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Board effort towards a fictional universe...

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I was thinking that if people wanted, this project could use my no carrier/network/ppv images, which I did for the 9000-verse, instead of the defaults




Y'know, given how sexy the mod is already looking with the new bgs :p

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Added six workers to AWE so far.. Their names, most likely in order of push are:


Jonas Whanu, Baz Shelford, Cary-Anne Swindell, Elizabeth Swindell, Merv Cruise, and Fred Dagger


Australians and New Zealanders may be able to spot where I got the names from, and what sort of characters they are :)

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Just looking at the Tag Teams section of this mod. We need to establish a standard here. Some of the record names are their team names, and then some of their record names are the default "[person] / [person]" setup.


What's the official format for this?

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For more added to AWE.


Bill de Berger

The Bank

Johnny Crayotic / Joel Steingold-Horowitzberg

Wade Lynskey


All meant to be a part of a faction lead by Bill de Berger, called Economic Crisis.


Also noticed that I'm the first to have added any movesets (and moves) to the data. Wondering if maybe this should be happening now, rather than waiting to do it for everyone further down the line in one big chunk?




May as well start putting some more info up on the promotion for the hey of it




Originally founded by ex-professional Rubgy player Jonas Whanu, and with the co-headlining of Baz Shelford, Aotearoa: Wrestling Exemplified has always been an athlete friendly promotion. While the combination of ex-sporting "stars" with professional wrestlers has thus far proved fairly successful in the proud sport-loving nation of New Zealand, it has also generally resulted in its main event matches being relatively devoid of anything resembling quality workrate.


Furthermore giving AWE its own unique flair is their use of championship belts, where each title affords the holder certain privileges. For most titles these assigned benefits have changed as storylines have required, with the only exception being the Waitangi GP Cup. Since its original inception, whoever wins the aforementioned tournament not only gains bragging rites but the ability to create a maximum of three match-ups—to be used before the next tournament—of his or her choosing for any event's card.

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In case anyone is thinking of doing a rendering for Jonas, I haven't specified it in his bio but know that he's a Maori worker for skin color

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Having some internet problems. :(


I think team name works for tag teams. I hadn't come up with many names so I think I used a name/name format, tentatively.


As for movesets, by all means add them now if you like. :) I think most people (myself included) treat it as an afterthought, but anything that anyone wants to do for the mod they should do. Doing movesets bores me so I've held off on them so far for my own wrestlers but I'll get around to adding them. :)


As for gimmicks, I kept the CVerse defaults out so far to try and make the mod as "custom" as possible, but anyone is obviously free to import any gimmicks they want to use or to make their own.


Basically everyone do what you want as long as it's within the parameters of the game world we're molding. ^_^


crayon, did I send you the picture pack as well as the data? I ask because ideally as we swap the data back and forth between one another we can add our contributions and zip them together with everything else.






In case anyone is thinking of doing a rendering for Jonas, I haven't specified it in his bio but know that he's a Maori worker for skin color

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In case anyone is thinking of doing a rendering for Jonas, I haven't specified it in his bio but know that he's a Maori worker for skin color



ok, I was thinking of doing these 3 renders, but I'm not sure what a Maori worker is? also what country are they from?

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More Bios.. I'm not very good at bios that don't include referencing their superpowers or some wacky reason for being in the industry, so you'll have to forgive me on these :)





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And final batch until I create more workers. (yeah I put myself in the game, wanna fight about it?)





And an alter-ego for myself because I naturally paid more attention to myself than any other worker :p



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In case anyone is thinking of doing a rendering for Jonas, I haven't specified it in his bio but know that he's a Maori worker for skin color




ok, here are my attempts


Cary-Anne Swindell



Jonas Whanu





Wade Lynskey



And as a bonus I made the other sister


Elizabeth Swindell




I hope you like these :)

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Lookin good! Only thing would be Jonas, he's a bit white (or olivey).. if he could be a bit blacker that'd be great.. Also I dunno how much you can alter with daz models, but if the nose can be morphed to a tad flatter/wider it'd fit his race better. If not no problems though


Everyone else is amazing though. You took my love of red glasses and pixie haircuts and imbued both Swindells with it, and you can't imagine how close Wade Lynskey looks to the person I was basing the bio on :p

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