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PSW: The Evolution of Greed

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Things are drastically about to change... Like after Bryan Holmes retired change. Which, to some, may super suck since the main figures may be set to change. however, to me, I'm really excited about "picking up the pieces". Much like how ECW had to back in the day when WCW raided their talent... PSW will, too, find a way to survive!


Yeah it might turn off a few people, but to me the writing is top notch and so I know that the new wrestlers will be just as good as the ones that you lost (well maybe not in ring wise or game wise but that is out of your control).

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Still reading, just haven't been online too much in the past few days. Looking forward to the next show. Hoping the losses aren't too major.


You've always been such a great source of feedback, creative-help, etc., that It's great to know that you're still stopping by. You really set the bar as it pertains to a great diary with your SWF venture, so, having you interested in reading this diary means a lot to me.


Yeah it might turn off a few people, but to me the writing is top notch and so I know that the new wrestlers will be just as good as the ones that you lost (well maybe not in ring wise or game wise but that is out of your control).


Thanks for the nod on my writing, BHK!


Funny enough, I don't think the in-game ratings could really be any worse with the new slew of PSW wrestlers coming through. Why? If you look at most of my match grades they aren't all that great. ha. I think I've had one, or two, matches above a "C" since starting this company. The lack of popularity, and real skill I guess, has been a major downfall in the in-game perspective.


I thought, more so, people would be unhappy with the loss of some distinct characters that have made their way through.


The new group of wrestlers coming in to "fill in" for those who are leaving will be able to do just as well I'm thinking. I just need to find a way to make their characters unique enough that it won't seem like they are just trying to fit into the same role. A great challenge to have! :)


Sucks that NYCW is crushing you but from a selfish stand point maybe I finally get to see the guy we been talking about in PM! I know he was a future project but you might have to speed it up... :)


Haha. There's a good chance that he'll be coming on board sometime in the near future. Statistically He wouldn't really be much to bat an eye at, however, from a creative stand-point he'd be a lot of fun to write for.


Maybe... just maybe... ;)


My recent purchase of an XBox360 has consumed a lot of my time the past week or two but I just got caught up and I'm still loving this! Can't wait to see how things unfold from here!


God, I know how that goes. haha. When Madden first came out I was barely ever on the boards. ha. Even right now, I'm fixed on NCAA Football 10... So I don't get as much time to write as I would like to. Especially with wedding plans, Logic homework, and work. Either way, Great to know that you're still keeping up and enjoying the diary thus far!

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24 Hours to "The Rising Inferno"

... He spoke the truth, We Fear the worse ...




My Mentor


"What are you going to do? You had him slated to win back the National Championship. You can't put the title back on him only to have him leave for NYCW. He can't leave the "Steel City" with the title in his hands... You just can't"


- Larry Wood



I didn't say anything in return. My mind was racing, my heart beating faster and faster as my mouth became increasingly dry. I knew what needed to be done, however, my psyche wouldn't budge. Fear, even for an instance, had paralyzed me to the point where everything seemed to slow down... All around me was at a snail-like pace as, internally, I felt like I was about to explode.




Still, my eyes darting around the room, I felt as if time, and space, had come to a complete halt. Here, Larry Wood, stood before me... His grizzly mountain man beard... The only thing my eyes could focus on for more than a second before shooting off into another direction. I could tell that he was growing increasingly annoyed with, what he perceived to be, my lack of focus. The thing is though... It wasn't that I couldn't focus really... It was more of a hypersensitive mindset that I found myself in. Physically frozen... However, mentally over-energized as my thoughts rapidly raced from one end of my eyes to the other.


"John! Are you listening?"


Like a snap of someone's finger... A millisecond of mental clarity shot through-out my body like a lightning bolt searching for a metal rod. A complete sense of calm began to resonate through out my veins as all around me started to speed back up to a normal state of action. Like rebounding from a slight coma, My body was now, again, energized... Back in the moment... Back to reality.


"Don't you think I know that, Larry? [shakes his head] God, where the f*ck did loyalty go? I single handedly met with Harry time and time again as his TCW contract was coming to a close. He was hurt, jaded, mentally strained, due to the fact that Tommy had, all but, turned tired of him.... And how here we stand, again. However, this time around it's Harry who carries the backstabbing baton.."



<hr color="black">

An exert from a voice message left by Harry Allen, on John Greed's cell phone, a few days ago...



Our, former, "Franchise Player"


"I know that you won't be able to wrap your head around this, John, but it's what's going to happen. Honestly, I respect the hell out of what you've done with the company... Hell, you did a f*cking great job of "selling" your concept to me after Tommy let me go. However, the truth of the matter is this... Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling just isn't going anywhere. Mitch doesn't want anything to do with his own company... And you appear to be happy with simply keeping the company afloat versus pushing the organization outside of "The Steel City". [sighs] Honestly, John... You can't win a war against someone like "Stomper" if your company may not be around in another 6 months... It's impossible."
<hr color="black">


I've always been a calm person. Even in my darkest hour, practically inhaling prescription pills as if they were pez, I've always kept a sense of tranquility. Some, my older sister mostly, acquire such a feat to the fact that I'm "dead inside"... However, I don't see that. Then again, sometimes you can't really self-diagnose yourself... Instead, you have to conjure up all that is said about you... and potentially piece together a collage of your psyche.


Despite possessing the trait of having "Ice Cold Veins" (or "Dead Inside"... However you want to classify it)....


I can feel it all starting to bubble up from underneath. I've done everything that I could for this company... Pushed them creatively to the brink of insanity... Defended it's honor when traditionalists spoke of it being a "Grotesque Circus Show"... Hell, I even allowed myself to become so invested that my emotions welled up for an instance... Punching my own boss in the face over a long, dragged, out war that challenged my mental sanity week in and week out.


And yet... This is where we've come to stand...



<hr color="black">

... Back to the Conversation with Larry ...


A Meeting of the Minds

<hr color="black">



"Larry, Honestly, There's nothing I can really do here. Sure, I can't put the title on Harry as he's leaving in less than a week... I get that. "Stomper" would LOVE the opportunity to tout a PSW Champion on one of his shows. However, Here's where the sh*t hits the fan.... Malietoa is on his way out next week as well."


Larry's face drops. Almost in a... "Are you kidding me?" Kind of manor.




"Malietoa accepted a contract from "Stomper" and will be leaving the company in less than a week as well."


"And you booked this match knowing this?"


"I booked the match, at first, knowing that Malietoa was leaving. Harry was suppose to overcome the odds and miraculously walk away with the National Championship after a hard fought battle. That way, Allen was "back on top" in the eyes of the fans... Vindicated after being forced to lose his title to 'Toa... And then Malietoa could skip his way to NYCW for all I cared."




Larry buries his head into his hands. His grizzly beard slamming up against the insides of his arms. Slowly shaking his head back and forth as he knows that this will certainly be a complete disaster in the end.


"That's not it. There are more leaving..."


"Yea, Frankie Future. I already know that. I talked with him..."


"No. There's more..."


At first there was complete silence... Larry slowly raises his head up from his war-torn hands... His eyes staring straight into mine with a look of confusion on his face. All I could do was simply nod. Slowly, but with a resounding statement through body language, we knew that things were about to change.


Could the company rebound with so many big name starts defecting?


Can the company survive after, practically, hemorrhaging money for the last year? A fact that only he and Mitch Naess knew as everyone else was kept in the dark in fear that this would happen.


With my eyes looking straight into Larry's... Unaware of what to do next... It hit me like a freight rain going 100 mph. I knew what needed to be done... I knew that I had to do so...


"I need to call Mitch..."





<hr color="black">

"The Rising Inferno" Quick Picks

Brutus Roach vs. Madman Boone

Mr. Morgan vs. Nigel Svensson

Frankie Future & Johnny Martin © vs. "The Ring Generals"

Malietoa © vs. Harry Allen

Marat Khoklov © vs. Lead Belly vs. El Demonio Volador


Creative Decision: I know that some may not always like to know what's going on "backstage" as it can ruin what an upcoming show's results may look like. However, in this case, I felt it was more intriguing to give a backstory as to what's going on "behind the curtain". The struggle for John to make sense of what to do from here... As the overall theme of the diary right now is absolute chaos (ie: people leaving, war with NYCW, "civil war" inside PSW with the "Unknown Figure".). So, with that being said, I felt that this way there was a better understanding of the craziness that is before Greed. As this diary has always been just as much about Greed's process as a headbooker, coming off of an injury that ended his career and a subsequent addiction as well, as the creative decisions from a storyline perspective.


Side Note #2: I'm not feeling well and called into work the past 2 days, so, i've had a lot of time on my hands. With that being said, with medication going through me, I can't alway seem to make sense. So, I plan on working some of the show today (as I'm 6 segments away from finishing), however, will only do so if I feel like I can focus well enough.


