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PSW: The Evolution of Greed

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1st Week of October 2008

... "The Forgotten One" debuts weeks from now ...


Do you know what it's like to be left aside? Ostracized due to the fact that you're different from the norm? Labeled a "misfit" because your clothes don't have a designer tag on them? Literally Forgotten by many... Slowly gravitating downward until your theoretically out of sight?


Harry Allen understands your plight.


In the world of Professional Wrestling your status is often generated based upon how many Championships you've held within your tenure. It's this mixture of Gold and Leather that has come to define some of our greatest competitors in the last century. Some may be fortunate enough to break through the glass ceiling before them without a string of "Golden Opportunities", however, in most cases... Your true worth tends to derive itself from Championship Gold.


With that being said, How can you deny a man whose held 4 different championship belts, a number of 9 times between each 4, within a nationally recognized wrestling promotion? Sounds ludacris.... Right?


Sadly, this has been Harry Allen's course... An extremely decorated young wrestler (just a shade past 30) with nothing short of a storied career. As we stated before, Harry found himself at "odds" with TCW management as Tommy Cornell began to ignore the youngster... Pushing him farther, and farther, down the scale of the "Corporate Ladder"... Severely damaging any chance of a resurgence.


After, what can only be defined as, "Total Championship Torture"... Harry was forced to watch his stock fall deeper and deeper... Unaware to change it's direction... Ultimately knowing that Cornell, and TCW management, was practically burying his career for no apparent reason.


It was this that drove the high flying youngster to finally break free from his captors... Tearing away the "Scarlett Letter" that Cornell had branded upon him... And searching for something, anything, to once again reign supreme above the competition.


So, why did he come to PSW? Couldn't he have jumped ship to SWF? Hell, even USPW?


Sadly, due to Harry's recent demise... Neither called. Sure, USPW loosely made it known that they were interested, however, it looked like a trap... The same swirling spiral that forced him "under the radar" in TCW.


He knew that Pittsburgh was to be his true home...


A company built upon The Forgotten...

Built upon a collection of Misfits...

Built upon those who are hungry to resurrect their careers...

A company that would rather burn to the ground then ignore the TRUE talent on it's roster...


With that, his decision was quite easy.... To make a new home for himself, a new place of refuge, a new competitive playground...


He chose Pittsburgh.


... How fitting to start your re-birth than within "The End of Days"? ...


<hr color="black">


PSW "The End of Days" Card


Alex Braun vs. The Wolverine

Acedia w/ John Greed vs. Ash Campbell

"The Ring Generals" w/ Nicole Kiss vs. Frankie Future & Billy Russell

"The Dirty White Boys" © vs. Teddy Powell & ?!?!?!?

Mr. Morgan © vs. Bryan Holmes

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Love what youve been doing with the doc messing posts. gives a unique tone to your diary. plus, this time around im excited to see harry allen joining PSW. the alt render youre using reminds me a lot of a cornellverse jeff hardy in a way. plus, with the personality youre putting together it seems like he could fit the bill.
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Love what youve been doing with the doc messing posts. gives a unique tone to your diary. plus, this time around im excited to see harry allen joining PSW. the alt render youre using reminds me a lot of a cornellverse jeff hardy in a way. plus, with the personality youre putting together it seems like he could fit the bill.


Thanks, CZCW!


Doc's little window of philosophy has been a lot of fun to write. Gives me another way to help push along what I'm trying to convey. Plus, allows me to sit down and tackle a topic in more of a "writer's" kind of way... not as much of a diary post than a philosophical post. Something that keeps it fresh for me (tends to be something I look forward to).


As for the Harry Allen = Jeff Hardy comparison. I spose I could see that with the picture alt that I'm using. His character is going to be more like Jeff's brother Matt though after he left WWE following the Lita situation. A darker persona who is more so hell-bent on proving his worth after being pushed farther and farther down the ranks of TCW. He's jaded, he's obsessive, he's a risk-taker... However, still optimistic, in a way, about regaining what he once had.

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Early October 2008

... Alex's Purgatory ...



7:00 AM.


Who the F*CK truly starts their day at 7:00 AM? I'm not talking about walking up, having a cup of coffee, and turning on Sportscenter. No. I'm talking about standing before your boss... Trying to fight the overwhelming urge to curl up on the floor and sleep... Feverishly going over business at.... 7:00 AM.


This was my life as PSW Owner, and all around psycho (Well not truly a psycho but rather an OCD'like business man who wants to succeed where his predecessors have failed), Mitch Naess made sure of it.


"Those who want to lead must, themselves, be cloaked in discipline."


Yea, Yea, Yea... Another "Rah Rah" statement from Mitch. Don't get me wrong, I love my job... Even if I don't quite know what I'm doing most of the time. The transition from in-ring competitor and backstage developer has been all but smooth, however, I enjoy what I'm doing right now. Therefore, I'll listen to whatever Mitch has to say as... well... He's my boss.



"What's this about Alex and Billy? Did you handle the situation?"


F*CK. I knew this was coming. You can't hide anything from this guy as he spends the majority of his day on wrestling news sites himself... Trying to score, what he calls, "inside information". Just so happens that this weeks information came from within his own company.


"I spoke with both Alex and Billy. Yes. There was a brief altercation between the two of them following somethings that were said by Billy."


Mitch, without a moment to fail, quickly comes back with a somewhat shocking statement.


"Is Billy okay? You didn't rip into him, right?"


"Uh... No. I spoke with him and made it clear that it shouldn't happen again, however, I didn't do anything outside of some light conflict management."


I felt like I was wearing a three piece suit after saying such thing as "conflict management", however, it was the first thing that came to my mind. Must have been all of those late night court TV shows that I found myself entangled in lately.


"Good. Billy's a vital part of our future... I can't have anyone ruining that."


"What about Alex, though?"


I couldn't believe my own mouth. Typically, I would sit along side and allow Mitch to ramble on for hours, however, this was the first time that I actually semi-challenged the man. As the words rolled out of my mouth... I desperately wanted to pull them back inward, however, it was all too late.


"I don't really care about Alex. I care about Billy."


WHAT?!?! Is what I wanted to say....


"Excuse me, Mitch?"


"You heard me. Alex is a great figure on the roster... Don't get me wrong. However, he's not going to help us move PSW any further than he already has. He's on his 'last leg', is barely able to wrestle for more than 5 minutes without getting winded, and his 'eye' for wrestling has become extremely clouded in the last few years. Believe me, I had him in as headbooker of PSW before I brought you in... It was the biggest mistake I EVER made."


