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PSW: The Evolution of Greed

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Reply Number 900, How's That Feel EV ?


Great Show, Love The Promos, Absolutely Awesome booking. Keep it up and you'll be up in the 1000 club :p


It feels pretty good, Sean! :)


It was a goal of mine to get this diary up over 1,000 posts, so, to be only 100 posts away seems very very cool! My last diary made it up around the 500 post range... So, needless to say, This diary is on the verge of accomplishing an early goal of mine.


Thanks for being post 900!!


Also, thank you for the "nod" on the show!! It was, by far, my favorite show through out this entire diary!

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great show...congrats on the dotm you deserve it...i did think the unknown figure was either greed or naess...fantastic build up to the reveal...nice to see the butcher finally debut his fantastic new gimmick:D...keep up the excellent writing


Thank you, again, for the "Butcher" alt. At first, I had no idea how he was going to make the "main show"... However, after looking his character over, it seemed like a great fit to have him work with Madman Boone. In a way, I look at it like a "Hardcore Icon" working with an up-and-comer in which to give him a rub. ya know?


This also gives PSW another tag team to feud with "The Ring Generals" for a few months (possibly more depending on how the storyline goes over) and potentially pose a threat to their title. While "The Ring Generals" have more talent than Boone & "Butcher"... Their team, "Blood, Violence, and Shiny Objects", is more indicitive of the PSW Product. So, needless to say, that could always put them over enough to steal the titles from the Generals.


All in all, Thanks for your overall support paulskln. While it's fun to write this diary in general... It takes others getting into the whole thing to take it to another level. I've been fortunate enough (with this diary) to now have won 1 Rookie DOTM, and 2 Cornellverse DOTM's (one tied with BigPapa). It's such situation to be in as I love this diary and really am happy to see others taking an interest in it.





I'll get back to actual "Diary Posts" in the next few days.... w/ the upcoming card for "F*ck The Mainstream" coming sometime early next week!

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Early November 2009

... Hemorrhaging, baby... We're hemorrhaging ...



... Despite their strong showing this month... There are rumors circulating around the "Steel City" that PSW may be gravitating toward its death bed...


+ An Exert from TEW.com



There was no way to squash this. It was now out in the public, due to some shaded leak from within, everyone knew that the buzzards were circling around our small, in some cases "rinky-dink", promotion. Is it true? Sure. I wish I could deny it, even to myself, however, the books became quite convoluted shortly after Mitch left for Canada.


The storyline we crafted for him (that he was using his funds from NOTBPW to help keep PSW "a-float") are nothing more than that. A creative means to generating depth to the overall story. What really happened? The man decided to pocket every last dime... Only returning to Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling for... Well, to be honest, I don't even know why he decided to make his return. Nostalgia? A longing for the company he created? A self-destructive plea?


Either way. We were struggling to stay afloat while sinking in the deep end of the wrestling industry.


Luckily, for our sake, this doesn't necessarily mean the end of Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling as we know it. The large contracts that we once housed are no longer within the fold.... That being said, we were no longer hemorrhaging money as badly as we were for the last 6-8 months or so.


With a much smaller, less expensive, roster... We continue to rage forward. Unaware of what may be around the corner.... Hell, unaware of if we would ever, EVEN, get around that very corner.


All in all, We now stand in a state of emergency.... Slowly dying internally.... However, pumping out some of the best work this company has seen at the same time. Something had to win out....


We would either see the death of PSW as a whole.... or a truly gritty Ascension that would, certainly, go down in the chapters of wrestling history.


For now, All we could do...., despite staring down our potential demise, was to look forward... Focus on the task at hand... And continue to deliver a show that only PSW could develop.




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Diary Note: I've got to say. This last show took A LOT out of me. So much so that It's been really hard for me to get back into the swing of things. I've got a few things in mind that I want to write up but have hit some sense of a block. That being said, I'm just going to give myself some time to refresh my batteries.... Coming back to the diary once I feel the will to write. I'm guessing it will only take a matter of a couple of days, however, at this point, I've found myself without a tone to write with for the last 3 days or so.


