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Board effort towards a fictional universe...

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Okay, here's a few more USSR bios... don't think I've posted any of these guys yet:


The Red Freak


The Red Freak is a diminuitive worker out of Germany, who is quite frankly lucky to have recently scored a contract with USSR. At only 5'5" and having a very spot heavy style, he is hardly the perfect fit for the company. However The Tzar heard about The Red Freak's work at independent shows, and immediately signed him thinking he was a pro-Communist character who would fit USSR to a tee. Instead, The Red Freak just happens to be a guy who really, REALLY likes the color red. A lot.


The mistake wasn't realized until The Red Freak had unpacked his bags in Russia, so USSR has allowed him to stick around and be their designated job boy for the time being as his small size aids in making their real stars look good by comparison.



Wolfgang Wunderkind


"The Ultimate Blue Chipper" Wolfgang Wunderkind (real last name is Gruber) is a young talent out of Germany who seems to excel at anything he attempts. He's taken his reputation to created a gimmick based upon it, strutting around with his massive ego and the success to support its existence. While this has made him a perfect heel on screen, his demeanor couldn't be farther from it in real life. Wolfgang is known to help down on their luck co-workers crash at any number of his houses, and even paid for Alanzo Rossi's knee surgery in 2008.



Alanzo Rossi


"The Greatest" Alanzo Rossi is a former Sambo champion from Rome who is best known for both his Sambo career and his moderate success in MMA. While never the best fighter, Rossi was best known for getting the crowd on their feet even while using his grappling heavy (and almost void of any strikes) style and his insane amount of strength. Struggling to make the final step into the main event, Rossi took a torn ACL in 2007 as a sign it's time to move on to something else. He approached USSR, who were more than happy to give him an opportunity at "show wrestling". While still a bit green at this new "sport", Rossi's Sambo/MMA background and natural charisma have all ready carved him a spot in the company.


Whoops, accidentally posted before I was ready!

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I wanted something old school and historic for the nearly 100 year old GMLL. However I wanted something different for the younger company. Its said MPWA owner Michael Rodriguez created this logo envisioning himself as the bird and GMLL as the snake in its clutches. Next up is Tijajuana Battle Zone's logo which is being stalled for not being to locate a certain image.



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I'm on FIRE tonight. Okay, so I actually did those first three (and a couple others I haven't revealed yet!) a while back...


I did, however, just come up with these guys:



Sickle is the tag partner of Hammer, forming the ultra old school team of Sickle & Hammer. Little is known about either of the masked workers' true identities other than the fact that both were most likely bodybuilders before joining USSR. Members of the "old guard" of the company, the ultra-patriotic duo have been around since the late 80s, regularly teaming up to defeat the enemies of the Motherland. Now having spent most of, if not all, of their careers with the company, it's widely believed they may be actively searching for a duo worthy of inheriting their masks.


Like his partner, Sickle is pretty limited in the ring but plays to his pro-Russian gimmick well enough that most of the fans are willing to forgive him.




Hammer is the tag partner of Sickle, forming the ultra old school team of Sickle & Hammer. Little is known about either of the masked workers' true identities other than the fact that both were most likely bodybuilders before joining USSR. Members of the "old guard" of the company, the ultra-patriotic duo have been around since the late 80s, regularly teaming up to defeat the enemies of the Motherland. Now having spent most of, if not all, of their careers with the company, it's widely believed they may be actively searching for a duo worthy of inheriting their masks.


Like his partner, Hammer is pretty limited in the ring but plays to his pro-Russian gimmick well enough that most of the fans are willing to forgive him.


Okay, so their bios are currently identicalish... So are a bunch of tag teams in the C-Verse's!

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I had a bio up for Tijuana Battle Zone but then my computer went stupid so instead I'll just post the logo and post the bio when its time for that promotion to be featured. Its just a developmental league for MPWA. Think ECW in the less than honest and lawful town of Tijuana and there you got it.



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Someone asked about an all women's promotion. I dunno if the states have one but its one of the five or six promotions in Mexico. So without further ado I present to you. "LAMLL" or Las Mujeres asombrosas de Lucha Libre (The Amazing Women of Wrestling)



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The Worlds oldest promotion headed by the grandson of Mexico's most famous wrestler also lays host to the oldest wrestling show in the world. "Guerreros de Lucha Libre" or "Warriors of Wrestling". Anyway heres the logo.



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Michael Rodriguez and his MPWA have had a weekly television show on Thursday nights for the last twenty years. MPWA "Furia" or in English "Fury" is a cutting edge, high impact, fast paced show much different than the traditional GMLL "Guerreros de Lucha Libre" shown on Tuesday nights.