Thanks for reading!

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All I know is that if anyone leaves with one of "my" title belts, I'm coming over there and whooping some ass! :D


Seriously, you have me on the edge of my seat with anticipation. Can't wait to see what you come up with next.




You can screw with PSW...


But don't F*ck with the ReapeR. :cool: haha.




Great to see that you're keeping up with my rinky-dink, little, diary, ReaP! Honestly, I've said this before, but to have someone of your creative-level enjoying something I'm creating... It seriously means alot.


BTW, You're def. on a roll as of late with your title renders. The one you just put up is absolutely stunning. I would write that underneath your last post, however, I feel like I do that, almost, once every couple of days and didn't want to over-run your thread. haha.

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"The Rising Inferno" Quick Picks


Brutus Roach vs. Madman Boone


Mr. Morgan vs. Nigel Svensson


Frankie Future & Johnny Martin © vs. "The Ring Generals"


Malietoa © vs. Harry Allen- winner will be the last minute "addition" to the match. Not sure who that'll be but I got a feeling that's what Greed/Mitch will come up with. ;)


Marat Khoklov © vs. Lead Belly vs. El Demonio Volador

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Don't worry about the backstage stuff giving away potentiel results. As much as it the shows are entertaining, the backstage stuff is right there too. Those chapters are very important to the on-going story and are needed in my opinion.
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No worries on the backstage stuff as you are balancing giving us an insight without giving too much away very well, something I am struggling with in my TNA diary tbh so keep up the good work and get well soon.


Don't worry about the backstage stuff giving away potential results. As much as it the shows are entertaining, the backstage stuff is right there too. Those chapters are very important to the on-going story and are needed in my opinion.


Okay, good. :)


I was thinking of waiting to talk about Harry Allen leaving PSW til after "The Rising Inferno", however, he officially signed with NYCW before the event (in-game) and I was at a loss for words.


I found myself muttering about what I should do going forward and realized that this would be a major issue for John Greed. So, why not have John tell the story himself? As you know, there will be some twists and turns to bring this all back together, however, it felt more realistic to have this situation "come out" in the form of John trying to work something out in his mind.


I don't plan on doing this very much (giving away info that would hurt the results of an upcoming show), however in this case, it was best in my mind.


Example: There are still a few other wrestlers who are leaving the company that have not been touched on. I plan on unvailing those names in different ways before they leave.


All in all, Cool to know that you all got what I was trying to do with that last post.



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Brutus Roach vs. Madman Boone=Just gotta pull for the Boone!

Mr. Morgan vs. Nigel Svensson

Frankie Future & Johnny Martin © vs. "The Ring Generals"

Malietoa © vs. Harry Allen=Harry Allen wins the match and then is immediately challenged by a wrestler and the title taken from him before he leaves.

Marat Khoklov © vs. Lead Belly vs. El Demonio Volador

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Okay, good. :)


I was thinking of waiting to talk about Harry Allen leaving PSW til after "The Rising Inferno", however, he officially signed with NYCW before the event (in-game) and I was at a loss for words.


I found myself muttering about what I should do going forward and realized that this would be a major issue for John Greed. So, why not have John tell the story himself? As you know, there will be some twists and turns to bring this all back together, however, it felt more realistic to have this situation "come out" in the form of John trying to work something out in his mind.


I don't plan on doing this very much (giving away info that would hurt the results of an upcoming show), however in this case, it was best in my mind.


Example: There are still a few other wrestlers who are leaving the company that have not been touched on. I plan on unvailing those names in different ways before they leave.


All in all, Cool to know that you all got what I was trying to do with that last post.




i really do like to read about the backstage goings on...gives the reader a feel for how you are running the company...fantastic more of it i say

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i really do like to read about the backstage goings on...gives the reader a feel for how you are running the company...fantastic more of it i say


Good to know that it's well received! :)


John Greed is the center of this diary. Even with major storylines taking place within the ring, the rise of certain individuals from a creative stand-point, and booking plans laid out.... John Greed is, and will always be, the main focus of this diary.




He's an intriguing character to me. With his backstory as it is (pretty much being a vagabond, not truly succeeding anywhere he went, however, he was BENT on developing his craft from an all-around perspective... thus leaving for Mexico..... Onto the backstory I created for him with Bear/RIPW, and the addiction that shortly followed) and with the knowledge that he could be an amazing figure in the world of wrestling (given his character, name, and ability as a speaker)... He makes for a great center focus.


In a way, I wish I could change my username to Greed-verse. hah. As that's pretty much become what my focus in terms of TEW has become. That's why, if for some reason this diary were to come to a close, there would almost certainly be one that would follow with John Greed, once again, at the helm as a continuation. That being said, I have no interest in stopping this diary as I'm having far to much fun. An example of this is that there is a brand new championship belt that's coming into the fold in the next 4-6 months. It'll give PSW a more well-rounded product without straying anywhere away from the "hardcore-ness" that has come to define them. In a sense, the new title will add to that mentality and give the "Steel City" promotion a more insane approach.


The fun thing with writing from John's perspective, for me, is that I'm not really creating anything totally out of the blue. I'm going based upon what happens in PSW, and the wrestling world as a whole, and that pretty much dictates what happens to his life (see the Billy Russell scenario). So, in a sense, i'm just as excited to see what comes next. Keeps things just as fresh for me.


All in all, Thank you all for your support with this diary. It's much appreciated. I have written, almost, all of "The Rising Inferno"... With only 4 segments needing to still be written. I'm hoping to get some work done late tonight, a little work tomorrow, and hopefully have it all up and ready to read by, possibly, early part next week? I'm thinking Monday or Tuesday.



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Guest ST Jolly

Brutus Roach vs. Madman Boone


Mr. Morgan vs. Nigel Svensson


Frankie Future & Johnny Martin © vs. "The Ring Generals"


Malietoa © vs. Harry Allen- Allen to win followed by an instant challenge which will cause him to then lose the belt.


Marat Khoklov © vs. Lead Belly vs. El Demonio Volador

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Brutus Roach vs. Madman Boone


You seem to be pretty high, for good reason, on Roach. Boone has had his chance to shine and hasnt done much with that shot. Roach wins.


Mr. Morgan vs. Nigel Svensson


Feeeeeeeeed him to the vet!


Frankie Future & Johnny Martin © vs. "The Ring Generals"


Future is leaving so the titles go to the ring generals. It would be cool to see them have a lengthy title reign.


Malietoa © vs. Harry Allen


Like others i'm sure that someone else will be added to the match and they will win so i vote neither in this case.


Marat Khoklov © vs. Lead Belly vs. El Demonio Volador


The big man continues to steam roll through his challengers.

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+ Streaming LIVE via PSW.com +

"The Ministry" Event Center

PSW Event #18






El Demonio Volador

... Speaking from the Darkness ...


[We open this month's live PSW Event, "The Rising Inferno", with the sight of El Demonio Volador standing just a few feet from the camera lens. His menacing, black-horned, luchador mask shines slightly from the dim light positioned atop the low-grade-quality web cam before him, As a sadistic smirk begins to grow from ear to ear.]


HIH... HIH... HIH... HIH... HIH... HIH... HIH...


[His signature, Hyena-like, laughter fills the darkened space as the, thick, midnight air encompasses everything but the upper body of the feared, yet loved, El Demonio Volador. His laughter, all-be-it short, generates an eery vibe as the sight, and sound, of such an event seems straight from a horror movie of sorts. With his voice slightly tapering off, Demonio looks straight into the camera with beady eyes... Smirking one last time... Just seconds before we hear his voice peer through the darkness.]


El Demonio Volador: You thought you could destroy me... That one attack, even from the likes of Marat Khoklov, would end my existence. Sadly, for you both, you were mistaken. [Laughs] For I am like a ****roach within your walls... You can spray your chemicals, stomp your feet in my direction, hell... You can drop the atomic bomb, something you've labeled Khoklov as to your cause, and I will still be left standing... Still breathing... Still rummaging through your space... A constant thorn in your side. [Pauses as he twists his head awkwardly in either direction] You may speak of your want for control... Using unadulterated fear as your weapon of choice... but... That will only triumph over the weak. I, you who cloak themselves from the world, am not weak. For I.... Am your worst nightmare.... [Laughs] The defiant, the "black sheep", the resistant peddler with nothing more than the want.... no.... NEED... For a continued state of anarchy.


[With that, the camera lens slowly pans out to see that there is another figure of a man standing off to Demonio's right. His back, leaning up against the alley-way brick wall of "The Ministry", as light rain drops fall from the sky... Occasionally landing on the camera lens... Distorting our view.]


