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PSW: The Evolution of Greed

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If you dont mind me asking, what does the Cornellverse look like in your game? Has TCW overtaken SWF?


I don't mind at all. This is how the North American Wrestling scene looks like, right now, in November of 2009...



Global Companies: TCW (B+ Prestige) and NOTBPW (A* Prestige)

International Companies: N/A

National Companies: N/A

Cult Companies: CGC (B- Prestige), SOTBPW (D Prestige), SWF (D+ Prestige), and USPW (C+ Prestige)




Wrestlers who have "Jumped Ship":



* Alex Braun

* Bruce the Giant

* Bryan Holmes

* Jack DeColt

* Randy Bumfhole

* Steve DeColt

* T-Rex



* Art Reed

* Jack Bruce

* Frankie Perez

* Matthew Keith

* Remo

* Shawn Gonzalez (PPA)

* Steven Parker





* Alex Braun

* Black Hat Bailey

* Bryan Holmes

* Captain USA

* Freddie Datsun

* Giant Redwood

* Pistol Pete Hall

* Robert Oxford

* Sam Keith

* Silver Shark

* Travis Century

* Tyson Baine

* And a few female competitors




What Happened (Bullet Points):

  • SWF fell very early on. However, haven't lost "a lot" of people just yet.
  • TCW rose, and rose, and rose... Using their default data for the most part.
  • CGC was taken over by Alex DeColt and, soon there after, DeColt brothers were leaving.
  • NOTBPW went to Global just recently... I'm surprised it took this long seeing how their roster is amazing.




That's pretty much where my Cornellverse lies at this point. Some big names changing over (ie: Jack bruce going back to TCW, NOTBPW taking.. well.. everyone, etc.), companies taking over, and the SWF floundering behind it all. They've been stuck at cult for almost 2 years now it seems.


This isn't really 100% as to what is happening in the diary per se, however, I thought it was a good "outside information" thing to know. Thanks for the idea CZCW.

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Mid November 2009

... Financial Hell ...




My eyes quickly darted through the 2 inch opening between the heavy wooden door and its frame... Unaware of what was going on, however like an eager child on Christmas morning, anticipating what could be taking place within Mitch's, run-down and borderline condemned, office.


My mind embarked upon a journey... Creating different scenarios in my mind... Was a new superstar on his way to the company? Was Mitch meeting with an area TV station in which to, hopefully, bring some much needed TV-time our way? At that time, Only He knew what the conversation at hand was all about...




Seconds later I would also know the truth behind it all..


A man in a three piece suit, sporting a heavy black overcoat, made his exit from the room... Gently nodding his head in my direction as he attempts to push the heavy grey door before him. With the mysterious man now exiting into the bone-chilling temperatures that were bestowed upon us today... I quickly turned my attention to Mitch's office..


The door is wide open at this point... So, much to my delight, I attempted to make eye contact with Mitch... Trying to pull away something from what just happened.


BUT... That never came...


Mitch, instead, had his head buried in his hands... Looking down upon his tattered office desk... Almost as if he had just been given the news that his mother had passed away. With that, I slowly staggered my way into the room... Lightly knocking on the door frame as I slowly shift my legs... Leaning up against that very door frame as well.


"What was that? Who was he?"


"My Loan Agent"


There was no movement from Mitch as he continues to bury his head into his hands.




I said as that was one of the last things I was expecting. What a letdown! I thought we were on the verge of something amazing only to have the mysterious man be an un-named financial consultant..


"I'm late on my payments..."


It all felt a little awkward at this point as I wasn't expecting to have a "heart-to-heart" personal conversation... but... With Mitch... This is certainly better than what we use to talk about, That's for sure.


"Oh wow. Do you need any help? I mean, I don't really have much of anything myself but..."


"They're going to seize my assets for payment...."


Then it hit me.




"I may have to sell PSW..."


My heart sank... My body began to shake in a way that I had never known before. Was it sheer horror? I'm not quite sure... All I know is that things were starting to get even more dramatic around the "Steel City".


"Mitch... What are you going to do?"


