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PSW: The Evolution of Greed

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You seem to be big on Teddy but not yet


With PSW's initial roster being as it is (and not making any changes to it for a little while), Teddy stands out as an actually talented person on the roster. In most cases he's overlooked and that's why I love him.... In real life, He would have a giant chip on his shoulder.... Pissed about Bach leavnig him, pissed about not ever being treated as an individual but rather a member of a tag team, and ultimately... Not being picked up by anyone after DaVE fell apart. In a sense, he comes across to me like an X-Pac. Great performer, good athlete, may have had a chance at being seen as "good" however was passed over for other people instead, and always carries a chip on his shoulder. Now, all I can do is hope he doesn't aquire a drug problem much like the real world version of himself. ha


Love the backstory btw.


Thanks, G-Prime. I'm hoping to balance both John Greed's personal journey while also keeping the main focus on the PSW in the end. This way, there adds a level of depth that I believe my X-WA diary certainly lacked. It's fun to have posts that are all in kayfabe, but at the same time, I'm enjoying the process of actually having a user character and going forward with a story that makes it understandible why he would end up is a company like PSW.

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Teddy reminds me of those guys that will never make it big in a National or bigger promotion. He can do well up to Cult Promotions, and be a huge Indy Player, but in a National or bigger promotions he's never going to reach higher than Midcard status, and at first is Enhancement Talent.


He's not bad at all, but he doesn't have the look or the skills to make it huge. That said, I think he's valuable to PSW.


Teddy Powell does have some similarities to X-Pac, but they pushed him too hard. He didn't quite have the skills, entertainment or performance-wise, or the looks, to give him a higher position, especially in the WWF. And besides, Teddy Powell's Performance Skills are way better than X-Pac's... especially in Psychology.

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Teddy reminds me of those guys that will never make it big in a National or bigger promotion. He can do well up to Cult Promotions, and be a huge Indy Player, but in a National or bigger promotions he's never going to reach higher than Midcard status, and at first is Enhancement Talent.


He's not bad at all, but he doesn't have the look or the skills to make it huge. That said, I think he's valuable to PSW.


Teddy Powell does have some similarities to X-Pac, but they pushed him too hard. He didn't quite have the skills, entertainment or performance-wise, or the looks, to give him a higher position, especially in the WWF. And besides, Teddy Powell's Performance Skills are way better than X-Pac's... especially in Psychology.


Totally agree with you as it pertains to Teddy Powell. I don't really see him ever getting anywhere with the "Big Three" unless they packaged him differently. Maybe a mask of some sort... Ultimately something to make him a little more appealing than just the high speed lightweight.


If Powell wasn't part of "The Untouchables", Then I probably would have put him under a mask, however, he's a big part of the initial roster so I def. couldn't do that at this point.


He's def. valueable though as he can actually wrestle. The initial roster is a collection of nobodies from the onset, So it's nice to have a "name guy".


All in all, "Underground Execution" will be up tomorrow at some point!



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Dean Waldof w/ Marv Slater vs. Little Bill Lebowski


My guess is that the Ring Generals start to get a push right out of the gate.


"The Deadly Alliance" © vs. ??????????

[PSW Tag Team Championship Match]


My guess is that its the Dirty White Boyz and they take the belts.


Alex Braun vs. Mr. Morgan


Could go either way. Give the former booker some love.


Johnny Martin © vs. Teddy Powell

[PSW Championship Match]


Could definitely see Powell taking the belt, but building up him in a chase might be better if that's your intent.

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|| LIVE via Webcast on PSW.com ||

... PSW Event # 1 ...





"The Untouchables" - Teddy Powell and Mr. Morgan

... Backstage Promo ...


["Underground Execution" opens with the sight of the imfamous PSW Faction, "The Untouchables", as Teddy Powell stands before Mr. Morgan in front of a black and silver company backdrop. The sight of just the two of them is quite awkward as typically Steven Parker, and Nicole Kiss, are also in the frame... However, with Steven Parker's recent departure to the SWF... "The Untouchables" stands as a duet... for now.]