This post, while not outright hinting, is to give an idea of where things may be heading from a "behind the scenes" perspective. Much like the Russell/Naess, Naess/Greed, Naess/Braun, storylines that we've all come to know in this diary (from a "realism" backstage perspective)... Now, PSW must deal with the fact that they are desperately clinging to their dream despite not truly having the funds to keep things rolling ahead strongly.


Either way, Just wanted to let you all know what was up.

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You have great write-ups, Eisen-verse, but I just can't but feel something is missing in your booking. Looking at FIN's tutorial diary going on right now, I can't help but feel the game mechanics aren't cooperating with you. How else does Larry Wood get such low grades?


I'm not totally sure why he hasn't been doing all that well from a "grade" perspective. In storylines he can pull down some great work (ie: most of his storylines with Ash Campbell, none the less, sit around the D+/C- range.) However, in the ring, he hasn't done much from a "Grade" (Or reaction) standpoint.


Here is his stats from an in-game focus:



Overness: E+

Momentum: D

Gimmick & Rating: "Psycho" (C+)

Average Grade in Matches in PSW: D

Highest Rated Grade in Matches in PSW: D+


He always seems to do best (from a grade standpoint) when he's placed into matches with more than one other person. Both times he pushed a D+ was when he was part of a 3 or 4 person match-up. So, maybe that's a key to booking him well?


Also, his upcoming storyline will put him one on one with some people who will be better off to his "style". I'm hoping matching him, in this upcoming scenario, will give him the ability to pull down some better matches in the end.


Some may be shocked that he won the National Title given how poorly he's shown himself from in "in-ring" perspective. But the way I look at it... Your "grade" that you recieve during a show is how well the crowd reacted to you. Add that with the fact that most PSW matches fall somewhere between a D and a C-... Then Colossus's average of a D to a D+ really isn't all that bad if you look at the grand scheme of it all. ya know?


All in all, I'm not sure why it is that he isn't pulling down bigger ratings but... in a way... I've come to accept it. Plus, like I said, the booking of his character is on the verge of adding a new dynamic... So... I'm hoping that will add to his match grades (reactions).


Good point, though, Amp.

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1. His gimmick rating is C+.

2. His momentum is D.

3. Have the matches being rated on Hardcore against people who have good Hardcore skill? Try importing some matches from SWIFT's mods. :)

4. Have the angles been rated on Menace?


In my WEXXV I've got Larry Wood from E+ to C popularity in seven shows but you have to remember that a.) I have Ryu Kajahara b.) I have Kimitada Ohishi and Saionji Omura who start with C and C+ popularity and c.) his gimmick rating is B (Psycho aswell). PSW doesn't have those high popularity guys at the start, compared to the Old Guard trio of Warrior Engine.


I'd change his gimmick if you can and I'm sure you can? Anything subtle but not too risky, like Evil Incarnate, Evil Surgeon, Grim Reaper or Maniac just to name few that I would choose.

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1. His gimmick rating is C+.

2. His momentum is D.

3. Have the matches being rated on Hardcore against people who have good Hardcore skill? Try importing some matches from SWIFT's mods. :)

4. Have the angles been rated on Menace?


In my WEXXV I've got Larry Wood from E+ to C popularity in seven shows but you have to remember that a.) I have Ryu Kajahara b.) I have Kimitada Ohishi and Saionji Omura who start with C and C+ popularity and c.) his gimmick rating is B (Psycho aswell). PSW doesn't have those high popularity guys at the start, compared to the Old Guard trio of Warrior Engine.


I'd change his gimmick if you can and I'm sure you can? Anything subtle but not too risky, like Evil Incarnate, Evil Surgeon, Grim Reaper or Maniac just to name few that I would choose.


