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PSW: The Evolution of Greed

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Mid November 2008

... Give me this Moment ...


My level of focus was drastically starting to shift. I could feel my vice taking full control of the situation... My internal demon becoming a sole dictator of my psyche. The "itch" was now more like debilitating sense of hunger... Stretching my sanity at every turn.


With my life slowly descending back into shambles... I found myself struggling to stay focused on the "Task at Hand", Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling. I desperately wanted to walk away... Tell Mitch to "shove it", however, I knew that this was a "once in a lifetime" opportunity... A chance to really prove myself in a whole new spectrum. Therefore, I attempted to pull everything together in time for our next, upcoming, Live Event.


I was running over a laundry list of potential segments for our upcoming event, "F*ck the Mainstream", when all of a sudden my phone rang. A classic 70's rock guitar solo filled the thick midnight air as I stood back... shocked as to who could be calling me. Even more shocked when I discovered WHO it was calling me....



"John. It's Ash"


Ash Campbell, the infamous son of Wrestling Legend, Nemesis. A youngster who has done everything in his power to be "great", however, is still lacking that "big moment" to really turn his career in the right direction.


"Ash? I didn't know you had my number..."


"Yea, well... actually I didn't. I scored it off of Larry (Wood). He said that you were running over the show recently and I wanted to talk to you about something."


Larry Wood, KILLER Colossus in PSW, is probably my closest friend on the roster despite the obvious age difference. His experience as a headbooker has helped me immensely as he's been like an older brother ever since he discovered my "wide-eyed" approach to booking a show.


"Go ahead... Shoot"


"Well, it's all over the place that Christopher (Hart) has left PSW for USPW. Hell, the internet is buzzing like mad and there's a good chance that this month's show will be blazing on the internet."


He's right... Controversy tends to deliver ratings.... or in our case... Internet hits.


"Now, I know that there's a gaping whole at the beginning of the show versus Billy. I'm not asking you for any sort of major spot... Just to give me 'my chance', John."


Here it was. The young Ash Campbell was looking to develop "his moment", the epic start of a new era in his career, and it just so happens that I may be listening for once...


"Give me the chance to step out there... Speak to the crowd on behalf of PSW in this whole fiasco and then pick up a the match with Billy. You've got to put me there man... You just have to."


I mulled over the idea. A high profile moment for Ash Campbell would be a very strong move for the future of PSW as the youngster has not only shown a love for the company but, also, his name generates a lot of buzz for our cause in the end. In that sense, how could this go wrong?


"You've got it, Ash. You'll open the show this month".


And it was set... Ash Campbell was now set to "Break free" from the confines of his youthful inexperience. It was his chance to shine... his chance to dance... but.... Could he deliver?




"F*ck the Mainstream" Quick Picks


Billy Russell vs. Ash Campbell

The Dirty White Boys © vs. "The Deadly Sin's" w/ John Greed

Harry Allen/Mr. Morgan/Frankie Future vs. Teddy Powell & "The Ring Generals"

*PSW Special Guest* vs. KILLER Colossus

Bryan Holmes © vs. ??????


Note: I know there's been a lot of backstory segments between these the last show and this upcoming one, however, all that's come together has been quite BIG for John Greed. Therefore, I've had to delve a little more into the backstory than anything else. The next post will most likely be "F*ck the Mainstream". Cheers.
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Note: Nedew isn't going crazy... I did post this originally, however, for some reason, it didn't stay. I was messing around with it though and probably accidentally did something. ha. Anyways, This is the next step. Cheers.


Well thank **** for that, I thought I was going absolutely mental when i then saw you post it again, exactly the same as i remembered it!


But my fragile mental state aside, great segments and shows as ever. You're a solid writer.

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Well thank **** for that, I thought I was going absolutely mental when i then saw you post it again, exactly the same as i remembered it!


I'm not sure why it didn't hold up the first time I posted it. Then again, I did try to mess around with editing it and then left for the afternoon before it loaded again. So, I'm sure I deleted it somehow. ha.


But my fragile mental state aside, great segments and shows as ever. You're a solid writer.


Thanks for the vote of confidence, Nedew. :D I appreciate it, man. I've had a lot of fun writing this diary (more so than my X-WA diary) and am excited to move forward with both the "in-ring" storylines and the backstage storylines as well.


While it always seems like a major feat to write the show out (at least when you haven't started yet)... As I start to write, It all becomes a little easier... and in the end, I'm always happy with the outcome.


I'm more of a "free form" writer, So in a sense, I don't overly plan a lot of things. Sure, I have my main things that I keep in mind and work toward, however, for the most part... I like spontaneity. It Tends to help me creatively.

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+ Streaming LIVE via PSW.com +

"The Ministry" Event Center

PSW Event #9




Ash Campbell

... Declaration of Loyalty ...


["F*ck The Mainstream" opens in a, rather, surprising way as PSW youngster, Ash Campbell is seen standing in the middle of the ring. The crowd, somewhat shocked by the event as well, delivers a respectful show of confidence for the 2nd Generation Wrestler... A moment in time that many believe is set to be Ash's triumphant rise to relevancy. Without wasting anytime... The young Campbell opens the show.]


Ash Campbell: Many of you may already know of the actions of one that took place "behind the curtains" over the last few weeks. Christopher "Benedict F*cking Arnold" Hart was suppose to debut with our company. Everything was set... the "suits" were excited about his potential... He was stoked about being part of a pure underground development, or so he said.... Only to have the F*cking turncoat answer a call from Strong... Pack his bags... And ultimately turn his back on the ONLY company that gave a flying f*ck about him following his release from Cornell's training ground.


[The crowd erupts... Chanting "Good F*cking Riddance" the entire time.]


Ash Campbell: I agree... Good F*cking Riddance.


[The crowd errupts once again after Ash responds to their chorus.]


Ash Campbell: I asked "the suits" to allow me to open the show tonight for two main reasons.... Firstly, to rip a whole into that piece of sh*t Hart.... [Crowd pops]... And the other.... To take his place in the opening match of the night against Billy Russell.


[Crowd pops again]


Ash Campbell: You see... You can't pull that kind of sh*t here in Pittsburgh. [Pop] Here in the Steel City we break our backs, snap our bones, bloody our faces, hell... probably shorten our life expectancy all for one sole reason... For you.