[With Mr. Morgan silently standing behind him, in an Enforcer kind of role, Teddy Powell opens the show with a message focused primarily on the PSW Champion, and his opponent for tonight, Johnny Martin]


Teddy Powell: Tonight, Pittsburg Steel Wrestling will be forced to witness the crowning of a NEW Champion. [smirks] For too long, Johnny Martin has walked around this place like he was a "GOD"... A man to be cherrished.... As if we were suppose to bow down before him and give him the shirts off our backs. [slowly shakes his head] But you see, "The Untouchables", don't see it that way. Johnny Martin is nothing more than an overglorified jack-ass.... a talentless hack who is only relevant because of what he USE to do. The fact of the matter is this, Johnny.... If you want to be considered some sort of GOD, some sort of messiah to the PSW.... Then I guess the time has come for your ultimate crucifixion. [Laughs] GOD or no-GOD, To me.... You're nothing more than an obstacle... A conquest for myself as I finally obtain what I'm destined for... The PSW Championship. Shine it up nice... real nice Johnny... Because tonight will be the last night you carry that strap around your waist. I garun-damn-tee it!


[Powell, delivering an eery stint of laughter, stands before his menacing enforcer, Mr. Morgan, as we now transition from the opening segment into the first match of the night.]


Grade: E


Mitch Naess: You may not like the guy very much but Teddy Powell certainly is a force to be reckoned with here in the PSW!

Doc Messing: I can't help but hate the guy though... What a dick!

John Greed: Quit your bitchin', Doc. Powell has more talent in his little pinky than you have in that training bra you're sportin'.

Doc Messing: Shutup, Greed.



Dean Waldorf w/ Marv Slater vs. Little Bill Lebowski


We all love to cheer for the underdog, and in this case, it wasn't much different from the norm. Little Bill Lebowski, the physically smallest man on the PSW roster (However, most would describe him as carrying the biggest heart), was certainly seen as the overwhelming underdog as he squared off against one-half of the PSW Tag Team, "The Ring Generals". With all of that being said, though, the PSW is not "Diseny Land Entertainment" and fairy-tale endings don't always come true. The aging Lebowski did everything in his power to overcome the odds... Even utilizing a steel chair positioned underneath the ring, however, in the end... Waldorf's size became too much... That, and Marv Slater made his presence known towards the end of the match... Flooring Lebowski with a steel chair shot of his own. Bruised, and semi-concious, Lebowski walked straight into a Nothern Lights Suplex following the steel impact across the backside of his head..... Bill was out cold... The victim of a standard 3 count from head PSW referee, R.M. Stones soon there after.


Dean Waldorf defeats Little Bill Lebowski in 6:07 via a nothern lights suplex.

Grade: E+


Doc Messing: Little Bill was screwed!

John Greed: Did he? Or is he just too dumb to realize that here, in the PSW, strength in numbers is a code to live by? Jesus, Doc... Pull your head out of your ass for once.

Mitch Naess: John....



Lead Belly & Grease Hogg - "The Dirty White Boys"

... The Debut of the two "Hardcore Hogs" ...


[Moments before the PSW Tag Team Championships were set to be defended, There seems to be a snag in the overall card.... We still haven't aquired the identities of their upcoming opponents. The small, but extremely vocal, PSW fanbase is waiting in anticipation as several internet rumor sites have speculated for weeks who it could potentially be. If these sites were right, then there's no doubt that the PSW would be gaining, quite possibly, the most physically menacing tag teams in Pro Wrestling History. With that, again only seconds before tonight's Tag Team Championship Match, their music blares over the low-grade sound system located in each corner of the hallowed out Church Building.]


[An "in house" rendition of Speed Metal fills the heavily packed "Ministry" event center, a stark contrast to what music use to fill his space previously, as a mysteriously loud noise practically explodes from behind the curtain. As the deafening noise continues to overwhelm their theme music... The moment finally comes to pass....]


[The Former Exessively Violent SWF Tag Team, "The Dirty White Boys", were on their way out of the back... through the midnight black curtains... And rolling towards the ringside area... both bursting towards the squared circle on a pair of rusted out hogs. The roar of their engines fits in perfectly with the team's new speed metal theme music as the two men, dressed heavily in leather, park their bikes at ringside and ascend into the ring. No words are said but the message is sent loud and clear.... The PSW has a brand new tag team within their ranks... A team that not only carries a sense of notoriety due to their brief stay with the Global Juggernaut, The SWF, however, also carries a true sense of what "Hardcore Wrestling" is all about.... Tough as Nails, Hard Striking, Blood Spilling, borderline psychotic warfare....]


