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Pro Wrestling WAVE: The Ram in The Orient

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Week 2




Round 1

Block A

Tsutomu Oosugi & Makoto Oishi d Ken45 & PSYCHO


Block A

MEN's Teioh & Dick Togo d Flash Moon & Tigers Mask


Block B

Super Delfin & Super Dolphin d Sasuke the Great & Yoshihito Sasaki


Block B

HANZO & El Blazer d GAINA & The Winger


Block C

Jun Kasai & NOSAWA Rongai d Rascal Matsuzaki & Oscar Hanaoka


Block C

Gamma & Naoki Tanisaki d Shu Sato & isami


Round 2

Block A

Tsutomu Oosugi & Makoto Oishi d MEN's Teioh & Dick Togo


Block B

HANZO & El Blazer d Super Delfin & Super Dolphin


Block C

Gamma & Naoki Tanisaki d Jun Kasai & NOSAWA Rongai


Round 3

Block A

Tsutomu Oosugi d Makoto Oishi


Block B

El Blazer d HANZO


Block C

Naoki Tanisaki d Gamma



El Samurai d Cyber Kong



Naoki Tanisaki d Tsutomu Oosugi & El Blazer



The two stables of WAVE, The BLACK Family and Youth MOVEMENT had two entries in the tournament, and each only had one get past the second round.


Gamma came out from the back prior to his match, and said he finally found a partner for tonight! Shu Sato and isami looked worried, and then when Naoki Tanisaki came out, making his PW-WAVE debut, the young duo looked like they wanted to quit before the match even started. Unfortunately for them, they weren't allowed to forfeit, and they got dispatched quickly by the all star team of Gamma and Tanisaki. After the match the two seemed to be able to work in unison, but had a long stare-down when they knew they might have to fight each other in the future.


And fight they did. The two went one-on-one in the last match of the third round after dispatching Jun Kasai and NOSAWA Rongai in their second round contest. The two fought tooth and nail, with every ounce of their being to try and one-up each other. Gamma had the match won, lifting up Naoki for a Schwein, but Tanisaki flipped off his shoulders and rolled through. He quickly turned around and before Gamma realized what happened, Naoki had him rolled up in a school boy pin, and that was enough to catch him off guard! The referee counted three a fraction of a second before Gamma kicked out, allowing Tanisaki to move on to the finals! Gamma, instead of trying to destroy everything, instead just sat there in the middle of the ring, in absolute shock. He didn't move once, and had a absent look of disbelief on his face till the referees got him to leave to start the next match.


The lone non-tournament match up was a high-caliber match featured El Samurai taking on Dragon Gate's Cyber Kong. While it didn't have tournament implications, the actions it contained were enough to make it the most important thing that happened all night.


During the match, Cyber Kong had control of the match, when all of a sudden Youth MOVEMENT's Tsutomu Oosugi, Makoto Oishi, and isami ran to the ring. No one was exactly sure why, but there was an audible gasp from the crowd when Oosugi attacked the ref from behind, knocking him out. Then the three youngsters began assaulting Kong as Samurai stood there laughing. Oishi shook the ref back to consciousness, Samurai lazily pinned Kong, and the four of them celebrated together in the ring.


Samurai grabbed a microphone and explained that when Youth MOVEMENT tasted victory over as an important team as Speed Muscle, they liked it, and they wanted more. Samurai, who's won more titles than everyone else on the WAVE roster, saw this and knew what he needed to do, taking them in as the first students of the Samurai Dojo! Samurai, Oishi, and isami then left, allowing Oosugi to prepare for the main event.


The main event was absolutely insane, not only from the exciting action in the ring, but also from the cast of characters that tried to interfere at one point or other. First off the newly assembled Samurai Dojo tried to run intereference for Tsutomu, but that was met by resistance from a weakened, but still hulking Cyber Kong.


Then Gamma, who was finally out of his catatonic state ran in to distract Naoki Tanisaki. He ran to the ring with his right hand clenched in a fist, and he hopped onto the apron as the referee was focused on the four-on-one brawl that was going on between the Dojo and Kong. As he hopped up, Blazer had Tanisaki in a rear waist lock, and as Gamma threw his hand open to let loose a cloud of blinding powder, Naoki ducked and shoulder-thrusted Gamma to the floor below.


He then turned around and pinned the blinded Blazer, and the referee counted one-two-three, and Naoki Tanisaki earned a King of the WAVE Championship title shot on his first night in the promotion! Gamma was slow to get up, and all the chaos continued around the ring as the show came to an end.

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Post show thoughts:


The views are rising again, the comments are coming, this is finally starting to pan out! Huzzah! Thanks folks


For just being a tournament show, I think a lot of stuff got going with the actions that transpired.


While the BLACK Family had got momentum following the ten-man tag on the last show, I think it was key to establish the order of importance within the stable, that Ken45 and PSYCHO are the 'B team' of the group. They weren't going to go over one of our marquee names in the first round, that's just absurd.


Naoki Tanisaki is a freelancer who's gained the majority of his fame from his work in Dragon Gate. Expect a bio up tonight. I was somewhat hesitant about having him take the whole thing on his first night in town, but he's as popular as anyone else in my main event, and the way I see it, it wasn't as much him winning it as Gamma loosing again. I know the heel's supposed to be winning things like this cheaply, but I think Gamma's character is going to be more dynamic. He's going to go from despicable heel to someone you have to sympathize with when he gets screwed over.