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From the 1930's until the 1980's the only wrestling promotion in Mexico considered anything more than a fly by night regional promotion was the GMLL. Then savvy business man Michael Rodriguez brought a new brand of Mexican wrestling to the fans creating a war of wrestling Mexico had never seen before. The battle truly hit stride in the early part of the 1990's. Both sides openly trashing the other at their live events and more subtly on their weekly t.v shows.


There has never been a shortage of kids who wanted to be a lucha libre star in Mexico. Its just up until the early 1980's it was easier to get selected to a futbol team than it was to become a member of the GMLL roster. With MPWA and then soon after their developmental promotion Tijuana Battle Zone came more oppurtunities.


DeMario Fernandez was one of these kids that became a lucha libre star. He was small in stature when he began his career with GMLL. For years he tried to convince the front office to take MPWA on at their own game, offer the exicting, no rules, extreme, in your face, modern product they have. Some believe this led to any sort of push he was getting at the time to be cut off.


Feeling as if he was going nowhere fast DeMario went to MPWA where he was offered triple his salary at GMLL. The catch was MPWA wanted him to play a crazed, ranting, unpredictable man who would show up on air and drag GMLL's name through the mud while MPWA claimed no association wtih the man.


After a year of realizing his entire purpose for MPWA was just as a weekly means to trash their competition he walked out on the company. He vowed to train his own roster from scratch, holding several recruiting sessions before and after GMLL and MPWA events. DeMario is a man with a chip on his shoulder and it shows. That chip has created enough drive to bring his hardcore, high flying product up to cult level and some believe MPWA and GMLL are more nervous about this start up compnay that has shot straight up than their letting on.


Nueva Edad Lucha Libre or "New Age Pro Wrestling" held its first show in 1998. They offer an even more extreme, hardcore product but its also focused on smaller, faster paced wrestlers.




(I have one more Mexican promotion to do and then my developmental territory in Texas for GMLL which will be called "Traditional Texas Wrestling".)

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Here are my ideas for 3 promotions two that I have been adding to the C-verse in my own game. Was wondering if these would fit into the fictional universe mod? (What's the official name of this mod anyway?)


#1. CWC - A US cult size promotion, CWC is a company at the crossroads, they've been content at being a cult size promotion for over a decade. They've just landed a big new tv deal and management feels that now is time to begin a youth movement in the company and push more of the younger stars and make a run at being a national promotion and replace US-A as top dog.


#2. CCW - I'm not sure if this has been done before, but this will be a North American touring promotion. They will tour Canada, the US and Mexico. Based out of Canada.


#3. - A all womens promotion. Depending on how the rest of the women divisions in this mod are set up will dictate where I go with this. It'll either be a serious competative promotion (ideally) with women with actual skills, or it can be a more sports entertainment company where T&A and other things are more the focus. Notice there is no name, because the name that I gave this promo in my game is similar to one all ready in use (SAW). I named this promotion S.A.A.W (Sex As A Weapon) or (Sex, Ass and Weapons). Now I'm tossing around a few other names depending on the direction of the promotion. BRA (Beautiful Ring Angels), DDW (The Double D) or (DANGEROUS DIVAS OF WRESTLING) and S.E.X (Sports Entertainment Xtreme)



*I do have a fourth promotion that I have a idea for as well. OUTLAW Wrestling or OUTKAST Wrestling, the backstory is the owner is a former wrestler and owner in the US. However for whatever reason (bending and breaking rules, too risky of a promotion) he can no longer legally get a license to run a promotion in America. So he goes north of the border to Canada. Where he sets up OUTLAW Wrestling, the initial line up will be wrestler that are older but popular and on their last days of wrestling, and wrestlers that have been banned from other promotions or countries, or simply blackballed. As well as young talent looking to finally make a name for themselves. So this may be a promotion with a worker who is acceptionally talented but has a alcohol/drug problem that pretty much ruined his career from being as great as it should of been (Scott Hall anyone). Gamewise I imagine this to be a challenging promotion to run because of all the backstage politics, personal demons, etc... that the workers will bring to the table.

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An older Emma Granger alt (Love her):



Community Render:



Also still unused:



Left to right: My avatar/user character, SAW ref, PUSA manager/possible ref.