An absolute bombsell was siting before me... Staring me down like some rabid dog with an appetite for human. How do I respond to something like this? Do I stand up for Alex? Do I quietly agree? Say nothing? I have no idea... However, I better generated some sort of an idea pretty quick.


"I don't see that..."


By the look of Mitch's face you would have thought World War III had just exploded upon his desk. I didn't want to know what he was thinking... Rather, I was too occupied with the fact that my legs were shaking... A feeling I hadn't had since my days in rehab.


"You don't see that? What don't you... see?"


Sh*t. I'm going to lose my job.... That's the only thing that came to mind. One argument with the man and he's already trying to bury me into the ground.


"Well... I.... [Clears throat] To be honest, Mitch. Alex is not only a powerful role model to those in the back... but, is one of the only figures on our roster who actually has some sense of history to him. Our roster is full of youngsters, and underground names.... Alex has the pull to bring people in month after month. From a business stand-point, he stimulates the bottom line. Without him, I doubt that we would have been making money as we have. To be honest, Mitch...."


I froze. Wanting to land the final punch, however, afraid that it would ultimately mean my demise. After a second of mulling it over... I felt a slight sense of confidence flow through out my body. Maybe not so much confidence as a "What the hell" kind of mentality....


"Alex deserves a little more respect from us."


There, I said it. I stood up for one of my most beloved wrestlers to the very man who doesn't really give a crap about his existence. I may have put my career on the line for someone else's cause... A just cause, don't get me wrong, however, I couldn't help but feel that my days in PSW were numbered.


... Pittsburgh has become purgatory for both Alex and I ...





<hr color="black">

PSW "The End of Days" Card


Alex Braun vs. The Wolverine

Acedia w/ John Greed vs. Ash Campbell

"The Ring Generals" w/ Nicole Kiss vs. Frankie Future & Billy Russell

"The Dirty White Boys" © vs. Teddy Powell & ?!?!?!?

Mr. Morgan © vs. Bryan Holmes

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Dude, your exchange between John Greed and Mitch Naess would be great material for me, especially the characterization of Mitch Naess. :) Can I use it if I make a diary?


To be fair, although I think Mitch Naess is right about his facts-Alex Braun being in pretty bad physical shape (Physical Skills and Resilience), I'm unsure about how if Alex Braun is a bad booker. The thing is, Alex Braun is still a great talent (good Performance Skills and good Entertainment Skills). He would work great as a trainer.

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Dude, your exchange between John Greed and Mitch Naess would be great material for me, especially the characterization of Mitch Naess. :) Can I use it if I make a diary?


Certainly. Go ahead!


To be fair, although I think Mitch Naess is right about his facts-Alex Braun being in pretty bad physical shape (Physical Skills and Resilience), I'm unsure about how if Alex Braun is a bad booker. The thing is, Alex Braun is still a great talent (good Performance Skills and good Entertainment Skills). He would work great as a trainer.


The facts are there, I can't deny "him" of that. (Especially when every note I ever get with Alex's match says that he was tired towards the end of the match. ha) However, I think the fight comes down more to... John realizing that Mitch is one to double-cross, and ultimately de-value whatever he doesn't think he needs. So, with that, John starts to feel the weight of an internal struggle.... Keep his mouth shut and go along with what his boss says... or stand up for what he believes is right and just.


The fight between Alex and Billy was the catalyst for all of this to unfold. The ugly secrets of PSW starts to unvail itself, and ultimately this will push towards a huge backstage storyline that's going to unfold over 2009. So, needless to say, the little spat between John and Mitch (with John finally voicing an opinion for once instead of saying "yes sir") is pushing the storyline along of Greed's Evolution. :)


Alex would be a great trainer though, I def. agree with that one!

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I love what you did between john greed and mitch ness. gripping stuff man. Its cool to see a diary that focuses this much on the main character behind the scenes. really gives you an idea of what its like to be both behind the scenes of PSW and in the ring.


hats off to the master.

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I love what you did between john greed and mitch ness. gripping stuff man. Its cool to see a diary that focuses this much on the main character behind the scenes. really gives you an idea of what its like to be both behind the scenes of PSW and in the ring.


hats off to the master.


Awesome to hear, CZCW. The write up took me a little bit to craft it all, however, once I started writing... it all just came together smoothly. Plus, as I said above, the string of Billy/Alex and now Mitch/John is a huge part of what's going to be happening both in and out of the ring in 2009 of this diary.


As for the focus on John. That's one of my fav. things about this diary to be honest. In NCAA Football terms (the game)... I look at this diary as a cross between "The Road to Glory" and traditional "Dynasty" mode. I'm putting alot of work into the hiring, crafting of characters, storylines, etc... However, at the same time, the individuals story (John Greed) is just as important to me.


My X-WA diary was solely from the perspective of the viewer... So, when crafting a new diary I wanted it to be a little different. In that sense, John Greed's troubled past (present, and future?) was born. In the real world, Wrestling companies don't act in a vaccuum... And often what happens backstage is an even bigger story than what happens in. Therefore, the fusing of the two makes PSW really come "Alive" i believe.


All in all, Thanks for your vote of confidence! :)

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Total Championship Washout?


NEWS: Total Championship Wrestling loses TV Slots.


In a shocking turn of events, Total Championship Wrestling has recently been dropped by both GNN and CBA due to consistently low ratings. It's been noted previously that the Cornell led promotion was starting to slip ever so slightly in weekly viewership as the highly anticipated "Syndicate" overtaking storyline began to stall.


While Cornell continues to keep viewers interested (ie: 19-2, only to be outdone by Wolf Hawkings with a shocking 21-1 win/loss record), with an average grade rating of a "B") it seems that creative is having troubles keeping their product appealing to the masses.


Overall, many blame their lightning quick rise as the ultimate instigator as quick success almost always ends in a drastic freefall.


Can TCW find a way to stimulate stronger viewership going forward or will this be the beginning of the end for the struggling Traditionally-based promotion?


More to come...



<hr color="black">

PSW "The End of Days" Card


Alex Braun vs. The Wolverine

Acedia w/ John Greed vs. Ash Campbell

"The Ring Generals" w/ Nicole Kiss vs. Frankie Future & Billy Russell

"The Dirty White Boys" © vs. Teddy Powell & ?!?!?!?

