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GCG: Global Honored Crown

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Concerning the failure of the Junior Title match, you may want to up the levels of Modern in the product.


The BHOTWG fans accept the high flying super juniors and cruiserweight because in the Burning Hammer product Modern is set to Medium. That means that it's not a 'focus' of the product but that the fans will accept and enjoy that style of wrestling.


In the default GCG product, Modern is set to NONE meaning that the fans turning up to the shows wont want to see a bunch of high flying 'flippity floppity' guys at all (I was always baffled as to why Eagle Kawasawa was in GCG and after studying their product more closely I'm now even more baffled). Ideally for the Junior Division to succeed you'll want to get Modern up to at least 'Medium' but at the very least you should up it from None at all to at least Low, otherwise forming a Junior Division will be a total waste of time.


With that in mind, I would still focus the GCG Junior Division around lightweight workers who have more of a 'ground game' or/and are a good strikers, so I would build it more around the likes of Hell Monkey and SUKI as opposed to pure high-flyers. A gaijin talent, I would bring in, if he's not been snapped up by someone else already would be Frankie Perez. Another good fit would be Mokuami Maita but his contract with BHOTWG might not be up anytime soon and if he's getting a decent enough push he probably wont be willing to come to GCG at this moment in time.


Focusing on such workers, would help the GCG fans to become more accepting of a Junior Division and it would also give GCG's it's own identity compared to that of BHOTWG's or the Junior Heavyweight focused WLW.

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Thank you all for the feedback. And yes, I noticed that "Modern" was on "None" on the start of week 4 so I changed it to Low. I've been pondering that, you know, for storyline reasons, this could be one of Hanshiro Furusawa's "bad business decisions" he has made during the years in GCG. :p


Tigerkinney, Mokuami Maita is with WLW at the start of the game and will infact join GCG this week! (Week 2).


Frankie Perez.. Yes, he's awesome, and perhaps I will sign him sometime during the game but I don't want to bring in too many "too good" superstars that usually diaries do. I want to build my own stars, so to speak. I would like to see guys like Kiemon Yoshimatsu, Namboku Makuda and other youngsters improve during the years and became superstars.


About the Junior division and such; BHOTWG has a great division and most of the WLW guys are Cruiserweights or Juniors so maybe it would be a good decision to stay on the Brawler/regular/technician/puroresu scale. After all we do have a working agreement with PGHW right from the start of the game. :p


EDIT: 3000 posts

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Trade News









http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/GCG/INSPIRE.jpg http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/GCG/GCG.jpg





INSPIRE and Golden Canvas Grappling have come to terms with three (3) new Talent trades. From INSPIRE, GCG will get Tasuku Iesada, Li Bingci and Masaaki Okazaki in exchange for Jack Marlowe, Shotaro Ikina and Yasuhide Tayama.































From WLW, joining the GCG roster for three appearances will be the "Babyface Assassin" Mokuami Maita, Koki Ishibashi and Awesome Thunder in exchange for Henry Bennett, Harumi Okazawaya and Jack Marlowe.

























Talent Trade Evaluation










Traded from MAW, Cameron Vessey, Casey Valentine and Bulldozer Brandon Smith have left GCG due to contract expiry.







Cameron Vessey & Casey Valentine: C-2-V

"The Second Generation Superstar", "Son of Larry" Cameron Vessey and the nephew of Peter Valentine, "Protege of Rip Chord" Casey Valentine, otherwise known as the young and promising tag team named C-2-V made a nice little visit in our promotion and even worked in our Parade Of Champions pre-show as they took on Yanagita and Murkami. During their three match stay they wrestled quite good matches against our veterans and really learned a lot from all the matches they had (2 Tag (D+, D+), 1 Singles (D, D-)). Like the Young Lions before them, they lost all three matches but gained precious experience from every single minute they spend inside the Golden Canvas. As talented as both wrestlers are, sadly they are both really young. This three match loan won't be the only one for these two prodigys in the long run, however we won't be offering them a new one until the "Tiger's Roar" tour ends.













Bulldozer Brandon Smith

The 24 year old ex-football player from Minnesota had some surprisingly good matches against the likes of Ikina, Ferdinand and Umaga (D+, C-, D+). Like Vessey and Valentine, he too lost all his matches as he's described as a "Young Lion" and will be paying his dues for a long time if he will stay here in Japan. Smith is certainly made for a promotion like us as his puroresu style is the be all and end all here at Golden Canvas. Smith impressed us more than enough and thus we will be offering him a Touring contract, a "MAW first" of all time.