With his head still buried in his hands... Mitch slowly raises his neck... His eyes flushed... A gleam seen across his face as if he had been crying for quite some time.


"I don't know... I have... no idea, John. No idea at all..."




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"F*ck the Mainstream" Quick Picks

Christian Wright vs. Primal Rage

Disco Hugh vs. Lead Belly

Dean Wadlorf and Nicole Kiss vs. Madman Boone

KILLER Colossus © vs. Brutus Roach

Mr. Morgan vs. Steven Parker

Johnny Martin © vs. Grease Hogg

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Hell hath no fury like... John Greed

NEWS: John Greed wages a bloody, excessively violent, war upon PSW, Mitch Naess, and anyone who defies his rule.

2nd Week of November 2009



After 6 months of secrecy, the dreaded "Unknown Figure", finally lifted his hood in which to display his true Identity. In, what will go down as one of the most iconic moments in PSW history, the companies headbooker, John Greed, made his presence known, once again, as the returning psychopath hopes to bring in a new era in Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling.


An era built around his rule...


A Golden Age centered in defiance...


All with the help of his new faction...


The very faction that has changed the landscape of PSW forever...


... "The Kingdom of GREED" ...


Shortly after our October 2009 live event, We spoke with the "Kingdom of GREED" leader as he began to build the shifting winds of change from his office within "The Ministry". The framed posters, once of various PSW events, were now torn off the wall... laying in a heap of torn paper and glass on the floor, as the words "Kingdom of GREED" are seen written in a, thick, red paint upon the wall.


Greed's comments were as follows:


"This company has suffered for TOO LONG due to the self-absorbed, self-destructive, obviously detachment mindset of PSW Owner, Mitch Naess. I warned you all.... Gave you an opportunity to help us remove Mitch from his post, however, many of you did nothing to help our cause. With that being said, We are forced to not only, physically, remove Mitch from his position of authority... But also... destroy each and every last one of you who defied my rule. Today starts a brand new age in the "Steel City".... A bloody, excessively violent, war that will challenge the strength of this very company, and those within it, and teeter on absolute destruction of us all. However, in the end, as the blood continues to run cold... I will take my rightful place atop PSW... It may take me years to do so... but in the end, There is a NEW Kingdom rising... "The Kingdom of GREED"...."


+ John Greed, Leader of "The Kingdom of GREED"


As you can see, It appears that the mentally deranged Greed will stop at NOTHING to make sure that PSW falls into his grasp forever. Will Mr. Naess find a way to overcome the odds and regain control of his company? Who will help, if anyone, Mr. Naess physically fend off "The Kingdom of GREED"? OR... Will John Greed, along with his minions, develop a new rule within "The Steel City"? A rule that could, potentially, last indefinitely?


Only time will tell... Stay tuned for more information as our next live event, "F*ck The Mainstream", draws closer.





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"F*ck the Mainstream" Quick Picks

Christian Wright vs. Primal Rage

Disco Hugh vs. Lead Belly

Dean Wadlorf and Nicole Kiss vs. Madman Boone

KILLER Colossus © vs. Brutus Roach

Mr. Morgan vs. Steven Parker

Johnny Martin © vs. Grease Hogg

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Mid November 2009

... Financial Hell - Part II ...



The pain in my stomach was as if a large kitchen knife had been forced into me repeatedly. While the actual, physical, action was non-existent... The feeling of an absolute pain was truly evident.


I knew we were stuck within a sinking hole as it pertains to the financial aspect of the company. I mean, in all honesty, the classic "Hardcore Product" was never really a "cash cow" in anyway. Sure, you tend to pull in a demographic that can sustain itself, financially, in the real world... however, when it comes to them spending their money in the name of your company... It never seems to add up, sadly.


Are we to grobble at the feet of a silent investor? Maybe even make a deal with the devil, (ie: Cornell or Eisen), giving up a sense of our hierarchy to the "Big Three" in which to stay afloat? Probably not... For two major reasons.


