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PSW: The Evolution of Greed

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Great show, Eisen-verse. Really enjoyed reading that one. The idea of a feud between Madman Boone and Killer Colossus is certainly an interesting one and may just raise your extreme levels even further! And it'll be interesting to see what you do with Kanishoki - it's a rarity to see him used in a diary.
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Thanks to everyone who stopped by and read/left comments for "Xmas Xtreme". I wanted to have an "End of the Year" Blow-out kind of show that kept viewers interested in what will take place in 2009. Hopefully, I was able to do so (by the comments though it seems that it's been well received thus far. Which is awesome to hear).


It literally took me the entire year of 2008 (in-game wise) to understand my roster, PSW as a whole, and how to go about the product creatively. To be honest, up until now... I've been kind of floundering about... Hoping to fall on something interesting enough to keep the chains moving. So, in a way, it's great to FINALLY Be at a place where everything is coming into place.


There is a few major storylines coming in early 2009 that, I believe, will continue to push this diary to higher levels (at least I hope). One of the major ones will start at next month's live event... Crazy excited to get it off the ground!



Now onto some feedback responses:


Wow that card was great! The Lead Belly promo alone made it great! I did not think anybody could give that much life to Lead Belly!:D I loved the match write ups as well. This card had a very good old ECW tone to it.


Maybe if you do a gimmick where Lazy Joe is addicted to sleeping pills that will get him over.


Thanks BHK! When I sat down to write for Lead Belly I knew that I needed to craft a specific persona to "The Dirty White Boys". Kind of this combination of Biker, Greasy, "tough-as-nails" yet expressive in a way, all wrapped within the love of violence. I see them as a combination of The Dudley Boys (ECW), The Nasty Boys, and the old Biker tag team back in the WWF (their name escapes me right now).


Since they're a big part of the company (An opening 2009 post will show that their popularity has risen quite a bit since joining PSW in 08), I didn't want to write them as just another wrestler going after "The Top Dog". ya know? Overall, their "beef" with Bryan Holmes will continue to grow from here... ;)


As for Lazy Joe, meh.... The only way I could ever get him over would be by releasing him and then he'd become an "underdog" on the indy scene. ha.


Great show, Eisen-verse. Really enjoyed reading that one. The idea of a feud between Madman Boone and Killer Colossus is certainly an interesting one and may just raise your extreme levels even further! And it'll be interesting to see what you do with Kanishoki - it's a rarity to see him used in a diary.


I'm really excited about where Madman Boone and KILLER Colossus are going to be honest. Boone is a perfect fit for the company and gives PSW another "quasi-Big Name" to come in and generate interest while also giving someone like KILLER Colossus the ability to bring his name to the outer cuffs of the Mainstream audience. Now, the only thing that could derail this all would be if they had terrible in-ring chemistry... :rolleyes: Knowing my luck, It's bound to happen!


As for Kanishoki, I'm a huge fan of the guy. He's perfect in the situation he's coming into... B+ in menace and has a C- (i do believe) in hardcore wrestling. That alone makes him a viable threat in PSW. Without giving too much away though... His stature in the company is going to be a slow build and not a major Goldberg push straight out of the gate. I like the guy, however, he needs to not only develop a sense of history within the company but also needs to update a little on his skill set through dark matches.


Thoroughly enjoyed Xmas Xtreme. Definitely my favourite show you've written. And popularity increased again? Mega!


It's always nice to see the popularity increasing though I haven't had much to show for it. I've been keeping PSW in "The Ministry" as their home base so i've seen some areas decline while others are still staying relatively the same. The overall popularity in the Tri-State area still sits at an E+ which kind of sucks... but... I did have a string of some bad shows along the way.


Glad to know that the show was a fun read though! I really took my time with this one as the stories were vital to moving forward!


Have to agree with the sentimenets... Really good show. Keep up the good work, EV.


Always good to hear feedback from you, PA. You've been an amazing help thus far.


With me being relatively new to the diary thing It's good to know that someone of your standing believes in what I've put forth. :) Means a lot.




I have a string of backstage posts coming soon following the show, however, with the diary seeing 2008 coming to a close... I plan on laying out a large post about where everyone lies on the roster... Their momentum and their overall popularity. That way it's easier, going forward, for those who are just jumping into my PSW diary to know where everyone lies on the "ladder".

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Xmas xtreme was freaking awesome man! Loved it. you remind me why I swing by and read your diary from time to time.


cant wait to see where boone/colossus is going. could be one hell of a rivalry. plus, the dwb/holmes situation seems interesting as well. wondering where you may go with that.


just wanted to let you know that the show was really good!