Grade: C+


Mitch Naess: "The Dirty White Boys" have made it to the PSW!

John Greed: Before everyone bends over backwards for these punks lets keep in mind... They've done NOTHING thus far. Nothing outside of riding their little bikes around like they own the place.



"The Deadly Alliance" © vs. "The Dirty White Boys"

[PSW Tag Team Championship Match]


It was as if the Revolution had truly just begun... The surprise debut of excessively violent, tough-as-nails, "The Dirty White Boys", was a moment to remember in the PSW. The crowd added to the historic nature of this match-up as their brash mentality continued to escalate the overall, near-riot, overtone filling through out the former Church establishment. The war, since it's best to label this altercation as an absolute war, was something that the original builders of "The Ministry" never would have envisioned to take place within these hallowed walls. At one point, it became so bad that Lead Belly practically choked The Wolverine unconcious with a steel chain that he carried on the handlebars of his motorcycle. The carnage became so bad that once The Punisher was able to save him from LB's attack... Wolverine's entire face was purple. Needless to say, with The Wolverine pretty much M.I.A. following that... The newcomers, "The Dirty White Boys", were able to capitalize on their numbers... Knocking out The Punisher in the process with their signature "Dirty Bomb" finisher (Powerbomb Overthrow + A running Big Boot)!


"The Dirty White Boys" defeat "The Deadly Alliance" to win the PSW Tag Titles in 8:20 via "The Dirty Bomb".

Grade: E+


Mitch Naess: Your NEW PSW Tag Team Champions, the debuting "Dirty White Boys"!!

Doc Messing: Is that enough proof for you, Greed? These guys are here to stay.

John Greed: Gag me.



Lead Belly, Grease Hogg

... New PSW Tag Champions ...


[The match comes to a close as the extremely vocal PSW fanbase shows their support for the new Tag Team Champions, "The Dirty White Boys". The menacing duo obtain their championship gold, slowly raising the titles on high... basking in the moment, however, also still conveying their signature "tough as nails" persona in the process.]


[A tag team who has spent most of their years as a predominantly "Heel" tandem is now being showered with resounding respect. However, with that being said... Neither man looks the part as it pertains to being a "fan favorite". Instead, both men slowly look for an exit out of the ring.. Their Championship belts being dragged behind him as they look to ascend upon their hoggs once again.]


[However, that would not come to pass...]



The Punisher, The Wolverine, Dean Waldorf, Marv Slater, Wooton Fitzpaine, and Thimbleby Langton

... A Four Team Brawl ...


[Chaos fills the ringside area as the former Tag Champions, The Punisher and The Wolverine, orchestrate a quick assault on the newly crowned duo. A violent fist fight between the two teams unfolds as the ringside area is slowly building into an even more intense affair. All objects around the ring are being used to subdue their rivals, however, neither team was expecting the sheer numbers that were about to develop.]


[in a proper "PSW Welcome", two other tag teams make their way out of the back ("The Ring Generals" & "The Good Ol' Boys") igniting the flame even more so... Creating the ultimate four way brawl between the newly crowned Tag Champions ("The Dirty White Boys") and all of those who are looking to challenge them for their gold. Fists are flying, chairs are swinging, beer is even spilling... All in all, all eight men are looking for a fight.]


[The brutal altercation finally comes to a close as "The Dirty White Boys" show exactly why they are the premiere tandem in the PSW... Throwing every last challenger out of the ring, leaving their title belts draped behind them on the canvas below, as they aggressively call for more.]


Grade: E+


John Greed: It's only a matter of time before these two punks get what they deserve.

Doc Messing: And, what's that?

John Greed: The beating of a lifetime....