  1. Neither Eisen, nor Cornell, really needed our services as a "feeder company" due to our product.
  2. We, as a company, have always been known to label ourselves as theoretical "Loners". To make a deal with a larger company would be "selling out"... something that would hurt our credibility with the very demographic we seek.


While I wasn't around toward the fall of a DaVE, a company that was obviously much more larger and successful (in a way) than we ever were, I can conjure up stories I've heard over the last 2 years as to WHY it all fell apart. One of the major reasons was the lack of capital coming inward.... Something that we, also, had the deal with on a daily basis.




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The Conversation Continues...

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I still stood in the doorway of Mitch's office... Wanting to keel over, in a sense, in which to stop the pain from within my stomach... An obvious sign of mounting anxiety.


"Mitch... What the hell are we going to do?"


Still no movement from the, once, proud company owner. The old version of Mitch, lets say around a year ago, would have pushed himself away from his desk... And with a stern look upon his face... Vowed the world to "F*ck themselves". He would have found a way to make everything work out.. Why? Despite his "D*ck-ish-ness"... He always had the ability to push aside most adversity and produce in the end.




This wasn't THAT Mitch Naess.


Instead, Mitch continued to bury his head into his hands... Staring down on the warped wooden top of his, road-side-found, desk.




"I can hear you, John. [Pauses] If I knew what the hell to do I would have already done it.... I have no f*cking clue, for the life of me, where to turn with this one. I have been loan money to keep this company afloat ever since day one... DaVE didn't really pay all that well, and knowing that I needed more capital than a couple thousand in the bank, I turned toward a low interest loan to kick everything off. When money wasn't coming back to us, at first, I talked myself into the idea that 'some day' it would all turn around... Still using loan money to keep us afloat. However, now, we're f*cked John.... f*cked.... The bank won't pass along any more credit my way & they are threatening me, on various levels, to pay off what I've already borrowed... I can't pay them back.... [Pauses]... And pay for this company to stay afloat... There's just no way..."


I couldn't believe what I had just heard. Mitch, again the once proud owner of PSW, was well-past the point of no return. It seems as if he had made his mind up... That it was impossible to keep PSW on it's feet... That he was on the verge of "pulling the plug"...


"You can't do that... You can't just throw this company away like it's nothing. These guys NEED this company... I Need this company... You just can't.."


"Don't you think I know that? I'll have to send 30 guys back out onto the Indy circuit if we close this thing down. Do you think I really want to look these guys in the eye and tell them that PSW has gone belly-up? I Just... just... Don't know what to do, John. There's really no other option right now..."


His last statement was somewhat of a lie as, if you knew Mitch, he wouldn't step before a crowd of anyone in a moment like this. Why? His ego wouldn't allow himself to seem weak (even when he was). That's how he left PSW in the first place to go to NOTBPW... And that's how he would eventually kill the company (if he had to)... most likely with a text message to the rest of the roster... Or a note hanging up in the locker room of "The Ministry". To say he didn't have "Balls"... Well... In a way, would be true.


"How much do you owe? Could we find another option to make this work? I mean..."


"Too much, John. Too much."


"F*ck, Mitch.... I can't believe that we've come to this... F*ck.... [shakes his head] When do you need the money by? What's the time table we're looking at here?"


"The end of the year... I need to have everything paid off by the start of 2010."


With that, My heart sunk even more... Were we playing a losing game? Could we, somehow, turn the ship back around and continue to exist? OR... Are we on the verge of losing EVERYTHING....



... Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock ...


... With every passing second we grew, potentially, even closer to our final days ...





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"F*ck the Mainstream" Quick Picks

Christian Wright vs. Primal Rage

Disco Hugh vs. Lead Belly

Dean Wadlorf and Nicole Kiss vs. Madman Boone

KILLER Colossus © vs. Brutus Roach

Mr. Morgan vs. Steven Parker

Johnny Martin © vs. Grease Hogg

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To be 100% honest, I'm having a lot of trouble finding the motivation to go forward with this dynasty. I absolutely love PSW, and having a creative outlet like this, to tell a story... However, at the same time, it's become more time consuming then I would like. Writing a show takes soooooo much out of me, sooo much of my time, and typically makes me feel like I "missed out on reality" a little too much. Are my write-ups too long? Maybe that's what it is... Trying to turn this diary into a fusion of a TEW game and a novel of sorts. That being said, It's become a very, very, demanding piece of work.