Mr. Morgan © vs. Bryan Holmes

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They fired Harry Allen. Shows you how much they know what they are doing.




Then again, that worked out pretty well in my favor. The more I review his new PSW persona, The more I'm excited to finally have him part of the company and an active character.


While he won't recieve a GOD push by any means... He is def. going to make some waves pretty early on in PSW.

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+ Streaming LIVE via PSW.com +

"The Ministry" Event Center

PSW Event #8




Alex Braun

... Cinematic Entrance ...


["The End of Days..." opens with a grainy, low-quality, black and white filter frame of Alex Braun slowly walking the backstage halls of the "Ministry" Event Center. The view is positioned 4-6 feet behind the aging veteran as he passes by several PSW competitors, officials, and "suits"... All of them nodding in the direction of Alex, ultimately showing a great deal of respect for the companies first headbooker.]


[The unruly crowd can be heard from, what feels like, miles away as their resounding response to tonight's live event seeps its way through the heavy concrete walls of the former place of worship. Braun, a closet religious man himself, stops for a second and bows his head downward toward the floor... A faint resemblance of where a cross once stood upon the wall is seen slightly above his head (The dirt lines from where the cross once stood now create a shape of a cross despite no longer having the physical being there anymore). The image of Braun taking a moment to himself, while the crowd noisily responds in anticipating to tonight's event, creates an iconic, truly candid, moment.]


[All in all, it looks as if Tonight's event may be centered around the 47 year-old Indy superstar as he completely dominates the opening segment of the show.]


Grade: D+


Mitch Naess: Truly... One of the greatest figures in PSW history. A man who has defined the true grit of Pittsburgh since our opening days.... Alex Braun.

Doc Messing: I've never witnessed another man who has had as much drive, as much love for this industry as Alex has. He may not find his way to the Hall of Fame in the SWF, however, he will always be a legit "Hall of Famer" in the world of Tri-State Indy wrestling.



Alex Braun vs. The Wolverine

[Fan's Weapon Match]


553 people were on the edge of their seats, gripping their homemade weapon like THEY were the ones who were going to use it. The volume in the "Ministry" Event Center goes from a light lull to an all out roar as R.M. Stones calls for the bell. Here stood Alex Braun and The Wolverine... Across from each other in the ring... Both men clasping onto a weapon of their own... Almost daring the other to make the first move. With each passing second, the crowd grows louder and louder as the former place of worship has now become, in a way, a Roman "Circle of Death".


The match itself was severely brutal as both men used a collection of weapons ranging from a metal baseball bat, a cheese grater, an iron, golf clubs, a box fan, a dresser droor, and yes.... even a kitchen sink. It was this approach that ultimately left both Alex and Wolverine to bleed all over the ringside area. Luckily, neither men had any sort of disease coming into the match or else the entire first row, for sure, would probably have contracted something due to the amount of blood. Disgusting? I know, however, that's how this bout came together... It wasn't pretty... It wasn't like anything you've seen in "the Big Three" as of late. No, this was an all-out brutal Hardcore War.... One that encouraged fan involvement and discouraged a traditional outcome.


The violent overtone of the match stretched so far that certain members of the crowd became rather aggressive themselves... Fights began to build between a small smattering of those in attendance, an honest byproduct of the action in the ring. While those in the crowd were escorted out of the "Ministry", Alex and The Wolverine raged on... bloodied.... yet, still determined to come away with a victory tonight.


With blood pouring from his forehead, to the extent that you wonder how Alex can even see right now, the 47 year-old veteran brought the match to a close following a spiked piledriver onto an actual car door that was brought in from the crowd. Wolverine's body, upon impact, went completely limp... Unable to move what so ever. This fact gave Alex the ability to slowly, and dramatically, roll his opponent over onto his back (as his legs were still on the car door placed in the middle of the ring) and pick up the standard three count from PSW Referee, R.M. Stones.


Alex Braun defeats The Wolverine in 9:13 following a spiked piledriver onto a detached car door.

Grade: D-


Doc Messing: Match of the year!! I don't care what you say... Sure there have been some timeless matches here in Pittsburgh over the last 8 months, however, none of them... I mean, none of them was as good as this. [Laughs] wow. Now THAT's PSW.

Mitch Naess: I agree, What a Match! You can't help but wonder, though, what kind of tole this match will play on these two aging veteran's bodies.

Doc Messing: In my eyes... It doesn't matter how old you are because when you're getting hit by a Kitchen Sink... It's going to hurt regardless. [Laughs] You'll fall to the canvas just the same as if you were a 20 year old.



Alex Braun

... THE Announcement ...


[His body looks weak... His legs buckling under the immense weight that he carries upon his shoulders. Alex Braun, a celebrated Indy icon, knew what was coming next... However, despite having such knowledge, he still carried a heavy heart following the final bell declaring him the victor of tonight's opening match. After being handed a mic from PSW Official, R.M. Stones, Alex is seen standing before the masses... Fighting back a waterfall of tears and ultimately addressing his loyal fanbase with these parting words.]


Alex Braun: I've never been one to make a huge deal out of my own accomplishments. I came into this ring night in, night out, with the same intensity that raged through my veins 30 years ago when I started my journey in Pro Wrestling. I broke bones, lost pools of blood, and almost lost my life on a few occasions all... For you. [His eyes welling up] Thank you for your support all these years... To those who have followed me since day one, now a little grey'er... A little more wise... To those who adopted my story later on down the line... I appreciate all that you did for me.


[Alex's eyes continue to well up as we see The Wolverine break character... Standing next to the very man who just beat the hell out of him. Showing his support, his respect, for one of the greatest fighters to ever step foot in PSW.]


Alex Braun: Sadly, I've come to a place in my career where I know that it's best to.... [Fighting his own words]... To move on.


[The crowd begins to boo in support of Alex... Starting a chant of "We love you Alex" over and over again. Another gesture that almost sends the, normally, grizzled veteran into another stint of crying.]