Currently doing all of the un-rendered women that BHK and crayon have in the game. I keep re-assigning pictures because I'm indecisive, but after I do this next batch I'll probably leave them alone. Will focus on rendering all the male workers for Elite after that :)


I'm rendering a lot cleaner now and am developing a style. :)


About half the renders posted above have been re-done from last time to address lighting/coloring issues and there are a few new ones spattered in as well :)


Along with Burkle, I'm not crazy with the Jack Depp, Rex Longley or Leonardo Dawson render either, but with 330 renders in the cue I'm going to leave them for now :o


As with all community renders, they're basically staying unused in case someone wants me to make a specific assignment to a worker. Eventually I'll just assign them. ^_^

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I know that I have asked this question in the past but I got no reply so I thought I would ask it one more time to see if I could get some feedback. What are people who are working on this mod doing on the popularity front? This is more directed at people who are doing Regional and under promotions.


What I mean by my question is, if you have a worker who works for a Regional promotion are you just giving them popularity in the region where the company that they wrestle in is located. Or are you giving them popularity throughout the country, with their major popularity being in the region where the promotion that they are working for is located and minor popularity in the other regions of the country where they wrestle.


Or is it to early to wonder about this and we will decide this later.


Any feedback would be great!

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Thats a toughie. Depends on the worker. Guys like Steve Flash or whatever that have worked all over the country would have a bit of everything. Maybe character, age, and position on the card. I dunno I'm taking it character by character on that front.
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Yeah I was doing it that way when I started out but then I started thinking with the internet being available to a good portion of the world, would it not make sense that people in the smaller promotions might be know elsewhere.


Like ROH, I knew who a lot of their wresters were before I even got a chance to see them in person. That was via the internet, so I am not sure how to handle it.


By the way Stennick a bit off topic but I like the Aussie Rules Wrestling logo that you did for the 75 mod.

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Yeah I was doing it that way when I started out but then I started thinking with the internet being available to a good portion of the world, would it not make sense that people in the smaller promotions might be know elsewhere.


Like ROH, I knew who a lot of their wresters were before I even got a chance to see them in person. That was via the internet, so I am not sure how to handle it.


By the way Stennick a bit off topic but I like the Aussie Rules Wrestling logo that you did for the 75 mod.


I would just keep their popularity even across the board unless they are local/small in which case they are probably only working a few cities.

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Thought I would post a couple of bios from my Bizarre Wrestling Association:


Matt Hayes is better known to wrestling fans as The Bag Boy. Matt just started out wrestling last year and so he is extremely green in the ring. His gimmick is that he works in a supermarket as a bag boy (which is the truth) and he also wrestles. His favorite foreign objects are his trusty paper and plastic bags, which he uses to choke opponents with while the ref is distracted. Zane Selby loved this weird gimmick and immediately signed Matt to a contract to wrestle for the BWA.


Kyle Nichols is better known to wrestling fans as Christian Wright. Kyle started his wrestling career in the Austin, Texas area. It was during this time that he earned the nickname "Preacher" because he loved to hear himself talk. Through this nickname, Kyle got the idea that he could create a character who is your typical hellfire and brimstone Bible belt preacher.


This idea became the character Christian Wright, a character who loves to lecture fans and other wrestlers about their lifestyle. He frequently tells them that they are dammed to hell if they do not follow his teachings. This gimmick has earned him a job wrestling for the BWA, where he is quickly becoming one of the most hated heels in the company. As soon as his Christian rock music hits, signifying his entrance to the ring, the fans start to boo.


Witness Protection is the current gimmick of veteran wrestler Gary Cox. This new gimmick is a play off of his old gimmick Sicilian Vendetta (a violent guy with "connections" who worked in construction). In this new gimmick, Gary wears multiple black masks to cover up his identity as he is currently in witness protection for ratting out some very powerful people. The joke about this gimmick is that everybody immediately knows who he is because he has a very distinctive voice.

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Things are great on my front. I know I haven't shown much but logos. A lot of that is I don't want to post a lot of bios but creating two national sized promotions is a lot of workers so until I get both GMLL and MPWA done I won't be posting too much more outside of the owner bios that I've posted. However that being said GMLL is nearly done and MPWA won't take as much time since its the promotion I'm more excited about doing.
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Left to right:


Hillary McGuire, Alexander Angelopoulos, Alexis Yi:






Alexis Yi was really challenging because of the MATs I was using. Might re-do it later. McGuire I haven't added to the data, but might replace her on the SAW roster and make Amy Burkle a future worker. Don't know yet. ^_^


Will try and (re)do Amy Balassone, Aphrodite and Big Bertha today. If not will get to them at some point during the week. I have 2 or 3 other workers for community renders lined up in the que. I haven't really found anyone suitable for the two render currently as community and no one has claimed them so I might just leave them there to be used for generated workers. :)

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