Alex Braun vs. Mr. Morgan w/ Teddy Powell


To those who thought Alex Braun was on his "last leg", that was certainly not the case tonight as the 46 year old indy veteran looked more like he was in his 20's again. This notion paid off big for Braun as, at a few points through ou the match, he broke away with a few nostalgic moments... Rehashing some of his signature "Ace Freeze" manuevers to build a rise out of the pro-Braun crowd. With that being said, however, it wasn't as if the aging superstar was only focusing on delivering entertainment to the crowd as his focus was as strong as ever. Matching the much younger Morgan move-for-move at the onset of the match and coming out strong in the process. In the end, though, Morgan's cut-throat mentality was enough to break down the much-slower Braun... Zero'ing in on the veteran's right knee and, in a sense, keeping him grounded for the second half of their bout. Braun, pushing for a comeback, began to string together a collection of hard right handed combos... However, it was Powell's distraction of Braun (Jumping up on the aipren and grabbing Braun by his choke-collar from behind), that opened up enough room for Mr. Morgan to capitalize... Successfully executing an overhead belly-to-back suplex square in the middle of the ring... Picking up the standard 3 count from R.M. Stones in the process.


Mr. Morgan defeats Alex Braun in 12:27 via an overhead belly-to-belly suplex/pin combo.

Grade: C-


John Greed: That's what I'm talking about. You can hate on them all you want but "The Untouchables" are truly THE most dominant force in the PSW today. Hands down. Next stop, The PSW Championship!

Mitch Naess: Before that can happen, though, Teddy must somehow find a way to overcome Johnny Martin.

John Greed: As Teddy said before.... I garun-damn-tee you that Powell comes away with the strap tonight. Just you watch. That DaVE wash-up's days as Champ are numbered!



Johny Martin

... The Champ Speaks ...


[Moments before tonight's Main Event we cut backstage to see the PSW Champion himself, Johnny Martin, standing before the very backdrop that his opponent for tonight once stood before in our opening segment. Martin, with a calm sense of focus, carries his Championship Gold over his right shoulder as it gleams in the camera's light. Without a moment to waste, Martin answers Powell's original rant with a stark verbal attack of his own.]


Johnny Martin: Every week there seems to be a new contender. Another lost soul looking for some sort of redemption for their fading careers. That redemption? The PSW Championship.... The very "crown jewel" of this beloved company. It may not carry a Supreme Name, or a Total sense of Weight, however, to those who understand the PSW.... It carries much, much, more than that. It's a badge of survival... A trophy for vicious.... A golden sense of stature in the name of the "Steel City". You see, contenders will come and go.... Wrestlers, much like Steven Parker, will come and go... However, in the end, one thing will forever remain the same... I am the PSW Champion... And until someone pries this mixture of leather and gold from my dead hands.... I will continue to be the champion. Like it or not.... I don't really give a damn!


[Following Martin's signature closing phrase, We are quickly taken to a live shot of the ringside area.... A moment of true anticipation as we are only moments away from tonight's heated final affair.]


Grade: D


John Greed: Blah, blah, blah.... Who gave this guy a mic? I swear if I wanted to hear mindless crap I would have visited my grandfather in the nursing home. Jesus.

Doc Messing: You have actual parents and grandparents? You mean you weren't spawned from Satan?



Johnny Martin © vs. Teddy Powell w/ Mr. Morgan

[PSW Championship Match]


Tonight's Main Event perpetuated the story of the Classy, Highly Respected, Champion putting his title on the line versus the sneaky, tyrant-laced, member of the PSW faction, "The Untouchables". Martin knew exactly what he was walking into as Mr. Morgan levied an "ice cold" stair directed at the Champ... A stair that would, almost certainly, foreshadow Morgan's involvement in tonight's bout. With that in mind, The Champ came straight out of the gate with a heavy sense of intensity. Powell, not typically of the "intense persuasion", was severely thrown off of his game from the very onset.... Trying to slow down Martin's explosive approach by ducking out of the ring whenever possible. While it may sound like a cheap way to go about things... It actually worked pretty well for the desperate Powell. Martin, without any real momentum as Teddy was able to break it at every point, began to lose his cool... A sign that he was starting to become rather annoyed with the situation, Instead... Going out after Powell on several occassions, however, with that fact, Martin was walking into a trap.... Being attacked by both members of "The Untouchables" in the process.