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Xmas xtreme was freaking awesome man! Loved it. you remind me why I swing by and read your diary from time to time.


cant wait to see where boone/colossus is going. could be one hell of a rivalry. plus, the dwb/holmes situation seems interesting as well. wondering where you may go with that.


just wanted to let you know that the show was really good!


Thanks CZCW, You've been a great source of consistent feedback since my X-WA Diary. I really appreciate it man. Always nice to see new people swing in, however, it's also cool to know that you have some consistent readers who keep up with your new projects.


Boone/Colossus will take many twists and turns before it's all said and done (at least that's the way I have it mapped out in my mind). I have a good 6 months worth of solid storylines to get them to that point and I guess we'll have to see from there. Could be good for both of them in the long run.



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I was wondering, what did it take so long for you to get Madman Boone? Other than Larry Wood, he's the other worker that really can boost PSW.


It was based solely upon two major situations....


1) At a C- popularity, I didn't really know if I wanted to spend a lot of money on him or not. Especially with such a limited budget. Ya know? Sure, he's a hardcore icon, however, at the time I didn't know if he was needed per se.


2) I didn't have any idea of what I wanted to do with him. Now, with KILLER Colossus's rise, it seemed perfect to have someone of his stature coming in to challenge his dominance. When it came down to WHO could ultimately be crazy enough to stand in his wrath (after what happened to Braun and Gonzalez)... Madman Boone seemed like just the psycho to get the job done. ha

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What do you think about Sayeed Ali and Hardcore Killah?


Noooo, don't let Eisen-Verse write them, or i'll be distracted from their characterisations in my diary! :p


Great show as ever Eisen, i'll try and do my best to plagiarise as little as possible :p

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I'm not saying this to be mean, or to be a jerk, but I am serious... you have a diary? I didn't know. :)


In any case, I'm bit surprised how decent Hardcore Killah can be as an enhancement talent. He's consistent, he's good at selling, and he has good basics.

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I love Ali, Killah on the otherhand could be a decent darkmatch trainer for his performance skills but nothing else as he has little to no entertainment skills (C+ Menace is best) His Physical skills are very bad and his best wrestling style is hardcore at only D-. Plus he is old and would cost a bundle given his personality and being located in Canada.


Anyways Great showing with Xmas Xtreme Eisen love the work so far and keep it up.

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Hardcore Killah is a very poor worker. Outside his performance skills, he hasn't much to offer and probably won't get any better because of his age. His stamina is quite low too. It's probably best for EV to put his money elsewhere.


Great way to end the year, EV. This show was very entertaining and I think you reach your goals of putting enough stuff in to get people interested in 2009. I can't wait to see what's next for Johnny Martin.

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What do you think about Sayeed Ali and Hardcore Killah?


Sayeed Ali is someone I was thinking of bringing into the fold... The only problem is that he's currently working with 3 companies right now (NOTBPW, NYCW, 4C). So, until he ends up dropping one of them... He's not really available. Sadly.


Hardcore Killah is someone whose interesting (especially from a character standpoint), however, his stats are somewhat on the low end for my taste. Sure, he's great at Selling/Basics/Safety/Consistency... but... I just can't seem to get over the fact that he's really without much for a "pull". Yea, he's more needed than someone like Lazy Joe... but... Joe is on his way out soon anyways (the only reason he's still on the roster... along with Brimstone... Is that I didn't want to purge the original PSW roster so badly). I've attempted to give him some dark matches to get him over enough but that doesn't seem to help.


There are a few people still on my radar but I may try to slow down my hiring spree right now as I've brought in a few names in the last 6 months (Russell, Holmes, Allen, Kanishoki, Boone, etc.). May be better to allow those I have to start to flourish while on the roster. Then again, with that being said, there are a few "unknowns" that I'm interested in bringing in... Both for their characters and their ability to fit the PSW product.


Great to hear from so many people though! A very cool happening to come home to tonight. :D

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Here's someone to replace Alex Braun Eisen-verse: Jungle Jack!!!!!


He was another guy who crossed my mind over 2008 as his tattoo'ed, piercing, alt would be perfect for what I have in mind for him. The only downside.... He's also working for 3 companies right now (NOTBPW, GCG, NYCW). So, sadly, I was forced back to the drawing board a few months back.


Good eye for a potential breakout star, though!

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With the start of 2009 just beyond the horizon, I felt it would be best to dive into PSW's most current roster. This way, as I move forward with the diary, there's a better understanding of where everyones lies upon the company ladder.


