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Board effort towards a fictional universe...

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Here are a couple more bios:


This guy is a Lex Luger/Chris Masters type guy. I see him as looking something like Logan Sky from the WMMA games:


Nathan Steele is a young wrestler that hails from Albany, New York. Nathan has been working for the EWO for the past three years, his impressive physique has earned him a nice midcard spot with the company (his wrestling certainly has not earned him this spot as he is awful in the ring). Behind the scenes Nathan is known to the other wrestlers as “The Juice” implying that he has not gotten his awesome physique the old fashion way.


I see this guy looking wild with long messy hair and a long beard:


Claude Metropolit is better known to wrestling fans as The Canadian Wildman. Claude has been in the wrestling business for fifteen years and has been with the EWO for the last six. Claude’s gimmick is that he was born in the Northwest Territories and his parents abandoned him to live with a pack of wolves. Thus, Claude is a Wildman who cannot speak any language and just grunts and howls.


When Claude signed on with the EWO his back story got retconed, he was given a manager, the nefarious Braden Schroeder, who brought him back to civilization because he saw The Wildman’s potential to do his bidding. Despite this very odd gimmick, Claude has become a top heel in the EWO.


And finally, this guy is based on my friend from college who used to say Dude or man in every conversation that he had. I see him as being a stoner looking guy:


Christopher Norris is a young wrestler from California who is better known to wrestling fans as Dude Dude Man. As Dude Dude Man, Christopher is one-half of the BWA tag team The Beach Bums. His gimmick is that of a stereotypical go with the flow surfer. Christopher’s wrestling name came form the fact that he often says dude, brah and man during his interviews. Unlike his partner, Christopher actually lives the surfer lifestyle and he is known to partake in many "recreational" activities. This reason alone is why many in the industry feel that Christopher will never become the star that his partner seems destined to become.

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I'm a bit swamped with work at the moment, so I think I'm going to have to pull RSWA and the associated renders from the mod as I doubt I'd get around to finishing it. GRCG I decided to pull a while back as well. KP-1 is pretty close to being done though, so that will definitely be finished up. This means that Nunchaku is the undisputed biggest promotion in Japan, and whoever ends up working on that has free reign to create some backstory for Japan.




I've been using Apollo, M3 and M4 for this, so switching between models shouldn't be too much of an issue. I'd say your problem (if you want to call it that) lies with the skin textures you're using, or maybe the surface settings for the model. Without looking at your setup pre-render it's hard to say, but that would be my guess.



I'm the one that's working on NUNCHAKU right now, so does your pulling RSWA mean that Kunimichi Kitou and the associates of RSWA/GRCG are up for grabs ?

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An update on Mexico. I'm trying to mirror the C verse in a lot of ways with Mexico as far as stat balancing goes. A few people have higher skills than those in the C Verse but I plan on having atleast two cult sized promotions and I'm hoping it'd be ok if they were national. Because of that the talent pool has to be a bit bigger. What I've done is just added about five points of overness to my top three stars in each promotion. I've also had to up the skill level a bit in Mexico in my game. Again Mexico in the C Verse is in a sad state. The Mexico I envisioned is one part culture tradition and one part modernized by their neighbor to the north. Creating conflict but much like the Monday night wars drawing fans to both sides. Because of this the stats and popularity have had to be as I said just a few points higher however I'm doing my best to error on the side of caution and no one will be above 89 in popularity in Mexico. On the otherside I think


I have 11 workers completely created and ready to be imported into the main database. I have my two biggest promotions also created and ready to be imported into the database. As I said my top three popularities so far are 89, 87, and 83. Thats the range of my main event scene. On the flip side the highest psychology of an active worker is 92, the second highest so far is just above 80. So although I've had to beef up some stats I'm by no means wanting this to be a super area, just something more fun than real life and the c verse have given us so far in this region


On top of the 11 I have done I have another 19 that I have created yet still need to add to the database. I should finish up the biggest promotion in Mexico by tomorrow evening.


I believe he said the characters were pulled as well, not 100% sure on that though.


Thats how I read it but hey its two a.m so who knows....

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Am I glad you joined this mod! I think it is great that you have already built up what seems to be a great place to play. I never play as Mexico or Japan when I play the C-Verse as I have tried in the past and never really enjoyed them as much as the other areas in the game. But with you adding an American influenced promotion to Mexico, well I will be playing down there.


Also, I have the data right now so if and when you want it just tell me and I will send it to you. Right now I am working on a developmental fed for my Canadian promotion (which I am finding boring to do) and a promotion out in Hawaii. So those two feds are pretty much empty.

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I got twenty workers done now. I'm honestly just going to create as much of my world as I can before I bother with the data. I've created a blank DB in 08 where I've been creating these guys so I'll just import then when I need to.


GMLL will have a developmental promotion too. Just think Mexico with a developmental promotion. Tijuana Battle Zone. MPWA will have one too but I'm oddly enough thinking of making in Texas if that would be allowed just to give it more cross over States/Mexico feel to it. The idea being is that you need to work in the states in order to get the right feel for how Michael Rodriguez will be running his shows when and if you get called up.


Anyway thanks for the kudos I'm having a blast creating this world out of thin air. I still have a TON of idea for characters I have even put on paper or in this case on computer so this should be a fun thing.

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MPWA will have one too but I'm oddly enough thinking of making in Texas if that would be allowed just to give it more cross over States/Mexico feel to it.