[The camera man slowly turns his attention to the unknown man leaning up against the brick wall behind him as the smattering of water lands all around the scene. As the camera lens comes into focus we hear one final stint of hyena-like laughter from El Demonio Volador, Leading into the sight of Harry Allen being the man standing off to Demonio's side.]



Harry Allen

... An awkward pairing ...


[His eyes, violent in their delivery, peer deep into the camera lens as if he was standing before his foe at this very second. A few seconds pass as Harry begins to speak... However, something seems a little different than ever before. There is an overwhelming sense of hatred behind his words... behind his motions... He looks, as if, he is ready to embark upon an all-out war with the very men who almost ended his career last month... Marat Khoklov and "The Unknown Figure".]


Harry Allen: You say that you will not rest until your hands are gripped around the collective throat of Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling.... That your ultimate goal is complete, and utter, dominance over the masses here in the "Steel City"... [Pauses] In a sense, you want to be GOD..... Not "A" GOD.... "THE" GOD. [Pauses] That's fine. You can wrap yourself in your little world of psychosis.... Believing that everyone will, someday, bow down before you in a ritualistic kind of manor.... Flexing your muscle, gripping your hands, and peering down upon us all... However, you've got one person... right here... Who will NEVER do as such. Who will NEVER accept you as the ultimate ruler of "The Ministry"... Of PSW. [shakes his head] Demonio, and I, we're already sick of your mindless ramblings... Your violent hand through the form of Marat Khoklov... [Pauses] You want a war? We'll give you a war! [Pauses] Just make sure you chose your soldiers wisely... because, in the end, we all know that you are as strong as the men who believe you.... You can not physically raise your hand in opression... As you're nothing more than a physically weak, cloaked, piece of sh*t. A man who relies on manipulation than action... A coward waiting in the shadows...


[With that, the opening segment has come to a close as the awkward pairing of Harry Allen, and El Demonio Volador, stand side by side... Joined by one solid cause.... Their hatred for "The Unknown Figure".]


Grade: C-


Doc Messing: It's about, F*cking, Time... Someone HAD to stand up to "The Unknown Figure"! I don't care if he has Marat Khoklov in his corner or not... That cloaked freak needs some sense of resistance!

Remmington Remus: What a tandem at that... Harry Allen and El Demonio Volador... wow... If anyone could stand up to such an uprising it would be these two!

Doc Messing: The only downfall is that we don't know whose even on "The Unknown Figure's" side at this point... He's kept, pretty much everything, about his group in a state of secrecy...

Remmington Remus: That's very true. It literally could be anyone...

Doc Messing: Despite that, At least we know that we have these two taking up the fight versus the underground "Kingdom"....



Brutus Roach vs. Madman Boone


Everything about Brutus Roach screams cold and calculating.


The way he slowly walks to the ring... taking his sweet time... Staring down his opponent the entire time.. Up to the way he methodically wrenches his hands together before battle, again staring his opponent square in the eyes, projects this "serial-killer-esque" kind of persona. In the "Land of Supreme" he is considered to be, just, another Big Man with a mean streak. Sure, he possesses a convict-like demeanor, which sets him apart from the rest of the bubble-gum babyface roster, but no where like PSW is he able to carry himself with such an Evil Incarnate approach to life. His gritty, violent intentions, are wrapped subtly behind his mannerisms rather than through the mic... A classic example of how things are run in PSW. Your persona, your character if you will, comes from the small, subtle, details within the fray versus an out-right... BAM... This is who the person is. You have to dig a little deeper.


Madman Boone, not afraid of anyone what so ever (probably due to the fact that "not much is going on upstairs" after years of extreme abuse within the ring), matches Roach's pre-match stair... Almost as if he was challenging the big man to "come get some" without even muttering a word. With that being said, That's exactly what came to happen as the bell was officially rung by PSW newcomer, and newly appointed referee by "The Unknown Figure", Shane Stones.


After a brief nose-to-nose stair down in the middle of the ring... It was on!


A match of true equals begins to unfold as neither man is able to successfully overcome the other... Instead, a string of violence ensues. From the very onset of the match, Weapons are introduced. Madman Boone, who pushed a shopping cart full of weapons to the ring, makes quick use of every equalizer at his disposal... A steel rod, a microwave, even a toaster is used early on as each and every weapon lands upside the head of Brutus Roach. To most, This would be enough to pick up a victory... however, for someone like Roach, a life-altering strike here and there from a cold steel rod isn't enough to keep him down.


With both men standing on the apron... Punching away back and forth... As a table lay opened below them... Madman Boone lands a low blow on the big man... Setting him up for a DDT off the apron and through the awaiting table.




Brutus Roach was able to block the maneuver... Dropping him through the table, off the apron, with a standing spinebuster from on high!


In a move, unlike Roach, at least from what we know of him thus far, the big man took a "Leap of Faith" by jumping off the aipron... Landing a MAJOR Elbow drop on the, already, floored Madman Boone. The extremely vocal PSW crowd, despite not really liking Roach, delivers a quick pop in favor of the leap... Only to have that quickly halted with one simple middle finger from Brutus as he slowly pulls himself back up to his feet on the outside.


Both men are in terrible shape after a straight 5 minutes of deadly abuse from nearby weapons. However, someone had to "break from the pack" and come away with the win.......


Brutus Roach, sizing up Madman Boone, speeds toward the crazed hardcore icon with a high impact closeline...




Madman Boone slips out and kicks Roach in the gutt...










Brutus Roach is able to kick out!


Madman Boone, whipping his blood soaked hair out of his face, slowly lifts Roach off of his feet...


Boone hits the ropes...


However Roach, as he struggles to regain his composure, is able to land a back elbow sending Boone realing...


"The Fallout"!!! (Full-Nelson Chokeslam)








With that, Shane Stones delivers a standard three count in favor of the silent, yet extremely deadly, Brutus Roach. While it wasn't a run-away victory for the big man, as Madman Boone was just as much in it til' the end, this moment stands as one of the biggest in the young man's PSW career.


Just like that, as Madman Boone slowly rolls over on his stomach... trying to pull himself back to his feet, Brutus Roach is seen exiting the squared circle by stepping over the top rope... Still keeping his eyes glued on the very man he just defeated... Always locked into the moment... Never turning his back on the action as a true calculating individual would.


Brutus Roach defeats Madman Boone in 9:44 via "The Fallout" (Full-Nelson Chokeslam).

Grade: D+


Remmington Remus: "Big - Bad" Brutus Roach is one of those guys you wouldn't want to meet up with in a dark alley...

Doc Messing: A dark alley? I wouldn't even want to meet up with the guy in the middle of the day... at the mall... In front of baby gap... [Laughs]

Remmington Remus: There are very few people in this world that can generate as much fear as he can without saying a single word...

Doc Messing: I wonder how he was before his stint in prison... If he was always this way or if his incarceration was what set him off?

Remmington Remus: I don't think we'll ever know.... However, one thing is for sure... Brutus Roach is a force to be reckoned with here in PSW!



"The Ring Generals" - Dean Waldorf, Marv Slater, and Nicole Kiss

... F*ck "Senior Citizens" ...


[We open our scene with a zoomed in view of Dean Waldorf's face in absolute exstacy. His eyes are rolled into the back of his head, his head leaning up against the white wall behind him, and his hands placed in a relaxing position within his hair. After a lengthy groan, the camera man slowly pans out to see Nicole Kiss ascend upon the scene... As if she was kneeling before Dean Waldorf only a few seconds before. The camera man, doing us all a service, doesn't pan out far enough to see what Nicole "may have been doing", however, with what has just transpired... It's pretty easy to draw a conclusion.]


[Nicole, now leaning heavily up against Dean, looks deep into the camera and licks her lips in a devilish fashion. Meanwhile, her "boy-toy" appears to be on cloud nine... Barely able to keep his eyes open as he rests the full weight of his body up against the wall behind him. A few seconds pass as Marv Slater now walks into the room... Looking down at first... Then looking away quickly as he winces in discust.]


Marv Slater: Jesus, Dean.... Put that away....


[Despite his plea, Dean doesn't even appear to be all that coherent following his "good luck present" from Nicole. Instead, Nicole begins to laugh slightly... once again... Licking her lips like a common whore.]


Marv Slater: Seriously... [Looking down and then looking away again in a dramatic fashion]...


[A slight rumbling his heard as Dean slowly bends down and appears to be pulling his pants up. The sound of a metal belt buckle flinging back and forth is heard just before Dean finishes up with his "cleaning up" process. With an arrogant smirk running ear to ear, Dean looks over at Marv with a sh*t-eating-grin on his face... Feeling as if he is, truly, "The Man of the Hour"]


Marv Slater: Don't be too high on yourself, Dean-o. You're not her first rodeo....