Taking an absolute beating from Powell and Morgan, Martin was able to squeeze back into the ring... Showing signs as if he was physically overwhelmed by the cheap 2 on 1 attacks from all over the ringside area. However, as Teddy Powell quickly climbed back into the ring to take advantage of the situation... It was shown that The Champ was ultimately playing a trick on his challenger pretending that he was much more tired than he really was. As Powell jumps back into the ring, Martin was able to quickly exicute his signature "Twist on the Rocks" practically out of nowhere. This pushed fellow "Untouchable", Mr. Morgan, to dive into the ring... Trying to stop Martin from picking up the victory, however, the crafty veteran was awaiting his arrival... Instead, throwing him over the top rope on the other side of the ring.


In the end, Powell was out cold... Not responding what so ever... And fell victim to a standard three count.


Johnny Martin defeats Teddy Powell to retain the PSW Championship in 14:23 via a "Twist on the Rocks".

Grade: D+


Doc Messing: Just like that... "Another one bites the dust".

John Greed: God, I hope you get sued for copyright on that lame-ass attempt of a closing statement.

Doc Messing: What's your problem?

John Greed: You.

Mitch Naess: The triumphent PSW Champion continues his path towards greatness as, yet another, challenger falls short of the ultimate prize!



Johnny Martin, Teddy Powell + Mr. Morgan

... "The Untouchables" 2 on 1 Attack ...


[Johnny Martin, the crafty veteran that he is, knows what is coming next.... Sure, he was able to dodge "The Untouchables" interference attempt in the name of a victory for Powell, however, there is no way that he can overcome a 2 on 1 attack.... And that's exactly what came to develop.]


[Mr. Morgan quickly slides back into the ring, his eyes glued firmly on the PSW Champion, with nothing but evil intentions in mind. The Champ, quickly grabbing his Championship gold from PSW referee R.M. Stones, acts in a split second... Slamming the warm plate across the forehead of the charging "Untouchable". The crowd pops like crazy upon the impact as Martin takes advantage of the situation... Dropping to his knees and wailing away on his fallen attacker.]


[While the Champ looks to inflict as much pain, in as short of an amount of time, Teddy Powell has slowly pulled himself back to his sense and is on a crash course towards Martin. With his attention squarely on Morgan, Johnny Martin is completely blindsided by a running knee strike from ellusive Teddy Powell. This lightning quick strike sends Martin straight to the canvas... Opening up for a 2 on 1 assault, developed by "The Untouchables" and focused on The PSW Champion himself, Johnny Martin.]


[Morgan, slightly bleeding from the golden strike, is like a man possessed, most likely to the sight of his own blood, tearing away at the outnumbered Martin in the process. That is until fellow indy veteran, Alex Braun, comes bolting out of the back weilding a barbed wire baseball bat in his dominant hand.]



Alex Braun

... The "Ice Man" makes the save ...


[The live crowd, exploding with excitement upon seeing a vicious weapon in the hands of Braun, is absolutely beside themselves... Practically begging for more blood.]


Doc Messing: BRAUN!! BRAUN!! Go get 'em, Alex!

John Greed: "Braun, Braun".... You're pathetic. Where did you get this guy Mitch?


[Maybe it was because they aren't use to a two man group, expecting for the recently SWF-bound Steven Parker to be their extra set of eyes, however; "The Untouchables" were all but... Neither man realizing Braun was about to hit the ring. Once in the ring, Braun was able to use his barbed wire weapon on both Powell and the already bloody Mr. Morgan. As the crowd calls for more... Braun lays into both men... Sending them over the top rope and to the floor... Bloodied, bruised, and retreating on account of the weapon in Alex's hand.]


["Underground Execution" comes to a close with the sight of Alex Braun standing side by side with his newly acquired ally, PSW Champion, Johnny Martin. Both men stair down "The Untouchables" as both men are seen back peddling towards the black curtains behind them.... The entire time, Teddy Powell is swearing up a storm in the direction of the two men standing before him in the ring.]


Grade: D+





Overall Show Grade: D+ [Popularity Increased!]

Attendance: 695

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Good first show, EV. Definitely liking where you going with things so far.

Good show Eisen.


Thanks guys. I'm happy with how it came out, however, I also know that with time things will come together a little more smoother. ya know? When you first start with a company there's always those initial storylines that are good, but there are better ones on the horizon once you get use to your roster. As long as I can continue to get better with each show then i'll def. be happy.


All in all, though, this show was ultimately put together to set up the beginning of it all.