It's a goal of mine to get to 1,000 posts. While it may seem dumb, It was something I set out originally. So, there is part of me that wants to continue to push forward....


However, at the same time, I'm fighting the urge to put a stamp on it and give it an ending.


I think the lack of motivation comes from a lot of other factors in life, the overall length and energy it takes to write up a show, and then watching a few posts following the show bump me back up to the top... But in the end, It gets buried behind it all again. That being said, I'm not griping about "not getting attention" as I know (award wise especially) that this diary has seemingly been well received.


I guess I just wanted to let you guys into where I'm at right now. I'm almost positive that the diary will continue in some way, however, at this point, I just don't know how much longer I have in me. I've been going 6 months strong by this point and, while I love certain aspects of creating a diary, I've found myself becoming somewhat tired to the process.




Just a rant.



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I'd say that it's TEW2010 that's looming in the shadows :p The diary scene for '08 has been rapidly declining since the announcement of the new TEW and it's no surprise to be honest.


I agree with FIN on this. With that said, your verzion of PSW is amazing and the writeups and out of ring stuff is great! KUTGW!

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Thank you all who posted words of encouragement. I wasn't trying to throw a "pity party" for myself so I hope it didn't come across that way. It's just been a difficult process in keeping motivation when it feels like my life was, for awhile, run by constantly writing.


I agree that a lot of it probably stems from the fact that TEW 2010 was announced. Ever since then I've seen my focus drop more and more as it's hard to look to the future of this diary knowing that I can't do all the things that I wanted. There are new wrestlers I want to debut, and even a new concept title as well, however, I feel as if it's a waste of time bringing in anything new since I'm not sure how much longer things will go. Ya know?


All in all, I think I've decided that I'm not going to outright kill this thing... but... with that being said... Updates will be few and far between. The days of updating every day are now past me & hopefully it will make the days that I do post information a big thing! :)


The write-ups (while still detailed) may take a slight hit on length though as I try to keep the writing process a little shorter than 3-4 days. Examples... Match write-ups may be more of a "rough outline" of what happened versus fleshing out everything.... Also, some storylines (like promos) may be more straight forward with slight detail and then the majority of the focus on what is said. I don't want to water down my writing style, and I don't think it will end up that way, however, I want to make sure that I can keep my motivation high enough.


So, I guess the news is that this thing isn't dead...... but it will be more infrequent than times in the past. I hope you stick around and keep reading despite the lack of major updates every day, or every other day. My main focus is just to work on it when I feel the itch to do so... Which could mean that there are gaps of a week or two in between posts.... I think that's what will keep this thing do-able for me going forward.


Thank you all for keeping up with this thing. I'm in the process of writing a new album and that's taken a lot of my focus, but, stay tuned for some more PSW-Armageddon-Grunge-Goodness!



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It didn't come off like that to me, but then again I'm like two failed diaries away from being FIN. ;)


It really doesn't help matters much that you stopped at such a nice point of the story. The unknown figure has been revealed and Mitch and Greed are more or less on the same page. If you would have told me that your last show was the last one for this diary I wouldn't have thought twice about whether it was planned or if you just hit a writer's block.

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It really doesn't help matters much that you stopped at such a nice point of the story. The unknown figure has been revealed and Mitch and Greed are more or less on the same page. If you would have told me that your last show was the last one for this diary I wouldn't have thought twice about whether it was planned or if you just hit a writer's block.


I think this is one of the major reasons why I felt like it was "okay" to mull over the possibility of ending my stint with PSW. Everything seems to be at a very calm place right now as the story (both in the ring and out) have come to a good point. When you take that with the fact that my mind has been so jumbled as of late, and writer's block sinking in even more, it makes for a perfect storm.

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The BIG "F*ck You"...