[Ash points out to the crowd... Circling around.]


Ash Campbell: This is ALL... for you. [Pop] So, when a that f*cking punk decided that he was going to walk out on us.... He walked out on ALL OF US.


[Crowd continues with their "Good F*cking Riddance" chant as Ash grows a smirk on his face.]


Ash Campbell: So let this be a warning to the rest of you.... [Looks into the web cam camera] Pittsburgh is not your stepping stone... We are not your "minor league system".... We're not here to develop your "next big things".... F*ck.... WE ARE.... PITTSBURGH..... STEEEEEEEEEEEEL.... WRRRRRESTLING!


[With that, Ash Campbell throws the microphone down to the canvas below. Looking feverishly into the web cam camera as he mouths the words "F*ck you Hart". After finally breaking his focus for a second, Ash backs into a nearby turnbuckle... Awaiting his opponent for tonight... The undefeated Billy Russell.]


Grade: D-


Doc Messing: F*CK YES! I couldn't have said it any better....

Mitch Naess: You turn your back on PSW... We'll F*cking let you know about it.

Doc Messing: Did you just swear?

Mitch Naess: F*CK Yea I did...

Doc Messing: [Laughs] See what you did... you pushed Mr. Prim-and-Proper here to swear... [Laughs] I'm loving tonight already!



Ash Campbell vs. Billy Russell


You could tell that this match meant a lot to the young Ash Campbell. His mannerisms were quite aggressive as he stared down his opponent, Billy Russell, from across the ring... Much like Billy has done month in and month out since his initial debut. The stair down between these two, far before the bell was first rung, was enough to deliver a heavy sense of grandeur to the event as both competitors were attempting to psyche the other out.


When the action was finally set in motion it looked as if Ash Campbell was potentially going to be the first person to defeat the "human weapon", Billy Russell. I'm not sure if it was luck, great circumstance, or the fact that his motor was already running on high... but... Ash Campbell looked like a man possesed... Pushing the tempo of the match, landing a few flashy spots that would ultimately end in a dramatic 2 count.


Ash, teetering the line of aggressive and reckless, lept off the top rope as Billy slowly raised back up to his feet. It looked as if the youngster was going to attempt a top rope closeline, however, the main word in this situation is... Attempt. Billy Russell, the crafty veteran that he is, was playing possum... Quickly snapping back to full consciousness and catching Ash in the air with a side-step armbar. Upon impact, Ash's head is seen bouncing off of the canvas rather forcibly as Billy Russell applies an immense amount of pressure... Forcing the hell-bent Ash Campbell to submit to a devastating arm bar... Seconds from potentially having his arm broke in half.


Billy Russell defeats Ash Campbell in 3:41 via an Arm-Bar Submission.

Grade: D-


Mitch Naess: You have to give the young guy some credit... Despite being on the losing end in every match since 2008 started.... Ash showed a glimmer of hope tonight with this performance. Maybe... Just maybe... This could be the turning point for the youngster as he moves forward with his career.

Doc Messing: Yea, I agree, Mitch. That was a different Ash in the ring here tonight. He didn't look as clueless as he has in the past.... He knew what was at stake and he brought everything he had.... Sadly, though, his everything is not enough to defeat the likes of Billy Russell.

Mitch Naess: Granted, most people's "everything" may not be enough to defeat someone like Russell. He's truly a "Human Weapon".



Ash Campbell

... Mental Breakdown ...


[We're not sure if it was the constant losing (0-6 in 2008 in PSW), the overall pressure of having a truly legendary father, or a fusion of the both.... However, what came next was truly a moment of desperation. Ash Campbell, under five minutes from a passionate speech given before his match with Billy, was now starting to "come apart at the seams".... Grabbing at his hair and pulling, as if he was expecting to tear his entire head of hair from his scalp, screaming out in ways that we have NEVER heard from the youngster before.]


[From there, an all-out hissy fit would ensue.... Slamming steel chairs against everything in sight, tearing up the turnbuckle guards and throwing them all over the place, pushing R.M. Stones out of the ring when he tried to stop the enraged youngster, and even kicking over a stretch of steel guardrail (an act that almost pinned a woman underneath the fencing in the process).]


[All in all, It's easy to see that the young Ash Campbell had finally snapped under the pressures of being an active wrestler... Presenting his internal struggle outwardly for the first time...]


Grade: E+


Mitch Naess: I would call for someone to stop this but it may be best for the youngster to get this out of his system...

Doc Messing: Plus... You're probably just going to fire him after the outburst anyway.

Mitch Naess: [silence] It's a possibility...

Doc Messing: I knew it.... Even after he spoke so highly of PSW... You don't really care do you? [Laughs] I've read the internet reports Mitch... You're not saint.

Mitch Naess: [Commotion is heard] Watch yourself.



"The Dirty White Boys" © vs. "The Deadly SIN's" w/ John Greed

[PSW Tag Team Championship Match]




If you like senseless hardcore action then tonight's token tag match was enough to deliver your fix. Both teams used everything at their disposal... Chairs, Tables, and even a lead pole brought into action by John Greed. While R.M. Stones attempted to keep the action as close to the ringside area as possible... His advances were often ignored. Instead, both teams were seen piling into the crowd... Throwing eachother around "The Ministry" like they were the only match to take place tonight. At one point, John Greed lunged onto the back of Lead Belly... Trying to choke him out in the process, thus helping his "boys" in the process. However, this wouldn't last very long as Lead Belly was seen flipping the much lighter Greed over his shoulder... Slamming him down on the concrete floor below. It was there that John Greed would never really return to the ringside area... Instead, clutching his back in pain and obviously not doing all that well.


As the match grew to a close, Primal Rage was bloodied rather severely after being dropped onto a steel chair via a seated tombstone piledriver. The move was so impactful that it almost garnered the Tag Champions a Victory, however, Acedia was fortunate enough to break up the count with a steel chair shot of his own.