Alex Braun: I love you all too. [Whips his face] My heart tells me to continue... however, my body has increasingly shown me that it may be time to step away. [Pauses] I had a conversation with the old lady about what my goals were in the later part of my life.... What I wanted to accomplish past 50.... And when It all came together, and the smoke began to clear, I realized that If I continued to compete... My heart would be in it, my mind would be in it, my entire being would be completely tapped into it... However, my body would eventually give out on me... And I would risk the possibility of serious injury as my recovery time slowly became harder and harder to bare. [Pauses] Believe me, I've heard the whispers... I've tried to deny the notion that I was "past my prime"... Tirelessly pushing ahead as if I could prove to everyone that some of my best years were still ahead of me at 47.... However, in the end, I couldn't keep up with my own lies... [shakes his head... Saddened by the truth]... So for one final time... I thank you.... [Tears welling up]... I thank you for your undying trust over these last 30 years.... It's something I will never forget... Something I will always Cherish.


[With that, Alex is seen dropping the mic at his side.... The crowd continuing their chant of "We love you Alex" as the, now, retired veteran is embraced by Wolverine as the two hug in the center of the ring. Shortly following this, almost the entire PSW locker room comes shuffling out of the back... showing their respect for Alex in another display of breaking kayfabe. After a lengthy embrace between Alex and the rest of the roster... The reality starts to settle in.... Alex Braun, in some cases the most respected superstar in the Tri-State area Indy scene, has officially made the decision to walk away from the very sport that he loves.... Declaring that "his time" has come and passed.]


Grade: D+


Doc Messing: wow... I can't believe this day has come. Alex Braun.... A man who i've looked up to for years, a man whose career I've followed since I was a child myself, has officially retired from the sport of Pro Wrestling.

Mitch Naess: A lot of us were expecting this day to come sometime soon.. however, it still floors you to think that this was the last night we'd see Alex walk through those curtains as an active competitor. Just... just... knocks you off your chair.

Doc Messing: I agree... My hats off to you Alex... 30 years of excellence under your belt. [Chokes up] Best of luck as you move forward with your life.



Acedia w/ John Greed vs. Ash Campbell


With the iconic moments that happened just shortly before this match, It was pretty easy to see that this one was going to end up as a "let down" to those in attendance. I mean, how do you follow up, not only, a violent weapon's match but also the retirement of one of THE most beloved figures in PSW's short history? The answer... You don't. More like, I guess, you can't. The second match of the night was put together to not only slow down the momentum of the crowd but to also tell the story of a young Ash Campbell STILL trying to make his mark here in PSW.


Sadly for Ash, though, Acedia is a complete monster (much like the rest of his "Deadly Sin" counterparts). The 6'6, Big Heavyweight, didn't really have to move around much as Ash did most of the work for him. The hungry youngster tried everything at his disposal, almost running himself into the ground with his frantic approach, however, all it would take was one strike from the Big Man to floor Ash back to the canvas. All the momentum he had built literally fell apart after Acedia's ring shaking blows.


With that being said, Ash didn't really last all that long... He tried, and you can't blame him for trying month in and month out, however, the youngster brings his 2008 record to 0-5 following a double-handed chokeslam from Acedia. John Greed, Acedia's manager, was practically already in the ring as R.M. Stones finished the final pinfall count.


Acedia defeats Ash Campbell in 3:38 via a double-handed chokeslam.

Grade: E-


Mitch Naess: Another loss for Ash Campbell... And another victory for the Greed led "Deadly Sin's". [Pauses] It's almost getting to the point where it's becoming sad to watch Ash compete.

Doc Messing: His effort is always above average, however, the young Campbell doesn't seem to have a grasp on how to overcome the odds in Pro Wrestling. Isn't this loss his 5th of 2008 thus far?

Mitch Naess: At this point it may be best for Ash to look for employment elsewhere...

Doc Messing: Like a local Indy company to craft his ability?

Mitch Naess: No, more like a McDonalds... I don't know if Ash is cut out for this industry.



Nicole Kiss and Dean Waldorf

... SEX & Promos ...


[The low quality web camera sits only 5 feet away from the action as Nicole Kiss is seen straddling the young Dean Waldorf ontop of a wooden table. Nicole, down to nothing more than a lacey black bra and underwear, kisses all over Dean's exposed chest as their intimate exchange is broadcasted via the internet to all of those watching at PSW.com. After a few awkward seconds, Nicole slightly looks up at the camera with a seducing smile upon her face... Finally flinging her hair back in one swift snap of her neck... Staring into the camera as she licks her lips, Still straddling Dean Waldorf in the process.]


Nicole Kiss: It was quite.... hard.... to turn my back on Frankie. Honestly, it was... [smirks]. The way that he looked at me... The way he watched me... It was almost as if he wanted more than just the.... satisfaction.... Of standing up for a "damsel in distress". You see, It was never about "doing the right thing" with Frankie. You'll all villianize me, call on him as a hero for what he did, however, at the end of the day.... Frankie was just another 40 somethin' sicko looking to score a younger.... ride.


[Nicole runs her hair in the face of Dean... dangling it across his cheek as she leans in and bites him square on the chest. Dean, yelping out in pain, smirks as Nicole looks back up at the camera with a raw, sexually based, smirk upon her face.]


Nicole Kiss: You can go ahead... Villianize me... Label me as a sl*t... I don't really care. [seducing Smirk] Because at the end of the day... I'm going to get what I want....


[Nicole begins to giggle slightly as she continues to kiss Dean all over his body in a truly aggressive manor. Just as she goes for his belt buckle, however, the sly seductress smirks in sight of the camera... winks... and then pushes the camera to the floor... Cutting off the rest of their... Exchange.]


Grade: D-


Doc Messing: .... SL*T....

Mitch Naess: [Clears his throat] Well.... that was... [Chuckle]... yea

Doc Messing: You're better than that Mitch.... That's exactly how she wants you to react.

Mitch Naess: Honestly, Doc.... I don't care. [Laughs]



"The Ring Generals" w/ Nicole Kiss vs. Frankie Future & Billy Russell


Frankie Future couldn't take his eyes off of Nicole Kiss as she stood leaning over with her arms folded before her on the ring apron. Her chest slightly exposed, her lips overly red with caked-on lipstick, and a seducing smirk running across her porcelain like face. To any other man... They would gaze upon her with a raw sexuality lusting from within, however, that's not where Frankie was coming from.... The quintessential New Yorker wasn't picturing Nicole naked as much as he was developing a violent scheme to put the "b*tch back in her place". With that being said, it looked as if the fiery Future was taking his immense level of frustration out on "The Ring Generals"... Almost always looking back over at Nicole after each and every move.