2nd Week of November 2009


With our upcoming event being projected as a HUGE Middle Finger to the Wrestling Industry... I thought it would be best to focus inward for a second... Developing a list of the The Top Five people most in need of a collective F*ck You from Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling. A few of these workers are no longer employed with PSW, however, still resonate on the "F*ck you" meter long after their departure. With that being said, Enjoy:





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5. Teddy Powell

"The Master of Manipulation" Teddy Powell is widely considered to be a cheap-shotting, underhanded focused, successes-obsessed egomaniac. During his tenure with PSW, Powell was often see as the "root of all evil" as he cheated his way to the top of the card. It's this fact that eventually destroyed "The Untouchables" as the egocentric lightweight began to wear thin with his former tag partner, and PSW Champion, Mr. Morgan.


All in all, While he may not have been the most vicious figure on the roster at any point.... Teddy Powell's ability to manipulate any given situation made him a truly dangerous figure. Not to mention his degenerate-like behavior often forced many of us to deliver a hearty "F*ck You" time and time again.



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4. The Sensational Singh


Singh, by way of FCW, was never an official member of the PSW roster, however, is still considered to be one of the most "F*ck You"-worthy people in our companies history. From day one, The prissy youngster made himself very known with a hatred-laced rant against Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling; and it's fans as a whole. He often labeled PSW as a "seas pool filled with psychopaths", or an "Over glorified Psych Ward" if you will, in which to generate a REAL sense of heat from rabid "Steel City" fan base. In a sense, To say that he was despised would be a great understatement as Singh's entrances were almost always cluttered with trash being thrown from every direction within "The Ministry".


While he never scored an actual victory during his short tenure with the company, The Sensational Singh will forever be seen as one of THE most hated individuals in PSW History.... And for that... He receives a hefty "F*ck You"!



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3. John Greed


While many consider John Greed to be a sly, charismatic, young leader.... Many of us don't believe "the hype". Greed, a former wrestler himself, knows EXACTLY how to tug at the insecurities of others in which to seek a sense of personal gain. For that reason, Greed has had a successful career within the walls of "The Ministry", over the last two years, as he's been able to cultivate a zealot-like following in two separate occasions (First with "The Deadly SIN's" and now with "The Kingdom of GREED"). In both scenarios John has found a way to theoretically "brain wash" his followers into doing his dirty work.... A fact that poses well for the charismatic leader and potentially deadly for his followers.


Labeled by some to be the Anti-Christ (for his obvious ability to develop a following through charismatic, yet, destructive means), John continues to drive a wedge between the PSW brotherin'.... Conjuring up a severely violent Civil War all in the name of his rule. For that very reason, possibly threatening the livelihood of PSW as a whole, John Greed deserves this "F*ck You" as much as ANYONE in the companies history.



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2. Steven Parker

Not once.... but twice.... Steven Parker has walked out on PSW in which to compete in a member of the "Big Three". After creating a polarizing sense of fame during the first ever PSW National Championship reign, Parker turned his back on his fellow PSW-mates and jumped at the chance of working with Mr. Eisen in New England. While he was considered to be a "big-time threat" in the "Steel City".... Parker slowly slipped into a heavy state of mediocrity in the Supreme Wrestling Federation as the extremely talented youngster was used as a punching bag for several SWF Superstars. So, when Parker made his shocking return to PSW, it was somewhat of a shock to see him touting his SWF garb as a way of slamming the only company that actually gave him a shot to prove himself realistically. That being said, It would only take a short matter of time for Parker to, once again, leave the "Steel City" behind after accepting a position with Cornell's Total Championship Wrestling.


While he possesses all the talent in the world, and knows EXACTLY how to rub people the wrong way (Something seen as a gift by some wrestling fans), Powell is the consummate let-down as the youngster has, now, spit in the face of PSW on two different occasions. For that, and we've been waiting to say this for quite some time, I leave him with this: "F*ck you Steven Parker."