In the end, "The Dirty White Boys" showed exactly why they are THE most dominant team in PSW history... As Grease Hogg was able to knock Acedia out of the ring with a wicked chair shot, swung like a baseball bat, to his head. Once Rage's partner was out, and John Greed was still incapacitated, the "tough as nails" biker duo was able to force the wavering Primal Rage into their signature "Dirty Bomb" (Powerbomb overhead throw into a Big Boot combo). Ultimately picking up a three count from PSW official, R.M. Stones.


"The Dirty White Boys" retain the PSW Tag Championships by defeating "The Deadly SIN's" in 9:33 via a "Dirty Bomb".

Grade: D-


Doc Messing: God Damn, I F*cking love those guys. [Laughs]

Mitch Naess: I honestly thought that "The Deadly SIN's" had a great chance of walking away with the Tag Titles tonight, however, it just wasn't in the cards. But, I agree, Lead Belly and Grease Hogg are two of the more dominant figures in PSW today!

Doc Messing: Each and every month the same question seems to arrise.... Who will EVER be able to defeat these guys?

Mitch Naess: Only time will tell, Doc. However, there are still some teams on the roster who may be able to give these guys a go. "The Deadly SIN's" proved that they are a great team in themselves....

Doc Messing: If "The Deadly SIN's" is all they have to worry about then I'm pretty sure that "The Dirty White Boys" will cruise on through to another 9 months of an undefeated Tag Title reign. [Laughs]

Mitch Naess: We'll see, Doc. There's still a lot more ahead I'm sure...



Mitch Naess

... Naming #1 Contender ...


[shortly after calling the last match, Mitch Naess makes his way into the ring as he's met with a resounding "thank you" from the crowd. After motioning slightly that he would like to move on, acknowledging their show of support, however, looking to get to the matter at hand... Mitch slowly raises the PSW mic up to his mouth... Focused on delivering who will compete for Bryan Holmes's PSW Championship... here... Tonight.]


Mitch Naess: As you all know... The main event is slightly unfinished at this point. What we do know for sure is that Bryan Holmes [Crowd boo's] will be defending the PSW Championship.... However, what we don't know is who will ultimately stand on the other side of this ring as his challenger. Now, before I unveil who will compete for the title tonight... I'd like to call Bryan Holmes out to the ring. Bryan...



PSW Champion, Bryan Holmes

... The Champ arrives ...


[A few seconds pass as Bryan Holmes's theme music (a unique blending of Gregorian chanting and pure heavy metal) kicks in over the "Ministry's" low quality sound system. The crowd, letting him have it from the second he steps out of the back, makes it very apparent that they absolute hate this guy... Throwing trash in his direction... Even going as far as to TRY to pick a fight with him on his way to the ring. With that being said, though... The PSW Champion looks poised like a "cold blooded killer".... Focused on the task at hand. Once in the ring, Holmes stands across from PSW's owner... Staring him down as if to say "Bring it on".]


Mitch Naess: Bryan, There's no doubt that you've proven yourself to be the "cream of the crop" here in PSW. In just 6 months... You were able to come into Pittsburgh and dethrone Johnny Martin only months from a Year Long title reign. [Crowd boo's] That's not a easy feat. [Pauses] You see, here in Pittsburgh there is a saying that resonates with our locker room area.... "You don't win... You survive". [Crowd pop's] And with that phrase in mind... , knowing that tonight's main event is a "Last Man Standing" Match, I knew exactly who should step into the ring with you... here tonight. He's a man whose proven himself time and time again.... Suffered injuries and yet kept coming back for more... A warrior who will not rest until that Championship [Points to the title over Holmes's shoulder] is BACK... Around his waist.


[The crowd starts to buzz as the puzzle pieces are coming together.]


Mitch Naess: I would introduce you to your opponent for tonight... however, you two know eachother ALL... to... Well.


[Mitch points to the entrance way as Johnny Martin's theme music begins to blare over the "Ministry's" low quality sound system.]



Johnny Martin

... Challenger for Tonight ...


[The former PSW Champion slowly staggers his way out of the back... Crutches still residing under his arms as a state of confusion fills the "Ministry". How can Johnny compete if he's still injured? This question seems evident upon Holmes's face as he looks to Mitch with a "What the F*ck" kind of mentality... Something that became even more chaotic as Johnny Martin now drops the crutches at either side... Stepping away from them... And running down to the ring like a wayward locomotive.]


[Once in the ring, Martin is met by Bryan Holmes as the two engage in a ferocious brawl... Both men wailing away on the other... Both with the hope of taking the other out even before they can get to the Main Event tonight.]


[Holmes, sensing it's time to save his energy for tonight, lands a cheap shot by poking Martin in the eye.... Followed by sliding out of the ring and back peddling up the isle way with the PSW Championship, once again, in his clutches. As Johnny Martin watches on, holding one eye, Bryan Holmes smirks a little... raising the Championship high into the air as he exits into the backstage area.]


Grade: D+


Doc Messing: I can't wait for tonight's main event! JOHNNY MARTIN IS BACK!! [Laughs]

Doc Messing: Just when you thought he was down and out... He's found a way to comeback to Pittsburgh. [Laughs] This is going to be ONE HELL OF A FIGHT!



Teddy Powell & "The Ring Generals" w/ Nicole Kiss vs. Mr. Morgan, Harry Allen, and Frankie Future

[3 vs 3 - First Pinfall Match]

[if Powell is pinned, The victor is the new #1 contender to the PSW National Championship]


There was a blanket of enthusiasm spreading over the "Ministry" Event Center as Harry Allen made his official in-ring debut with PSW. The TCW-outcast, now PSW "Fallen Angel", came into tonight with a heavy chip on his shoulder... Knowing that TONIGHT would make or break the rest of his tenure with the company. Would the extremely vocal PSW crowd accept him?


You better believe it.


While that was the case, The true story that came from tonight's match was a fusion of two storylines. Teddy Powell, the manipulative PSW National Champion, did everyting in his power to stay away from Mr. Morgan... Meanwhile, Nicole Kiss physically stripped down to practically nothing on the outside of the ring... looking to distract Frankie Future (A feat that was successful at many points through out the match... enraging Future and allowing "The Ring Generals" to take control of the match at given spots).