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1st Week of April 2008

... F*ck "Family Friendly" ...


Flowing blood, spilt beer, and swapping gold was the theme of our previous event, "Underground Execution". We saw the debut of the newest PSW Tag Team, "The Dirty White Boys", and a triumphant title defense from the PSW Champion, Johnny Martin. All in all, The event was, yet another, example of our slow descent in the bellows of the U.S. wrestling industry.


I know what you're thinking... Why would you, a member of PSW yourself, paint the company as descending into the infinite abyss... Left to rot in the underground? It's really quite simple. That's where we want to reside... That's where we thrive, we breathe, we belong.


To move onward, to push on past the stage that DaVe once held, would be blasphemous.... We don't represent Mainstream Society.... We don't carry their intentions with us.... To be honest, We don't really care much for censors, for the moral majority, for the scheming "hollier than thou" overculture that resides above us. If you want that.... Turn to SWF, TCW, USPW... We don't mind... Trust me.


Join us in our revolution.... Not to spread "Hardcore Wrestling" around the world.... Not to keep "DaVE Alive"... We are asking you to join our cause as we continue our assault on "The After-school Special that Pro Wrestling has become these days". Sam Strong, Richard Eisen, Tommy Cornell... They all want to dilute this sport with wholesome family values... The kind of entertainment that most parents can shove their kids in front of and leave for the night... Allowing their television to raise their kids. We aren't that kind of company...We will NEVER be that kind of company....

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Slight flaw with the poster, it says Pittsburg Championship Wrestling, it should be Pittsburg Steel Wrestling


ha. Thanks UFC-KING. I put together the banner at like 1 AM the night before so, needless to say, I was extremely out of it and on the verge of sleeping. Good catch! I probably won't change it as it's past, however, from here on out I'll have to pay closer attention to it all. I'm still relatively new to working with PSW so I'm guessing I probably got it mixed up with TCW.




Well maybe they changed the name? Altough swapping Pittsburg for a more national aproach would be more logical.


Nope. I'm just slow... hah. jk. :p It should read "Pittsburg Steel Wrestling".


OMG I hope you do a write up by Doc after every show. That makes me want to back a wrestling company. No lie! Im a fan as long as you stick to those words.


Thanks man! Yea, I'll have a post from Doc after every show to clarify the avenues in which PSW is going. This way it keeps the reader "in the know" of where the diary is heading.


Also, I'm looking to stick to those words for sure. Rather than making PSW a random hardcore fed... I'm more so focusing on my own brand of what "hardcore wrestling" is all about... Which is anti-authority, anti-mainstream, anti-"cookie cutter", dark, violent, aggressive, "tough as nails" approach, almost war-like in a sense. So, if that's what you're into... I hope you'll keep on checking in on this diary!


With that being said, I'm not going to overuse weapons just for the sake of "Hardcore Wrestling". Weapons will be used when it seems appropriate to do so. Sure, there will be some more riskier matches witch will call for weapons more often than your garden variety SE company, however, I'm not going to throw in weapons just for the sake of it. Instead, bringing a feel to the product of "rebellion" more so than "excessive violence" all the time.



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Early April 2008

... New Assignment ...



"I'm not feeling it, John" were the very first words muttered by my boss, Mitch Naess. These very words sent a resounding shiver down my spine as I was expecting the worse. I'm a recovering addict.... That's what we do.




I tried to play dumb, however, it wasn't so much playing as it was trying to deter the situation.


"I'm just not feeling your position behind the desk" he proclaimed while pouring himself a cup of coffee.


"The Desk?"


"Yea, the whole colour commentating thing... I'm not feeling it."


A sigh of relief swept over me like a young delinquent racing home to find out that he is the first to obtain his quarter grades before his parents.


"So... Do you want me off screen?" I answered back, a little more calm with my approach now as I'm, now, guessing my job is still intact.


"Nah, You have too much talent to put behind the scenes entirely."


Mitch, taking the first drink of his coffee followed by the same sigh he releases every single time he does so, comes back with a statement that would forever change my life here in PSW.... A statement that would alter my course, once again, forever.


"I want you to manage. Some of the best voices of our industry have come through the trade. You could certainly be the next. How bout it?"