As a key, Pop stands for Popularity in the Tri-State area.... And... MO stands for Momentum.


<hr color="black">

Main Eventers


Bryan Holmes [PSW Champion]

(Pop: C, MO: B+)

Analysis: THE MAN in PSW as of right now. I see Holmes playing a role much like Kurt Angle currently holds with TNA... The main star of most shows and the guy who has the company centered around him in a way. Doesn't hurt that he's also the most talented competitor in the ring.


Harry Allen

(Pop: D+, MO: D+)

Analysis: Allen is considered to be my number one Franchise player (at least so says the creative screen. His charisma, look, and character makes him an interesting threat in PSW.


Johnny Martin

(Pop: D, MO: C)

Analysis: Still a strong figure on the roster, however, going through a bit of a "tough stretch". He was needed to make Holmes look like a legit champion... Now with him losing to Russell there's a lot about to happen for the former PSW Champion.


Madman Boone

(Pop: C-, MO: C+)

Analysis: New to the roster but is currently in the beginning of a big feud with KILLER Colossus. His persona is going to take on the likes of a loveable psycho.


Mr. Morgan

(Pop: D+, MO: C)

Analysis: Also a former PSW Champion. Currently pushing forward with a storyline with Teddy Powell (his former teammate who screwed him out of his title reign). His look, and overall character name, may be coming to a point of change at some point here.


The Wolverine

(Pop: D-, MO: C-)

Analysis: I have no idea how he has a MO of a C-. ha. He has lost every match he's had thus far in PSW... why? Because I'm not to keen on him overall.

<hr color="black">

Upper Midcarder


Billy Russell

(Pop: D+, MO: C)

Analysis: After picking up a big victory over Johnny Martin it looks like his popularity levels have him just outside of the Main Event scene. A tough MMA-like fighter who uses non-traditional ways of winning wrestling matches (see his victory over Johnny Martin).


Frankie Future

(Pop: E+, MO: C+)

Analysis: Sadly, Frankie has seen a drop off in popularity from a D- to an E+. While I personally like the guy, I haven't had much chance to really give him a big victory or two as he's been stuck in a feud with Nicole Kiss and "The Ring Generals". As time moves on, I may look to evolve his character back to more of a snarky kind of d*ck... However, at this point, he's just coming off of his scorned-love gimmick... So, he may lay low for a bit.


Grease Hogg [PSW Tag Champion]

(Pop: D+, MO: D)

Analysis: Despite having a low sense of momentum (which should be expected since Lead Belly has come forth as the bigger threat in the team), Grease Hogg is still a strong threat as the DWB have now held the Tag Titles since their debut in March of 2008.


Lead Belly [PSW Tag Champion]

(Pop: D+, MO: D)

Analysis: Like Hogg, he has a low sense of momentum... However, that will potentially change really soon I believe. He's perfect for the company as his persona and skill set fits what PSW is all about.


Teddy Powell [PSW National Champion]

(Pop: D, MO: B-)

Analysis: One of my fav. characters in this diary as he plays a perfect cheating heel. The kind of guy who would sell his own mother in which to get ahead... mostly because he feels like he's been pushed aside by the "Big Three" (Especially after Sammy Bach left for TCW and he didn't get his shot). He was the reason "The Untouchables" finally fell apart... Why Mr. Morgan lost the title... And why The Grand Kanishoki came to PSW.


<hr color="black">



Dean Waldorf

(Pop: E+, MO: C-)

Analysis: It's good to see Dean's MO sitting at a C-. He kind of plays as a secondary character to Nicole Kiss right now, however, that's being done to push the whole "c*cky youngster" persona.


KILLER Colossus

(Pop: E+, MO: D+)

Analysis: While he's been a major part of the last couple of shows (since being burned by Alex Braun), It sucks to see that his popularity hasn't grown at all since joining PSW. He puts together some strong matches (For PSW), however, he can't seem to make that jump from an E+ in pop.


Lazy Joe

(Pop: E-, MO: D+)

Analysis: N/A


Marv Slater

(Pop: E+, MO: D)

Analysis: The muscle in "The Ring Generals", Marv Slater is the kind of guy who barely speaks... but... Is the physical backbone of his tag team. Dean is the sneaky lightweight... Marv is the power in the mix.


Thimbleby Langton

(Pop: E-, MO: D-)

Analysis: I really like "The Good Ole' Boys" and would like to incorporate them more, however, the PSW fan base doesn't seem to like them very much. Still can't bring myself to cut them though. They're perfect for the product... So maybe some more dark matches?