While the crowd doesn't really care for Nicole that much, chanting "Saggy Nipples" in her direction, they couldn't help themselves... Cheering to see more skin from THE most hated female on the roster. Her approach proved to be very successful for "The Ring Generals" as both Dean and Marv were often seen in control of the aging veteran, Frankie Future. Meanwhile, Teddy Powell made sure that he was never in the ring one on one with Mr. Morgan... terrified of what the former PSW Champion would do to him after he turned on his former duo-mate.... Giving Bryan Holmes the victory last month.


While Powell's attempt to stay away from Mr. Morgan was quite successful as well... That would quickly come to a close toward the end of the match as Mr. Morgan tagged himself in as Frankie Future was competing against Powell. Teddy, trying to run back to his corner, never quite made it "home"... As Morgan quickly bumrushed him... Flooring him over and over again with an array of powerful overhead suplexes. His offensive looked so impressive that it looked like Mr. Morgan was about to score a pinfall victory over Powell, becoming the new #1 contender to the PSW National Championship, however, Teddy was fortunate enough to block a DDT attempt by Morgan... Instead, flipping him over the top rope... crashing awkwardly to the floor outside.


However, the very second after Powell finished flipping Morgan over the top rope... He's met with a BIG TIME chair shot from Harry Allen as he lunges across the ring. The cold steel connected harshly upon Powell's forehead... Forcing him to slowly fall to the canvas in a theatric display. From there, Allen was able to climb the nearest turnbuckle in one swoop... Landing his signature "The Descent" (A 360 Top Rope Leg Drop)... Ultimately picking up the three count from R.M. Stones... Labeling him the NEW #1 Contender to the PSW National Championship!


Mr. Morgan, Harry Allen, and Frankie Future defeated Teddy Powell and "The Ring Generals" when Harry Allen pinned Teddy Powell following "The Descent".

Grade: D-


Doc Messing: What a Debut! Harry Allen, in his first event with us here in PSW, comes away as the NEW #1 Contender to the PSW National Championship!

Mitch Naess: It looks like Harry is setting the trend ofly early.... He's here for redemption.

Doc Messing: I can't wait... next month.... Teddy Powell vs. Harry Allen for the National Championship! That's a F*cking dream match if you ask me.

Mitch Naess: It should be one hell of a match!



Harry Allen

... Post Match Celebration ...


[Harry Allen, now the NEW #1 Contender to Teddy Powell's PSW National Championship, stands before his adoring crowd... climbing a nearby turnbuckle to celebrate his, potentially, career-altering victory. The overall tone in "The Ministry" is that of utter-excitement as it's obvious to see that Harry Allen has quickly become, arguably, THE most popular superstar in Pittsburgh Today!]


[What that being said... What came next would make a case for Teddy Powell being the antithesis of that fact...]



Teddy Powell

... Post Match Attack ...


[With Harry Allen looking out onto the crowd from on high... Teddy Powell see's an opportunity to get ahead of his competiton... Quickly, the speedy lightweight, bolts across the ring... Pushing Harry Allen off the top rope. Without expecting such an event, Harry isn't able to catch himself... Sending him over the top of the turnbuckle... Falling a good 5 to 6 feet to the unforgiving cement floor below. The impact of such a fall sends the crowd into a state of shock as Harry rolls around the floor below holding his arm (the arm he tried to catch himself with).]


[Knowing that he's a marked man (both by Mr. Morgan and now the fans for hurting Harry), Teddy quickly exits the ring... Literally running up the isle way with his PSW National Championship in hand. Meanwhile, Mr. Morgan and Frankie Future are now attending to the injured Harry Allen as he lays on his side... Gripping at his right arm as if there may be a break of some sort.]


Grade: D-


Doc Messing: What a D*CK...

Mitch Naess: What else do you expect from Teddy Powell? He'll do anything to ensure that the gold stays around his waist. Injuring Harry Allen only gives him a better shot next month when he via's for the National Championship.

Doc Messing: Oh... I know, Mitch. I just hate that little PR*CK.



KILLER Colossus w/ John Greed vs. Shawn Gonzalez

[special - One Night Only - Match]


Shawn looked as if he was itching for redemption. Not so much for himself, however, for the man that KILLER Colossus viciously assaulted last month following his emotional retirement, Alex Braun. Alex and Shawn have a storied history with one another going back to their days in DaVE... Shawn won his first championship in the Vilbert run company by defeating Alex Braun, a fact that created a close bond between the two as the veteran figure, Braun, helped to show the youngster (at the time) the ropes. With that being said, Shawn Gonzalez made the trip all the way up from Puerto Rico (on loan) to fight for Braun's honor as he is unable to do so himself.


The match itself started off like an all-out explosion as both men quickly met eachother in the middle of the ring... fists-a-blazing. The only problem with this, as it pertains to Gonzalez, is that KILLER Colossus is a far more powerful fighter... So, as time went on, the act of brawling certainly weighted heavily in favor of the towering monster. It looked as if Shawn was going to fall victim rather quickly to KILLER's powerful wrath... That was until the art of weapon combat was introduced into their bout.


Shawn Gonzalez found a way to subdue the monstrous Colossus with a heavily bent steel chair. Slamming the cold steel over his head numerous times, however, not forceful enough to knock him off of his feet. After another round of shots, Colossus still stood....


He would continue to stand, taking everything that Gonzalez was throwing at him, until the crafty FCW superstar lept off the top rope with the steel chair in hand... Slamming the heavily dented chair square across the top of Colossus's head. Upon Impact, KILLER's knees began to buckle... His arms swaying.... Then it happened.... BOOM. He hit the matt in a thunderous herd... Something that ignited the crowd into a ecstatic pitch.


The only downfall....


KILLER Colossus was back on his feet, literally, 5 seconds later...


In, what can only be described as, a borderline "horror flick monster" kind of way... KILLER Colossus was taking everything that was being dished out upon him and still showing no signs of slowing down. It took EVERYTHING from Gonzalez to get the big man onto his back, however, even that, was not all that successful as Colossus was now back on his feet... Steaming... Ready for a fight.


Their exchange, from here, became even more heated... More brutal... At one point, it looked as if KILLER Colossus was going to practically kill Shawn as he chokeslamed him over the top rope and onto the cement floor below (as Shawn was standing on the apron looking to get back into the ring). The impact made such a loud, sickening, thud that it could be heard through out the "Ministry". Shawn was motionless....