[Marv laughs a little as Dean-o shortly follows. Most girls would at least put forth an attempt at denying the fact, however, Nicole is quite comfortable with her... well... her easy lifestyle.]


Dean Waldorf: [Deep Exhale] Now...... I'm ready. [Laughs] Thanks sweet-cheeks...


[Dean turns to Nicole and lands an overly dramatic kiss upon her lips... Body clentching and everything. However, as their fire begins to slowly subside, Dean turns back to the camera lens with his signature arrogant smirk running across his, semi-scruff, face.]


Dean Waldorf: We've been told since day one that it would only be a matter of time until we were relevant here in the "Steel City". Veterans of the trade, many of them hell-bent on keepin their own status within the ranks, would constantly remind us that... someday it would be our time.... however, for now, we had to "prove ourselves". Hell, I remember having this very conversation with Johnny Martin a matter of 6 months ago. "Don't worry kid... You'll be great someday. However, someday is not today. You need to fall in line and pay your respects to the elders of this company." [Laughs] Well, I said it then and I'll say it now.... F*ck the elders, Johnny. [Laughs] We know how afraid you are of our rise within PSW. You and your little butt-buddy, Frankie Future, have been talking about putting together a tag team for quite some time now. It was always your focus to wait until the "Dirty White Boys" were on a bit of a haitus and then you would sweep in... Act as the paragon of virtue you believe you are... And carry the PSW Tag Championships into the heights of this industry. [Pauses] Even back then you knew that we would always pose as your biggest threats.... Why? Because when push comes to shove... when the dust has settled.... After the shandaleer has fallen... One thing will always prove to be true... Senior citizens don't have the ability to trump those in the prime of their lives.


[A brief stint of arrogant laughter comes from both Dean and Marv as it appears that they believe tonight is their night to walk away with Championship gold for the first time in their careers]


Marv Slater: Psychology can only take you so far, Gramps. You may understand, better than most, how to use as little energy as possible to come away with a victory, however, there always come a point where the aged veteran finally falls apart.... When using crafty means fall just short of actually putting forth a win. That time.... is tonight. [smirks] It's like when a prize cow breaks its leg.... It's unable to walk... unable to function... It's placed upon the Farmer to grab his gun... walk out to the pasture... and put the prize cow out of its misery. [Pauses] That's no different than what is before us today.... [Laughs] Don't get me wrong, Johnny... Frankie.... You both have done great things for this company... For the Tri-State indy scene as a whole.... however, even legends have a shelf-life. [Laughs] You may not realize it right now, as you're blinded by your own selfishness, however, your day in the sun has come and passed. We're not asking you to step aside.... no..... We're demanding that you accept reality... That you understand that your time is long passed. For the sake of this company, for the sake of your families, and most importantly for the sake of you both.... Give it a rest. [smirks] Bow out gracefully, starting tonight, and literally hand us the PSW Tag Team Championships... As, to be honest, if you allow our match to take place... We won't hesitate from... Pulling the trigger.


[The scene comes to a close now as we see both, Dean and Marv, looking straight into the camera with arrogant smirks running across their faces. Meanwhile, Nicole Kiss has now dropped to her knees... Hugging the side of Dean's leg as she, also, looks into the camera lens with a sly, borderline seductive, look on her face as well.]


Grade: E+


Remmington Remus: [Clears his throat] Well... uh.... It appears that Dean Waldorf has quite the cheerleader in his corner....

Doc Messing: A cheerleader or a team bang?

Remmington Remus: Well, I guess that works as well. [Laughs] Either way, She's proven to be a big time asset to their trio... Helping them win a few matches simply due to her interference!

Doc Messing: I can't stand any of these three but I agree. It was the smartest decision they've ever made by alligning with the Sl*t that is Nicole...



Mr. Morgan vs. Nigel Svensson


The moment in which both of these men stood in opposite corners was somewhat of a surreal instance. Not because this match was heavily anticipated by the masses, as Nigel is somewhat of a "nobody" in PSW at this point in his career, and it wasn't even for the fact that you KNEW you were on the verge of a great, well-rounded, classically stiff wrestling match. No, the reason for such a unique feeling hovering over this match was the thought that Nigel Svensson could very well be Mr. Morgan 20 years earlier. Both men are trained in the UK... Both are known for their technical abilities in the ring... Also, both are known for their assasin-like accuracy when it comes to capitalizing on their opponents mistakes within the ropes. With that being said, as the two looked upon eachother from on far... There was this... "Passing of the Torch" kind of feeling resonating through out the "Ministry".


Well, maybe someone should have told Mr. Morgan that tonight was suppose to be such an event.... As the crafty veteran was in firm control through out the entire match. Sure, Nigel put up a strong effort... Shocking in some ways as he never really showed any signs of giving up... However, even Nigel's natural gifts as a wrestler were not enough to overcome the expert knowledge possesed by the one, Morgan.


In the end, Mr. Morgan is able to floor the youngster with a top rope superplex! With the impact knocking the wind out of Nigel, Mr. Morgan takes the opportunity to roll up onto Svensson's chest... Locking in a Seated Front-Face Headlock. (Morgan is seated on Nigel's chest and holding his head in a DDT like position.. Choking Nigel out in the process).


At first, Nigel tries to fight his captor... Struggling like a mad man.... Trying to find any semblence of air as Morgan continues to close his throat cannal....


Nigel continues to fight...


20 seconds go bye...


NIgel is still fighting...


Then it happens...


Nigel goes completely limp... No movement what so ever...


Shane Stones looks into Morgan's eyes... Not knowing what to do... To call it or not to call it?


Morgan, wanting the win but not wanting to kill his oponent, does his work for him... Grabbing Nigel's hand with his free hand... Slamming it down to the canvas in a forced submission...


Shane Stones quickly calls for the bell as Mr. Morgan relinqueshes the hold... walking away from the unconcious Nigel knowing that he had picked up the victory, however, shocked that the youngster didn't quit when he had the chance to do so.


Mr. Morgan defeats Nigel Svensson in 9:55 via a front-face chokehold submission.

Grade: E


Remmington Remus: What a showing by the youngster....

Doc Messing: That was just dumb on Nigel's part. Don't get me wrong, I respect the man for trying to soldier on.. but come on... He could have died if it wasn't for Mr. Morgan's pitty for him...

Remmington Remus: I don't know if he "pitty's" him... Looked more like he was impressed by the youngster... Didn't want to see his career ended in such a way.

Doc Messing: Still, though, that was just stupid on Nigel's part...

Remmington Remus: Either way, Mr. Morgan finally ends his recent slide by picking up a victory here tonight against the youngster, Nigel Svensson!



Grease Hogg

... Playing the "Waiting Game" ...


[The scene opens in a dimly lit, grungy, hallway in the basement of the "Ministry". The black, shadow-like, outline of a large wooden cross sits on the off-white wall... Inches from Grease Hogg's head. This hallway, hardly ever seen as it's on the other side of the locker room area, is a popular space for fellow wrestlers to finish a quick smoke, removed from the locker room area, however, not having to always go outside in the darkened, secluded, alley-way positioned behind the building. While this hallway serves as a more "safe" environment that said alley-way... It's not Disneyworld by any means.]


[A faint light rests on the end of the hallway, leading toward another ground-level doorway leading to the front of the former house of worship. Trash, old cigarette buts, and mouse droppings litter the cement stretch leading to said doorway, and this is exactly where we find Grease Hogg enjoying a quick smoke. Pacing around the area like a man in thought, Hogg is seen finally resting his massive right arm up against the wall before him, slightly covering up the outline where the cross once stood, looking down at the ground in an obvious showing of some sort of internal struggle.]



"The Unknown Figure"

... From the shadows ...


"The Unknown Figure": It can be tough, at first,.... Placing your soul in my hands.... However, with time, you'll grow to love it as you can embrace the demon within...


[HIS voice peers through the hallway like a preacher before his congragation. Grease Hogg, slowly moving himself away from the wall... looking off to his left (in the direction of "The Unknown Figure's" Voice), opens up the camera view as we now see "The Unknown Figure" standing in the doorway leading to the front, ground-level, enterence of "The Ministry". A violent storm raging behind him as the sound of heavy rain almost drowns out all other noise. A crack of lightning hits, the light bouncing off of the "UF's" thick black hooded cloak, as he continues to stand in the doorway... Half in "The Ministry"... Half out...]


"The Unknown Figure": Why do you resist your true self? [Pauses] Why do you continue to be a pawn in Lead Belly's game? You COULD be so much stronger.... So much more iconic... Than he... And yet, You allow yourself to wallow in his "greatness"...


