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WEXXV : Deathmatches-R-Us

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Warrior Engine XXV, Death Match City, Death Match Town, Death Match County, Whatever the hell you want to call it, It better involve Death Matches. Warrior Engine XXV came to mind, it was basically the brain-child of Ryu Kajahara, and if you don't know who Ryu Kajahara is, well then, just get the hell out of here, or pay attention. Ryu Kajahara was a hardcore legend. However, he never really wrestled for the Big Leagues. He was a TV star, and that's why we loved him.


So, Back to WEXXV, we came to mind in 2005, and we're the example of a promotion, who don't care that we have crappy workers or crappy audiences, we're the real deal. But, we get in there and present Death Defying match-ups, and we risk our lives in Every Single Match we put on. Regardless of our small size, we've got some big stars, Ryu Kajahara for one, Larry Wood, Kimitada Ohishi, Hiroshi Morisue, Battle Sakata, Saionji Omura and Travis Century. But enough about them. Now It's my introduction.


My Name is Deathmatch Vampire. Not Kidding here, I legally changed it. I can show you my certificate. I was brought up in the rough streets of New York City, but I moved to England with my Father and Brothers in 1998, when I was just 10 years old, and that's basically why I wear English Attire in the ring, when I fight that is, usually I'm either beating on somebody or being brutally beaten on myself. So, now you're probably wondering, why Deathmatch Vampire, Why WEXXV, and Why the Hell would they pick him ?


Well The Reason I chose WEXXV to go after my dream with, is number 1, I love their idea of Deathmatches all the time, and no real traditionalists taking over. Why Me, Well, I love to wrestle, and I feel I have an interesting Style, and why the hell would they sign me as their new head booker ? Well, just look at my name.


My Name is Deathmatch Vampire, and you can find my style in only one place, Warrior Engine XXV.

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Speaking as a Brit and a wrestling fan, what the heck is English Attire?


I'm going with a "Puffy Shirt," tight black slacks, and a cane with some kind of crystal on the top.


Why? Because he said his avatar was the Deathmatch Vampire and that's what they wear. :D

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Roster Assessment




Battle Sakata is probably one of our earliest stars, coming to the Company in 2005, and was our very first King of Death Matches, he held the title for 5 Months. Unfortunately, he dropped the title to Hiroshi Morisue, and is a valuable asset to the roster, due to him being Cheap to keep, and exciting for the fans.






Doug Peak, Probably one of our scariest wrestlers. Not due to his skills, but due to his pale skin and very scary, demonic like face. However, his in-ring skills are getting better every time he fights, and he could become a very important member for our roster as we get bigger.







Gareth Wayne, is currently in his prime with WEXXV, however, his time may not be much longer, as his in-ring skills are poor, but he does get better every time, however, he will never become big enough to become champion, but could easily become a gate keeper.



Keep, but watch progress until Contract Renewal




Henry Lee has become quite the star in Japan, just due to the fact of his great entertainment skills, however his other skills are very poor. He's gained a boost in popularity after teaming up with Doug Peak, and could easily become Champion one day.







Hiroshi Morisue was quite the Champion back in the day, and is still quite the popular fighter here with WEXXV, winning the Warrior's Heart Title, and the King of Death Matches title in an absolute war with Battle Sakata. He's Still young, and could easily become champion again.







Former Champion, Kimitada Ohishi was quite the Brawler back in the day, 80's, 90's, and even some times in the 2000's. He started working for WEXXV when friend Ryu Kajahara called him up, but his time may not be long with WEXXV due to his age.



Keep, but watch Performances until Contract Renewal




Kinji Akamatsu is a youngster with a load of potential, and has the ability to finish anybody with the right coaching or mind state, however, he is much younger and smaller than most, but his never say die attitude always makes him a threat.



