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Board effort towards a fictional universe...

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Grey backgrounds now, eh? Well, I was a bit partial to the old ones... but obviously that should be left up to the renderers to choose. The grey ain't too bad either.


And I guess this means I need to get the whopping two workers USSR has renders for to get their backgrounds changed. Jtlant was suppossed to do another (The Tzar), buuuut apparently he never quite got around to it.


I do, however, think it's sad to see people pulling out so they can "make their own mods!" I honestly think a group effort like this is the best way to get ANY completely original creation out, not to mention with more people who put effort in, the more people who can try and pimp it out to others and get them to try it.


But I digress. If you want to save everything so you can try to create your own universe, then by all means go for it. I know I'll never finish a universe from scratch, so I'll settle for the Eastern European wrestling scene of one universe.

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Grey backgrounds now, eh? Well, I was a bit partial to the old ones... but obviously that should be left up to the renderers to choose. The grey ain't too bad either.


And I guess this means I need to get the whopping two workers USSR has renders for to get their backgrounds changed. Jtlant was suppossed to do another (The Tzar), buuuut apparently he never quite got around to it.


I do, however, think it's sad to see people pulling out so they can "make their own mods!" I honestly think a group effort like this is the best way to get ANY completely original creation out, not to mention with more people who put effort in, the more people who can try and pimp it out to others and get them to try it.


But I digress. If you want to save everything so you can try to create your own universe, then by all means go for it. I know I'll never finish a universe from scratch, so I'll settle for the Eastern European wrestling scene of one universe.


Yeah. As someone who has been working on (and planning to finish) their own mod for the past 2 years, it's a lot of work to do by yourself. Honestly, creatively I'm on E right now regarding bios/characters. After worker number 1279 or whatever you don't really have anymore ideas. :o


That's why I haven't really been doing much database work and am sticking to graphics stuff for now. I've always wanted to do a promotion like SAW so I'm going to do it and the developmental territory and then just help contribute in other ways, for now. BHK in particular has been amazing with the way he just keeps churning out worker ideas so fast. :D


Going to get some work done now. I'm trying to pay my first years MBA tuition without loans and I'm trying to earn it through online poker. Getting desperate enough to try moving up to $5-$10 even though I'm about $600 shy of my 2500 BB requirement for moving up levels. ^_^

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And I guess this means I need to get the whopping two workers USSR has renders for to get their backgrounds changed. Jtlant was suppossed to do another (The Tzar), buuuut apparently he never quite got around to it.


He's still on the list. :D


I've been a bit swamped lately, so I haven't been able to get much rendering done on anything. I'll try to finish out all the requests that I have right now by the end of the week. I'll get the first one that I did for you onto the new background as well.

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He's still on the list. :D


I've been a bit swamped lately, so I haven't been able to get much rendering done on anything. I'll try to finish out all the requests that I have right now by the end of the week. I'll get the first one that I did for you onto the new background as well.


As promised, on the new backgrounds...


Viktor Koslov



The Tzar


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Thought I would post a bio to bump this thread and keep it alive.


The man with four names Billy Bob Jim Dick (which is his real name) is one-half of the BWA tag team The Wild Rednecks. Billy Bob and his "cousin" Billy Ray Clower are your stereotypical rednecks who love their moonshine, guns, and their female cousins. They are currently engaged in a war with the Nerd Herd in the BWA.

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Talking about this thread with a friend of mine online made me realize maybe we need to do a roll call of sorts so we know who's still in this thing? Kobe, BHK, Comrade, myself, Crayon (I think). Am I missing anyone? Also can we maybe update what promotions are in what regions of the game so we know where we need to turn our attention to. I'm nearly done with my two biggest Mexican promotions and after that I could take a break from the region to fill out Canada, or Australia or wherever else needs work. Anyway so yeah a roll call of modders and of promotions/workers/regions would be an awesome way to get this thing back on track.
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Still here :)


Done with SAW and PUSA. Just doing bios at this point. ^_^


Talking about this thread with a friend of mine online made me realize maybe we need to do a roll call of sorts so we know who's still in this thing? Kobe, BHK, Comrade, myself, Crayon (I think). Am I missing anyone? Also can we maybe update what promotions are in what regions of the game so we know where we need to turn our attention to. I'm nearly done with my two biggest Mexican promotions and after that I could take a break from the region to fill out Canada, or Australia or wherever else needs work. Anyway so yeah a roll call of modders and of promotions/workers/regions would be an awesome way to get this thing back on track.
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Talking about this thread with a friend of mine online made me realize maybe we need to do a roll call of sorts so we know who's still in this thing?


