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WWE 2003: Tragedy Breeds Change

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It's August 4th, 2003. It's 4am. The phone rings. As I wearily get up, I search blindly for the phone. I pick it up in a mess.


Me: Hello? It's four in the morning, who is this.

Person: Man, go to your computer, look at the website.

Me: Cole, it's four, no one updates at this time.

Cole: Dean, trust me.


I get up and log onto wwe.com. Plastered on the main page is the following message.



Breaking News

We have just learned that today, Monday, August 4th, Vincent Kennedy McMahon, Linda McMahon and World Heavyweight Champion Triple H were involved in a plane crash on the way to a press conference in Greenwich, Connecticut. More information to come as it is released.


Me: Michael, I'll be at the towers as soon as I can.


I hang up the phone hurriedly and get dressed. I am in shock, hoping that the man who gave me my chances is still alive.

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I finally arrive to Titan Towers an hour later. The parking lot is packed to the brim. I'm assuming everyone who is someone is there. I find a parking spot and rush into the building, still shocked by the news. The first person I see as I walk in the door is a bewildered Pat Patterson. He's sitting in a chair, bent forward with his face in his hands. I rush past him and go up to the offices. As I arrive at the 23rd floor, Michael Cole is sitting there at my desk waiting for me.


Cole: It's about time you got here. Shane's here and he's been trying to take care of Steph since the news broke. She's a total mess.

Me: Yeah, I can totally understand that. Is there...is there any news? Are they dead?

Cole: I'm not quite sure just yet. I'm hoping for the best.

Me: Who isn't man?


Shane opens up the door to his dad's office, with Stephanie still in shambles behind him, but looking slightly better.


Shane: Everyone, listen up! There's an update. My mom and dad are alive, but in critical condition in the ICU. Mom is responsive, but dad isn't. We should know more later in the day. As for Hunter, he'll be fine, but he has a few cracked vertebrae from being thrown around in the plane. They have him under sedation. As for the flight staff, they're no longer with us. I'd like us to take a minute of silence to remember them. However, this situation is not something we had a contingency plan for, but seeing as how I am the eldest McMahon around, I'm assuming the reigns for now. Today, I want you to take the time you need to calm down but as of tomorrow, we are returning to normal. I'll be in contact with the television networks. I'll be postponing all events for the next month as we need to get adjusted to this situation in case the worst happens. Now everyone, off to work.

After his speech, I remain a little unsure of what to say or how to react. One full month of no events, I wonder how the workers will react. I'm sure they'll be sent to do PR everywhere. However, it is a logical step to take, seeing as how much trauma and fear everyone has gone through.

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Effective immediately, all WWE events for the month of August are cancelled. Tickets previously purchased to these events will be refunded at their point of purchase or honored for re-scheduled events in the future. The WWE staff thank you for your understanding.


OOC: Hopefully you guys like the storyline so far.

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It's an interesting start, I'll give you that, but may I ask why your main point of contact is Michael Cole? :D Just curious,, is there a specific reason for it being Michael Cole. Also, without wanting to be picky, When Michael Cole calls you at 4 in the morning, I would assume that means you are close friends, so calling him by his last name is a little odd, although this brings me on to my main point, that being that as you are trying to tell this from a real life perspective, you should actually be calling him Sean.
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OOC: I chose Cole because he was a person I highly doubt anyone else would use plus he was in charge of the web team at the time. He won't be an important character or anything, hence why I just used his on-screen name. Essentially, my character is that of a junior member of the booking team and it will play out from there. Essentially, once the shows get rolling, the backstage perspective will disappear, it's just for back story.
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It's been a week since the crash. The office is boisterous as usual, but seeing as how we're essentially on hold with no events, my job has been pointless. I've essentially sat around at my desk watching indie matches that my friends have sent me. I've been looking forward to today for the last few days as there's supposed to be a meeting at 3pm. We've found out recently that Vince broke his back and suffered a severe concussion, but he's slated to recover. Linda, who is responding well, sadly will be wheelchair bound for the rest of her days, as she severed her spine and now longer has any feeling in the lower half of her body. Hunter is going to make a full recovery within the 15 months, he just had several discs in his neck fused.



It's finally three o'clock and I head over to Shane's new office, which is just Vince's office. I'm sitting there, the newest member of the writing team, with road agents and other writers surrounding me.


Shane: I've called you all here today in this meeting for one simple reason, we need to get this show back on the road and I need everyone to be one hundred percent ready to give it their all. Forget the way it used to be, now that I'm in charge, I want you to speak your minds freely, don't be afraid that you'll be laughed at. Our rating have been slipping for the last few years and with this unfortunate event last week, we have the chance to capitalize and make this empire what it once was. I've decided to announce to the fans that we will be re-drafting the entire roster. We have four weeks to prepare for this guys. I need you to brainstorm some ideas and see what we can do in order to get this place running perfectly again. Stephanie will be taking time away from the company in order to take care of Hunter and mom and dad. I need you guys to determine who will be the GM of each brand. I will be filming an address to put up on the website and we will be announcing the draft picks on the website. Now all of you, get to work.

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