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Board effort towards a fictional universe...

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No, i've been working on a personal mod just for me. I've been writing and playing my fed through EWR and now TEW since 2000 maybe and have built my mod around it. So it won't be released and will only reside on my comp...


It may be a c- verse fed, but honeslty i've played maybe three games on the default database.


I understand that, but at the same time... if anyone other than the people working on this play the mod, then it'll stand out. The idea is to create a fully original database, and it won't look that way when they see "UEW" in Europe, just like in the C-Verse. I'd love to see some more happening in Europe, but it should have a name not so easily associated with a company from likely the most popular database for TEW.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Comradebot" data-cite="Comradebot" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="22990" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>[/b]<p> </p><p> I understand that, but at the same time... if anyone other than the people working on this play the mod, then it'll stand out. The idea is to create a fully original database, and it won't look that way when they see "UEW" in Europe, just like in the C-Verse. I'd love to see some more happening in Europe, but it should have a name not so easily associated with a company from likely the most popular database for TEW.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Dually noted and UEW will now be known as Pure European Wrestling. Unless i think of something snazzier.....</p>
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Quick question to anybody who has an opinion, in regards to names being used in other mods, how does everyone involved feel about shared initials? The reason I ask is I know of at least one of my promotions sharing initials with a promotion in another mod. Is everyone all right with that or should I go about changing the name of my company?
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="BHK1978" data-cite="BHK1978" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="22990" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Quick question to anybody who has an opinion, in regards to names being used in other mods, how does everyone involved feel about shared initials? The reason I ask is I know of at least one of my promotions sharing initials with a promotion in another mod. Is everyone all right with that or should I go about changing the name of my company?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Eh, if it's not a real world or C-Verse promotion, then I think it's okay. There's definetely a line between super-recognizable companies and, say... someone promotion someone created as part of an add-on to the C-Verse, or for their own personal mod that maybe three people knows exists.</p>
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I know I haven't contributed anything to the mod, but I think the idea of having to avoid all possible promotion initials conflicts seems extremely silly. In all honesty, there really are only so many ways you can put together <strong>names</strong> for promotions without becoming somewhat silly, but I understanding trying to avoid using names in from other mods (especially ones that stand out or are memorable), but completely avoiding duplication of initials just seems to be taking that notion to an absurd level. Unless the company with the same initials is some sort of attempt to duplicate the other company (i.e. having a company named Wresting War Extreme and then having the characters be based on real world WWE workers), I don't see why anyone should worry about the fact that a promotion in this mod just happens to have the same initials as a promotion in another mod.
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Alec_Burkhardt" data-cite="Alec_Burkhardt" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="22990" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I know I haven't contributed anything to the mod, but I think the idea of having to avoid all possible promotion initials conflicts seems extremely silly. In all honesty, there really are only so many ways you can put together <strong>names</strong> for promotions without becoming somewhat silly, but I understanding trying to avoid using names in from other mods (especially ones that stand out or are memorable), but completely avoiding duplication of initials just seems to be taking that notion to an absurd level. Unless the company with the same initials is some sort of attempt to duplicate the other company (i.e. having a company named Wresting War Extreme and then having the characters be based on real world WWE workers), I don't see why anyone should worry about the fact that a promotion in this mod just happens to have the same initials as a promotion in another mod.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> That was my thinking as well but I thought that I would throw it up here just in case people thought differently. I mean like you said there are only so many names that we can come up with.</p>
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Co signing Alec's point. Think I'll do the rest of the Brehzev (spelling) family this week. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />
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I also agree with that. Also, I should probably point out at this time that The CLAW is also a part of my personal universe, (which may or may not be released, depending on how I feel about it when I'm done). Really, I hadn't thought this was a problem, but after some of the recent posts in here, I was starting to get concerned...
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Kobe1724" data-cite="Kobe1724" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="22990" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><em>Really</em> busy with B school right now but I'm giving it my best. ^_^</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Don't worry about it real life is much more important! Now if only I had a real life.....</p>
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Just a slight update


Okay this has not been listed in a while (okay it took me a half an hour to read through ever post since this has last been posted:D):


These are the promotions in the game thus far.



SAW - National - South

FLI - small- Ireland

UK Wrestling Council- Midlands



USSR - Regional - Eastern Europe




EWO - National -Ontario

PEIPW- small - Maritimes



United States:

US-A - regional - Mid Atlantic

PUSA - small- Midwest

TWA - cult - New England

LSSWL - regional - Mid South

iNY - regional - Tri State

CLAW - regional - Great Lakes

LLPR - regional/small - Puerto Rico

DARKNESS - small - Tri State

BWA - small- South West

FWC: HIW-regional- Hawaii

FWC: FWF-regional-South East

Unnamed Stennick developmental company- Mid South


S.E.X - cult - Southwest

WWA - cult - Southeast



KP-1 - regional - Hokkaido

Super Puro Tradition-not sure of size or location with Japan


Australia/New Zealand:

AWE-New Zealand





Tijuana Battle Zone Northern-it is a developmental company.