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1. Johnny Martin

Benedict Arnold in a modern-day form. That's really the only way to describe Johnny Martin as he stands as the in-ring leader of the "Kingdom of GREED". While no one can really fault the PSW Veteran for seeking asylum with a group that respects him for his continued legacy... It's the way that he did it that has pissed off A LOT of PSW supporters. How can you forgive a man for turning his back on the very thing he helped to create? Martin will claim that most PSW fans, and "suits", had turned their back on him long before he did the same... However, The ovation that Martin has received his day one would speak otherwise. A man of Martin's stature, arguably the "cornerstone" of PSW, has always been placed in high esteem.... However, at our present day, it's widely considered that Johnny is THE most hated man in company history.


There's no denying his ability to compete as Johnny Martin stands as a former PSW Tag Champion and the ONLY 2-Time PSW Champion. He's been part of many classic battles during his tenure with the company and is often seen as the most decorated Indy superstars in North American history. With that being said, though, Johnny Martin has dug himself a very deep grave since turning his back on the company and aligning with John Greed's cult-like faction.


While he may be the companies "Cornerstone" (even to this day).... No one deserves the biggest "F*ck You" more than the current PSW Champion..... Johnny Martin.





<hr color="black">

"F*ck the Mainstream" Quick Picks

Christian Wright vs. Primal Rage

Disco Hugh vs. Lead Belly

Dean Wadlorf and Nicole Kiss vs. Madman Boone

KILLER Colossus © vs. Brutus Roach

Mr. Morgan vs. Steven Parker

Johnny Martin © vs. Grease Hogg

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I forgot about Singh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You should bring him back at some point if its possible. I remember you saying that youre afraid of bringing in more heels with a heel heavy promotion but he was such a great character in this diary.
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I forgot about Singh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You should bring him back at some point if its possible. I remember you saying that youre afraid of bringing in more heels with a heel heavy promotion but he was such a great character in this diary.


The Sensational Singh has been one of my favorite characters thus far... However, like you said, I'm afraid to really get him back into the mix of things as my diary is VERY Heel-Heavy at this point. "The Kingdom of GREED" pretty much runs the roost and someone like Singh may seem to fail in comparison to their heel'ish ways. I thought about bringing him back in to work with John Greed but Singh hates PSW so much that he wouldn't even WANT to step into "The Ministry"... Even if he felt there was an opportunity to destroy the very company he loathes. Possibly an idea though....


At this point, much like TCW at the start of each game, I have to find some babyfaces to rise up against "The Kingdom of GREED". So, adding in another high profile heel (not in popularity per se but overall d*ckishness), may seem to get lost in the fray as the main heels are really going to get all the focus.


The sucky thing is Singh is super talented (at least for a company like mine), So, we could really use him. However, his character wouldn't work as a babyface and I don't want to really re-package him as I like what his Sensational character brings to the diary. So, he's stuck in limbo right now.... Diary Purgatory if you will...

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The Sensational Singh has been one of my favorite characters thus far... However, like you said, I'm afraid to really get him back into the mix of things as my diary is VERY Heel-Heavy at this point. "The Kingdom of GREED" pretty much runs the roost and someone like Singh may seem to fail in comparison to their heel'ish ways. I thought about bringing him back in to work with John Greed but Singh hates PSW so much that he wouldn't even WANT to step into "The Ministry"... Even if he felt there was an opportunity to destroy the very company he loathes. Possibly an idea though....


At this point, much like TCW at the start of each game, I have to find some babyfaces to rise up against "The Kingdom of GREED". So, adding in another high profile heel (not in popularity per se but overall d*ckishness), may seem to get lost in the fray as the main heels are really going to get all the focus.


The sucky thing is Singh is super talented (at least for a company like mine), So, we could really use him. However, his character wouldn't work as a babyface and I don't want to really re-package him as I like what his Sensational character brings to the diary. So, he's stuck in limbo right now.... Diary Purgatory if you will...


You really can't see his gimmick working as a temp face? I'm not saying it wouldn't take effort to get the job done, but I'd say that your little heel stable is like the nWo (or the new Brotherhood stable in CHIKARA) in that they are a group outside of the "normal" face/heel divide of the promotion. Hell as long as he's not in the main event, you can get away with him rolling without actually turning him face because PSW is not a strong face/heel promotion.