Well Trell said he is still working on his promotion so that is still there. As of the list that I did a page back the only people that I am not sure of still working on this mod are Kamchatka, machinesxe, dvdwarrior,and UFCking. Trell said machinesxe has pulled out of the project but I am not sure if he pulled out his renders and promotion, or if he just pulled out his renders and like Trell is still working on his promotion.


I mean I am not speaking for anybody I am just going by response to the previous list. And I do not want to offend anybody so if you are still working with us by all means tell us just so we know what to do next.


I'm nearly done with my two biggest Mexican promotions and after that I could take a break from the region to fill out Canada, or Australia or wherever else needs work.


Canada could use at the very least one more promotion. Maybe National or Cult to take on the EWO which is National.


Also, this is still a work in progress so if anybody wants to join by all means do so.

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Have about 30 community renders lined up to do over the next few weeks. Lost some of the textures I did for a lot of renders for BHk's promotion and am working to redo them. 60 renders done so far with a target of 120 by this time next month. Depending on how inspired I am I guess that could be as low as 20 short or as far as 50 over. :o


I'm moving down to a new apartment for school on the 14th and then school starts on the 17th so if I disappear for a few days just know that is the reason. :)


Going to try and sit for the CPA exam so I'm going to be busy the next few _______ but I've put this on my "To do" list so there's no way I'll abandon it. ^_^




If you guys run across any decent resolution headshots could you post them here?


Example of what I'm looking for:




Facing straight ahead, relatively even light source, decent resolution, closed mouth:



P.S. It's okay if there is a body attached. As long as it has these above attributes if you could link me to the pictures I'd appreciate it. ^_^

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I'm still working on The CLAW. My ... situation.... has been in absolute turmoil for months, but I think (key word: think) that might be cleared up now. I'm actually doing something of an overhaul of The CLAW... as the version I had been creating... well, it seemed to have veered away from what I actually wanted, so.....


I had this one idea that I thought was really cool, but for some reason, it won't let me set it up like that to start with, (In an ironic twist it seems it'll work fine if I set it up in-game). I'm still trying to figure that one out. Also, in the few test games I've ran, PUSA tries to run off with my guys, which puts a big ol' frown on mah face. Trying to figure out something for that too.


Like I said, I'm slow, (I prefer 'elaborate'), but I'm still here.

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Unless otherwise stated all of the renders I'm posting from here out are community renders. If someone doesn't claim them for a worker I'll just assign them to someone in the database without a picture who is around the same age/race/size/looks.


Matt Tucker & Rex Longley:






Lynwood Lee:




62 renders now :)


P.S. At 308 workers now + whatever workers Stennick has done. ^_^


P.P.S. I might do an (all men's wrestling) international promotion if no one else does. I never wanted SAW to be the biggest promotion in the world. Hopefully one of Stennicks is a little bigger as a national promotion. :D

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Might to redo the Ross Waters render and one of the Sullivan brother renders because I'm unhappy with them.


BHK sent me a picture for a skin texture for Hayk Bogosian. If you guys have any other pictures for references then go for it. At around 120 renders I'll have used most of my texture files and be making new ones anyway so might as well send me some. ^_^


I'm done rendering for SAW. PUSA doesn't actually have a full roster, but since it isn't playable as a development territory anyway I'm just doing renders for workers without a picture now and then using female renders that I really like as workers for PUSA.


P.S. Post logo descriptions if your promotion doesn't have one. I'm going to try doing them if Kam isn't available. I'm not bad if I do say so myself. ^_^


This render is unused btw:





user notes:


re-render amy

re-render christian

re-render hayden

re-render james

re-render jennifer

re-render juan

re-render leonardo

clean up/edit lacey (hair color)

re-render maria

re-render mark

re-render mary beth

clean up/edit rex

re-render ron

re-render ross

clean up/edit sophia

clean up/edit tricky

do emanuelle render

do hayk render

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