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Board effort towards a fictional universe...

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I gotta start entering in my guys, once I've freed up some psare time (spent most of today moving rooms and breaking $200 lights, unfortunately)


Looking forward to it :)


Another community render. Was going to do something else with it but meh



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Here is where we're at so far. ^_^




If at anytime anyone wants the data so that they can add in their contributions or if you have data that you want me to add then just request the data or else send me the data you want me to add in via PM. ^_^


P.S. Most of those locations are CVerse placeholders, so if anyone has any additions they'd like to make on that front then go for it. Most of the worker relations are blood relations, also (you know how wrestling families can get ~_^). So no one freak out at the number. ^_^

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P.S. Most of those locations are CVerse placeholders, so if anyone has any additions they'd like to make on that front then go for it.


I think that we should just scrap all the C-verse arenas and make new ones for this mod.

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I think that we should just scrap all the C-verse arenas and make new ones for this mod.


I'm all for that, but Good Golly that's a heck of a job!


I'm still a bit behind on mine as well, between my life and my other database I've been working on, plus it seems that lately every time I turn around, I learn something new about TEW, and I have to roll back through all my files and see how all my data copes with my newfound information.


TEW is some work, I tells ya what.



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I think that we should just scrap all the C-verse arenas and make new ones for this mod.


I like the idea. That's why I've starred new areas in the database. The idea is that if everyone adds an arena here and there we will have all new ones eventually :)

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No problem. ^_^


I may or may not have failed to complete SAW yet because I'm constantly doing Kobeverse bio work. :o


I'm all for that, but Good Golly that's a heck of a job!


I'm still a bit behind on mine as well, between my life and my other database I've been working on, plus it seems that lately every time I turn around, I learn something new about TEW, and I have to roll back through all my files and see how all my data copes with my newfound information.


TEW is some work, I tells ya what.



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I'm all for that, but Good Golly that's a heck of a job!


Yeah that is why I did not want to suggest it!:D


So by my count we have only three arenas that are mod exclusive. So I guess we would have to decided what product is hot in each area (ie Tri States might be heavy on hardcore and less so on traditional) and then make the arenas fit that mold. Because like someone posted recently that it is not the arenas that are into hardcore it is the fans living in that area who are the ones interested in hardcore.


Also, did Trell pull his promotions as well or just the renders? Because that leaves a huge void to fill in western Canada.

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Maybe we can save any idea of doing original locations till after the workers and promotions—the backbone of the mod—are at a "we have enough to release this" point of completion. Last thing we need is to be splitting our focus, during this beginning phase.
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Maybe we can save any idea of doing original locations till after the workers and promotions—the backbone of the mod—are at a "we have enough to release this" point of completion. Last thing we need is to be splitting our focus, during this beginning phase.


Maybe, but as a general rule whenever I get an idea in my head, I run with it as far as I can. If I put it in my pocket and save it for later, I tend to forget about it until I find it's crumpled and impossible to read remains at the back of the dryer....



If you'll excuse my metaphor.



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I am doing a promotion called the Bizarre Wrestling Association for this mod. Pretty much this is a gimmick heavy promotion with comedy being key. This promotion is going to be filled with weird gimmicks. My reason for posting is if anybody has any ideas for some workers to put into this promotion by all means either im me the bios or post them here. As far as stats go, well all the wrestlers are going to suck for the most part and this is a small promotion with hardly any popularity so the stats will not be that high for these workers.
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I am currently deciding if i want to do another fed in Canada or if i want to do a fed in europe. I am also contemplating on doing an all female fed. but right now I am working 18 hour days 6 days a week so I dont have alot of time to render or think about TEW.
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I am currently deciding if i want to do another fed in Canada or if i want to do a fed in europe. I am also contemplating on doing an all female fed. but right now I am working 18 hour days 6 days a week so I dont have alot of time to render or think about TEW.


Okay cool. Life comes first. That's a brutal schedule btw :o

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yea it is, but when your $150,000 in debt you really dont have a choice but to work alot :(. today is my only day off so i might have the promotion name and region in today.


True. Hopefully it was a (good) college education that set you back. :D

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Ok, back on topic


Here is my Fed:



UK Wrestling Council is a federation located in Midlands area of the UK. WWC has only been open for 7 years but they are quickly growning a fan base due to there high paced matches and excellent wrestlers. They are currently owned by Henry Brady who also owns one of the top networks in the UK.



and the first member of there roster




Charles Morrison is a middleweight fighter from the UK who is known to be one of the best technical wrestlers in the UK. He is best known for his work in the UK due to the lack of other Technical wrestlers in the area that are close to his caliber. Before he became big we went over the the US but never made an impact due to his size. So instead of being just another wrestler in the United States he went back to his country to become the star he was destined to be before he left. He has a deadly finisher known as the Vertical Clip which is a also known as a crossface



*Logo is a temp till kam isnt busy and I can ask him to make me one :)*

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