It's polite that he asked, however, I knew that I really didn't have a say in the matter. In a way, I never really wanted to sit behind the commentating desk... This way, I could now be a little more hands on with my career... A little closer to the action.


"Sounds great, Mr. Naess" I muttered with a slight grin on my face.


"Mitch" he came back ever so swiftly.


"Sounds Great, Mitch. Do you have someone in mind for me to manage?"


I was cringing at this point, Unaware of who I was going to work with... Once again, Expecting the very worse.


"That I have to think about still. I'll get back to you."


There was an awkward silence... A moment where all I wanted to do was run down the hallway and escape. However, when you've been where I've been mentally... Awkward Silences tend to happen more so than not. So, instead of freaking out, I attempted to keep my cool... Nodding my head in approval and repeating "sounds great" over and over again as Mr. Naess gradually began to think that something was wrong with me.


Never the less, The choice was made... No longer was I to sit behind the desk, something I was extremely happy for as I hated doing voice overs,... Instead, I was on the verge of taking part in a new path...


...Only a month after I originally was hired by the company.

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Excellent first show, Eisen-verse. Really enjoyed it. Really happy to see the DWB in PSW and winning the gold on their first attempt. Does this spell the end for Tank Bradley, thought? Here's hoping ;)


Very intrigued to see who Greed will be managing. My first thought was Ash Campbell but god knows. Maybe he'll become the mouthpiece for The Untouchables?

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To be honest, i'm more than glad than Greed won't be commentating anymore. There's not much i hate more than the "i'm unashamedly heel-supporting for whatever reason, here have some clichéd insults!" colour guy. No attack on your writing at all, as many, many people use it, it's just a peeve of mine.


I did like the first show though, this could be going somewhere :)

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To be honest, i'm more than glad than Greed won't be commentating anymore. There's not much i hate more than the "i'm unashamedly heel-supporting for whatever reason, here have some clichéd insults!" colour guy. No attack on your writing at all, as many, many people use it, it's just a peeve of mine.


Read: West, Don. :o

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To be honest, i'm more than glad than Greed won't be commentating anymore. There's not much i hate more than the "i'm unashamedly heel-supporting for whatever reason, here have some clichéd insults!" colour guy. No attack on your writing at all, as many, many people use it, it's just a peeve of mine.


I did like the first show though, this could be going somewhere :)


Yea, that's why I pulled him from the Colour Desk. I was writing up the results and It just didn't feel write from a commentating stand-point. His character is best served in another way. So, instead of keeping up with it and not really feeling comfortable... I decided to pull the plug early. :)


Excellent first show, Eisen-verse. Really enjoyed it. Really happy to see the DWB in PSW and winning the gold on their first attempt. Does this spell the end for Tank Bradley, thought? Here's hoping ;)


Very intrigued to see who Greed will be managing. My first thought was Ash Campbell but god knows. Maybe he'll become the mouthpiece for The Untouchables?


Thanks, man!


"The Dirty White Boys" are perfect for the company and even though everyone knew they were coming (because I mean.. who wouldn't? ha), I still am really happy with how they debuted. In my eyes, they could be like how the Dudley Boys were for ECW... A violent, bigger than life personality.


As for managing, I think I've come to my decision, however, it won't show up until this next show. I have a few ideas in mind for what Greed may be up to from a managing standpoint and am crazy excited to move forward with those ideas.



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Also, I'm looking to stick to those words for sure. Rather than making PSW a random hardcore fed... I'm more so focusing on my own brand of what "hardcore wrestling" is all about... Which is anti-authority, anti-mainstream, anti-"cookie cutter", dark, violent, aggressive, "tough as nails" approach, almost war-like in a sense. So, if that's what you're into... I hope you'll keep on checking in on this diary!


With that being said, I'm not going to overuse weapons just for the sake of "Hardcore Wrestling". Weapons will be used when it seems appropriate to do so. Sure, there will be some more riskier matches witch will call for weapons more often than your garden variety SE company, however, I'm not going to throw in weapons just for the sake of it. Instead, bringing a feel to the product of "rebellion" more so than "excessive violence" all the time.




There. That's exactly the feeling I had with the first show and that's why I liked it. This kind of smaller company needs a unique identity in my opinion and you're doing it great so far.

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