[Grease Hogg, sick and tired of "The Unknown Figure's" ramblings, throws his cigarette down on the ground... Aggressively stomping his way toward the mysterious cloaked figure before him. Despite this, though, the "Unknown Figure" does not move.... does not flinch... Instead, stands calmly as Grease Hogg walks up.... grabs him by his cloak and swings him up against the wall in a forceful manor.]


Grease Hogg: Listen here, You F*cking Freak.... Leave me alone. You got that? Take your psycho babble and shove it up your ass. I don't want to be part of your little "Kingdom".... I don't want ANYTHING to do with you.... And if you knew what was best... You would remove your sorry ass from this company as soon as possible.... Before I do so myself....


[A raspy chuckle is heard coming from the hood of the "Unknown Figure".]


"The Unknown Figure": Don't you get it, Grease Hogg. It's too late to remove me for PSW for I AM PSW. [Raspy Laughter] The body of Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling pumps the blood of my ascention. You, and everyone who opposes me, are sadly mistaken if you believe that I'm going to just leave. [The sound of..."Tisk, Tisk, Tisk" now also comes from within the hood] I guess I misunderstood you..... Greaser.... For when I look into your soul.... I see a troubeled man.... A violent man.... One whose growing tired of the "wear and tear" of this crappy little industry. Am I right?


[Grease Hogg, in an act of admission, forcibly shoves "The Unknown Figure" into the wall... and then backs away... Running his hand across his mouth in a typical... "You got me"... Kind of manor. Hogg, looking outward upon the rain, now continues to speak.]


Grease Hogg: You have no F*cking idea where my mind is.... You don't know who I am... Where I've been....


"The Unknown Figure": Don't I? [Pauses] You know, You and I, we have a lot more in common than you may think.... We both know what it's like to have to FIGHT for what we want... We both know that things don't come easy in this life and you have to MAKE your own success. Isn't that right? Things always come easy to Lead Belly.... Everyone loves Lead Belly... Hell, Belly was signed by USPW a few months ago... Were you? [Pauses] Of course not. Did he stick up for you? Push to get you signed as well? No. He only thought of himself and furthering his career. He may tell you that it was for whatever reason... Maybe.... That he wanted to see what it was like to be a singles wrestler... But we both know the truth behind that.... Lead Belly thinks of you as a weight on his shoulders.... Someone whose holding him back.... It's only a matter of time before he outright turns on you. [Puts his hand on Grease Hogg's shoulder] So, why don't you take the initiative? Beat him at his own game? Have the chance to kick him to the curb before he finally does it to you?


[Just then, Grease Hogg's eyes dart past the camera... His demeanor changes completely... Almost like he had been caught by someone. To see what's going on, The camera man slowly spins around to see Lead Belly standing in the other doorway at the end of the hallway leading into the locker room area. With a cigarette of his own loosely in his mouth, Lead Belly shakes his head and spins back around in a show of disgust. Grease Hogg, sensing that the situation probably looked bad, breaks away from "The Unknown Figure's" grasp... outwardly showing his aggression for the situation as he stomps his way down the hallway leading away from the outside doorway.... and the "Unknown Figure". As Grease Hogg exits the hallway... One final statement is made by the mysterious cloaked man... Just in time for Hogg to hear it before he disapears into the locker room area.]


"The Unknown Figure": It doesn't have to be this way.... Grease Hogg.... Think of the greatness you will achieve....


[With that, the scene comes to a close as another lightning strike is seen lighting up the midnight air. The sound of heavy rainfall completely takes over now as "The Unknown Figure", once again, walks back out into the rain... Slamming the door harshly behind him.]


Grade: D-


Remmington Remus: He does make one hell of a case, Doc. Why did Lead Belly join USPW and not bring Grease Hogg with him?

Doc Messing: I'm not really sure, Remmy. There has been a light buzz ever since Belly joined Sam Strong in the South East... Some are saying that Lead Belly specifically told USPW officials that he didn't want to see Grease Hogg offered a contract. With that being said, That's an internet rumor floating around at this point.... No one knows this for sure.

Remmington Remus: You saw it in Grease Hogg's eyes... in his actions... There's something brewing within. I think "The Unknown Figure" is really starting to get to him... Almost brainwashing him in a way.

Doc Messing: How else do you think he gains allies? I just hope Greaser is mentally tough enough to see past his hallow recruiting... If he were to join "The Unknown Figure" you KNOW it would bring on a war of epic proportions... While they may not be connected by blood.... The "Dirty White Boys" are brothers.




Frankie Future & Johnny Martin © vs. "The Ring Generals" w/ Nicole Kiss

[PSW Tag Team Championships Match]


"The Ring Generals" and the PSW Tag Champions, Frankie Future and Johnny Martin, couldn't be farther from eachother as it pertains to their success in Pro Wrestling as a whole. You have one team that's made up of established singles stars, considered by many to be the backbone of the Tri-State Indy Scene, who have now come together in which to carry championship gold in the name of PSW, A company that they both joined in it's infancy. With that being said, some critics have began to surface... Proclaiming that both Future and Martin have seen "better days" and that they both were in the twilight of their career... Needing to finally "hang up their boots and allow the New Generation to take hold."


"The Ring Generals" are exactly that... The New Generation in Pro Wrestling...


It's quite obvious to see the experience difference between the two teams as the PSW Tag Champs start the match off with a powerful wave of momentum. The action is so one-sided that Dean Waldorf is forced to duck out of the ring, shaking his head, and having a pow-wow with both Marv and Nicole. It wasn't known what they were talking about, however, this marked a major turning point for the match as whenever Dean, or Marv for that matter, were in trouble... They tried to use rope breaks, ducking out of the ring, and calling for a "Time out" at every turn. Shane Stones, obviously leaning toward helping out the heels, granted each and every rest stop... Annoying both Future and Martin to no end. At one point, It became so bad that Frankie was on the verge of landing a hard right across Shane's jaw... However, stopped seconds before the strike... Sadly, his lack of focus, allowed for Marv Slater to dive in with a chop block from behind.


In the end, it was Nicole Kiss who was the difference maker... Jumping up on the aipron... And pulling her skimpy black, leather, top downward exposing her chest to a legal Frankie Future (That and everyone watching via the internet and at the "Ministry" that night). In a state of... Awe... Future stops dead in his tracks... It was that split second... That momentary lack of focus that ultimately helped "The Ring Generals" as Marv Slater moves in for the kill... Executing a Hard, Stunner-like, Traditional Neckbreaker (back to back)!!


Future's head snaps violently as Nicole quickly pulls her top back up... Just in time for Dean Waldorf to strike Johnny Martin from behind with a steel chair as he stands on the outside aipron. With Martin unable to break the count... Marv Slater quickly drops on top of Frankie Future... Recieving a standard three count from newly established referee, Shane Stones. After months, if not years now, of being seen as a second-rate tag team... "The Ring Generals", with a massive help from Nicole Kiss, was now at the pinnacle of their profession... Tag Team Champions!


"The Ring Generals" win the PSW Tag Team Championships by defeating Frankie Future and Johnny Martin in 9:56 when Marv Slater executed a Snap Neckbreaker on Frankie Future.

Grade: D-


Remmington Remus: It's been a long road for "The Ring Generals" here in PSW.... Many have written them off... And to be honest, For good reason. However, these rag-tag degenerates have found a way to overcome the odds and win the PSW Tag Team Championships! Love them or despise them... You can't deny the fact that they've had quite the journey to the top.

Doc Messing: Meh... If it wasn't for Nicole Kiss, the slut that she is, these guys would be nothing more than a pair of jack-offs...

Remmington Remus: That could be very true... Either way, though, Marv Slater and Dean Waldorf have now tasted Championship gold!

Doc Messing: Only to lose it to someone more deserving soon enough I'm sure...



"The Dirty White Boys" - Lead Belly and Grease Hogg

... Trouble between 'the boys' ...


[After walking in on, what he felt was Grease Hogg potentially making a deal with the devil, Lead Belly appears to be extremely agitated as he walks into the locker room area from the other side of "The Ministry". With a cigarette in his mouth, and a plume of smoke climbing outward through his mouth, the former PSW Tag Champion is seen shaking his head in utter disgust. It only takes a matter of a few seconds to end Lead Belly's moment of "alone time" as Grease Hogg is seen storming into the room as well. In a brash, grizzled, kind of manor... Grease Hogg spins Lead Belly around with one pull of his hand... The two men now eye to eye as both men carry a sense of aggression behind their actions.]


Grease Hogg: We gotta talk...


[Grease Hogg delivers the previous line with a low, grumble-like, tone. Almost, in a way, demanding that Lead Belly listen to his side of the story. Meanwhile, his fellow tag partner appears to "already know the situation"]


Lead Belly: Talk about what? F*ck you, Greaser. I saw you.... I saw him.... If you're going to turn your back on me at least be a f*cking man about it and tell me the motha-f*cking truth...


