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Board effort towards a fictional universe...

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Great jobs on the renders Kobe! Just one thing though can you change the Alexis Yi one? The only reason I ask is because she is supposed to be Asian (my version of Gail Kim).


Sure. I can do something similar to Gail Kim. ^_^


I reassigned it to Angie Post and will do a render with a Gail Kim likeness when I get back from vacation. :)


If you have any specific descriptions for the other females that are as of yet not rendered let me know and I'll try and do something along those lines. Also, if you think that a render assigned to one of your workers would better fit a different worker let me know. ^_^


EDIT: I didn't really appreciate how much the renders with the halo/outline clash with the ones without. I'll see if I can clean the edges up when I get back.

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An old timer for WCCW :)




then an Alt for his gimmick


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An old timer for WCCW :)




then an Alt for his gimmick



What did the beret cost you or was it free? I only ask cause I was going to create a African miltia team with manager for my SCW promotion and that would be perfect.

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Okay I went on the boards and this is what I have found as far as promotions. Now the people who are making them can fill in the blanks as to what I am missing in the information. Also, if their are any promotions that I have missed feel free to add them to the list. I know crayon is working on a promotion but I could not find any information on it.


Sexy Athletes Wrestling (SAW) is a British not sure of region or size


Pretty United States Athletes (PUSA), not sure of region or size


TWA (Top Wrestling Association) is a cult promotion located in the New

England region of the USA


US-A - United States All-Stars is a regional promotion located in the Mid Atlantic region in the United States


Lone Star State Wrestling League (LSSWL) is a regional promotion located in the Mid South region of the USA


Skyline Championship Wrestling (SCW) not sure of size located in North West region of the USA


Impact New York (iNY) is a regional promotion located in the Tri-State area of the USA


The CLAW not sure of the size it is located in the Great Lakes region of the USA


Katana Pro-1 (KP-1) located in the Hokkaido region of Japan it is a regional sized promotion.


Golden Road Championship Grappling (GRCG) are a cult size promotion located in the Kinki region of Japan.


Rising Sun Wrestling Association (RSWA) are a cult size promotion located in Kanto region of Japan.


Western Calgary Championship Wrestling (WCCW) not sure of the exact location in Canada could be BC or Prairies in Canada not sure of the size.


United Super Stars Revolution (USSR) is a regional promotion located in Eastern Europe


CAW not sure of the name of the promotion, it is cult sized, located in Canada not sure of the region.


I am still working on the bio but what is the name of the owner and from what was the time frame on my SCW being the development company for US-A?


Sorrymachinesxe I did not get back to you sooner on this question I just did not see it yesterday. Depending on when their alliance started and ended. William Lee Jr. owned the US-A until May of 2002. His son William Lee III took over in May of 2002 after the death of his father.

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KATANA PRO-1 (KP-1) located in the Hokkaido region of Japan not sure of the size.


Golden Road Championship Grappling (GRCG) are a cult size promotion not sure on the regional location it is in Japan.


Rising Sun Wrestling Association (RSWA) are a cult size promotion not sure on the regional location it is in Japan.


Couple of things here. KP-1 is now Katana Pro-1 rather than all in caps. It looked a little out of place with everything capitalized. It is a regional promotion.


Also, GRCG is located in Kinki and RSWA is located in Kanto. Both are cult level, as stated above.


Nice work on the list, by the way. I'd been curious as to how this was shaping up myself, but I didn't have the drive to go through the whole thread. :D

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Ok to put that in an order..



SAW - National - South



USSR - Regional - Eastern Europe



WCCW - Cult - BC/Prairies





TWA - cult - New England

LSSWL - regional - Mid South

SCW - regional - North West

iNY - regional - Tri States

CLAW - regional - Great Lakes



KP-1 - regional - Hokkaido

GRCG - cult - Kinki

RSWA - cult - Kanto




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I would like WCCW put wherever calgary would be located(never quite sure)


also if they could be a cult fed I would be thrilled :)



And a few more renders for WCCW


Tyson Irwin



And a dangerous Tag Team


Paul Reynalds.................Gary Morris


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I would like WCCW put wherever calgary would be located(never quite sure)


also if they could be a cult fed I would be thrilled :)



And a few more renders for WCCW


Tyson Irwin



And a dangerous Tag Team


Paul Reynalds.................Gary Morris



Great renders! I just would be careful working them cause they look to be oozing the juice.

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A few of the female renders have the halo affect because I made them before it was explained to me how to put the blue background in pre-render. For the renders I saved I just went back and re-rendered but for the others I just had to leave it. :(


this is what kobe said about it yesterday

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Another Tag Team for WCCW


Jinsei Sanwa..................Ichirou Miyasita


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Can I do TEOR to have face paint rather than mask since I don't have a mask object? If not that's cool.


The End of Reason w/alts


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The End of Reason w/alts



Insta-contract sign!

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