I think my biggest downfall with KILLER Colossus is that he's never actually worked with a Main Eventer. Most of his storylines have been with midcarders, or even lower in the case of Alastor, as I've always used his character as more of persona that didn't need a major push to "get over". So, in a lot of ways, It's I who have dropped the ball with the big man versus him not "playing up well".


His momentum is only at a "D" (outside of the fact that we're a small company and to keep anyone above a C is a major feat) because he's actually lost just as much as he has won in PSW. I can't really ignore that fact. He's 8-9 overall since joining PSW... however, to my credit, again, I wasn't booking KILLER to ever really be a "Champion" per se (Even though he's now holding the PSW National Title)... He was always projected to be a menacing, evil, monster of a creature... Focused more on creating a truly evil character than putting up title wins! That being said, I always had the mindset that given his character, and how menacing he really is, that he could walk away with a title win (like now) at anypoint... As he would ALWAYS be a threat regardless of a win-loss record.


As for booking him with people who can carry a good hardcore match. Sadly, PSW doesn't have a lot of really great hardcore wrestlers. The times he has pulled down a D+ rating... He's been in the ring with the likes of Lead Belly both times (Someone who can carry such a match). That being said, I'm positive that the new twist in the career of KILLER Colossus in PSW is about to give KILLER some better match ratings as he eases his way up the ranks from a disposition level, as well as who he ends up wrestling. He's still tied to Alastor, and will be through out this upcoming storyline shift, however, there will be other names that will help guide the big man through some better match ratings.


Also, all my default matches are "hardcore" based. Even a standard 1 vs 1 is a "hardcore match". So, He's been wrestling within his means that way. On top of that, Every angle he shows up in is rated on a Menacing Level. Again, though, He's been working with less over characters pretty much exclusively... So.... His ratings probably would end up better if he was thrown into a program with Johnny Martin.




Thanks for your insight, FIN! You're viewpoint is something that I def. look to for inspiration. KILLER has been, by far, one of my favorite characters to write for... And that, in part, is why I wanted to put the National Title on him before all was said and done.... Wanting to prove that the man could be a major part of the company after spending the last 2 years working with relative no-namers.

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"F*CK the Mainstream"

Saturday, 4th Week of November 2009

Run-Time: 1 HOUR 30 MINS

PSW Event #21

<hr color="black">

Christian Wright vs. Primal Rage


Disco Hugh vs. Lead Belly w/ "The Kingdom of GREED"


Dean Waldorf and Nicole Kiss w/ Marv Slater vs. Madman Boone w/ "The Butcher"

[Handi-cap Match]


KILLER Colossus © vs. Brutus Roach w/ "The Kingdom of GREED"

[PSW National Championship Match]


Mr. Morgan vs. Steven Parker

[best of Three Finale]

[PSW Submission Match]


Johnny Martin © w/ "The Kingdom of GREED" vs. Grease Hogg

[PSW Championship Match]

[barbed Wire Cage Match]




Tired of the same 'ole SH*T that spewed forth by the, so-called, "Industry Leaders"? Are you growing weary of the same, bull-sh*t, action that does nothing more than flow with the status quo? Do you feel like Pro Wrestling has become a constant, "everyone wins a prize", "After school special"?


If so...


Join us in raising a HUGE Middle Finger to the Wrestling Community...


As Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling presents.... "F*CK The Mainstream"...


In his first, full, event back... PSW Owner, Mitch Naess, has delivered upon his promise to fight for the very company he spawned over 3 years ago now. The easily jaded, and often irritable, authority figure has shown his initial hand in the war versus "The Kingdom of GREED" by placing the PSW Championship match into the confines of a barbed wire Steel Cage!! This very fact, as he has noted, will keep the rest of Martin's confidants away from the action... Forcing the Main Event to be a one-on-one affair! Can Martin survive within a match that, arguably, benefits a fighter like Grease Hogg? OR... Will we see Grease Hogg walk away with the Championship Gold after being screwed over by "The Kingdom of GREED" Last month?