Grease Hogg: Shut your f*cking mouth for one second.... for once, Listen to me....


Lead Belly: What the hell is there to listen to? That you've joined "The Unknown Figure"? That you're part of his f*cking "Kingdom" sh*t that he won't stop rambling about..... You know, Greaser, once you've shaken the hand of the devil there's no going back.... You can fight it... But in the end, You'll always be tied to him....


[Grease Hogg, pissed off about what Lead Belly had just said, and that his own tag partner wouldn't listen to him, grabs Lead Belly by the throat... Shoving him against the wall with all of his might. Funny enough, Lead Belly, the much larger of the two (by 60 pounds), is able to break free with a knee to Greaser's stomach. However, his freedom wouldn't last very long as Grease Hogg slams him up against the wall once again.... A show of absolute strength in a time where he's being forced on trial]


Grease Hogg: You will f*cking listen to me....


[Lead Belly stairs him straight in the eye.... Spitting square in the middle of Grease Hogg's face.]


Grease Hogg: Who the f*ck are you to jump to conclusions? I've stood by your side for years now... F*cked up a lot of motha-f*ckers.... And this is how you repay me? This is how much you trust me? You're willing to throw all of this sh*t away over a p*ssy in a robe? God, F*cking dammit... Lead. Where the f*ck is your head?


Lead Belly: F*ck you, Greaser....


Grease Hogg: If this is what you want then so be it.... F*ck off.... But, to set the record straight, I'm not siding with that piece of sh*t. I never have, and I never will. Ya got me? I will walk alone.... before I walk with a mother-f*cking prick like him. You got me? [shakes Lead Belly] Do you f*cking hear me?!


[Lead Belly, removing himself from Grease Hogg's grasp, pushes on past him... Slamming his right shoulder against Greaser's in an over-done show of defiance. Lead Belly, getting to the end of the locker room, stops for a brief second... His back to Grease Hogg.... Looking down at the floor. Without spining around to look at his fellow "brother"... Lead Belly mutters these words]


Lead Belly: You go down this road and there's no going back, Greaser. [Pauses] You may not be walking with the devil.... I don't know.... but until I know for sure... Until you prove to me that you're not one of HIS soldiers.... We walk alone.


[With that, Lead Belly exits the room in a huff as Grease Hogg stands in the opposite side of the room growing increasingly pissed off. With Belly out of the room, Grease Hogg turns to a nearby beer bottle and flings it in the other direction... Crashing against the wall & ultimately showing the internal frustration brewing within the 290 pound heavyweight. The scene comes toa close as Grease Hogg also storms out of the room.... A sight no one ever thought they would see.... "The Dirty White Boys"... Walking away from eachother]


Grade: D


Doc Messing: Don't you idiots realize that this is EXACTLY what "The Unknown Figure" wants to see? There's no way Grease Hogg was going to join him... So, what's even better than having him on his side? Splitting up the most dominant tag team in PSW history in which to continue his rise! Now, with the "Dirty White Boys" seemingly apart... The "Unkown Figure" has an easier chance at absolute control of "The Ministry". God damnit....

Remmington Remus: It seems as if the "Dirty White Boys" have been split up over the IDEA that Grease Hogg could turn on Lead Belly.... Not the actual instance...

Doc Messing: This is just utter bull-sh*t. First you fire R.M. Stones, gain the PSW Championship in your fold, almost kill Harry Allen and El Demonio Volador, and now you're splitting up my favorite tag team? God damn you! F*cking... God damn you!




Malietoa © vs. Harry Allen

[PSW National Championship Match]

[A "Blood Loss Match" - Last Man Standing]

[if Harry Allen loses, He leaves PSW for good]


Tonight's National Championship match reeked of desperation. Malietoa, the incoming champion, was desperate to keep his iron grip upon the championship gold he had won only a month ago. Meanwhile, Harry Allen was literally fighting for everything... The National Championship, Respect following the loss of the very same championship last month due to dubious means, and, even more significant, his PSW career itself. This was ever so evident as Harry came out to the ring... Focused, and all around determined, on the task at hand.


The tough scenario, for Allen though, is that Malietoa carries these focus every single time he steps into the ring... An aggressive, hard-striking, machine of a man... Malietoa, despite winning the title due to a hanious attack from Marat Khoklov on the then champion Allen, is widely considered to be one of the toughest individuals in the entire company. So, how could a purely finess competitor like Allen find a way to overcome the brutal viciousness of the current National Champion? Especially when they are pitted in a kind of match that severly favors a more deadly fighting approach?


Allen, coming straight out of the gate at full-force, looks to use his athletic prowless to stun the feverish champion... However, what Allen didn't realize was that, Malietoa is quite the athletic speciman himself. While Allen had a quick, and somewhat short lived, momentum shift in his favor following the bell... Malietoa turns the tides pretty shortly after with a jaw-dropping back elbow strike off of the ropes... Connecting with Allen's jaw and rocking the former champion to the matt.


This is how, pretty much, the entire match was laid out as both men pushed the pace of the match faster and faster... teetering on recklessness... A fact that certainly plays in the favor of someone like Harry Allen. With that being said, Exactly that was taking place as Allen, often known for his reckless spot-filled moments, begins to wear down the more ground-based fighter, Malietoa, with an array of Blitzkreig like aerial spots. One example of such came as Allen lept off the top rope and landed upon a staggered Malietoa, standing on the outside, executing a big time hurricanrana! While Allen lands rather awkwardly... Malietoa took the brunt of the move as he is thrown a good 2 feet, head on, into a nearby steel gaurdrail. The impact looks to hurt Malietoa's right arm... Forcing him to the cold cement below, wincing in pain as he cradles his, potentially, injured arm.


Allen attempts another high-spot dive on a slowly staggering Malietoa, still holding his arm, however, as Malietoa realizes what is going on... Grabs a nearby steel chair... Slamming the steel square into Allen's face upon his descent. The strike buckles Harry's legs underneath him... Collapsing to the cold cement himself at this point. Following the chair shot, Malietoa drops to the ground as well... Still holding his arm as the swing of a chair must have been a motion that wasn't favorable to his injury.


Here we are... Both men unable to stand... However, neither ready to give up in any way...


In the end, as both men are still barely able to stand, Harry Allen is able to "shock the world" with a top rope belly-to-back-suplex of the stunned National Champion. With Malietoa's head bouncing off the canvas upon impact, Harry Allen sees his window of opportunity... Quickly climbing to a nearby turnbuckle with a steel chair in hand... With a slight motion, pointing downward on his fallen opponent, Allen mouths the words... "F*ck you and you're bullsh*t"... Then leaping from the top rope....




With the chair wedged under his legs, Allen lands across Malietoa's head. The sight of the current National Champion, motionless and on his back, is a chilling sight as the chair continues to rest on his face. Meanwhile, Allen, following rolling around and holding his back for a few seconds, is now back up on his feet... Watching on as PSW referee reluctantly counts...










Stones stops counting and looks at Allen... Shaking his head "no".


Harry Allen grabs Shane Stones by the throat... Dropping him down to the canvas with a twisting DDT!! A move that sends the "Ministry" into an all out erruption!!


Harry Allen is now calling for someone from the back....








Despite being "fired" by the "Unknown Figure", R.M. Stones has made his return by running to Harry Allen's side... Counting the final 3 moments of tonight's "Blood loss" match and proclaiming Harry Allen as, again, the NEW PSW National Champion!! The rightful owner who was recently screwed now has his championship gold back around his waist!


Harry Allen wins the PSW National Championship by defeating Malietoa in 15:20 via a 10 count administered by both Shane Stones and R.M. Stones.

Grade: D+



Remmington Remus: Despite having the title wrongfully taken from him last month, Harry Allen has found his way back to National Championship gold! What a victory! What a return by R.M. Stones!

Doc Messing: You know the "Unknown Figure" is going to call a foul by how the title was won, with his referee being taken out of the picture, however who really gives a sh*t? [Laughs] Hold onto that title tight, Allen... Make them tear it from your cold, dead, hands!

Remmington Remus: What a moment! Even with PSW slowly descending into absolute chaos... Harry Allen stands above the hell being forced upon us by "The Unknown Figure" and theoretically spits in his face!



Harry Allen

... 2-Time PSW National Champion...


[Harry Allen is barely able to stand as R.M. Stones hands him the PSW National Championship. With the crowd going absolutely crazy, and the "Unknown Figure's" personal referee Shane Stones laying unconcious on the canvas below, Allen quickly throws his arm forcibly up in the air... Showing off his latest conquest with nothing less than sheer excitement upon his face. While that child-like enthusiasm restones from his face... It doesn't last for very long...]