Traded from INSPIRE: Kimitada Yanagita, Roku Sotomura and Tasuku Iesada have left GCG due to contract expiry.







Kimitada Yanagita & Roku Sotomura

Yanagita is extremely talented as a solid performer but lacks all the other skills. The biggest disappointment from INSPIRE, he was probably paired with the wrong opponents as he faced Murkami, Bennett and teamed up with Murkami as they took on C-V-2 (D, E+, D+). His opponents were too similar: Murkami and Bennett are too really solid, consistent performers but lack the real wrestling skills needed to make it big in our promotion, just like Yanagita. Sotomura on the other hand is the opposite of Yanagita: Strong technical skills but lacks psychology and selling for instance. Sotomura faced Samoan Machine, Ryunosuke Matsuki and Mokuami Maita during his stay (C-, D-, C-). Yanagita may receive a second chance during the next tour and Sotomura in the future if he will be able to improve his performance skills.













Tasuku Iesada

"Dangerous" lived up to all the hype. Tag team match with Hyobanshi against Gakusha and Kuroki, Triple Threat for the #1 Contenderspot and the showstealing 30 minute performance at Parade Of Champions against Hyobanshi which ended in a draw, Iesada clearly provided a lot of excitement for your fanbase (C+, C+, B). With the match ending in a draw against Hyobanshi, Iesada seems to be destined for a grudge match against Hyobanshi in the near future. Iesada has a Written contract with INSPIRE and thus we can only offer them a Talent Trade.




















Traded from WLW: Hell Monkey, Awesome Thunder and Dark EAGLE.









Hell Monkey

The puroresu superstar has been receiving rave reviews for years and it's no wonder as he's one of the best all arounders of his size in Japan at the moment. Fighting against Miyazaki, Takayuki 2000 and Makuda (C, C+, C-) he helped our wrestlers a lot, even getting a relatively good match out of Makuda. Hell Monkey is one to watch for future as this suberb athlete will surely be destined for greatness. Simply put, Hell Monkey has it all and thus will be offered a Touring contract.














Awesome Thunder

The six time WLW Universal champion and the #12 of 2007, this veteran is fighting a losing battle with his body yet he can still outwrestle the majority of any roster in any promotion. Thunder seems to past his prime but he can still deliver a great match against anyone. The draw with Takayuki 2000, win from Makuda and the 3 vs. 3 Interpromotional battle against the GCG stars (B-, C-, C-) showed exactly what Thunder is cabable of. He can put on a match of the night against someone like Takayuki, he can carry a youngster like Makuda into a watchable match and he can be a ring general in a six man tag match. Because of his Loyalty to WLW, we can only offer him another Loan contract. When the limit has been reached, the Ace of WLW will surely be missed.













Dark EAGLE is another suberb veteran from WLW just like Narita (Awesome Thunder). The leader of The Circle Of Blood has amazing performance skills and can provide a good match against anyone. At Parade Of Champions EAGLE won the GHC Junior Heavyweight Championship in a fourway match and defended the belt succesfully till the end of his Loan period and thus is the first wrestler ever to be officially offered a Touring contract due to holding a championship title here at the GCG. Dark Eagle faced Furusawa in a Singles match, won the title in the fourway match and defended it against Black Eagle succesfully during his Loan period (C+, D, C-).





















Traded from CZCW: Insane Machine, Black Eagle and Masked Cougar have left GCG due to contract expiry.








Insane Machine

Chris Perkins has been a CZCW Ace for a long time and has delivered a bunch of great matches on the US soil aswell in Japan for WLW. A CZCW (Coastal Zone Championship, Tag Team (3) and Xtreme Champion) and WLW Triple Crown Winner (World Level Show Stealer, Streetfighting and Tag Team), Perkins has an amazing array of skills. Great performance skills with even better Aerial skills which are backed with good technical skills, he's more than welcome to join Golden Canvas. Insane Machine faced Coleman & Ferdinand with Masked Cougar, was part of the Fourway Junior match and tore the house down against Samoan Machine on Wednesday (D+, D, C) and thus the Touring contract will not come as a surprise to anyone.













Black Eagle

Eagle started off quite badly against Watson but took his game to another level in the Junior fourway and against Dark EAGLE (D, C-, C-). Eagle is a cruiserweight with weak technical skills but suberb performance and aerials skills and thus will train our workers to adapt more aerial skills and perhaps learn a thing from our workers. This was one of the hardest choices to make but we ended up giving Ian Herring a Touring contract.