Wooton Fitzpaine

(Pop: E-, MO: D-)

Analysis: Same as above.


<hr color="black">

Lower Midcarders



(Pop: E, MO: D)

Analysis: Hasn't wrestled much but is more known as being another monster within the PSW faction "The Deadly SIN's". With that being said, I'm looking to get him more in-ring time in 2009. Especially as the Colossus/Boone storyline moves forward.


Ash Campbell

(Pop: E, MO: D+)

Analysis: Had a mental breakdown during November's live event and is going through a character transformation as we speak. Will debut at some point in 2009 when it seems best to do so... Really excited about where he's going to be honest.


Primal Rage

(Pop: E, MO: E)

Analysis: Same as Acedia.


The Grand Kanishoki

(Pop: E-, MO: E)

Analysis: His MO is kind of low at this point but that's probably because he was working Dark Matches for a few shows prior to his debut. While his character will gradually unvail itself... He's going to be a big time player in 2009 most likely.


<hr color="black">



Little Bill Lebowski

(Pop: F+, MO: E+)

Analysis: I have a soft spot for Little Bill. With that being said... he'll probably continue the same path in 2009 as was in 2008... Putting up a great fight... Only to lose in the end.


Nelson Callum

(Pop: F+, MO: E+)

Analysis: Would like to find something for him to do... but... Don't know if that's coming anytime soon. More dark matches for him as well.

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He was another guy who crossed my mind over 2008 as his tattoo'ed, piercing, alt would be perfect for what I have in mind for him. The only downside.... He's also working for 3 companies right now (NOTBPW, GCG, NYCW). So, sadly, I was forced back to the drawing board a few months back.


Good eye for a potential breakout star, though!


Think I mentioned him before oh yeah I did!:p


On that note bring back nannus Jungle Jack! we want nannus! lol


PS Who is Acedia please pm me if you don't want everyone to know!

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Ya don't know who is under the Acedia mask??? AND YOU CALL YASELF A PSW FAN! Just messin' Hyde brother lol - Just look at the PSW original roster ... and see who is not "around" lol or ya can go to the Alt thread and see where Eisen requested the alt too.


Speaking of the the grand Eisen why ya hating on the Wolverine? Is a rough and rugged vet who I think ya need to give a LITTLE respect too man! COME ON! Maybe as the vet in a vet/newbie tag combo. A Animalz Part 2 if ya will. It is a good fit for him and then ya would at least be getting some use out of him AND ya got a credible threat to the DWB!?!?!?! KUTGW

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Think I mentioned him before oh yeah I did!:p




PS Who is Acedia please pm me if you don't want everyone to know!


Oh, you did? My bad. ha. Wouldn't be the first time that I missed out on something. ;)


Side note. His identity really isn't all that secretive... however, I PM"ed you with who it is.


Speaking of the the grand Eisen why ya hating on the Wolverine? Is a rough and rugged vet who I think ya need to give a LITTLE respect too man! COME ON! Maybe as the vet in a vet/newbie tag combo. A Animalz Part 2 if ya will. It is a good fit for him and then ya would at least be getting some use out of him AND ya got a credible threat to the DWB!?!?!?! KUTGW


At first, He wasn't suppose to fall down this path (He was part of the initial tag team that went up against DWB after their tag title win). However, as the diary started to progress... He lost his tag partner... And he kind of lost his identity. I found it hard to really push the guy when he couldn't pull a decent grade with anyone really. So, I gave him a few high profile matches and had him come out on the losing end... Giving some of the newbies to PSW the chance to say that they beat an original member of the roster.


At this point, though, There really isn't any turning back as he's quite unhappy with how he's been treated in PSW it seems (in game wise). This fact will factor into a "backstage diary storyline" that plays off of the same consistent problem PSW has been having with their "Big Names".

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The problem is, Wolverine stats, in-game-wise, ARE bad. Johnny Martin, he's still good. Alex Braun, still pretty good. Wolverine? Not so much. I'm not even sure what exactly the guy's schtick is. Despite being a veteran, he's not that good. There's are tons of younger talent way better than he is.
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The problem is, Wolverine stats, in-game-wise, ARE bad. Johnny Martin, he's still good. Alex Braun, still pretty good. Wolverine? Not so much. I'm not even sure what exactly the guy's schtick is. Despite being a veteran, he's not that good. There's are tons of younger talent way better than he is.


I agree. His stats are ridiculously bad. That's probably why it started to go this way. I do see a silver lining in his character though, Could be really fun to write. Then again, I couldn't get past his stats...

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