Brutus Roach

... Carrying out HIS dirty work ...


[As Allen celebrates looking out toward the crowd, leaning up against the nearby ring ropes, Brutus Roach is seen blindsiding the champion from behind with a ring-rattling closeline to the back of Allen's head. His body, slamming up against the ropes, looks to crumble under Roach's brute force... Dropping the National Championship to the canvas pretty quickly. Roach, from there, lays into the forehead of Harry Allen with violent right hands... his other hand... Holding the back of the Champ's head... Making every single impact that much more deadly.]


[With Allen, now bloodied due to Roach's attack, barely concious... The interfering Brutus Roach pulls Harry out toward the middle of the ring... Executing his signature maneuever, "The Fallout" (A Full-Nelson Chokeslam), in the middle of the ring. Upon impact, Allen's body is folded up pretty badly... Pushing the sold-out crowd to not only boo like crazy, unhappy with the treatment of their favorite superstar, however, also gasp at the sight of such a landing.]


[brutus Roach, grabbing the fallen National Championship, slowly raises the title on high... Looking down upon Allen... A move that forces the crowd into an, even more, aggressive response to Roach's actions. With a shower of trash being thrown into the ring, Roach throws the title down at Allen's side... And leaving this final message as he looks down upon his victim.]


Brutus Roach: Think you could outsmart my master? The great, beloved, ICON that is "The Unknown Figure"? [shakes his head]. Think again.


[Roach looks as if he is about to leave... However, slowly spins back around... Standing over Allen... He slams his boot square across the face of the PSW National Champion in a curb-stomp-like attack. With blood flowing pretty badly from Allen's head now... Roach leaves one final message for the obviously injured Champ.]


Brutus Roach: Oh, and also... My lord wanted to tell you that R.M. Stones is not a legal referee in Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling... Therefore, You're being stripped of the National Championship... You can't screw over a man in his OWN "Kingdom"...


[With that the segment has come to a close as Brutus Roach is seen walking out of the ring.... Being showered, still, by both trash and explicit tryates from nearby fans. Meanwhile, Harry Allen is a bloody... unconcious.. Mess... In the middle of the ring... No longer the Champ as "The Unknown Figure" has stripped him of that very accomplishment.]


Grade: D-


Doc Messing: This is complete... F*cking... Bullsh*t.... Are you kidding me? Now Harry Allen is not the PSW National Champion? Who the HELL does this Cloaked Freak think he is? He doesn't have the power to strip anyone of championship gold...

Remmington Remus: Without Mitch Naess here in the "Steel City"... I think the "Unknown Figure" can make a case, more so than anyone, that he currently "runs" PSW. Whether it's right or wrong, This mysterious man has gone lengths to prove his dominance over the company. I mean, did we just see that right? is Brutus Roach now a member of his "Kingdom"?

Doc Messing: I don't really give a flying-F*ck who is part of this p*ssy-ass-Kingdom... Brutus Roach... You will pay for your actions here tonight... I don't really give a f*ck who you're supposed "lord" is... You will pay!

Remmington Remus: I'm not sure if it will be Harry Allen who delivers such justice though... This is two months straight that he's fallen victim to a deadly attack... He could be done... This could be the last moment we'll ever see Allen in a wrestling ring.




Marat Khoklov © vs. Lead Belly vs. El Demonio Volador

[PSW Championship Match]

[Flaming Tables Match]


"The Ministry" is rattling, the ultra-vocal, uber-aggressive, PSW fan base is beside themselves with joy, and, for one second, it felt like the wrestling world as a whole had come to a screetching halt. With a 1950's, prize-fight, boxing feel to the close of our event, Everyone was bound and determined. The fans..... bound and determined to see blood and gore. The "Unknown Figure"... Bound and determined to see his prize weapon, Marat Khoklov, continue to carry the PSW Championship. The competitors.... Bound and determined to walk out of tonight with THE most prestigous championship belt this company posseses.


While Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling can often be over-classified as nothing more than "garbage wrestling wrapped in mind numbing violence"... For tonight, even our critics were glued to their computer screens... Taking a brief break from their daily routine in which to zero in on a "rinky-dink" little promotion based out of "The Steel City".


The match starts off exactly how many would expect... El Demonio Volador, filled with immense hatred for the "Unknown Figure" and Marat Khoklov, is seen bolting across the ring... Diving in the air... And slamming up against the much, much, larger Marat Khoklov with a leaping punch. The initial strike sends the "Ministry" crowd into an absolute frenzy... Instantly chanting... "Burn the Comrade"... Much to Lead Belly's approval. El Demonio Volador's inner-fire is projected outward with his lightning quick punches to the front of Marat's head. The big man, thrown off by such an instance, finds a way to break Demonio's streak with a simple throw....


With that simple throw... Demonio flies half way across the ring... Slamming onto his back as he folds up rather awkwardly...




That wasn't enough to hold him back.


El Demonio comes bolting, once again, in Marat's direction... Slamming up against him with a Lou Thez press... However, Marat doesn't drop to the canvas. Instead, Demonio is seen cradling his legs around Marat's massive trunk... Slamming his fist into the Comrade's head as the towering monster slowly reels backward into the turnbuckle. With his heavy strikes landing across Marat's forehead... It appears that Demonio is on a mission... A) To redeem himself from being viciously assaulted by Marat last month.... B) To take away the very thing that "The Unknown Figure" loves to posses... The PSW Championship. For, whoever holds the title has the ultimate weight within the promotion... Shifting powers either way.


Lead Belly, watching on right away, does get involved soon there after.. Helping Volador to beat down on the massive Russian. At first, their plans seems to work pretty well.... That is until Marat finally breaks free from their carnage. In a... "What the F*ck... It's time to fight"... Kind of mentality, Marat ignites and massive tear... Slamming both Demonio and Lead Belly down to the canvas repeatedly with various power moves (ie: Sidewalk slam, spinebuster, etc). The lack of chemistry between Lead Belly and Demonio seem to be their ultimate downfall as, even when they felt they were on-top of the PSW Champion, both of them would find themselves semi-concious on the canvas... Wondering what had just happened.


Shockingly, about 10 minutes into the match, it appears that the PSW Champion was starting to wane a little... His breathing starts to become very heavy... His legs are a little less agile... His arms start to slow down drastically. All in all, ten minutes of all-out brawling has slowed the big man down enough that Lead Belly began to shockingly over power Marat. After a string of steel chair shots over the top of Marat's head... The last strike landing straight across his face in a baseball like swing... Marat hits the canvas in a thunderous fashion.


With a nearby table that had been put together 5 or so minutes ago by El Demonio Volador when he thought he had the upper-hand on Marat... Lead Belly reaches down into his black dusty jeans and removes a match. With Demonio also barely moving on the canvas, next to Marat actually, Lead Belly is able to douse the lonely table with a heavy shower of lighter fluid. The rabid-PSW crowd is going crazy now... Chanting.... "Barbeque the big man"... over and over again.


With an arrogant smirk on his face... Lead Belly goes to light his match...




A large man, wearing Grease Hogg's typical attire, however, also wearing a black ski mask, ascends upon the ring through the crowd and strikes Lead Belly with a running big boot to the side of his head. The crowd, pissed about not seeing the table go up in flames, begins to boo like crazy as the ski masked man continues to beat Lead Belly down to the canvas with a round of heavy right hands while holding the back of his head with his left hand. Belly, looking up in horror as if it could really be his partner, finally collapses to the canvas below after the ski masked man bridges his big foot across Belly's throat... Choking him out with a single stomp.




Doc Messing: Holy Sh*t!!! Is that.... is that.... Grease Hogg under the ski mask?

Remmington Remus: It appears to be normal attire... but... It could be a hoax.... We can't actually see his face under the ski mask...

Doc Messing: Are we witnessing the fall of "The Dirty White Boys"? This is just... insane.... If that's Grease Hogg under the mask... Then the most dominant tag team in PSW history is litearlly crumbling before our eyes!!




The ski masked man continues to bully Lead Belly, pushing him out of the ring and following there after. Now, on the outside, the "Grease Hogg" looking ski masked man grabs a nearby shred of barbed wire positioned under the ring... Wrapping it over his black biker's glove... And slamming his fist down across Lead Belly's face over... and over again... Cutting him open in the process. Nearby fans are yelling in the ski masked man's face.... Spitting... Throwing their beer bottles in his direction... But it doesn't seem to stop the carnage what so ever.