Kobe has a promotion in England with an American developmental company so I do not think their should be anything wrong with that. And plus you will be in a regional battle with my Lone Star State Wrestling Leauge which is cool because they need someone to battle!

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I'm the one that's working on NUNCHAKU right now, so does your pulling RSWA mean that Kunimichi Kitou and the associates of RSWA/GRCG are up for grabs ?


I'm pulling the characters too I'm afraid, as I may revisit the promotion on a smaller scale in the future if time allows.

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Well, I've been distracted from this, sadly, buuut...


Stennick, I planned on having one of my tag teams active both in USSR and in a Mexican company. Seeing as how you've taken an awesome command over Mexico, do ya think maybe you could try to fit them in somewhere?

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Who's in charge of Canada I'd love to read who they got up there and the history behind the place. I'd be interested in even doing some stuff for the great white north if nobody else wants to.or atleast designing a few characters for up there.
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Who's in charge of Canada I'd love to read who they got up there and the history behind the place. I'd be interested in even doing some stuff for the great white north if nobody else wants to.or atleast designing a few characters for up there.


Nobody is in charge of Canada, I created the two promotions up there. One is the Elite Wrestling Organization (EWO) which is an SE promotion. The backstory I have is that a bunch of American workers came up there and are doing an Anti-Canada stable known as American Elite (I still find it funny that TNA stole my idea!!!).


The other promotion up there is Prince Edward Island Pro Wrestling (PEIPW). This promotion is the developmental league for the EWO.


And that is our Canadian scene, there was someone who mentioned working on a promotion known as CWA but they have never talked about it again. Trell was also doing a promotion but pulled it.

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I'm starting business school the 17th of August but will try and find some time between now and then to do renders. My contributions to the project are definitely not done though, just really busy lately. ^_^


Nobody is in charge of Canada, I created the two promotions up there. One is the Elite Wrestling Organization (EWO) which is an SE promotion. The backstory I have is that a bunch of American workers came up there and are doing an Anti-Canada stable known as American Elite (I still find it funny that TNA stole my idea!!!).


The other promotion up there is Prince Edward Island Pro Wrestling (PEIPW). This promotion is the developmental league for the EWO.


And that is our Canadian scene, there was someone who mentioned working on a promotion known as CWA but they have never talked about it again. Trell was also doing a promotion but pulled it.

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Just doing this to bump the thread and also because Stennick is now making Mexico and those new promotions were not on the last list.


This is an promotion update. And once again if there are any changes the list will be updated again. The current count for promotions is..



SAW - National - South

UK Wrestling Council- Midlands

FLI - small- Ireland



USSR - Regional - Eastern Europe




EWO - National -Ontario

PEIPW- small - Maritimes



US-A - regional - Mid Atlantic

PUSA - small- Midwest

TWA - cult - New England

LSSWL - regional - Mid South

SCW - regional - North West

iNY - regional - Tri State

CLAW - regional - Great Lakes

LLPR - regional/small - Puerto Rico

DARKNESS - small - Tri State

BWA - small- South West

FWC: HIW-regional- Hawaii

FWC: FWF-regional-South East

Unnamed Stennick developmental company- Mid South




KP-1 - regional - Hokkaido

Nunchaku - National


Australia/New Zealand

AWE-New Zealand



GLLM-National-northern region?

MPWA-National-not sure of the region

Tijuana Battle Zone not sure of size or region it is a developmental company.


I removed CAW because the poster who was creating it has not said if they are still working on it.


I currently have the data so if anybody wants the data just pm me and I will set it up on sendspace for whomever wants to download it.

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So I was thinking... :rolleyes:


Like 60% of the renders in the game don't match (mostly my fault), and it would be pretty annoying to re-render them. Plus, I imagine I'm not the only person that might have trouble rendering in this format who might be interested in contributing graphics...


Soo... how would people feel about scrapping the identical light source requirement? :o


Will go with whatever the majority has to say on this, no complaints. :)

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I'm pulling the characters too I'm afraid, as I may revisit the promotion on a smaller scale in the future if time allows.


Just wanted to amend this a bit. While the characters and names are being pulled, feel free to use the following renders for whatever workers you choose. Anything else I've posted will still be used for my own creations within KP-1.




Not a whole lot to work with, but I figured I'd throw them out there anyways...

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Just wanted to amend this a bit. While the characters and names are being pulled, feel free to use the following renders for whatever workers you choose. Anything else I've posted will still be used for my own creations within KP-1.




Not a whole lot to work with, but I figured I'd throw them out there anyways...


I'm calling those four !

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So I was thinking... :rolleyes:


Like 60% of the renders in the game don't match (mostly my fault), and it would be pretty annoying to re-render them. Plus, I imagine I'm not the only person that might have trouble rendering in this format who might be interested in contributing graphics...


Soo... how would people feel about scrapping the identical light source requirement? :o


Will go with whatever the majority has to say on this, no complaints. :)




I dont think you will get any complaints seeing as you are the only renderer in this project. Me, Machine and jtlant have all left. and UFC king is the only other person and i dont think he does them anymore. so I guess its up to you know.

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Unfortunately I'm going to have to pull out of this, All the characters as well, that I've created will be going into a future mod by myself and some other guys perhaps, but this thing is just too unorganized for me.


It's a Great Idea, but It's cursed in a way.

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