John Greed quickly rolled Shawn back into the ring... screaming to his epic monster to "finish the job", however, there seemed to be a new vibe with KILLER... Almost as if he wasn't paying attention to his fearless leader anymore. There was a greater sense of anarchy in his stride... A bit of information that would later come in handy.


In the end, KILLER Colossus was in full control of the situation... Lifting Shawn off of his feet and whipping him into the nearest rope, with the intention of landing his potentially career-ending BIG BOOT square to his jaw, however, upon return... Shawn was fortunate enough to regain his composure... Ducking out of KILLER's attempt.... Instead, grabbing a steel chair that laid in the middle of the ring.


When KILLER spun around... There was Shawn... jabbing the end of the steel chair square into the throat of KILLER Colossus. The impact sent the monster reeling... Gripping at his throat, almost toppling over in the process. This opened the door for the FCW superstar to jab the end of the steel chair, two more times, into the back of the staggering monster... Forcing him to drop to a knee.


Once on his knee... Shawn quickly wound up and slammed the heavily dented steel chair across the back of his head with so much force that the towering behemoth now lay motionless... face down. John Greed, screaming at the top of his lungs for KILLER to return to form, watched on as Shawn quickly rolled the motionless monster over onto his back... Landing a leaping leg drop with the steel chair positioned under his legs... Afterward, Picking up a shocking three count from R.M. Stones.


Shawn Gonzalez defeats KILLER Colossus in 15:23 via Leg Drop/Chair combo.

Grade: D+


Doc Messing: Holy SH*T... Shawn Gonzalez beat the Behemoth... [Laugh of disbelief] I can't believe what I Just saw.

Mitch Naess: Shawn is one hell of a competitor but I never thought I'd see the day. KILLER Colossus has become a deadly aggressor ever since Alex Braun lit his face a blaze at "The Rising Inferno". Even though he lost, It still took absolutely everything from Shawn to get the job done.

Doc Messing: It took even more than "everything", Mitch. He gave KILLER all he had earlier on and the Burning Behemoth found a way to get back onto his feet in under 10 seconds. Jesus...

Mitch Naess: There's a good chance that this one isnt.... [stops to watch]

Doc Messing: What...... the...... F*ck.



KILLER Colossus and Shawn Gonzalez

... Post-Match Attack ...


[shawn Gonzalez stood next to R.M. Stones as the sole PSW official raised his hand as the ultimate victor. The surviving half of an extremely brutal war between he and the monster, KILLER Colossus. Gonzalez, soaking in the highly positive response from the "Ministry" crowd, looks on into the crowd nodding his head, smirking slightly, and enjoying his short stint with Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling. That was... until... KILLER Colossus awoke from his state of unconsciousness.]


[in a show of absolute power, KILLER Colossus floors Shawn from behind with a HUGE closeline to the back of his head. Shawn's head, upon impact, snaps forcibly downward as his motionless body plummets to the canvas below. A shot like this, especially unsuspecting like it was, could have delivered a severe case of whiplash as Gonzalez lays face down on the matt... holding the back of his neck in pain.]


[KILLER, slowly stepping over the top of his fallen victim, reaches down to grab Shawn by the back of his neck... Lifting him off the ground with both hands... Choking him in mid-air. In a truly grotesque sight, Shawn is seen looking outward onto the crowd with sheer horror in his face... Being choked by the towering KILLER Colossus. His body, Shawn's, flails left and right as KILLER continues to wrench in in his neck... Holding him up even higher now (Shawn's feet not touching the ground what so ever). This went on for another 20 seconds before Shawn's body finally went limp... Knocked unconscious from KILLER's devastating standing-choke hold.]


[KILLER, now sensing Shawn was out, shook his victim a few more times... Pulling him up even higher... Just before he throws his lifeless body back to the canvas below. Even John Greed looks on in shock.... A moment of truth that slowly faded away just as an evil grin grew upon his face. John, climbing into the ring now, takes the side of his ferocious monster as KILLER Colossus looks out onto the crowd... His hands pushing down on the nearby ring ropes... Snarling like a rabid animal.]


Grade: C


Doc Messing: GOOD GOD.... [silence]

Mitch Naess: It appears that Shawn Gonzalez may be unconscious following KILLER Colossus's chokehold.... [silence] He doesn't seem to be moving what so ever.

Doc Messing: I... I... Holy Sh*t... [silence] Did that just happen?

Mitch Naess: Shawn picked up the victory tonight, however, there's no doubt about it that KILLER Colossus finished the job.

Doc Messing: I'm sure once Shawn comes back too... He'll start to question WHY he stood up for Alex Braun.... Why he decided to come up to Pittsburgh for someone else's redemption. [silence] He may be severely hurt... All in the name of an old friend.

Mitch Naess: Very true. One thing's for sure.... KILLER Colossus looks as if he can't be stopped.



Bryan Holmes © vs. Johnny Martin

[PSW Championship Match]

[Last Man Standing Match]



Bryan Holmes, still standing in disbelief that Johnny Martin is not only walking on his own accord but is seconds away from competing for HIS PSW Championship, slowly surveys his opponent from his corner... Looking him over, questioning how much is left in the tank as his knee injury, at one point, was believed to be career ending potentially. Meanwhile, Martin stands in the opposite corner... Awaiting the opening bell as he feverish stairs down his final obstacle to retain the PSW Championship (A title that he held for almost a year in PSW).


The bell rings...


Both men walk to the center of the ring... No words are said.... however, an obvious message is beginning to form... Neither man expects to lose tonight.


After a brief stair down, Bryan Holmes toys with the former champion... Slapping him across the face. Martin, slowly turns his body back toward Holmes, rubs at the side of his cheek... Smiling... Then coming back at Holmes with a vicious right hand.... With that.... The match began.


These two are no strangers to one another. Their bitter hatred of one another during their stint in DaVE has been well documented since Holmes recently joined Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling. A feud that has been brewing for over a decade now has finally come to a point of action here in 2008 as this marks the 3rd time that Martin and Holmes have met one on one since Bryan joined the company back in July. While, in some cases, most would wonder how these two could top their first two meetings.... There was no room for questioning as the match began to unfold.