Masked Cougar

Cougar is somewhat of a Black Eagle-Lite: Carbon copy except Cougar's skills are a step behind of Eagle's. He had a match against Coleman & Ferdinand with Insane Machine, was part of the Junior fourway and went against Murkami (D+, D, C-) but didn't really impress enough for us to offer him a new contract. Maybe in the future but not during this or the next tour.



















Traded for WLW, Stuart Ferdinand left WLW on Friday. Ferdinand had a three match deal and those matches were against Mokuami Maita (Loss, C-), tagging with Eagle Kawasava and Silver Shark as they took on Mokuami Maita, Dean Daniels and Kazuma Narato (Win, C) and against our own talent when Ferdinand faced Henry Bennett (Win, D+).















Other News:

  • Hell Monkey has signed a PPA deal with BHOTWG.

  • GCG has ended their Working Agreements with 4C and OLLIE, deeming the contracts unnecessary and useless since the promotions could not offer GCG the right kind of wrestlers who could endure and succeed in Golden Canvas.






The images of Hiroyasu Gakusha and Takayuki 2000 have been updated with jtlant's great new renders that I noticed from the alt thread a while back.




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I liked the talent trade lowdown. It was a fun read. I almost suggested the jtl's alts but figured ya knew about them and would of used them if ya wished for it. With the old GCG logo figured ya liked to keep it original. I LOVE THOSE ALTS! Use em all the time. The T 2000 alt on the green GCG background looks great! Wish he would make some more of them! A knew Toshiharu Hyobanshi from him would be cool. Anyways, lovin' the diary dude.
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Prediction Results:


GCG Stars Of Golden Canvas

Week 1



D-Lyrium 4/8

Liamo 5/8

maskedpropaganda 5/8

foolinc 5/8

Bigpapa42 4/8



Liamo, maskedpropaganda and foolinc drew for the first place and thus will get to decide either:

  • A match to be shown on Stars Of Golden Canvas.

  • An interview with any wrestler on the roster.

  • To book a match that will be held in the near future.

  • A 3 Match Talent Trade from any promotion we have a working agreement with.

  • Suggest a Tag Team match and choose the participants to see if there's any chemistry between the workers.






hrdcoresidebrns 5/9

randomfreeze 6/9

foolinc 4/9

Hyde Hill 3/9

Bigpapa42 3/9

maskedpropaganda 5/9

Tigerkinney 6/9 (8/9)

D-Lyrium 4/9



Parade Of Champions was a tough one with two draws, one of which Tigerkinney predicted correctly and thus he will get 8/9. Randomfreeze and Tigerkinney can choose the same options described above for Liamo, maskedpropaganda and foolinc.








The Special Deal.


As randomfreeze got 6/9 correct which was really good and so as a reward he will get to choose one wrestler to be pushed one step above, meaning that if a Midcarder will be chosen, he will be booked to be an Upper Midcarder, gaining victories until he will be autopushed as an upper midcarder and from there on forward he will get victories from the workers below him and losing to those who are higher than him. PM me your selection if you choose this option.



Tigerkinney got 6/9 but with the Draw surprlus it's going to be 8/9 and thus he will receive the same deal except he will get to choose one wrestler to be pushed two steps above or two wrestlers to be pushed one step above. The decisions will take effect on Week 1 on February since I have already booked weeks 3 and 4 of January. PM me your selection if you choose this option.



The push status will be for 3 Touring months. (February, April and May) since March is our off-month.




Once again: Six different options for you two; One of the five described above or The Special Deal. :cool: OR you can trade the Special Offer for two choices on the five options in the list (Ie. you could choose to book a match and a Talent Trade aswell).






Here's the full match list for Week 2 of January.

The Prediction contest winners can choose any match from this list to be shown on this weeks edition of Stars Of Golden Canvas, should they choose the first "Show Match" option:



Rhino Umaga vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith


Casey Valentine vs. Masutaro Kataoka


Griffin & Bennett vs. Naga-Mori




Julian Watson vs. Nathan Coleman


GHC Junior Heavyweight

Dark EAGLE vs. Black Eagle


Shingen Miyazaki vs. Ryunosuke Matsuki


Samoan Machine vs. Insane Machine


Hell Monkey vs. Namboku Makuda


Takayuki 2000 vs. Mabuchi Furusawa




Masked Cougar vs. Naonobu Murkami


Barry Griffin vs. Kiemon Yoshimatsu


Roku Sotomura vs. Mokuami Maita



Jack Marlowe vs. Shingen Miyazaki


Masutaro Kataoka vs. Shotaro Ikina


Rhino Umaga & Naonobu Murkami vs. Namboku Makuda & Ryunosuke Matsuki




GHC Openweight

Harumi Okazawaya vs. Stuart Ferdinand


Eagle Kawasawa vs. Kiemon Yoshimatsu


Mamoru Nagahama vs. Samoan Machine


Mabuchi Furusawa vs. Yasuhide Tayama


Julian Watson vs. Hiroyasu Gakusha






Depending on how many matches the users will choose this preview may change but here are the matches scheduled to be shown on this week's edition of Stars Of Golden Canvas:








'Interpromotional Battle'

Jack Marlowe vs. Masaaki Okazaki






'Interpromotional Battle'

Hiroyasu Gakusha vs. Li Bingci






'Interpromotional Battle'

KOKI Ishibashi vs. Kiminobu Kuroki






'Interpromotional Battle'

Team GCG vs. Team WLW

Jimmy Cox, Kiminobu Kuroki & Takayuki 2000 vs. Awesome Thunder, Mokuami Maita & KOKI Ishibashi






'Interpromotional Battle'

Li Bingci vs. Toshiharu Hyobanshi






'Interpromotional Battle'

GHC World Heavyweight

Pistol Pete Hall vs. Masaaki Okazaki




Full prediction list coming after the Prediction winners have chosen their prizes.



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Ya need another tag team and not one which consists of a Main Eventer & their little Opener friend or just 2 gajins. So I am gonna go ahead and choose the tag team option and suggest ya try teaming Double K and T-2000 (Kiminobu Kuroki & Takayuki 2000). I had great chemistry with the two in a past game and they did well. Also if they seem ok, then they are a legit team to take the tag straps off of Coming Storm Yasuhide Tayama, so he can challenge Hall.
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The following matches will be featured in this week's GCG: "Stars Of The Golden Canvas" program.



Prediction list:


'Interpromotional Battle'

30 Minute Time Limit

Jack Marlowe vs. Masaaki Okazaki


'Interpromotional Battle'

30 Minute Time Limit

Hiroyasu Gakusha vs. Li Bingci


'Interpromotional Battle'

30 Minute Time Limit

KOKI Ishibashi vs. Kiminobu Kuroki


'Interpromotional Battle'

30 Minute Time Limit

Team GCG vs. Team WLW

Jimmy Cox, Kiminobu Kuroki & Takayuki 2000 vs. Awesome Thunder, Mokuami Maita & KOKI Ishibashi


'Interpromotional Battle'

30 Minute Time Limit

Li Bingci vs. Toshiharu Hyobanshi


'Interpromotional Battle'

30 Minute Time Limit

GHC World Heavyweight

Pistol Pete Hall vs. Masaaki Okazaki




(Liamo hasn't yet selected his prize, however one can do it at anytime during this diary so don't worry guys! Thanks for the other prize winners for the responses, got some interesting selections for the push level ups, one tag team suggestion and one match to be booked)

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Sorry, I didn't realise I'd won the prediction contest - I've had a few things on my plate recently, which I won't go into... So, while I catch up, I'll let you type up an interview with the legend that is Pistol Pete Hall :p


'Interpromotional Battle'

30 Minute Time Limit

Jack Marlowe vs. Masaaki Okazaki


'Interpromotional Battle'

30 Minute Time Limit

Hiroyasu Gakusha vs. Li Bingci


'Interpromotional Battle'

30 Minute Time Limit

KOKI Ishibashi vs. Kiminobu Kuroki


'Interpromotional Battle'

30 Minute Time Limit

Team GCG vs. Team WLW

Jimmy Cox, Kiminobu Kuroki & Takayuki 2000 vs. Awesome Thunder, Mokuami Maita & KOKI Ishibashi


'Interpromotional Battle'

30 Minute Time Limit

Li Bingci vs. Toshiharu Hyobanshi


'Interpromotional Battle'

30 Minute Time Limit

GHC World Heavyweight

Pistol Pete Hall vs. Masaaki Okazaki

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'Interpromotional Battle'

30 Minute Time Limit

Jack Marlowe vs. Masaaki Okazaki


Okazaki has a world title shot coming up, so he'll need to look a threat going into the title match with Pistol Pete


'Interpromotional Battle'

30 Minute Time Limit

Hiroyasu Gakusha vs. Li Bingci


Gakusha needs to be kept strong, even if he wont be challenging for the title anytime soon, due to his iffy chemistry with Pistol Pete.