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You really can't see his gimmick working as a temp face? I'm not saying it wouldn't take effort to get the job done, but I'd say that your little heel stable is like the nWo (or the new Brotherhood stable in CHIKARA) in that they are a group outside of the "normal" face/heel divide of the promotion. Hell as long as he's not in the main event, you can get away with him rolling without actually turning him face because PSW is not a strong face/heel promotion.


Very true, however, the root of Singh's persona is his bitter hatred of everything that PSW stands for (ie: Blood Thirsty Violence vs. Classic, and respectable, wrestling, etc.). So, for him to be a tweener he would have to show some sense of sympathy for PSW versus "The Kingdom of GREED". For the most part, The only way I see him really working is if he joined Greed but that would be just another person on the roster making the jump for no major reason as Singh's hatred of PSW is less to do with Mitch Naess being the owner and more to do with the company, and product, as a whole.


I agree though that the stable is more like an nWo creation than anything else as it has a semblance of both heel and babyface overtones. Heel in the sense that you're "suppose to want to see Mitch Naess regain his company", however, they're just so damn cool at being bad guys that you kinda find yourself rooting for "The Kingdom of GREED" from time to time. Also, Johnny Martin and Lead Belly turned for realistic reasons instead of just a "Black and white" mentality that they don't like babyfaces. So, there is some grey area there.


I did just pick up a big signing though (well, big for what I have in mind) for PSW that will help with the resistance to Greed. In a sense, they won't be a cohesive unit but rather a collection of guys who all hate the militia faction for their own reasons. The new guy should fit in quite well with that overall.... Just need to find a way to best introduce him....



(Sadly it won't be at this upcoming show but rather the December show).



All in all, Thanks for the feedback foolinc. I see what you're saying about Singh possibly working as a tweener in a way... I'll have to give the idea more though to see if it's even possible for the most part.

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Very true, however, the root of Singh's persona is his bitter hatred of everything that PSW stands for (ie: Blood Thirsty Violence vs. Classic, and respectable, wrestling, etc.). So, for him to be a tweener he would have to show some sense of sympathy for PSW versus "The Kingdom of GREED". For the most part, The only way I see him really working is if he joined Greed but that would be just another person on the roster making the jump for no major reason as Singh's hatred of PSW is less to do with Mitch Naess being the owner and more to do with the company, and product, as a whole.


I agree though that the stable is more like an nWo creation than anything else as it has a semblance of both heel and babyface overtones. Heel in the sense that you're "suppose to want to see Mitch Naess regain his company", however, they're just so damn cool at being bad guys that you kinda find yourself rooting for "The Kingdom of GREED" from time to time. Also, Johnny Martin and Lead Belly turned for realistic reasons instead of just a "Black and white" mentality that they don't like babyfaces. So, there is some grey area there.


I did just pick up a big signing though (well, big for what I have in mind) for PSW that will help with the resistance to Greed. In a sense, they won't be a cohesive unit but rather a collection of guys who all hate the militia faction for their own reasons. The new guy should fit in quite well with that overall.... Just need to find a way to best introduce him....



(Sadly it won't be at this upcoming show but rather the December show).



All in all, Thanks for the feedback foolinc. I see what you're saying about Singh possibly working as a tweener in a way... I'll have to give the idea more though to see if it's even possible for the most part.


Actually I was going with more of a everyone on the roster hates them (or rather the other way around), than the group is suppose to be somewhat cool.

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Actually I was going with more of a everyone on the roster hates them (or rather the other way around), than the group is suppose to be somewhat cool.


Yea, everyone on the roster hates them... however, the fan base can't help but like them in a way. That's why they will get straight heat from time to time when they do something that warrants it, however, there will always be a hint of a positive sense of feedback too. With a demographic like PSW's, Those wrestling fans are more likely not to believe in the "black and white" of disposition!

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NEWS: Steven Parker threatens to break contract early for TCW.