The match itself was a strong back and forth affair with both sides looking particularly strong. With the Frankie/Dean/Nicole Kiss storyline being the main focus of the match many would have thought that Billy Russell and Marv Slater would end up as nothing more than an after thought... However, that certainly was not the case as the former MMA fighter and the young technician absolutely tore the roof off of "The Ministry" with their heated exchanges. Marv Slater, pissed about losing to Billy last month, came into tonight's bout with a renewed sense of focus... Making Billy, for the first time, look rather weak at certain points through out the match. Literally, the first time we have seen the "rock hard" fighter on his heels against any opponent here in PSW.


The final sequence of the match was a truly combination of "Shock & Awe" as Frankie Future attempted to piledrive Dean Waldorf onto a folded steel chair in the middle of the ring. While lifting him up, Nicole Kiss was seen thrusting herself into the ring... Reaching out and clawing Frankie's eyes from behind, forcing Frankie to drop the semi-conscious Dean Waldorf back to the canvas below. Nicole thought she had devised the perfect plan, however, Frankie was able to regain his composure rather quickly... Grabbing Nicole by the hair as she desperately tries to run away.... Luckily for Frankie... Nicole was wearing a pair of black heels... Something that would limit her range of motion.


From there, Frankie taunted the crowd with a rage-filled smirk upon his face... Motioning that he was going to "Drop the B*tch"... This sent the PSW crowd into a frenzy as a chant of "F*ck that b*tch up" began to build through out the "Ministry". However, before Frankie could do anything... Marv Slater was seen bolting into the ring himself. With Billy Russell still laying on the outside of the ring... Marv had a straight shot for Frankie.... It would have worked out perfectly... but... Being the veteran that Frankie is... He was able to side step Marv's weak attempt at a closeline... Instead, throwing him square over the top rope with a wicked Irish whip... turning his attention back upon Nicole Kiss as she quickly scurries out of the ring on her hands and knees... Giving the crowd a peep show in a sense as her "Gothic" cheerleading dress is cut extremely short.


Dean attempted to jump Frankie from behind... A move that was unsuccessful as Billy Russell was seen climbing back into the ring and catching Dean in the act of pouncing on Frankie. Instead, delivering a hard striking elbow shot square to the jaw of Dean Waldorf... Dizzying him up enough to spin around and land in the clutches of a "Frank-N-Hurter" (Stunner). Ultimately picking up the three count as Nicole Kiss slowly back peddles her way toward the backstage area.


Frankie Future and Billy Russell defeat "The Ring Generals" in 11:41 via a "Frank-N-Hurter"

Grade: D-


Doc Messing: What an ending! [Pauses] With this only being the first time these two have worked with one another (Frankie and Billy)... There seemed to be an ease to their performance.

Mitch Naess: Maybe we'll see a new tag team join the ranks between these two...

Doc Messing: I'm not sure though, Mitch. These two hate "The Ring Generals" equally it seems... You take that away and I don't know if they would really have the drive to compete with one another.

Mitch Naess: That's true. I guess we'll have to see...

Doc Messing: The only thing that f*cking sucked about the outcome of that match is that b*tch didn't get what was coming to her!

Mitch Naess: I have a feeling that this isn't the end of this feud though, Doc. There's bound to be some more interaction between these five.



Teddy Powell

... Partner on the way? ...


[Teddy Powell looked overly confident as he strolled toward the PSW ring. Almost as if he knew something that we didn't know. His arrogant smirk ultimately acting as a window into his darkened soul. While in the ring, Powell would stair down his opponents for tonight, The PSW Tag Champions... "The Dirty White Boys", who made their way out to the ring only seconds before to a massive ovation. The stage was set... Now, the only thing we were waiting for was WHO Teddy Powell's tag partner would be tonight.]


[Fellow "Untouchable"... Mr. Morgan? An unknown new ally? These were the two best options... However, neither came true. Actually, NO ONE came to his aide. Sensing that he may be in "way over his head", the PSW National Champion slowly began to make a break for the nearest turnbuckle... Attempting to exit the ringside area as quick as possible. "The Dirty White Boys" continue to watch on with an, almost, statuesque presence to them. No need to go after their opponent for tonight as everything was about to shift in their favor that much more...]


[Just as Teddy made it to the end of the isleway and was about to exit the ringside area through a wall of black curtains... PSW Debuting superstar, Harry Allen, is seen stepping out of the very curtain that Powell wanted to escape into.]



Harry Allen

... Debuting Superstar ...


[Powell, shocked at first, begins to realize that Harry may be there for him.... Confident in his new, potential, ally... Teddy spins back around with an arrogant smirk on his face... Ready to embark upon the ring once again now that he has a designated tag partner. However, that wasn't exactly the truth...]


[Harry, shocking Teddy in the process, slams a hard right fist into the back of Powell's head... Ultimately rushing him back to the ring and sliding the unsuspecting Powell under the bottom rope... back into "The Lion's Den". With "The Dirty White Boys" closing in on the PSW National Champion... Teddy looks as if he's seen a ghost... In a state of Shock, Teddy looks back at a laughing Harry Allen (standing on the outside of the ring) then quickly back to his oponents... Stuck in a 2 on 1 affair now that NO ONE has come to his aide.]


Grade: C-


Doc Messing: Serves you right Teddy... When you burn as many bridges as you have.... There won't be anyone there to bail you out anymore.

Mitch Naess: That looks to be exactly what happened. [Chuckles] Teddy Powell is now forced to take on "The Dirty White Boys" in a handi-cap match for the Tag Titles... All because NO ONE felt inclined enough to take Teddy's side.

Doc Messing: This is like Christmas for me... [Laughs]. GOD, I love my job.



"The Dirty White Boys" © vs. Teddy Powell

[2 on 1 Handi-Cap Match]

[PSW Tag Championship Match]


Teddy Powell, despite putting forth a great effort for being a "Tag Team of One", never really had a chance in this bout as "The Dirty White Boys" practically destroyed the PSW National Champion for a full 12 minutes. Sure, he was able to deliver a strong offensive here and there, however, when push came to shove... Numbers became his ultimate downfall. No matter how hard he punched... "The Dirty White Boys" punched harder. No matter how hard he tried to cheat his way to a quick victory... "The Dirty White Boys" not only used the same underhanded tactics but also purposely dragged out the affair. At one point, they even called on the debuting Harry Allen, still standing on the outside of the ring, to climb the nearest turnbuckle and execute a big time top rope flipping leg drop onto the semi-conscious Powell, laying on his back... looking up at the lights above.