'Interpromotional Battle'

30 Minute Time Limit

KOKI Ishibashi vs. Kiminobu Kuroki


The WLW invader wins to make the WLW's guys look a threat


'Interpromotional Battle'

30 Minute Time Limit

Team GCG vs. Team WLW

Jimmy Cox, Kiminobu Kuroki & Takayuki 2000 vs. Awesome Thunder, Mokuami Maita & KOKI Ishibashi


However Cox and Takayuki are too important to GCG to have them job out to the invaders, so the home-growns get the win back here.


'Interpromotional Battle'

30 Minute Time Limit

Li Bingci vs. Toshiharu Hyobanshi


Bingci comes up short yet again against one of GCG's top stars.


'Interpromotional Battle'

30 Minute Time Limit

GHC World Heavyweight

Pistol Pete Hall vs. Masaaki Okazaki


Pistol Pete will come through the challenge of the outsider from INSPIRE.

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'Interpromotional Battle'

30 Minute Time Limit

Jack Marlowe vs. Masaaki Okazaki


Okazaki has a world title shot coming up, so he'll need to look a threat going into the title match with Pistol Pete


'Interpromotional Battle'

30 Minute Time Limit

Hiroyasu Gakusha vs. Li Bingci


Gakusha needs to be kept strong, even if he wont be challenging for the title anytime soon, due to his iffy chemistry with Pistol Pete.


'Interpromotional Battle'

30 Minute Time Limit

KOKI Ishibashi vs. Kiminobu Kuroki


The WLW invader wins to make the WLW's guys look a threat


'Interpromotional Battle'

30 Minute Time Limit

Team GCG vs. Team WLW

Jimmy Cox, Kiminobu Kuroki & Takayuki 2000 vs. Awesome Thunder, Mokuami Maita & KOKI Ishibashi


However Cox and Takayuki are too important to GCG to have them job out to the invaders, so the home-growns get the win back here.


'Interpromotional Battle'

30 Minute Time Limit

Li Bingci vs. Toshiharu Hyobanshi


Bingci comes up short yet again against one of GCG's top stars.


'Interpromotional Battle'

30 Minute Time Limit

GHC World Heavyweight

Pistol Pete Hall vs. Masaaki Okazaki


Pistol Pete will come through the challenge of the outsider from INSPIRE.


I'll just go with the expert on Japan C-Verse on this one.

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'Interpromotional Battle'

30 Minute Time Limit

Jack Marlowe vs. Masaaki Okazaki


'Interpromotional Battle'

30 Minute Time Limit

Hiroyasu Gakusha vs. Li Bingci


'Interpromotional Battle'

30 Minute Time Limit

KOKI Ishibashi vs. Kiminobu Kuroki


'Interpromotional Battle'

30 Minute Time Limit

Team GCG vs. Team WLW

Jimmy Cox, Kiminobu Kuroki & Takayuki 2000 vs. Awesome Thunder, Mokuami Maita & KOKI Ishibashi

'Interpromotional Battle'

30 Minute Time Limit

Li Bingci vs. Toshiharu Hyobanshi


'Interpromotional Battle'

30 Minute Time Limit

GHC World Heavyweight

Pistol Pete Hall vs. Masaaki Okazaki

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Prediction list:


'Interpromotional Battle'

30 Minute Time Limit

Jack Marlowe vs. Masaaki Okazaki

gotta go with the INSPIRE mainstay here. The vistors have to win sometimes or they look weak.


'Interpromotional Battle'

30 Minute Time Limit

Hiroyasu Gakusha vs. Li Bingci

I love Li Bingci and hope ya sign him up sooner or later, but Gakusha has to remain strong he is your champ of the future.


'Interpromotional Battle'

30 Minute Time Limit

KOKI Ishibashi vs. Kiminobu Kuroki

I maybe wrong here, but I would put over double K here because him losing does nothing and he will cry if ya job him a good bit.


'Interpromotional Battle'

30 Minute Time Limit

Team GCG vs. Team WLW

Jimmy Cox, Kiminobu Kuroki & Takayuki 2000 vs. Awesome Thunder, Mokuami Maita & KOKI Ishibashi

I am gonna go with team WLW here so they look like a threat, and ya can give the lose to Jimmy. Or I would, of all your main event that need to fall alitte so someone more talented can be pushed to the for front it'd be him.


'Interpromotional Battle'

30 Minute Time Limit

Li Bingci vs. Toshiharu Hyobanshi

Poor Bingci, but I can put the little guy over the Thunder of Hyobanshi


'Interpromotional Battle'

30 Minute Time Limit

GHC World Heavyweight

Pistol Pete Hall vs. Masaaki Okazaki

Oooh good win for Hall over Okazaki here.