Keep, but watch Progress until Contract Renewal




Koichi Kajiwara is a monster competitor who got his big break in WEXXV when he won the King of Deathmatches Title in 2007, and has held the title ever since. Often criticized for being one-dimensional







Larry Wood is one of our biggest stars, due to his Deathmatch Persona, and always dangerous style. It's only a matter of time before he gets an offer from a Bigger Promotion, Unfortunate for us, but we'll get on with those working agreements.







Mamoru Nagahama is one of our brightest stars, however after total re-construction and re-rehabilitation of his knee, he's lost some flair. Not a total fit for our Ultra-Violent Promotion, we intend on keeping him as long as possible, and not just because he holds our Blood Brothers Title.







Matsudaira Morioka, another odd fit for our promotion, starting his career with GCG, but ended up getting dropped and sent over here. He quickly got back up, and got his big break winning the Blood Brothers Title with Mamoru Nagahama







Munemitsu Senmatsu, is one of our bright prospects, and we're risking a lot on him. After winning the Blood Brothers Title with Taheiji Konoe, then winning the Warrior's Heart Title, he is one of out biggest stars.







The Undisputed King-Pin of WEXXV, Ryu Kajahara is a Hardcore Legend, but also a TV Star. He wanted his own space, and a chance to prove he's got some business sense as well, opening up WEXXV in 2005. He Should be staying with us for a long time.







Saionji Omura, has got to be one of the oldest living Active Wrestlers around. Pushing 61, he still engages in wild brawls, which ensures his spot with us at WEXXV







Taheiji Konoe, is quite the star with WEXXV after winning the Blood Brothers Title with Partner Munemitsu Senmatsu. Hasn't won a title since, and is currently staying at Opener Level.



Keep, but watch Progress until Contract Renewal




Travis Century was a big star with DAVE until it's demise, just as he was becoming a credible prospect. Henry Lee persuaded him to come over to Japan to wrestle with WEXXV, and has been here ever since.







Zeshin Makioka's Check List would look something like this : Join a Credible Dojo, Check, Finish and Graduate, No Check, Dojo Drop-Out, Check. Bright Young Prospect, Check. Which is the obvious reason in us keeping him.





At Least Two More Wrestlers are in the negotiation process with us, and we should be able to get a hold of them within the next week.

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WEXXV Presents...




2 vs 2

Death Proof Osaka Deathmatch

Naga-Mori © vs. American Psychos


1 vs 1

BBW-Style Deathmatch

Ryu Kajahara vs. Saionji Omura


1 vs 1

Super Light Tube Deathmatch

Battle Sakata vs. Gareth Wayne


1 vs 1

Fans Bring Weapons Deathmatch

Madman Boone vs. Hiroshi Morisue


1 vs 1

Wildman Chain Deathmatch

Primal Rage vs. Rhino Umaga


Quick Picks


Primal Rage vs. Rhino Umaga

Madman Boone vs. Hiroshi Morisue

Battle Sakata vs. Gareth Wayne

Ryu Kajahara vs. Saionji Omura

Naga-Mori © vs. American Psychos

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Saionji Omura spoke to Totalextremewrestling.com today, and spoke about many interesting things involving the wrestling world. Another interesting thing he mentioned, is that he's considering retirement. Should he lose of course at the first Tour Stop. Should he lose, he could retire immediately, or give it a little while. Should he win, he could easily change his mind and perhaps even win the title before retirement.


We'll keep you posted for all your WEXXV needs, and even some other news about the Wrestling World.



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If the shows for this diary are done TigerKinney format style it's going to be pretty awesome


Primal Rage vs. Rhino Umaga

No one in japan knows Rage

Madman Boone vs. Hiroshi Morisue

Likewise no-one in Japan knows the Madman

Battle Sakata vs. Gareth Wayne

You seem to be marking more for Sakata

Ryu Kajahara vs. Saionji Omura

Ryu is the bigger star, although i wouldn't set this prediction in stone as we may see shock gasp STORYLINE coming in here

Naga-Mori © vs. American Psycho

The Champs retain to maintain the prestige of the belts

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