Both competitors were completely on their game... Focused, calculating, and borderline obsessed with the notion of walking out with the PSW Championship tonight. While that was all true... There was a hint that the PSW Championship was somewhat of a backstory behind the true rivalry that had built between these two over the last 10 years. Their bitter hatred for one another had evolved into an all-out warfare... A deadly interaction that would ultimately end with one losing their career... or potentially their life.


Johnny Martin, showing no real signs of an injury, kept up with Holmes for the most part.... That was until Bryan landed a cheap shot, clipping the back of Martin's knee as he spoke with R.M. Stones about a slow count. Martin's injured knee, buckling under the impact, never looked the same from there on out... As Bryan Holmes focused his attack entirely upon the knee of his opponent. Sure, Martin was able to take control of the match from time to time... but... he never looked 100%... Hell, not even 40% as he sadly hobbled around the ring.


The end of the match came when Bryan Holmes set up a table in the middle of the ring... covering it with 4 other steel chairs that he found around the ringside area. Lifting the semi-conscious Martin off of the matt... Holmes picked up Martin and attempted a standing suplex onto the steel chair clad table.... However, Martin was able to slip out... landing behind him... Tweaking his knee, once again, however, coming back at Holmes knowing that this was his shot.


Martin quickly went for his signature "Twist on the Rocks"....


But NO.... Bryan Holmes was able to slip out....


Bryan Holmes lifted Martin up for a spinebuster onto the table...


NO... Johnny Martin breaks the hold with an elbow shot to the eye...


Martin lands a few right hands following the elbow strike.... Now going for a DDT...


But NO... Holmes kicks Martin in the injured knee....


Holmes FINALLY executes a quick powerbomb as Martin is bent over... Throwing him square onto his shoulders and neck through the steel chair clad table before him...


Martin, upon impact, folds up rather awkwardly... Motionless... Not even a sign that he's breathing...


R.M. begins to count...









No motion from Martin.







Johnny Martin would never move again following the impact of Holmes's sickening snap powerbomb. Without the ability to respond to the ten count that was administered by R.M. Stones... Bryan Holmes was declared the victor.


Bryan Holmes retains the PSW Championship by defeating Johnny Martin in 20:15 when Martin was unable to respond to a 10 count.

Grade: B-


Doc Messing: That was... hands down... the best match I've ever seen....

Mitch Naess: I just hope Johnny Martin is okay. It's been a tough year... A major injury to his knee and now this...

Doc Messing: If one thing's for sure, though. As long as Martin is able to move around... He'll be back in the ring... where he belongs. No one can keep this guy out of the ring.

Mitch Naess: While that's true... I don't know this time, Doc. He hasn't moved since Holmes landed that powerbomb. He may need an ambulance.

Doc Messing: An Ambulance? [Laughs] This is PSW... There's no such thing as an Ambulance ride. You spit on your wound, shake it out, walk it off... and then get ready for next month's show.



Bryan Holmes

... Champion's Celebration ...


[bryan Holmes, barely able to stand himself, has his right hand raised as the victor by PSW official, R.M. Stones, as the extremely vocal "Ministry" crowd showers the dominating champion with a chorus of boo's. Once again, Bryan Holmes has proven himself to be a deadly figure in Pittsburgh... Defeating Johnny Martin, yet again, and doing it in a way that sends chills down the spine's of everyone involved.]


["F*ck the Mainstream" comes to a close now as Bryan Holmes is handed his PSW Championship... Holding it high into the air with both arms... Showing off the fact that he is STILL the Champ. As you can guess, This sends the crowd into an even stronger display of hatred as the chant of "F*ck you, Holmes" continues to build from wall to wall. Any other man would probably be taken back by such a response, however, it looks as if the PSW Champion is, instead, relishing in it. It's almost as if he throughly enjoys the notion of being "Public Enemy #1" in Pittsburgh.]


[The Internet Broadcast fades to black with the sight of PSW Champion, Bryan Holmes, looking down into a nearby web cam camera... leaving this final statement.]


Bryan Holmes: Keep 'em coming... I'll beat them all.


[Fade to Black]


Grade: C








<hr color="black">Overall Show Grade: C-

Increased Popularity!

Attendance: 583<hr color="black">

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B- Whoohoo seems you finally found the magic formula hehe now just cut the last promo and it is time to kick some NYCW/MAW/FCW butt! As always nice show man.


Yea, I almost fell of my chair when I saw a B- show up. I honestly muttered to myself... "What? are you sure this is my PSW game?". hah. It was a great blow off match to their feud... well, at least in-ring wise. They'll probably be intertwined as time goes on, however, they've hit their 3 match limit.


I didn't know if i should keep the last segment when I booked it but it felt right from a show perspective. Either way, I'm happy how it came together! There's a lot to go off of from here with this last show!


Thanks for reading!

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Wait a minute... why a B- now? They didn't even get a C+ before!


Anyway, congrats, Eisen-Verse.


To be honest, I haven't the slightest clue. I think, this time around, the match was 5 minutes shorter than their last high profile match (Blood, Sweat, and Tears tourny final in a cage). So, that could be it?


Either way. it was great to see!

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... The Monster Rages On ...


NEWS: KILLER Colossus leaves lasting impression.

3rd Week of November 2008


In an event that housed one of the greatest match in PSW history (Bryan Holmes vs. Johnny Martin - Part III), the declaration of a new #1 contender for the PSW National Championship (Harry Allen), and the unsettling meltdown of one superstar (Ash Campbell), the lasting impression seems to be something entirely different. KILLER Colossus, making his return to "The Ministry" this last week, may have lost his match against FCW-Superstar, Shawn Gonzalez, however, his brutal beatdown following the end of the match is generating a high level of buzz on most internet sites.


In what can only be described as a grotesque instance, KILLER Colossus is seen literally choking the life out of the former DaVE stand-out... Lifting him higher and higher off of the ground... and positioning him so that the fans can watch their former DaVE hero succumb to the grip of the burned behemoth.


Medical attention was administered to Shawn shortly following the attack and thankfully a major injury did not occur. With that being said, however, it's been said that Gonzalez was enraged over the incident. It's still unknown whether or not Shawn will be making a return trip to "The Ministry" in which to bestow a level of vengeance upon the vile monster.