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30 Minute Time Limit

Jack Marlowe vs. Masaaki Okazaki


'Interpromotional Battle'

30 Minute Time Limit

Hiroyasu Gakusha vs. Li Bingci


'Interpromotional Battle'

30 Minute Time Limit

KOKI Ishibashi vs. Kiminobu Kuroki


'Interpromotional Battle'

30 Minute Time Limit

Team GCG vs. Team WLW

Jimmy Cox, Kiminobu Kuroki & Takayuki 2000 vs. Awesome Thunder, Mokuami Maita & KOKI Ishibashi


'Interpromotional Battle'

30 Minute Time Limit

Li Bingci vs. Toshiharu Hyobanshi


'Interpromotional Battle'

30 Minute Time Limit

GHC World Heavyweight

Pistol Pete Hall vs. Masaaki Okazaki

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Radio 95.7

The Miskovsky Report








Rob: "Hello and welcome to tonight's edition of Miskovsky's Corner, I'm your host Rob L. Miskovsky. Tonight I have a very special quest from Japan with me. The Golden Canvas Grappling's Global Honored Crown World Heavyweight champion Pistol Pete Hall!! Glad to have you here Mr. Hall."







"Thank you.. And hey", Hall pauses. "Just call me Pete."



Rob: "As I was preparing for this interview I found this interesting article from an old wrestling magazine from the early 80's, called "Wrestling Insider". It says, and I quote, "Pistol Pete Hall is an amazing brawler already, unsuprisingly he was Robbie Gordon's prize student in the "Class of '79". With his hard-hitting punches and overall talent, Hall definitely fits the model of a successful gaijin worker in Japan, and has been told as much by his mentor. However, it seems likely that the 18-year old prospect will stay stateside for a few years yet."



Hall laughs. ".. What a long journey.. Feels like an eternity for me. It was.. December '79 when I made my debut in Welcome To The Islands wrestling, WIW, with the help of the connections Gordon had. WIW was used as a training ground for BHOTWG where Gordon himself was a top contender." Hall pauses for a moment ".. And like other gaijins he was constantly losing to Master Kitozon time and time again!"



Hall stares across the table into emptiness. "It sure was a great era of wrestling. BHOTWG's rise to the top, Kitozon's last title reign before he retired, emergence of Elemental.. And in GCG you had Furusawa, Jimbo, Toshusai and Agakawa amonst others who were at their prime, wrestling Match Of The Year canditate matches week in, week out.. I miss that time, I really do."



Rob: "Tell me about the start of your career: Starting with WIW, then heading for US and touring around the nation."



"Honestly WIW wasn't the best place for me to be. I was too young, too green to be in BHOTWG. And even though Gordon was succesful he had the reputation of his. No one in the States liked him. Henson hated him, Eisen hated him.. Dick the Devastator, The Lone Star Stampeder, Holt, Plumelli, (Rocky) Streets, Stone, Lambert and Rumble.. Everyone hated him. It's amazing how many bridges he burned during his career."



"That very same reputation followed me for many years since I was, like it said on that magazine, his prize student of Class of '79. I had to remind people that I wasn't Gordon's son or a relative of his. And .. When it came to scouting, when especially the US promotions were looking for bright young talent.. I had to work harder than others. I had to prove myself over and over again that I'm actually pretty nice guy and nothing like Robbie."



"WIW didn't have much to offer.. I stayed there for a couple of months until I headed for Boston. CWB, Championship Wrestling from Boston which was founded by the late Gene Plumelli. Did you know that CWB was the first full-time organized wrestling promotion in the United States? Lot of people don't know that or have simply forgotten."



Rob: "It's a shame really, those were great times."



"Anyways. As we all know SWF came calling and stole Iron Michael Milligan from them shortly after "English" Bill Reginald and "Strangler" Ed Henson had retired. They were in big trouble and needed new talent, new blood and after a crueling try-out, I was selected amongst few other guys."



"But as we all know, CWB folded soon after Plumelli's death which was in '78.. GWB went bankrupt in '80 or '81. In other words I stepped into a sinking ship."



Rob: "As GWB went bankrupt SWF raided the whole roster but for some reason you weren't selected. Why was that?"



Hall laughs again. "It might have been because of Gordon, once again. Like I said, his ghost followed me early in my career. Altough I have to admit that my style didn't necessarily go hand in hand with SWF's new entertainment product."



