by now to prevent anymore physicality. Back to the announcing desk.}


Bob Johnson : And just like that, the Flames got themselves another shot at the tag belts.


Rating : C


{Rick Rumble, the beautiful and lovely Babette at his arm, is standing by Dixie Diamond in the backstage interview zone.}


Dixie : Tonight, Rick Rumble, you have the opportunity to recapture the US Title you lost a couple weeks ago when the Titans interfered. How do you feel about this upcoming match Rick ?


Rumble : As usual, ya know. I’m pretty confident I’ll get the job done, ‘cause I’m better wrestler than Danzig, He escaped with the belt last time because of this interference and since then he has been dodging the poor Sid Streets. Not very worthy of a champion if you ask me.


Dixie : You fear the Titan will interfere once again tonight ?


Rumble : I don’t think so, they have their hands full at the moment, ya know. Besides that, I think Von Rambis is tired of getting beat up…


Dixie : What would it mean to you to wear this title for the second time ?


Rumble : It would mean a lot. People talk a lot about the world title and with reason, but the US title has seen many epic battles over the years. It still means you’re a top dog in this company when you’re the US champion, ya know. I know I can bring some prestige back to the title, at least what Danzig trashed with his reckless acts.


Dixie : Rick Rumble, thanks for your time!


{Time to head back to Bob and Chaim as the next match is about to go on !}

Rating B-



Dusty Streets vs Iron Mike Milligan (w/ Coach Pangrazzio)


For some reason, this match was not well received by the crowd. Or maybe I just overestimated Mike’s ability to carry a less popular wrestler to a good match. Anyway, the poor Dusty tried everything to impress his had, but it was not enough to put away Milligan. At the 10th minute mark, Iron Mike hit his signature KO Combo Punches to put this one in the books.


When the match is over, Coach Pangrazzio quickly enters the ring with a microphone


Coach : So, you think you’re leading something Lang ? I’ve got news for you, it’s all part of my master plan to get rid of you ! Of course Mike is going to fight you at Final Conflict! It has been our plan all along, to make you believe you could actually do something in this ring, than to shatter your dreams with a series of hard rights to your skull ! Mike already beat you once, now it’s time to put you out for good!


{Milligan cracks his fists in front of the camera eager for this match. Coach goes back to whistle and signals for the retreat.}


Winner by pinfall : Iron Mike Milligan

Ratings : C- for the match, C+ for the answered challenge


{Powerhouse Patterson is sitting on a chair somewhere in the locker rooms watching the show on a monitor. He quickly gets up to his feet when Ares Aegaleus approaches…}


Patterson : You, again…


Ares : You gave me no choice Patterson…


Patterson : Look, just turn around, go away and I’ll pretend you never came in. It will skip you the humiliation of being knocked down on your old butt once again.


Ares : I wanted to use the easy way with you, but it doesn’t seem to work…


{Patterson is suddenly pulled back on his chair by two pairs of massive hands. Hagar Erikson and Baron Von Rambis managed to sneak behind him it seems! Erikson holds Patterson’s arms behind his back while Von Rambis puts him in rear chinlock. Ares pulls out another chair and sits backward on it casually in front of Patterson who tries to get free without success.}


Ares : Now Patterson, you’re going to listen to me closely. It’s your last warning, one more idiot move and these two men won’t hesitate to put you on a stretcher. We won’t hurt you for the moment, you still have your use in the world title match at Final Conflict, but you better stay away from our business from now on. The world title is our, Micky Starr is ours and I won’t even tolerate a single verbal attack from you. Mind your own business, you can walk out of Final Conflict on you two legs. Don’t listen to me, you’re not even going to make to Final Conflict.


{Ares raises and slaps Patterson. He puts back his big hand the fulminating Patterson’s face and shoves him on the ground, helped by the released of his Titans. Erikson quickly grabs the chair and slams it on Patterson’s knee just to be sure he doesn’t try anything silly while they leave.}

Rating : C+


{Moments before his match, RJ Danzig is standing backstage in the interview zone, the United States title on his shoulder.}


Danzig : Say what you want Rumble, I don’t care. All my career I’ve done whatever it took to win championships and hold on to them. Some people like you don’t like it, you call me a cheater, a weasel or even worse when the kids are not watching. Doesn’t move me it all, because I know at the end of the night, there will always be gold on my shoulder. Rumble, just like most of my trainees, trying is just the first step towards failure.


{RJ Danzig exits the stage and heads for the ring.}

Rating : C-



SWF United States title :

RJ Danzig (ch) vs Rick Rumble (w/ Babette)


Even though Danzig had a bad night in him, it was still a pretty good match, thanks again to great chemistry. Only after a few minutes, Danzig had Rumble in a Boston Crab for quite some time, but it was too early in the match to get a submission. Slowly the challenger mounted a comeback… only to fall for an Unholy Drive ! Amazingly, Rumble pulled his shoulder up in time and the match continued. The match then took a strange path. Just as we thought Rumble had Danzig in big trouble after his patented Running Crushing Axehandle, the lights of the arena flashed for a brief second, but stay dimmed for about 25 seconds. When they finally went back on normally, Rick Rumble was standing in the middle of ring wondering what just happened. In a front of him, a strange man was now also standing…




A tall man wearing a strange white painting under his a bizarre black hat to be more precise. The mysterious man was wearing a large oversized black ragged outfit tear apart in many places. Before anyone could say anything, he planted Rumble with a DDT ! Just like that, Rumble’s title hopes vanished !