In the end, it was all too much for the greedy, self-absorbed, Powell as the 3 on 1 beatdown had run its course... Powell could barely move and "The Dirty White Boys" could sense that. Following their signature "Dirty Bomb" (Powerbomb overhead throw into a Big Boot Combo)... Lead Belly would score a standard 3 count from PSW official R.M. Stones as he pins the current PSW National Champion with one foot placed upon his chest... A show of absolute dominance.


"The Dirty White Boys" retain the PSW Tag Championships by defeating Teddy Powell in 12:11 via a "Dirty Bomb".

Grade: D


Doc Messing: You know, some may feel bad for Teddy Powell seeing how no one came to his aide tonight... However, to be honest, That a**hole had it coming. He's spent the last year cheating, manipulating others, and ultimately destroying all of his so called "friendships"... And for that... He FINALLY reaped the consequence of his actions.

Mitch Naess: Can't argue with you on that one, Doc. Teddy is a polarizing figure on the PSW roster... You either love him or you hate his guts. Now, it looks like that has stretched even to the locker room area as NO ONE joined him for tonight's Tag Match... Even with the chance of potential gold... NO ONE showed up.... Not even his supposed ally, Mr. Morgan.

Doc Messing: I guess we now know the fate of "The Untouchables"...

Mitch Naess: It's been a long time coming...



Alex Braun

... Not So Fast ...


[it looked as if Alex had driven straight into the massive cement wall of a nearby factory. His battered car looks as if it completely folded up like an accordion upon impact as smoke, light flames, and shattered glass encompass the scene. A low-grade web camera frantically encounters the wreck as the camera man attempts to hide the sheer horror in his voice as he calls for someone to call 9-1-1.]


[Just then, a shadowy figure is seen standing before the side of car.... Blending in with the thick midnight air that blankets all. Moving in an overly aggressive manor as it grows closer and closer to the wreck. At first, it was easy to question whether or not this was another innocent bystanders that was there to help... However, as they grew closer... It was obvious to see that this man was no there to help what so ever. The towering figure slams his fist through the passenger side window... Opening the door and practically ripping it off in the process. From there, the mysterious figure grabs for something within the car.... Ultimately pulling out a bloodied Alex Braun by his throat.]


[With Braun's motionless body at his side, The Shadowy Figure now slams the injured veteran into the side of the car... Pummeling the unconscious Braun in a severely brutal manor. The web camera, growing in closer now, unveils the attacker as none other than... a returning KILLER COLOSSUS!]



Killer Colossus

... The Attacker ...


[However, this isn't the version of KILLER Colossus as we once knew him.... The monster before us looked much more menacing... The obvious victim of a deadly inferno, a blaze that was set by Alex Braun himself a few months back. The towering behemoth continues to wail away upon the defenseless Braun... Blow after blow... Strike after Strike... Blood continues to pour from Alex's face to the warm cement below.]


[As local PD race to the scene, KILLER Colossus is heard screaming outwardly in a predatory kind of manor... Slamming his fist one last time across the face of Alex Braun and then exiting into the night just like he first appeared. Leaving the recently retired Alex Braun as a bloody mess... Potentially gripping to life as little is known whether or not KILLER Colossus had played a hand in the car crash as well.]


Grade: C


Mitch Naess: I can't believe what we just saw....

Doc Messing: GOD, I know... This goes past Pro Wrestling... Alex Braun looks to be in critical condition following a hanious assault by the Monster, KILLER Colossus.

Mitch Naess: It's been two months since we've seen Colossus... Hiding from the world following a life-altering "Inferno Match" with Alex Braun. Could this have all been planned? Was this Colossus's vengeance?

Doc Messing: How could it not have been? [silence] GOD, I just hope that he's okay... for his family's sake....

Mitch Naess: It's sad to see a man of his stature go from an all-out "Love fest" to something like this in a span of an hour.... Just... Truly sad. We wish him, and his family, the best as they encounter such an event.

Doc Messing: I think I'm going to puke...



Mr. Morgan © vs. Bryan Holmes

[PSW Championship Match]


The environment circulating through out the "Ministry" Event Center was that of awkward tension as those "behind the curtains" were un-aware of how the crowd would react to a HEEL vs. HEEL main event. In a way, Mr. Morgan has been playing a somewhat tweener role (the lesser of two evils against Bryan Holmes) as he seemingly supports Bryan Holmes in his vendetta against the former DaVE legend, Johnny Martin, however, also seems to be at odds with his long time rival, and fellow "Untouchable", Teddy Powell. On the other hand, Bryan Holmes is arguably public enemy #1 in the eyes of the average PSW fan as HE was the very man to put Johnny Martin out of action... Citing a personal vendetta against the grizzled veteran.


That's why when Johnny Martin came out to do special guest colour commentary (for those who are watching via PSW.com)... The crowd absolutely erupted. Everyone was excited about the notion EXCEPT for the two competitors in the ring. Bryan Holmes, staring down his arch-nemesis, delayed the start of the match by almost 2 minutes as he would not break his line of sight off of the former PSW Champion.... Almost ignoring the major feat before him, Mr. Morgan.


Once the two loose allies finally locked up... There was no turning back. You would have NEVER known that these two were recently "on the same page" about any matter as both competitors brought everything they had to the bout. A true technical masterclass unfolded before our very eyes as both Mr. Morgan and Bryan Holmes pulled out NO stops what so ever. At one point, to make my point, both men executed a russian leg sweep off the top rope... Neither gaining the upper hand in the move... and BOTH... Almost being counted out due to the powerful impact on the canvas below.


No weapons were used.... Not a single spec of blood was shed, however, it wasn't needed....


Instead, the extremely PSW crowd further perpetuated the REAL understanding of "Hardcore Wrestling" to those who questioned how a "Weapon-less" Main Event would fair. To those avid PSW fans... An intense level of effort was enough to pass as "Hardcore". The mixture of hard striking action, brutal maneuvers, and bone-breaking submission holds were enough to "feed the beast". While bloodshed, weapons, and excessive force are all welcomed by those who truly LOVE PSW... It's not expected. Tonight's Main Event wasn't a chance to deliver a mindless sense of "Garbage Wrestling"... It was set in place to honor the intelligence of the TRUE Cult wrestling fan... Someone who respects those who have talent, understands the undercurrent of what the match means, and ultimately embraces the competitors as they give up their bodies, and overall personal health, for the LOVE of what they do.