2nd Week of November 2009




Trouble in the "Steel City"?.... What else is new?


As reported earlier on TEW.com, former SWF Superstar and current PSW performer, Steven Parker is only a few days away from joining Tommy Cornell's global juggernaut Total Championship Wrestling. While the transition has notably not been all that smooth... Today, Such a thought could be seen as an understatement.


Parker, not one to be known as a source of "backstage Negativity", is rumored to be un-happy with the creative decisions brought forth by PSW headbooker, John Greed. The notion of a verbal altercation between the two individuals surfaced on the internet recently claiming that the young Parker did not share the same vision that Greed possessed for his final night within the company. While the information is quite hazy at this point, Our unnamed sources within the "Steel City" promotion, also, claim that Steven Parker is threatening to "walk out" on Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling before his contract runs up.... In a sense, Using any weight he can to alter the ending of his final match-up with PSW veteran, Jeff Morgan.


When reached for comment neither Greed nor Parker were interested in an "On-the-Record" comment, however, it appears that Steven Paker may force his hand by threatening a walk out.


More to come...

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As much as it pains me to say this.... I'm officially calling an end to this diary, "PSW: The Evolution of Greed".


As of late I've seen a major drop-off in motivation, and fusing that with the fact that I feel like I'm checking out a little too much from a "day-to-day" perspective (writing taking over my thoughts too much), I feel that it's best to allow this project to come and pass.


A lot has happened since I started this diary (This last June). On the boards I was able to land a rookie DOTM, and two Cornellverse DOTM's, which are both feats that I set out to accomplish. I also was able to construct an array of characters that I felt proud to project (ie: KILLER Colossus, El Demonio Volador, Harry Allen, Mitch Naess, etc.)... While also constructing a few major storylines that even I was happy to go over and re-read. :)


Personally, I became engaged a few months ago now & am working toward finishing my undergrad once and for all. These are two very important things to me, and my life, and I feel like they should be more of my focus at this time. Not saying that this diary, and this board exclusively, are not great ways to expel some creativity... BUT... I've found that my mind has wandered to my diary a little more than it probably should. Again, not saying that that's necessarily a bad thing... Just isn't best for me as I continue to move forward into a very busy, and very eventful, 2010.


This will not be a "Cold Ending" as I plan on fleshing out what happens in which to "End the Story". I feel, with all of the back story information that went into this diary, I need to really give the "story" its due... Showing exactly how it all came to be &, in a way, what it means for John Greed going forward.


Over the last couple weeks I've been focusing more on how to end this thing versus how to keep it going. With that, It seems at the best point to call it quits as I don't want to continue to drag along a piece of work that I'm very proud of.... As it will only dilute the project as a whole. This way, I will always have the link to this stowed away... Available for anyone, myself included, to continue to re-read over time. Not saying people will... but a guy can hope can't he? haha :)


I'm going to keep my "Thank You's" and my closing thoughts for the second to last post. Why second to last and not the final post? Because I want the final statement of this diary to be through the eyes, and brain, of John Greed... Not me as the writer. I feel that that's best in this given situation... The only way I can see this thing ending correctly.


All in all, Now starts the slow decent into this becoming a "Closed Diary". I'm not sure how many posts it will take to finally bring it to its ending... However, I'm thinking that it will take me up over 1,000 posts with potential comments and feedback coming through as well.



Anyways, A simple "Thank you" is all I have for you right now (more precise thank you's will come later). The way you embraced this project, as I did, has been an experience that I will never forget. For a split second, 5 months or so now, I've been able to create a world where I could create the kind of product I wanted to see in real life. It was an amazing process and I would do it all over again if I had the chance.



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Like I have said in the past this was/is a great diary! However, your personal life trumps this and so I fully understand you wanting to end this. I get this because I have looked at my own post count the other day and saw 1000+ posts and I thought to myself did I really post that many comments on a video game website? So I hear you, about the game consuming you.:)


Let me say this though if you ever decide to come back and do a diary for 2010, I will come along for the ride. Because you are truly one of my favorite writers on here.

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