This... and soooo... sooo Much more... This MONTH... As Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling broadcasts LIVE via PSW.com from "The Ministry"...



"Thoughts of Greed":

Who doesn't like a good "F*ck You"? I mean, honestly, the way the word rolls off of your teeth and over your lips... The way it can strike absolute hatred out of anyone... A good "F*ck You" is always needed to keep things fresh. Whether it's life, it's at work, or it's simply a momentary motto.... It's the kind of mindset that allows you to push past all the crap... Defy an act of mediocrity... And stand before the world... Leaving them with a resounding tone that you will not stand for the bull-sh*t that drifts before you.


With "The Kingdom of GREED" storyline now in full force... This event couldn't have come at a better time. Our critics were calling for our "heads", Internet sites were proclaiming that we were on our "death bed", and the major players in the wrestling industry were, in no way, paying attention to our attempts of gaining exposure.


So what to do?


The only thing that we know how...


Tell them to "F*ck Off"...


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"F*ck the Mainstream" Quick Picks

Christian Wright vs. Primal Rage

Disco Hugh vs. Lead Belly

Dean Wadlorf and Nicole Kiss vs. Madman Boone

KILLER Colossus © vs. Brutus Roach

Mr. Morgan vs. Steven Parker

Johnny Martin © vs. Grease Hogg

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Christian Wright vs. Primal Rage


Disco Hugh vs. Lead Belly


Poor Disco Hugh, he gets an awsome alt render and is still going to lose.:D


Dean Wadlorf and Nicole Kiss vs. Madman Boone


KILLER Colossus © vs. Brutus Roach


Mr. Morgan vs. Steven Parker


JD can not catch a break no matter what diary he is in.


Johnny Martin © vs. Grease Hogg

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Well, over the past 2 nights, I've read this whole diary, and found it absolutely awesome. I've never really played around much with the default Cornellverse data as TEW08 was my first TEW game and I didn't know the guys so well and using real world guys made getting used to it a lot easier. This really got me interested in at the very least taking another look at it, and possibly trying out a diary.


I've also only recently started giving diaries a look as well, and this one definitely has phenomenal writing going for it, as well as some clever booking. The use of alt graphics is pretty cool, as it really adds something and even though I'm not sure how many are original, I think it's going well.


Christian Wright vs. Primal Rage

Disco Hugh vs. Lead Belly

Dean Wadlorf and Nicole Kiss vs. Madman Boone

KILLER Colossus © vs. Brutus Roach

Mr. Morgan vs. Steven Parker

Johnny Martin © vs. Grease Hogg

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"F*ck the Mainstream" Quick Picks


Christian Wright vs. Primal Rage

Disco Hugh vs. Lead Belly

Dean Wadlorf and Nicole Kiss vs. Madman Boone

KILLER Colossus © vs. Brutus Roach

Mr. Morgan vs. Steven Parker DRAW to keep the feud alive

Johnny Martin © vs. Grease Hogg

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Well, over the past 2 nights, I've read this whole diary, and found it absolutely awesome. I've never really played around much with the default Cornellverse data as TEW08 was my first TEW game and I didn't know the guys so well and using real world guys made getting used to it a lot easier. This really got me interested in at the very least taking another look at it, and possibly trying out a diary.


I've also only recently started giving diaries a look as well, and this one definitely has phenomenal writing going for it, as well as some clever booking. The use of alt graphics is pretty cool, as it really adds something and even though I'm not sure how many are original, I think it's going well.


Very Cool, Rayelek! :D I'm sure it was a lot to ingest, over 2 nights, so thank you for taking the time to check it out. Also, def. give the Cornellverse another look! I'm one that, in the beginning, used only "Real World" databases, however, have come to LOVE the Cornellverse even more so than it's real counterpart.




Creativity is limitless.