As the final moments of the match grew closer no one knew how everything would end up. Neither man looked as if they had really "pulled away from the pack"... Instead, it all felt very equal between both competitors. That's why as Teddy Powell slowly made his way out of the back... Everyone knew that their beloved Main Event was about to end in a true catastrophe. The seemingly "former Untouchable" made his presence known by slamming a steel chair over the head of his once ally, Mr. Morgan, and then viciously swinging the chair upon his motionless body many times over as he laid unconscious on the matt. The brutal assault seemed to last forever as Powell looked obsessed over the matter.... Practically laughing toward the end as he could see that Mr. Morgan, his victim, was in a "world of hurt".


With Teddy Powell throwing the steel chair down at his side... Bryan Holmes quickly moved in for the kill... Picking up Mr. Morgan dead weight and successfully executing a twisting Fisherman's Suplex in the corner of the ring.... Ultimately picking up a standard three count from PSW Official, R.M. Stones.... Bringing on a NEW ERA in PSW as Bryan Holmes has now become the NEW PSW Champion.


Bryan Holmes wins the PSW Championship by defeating Mr. Morgan in 24:46 via a Twisting Fisherman's Suplex following a Teddy Powell interference.

Grade: D+


Mitch Naess: You can question the way he won the title but one thing is for sure.... Bryan Holmes is the NEW PSW Champion!

Doc Messing: That's bull-sh*t, Mitch, and you know it. GOD! [Pauses] I'm not a fan of Mr. Morgan in anyway... but you can't help but feel bad for the guy. He carried the PSW Championship for only four months after defeating Johnny Martin and NOW he loses the title because of a run-in from his former ally, Teddy Powell? That's cold...

Mitch Naess: It may not be fair but that's how things work in PSW...

Doc Messing: I know that... But.... I mean.... Come on.

Mitch Naess: No one is safe... No title reign is safe.... Here in PSW things rival a prison-like atmosphere... Numbers is the game.... Brutality is your badge of honor and cheating someone out of a Championship Belt is nothing more than a pawn in a greater sense of struggle.



Bryan Holmes

... NEW PSW Champion ...


[The extremely vocal, and highly loyal, PSW crowd is absolutely livid over Bryan Holmes victory... Showering the new Champion with a resounding wave of negative responses. However, Bryan doesn't seem to care one bit. Instead, the newly crowned Champion quickly pulls himself to his feet.... practically tearing the PSW Championship from the hands of R.M. Stones... Instantly raising the title belt high into the air as an act of defiance.]



Johnny Martin

... Target of Gloating ...


[Wasting no time, Bryan quickly turns to the corner where Johnny Martin now stands (no longer at the commentary desk)... Staring down the former Champion and obviously rubbing it in his face in the process. Martin, not budging a bit, looks up upon the new Champion... Leaning heavily on his crutches... Potentially weighting the options of trying to shove that very title belt down Holmes's throat. However, in the end, the story between Bryan Holmes and Johnny Martin has now developed a brand new twist.]



Teddy Powell and Mr. Morgan

... An Untouchable Feud Forms ...


[Meanwhile, Teddy Powell is seen standing in the isleway.... Looking back upon the carnage he created in the ring as the former PSW Champion, Mr. Morgan, attempts to regain his footing... Staring down his attacker the entire time, fuming over how everything unfolded. Despite Morgan's feverish pitch, Powell begins a stint of devilish laughter... Almost as if he was relishing in the fact that HE was the man who dethroned Mr. Morgan. Former allies.... Now on a path toward complete destruction.]


Grade: C-


Doc Messing: Don't worry Teddy.... You'll get what's coming to you....

Mitch Naess: You may be right about that one. I have a feeling that we're going to see Mr. Morgan like we've NEVER seen before in the next coming months.

Doc Messing: Something that will, almost certainly, result in Powell's head being removed forcibly from his head.

Mitch Naess: We can only hope...








Overall Show Grade: D

Popularity Increased!

Attendance: 553

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What are you going to do with Alex Braun now? He would make a great manager or color commentator. Maybe even a Road Agent?


I have a couple ideas of what I may end up doing with Alex. I don't want it to be super cliche though, So I'm trying to work up something that I'm excited about. There are a few scenarios that could work out.... Some better than others. ha.


The story of "what will happen to Alex" will probably unfold over the next few months (in-game).


Thanks for reading though, Amp!



Just a D+ for holmes vs morgan you got screwed!


I know!! I think it was because they were heel/heel. My Face/heel division is set at medium so it allows for such a match to happen but it still doesn't pull down the kind of rating it would if one were to have been a full fledged face instead of a tweener type.


All in all, It sucked to see that it topped out at a D+, however, I'm sure with the new developments... We'll see Morgan and Holmes Part II at some point. :cool:

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Still loving it, Eisen.


Great main event, too. The exchange between the play-by-play and color guys afterward (and after the ensuing angle) was really good as well.


Keep it up, my friend.




Thanks, NoNeck!


The main Event, despite not being a great overall grade (which kind of sucked), was a lot of fun to write since it gave me the option to push two new storylines.


1) Bryan Holmes overtakes the PSW Championship.

[something I wanted to do from the second I signed him... However, wanted to give him a reasonable reason to get a title shot... ie. Winning the "Blood, Sweat, and Tears" tournament... Going through Martin to do so.]


2) The creation of a legit Morgan/Powell feud

[Will take more shape at the next event, however, with what's happened between the two since March... Powell has been a terrible, terrible, partner and it's time for Mr. Morgan to finally "stand up" for himself in that regard.]


Overall, this show took a little longer to write as I was moving in on out of motivation, however, what came together was "golden" from the standpoint of moving forward with the diary. New storylines, new feuds, characters returning (KILLER Colossus), characters debuting (Harry Allen at the expense of Teddy Powell), and characters retiring (Alex Braun).


All in all, good to know that you enjoyed the show!! Always awesome to hear feedback from those writer's that you look up to. :D

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Backstage @ "The End of Days..."

... What the F*ck, Billy? ...


At first you can forgive. It's almost as if you allow the other person a "free pass", in a sense, an homage to the knowledge that people are innately human and will make mistakes. However, when a pattern begins to form... That's when judgment starts to seep from within.