The heel turn for Youth MOVEMENT might seem out of the blue, but I think Samurai's promo summed it up pretty well. They tasted success, and they would do anything to keep feeling it. Pretty solid reasoning I felt. Plus isami's a better heel than a face (C+ compared to D-) and I have high expectations for him, so this'll help him a lot better than being a vanilla-y baby face.


Gots 4th of July stuff to do today, so I'll probably post the WAVE VII preview super late tonight, or tomorrow. Probably the latter of the two. Thanks again for following folks! If you have any suggests or comments, don't be afraid to say anything! Later!

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Hey FuelFan can i put some feedback to you? See I'm a slight Japan indie mark and so this diary appeals to me, but what would really be cool is if you would put your match descriptions with the matches rather then your current format. So for example:



Naoki Tanisaki d Tsutomu Oosugi & El Blazer


The main event was absolutely insane, not only from the exciting action in the ring, but also from the cast of characters that tried to interfere at one point or other. First off the newly assembled Samurai Dojo tried to run intereference for Tsutomu, but that was met by resistance from a weakened, but still hulking Cyber Kong.


Then Gamma, who was finally out of his catatonic state ran in to distract Naoki Tanisaki. He ran to the ring with his right hand clenched in a fist, and he hopped onto the apron as the referee was focused on the four-on-one brawl that was going on between the Dojo and Kong. As he hopped up, Blazer had Tanisaki in a rear waist lock, and as Gamma threw his hand open to let loose a cloud of blinding powder, Naoki ducked and shoulder-thrusted Gamma to the floor below.


He then turned around and pinned the blinded Blazer, and the referee counted one-two-three, and Naoki Tanisaki earned a King of the WAVE Championship title shot on his first night in the promotion! Gamma was slow to get up, and all the chaos continued around the ring as the show came to an end



/\ The above would make for a lot more easier reading and in my mind attract new fans. Also if you put the workers photos (that you put alot work into) above the match title that'd be cool too. Oh and maybe matches grades too if you're feeling generous :)


I hope you might take my idea into consideration as any diary that has the likes of El Blazer Yosh!tune, Crazy Monkey Jun Kasai and The Winger has my vote.

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Thanks for the suggestion Celt


The main reason I've been doing it this way is because it's sorta inspired by the traditional Japanese styled net reports, ala http://www.puroresufan.com/njpw/, just without the giant page-long write ups for the show.


The main reason I did it that way is because I'm not going to have something unique to say about every single basic undercard match. And I've found out from my past dynasty attempts, the more I write, the faster i get burnt out. Plus I wanted to do something that broke the mold of the standard


"Picture 1 v Picture 2"

"Wrestler Name 1 v Wreslter Name 2"

"Match Gimmick"


"Match Description"


format. I mean it's probably the standard because it's the most aesthetically pleasing and easiest to follow, I just didn't want to conform with the way everyone else does their dynasties.


That being said, I desperately want people to enjoy what I put effort into, so I'll probably change the look for that next show lol


expect the WAVE VII preview tonight when I get out of work! The show itself will probably be tomorrow or the day after, so you guys can hopefully get some predictions on!


thanks again guys, see you around soon!

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WAVE VII Preview:

Congrats to Naoki Tanisaki for shocking the world, coming in and winning it all his very first night in the company! So that leads us to our main event for WAVE VII, where we re-crown a King of the WAVE Champion, between K-Ness and Naoki Tanisaki, two Dragon Gate alumni!


On the last show, we the forming of a new stable when three of the four Youth MOVEMENT members turned heel and aligned with El Samurai, forming the Samurai Dojo. On WAVE VII we'll see Oosugi, Oishi, and isami teaming up to go three on three with Kaientai DX, MEN's Teioh and Dick Togo, as well as Yoshihito Sasaki.


And what about the fourth member of Youth MOVEMENT, Shu Sato? He's said to be unhappy with the way events unfolded, and there are reports that he's been in contact with his former team-mates to try and persuade them to 'see the light'. I'm sure we'll see more from this at WAVE VII.


And the man who was denied a win by the assault of the newly-formed Dojo, Cyber Kong? He's been livid ever since, and he wanted someone to take his aggression out on at the next show. So, in the interest of a good match, we'll see him face someone who's come up short of a title shot the last two in El Blazer!


Our other stable, The BLACK Family will be in action, with NOSAWA, Kasai, PSYCHO, and Onryo teaming together in a four-on-four tag match against jovial tecnicos Los Dos Delfines, Super Delfin and Dolphin, and the WaveRiders, Rascal Matsuzaki and Oscar Hanaoka in what should be an exciting fast-paced match.


The last member of The 'Family will be in action in a triple threat match against the current king of multi-man matches, Flash Moon and his partner from WAVE VI, Tigers Mask.


Finally, we'll see a four-way dance with our resident rudo core of GAINA, The Winger, and Sasuke the Great, along with tecnico HANZO. The three rudos have all tagged together at points on our shows, so it'll be interesting to see if they work together to take out the experienced HANZO.


Previews & Predictions

Flash Moon v Ken45 v Tigers Mask


HANZO v GAINA v The Winger v Sasuke the Great


NOSAWA Rongai, Jun Kasai, PSYCHO, & Onryo v Super Delfin, Super Dolphin, Rascal Matsuzaki, & Oscar Hanaoka


Tsutomu Oosugi, Makoto Oishi, & isami v MEN's Teioh, Dick Togo, & Yoshihito Sasaki


El Blazer v Cyber Konghttp://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c267/fuelfan0102/TEW/dgs.jpg


King of the WAVE Championship

K-Nesshttp://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c267/fuelfan0102/TEW/dgs.jpg v Naoki Tanisaki

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