"Holding my head up high, I started touring around the States. But with each passing year the promotions were folding faster and faster.. APWF, AICW, AAFW, CPW and others.. Just like Robbie Gordon burned bridges with people in the wrestling business during his time, the young Richard Eisen did the same. But he didn't just burn bridges.. He destroyed companies, careers, opportunities."



"One after one.. They all fell. I had no choice but to head to Japan."



Rob: "But you ran into a brickwall again, didn't you?"



"For a short period of time, yes. I think it was '83 when I returned to Japan. BHOTWG had become even more succesful and popular than ever before. They had stolen several wrestlers from GCG who were losing the battle with the Burning Hammer. Most notably they lost Yoshinaka Toshusai who became the Burning World Champion in December of '81 after Kitozon had retired and vacated the belt. Elemental vs. Optimus feud was starting.."



"I tried and tried but failed to get myself into the BHOTWG. Robbie Gordon had died a year before shortly after being kicked out from the Burning Hammer. Just as so many people had predicted he screwed himself once again. I never knew what exactly happened that caused him to be kicked out but.. There's not a lot options quite frankly. Just few weeks later he was found dead in a shady motel.. OD'd. A superstar ending, huh.."



Rob: "And then Golden Canvas Grappling contacted you."



"They did but.. I was so scared and so skeptical.. I had seen what was happening in the States. I had seen the mass slaughtering of the territorial promotions. I was so afraid that once again I was stepping into this rotten, decayed house so to speak. Should I step in and fall trough the floor or will the floor be able to withstand?"



"In '83 I finally signed a contract with Hanshiro Furusawa who had been the owner of GCG since '82.. He had suffered a major concussion in '81 which ended his career as we all know. Luckily for me, I wasn't one of his bad business decisions."



Rob: "Soon your fears had disappeared and you were living the time of your life."



Hall nods in agreement. ".. Most of the fears had disappeared but some stayed and I'm glad they did. Because of the ghost of Gordon and the fear of promotions folding at a rapid rate.. Or should I say that I was so frustrated being unemployed.. I began wrestling like there was no tomorrow, as if the world was about to come to and end. I gave my all."



"Just for that small kid in the audience. Just for that woman in the audience. For the couple men.. I gave everything I had. I left everything in the ring. After each match. Every night."



"And it paid off, big time. Over the next two years I had become one of GCG's most respected and feared gaijin. I was really optimistic.. We all were. Yoshifusa Maeda had become the ace of Golden Canvas, winning the title from his former tag partner Kazu Yoshizawa in '82. Maeda held the title for six years until dropping it to none other than Sadaharu Jimbo. I had so many great matches with all three of them but always came up short, just seconds away from winning the title. Dread finally won it in '91.. I was a bit. I wasn't jealous, I just wasn't that comfortable of my situation. I had worked my ass off there for nearly a decade. I was still producing the great matches."



Rob: "Having worked for nearly a decade for GCG, being in the prime of your life, top of your game. Just like Furusawa, your career was cut short due to an injury."



"I was .. I was devastated. My knees just couldn't handle the matches anymore. It was the hardest time of my life.. And hardest thing that I've ever done in my life. Finally I retired in '92 due the several knee injuries that I had sustained during the years that I went all out. But I had my dignity and my pride left. I promised to myself that when the time comes, when I can't go into the ring and perform 100%.. It's time for me to quit. A bit earlier Dread had come in to the company and sort of replaced me as the best big man. I felt my time was over.. And I was gone."



"I started a family, pursued other interests.. Tried to do "normal" jobs but couldn't. I missed wrestling and all the people I had become friends with. After a break of one year, I came back to GCG and started working as a trainer for them. Sharing my acknowledge, telling stories from past.. Passing the information to the next generation in general. I had never won a championship during my career. I wasn't a Chord, nor a Strong, or a Starr. I wasn't a Furusawa, nor a Jimbo, or a Kitozon. I was Pistol Pete Hall. That man with the cowboy hat who busted his off in the 80's."



"And of course I was involved with the Piledriver School Of Wrestling when Larry Vessey contacted me. I enjoyed the time there and I felt like I had really accomplished something when guys like Jack Bruce, Rick Law and Skull DeBones became succesful. They all had "it" right from the start. It felt good to be a part of their careers, helping them in every way possible.."




"Then after a decade of being on the sidelines.. I was encouraged by everyone in the Golden Canvas and PDW to try a.. In-ring comeback. I had several surgeries over the years and with each surgery my knees started to feel better. They weren't so sore, they weren't so sensitive."