Winner by DQ : Rick Rumble

Still champion : RJ Danzig

Rating : B-


{The mysterious man is now laughing strangely over Rumble body. He puts his hands in rags and puts out a small leather pouch. He slowly unties the lace on unveil a white powder that he drops all over Rumble. Still laughing, he walks away by the ramp with a unique motion almost like he doesn’t have the perfect control of his limbs.


Meanwhile, RJ Danzig rolls out of the ring while holding on tightly on his belt. Before Bob Johnson could finalize his thought about how the stranger looked somewhat familiar, Sid Streets runs down the aisle and jumps on Danzig ! The champion is still feeling the effects of his match, Sid can dish out a lot of offense, but the officials are quick to break this brawl as we go off air for this week.}

Rating : C



TV Ratings: 1.59




OCC : Feedback on the Flames/Gamble segment would be very appreciated. I wrote that damn thing about 10 times and I'm still not satisfied with how it played out. It sounded way better in my head. That's basically why the show is two days late.

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If anyone is having issues with their mustache addiction, don't give up! Things should be rolling this weekend, I just had a couple of real busy days and took the opportunity to step away for a moment from writing to put things back into perspectives in my creative mind.
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“What did we have in the tag division at that time ”, asks Tim Carlton. “Sure, there was two of the hottest and most talented teams with the Flames and Deadly Gamble, but outside those, the tag scene was in the middle of a slump. Without breaking out, Sid and Dusty Streets had their own personnal battles to fight. Mitch Haggans could carry McBride only so far; Wade Morris has been brought in, but he didn’t exactly lit the world on fire with his usual partner. There was a couple of pairing in the All-Star Team that had yet to been explored, but overall the division needed some new faces to shake things up.That’s mainly why The Lariat and his new protégé Johnny Tucker were brought in.”


“Tucker was on his own, a real talent” continues Carlton. “At only 20 years old, he already had some national expoisure thanks to his solid basics, tons of charisma and a great body. As you would expect from a Lariat’s project, he was a solid brawler. He could probably have made it on his own, but Rocky and Eisen took the safe way with him and slowly build him through the tag division. It only seemed natural that his mentor and trainer would be used as his tag team partner.”




“I remember having a lot of dicussions with Rocky Streets on that matter” cuts Richard Eisen in. “I wasn’t very high on Krogan. Sure he had memorable brawl in Texas, but it was 10 years ago. Some people even argued that he should completely step out of the ring at that point of his career. I still believe now that Rocky only wanted to give his friend one last chance at national fame before he could hang up his boots. In the end, I gave up and approved the hiring. It was either I was getting both men or neither of them. I couldn’t resist taking another stab at Lambert…”





“The Lariat was on the last legs of his career” confirms Carlton. “Thing is, he knew it and didn’t try to steal the spotlight from anyone else. He was more than happy of being on national television helping what was probably his most talented trainee over the years. Trust me, you wouldn’t want to piss Krogan off. He could still very well knock your teeth out or stiff the hell out of you in the ring, but he was intelligent enough to realize where his interests were at that time.”




“Sometimes, you have to take some risks” starts Eisen. “That’s basically what we did with Papa Voodo”


“He was with us a few years ago when Slamfest began, but we didn’t really put much effort in him. Our fans never rallied behind him or against him, they were rather indiffernt We ran out of ideas to fight this and let him go. I’m not sure if he rubbed people in the wrong way or he was asking too much money to appear, but he never found another job on American ground. He had to go to Mexico to find regular work where his persona seemed natural. Two years later, we rolled the dice with Voodoo again, hoping our crowd was ready for it.”

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Confirmed matches for the next SUNDAY SLAMFEST


Non-Title : "Mighty" Micky Starr vs Black Jack

Teddy Flame vs "The Last Viking" Hagar Erikson (w/ Ares)

Johnny Tucker (w/ The Lariat) vs Frank Rock (w/Coach Pangrazzio)

"Flying" Ryan O'Brien vs Papa Voodoo

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Non-Title : "Mighty" Micky Starr vs Black Jack

Teddy Flame vs "The Last Viking" Hagar Erikson (w/ Ares)

Johnny Tucker (w/ The Lariat) vs Frank Rock (w/Coach Pangrazzio)

"Flying" Ryan O'Brien vs Papa Voodoo


I think Tucker will lose on debut due to interference, which will in due course mean that he and the Lariat form a team as you have mentioned.

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