In the "Real World", You know EXACTLY how The Rock is going to act... So, you end up booking him in the same way that you would typically see him booked. No real changes what so ever. In the Cornellverse, take Rich Money for instance. There could, and probably has been, many upon many different versions of "Money" projected within diaries. Why? You have a rough idea of how the guy acts, and reacts, however, it's up to you to create the character.


It's a little daunting, at first, seeing how you don't know much about what has taken place... However, the Cornellverse website (from a few years ago) is a great tool to understand the history behind it all. Once you have an idea of what has happened in the past, You start to see how things have developed to this point.


As you noted, as well, the fact that you have a culture of amazing artists on these boards makes creating a diary that much more fun too. Whether it's KAM's logos, ReapeR's title belts, or the plethora of alt render creators (ie: FIN, Paulskln, etc.)... You can really create a world all to your own. It's highly addictive. ha.


Glad to hear that you've enjoyed this diary thus far, though! I honestly post shows, website write-ups, and cards... With the idea that, quite possibly, no one will pay attention to what was written. It's a scary notion as you spend sooooo much time crafting characters, storylines, and then writing it all up... However, in the end, you have to enjoy the process... Or else you'll find yourself going insane over time. ha.


Give it a shot!

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No offense to Kamchatka, whose work I am extremely fond of, but I created all of the default logos in TEW2008 except for SWF. I hope this doesn't sound like a whiny post, but I just wanted to clarify.


Very Cool, Rayelek! :D I'm sure it was a lot to ingest, over 2 nights, so thank you for taking the time to check it out. Also, def. give the Cornellverse another look! I'm one that, in the beginning, used only "Real World" databases, however, have come to LOVE the Cornellverse even more so than it's real counterpart.




Creativity is limitless.


In the "Real World", You know EXACTLY how The Rock is going to act... So, you end up booking him in the same way that you would typically see him booked. No real changes what so ever. In the Cornellverse, take Rich Money for instance. There could, and probably has been, many upon many different versions of "Money" projected within diaries. Why? You have a rough idea of how the guy acts, and reacts, however, it's up to you to create the character.


It's a little daunting, at first, seeing how you don't know much about what has taken place... However, the Cornellverse website (from a few years ago) is a great tool to understand the history behind it all. Once you have an idea of what has happened in the past, You start to see how things have developed to this point.


As you noted, as well, the fact that you have a culture of amazing artists on these boards makes creating a diary that much more fun too. Whether it's KAM's logos, ReapeR's title belts, or the plethora of alt render creators (ie: FIN, Paulskln, etc.)... You can really create a world all to your own. It's highly addictive. ha.


Glad to hear that you've enjoyed this diary thus far, though! I honestly post shows, website write-ups, and cards... With the idea that, quite possibly, no one will pay attention to what was written. It's a scary notion as you spend sooooo much time crafting characters, storylines, and then writing it all up... However, in the end, you have to enjoy the process... Or else you'll find yourself going insane over time. ha.


Give it a shot!

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No offense to Kamchatka, whose work I am extremely fond of, but I created all of the default logos in TEW2008 except for SWF. I hope this doesn't sound like a whiny post, but I just wanted to clarify.


Sorry Gbasalmon. I meant more so KAM because he's developed a couple logos for me (X-WA, PSW, etc.). So his name came to mind most quickly. It wasn't suppose to be a slam centered toward anyone... Rather, just a renderer that I have worked with in the past.

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Christian Wright vs. Primal Rage

Recent debut? He's gotta win!


Disco Hugh vs. Lead Belly

Disco is dead. Lead Belly killed him.


Dean Wadlorf and Nicole Kiss vs. Madman Boone

Gotta support Boone.


KILLER Colossus © vs. Brutus Roach

Colossus just won the title.


Mr. Morgan vs. Steven Parker

The Future is...done.


Johnny Martin © vs. Grease Hogg

The only way Martin loses the title here is if he signed with another company.