Neither John Greed or KILLER Colossus were seen following the attack, therefore, we don't have any word from their camp on the situation at hand. However, this marks the second Heinous assault at the hands of KILLER Colossus in the last 2 months...

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Another solid show, EV. Curious to see where you take things from here - Holmes next challenger, Ash's freak out, and where KILLER Colossus directs his anger...


Thanks, Pa.


I'm closing in on the end of 2008 (as you are as well) and the farther along I go with this diary the more I'm excited to see where things will be 3, 6, 12 months from now again. The roster has changed slightly, however, there are still a heavy amount of PSW Originals on the roster (Something I plan to keep). With that being said, there are a lot of great characters on the way.... Just waiting to see how best to bring them out into the forefront and then go from there.


It'd be great to have a TV show or something along that line to kind of have a weekly telecast... That way storylines wouldn't feel so spaced out. But, hey... Thus is playing as PSW. ha. You're stuck wrestling in a vacuum.


How was the storyline heat between Holmes and Martin ? That could have bumped the grade a notch. A shorter match, more hype, different instructions, all mixed up and you get a better grade.


I think both of their momentum's were higher this time around... Plus, the 5 less minutes probably makes a big difference as Martin only has a stamina of a "C+". So, pushing 25-28 minutes can be really tough and I'm sure drop the overall grade in the end.


Having Bryan Holmes is like having a muscle car in your garage... You want to push the limits... Take everyone on... However, you need to remember that other cars out there can't always keep up. With PSW's roster, There aren't really many that can keep up with Holmes. ha. Sadly, his stats are slowly starting to drop (fell from a C- in hardcore to a D+... Chain fell too). The drop in Hardcore is not great to see, however, Bryan Holmes is "hardcore" like Chris Candido (RIP) was hardcore if you ask me.

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NEWS: John Greed, Headbooker of PSW, to complete 28 day rehab program.

3rd Week of November 2008





In shocking news today, Former SWF Developmental talent turned Headbooker for PSW, has checked himself into a 28 day rehab program earlier this morning. Greed, the victim of a career-ending injury in 2007 while working for RIPW, has been very open about his previous addiction to Prescription Pain Killers and was said to be "doing well" since his first stint in rehab in early 2008.


This will mark the second time that Greed has endured the program since the start of 2008.


When reached for comment, John Greed left us with this message via his company issued email address:


"I'm ashamed of myself. It's been a very tough road since my injury in 2007 and I'll be the first to blame myself for this recent relapse. I've informed PSW that I will be away for the next 28 days, however, will still be in talks with company owner, Mitch Naess, on a weekly basis, via telephone, to ensure that our next event is completely 'sound'."


"I would like to thank those whose support I can always rely on. The next 28 days will be a continuation of my battle with addiction... Hopefully, as I emerge next month, I will have a lot more clarity before me."


When asked whether or not John would be at PSW's December Live Event... He responded with a resounding... "You can count on it".


More info to come...

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Great show eisen. im really excited to see what you do with ash campbell. theres many different ways you could go with this one. very cool.


also, I really like the idea of john greed going to rehab for a second time. feels very realistic as to what you would see in real life. one of your posts in the past though it seemed like john wouldnt go back to rehab so I wonder what changed. either way, I love what youre doing with this diary. keep up the good work.

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Great show I could picture Bryan Holmes being showered with boos due to that great final write up! Keep up the good work.


Thanks, BHK!


Bryan Holmes, at least in PSW, is the kind of guy you LOVE to hate. He doesn't fit the stereotypical Hardcore fighter (which is beloved in Pittsburgh, even with the recent rise of realism) and he relishes in the fact that his ability to actually wrestle, he believes, makes him better than the average PSW competitor.


Plus, he's got a giant chip on his shoulder following his return from Japan as Johnny Martin is his "Hulk Hogan" to his "Randy Savage". In the sense, he had difficult succeeding in DaVE due to Martin's rise (actually left for Japan for his inability to break through his own glass ceiling)... So, now he's back stateside trying to prove that he's better than his former, inadvertent, oppressor.


Needless to say, He's a hardened competitor focused on proving his dominance by physically destroying everyone in his path. Not from a "hardcore sense" but rather from a brutal technical sense.


Great show eisen. im really excited to see what you do with ash campbell. theres many different ways you could go with this one. very cool.


also, I really like the idea of john greed going to rehab for a second time. feels very realistic as to what you would see in real life. one of your posts in the past though it seemed like john wouldnt go back to rehab so I wonder what changed. either way, I love what youre doing with this diary. keep up the good work.


Ash's new persona is going to be a big part of the company going forward. Without giving too much away... I believe the role will fit his current situation perfectly and possibly give him a new character that could define his existence in Pro Wrestling. I'm not sure when he'll make his "debut"... but... when he does it should be a lot of fun to move forward with some storylines I Have in mind for him.


As for John Greed going to rehab.... I felt like it was the right time to display that he's a recovering addict (which means he will still have the NEED for his vice, however, is trying to stay clean). As most addicts, you're going to lose the battle many times... However, your main focus is the "war at hand" (Trying to become ultimately sober). So, rehab visits can range from a few visits all the way up to a lifetime of visits... Just depends on your ability, or inability for that matter, to "kick the habit" both physically and mentally.


It is true that a reason post said that he didn't want to go back... but... An upcoming post will describe why it was done.


Hope that helps!



NEXT: John Greed to respond to his 28 day rehab program.

[Due up later today]

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Late November 2008

... Reasoning ...


<hr color="Grey">

"Well, there, Johnny. I, uh, I, uh... Caught wind of your choice of rehabilitation. Your health is nothing to bat at, boy. Best of fortuntes..."



RIPW Owner & Father Figure

<hr color="Grey">


It has been over a year since I last worked for RIPW, however, Nero was still a consistent voice of support in my life. A father figure, in a way, his southern-laced rants were always something to be cherished. He told you like it was, didn't sugar coat a thing, however, it was that very approach to life that made others "step up to bat" for him. We wanted to succeed not only for ourselves but also for the "big man" himself. Each and every one of us (those on the RIPW Roster) fought for his focus, his support, his love.... On a daily basis.