Rob: "You returned to active competition in 2005. How did it feel?"



"I was pumped up. I felt that I had not missed a day, there was still this burning inside me that kept telling me this was the place to be.. Inside the squared circle. And one by one they fell to the Pistol Whip Lariat."



Rob: "Then almost a year ago on February 2007, after 28 years being in the wrestling business, you won your first championship ever, the prestigious GHC World Heavyweight championship from Hiroyasu Gakusha. Tell me about that moment."



Hall smiles and becomes a bit sensitive. ".. It was a dream come true. I still can't express myself enough, I can't explain how it felt to hit that last Pistol Whip Lariat and cover Gakusha for the one, two and three. Finally, for the first time in my long, long career I had gold around my waist. My family was there, everyone came to the ringside from the back. I broke down in tears. It was the single, most beautiful moment in my life. The crowd erupted when referee's hand came down for the three.. I will never ever forget it. Never."



"All the years of hard work and giving back to the industry.. Truth to be told I never even dreamed about being the World champ when I returned in the first place. I thought that I would be paired with someone young in order to help them gain experience but no, they elevated me to the top. And now I've been holding the championship for almost a year and I have no intentions in giving it to anyone. This may very well be my only championship I will ever have during my career and I'm gonna fight for it. Just like in the 80's, I will leave everything in the ring. That's not a promise to you, or the fans. That's a promise to myself."



Rob: "Just a quick namedrop list here. Just say whatever comes to mind when I say the name."


"Richard Eisen."


"A ruthless genious."


"Robbie Gordon."


".. A tragedy. My mentor."


"Hanshiro Furusawa."


"Never gave up. Unlucky."


"Mabuchi Furusawa."


"Potential. He's just like his father when he was his age."


"Yoshifusa Maeda."


"Mister GCG. Respect. The one who didn't leave even during the hard times."


"Hiroyasu Gakusha."


"The next generation. I really do have high hopes for him, as for Hyobanshi, Takayuki and Kuroki."




Rob: "Thank you for being my quest tonight Pete. It was an honor."



"Thanks for having me, it was a pleasure to share my history with you and the listeners."



Rob: "You're listening to Radio 95.7, The Miskovsky Report! Pistol Pete Hall ladies and gentlemen. You will be able to see Mr. Hall in Golden Canvas Grappling only! You can order DVD's trough our store, the GCG "Parade Of Champions" will be out in few weeks. You don't want to miss it!"




(Sorry for the lenght.. I just, sort of, lost myself when writing this. I got so into it! :D)

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Great stuff Fin! BTW didn't Hall run a company stateside for a while while injured?


Long read but well worth it, FIN. Great work on that. Honestly, it was entertaining enough I would happily read through double that length...


That was pretty awesome... seriously. Nicely done. Although like Hyde mentioned, you missed out PileDriver Wrestling ;)


Honestly? :confused::eek: Wow. Since I'm.. Well, almost never done an interview that long before due the language barrier. And I had completely missed PileDriver Wrestling. I searched trough all the bio's from Cverse '75, '97 and 2008. Where was it mentioned? Since I had completely forgotten it.

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He was Head Trainer back when the dojos were actually in the physical game and you could interact with them ('05 I think) and he's mentioned in the bio for PDW in the current database, but you can't see that from in-game, so I'm not surprised you didn't notice. :p
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He was Head Trainer back when the dojos were actually in the physical game and you could interact with them ('05 I think) and he's mentioned in the bio for PDW in the current database, but you can't see that from in-game, so I'm not surprised you didn't notice. :p


What on earth.. PDW is not in my database. In any mod. :confused: I remember the logo but there's no data with the name PDW on it. Weird. EDIT: Oh yea, A DOJO... Not a promotion.

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PDW was in '04, and it is a dojo in '08 and Pistol Pete is mentioned in it's bio. Did you not get the default data update a little while ago FIN?


Sorry, been looking from the promotion menu. Didn't remember that there was a list of Dojo's aswell. My bad. :( Darn it. I'm disappointed in myself over this! :D


Edited it to the interview.

EDIT2: Gakusha's reign wasn't five year long, it was Maeda's. At first I read the title history wrongly but forgot to edit the mistake from the interview :p



"And of course I was involved with the Piledriver School Of Wrestling when Larry Vessey contacted me. I enjoyed the time there and I felt like I had really accomplished something when guys like Jack Bruce, Rick Law and Skull DeBones became succesful. They all had "it" right from the start. It felt good to be a part of their careers, helping them in every way possible.."

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