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MMA Tycoon


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Woooo, title fights!! :D


For those who care, I decided to abort my plan of trying to sign one of a number of good fighters who recently became available. A VIP member seems to have quit or something and all his fighters became available, and at the time of writing this post have about 90 hours left of their free agent status. I may be a good manager but they'll probably be taken by someone ranked higher than me...


... so I created myself another fighter in LA. I'm trying something out with him in a set up I know fairly well already. If it works then I'll have an amazing fighter on my hands... if not, then I've probably created me another can to release in the not distant future. Lets see what the future holds. :)

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My Fighters::

Jason "The Bad Influence" Kash [ 11786 ]

Heavyweight Record: 2-0


Bobby "Urban Legend" Urban [ 11806 ]

Light Heavyweight Record: 2-0


Newby "Wrap Em, Snap Em" Staples [ 11822 ]

Middleweight Record: 2-0


Cedric "The Wildcat" Wright [ 13142 ]

Middleweight Record: 0-0


Bobby Urban and Jason Kash are fighting their next fights for Championships. I am in Sydney but Newby is out of Tokyo. I will get VIP and open a gym as soon as I can.

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I'm kind of bored with this thing, so I'm going to release my fighters into the wild. I really don't know what I'm doing and have too much going on to take the time to figure it out. One of my fighters is 1-1, one is 2-0. They are Jack Lightning and Dave Zero respectively.


If anyone wants them, pick 'em up!


NOTE: I guess I can only do one at a time. Jack has been released, Dave is still with me. I have to wait 30 days now.

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I'm kind of bored with this thing, so I'm going to release my fighters into the wild. I really don't know what I'm doing and have too much going on to take the time to figure it out. One of my fighters is 1-1, one is 2-0. They are Jack Lightning and Dave Zero respectively.


If anyone wants them, pick 'em up!


NOTE: I guess I can only do one at a time. Jack has been released, Dave is still with me. I have to wait 30 days now.


Actually, I'll keep Dave and just mess around with him. Jack's out and available, though.

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Assuming you want to stay in London then Honor Fighting Championship (despite it's spelling issues :p) has been good to me so far. And they'll be looking to crown champions in the near future, so having some unbeaten talent in the company could see you float to the top pretty quickly. Just stay out of my 155 division and we're all good. :p
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On the subject of sponsorship, my deals with Bad 2 The Bone for Derek Blackley and Khru Kang (probably still my top 2 fighters in terms of skills, if not reputation) have expired... they never lsot a fight while being sponsored. ;)
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The Los Angeles org I had a couple of fighters in has closed so now I find myself without a company to fight for in LA... boo! :(


On the plus side, I I can pick up a couple of quick QFCs to bolster their records a little bit so that's probably a good thing. Could get a pretty hefty contract for someone who is 3-0 and near the top of his weight class. :D

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Featherweight won today in Tag's org... got scared when he was taken down at first though. Weathered the storm and stopped him just over two minutes.




Things are looking good for FFB. We have completely paid off our loan and are in the black. We've jumped a couple of more established promotions in Rio and aren't that far behind the big boys now. Create fighters and Rio and they'll get paid. :)

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