LAMLL- Not sure of size or location within Mexico

Nueva Edad Lucha Libre- Not sure of size or location within Mexico


The two promotions in bold are promotions that I am not sure of they might have been pulled from the game as I think they were the UFC-King's promotions. Also, if any promotions have been added or changed or taken away please tell me so I can change the list.

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Hey Fullhouse do you still have the data? :)


Yes I do. Since no one asked for it I started working on some free agents and my third promotion that I thought I was going to do at a later date.


Quick question to anybody who has an opinion, in regards to names being used in other mods, how does everyone involved feel about shared initials? The reason I ask is I know of at least one of my promotions sharing initials with a promotion in another mod. Is everyone all right with that or should I go about changing the name of my company?


I dont think should matter. No biggie in my opinion.



I'll be posting a update on a few new bios and another promotion that I added possibly tomorrow

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I just had an idea about Australia, why don't we have an All-Star tourning company out there. We would base it on Hulk Hogan's planned tour. So the company may run one or two months a year and we would have some of the better free agents involved in it.


It could be a board promotion and whenever the data comes around to someone they can add a person into the promotion. If this sounds lame just tell me and I will drop it, I just thought it might be kind of cool.

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Is there room for another promotion or more workers yet? I just stumbled upon this thread and I've been working on a simple promotion with roughly 20 CAW's that I've had over the years (with 25-30 actual profiles including alteregos) and this might be a good fit.
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Is there room for another promotion or more workers yet? I just stumbled upon this thread and I've been working on a simple promotion with roughly 20 CAW's that I've had over the years (with 25-30 actual profiles including alteregos) and this might be a good fit.


Of course. :)


There's always room for more. ^_^

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In response to a question BHK had:


Also, in regards to mask workers. I was wondering if you were cool with me posting pictures of your renders that you have done for the mod in the alt render section. I think that there are people in there that can do masks. So basically every masked worker we have could have an alt. render (the original render) without the mask. I just thought I would toss that idea out there, if you are not cool with it then we can just forget it.


Yeah, of course. ^_^


Anyone that wants to do masked alts (or any other alts) can go for it. :)


I made the decision to do the renders for all of the workers, but if anyone wants to provide their own alts/spins on workers I have no problem with it. :D


Thanks for the compliment btw.


Note: Has anyone been saving the logos in the topic? I just forgot to be honest. I can go through and get them but if anyone has them saved in a folder already that would be great. ^_^

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Here are the only logos I have thus far:


TWA: http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/myalbum/twa.jpg


TWA: http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/myalbum/twa2.jpg


TWA: http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/myalbum/twa3.jpg


BSW: http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/myalbum/logobsw.jpg

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Here are the only logos I have thus far:


TWA: http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/myalbum/twa.jpg


TWA: http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/myalbum/twa2.jpg


TWA: http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/myalbum/twa3.jpg


BSW: http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/myalbum/logobsw.jpg


Cool. ^_^

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Well, here are a few of the workers I've got so far. I don't have Daz3d or any program to make renders, but I'd be up for giving logos a shot if people would like to send me what they're looking for.


AJ Samuels

AJ Samuels (born Samuel Alexander on October 10, 1986) is a young, talented worker who broke into the business in 2007 as a clean-cut young man, demonstrating good basics, but lacking something to distinguish himself from many other youngsters at the time. Taking some time off, he returned to the indies with a new style, painting his face and possessing a number of tribal tattoos, as well as incorporating some brawling and unorthodox moves into his arsenal and using more of a calculated savage gimmick.


Cody Nash

"The Archetype" Cody Nash (born June 22, 1991) is the definition of a worker who is green. With very little knowledge of the business, Nash gets by on being a great physical specimen, hence his nickname. His attitude however will help him and he could turn out to be a fantastic worker if he takes the time.


John Blake

John Blake (born May 12, 1988) is better known as "The Safe Bet" Blake Gabriel, an egomaniac character who made his impact early in his career, winning a title belt on only his third event. The success apparently went to John's head as he began to pass his ****y persona off behind the scenes as well, leading to him being blackballed from the majority of promotions. Recently has tried to resurrect his career under the guise of "The Cleansing Knife" Athame, a masked character looking for redemption.


Mason Schmidt

"The English Assassin" Mason Schmidt (born March 13, 1983) is a brawler from the UK who made a name for himself carrying a crowbar with him to the ring and doing a series of hardcore matches in which he took major bumps and was able to continue. His body is not in great physical condition, but he has the skills to compete if given the chance.


Zane Quinn

Zane Quinn (born February 27, 1986) is a young wrestler from the states who uses an intense style gimmick, claiming to wrestle for the thrill of competition and using that to explain his journeyman style throughout the US Indies. Also has competed in Japan where he learned more about how to develop his stiff striking style.

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Sure. I'll upload the pic folder in a few minutes. ^_^


I don't have the most up to date data, as it's in Fullhouses hands at the moment but he can send it to you if you pm him. ^_^


Community Render (I'll assign it if no one snatches it by tomorrow):



Carl Brezhnev:



Dave Brezhnev:



Gary Cox:



Ivan Brezhnev:



Jonas Whanu:



Jack Depp (alt):


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