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NEWS: Steven Parker signs with Total Championship Wrestling.

2nd Week of November 2009


It appears that Steven Parker's return to Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling was only a temporary partnership as the former National Champion is, now, TCW bound. In a statement made to PSW.com, Parker made it very clear that his intention was NEVER to stay with the company, but rather, to score a sense of revenge upon the very man he carried heavy resentment toward during his first stint with the company.


Here is the statement in its entirety:


"Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling is an over glorified "psych ward"... A place where nobodies come to kill themselves and somebodies reside when they are no longer needed by the companies that actually matter. It was never my intention to stay with this sh*t-hole... To be honest, The last two months have been long enough... However, now, I stand before you a new member of the TCW roster. With that being said, There is still a hint of business left for me here as I look to END the career of Jeff Morgan before I head to greener pastures. Morgan, You floundering piece of sh*t, I'm going to do what PSW has failed to do for the last 3 years... Break your spirit, break your body, and end you f*cking career once and for all. I will be that man... I will stand in the history books as the man who ended it all for you..."


+ Steven Parker, Newly signed by TCW


As you can guess, A statement like this has left Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling fans in a state of frenzy. No one really cared for Parker, however, his hatred for the "Steel City" promotion has sparked a lot of rage over the scenario. Needless to say, The masses will be firmly behind Mr. Morgan as he steps into the ring.... One Last Time.... With the departing Steven Parker.


Who will win the war? It stands at 1-1....


However, the bigger story underlining it all may be more so...... Can Mr. Morgan walk out of "The Ministry" in tact? Or will Steven Parker find his wish..... Ending Morgan's career before his beloved, PSW, fan base.


Tune into "F*ck The Mainstream" to find out...



<hr color="black">

"F*ck the Mainstream" Quick Picks

Christian Wright vs. Primal Rage

Disco Hugh vs. Lead Belly

Dean Wadlorf and Nicole Kiss vs. Madman Boone

KILLER Colossus © vs. Brutus Roach

Mr. Morgan vs. Steven Parker

Johnny Martin © vs. Grease Hogg

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I didn't take it as a slam, and I've told Kamchatka that I love his work. His PSW logo for you is a thing of beauty.


Sorry Gbasalmon. I meant more so KAM because he's developed a couple logos for me (X-WA, PSW, etc.). So his name came to mind most quickly. It wasn't suppose to be a slam centered toward anyone... Rather, just a renderer that I have worked with in the past.
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That sucks that Steven Parker is on his way out so early. Especially with such a great storyline brewing between he and JD Morgan. That said it didnt really seem like he would stick around very long.


If you dont mind me asking, what does the Cornellverse look like in your game? Has TCW overtaken SWF?




"F*ck the Mainstream" Quick Picks


Christian Wright vs. Primal Rage


Rage hasnt done much but be a filler guy. Wright is new and part of the "Kingdom of GREED". He wins for that reason alone.


Disco Hugh vs. Lead Belly


Lead Belly is stuck in a feud with Grease Hogg, so, to lose a match like this wouldn't really make sense unless Grease Hogg tries to screw his former partner over with helping Disco Hugh pick up a huge victory.


Dean Wadlorf and Nicole Kiss vs. Madman Boone


Changing of the guard. Adding Nicole to this match makes it a little more interesting though.


KILLER Colossus © vs. Brutus Roach


Call it wishful thinking? ;) I like Colossus but I really like your version of Knuckles. Hes one of my favorite guys in this dynasty.


Mr. Morgan vs. Steven Parker


There is no reason for Parker to win this one as he is leaving. Big win for Morgan to win the series 2-1.


Johnny Martin © vs. Grease Hogg


There is no way you would take the title off of Martin this quickly given what youve had to deal with recently. Hogg will give it his all but will fall short again. Good to see you stick with this matchup instead of jumping to a new one just for the sake of bringing something different. A sign of a thought out booker than just a crashTV creator.

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