Trust me. I know how it feels to be standing as the one with the pattern fused into my being. The peering eyes of those who believe they are "better than me" due to the fact that they hide their personality flaws... It's all very elementary. So, when it comes down to it, I carry a lot of empathy for the figure in question... However, at the same time, his actions (this person) has not only hurt his perception with others... but has also begun to agitate the locker room area... Developing internal factions, cliques if you will, that are centered either left or right of the tolerance chain.


It started last month with Alex Braun.... While it practically tore our company up from the inside, I was instructed by Mitch to see to it that Billy didn't suffer any sort of consequences due to his actions.... A point that I would later contest... A challenging motion that would ultimately create a slight rift between myself and the very man who employed me here, giving ME a second chance as well.


While cooler heads prevailed, despite the fact that Billy's actions had seemingly pushed Alex toward an earlier retirement than first thought, we were all forced into, yet another, outburst from the former MMA star. A fact that has recently generated a stigma upon Billy as a "hot head"... Something that's not taken lightly by those of us in the back.




"Didn't we talk about this last month?"


I conjured up as much inner strength as possible... Attempting to hide the fact that my right leg was shaking like a detoxing patient coming off of a drastic high.


"Honestly, Billy. Do you want to isolate yourself backstage? Is that your plan?"


Billy stood before me, arms crossed tightly... His jaw pointing slightly upward... In a sense, the pure example of someone not listening to what's being said and, rather, holding themselves in a "holier than thou" manor.


"I can't continue to cover for you Billy... Sooner or later, Sh*t is going to hit the fan... [Pauses] Even with Mitch in your corner... There will come a point where 'the boys' deliver their own brand of "locker room justice" if you don't watch your actions."


For the second month straight, Billy Russell had been the focal point of a "backstage arguement"... This time with 34 year old Tri-state veteran, Little Bill Lebowski. While not a big time player with PSW, Bill has consistently been one of THE most liked superstars in the locker room area. So, when Billy Russell played a tasteless prank (peeing all over Bill's clothing during the show)... The locker room area sparked with rage over the incident... Instantly taking the side, once again, of the person Billy had wronged.


"You're an adult, Billy... You know that pissing on someone's stuff isn't acceptable. Sure, you may have gotten away with that elsewhere.. but here? Again, I don't care how 'in love' Mitch is with your persona here... These guys will eat you alive if you continue to act like this."


Still, Billy stands before me... Not saying a word... Rather, looking as if he's about to confront me physically as he stands... Knowing that he could break my arm in a split second if he really wanted to.


"Get your Sh*t together, Billy... Or else..."


Or Else? Who the hell ends a statement with "or else" anymore? Then again, I knew that whatever action I wanted to take, in the event of another altercation, would certainly be blocked by Mitch. So, in a sense, this was as far as I could really go without exposing my lack of power in this case. Billy, cracking a "I don't really give a sh*t" smile, finally reacts verbally to my choice of discipline with a slight...


"Gotcha Boss. You made your point loud and clear."


Not a... I'm sorry. Not even a... It won't happen again. Nope. Most likely, Billy knew I had no ground in disciplining him... Aware that the Owner ultimately had his back regardless of any actions he took.


... A position that I hated dearly ...


Altercation: Billy Russell and Little Bill Lebowski

Disciplinary Action: Stern Warning

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Hell's Demon himself makes his return to PSW


NEWS: The Exiled, physically scarred, Monster makes his return to PSW.

4th Week of October 2008


One of THE most talked about segment from last night's live event, "The End of Days", is the less-than triumphant return of the physically scarred Monster, KILLER Colossus. In an act of personal Vengeance, one could derive, Colossus returned from a 2 month exile from PSW with a brutally heinous assault upon the recently retired Alex Braun.


The attack took place as most thought Alex had left for the night following a tearful retirement speech before 553 dedicated PSW fans in the "Ministry" Event Center. The beloved indy figure, on edge from said scenario, was said to be in "good spirits" as he exited the establishment that night, on route to head back home to be with his family, however, such situation never came to pass.


In what looked like a life-altering car crash into a nearby brick wall.... Alex Braun was forcibly removed from the car and then beaten senselessly by the returning Colossus. Blood filled the streets as flames, and thick black smoke, filled the midnight air. Paramedics and local PD were called, however by the time they made it onto the scene... The damage had already been done.


Alex Braun was swiftly transported to a nearby Pittsburgh Hospital where he was checked into the ER almost immediately. His status is currently unknown, however, an un-named bystander painted a gruesome picture of the events...


"I was on a late night run when I saw a black sedan driving eastbound. The car was forced to swerve off of the road, up onto the sidewalk, and into a nearby brick wall as a giant of a man stood in the middle of the back industrial road before him. From there, the same shadowy figure viciously attacked the victim of the car crash... Practically put his life in danger as local PD rushed to the scene."


As stated, We don't know much information at this point, however, as more details come forward we will certainly pass them along to you.

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I'm going to say this, you can ALWAYS escalate your warnings over time. Just remember what your warning was the first time, and go the next step.


I'm not sure why you want to remind me of this? ;)


I dealt with Billy Russell in the manor that I felt John Greed would have given the current situation. Couldn't go above and beyond because of Mitch's tie with Billy and didn't want to let him just slide without any consequences... So, a stern warning came forward.


I understand that there are tactical ways of playing this game (which I do myself), however, my choices within this diary are stritcly focused on how Greed would interact with his environment.


Hope that helps.


Great last show, Eisen. Only problem is that the show grades are in no way matching the write-ups you provide! :D


Ha. Thanks Marcel. :)


At first it seemed a little awkward having some of my biggest segments only landing a D+ to a C- (with most average ones falling around a E+ and a D-). However, when you look at the overall popularity of the company, it seems fitting.


Plus, in a way, it's like when you play as a "cupcake team" on NCAA Football. You know that your roster isn't amazing, that you don't have the levels some of the bigger teams have, however, in the end, you make due with what you have at your disposal. ha. So, in a way, I get as excited to see a C- or a C that I would if it were to be an B+ or an A.


It would have bee nice to land more than a D+ in the Main Event but given the circumstances I was pretty happy. :D


Maybe, with time, those grades will start to rise as my roster becomes more popular/talented. For now, I guess, it's the "work stage" where I have to put in the work to get PSW there at some point.


All in all, Thanks for giving the show a read Marcel! Despite it taking a little while to put together... It was a fun one to write (Esp. The KILLER Colossus return).



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