Meanwhile, back in the ring, Marat Khoklov now stands with the PSW Championship in hand... Slamming it against El Demonio Volador's head with a sickening thud. Demonio, flipping a full 360 in the air upon the impact of the gold plate, looks to be out cold.... Giving Marat enough room to grab the nearby match that Lead Belly had dropped following his assault...


Marat lights the match...


The Table is lit....


With a towering inferno coming from the table to his right, Marat Khoklov lifts El Demonio Volador off the ground... The masked luchador is lifeless as Marat uses all of his power to literally hold the lightweight up off the canvas. With a loud, animalistic like roar, Marat Khoklov lifts Demonio off the matt with a double handed chokeslam... Turning him toward the table...




Demonio is concious enough to realize what is about to take place...


Slamming his fists against Marat...


Raking Marat's eyes...




The big man staggers away for a second holding his eyes but comes back full force with a wild-boar like run... Swinging his arms like a crazed mad man...


Demonio ducks...


Demonio grabs a nearby steel chair....


Marat spins back around...








Three chair shots in rapid sucsession... Marat looks woozy but still concious enough not to fall...




Demonio strikes the big man in the middle of his forehead with the end of the steel chair...


Marat staggers backward...


Demonio runs at him full force....




Marat Khoklov falls backward through the flaming table as the "Ministry" goes absolutely insane over what has just happened. "The Unknown Figure's" violent weapon, Marat Khoklov, has fallen into a table of fire... His body engulfed in flames... Only to be freed from such an instance with Shane Stones running in to estinguish the flame. All in all, there was no denying the fact. The big man had fallen... The crazed, borderline psychotic drug addict, Luchador has found a way to overcome all odds... Winning the PSW Championship only a month removed from, almost, losing his career at the hands of the very man he just defeated.


El Demonio Volador wins the PSW Championship in 14:14 by putting Marat Khoklov through a flaming table.

Grade: C-


Doc Messing: HOLY SH*T! .... HOLY SH*T!... HOLY SH*T!....



Remmington Remus: For you at home, There's no way you'll be able to hear the true depth of the crowd's response here... but.... WOW..... "The Ministry" is about to implode upon itself! "The Unknown Figure", and Marat Khoklov, have lost the very thing that they coveted most.... The PSW Championship!



El Demonio Volaodr

... The NEW PSW Champion Celebrates ...


[The ovation within the "Ministry" is truly deafening as Shane Stones reluctantly hands El Demonio Volador the PSW Championship. With his body battered, bruised, and bloody by now, El Demonio Volador holds his left arm across his stomach... The other... Holding up the very prize that everyone strives for here in Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling.]


[With the lights from above shining triumphently off of the title belt's golden plate, Demonio falls back into a nearby turnbuckle... Using this as a way to prop himself up... Unable to stand on his own two feet, however, wanting to celebrate his amazing feat. A chant of "Holy sh*t" resonates through out the former house of worship as El Demonio Volador sinks deeper, and deeper, into the turnbuckle behind him... Slowly losing conciousness, however, trying to fight such an occurance at ever turn.]


[With Lead Belly unconcious, and bloodied, on the outside of the ring... His attacker nowhere to be seen following jumping into the crowd... We NOW see "The Unknown Figure" step out through the thick, black, enterence curtain wearing a cloak much the same. With a stance that looks somewhat statue-esque, something that makes the overly vocal and animation crowd members around him stand out that much more, watches on as his "empire" is already in a state of being threatened. A superstar, not of his own chosing, has won the PSW Championship... Taking it away from his, thought to be, undestructable big man.]


[The show comes to a close as we see one final shot of El Demonio Volador, passed out and seated up against a turnbuckle, with the PSW Championship laying on his chest. Meanwhile, Marat Khoklov is screaming in pain... Smoke coming from the table he still lays open as his body is most certainly badly burned from what had just taken place.]


Grade: C


Remmington Remus: Today marks a historic day for PSW fans as El Demonio Volador has overcome the odds, while administering his own sense of vengeance upon Marat Khoklov, by winning the PSW Championship!

Doc Messing: In a day-an-age where Strong, Eisen, and Cornell will feed you nothing but watered-down sh*t..... PSW has just given you a match that will most certainly go down in history! The day the young luchador staved off "The Unknown Figure's" rise with a simple victory... Keeping PSW a float & His "Kingdom" at bay...

Remmington Remus: Sadly, while he has done so today, I foresee a lot more ahead. There's no way that this will sink "The Unknown Figure's" bid to rule the "Steel City". If anything.... This will only ignite a bigger, more destructive, war as he seeks to, once again, claim the PSW Championship within his realm.








<hr color="black">Overall Show Grade: C-

Popularity Increased!

Show Attendance: 1,000<hr color="black">

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Awesome show man, keep up the good work. While I do not reply that much in this thread and missed the predictions ( :( ) I'm a lurker and just wanted to tell that keep up the good work, this is one of my favourite diaries going right now.

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Awesome show man, keep up the good work. While I do not reply that much in this thread and missed the predictions ( :( ) I'm a lurker and just wanted to tell that keep up the good work, this is one of my favourite diaries going right now.


I have to agree with everything that Fin said, well aside from be a luker and missing the predictions and spelling favorite the English way:D, yeah once again you put out top quality stuff!


Glad to see the Ring Generals finally getting their belts after an 18 show buildup.


I was a bit shocked that you turned over the PSW Championship so quickly, and while it was an upset it was still a great turn of events.


And I love the DWB break up setup. How you look in game events like the USPW signing and turned it into a major storyline.

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NEWS: Marat Khoklov to leave PSW after failed contract negotiations.

4th Week of August 2009



The Monster set to leave the "Steel City".


It appears that the former PSW Champion, and all-around giant, Marat Khoklov, is already on his way out with Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling after contract negotiations stalled.


Our sources within the "Steel City" based promotion claim that John Greed was in the process of bringing the big man on board for another short term (3 month) contract when Mitch Naess Vetoed Marat's asking price of $2,500 a show. The fear is that Marat, a freelancer who will only sign a 3 month contract every time, would continue to ask for more and more money 3 months at a time & Mitch wasn't happy with the notion of spending so much money on one man (Even with his immense fame internationally).


The Veto has seemingly created, yet another, wedge between the companies two main figures (Greed and Naess) as John Greed was forced to re-write his booking plans based upon the inability to resign his champion.


It's been said that Greed holds El Demonio Volador in great esteem & was planning on putting the title on Demonio at some point in the near future. With the loss of Marat, though, those plans were obviously sped up much earlier than he would have liked.


Either way, This marks, yet another, big name star set to leave Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling in the last month. A major loss for the hardcore-based company.


More to come...







<hr color="black">

Diary Note: I hope this makes the Marat Khoklov loss make a little more sense in the long run. His contract is set to end before our next event, so, I had to speed up my plans to put the title on Demonio a little sooner. I know that some don't like the idea that I have owner's goals as it can make the game more restricting, however, while I'm annoyed that I couldn't resign the guy, It is quite logical for Naess to veto signing him to another contract due to finances. Could this happen to other guys? Possibly. I hope not... but there's a chance of it.


Thank you both BHK and FIN for some feedback following the show! You both have been (whether a lurker or an avid writer) great sources of feedback as this diary has gone along. Also, FIN has delivered on some great alt's along the way as well. It's great to know that there are people out there (as FIN wrote and what i've seen in the "What to read" list, that place this diary in such high esteem. I truly appreciate it and hope to continue to make this an interesting read going forward!





For those who haven't had the chance to read it yet. PSW - "Rising Inferno" is at the top of this page!

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Really too bad, as I loved the addition and through he could truly carry the company for you. Quite understandable, however. Its the nature of running a smaller promotion.


While it was really fun to write for the guy (Marat Khoklov) due to his menacing look and natural ability to be a SUPER-HEEL. This is why I love booking for a smaller company.... You will lose some big name guys, possibly have to change your booking plans, switch up title reigns, etc... However, in the end, it's on you to keep the company afloat. Find new superstars, create new characters, push people on the roster who haven't had a chance to shine yet since there were bigger name guys above them.


Just as ECW was raided back in the 90's, I wouldn't see any different here with PSW. Plus, I did recently sign some new workers who I'm testing out in dark matches. If I can sync up everything then it should be a lot of fun to continue from here.


While I'm sure it's comforting to play with a bigger company knowing that you won't lose any of your guys (really all that much). I find it more interesting to always have disaster one click away. Literally, a few clicks ago I had a strong main event. Now, with everyone defecting to NYCW and leaving for contract problems, I'm forced to look elsewhere to continue to develop the company.

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At $2500 per show, Marat Khoklov is simply not worth that much. Although his angles rate highly, his matches are on par for PSW's current quality, which is actually what you don't need for now. On the other hand, El Demonio Volador and Harry Allen have prove themselves to be more than enough to be main players.
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