Therefore, when I was forced to leave RIPW following my release from "The Land of Supreme"... I found myself in a very dark, self-destructive, state. Like a son, still within a state of being easily influenced, ripped from his Father. I was shoved into the "real world"... Feeling the repercussions of both physical... and emotional pain.


My addiction, at first, was to mask the physical trauma of the event. I ravaged through prescription bottles like they were a box of sweet tarts... Desperately trying to numb any sense of feeling. What I didn't know was that part of my thoughts of desperation were not only due to my injury, my loss of being an "in-ring" wrestler, but also for the fact that I was now, for the first time in my life, truly... utterly... Alone.


So, as I embarked on another journey through a brief rehab stint... It was HIS (Professor Nero's) words that spoke volumes to me. Even past the initial wording, I knew what his true message was....


Pick yourself back up. Stop pushing aside your health and get your act together.


With that in mind, I finally succumbed to the truth. My recent relapse was a cry for help... Not a one time deal.


Sure, I could blame Mitch (Naess) for my misfortunes.... Hell, I could even reach as far as to blame Alex Braun for murking up the scenario, forcing me to "act" and choose his side over Mitch's original choice. However, doing that would only allow myself to extend my stay within this mentality.


It was time for me to take control of my life. For good. Stop blaming others for my own sh*t. Instead, I must find a way to overcome stress.... overcome pressure... Overcome the "battle" that is my time with Mitch Naess.


... It was time ...

... Time to get my sh*t straight and start the beginning of a new life ...

... The Life of a well-adjusted, recovered addict, Headbooker of Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling ...

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Bryan Holmes, at least in PSW, is the kind of guy you LOVE to hate. He doesn't fit the stereotypical Hardcore fighter (which is beloved in Pittsburgh, even with the recent rise of realism) and he relishes in the fact that his ability to actually wrestle, he believes, makes him better than the average PSW competitor.



In my couple of tries at playing PSW I have used Shooter Sean Deeley in this role. I make him anti-hardcore and have him go off on rants about how he is a real wrestler and what not. Granted the segments usually bomb for me but I have fun doing it.

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In my couple of tries at playing PSW I have used Shooter Sean Deeley in this role. I make him anti-hardcore and have him go off on rants about how he is a real wrestler and what not. Granted the segments usually bomb for me but I have fun doing it.


That's certainly the perfect gimmick to get those "hardcore fans" to hate you with a passion. While Holmes isn't blatently coming out and saying "screw you, I'm a traditional wonder"... It's implied with his approach to each event. With his lack of entertainment skills makes it that much tougher to develop a character outside of being a "silent technition" (which tends to be the generic way to go about things with someone like Holmes).


Shooter Sean Deeley is one of my fav. characters in the Cornellverse though and would be perfect in that role. Good idea. I wish I could bring him in, however, after using him in my X-WA diary I'm trying to get away from that original roster. Keeping things fresh.

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<hr color="black">

"Xmas Xtreme"

Saturday, 3rd Week of December 2008

Run-Time: 2 HOURS

PSW Event #10

<hr color="black">

"The Good Ole' Boys" vs. "The Ring Generals" w/ Nicole Kiss


Frankie Future vs. KILLER Colossus vs. Grease Hogg vs. Lead Belly vs. Wooton Fitzpaine vs. ?????

[6 Way - Steel Purgatory Match]

[A PSW Original]


Johnny Martin vs. Billy Russell


Teddy Powell © vs. Harry Allen

[PSW National Championship Match]


Bryan Holmes © vs. Mr. Morgan

[PSW Championship Match]


"Thoughts of Greed":

I was allowed to make outgoing phone calls once or twice a week, depending on your attitude within the program, and often used this opportunity to speak with Mitch. Believe me, the last person I wanted to speak to when only given one phone call was Mitch, however, I knew that it was imperative that we run over December's live event.


I had been "at the helm" for Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling from a creative standpoint for the last 10 months and while Mitch would tote that he, almost always, knew what was best for the company... Our future plans were so ingrained in my being that it was quite easy to relay information back and forth.


The show itself was shaping up to be a HUGE affair as we attempted to mix faux-holiday cheer with violent storytelling. Not easy, mind you... but it's what we did best.



<hr color="black">

"Xmas Xtreme" Quick Picks


The Good Ole' Boys" vs. "The Ring Generals" w/ Nicole Kiss

Frankie Future vs. KILLER Colossus vs. Grease Hogg vs. Lead Belly vs. Wooton Fitzpaine vs. ?????

Johnny Martin vs. Billy Russell

Teddy Powell © vs. Harry Allen

Bryan Holmes © vs. Mr. Morgan

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The Good Ole' Boys" vs. "The Ring Generals" w/ Nicole Kiss

Frankie Future vs. KILLER Colossus vs. Grease Hogg vs. Lead Belly vs. Wooton Fitzpaine vs. ?????

Johnny Martin vs. Billy Russell

Teddy Powell © vs. Harry Allen

Bryan Holmes © vs. Mr. Morgan

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The Good Ole' Boys" vs. "The Ring Generals" w/ Nicole Kiss

Frankie Future vs. KILLER Colossus vs. Grease Hogg vs. Lead Belly vs. Wooton Fitzpaine vs. ?????

Johnny Martin vs. Billy Russell

Teddy Powell © vs. Harry Allen

Bryan Holmes © vs. Mr. Morgan

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The Good Ole' Boys" vs. "The Ring Generals" w/ Nicole Kiss

Frankie Future vs. KILLER Colossus vs. Grease Hogg vs. Lead Belly vs. Wooton Fitzpaine vs. ?????

Johnny Martin vs. Billy Russell

Teddy Powell © vs. Harry Allen

Bryan Holmes © vs. Mr. Morgan

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The Good Ole' Boys" vs. "The Ring Generals" w/ Nicole Kiss

Frankie Future vs. KILLER Colossus vs. Grease Hogg vs. Lead Belly vs. Wooton Fitzpaine vs. ?????

Johnny Martin vs. Billy Russell

Teddy Powell © vs. Harry Allen

Bryan Holmes © vs. Mr. Morgan

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